Thursday, October 21, 2021

More trouble in spending spree paradise!

Manchin to Sanders on size of BBB bill: 'I'm comfortable with zero'

 Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) said, “There was a vigorous, 10-minute discussion. Bernie said, ‘$6 trillion.'”

“[Manchin] said, ‘We shouldn’t do it at all,'”

Sen. Tester, who was also in the room, recalls the exchange slightly differently. He says Manchin replied, “I’m comfortable with zero” and held up his hand making a circle to emphasize the point. Manchin continued, “This will contribute to inflation. We’ve already passed the American Rescue Plan. We should just pass the infrastructure bill and, you know, pause for six months.”

There is more to it... but mainly this is not getting done by the end of this week (at least not according to Mancin) and things may be breaking down all over the place. The problem is that Manchin holds the ultimate card. Rumors of him leaving the Party should provide pause for people like Sanders and others who are criticizing him for not being progressive enough. The fact that he denies these reports doesn't make the idea any less plausible. 

An independent who decides to caucus with the GOP to bring back stability and balance? I could see Manchin deciding that is the right thing to do. He would be supported by his constituents. 

I know that the buzz is that Manchin might be willing to wait things out and that he covets his chair on the energy committee. But I am quite certain that if he switched alliances that Cocaine Mitch would provide Joe with whatever chairmanships he wants. He has to know that the chances of the Democrats keeping the Senate beyond 2022 is slim, so he loses that chair anyways.... and gets nothing in return.

In other words, people like Sanders push someone like Manchin at their own peril. 


Anonymous said...

I still believe in the End the hardest leftist of Socialism that rule that party will win.

The Socialist see the goal and will push a near $2 Trillion bill across for Traitor Joe to Rubber Stamp.

Commonsense said...

I think whatever Manchin and Senmina agree to the Progressive will veto.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


"As we Catholics say, 'Oh my God!'"

-- President Joe Biden, referring to Republicans across America who still believe Donald Trump is the President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

People of character like Manchin will put his career at risk for the sake of the United States of America

90% of the Republicans don't have the guts

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hot air


C.H. Truth said...

I read Roger's story about Sinema. Which was Political Wire pulling pieces out of a Politico story.

The headline and one section says one thing.

But the only thing confirmed when you read the whole is that Rep Neal stated that he had a cordial conversation with her and that she was okay with going after billionaires who don't pay their capital gains.

Of course, given these are liberals pushing the story, they "probably" believe that you can pay for trillions of dollars of free stuff if you can get Billionaires to pay all of their capital gains.

To be clear, there are not enough taxes out there to cover the 2.6 trillion we spent, much less the 1.2 bipartisan infrastructure plan, much much less any reconciliation. It's a lie on the surface to suggest that "anyone" is actually on board with raising 5-6 trillion dollars in taxes.

C.H. Truth said...

Hot air

The same story was reported on Yahoo, AP, and elsewhere.

But apparently you must believe that Manchin is on board with Bernie?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What is going on here?

Has Biden actually gotten Ms. Recalcitrant to move?

Sinema Agrees to Some Tax Hikes

“In a major development for President Joe Biden’s agenda, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) has signed off on new revenues — including some tax increases on the wealthy — to help pay for Biden’s jobs and families plan,” Politico reports.

Said a source:
“Senator Sinema has agreed to provisions in each of President Biden’s four proposed revenue categories — international, domestic corporate, high net worth individuals, and tax enforcement — providing sufficient revenue to fully pay for a budget reconciliation package in the range currently being discussed.”


Commonsense said...

Really think Roger is losing it.

There's a side effect of liver disease called encephalopathy. Essentially the patient suffers from confusion to delusional behavior.

Commonsense said...

Has Biden actually gotten Ms. Recalcitrant to move?
Sinema Agrees to Some Tax Hikes

Not very much. But whatever she agrees to the progressives are sure to veto.


But the only thing confirmed when you read the whole is that Rep Neal stated that he had a cordial conversation with her and that she was okay with going after billionaires who don't pay their capital gains.

So the breakthrough may be less than meets the eye.

Billionaires who "don't pay their capital gains" use every advantage provided by law to not pay them. So if you don't change the law you're pissing in the wind. If you do change the law, you hurt middle class investors.

Commonsense said...


James is projecting again. He knows the 3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is still in trouble.

In a heated conversation with Bernie Sanders Manchin said if they bring a bill that cost zero dollars, he would be comfortable with that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, I'M not "projecting."
Everyone knows 3.5 is not possible,
but it's looking like something is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Somebody in this country has got to pay more in taxes.
The 1% who now have more wealth than the entire American middle class are the logical ones to do it.

Commonsense said...

The wealthy already pays 40% of the taxes. So who has to pay more taxes?

Oh and if you raise their rates they will likely pay less in taxes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Five military veterans on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema ’s advisory board resigned from their roles this week, slamming the Arizona Democrat as one of the “principal obstacles to progress.”

In a letter to Sinema, the veterans expressed frustration with her refusal to change the Senate filibuster to protect voting rights, failure to support prescription drug negotiations, her opposition to parts of the Democrats’ sweeping budget reconciliation package that make up President Joe Biden’s agenda and criticized her for not voting on the January 6 commission .

“You have become one of the principal obstacles to progress, answering to big donors rather than your own people,” the veterans wrote. “We shouldn’t have to buy representation from you, and your failure to stand by your people and see their urgent needs is alarming.”

“We do not know who has your ear, but it clearly isn’t us or your constituents,” they added.

The criticism from the five veterans, whose resignations were effective Wednesday, adds to the growing backlash within the Democratic Party and from Arizona activists against Sinema for not backing elements of Biden’s Build Back Better plan .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't have liver disease anymore because I have a new one that's 35 years younger than me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even the liberals are in favor of the reduced reconciliation bill.

Yet following a series of pivotal meetings Tuesday between the president and Democrats from all camps, even some of the most unflinching lawmakers are singing an optimistic new tune, praising Biden’s new assertiveness in the debate and vowing to scale back their own demands for the sake of notching a big legislative win.

“The president is being very clear about the direction we’re going in, where he wants to go, and it’s that kind of leadership that’s going to get us to the finish line,” said Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), a liberal who met with Biden this week.

If the talks continue on pace, Dingell added, “we will have the outlines by the end of the week.”

Myballs said...

No they're not. But half a loaf is better than none.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BBB is the light in the tunnel.

President Biden said he would “absolutely” consider calling on the National Guard to address supply-chain issues as he faced questions Thursday from a live studio audience at a town hall meeting in Baltimore.

During the broadcast on CNN, Biden expressed optimism about working out an agreement with Democrats on his multitrillion-dollar domestic policy agenda while he spelled out the elements of the package opposed by Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.).

Biden was getting questions about both a bipartisan infrastructure bill and a recently scaled-back package that includes an array of Democratic priorities, including expansion of Medicare, introduction of universal prekindergarten and billions of dollars to address climate change. He confirmed that paid parental leave has been scaled back in the evolving package. “It is down to four weeks. The reason it’s down to four weeks is I can’t get 12 weeks,” Biden said.
Here’s what to know:

Democrats braced for cuts to paid leave program as they whittled down Biden’s economic package.

Senior Biden officials briefed top Democratic lawmakers on a potential shift in tax plans on a call Wednesday, as the White House searches for unity on how to pay for its package.

This week, Biden is doing something new: getting specific and plunging into details, telling lawmakers exactly what he thinks needs to go into the package.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden says he would 'absolutely’ consider deploying National Guard to address supply-chain issues

Myballs said...

This dementia president can't possibly fuck things up any more than he has. Even 45% of NH democrats want him primaries in 2024. Indy voters have abandoned him.

C.H. Truth said...

When Trump talked about deploying National Guard to address the border crisis, liberal every SCREAMED about how illegal that was?

For 245 years we have been able to keep food and goods on the shelf. Now under Joe Biden and Secretary Buttigieg we have to call in the National guard?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott moo moo moo.

By Trump’s standard, Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater would be RINOs today, too. That’s because the real RINOs are Trump and his followers. They’ve abandoned the GOP of Reagan, McCain and Powell — internationalist, free-trading champions of human rights, the rule of law and limited government — and embraced the polar opposite: isolationist, protectionist, white-nationalist, vulgar assailants of legal and democratic structures. Trump’s Republican flock has achieved herd immunity from the truth.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump wanted to send troops to the border of Mexico, after he failed to get Mexico to pay for the wall.

It would have been the first time since we got Texas from the Mexicans.

National guard troops are going to help others get food and supplies for their families across the country.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is addressing the supply chain damage caused by the panic crisis instead of blaming the Republicans.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lolololololololololol when will he call him a RINO?

This Thursday during a press conference, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was questioned about former President Donald Trump and his comments where he suggested Republicans sit out elections that he and his allies claim are "rigged."

As POLITICO points out, McCarthy replied that people "should participate in their elections," he said, adding that he believes people should vote to "change the direction" of the country."

Earlier this month, Trump said, "If we don't solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in '22 or '24."

Many agree that Trump's words could have a negative effect on GOP elections. Some think the GOP could have retained control of the Senate if Trump hadn't pushed the idea that there's no point in voting in elections he falsely believes are rigged.

Commonsense said...

When Roger get his ass flamed he screams but Trump.