Sunday, October 24, 2021

Of course, none of these attacks are considered "domestic terrorism". We will leave that term to label the actions of parents who want a say in their children's education.

FBI Report Details ‘Alarming’ Rise In Attacks On Law Enforcement
Assaults on law enforcement in the line of duty increased across the United States last year, according to a new report with data compiled by the FBI. Four-thousand more officers were attacked in 2020 compared to 2019. Thirty-percent of those resulted in injuries. And it shows Minnesota’s numbers follow the national trend. “This year’s data does tell a very alarming story for us,” said Michael Paul, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Minneapolis Field Office
FBI: Reports of attacks on police increasing
First, it was defund the police. Then, it was abolish the police. But according to new figures from the FBI, far too many rioters, “protesters,” and random gang bangers were taking things to the next level. That movement could be referred to simply as “attack the police.” The number of shootings and physical attacks on police officers increased in a dramatic and alarming fashion over the past year. And it should come as no surprise that Minnesota, particularly in and around Minneapolis, has been leading the pack in police assaults. Ever since the George Floyd protest movement evolved into a series of riots and attacks, the police who haven’t been driven out of their careers have been taking it on the chin… too often, literally.
What we’re seeing is a decrease in the amount of respect shown to the police. And in the case of the criminals, that translates to a decrease in their fear of the law. Where do you suppose that’s coming from? If you’ve been paying any attention at all, you know that municipal governments have been lashing out at their own police forces and choosing to place the blame on them just when we need them the most. If we have too much more of this, some of these activists will get what they want in a different way than anticipated and we just won’t have any police in the cities. Just wait and see how much they enjoy that reality once it sinks in.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Everything the democrats and Biden tough turns to shit

Almost has to be intentional

Everything in America is in crisis

And Joe went off to another relaxing weekend


James's Fucking Daddy said...

* touch

anonymous said...

And everything trump touches.....turns to bankruptcy and divide!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I think perhaps the amount of ill will toward police would not be as great in Minneapolis and elsewhere if America had shown more unity concerning the officer leaning on the neck of a then helpless man who was begging to breathe.

Myballs said...

There cannot be unity when 5here were and are so many who insist on disunity. Some want this. That is the problem.

Anonymous said...

The single biggest liar on this blog is James.

He even lies about God and Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I am in agreement with the left here when they say Biden needs to pass the 2 waste money bill for $5.6 trillion.

Roger did the Dems pass both those bills on Friday as your predicted?

anonymous said...

There cannot be unity when 5here were and are so many who insist on disunity

Just like you ballz and the GOP who want to make Biden a 1 termer.....just like Obama!!!!!!! Seems to be a pattern here will not agree with anything that goes on, just like you did for 8 obama years with Jordan and his chain gang of idiots investigating every fart and sneeze that occurred ....The sorry thing is that not a single investigation for those 8 years came up with anything but it was bad......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

BTW goat and the minions of the GOP do nothing but lie and invoke your will onto others thinking you are christ!!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Denny... on cue! Decides that violence towards police is "justified" because a violent felon who was high on drugs at the time was resisting arrest wasn't treated nice enough by the cops.

So wonder nobody wants to be a cop. You'd have to be fucking nuts to want to do that job when people like Denny take the side of drug addicts who put guns to the bellies of pregnant women.

That will always be the difference there.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Emerald Robinson

Fairfax County mom confirms that AG Merrick Garland sent the Feds and a HELICOPTER to intimidate parents at a school board meeting.

The Biden Administration is the greatest threat to freedom we have ever faced.

based on no actual evidence, just a letter (later retracted) from the teachers union

Banana Republic

storm troopers

Anonymous said...

James is anti- Jesus

JamesNewLeaf said...

James is very much pro-Jesus. But the real one. The genuinely historical one.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Unique Politics of the Pandemic Economy

Dan Pfeiffer:
“Despite the pundit-driven talk about the political toxicity of the Affordable Care Act, the biggest reason Democrats lost 63 House seats in 2010 was persistent double-digit unemployment from the 2008 financial crisis. Voters were angry about the economy and took their anger out on President Obama and the Democrats. Same thing happened in 1994 when Democrats lost the House for the first time in a half-century. There is a school of thought suggesting Trump’s 2016 victory was driven by a mini-recession in manufacturing as much as it was by James Comey’s poor judgment.

“With President Biden’s approval ratings hovering at an all-time low and Americans expressing growing concern about the economy, that dynamic is playing out again.”

“Or is it?”

Probably not this time. Why?

Because there's a great big TRUMP problem that the Republican Party simply can't manage to put behind it.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Biden Build Back Better plan is (slowly) working its way through Congress and will put more money in families’ pockets to help them deal with increasing costs. The economically driven decline in the president’s approval is not solely a communications problem. The decline is driven by the reality that Americans are faced with every time they go to the grocery store. Presidents have less control over the economy than the public assumes. Therefore, the bulk of the response will require a party-wide messaging effort. Here are some thoughts on how Democrats (and all of us) can win the messaging battle:

It’s an Economic Plan, Stupid: At some point, Democrats lost control of the branding of Biden’s legislative agenda. The Biden White House called it the Build Back Better agenda, which is consistent with their highly effective campaign messaging. However, media outlets have not adopted that phrasing. They refer to it as a “social policy bill,” “social safety net legislation,” and “a liberal wish list.” These terms range from neutrally confusing to repellent in the eyes of voters. Everyone from elected Democrats to all of us needs to refer to it as the Biden Economic Plan and put it in the context of the current economic situation. Republicans argue that the Biden Economic Plan is the cause of inflation and other economic concerns. We must frame it as the SOLUTION to the problem.

Pass the Biden Jobs Plan ASAFP: With all due respect to the legislative branch, close association with Congress is always bad for a president’s political standing. It’s a paradox. Getting stuff done is good politics, but the process of getting stuff done is bad politics. Reams of coverage on legislative impasses, horsetrading, and dissatisfied activists depresses Democratic voters and annoys Independents. What’s happening in Congress often feels detached from rising economic concerns. Passing this bill will change the narrative, give Democrats something specific to tout, and move the political conversation to more friendly terrain.

Remind People Republicans Exist (and are bad): A person who woke up from a century-long coma and read the news would believe that the United States still had the same two-party system, but this is incorrect. Now, the two parties are progressives and moderates. The Republicans intentionally excluded themselves from the political narrative. The last thing the party of insurrectionists and corporate shills wants is to be at the front of mind when the public makes assessments about the current state of affairs. It’s worth noting that the public REALLY doesn’t like Republicans.

The Obstructionist and Corporatist Who Dabbles in Insurrection:
 The folks at Navigator Research recently released an insightful deep dive into how people view Congressional Republicans. I encourage everyone to read the whole thing, but the TL;DR is that the public views Republicans as advocates for the wealthy and corporations, closely associated with Trump, and primarily concerned with blocking Biden’s agenda (which people like!). Democrats have the opportunity to frame the Republicans as the people blocking economic progress in order to help their rich friends.

None of this is easy and Democrats are facing huge headwinds from the economy and the media, but there are real opportunities to better reframe the economic debate and get back on the offense

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Getting stuff done is good politics.
But the process of getting stuff done is bad politics."

How true.
But Biden is about
to get into the

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Economy, Biden's Approval, and How to Fight BackAn unhappy electorate is taking its anger out on the Democrats, but Republicans are quite vulnerable on the economy

Dan Pfeiffer

4 hr ago204

There is no political saying more trite — or more accurate — than James Carville’s famous aphorism from the 1992 campaign “It’s the economy, stupid.” Electoral success and economic performance are intrinsically tied together. The party in power is usually rewarded for a strong economy and punished for a weak one.

How true.
But Biden is about
to get into the

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Americans have got to see that it's time
and long past time
that we say NO to the Party of the Rich.

the GOP (the once GRAND OLD PARTY)
has become
the POR (the now PARTY OF the RICH)

Passing Biden's right-minded agenda
will help them see that.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Jesus and Anti-Semitic James.

Please just stop. You're embarrassing yourself, again.

Go back to telling us how The Biden economic team are all "All-Stars" .

That made me laugh @ you so hard.

Boswell, who is for HONESTY about Jesus, sty bb said...

James Boswell is for historical HONESTY about Jesus. And if Jesus were among us today, he would be for that too.

from The Pantagraph, Friday

Editor's Pick

James Boswell

From the Pulpit: The truth about Jesus

YEARS ago, I felt compelled to start telling the truth about Jesus. In other words, I felt I had to start being honest about things we pastors learn in seminary, but do not share with our church members because, although those things are true, they upset too many of them. Recently, I “upped the ante” on doing that by launching a website where I attempt to be as honest and truth-ful about Jesus as I think he would want me, and all the rest of us, to be – now, in our time.

The site is titled, “Jesus Laid Bare: Honest truths about Jesus,” and it is based on the research of biblical scholars whose knowledge is far superior to mine. You may discover there some insights about Jesus you might not have known before, and you may wish to comment, ask questions, raise objections or share opinions, ideas and beliefs of your own.

The site is intended for any who are open minded and willing to consider viewpoints they may find challenging, perhaps even unsettling. My purpose there, however, is not to create contro-versy for the sake of controversy, and certainly not to criticize or debunk Jesus, but honestly to value and appreciate him in ways that he might now want us to value and appreciate him.

A good way to get started is to watch my 24-minute video, “Jesus Laid Bare: Imagined conver-sations with Jesus.” In that video, I try to be scrupulously honest about what Jesus was really like by imagining how it would be if we were to be able to talk with him – that is to say, if somehow it became possible for us to converse with the actual flesh and blood man of the first century, Jesus of Nazareth himself: “If we could talk with him, what would he think of us? And how would he want us to think about him now?”

That video – and three others now in preparation – you may find challenging, intriguing and, I hope, ultimately exciting and helpful.

They can be watched at
(If that link does not work, copy it into a self-sent email and it should work there.)
Boswell, a retired pastor of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) now living in Normal, Illinois, can be reached through the website noted above, and at

Anonymous said...

James , help us , post the networth of Joe Biden. Nancy Polosi and Chuck Schumer.

Thank you , in advance.

JamesNewLeaf said...

And I do not remember ever calling Biden's economic team "All-Stars."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Post the networth of FDR and JFK.
Thank you, in advance.

C.H. Truth said...

Biden and the Democrats do not have any real ideas on how to push along the economy. Largely because they are forced to disagree with anything that Trump or the GOP would do. This has been the knee jerk reaction of the Biden administration on everything from Afghanistan, the boader, Covid, and the economy. Whatever Trump did, do the opposite.

Look where that has gotten us.

Dead and stranded Americans in Afghanistan. Disaster at the border. Covid still raging out of control in spite of 60% of the country fully vaccinated. An economy in freefall.

But Democrats seem to think this sort of economic disaster is what they want, as they continue to want to make this about Trump. Lowest unemployment in history for minorities, gas prices well under $2.00, a border under control, nobody dying in Afghanistan?

Myballs said...

Clearly James is unaware that the gop now represents the m8ddle class and working Americans while the socialist democrat party is now the party of coastal elites. He won't see that reality from taegan goddard.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Jesus and Anti-Semitism James is always dishonest.

Anonymous said...

JFK $10 Million
FDR $66 million

Your turn james

Anonymous said...

MyBalls is correct.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Whatever Trump did, do the opposite?"
And before that, it was Whatever Obama did, do the opposite.

If Trump had been reelected, we would be facing all of the things Ch listed:

Trump wanted an even earlier withdrawal from Afghanistan after negotiating an unworkable agreement, not at all with the Afghan government, but WITH THE TALIBAN.

The Delta strain of the virus would have been as big or bigger Covid problem for a former president who just recently got booed by his supporters for telling them to get vaccinated -- with still only 60% of the public vaccinated.

The border would be still a problem, but cruelly separating children from parents has not continued.

And the economy is on the verge of improving once Biden's programs go into effect.
Trump would only have gone for programs to HELP THE RICH

Our allies are returning to us and breathing sighs of relief.

Yes, look where Trump got us, and where we're headed now.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You didn't tell us what that would be in today's dollars.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Jesus and Anti-Semitism James is always dishonest.

Aleays too stupid .

Anonymous said...

Anti-Jesus and Anti-Semitism James is unable to answer/debate on his economic issues he brings here.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wall Street Journal:
“With a series of deadlines approaching,
President Biden’s increased involvement in talks over his sweeping social-policy agenda shows the line he is walking between being a pragmatic deal maker, with hopes of delivering tangible political wins, and his desire to enact transformative, long-term progressive policies.”

Get enough in the short term
to lead to much more in the long term.

Myballs said...

Call I,g bullshit on James. Trump had the border u set control. First thing biden did was cancel whatever Trump was doung. Now its a disaster.

After that, Biden changed every Trump energy policy. Now we have skyrocketing oil and gas prices.

We have a couple poster here who just keep posti bullshit regardless of how false it is.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Rightwing apologists like to downplay these lethal events or dismiss them as aberrations, but experts warn this is a form of terrorism that’s not only entrenched but has ballooned to become the biggest domestic security threat in the US.

In the 20 years since 9/11, far-right extremists killed more people in the US than did American-based Islamist fundamentalists – but that’s often hard to discern from the way the federal government has treated domestic terrorism.

Close to home: how US far-right terror flourished in post-9/11 focus on Islam

Earlier this year an intelligence report warned that racially-motivated extremists posed the most lethal domestic terrorism threat. It said the menace was now more serious than potential attacks from overseas, and the White House published a strategy for countering the problem.

Myballs said...

Someone tell obama that the louden county parents outrage is not phoney. It is very real.

Anonymous said...

Myballs stomps a mud hole in James.

"After that, Biden changed every Trump energy policy. Now we have skyrocketing oil and gas prices.

We have a couple poster here who just keep posti bullshit regardless of how false it is"

Not one of the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT own a Electric Vehicle, but they want to force the US Motoring public to own them.

Anonymous said...

"MyballsOctober 24, 2021 at 1:16 PM

Someone tell obama that the louden county parents outrage is not phoney. It is very real"

Those innocent little girls Raped because of sickness of the sexually perverted left.

Obama views those raped girls as just a nuisance.

C.H. Truth said...

I wonder if the Reverend can explain his odd timing here.

Covid aside (because it took down the entire world's economy) - Trump's policies helped the poor and even to a larger extent helped minorities. Minorities had the best unemployment rate in history and they had some of the best economic numbers to do along with that. Everything from wages to wealth was up for minorities.

BUt alas.... the Reverend doesn't seem to want to deal with reality or what actually happen. Just wants to push hypothetical opinions that run completely the opposite.

Under Trump, almost nobody was dying or in danger in Afghanistan. Border passings were historically low. The economy was helping the working poor and minorities.

Under Biden... well just look around at reality.

Sorry to offend you with reality, Reverend.

Myballs said...

I'm not sorry. Shove reality right up his ass.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

In the United States, the Terrorist Threat is Home-Grown and White

Twenty years after 9/11, the USA must face the facts: the main danger the country has to deal with is not posed by extremists affiliated with some so-called “axis of evil” but by terrorists born and raised in its bosom and sometimes enrolled in that army it sends to the far corners of the world in an effort to build States in the future

In its edition dated November 1st, 2020, The Conversation notes that “approximately one fifth of military personnel say they have noticed signs of white supremacism or racism among the armed forces, such as the unabashed use of racist insults and anti-Semitic rhetoric and even the deliberate placing of explosive charges in the form of a swastika.” And according to a report by Michael German, a former FBI agent, published in The Guardian’s 27 August 2020 issue, the law enforcement agencies are also infiltrated by white supremacists in over a dozen states.

And as far as the police are concerned, that ideology is by no means purely theoretical. It has expressed itself in brutal murders like those of 40-year-old George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020 and 28-year-old Atatiana Jefferson; in 2019, that of 25-year-old Freddy Gray in Fort Worth; in 2015, that of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Baltimore; that of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, shot by a white policeman while playing with a toy pistol in a Cleveland park. And unfortunately, this list is far from exhaustive.

All these victims were Black. as Françoise Coste, a professor at the Université Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès reminds us:

Everything that happens in the United States has, one way or another, to do with the legacy of slavery, with the division of the population between whites and Blacks […] The slave system was so horrendous and barbaric that the slave-owners and political authorities quickly realised it was an unjustifiable system, but which had to be justified since it had to be maintained for economic reasons. The tool they forged to justify the unjustifiable—especially when they wanted to pass for fervent Christians and Bible devotees, with the idea that all men are created in God’s image—was white supremacy. This wasn’t the expression they used at the time, but the idea was that those Blacks, those Africans, deserved to be slaves, that there was no need to feel guilty about that because they were inferior, they weren’t really human beings like us white people. And psychologically this was very powerful because it won over to the cause of slavery the ‘white trash,’ i.e., white people who were not wealthy enough to own slaves.

So, the racial question remains a key to any examination of the terrorist threat to the USA. No matter what they call themselves and how they formulate their recurrent demand for the abolition of the federal government, that source of all evil in their minds, white supremacists (mostly composed of “white trash”) spend most of their energy trying to reactivate the basic struggles of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), their great ancestor in matters of racial hatred. Those struggles led to the enactment by the Southern states around 1870 of the “Jim Crow” laws which prevented African Americans from exercising the constitutional rights they had been granted after the Civil War. These were the 13th amendment which abolished slavery, the 14th which granted citizenship to every individual born or naturalised in the United States and outlawed any restriction placed on their rights, and the 15th which guaranteed voting rights for all US citizens—laws which were never applied in totality until 1964.

To this aversion for African Americans, latter-day white supremacists have added their repulsion for Latinos, Muslims, Asians and, of course, people identified as LGBTIQA+. Not to mention their anti-Semitism, another KKK legacy.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


Such people may belong to the conspiracy sect QAnon or to The Base (a name which refers to the organisational and terrorist methods of Al-Qaida (“the base” in Arabic) or The Proud Boys (whom Donald Trump called on to "be ready” during his first debate with Joe Biden) or the Patriot Prayer Movement made up of Christian fundamentalists. As Vegas Tenold, who does research for the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, told The Insider. These last two movements “have a very vague ideology. all you can say about them is that they are pro-God and pro-First Amendment” (which guarantees freedom of speech). These people all have in common the conviction that the white “race” is superior to all the others. And that since this alleged supremacy is threatened, in order to preserve it, anything goes.

Conniving with these newcomers on the far right are some fifteen neo-Nazi splinter groups like the Storm Front, or the national socialist party Vanguard America which has adopted Hitler’s slogan ’blood and soil” (blut und boden"). But also, The Atomwaffen Division (AWD), based in the United States but with branches in the United Kingdom, Germany and in the Baltic countries. These people will stop at nothing. Suicide bombings included. In an article posted online in June 2021, a member of AWD declared: “The culture of martyrdom and insurrection in groups like the Talibans and ISIS is to be admired and imitated in the neo-Nazi terrorist movement.” In 2018, its founder and leader, Brandon Russell was arrested and convicted for possession of a destructive device and explosive substances.

To this incomplete list must be added the “Incels” (i.e., involuntary celibate) whose speciality is militant misogyny. Holding women responsible for their forced celibacy, this group of frustrated males was founded in 1993 and recruits worldwide via Internet. It is taken very seriously by the FBI and has already perpetrated several acts of terrorism. In May 2014 one of its devotees, Elliot Rodger, murdered six people with a ram-raiding car in Isla Vista, California, and injured fourteen others, men and women indiscriminately, before committing suicide.

This ghastly survey would not be complete without mentioning the “Bogaloos,” obsessed with the idea of starting a civil war before their guns are confiscated—this despite the widely respected 2nd amendment. Often seen wearing Hawaiian shirts (flaunting their poor taste), they even demonstrated with the crowds protesting the murder of George Floyd in hopes of sparking an uprising against the authorities (flaunting their mental confusion). They are in favour of preventive (civil) war, no matter who starts it. Like all the other conspiracy theorists, they are heavily armed and despite their hazy thinking and folksiness, they are dangerous.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...,5070

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Ch is echoing Pat Buchanan!

Myballs said...

No. Mary Ellen the soccer mom is not a terrorist. Even david Brooks says this accusation and issue is killing democrats.

Anonymous said...

Perfectly said.
BUt alas.... the Reverend doesn't seem to want to deal with reality or what actually happen. "

James had to run, he ran out of cut in paste.

Anonymous said...

Roger why hide behind so many Monikers?

C.H. Truth said...

In the 20 years since 9/11, far-right extremists killed more people in the US than did American-based Islamist fundamentalists – but that’s often hard to discern from the way the federal government has treated domestic terrorism.

If you follow the links here, you will find that the study they reference is this:

They basically add up all of the murders that they can find where the perp had any connection to anything right wing. If that person had anything to do with the KKK or any interest in White Supremacy and they committed a murder where someone can arguably suggest it was some sort of hate crime then they added it to the list.

114 murder victims is on that list.

Of course, 114 would be a weekend of murders in the U.S. In fact, over the past 2o years since 911 there have been over a quarter million of them, and over half of them committed by blacks.

I am wondering how many of those 125,000 murders were committed by any black people associated with BLM or other black militant organizations? Would anyone really believe that less than 114 of those 125,000 murders would qualify as domestic terrorism based on this same criteria?

These sort of statistics are put out there by people with a preconceived notion of what they already believe and will go to great lengths to get there. Either way, if our worst domestic terror threat turns out to be responsible for one dead person every 11 weeks... then we have virtually no domestic terrorism to speak of.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

As usual you use an invalid parallel.

From a right wing media websites.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Right wing domestic terrorists are everywhere.

North Carolina state representative Mike Clampitt swore an oath to uphold the Constitution after his election in 2016 and again in 2020. But there's another pledge that Clampitt said he's upholding: to the Oath Keepers, a right-wing militant organization.

Dozens of Oath Keepers have been arrested in connection to the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, some of them looking like a paramilitary group, wearing camo helmets and flak vests. But a list of more than 35,000 members of the Oath Keepers — obtained by an anonymous hacker and shared with ProPublica by the whistleblower group Distributed Denial of Secrets — underscores how the organization is evolving into a force within the Republican Party.

ProPublica identified Clampitt and 47 more state and local government officials on the list, all Republicans: 10 sitting state lawmakers; two former state representatives; one current state assembly candidate; a state legislative aide; a city council assistant; county commissioners in Indiana, Arizona and North Carolina; two town aldermen; sheriffs or constables in Montana, Texas and Kentucky; state investigators in Texas and Louisiana; and a New Jersey town's public works director.

ProPublica's analysis also found more than 400 people who signed up for membership or newsletters using government, military or political campaign email addresses, including candidates for Congress and sheriff, a retired assistant school superintendent in Alabama, and an award-winning elementary school teacher in California.

Three of the state lawmakers on the list had already been publicly identified with the Oath Keepers. Other outlets have alsoscouredthelist, finding police officers and military veterans.

People with law enforcement and military backgrounds — like Clampitt, a retired fire captain in Charlotte, North Carolina — have been the focus of the Oath Keepers' recruiting efforts since the group started in 2009. According to researchers who monitor the group's activities, Oath Keepers pledge to resist if the federal government imposes martial law, invades a state or takes people's guns, ideas that show up in a dark swirl of right-wing conspiracy theories. The group is loosely organized and its leaders do not centrally issue commands. The organization's roster has ballooned in recent years, from less than 10,000 members at the start of 2011 to more than 35,000 by 2020, membership records show.

The hacked list marks participants as annual ($50) or lifetime ($1,000) members, so not everyone on the list is currently active, though some said they viewed it as a lifelong commitment even if they only paid for one year. Many members said they had little contact with the group after sending in their dues but still supported the cause. Others drifted away and disavowed the group, even before Jan. 6.

The list also includes at least three people who were arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and who federal prosecutors did not identify as Oath Keepers in charging documents: Andrew Alan Hernandez of Riverside, California; Dawn Frankowski of Naperville, Illinois; and Sean David Watson of Alpine, Texas. They pleaded not guilty. These defendants, their attorneys and family members didn't respond to requests for comment. The Justice Department also declined to comment.

According to experts who monitor violent extremism, the Oath Keepers' broadening membership provides the group with two crucial resources: money and, particularly when government officials get involved, legitimacy.

ProPublica is a highly respected award winning source

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Clampitt said he went to a few Oath Keepers meetings when he joined back in 2014, but the way he participates now is by being a state legislator. He has co-sponsored a bill to allow elected officials to carry concealed guns in courthouses, schools and government buildings, and he supported legislation stiffening penalties for violent demonstrations in response to last year's protests in Raleigh over George Floyd's murder. Clampitt said he opposes violence but stood by his Oath Keepers affiliation, despite the dozens of members charged in the Capitol riot.

“Five or six years ago, politicians wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with Oath Keepers, you'd have to go pretty fringe," said Jared Holt, who monitors the group for the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab. “When groups like that become emboldened, it makes them significantly more dangerous."

The State Lawmakers

Then-state Delegate Don Dwyer from Maryland was the only elected official at the Oath Keepers' first rally, back in April 2009. Dwyer was, by his own account, a pariah in Annapolis, but he was building a national profile as a conservative firebrand. He claimed to take direction from his own interpretation of the U.S. Constitution and a personal library of 230 books about U.S. history pre-1900.

The Oath Keepers' founder, a former Army paratrooper and Yale Law School graduate named Stewart Rhodes, invited Dwyer to speak at the group's kickoff rally — they called it a “muster" — in Lexington, Massachusetts, the site of the “shot heard round the world" that started the Revolutionary War in 1775.

“I still support the cause," Dwyer told ProPublica. “And I'm proud to say that I'm a member of that organization." He left politics in 2015 and served six months in prison for violating his probation after a drunk boating accident.

Dwyer said he was not aware of the Oath Keeper's presence at the Capitol on Jan. 6. “If they were there, they were there on a peaceful mission, I'm sure of it," he said. Informed that members were photographed wearing tactical gear, Dwyer responded, “OK, that surprises me. That's all I'll say."

Among the current officeholders on the list is Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem, who was already publicly identified with the Oath Keepers. Finchem was outside the Capitol on Jan. 6 but has said he did not enter the building or engage in violence, and he has disputed the characterization of the Oath Keepers as an anti-government group. He is currently running to be Arizona's top elections official, and he won former President Donald Trump's endorsement in September.

Shouting 1776

Unfortunately you can't do this since.....

Right wing movements are all over Europe now and they are here now too.

Democracies are fragile because of the freedoms granted by the founding fathers.

But they feared parties, but they did the right thing to grant our rights that you are using to destroy them.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


Myballs said...

It's a shame they won't look at all the violence, destruction and death from the real domestic terrorists under the banner of antifa and BLM.

Helen the suburban mom is not a terrorist.

The blog's good Reverend, replying, said...

"Sorry to offend you with reality, Reverend."

Not at all. Sorry to offend YOU.

The reality is that things on most fronts have gotten a lot worse since Trump so badly bungled his response to the pandemic.

THAT'S reality you can be sure of.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


Our ability to take new memberships online is temporarily interrupted, but if you want to join Oath Keepers, you can mail in your application and dues. Mail to:

Oath Keepers
Attn: Stewart Rhodes / Membership
1030 E. Hwy 377
Ste 110 – 285
Granbury, TX 76048

Please include your name as you want it on your membership card, your home address, email, and phone number, and let us know if you want to be an annual member ($50.00 per year), or a lifetime member (on sale for $1,000.00 for an individual or $1,500.00 for a couple). Please also include your DD214 if applicable, and if you have a copy. Also feel free to include any other documentation you have on your training and experience. You will be vetted by our state and national vetting officers. All who are current or prior military, law enforcement, fire, EMS, Search and Rescue, or other first responder are eligible for full membership. If you are not prior service, you can still join as an associate member (we will treat you the same, as we are all in this together, and it is our mission to train you and pass on our skills).

We look forward to having you onboard.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Informed that members [of the Oathkeepers] were photographed wearing tactical gear, Dwyer responded, “OK, that surprises me. That's all I'll say."

"Peaceful protesters" bringing tactical gear to a "peaceful protest," and that's all you'll say?

OATHKEEPERS have always said... is our mission to train you and pass on our skills.

We look forward to having you onboard.

Complete with your tactical gear.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Denny... on cue! Decides that violence towards police is "justified" because a violent felon

Who was not acting violently and complying with instructions by police.....He did put up resistance when being shoved into a car, but did not act violently towards cop you lying fucking asshole!!!!! Was he high????? Debatable Lil SChitty.....there was a positive test, but you and I cannot say for sure if it was affecting him......Your screaming bias again proves to me you are nothing more than a GOP white supremacist mouthpiece who is rooting for a race war based on your superior opinion of yourself!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...


New pressure is rizing Home Loan Rates.

Anonymous said...

Jesus hating James is back.

Got answer to your leaderships networth?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Republicans are the NO party with no agenda.

Historically speaking history is repeating itself.

I just hope someone steps out like Goldwater in the Watergate case.

The Republicans have carefully crafted voter suppression legislation that go around the 14th and 15th amendment rights

Our dream will die.

Anonymous said...

Roger, posting the same vapid crap on 3 threads shows you are mentally limited.


Myballs said...

James is either trolling or amazingly uninformed. He's posting a whole lotta bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Forcing renters who want to buy thier first home unable to do so.

Biden killing dreams of middle income and poor.

"In the week ending 21st October, 30-year fixed rates increased by 4 basis points to 3.09%.

Compared to this time last year, 30-year fixed rates were up by 29 basis points"

Myballs said...

Record low unemployment under Trump

Anonymous said...


Effeminate James is emotional but, is woefully and inadequately informed.

Commonsense said...

The reality is that things on most fronts have gotten a lot worse since Trump so badly bungled his response to the pandemic.
THAT'S reality you can be sure of.

People are actually missing Trump now. Whatever mistakes Trump made Biden's fuck ups make them look like a walk in the park.

And if it wasn't for Trump, there wouldn't be a vaccine today. The the speed of development and distribution was due to Trump ramroding the project.

Think of it reverend, Trump may have actually saved your life.

Yes, people want Trump back. Or at least a competent right of center president.

So if things have gotten a lot worse reverend, then you can blame Biden.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

He is a critic of your hero.

During soars Yahoo you used his words. But you will insult him and say he is a RINO

Wehner served in three Republican administrations, those of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush.[5] He was a speechwriter for Secretary of Education William Bennett before becoming special assistant to the director at the Office of National Drug Control Policy.[4] Wehner was then executive director for policy for Empower America, a conservative group[4] that Bennett, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick founded.[6]

Wehner served George W. Bush as deputy director of speechwriting in 2001, and became the head of the White House Office of Strategic Initiatives in 2002.[4][5] After leaving the White House in 2007, Wehner joined EPPC as a senior fellow.[6] He has also served as an advisor to several presidential campaigns.[5]

Wehner is the author or the co-author of three books: The Death of Politics: How to Heal Our Frayed Republic After Trump,[7] City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era (with Michael J. Gerson) and Wealth and Justice: The Morality of Democratic Capitalism (with Arthur C. Brooks).[5] He is considered a leading conservative critic of Donald Trump.[citation needed]

The Death of Politics serves as a "spirited defense of politics" while providing a path toward recovery.[7] In Wealth and Justice, published by American Enterprise Institute Press, Wehner and Brooks argue that the free market and capitalism, when properly functioning, act "as a civilizing agent" that improves the moral condition of society by prizing "thrift, savings, and investment" and discouraging "bribery, corruption, and lawlessness".

You don't understand that I can respect people like him because I'm not fucking crazy.

anonymous said...

Voter fraud seems to be a crime being led by GOP voters exclusively.....another cheating lying R who got caught.....>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Yep goat fucker.....I remember my first mortgage was over 6%.......and you never had one with your mother willing your shit hole homestead!!!!!! Go away with your crocodile tears for the poor, who you wish would just go away....!!!!

Eduardo Medina
Sun, October 24, 2021, 10:56 AM
An election official scanning mail-in ballots at the Clark County Election Department in Las Vegas on Friday, Oct. 30, 2020.
Speaking to a local news station in November, Donald Kirk Hartle described being “surprised” by the possibility that someone had stolen his dead wife’s mail-in ballot and used it to vote in the 2020 election. “That is pretty sickening to me, to be honest with you,” he told KLAS-TV in Las Vegas.

But this week, the Nevada attorney general filed two charges of voter fraud against Hartle, 55, claiming that he was the one who forged his wife’s signature to vote with her ballot.

“Voter fraud is rare, but when it happens, it undercuts trust in our election system and will not be tolerated by my office,” Aaron D. Ford, the attorney general, said in a statement Thursday. “I want to stress that our office will pursue any credible allegations of voter fraud and will work to bring any offenders to justice.”

The announcement from Ford’s office comes months after waves of Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, falsely asserted that the 2020 election had been tainted by widespread voter fraud, including in Nevada, a state that Trump lost.

Hartle, a registered Republican, was charged with voting using the name of another person and voting more than once in the same election, the attorney general’s office said in the statement. Each charge carries a prison sentence of up to four years and a fine of up to $5,000, prosecutors said.

Commonsense said...

nformed that members [of the Oathkeepers] were photographed wearing tactical gear,

Ooooo the reverend is scared of people running around playing soldier. (Hint: Militias have been around since a least the 80's.)

Trouble is so is a government intolerant of dissent.

That's why Ruby Ridge occurred. That's why Waco occurred.

Anonymous said...

Oh oh

😃Polling shows that President Joe Biden has suffered a larger approval rating drop at the start of his term than any president since World War II.😆

Commonsense said...

Voter fraud seems to be a crime being led by GOP voters exclusively...

Gee Denny I wonder how long you're going to keep posting the same story over and over trying to blow up an isolated incident to mean something.

Meanwhile avoiding the systematic fraud committed by the Democrats. A majority of Americans now believe there was cheating in the election of 2020. Cheating by the Democrats who used the pandemic to alter the rules.

GOP legislatures are now making sure that doesn't happen again. No ballot harvesting. No unsolicited mail in ballot.

Each ballot must have a clear chain of custody from the voter to the county elections office,

anonymous said...

Gee Denny I wonder how long you're going to keep posting the same

Until it annoys you cramps......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! GOP legislatures are writing laws that make any non R more difficult to vote......!!!!!! Systemic fraud is a GOP delusion that has been repeated sooooooo many times, morons like you believe it!!!!! Why are non educated R's like you sooooo gullible ?????? Why do you thinks white is the only color that can lead??? Why does trump lying not bother you??????

James's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...

The sound an unsuspecting male makes when being penetrated by another male's hardened genitalia

sammy was busy minding his own business when chris crept up behind and inside him causing him to yell BWAAAAAAAAAA!


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Domestic right wing terrorists are everywhere

Shouting, threats, negative billboards and an influx of cash. This year's school board races are like none before
By Mallory Simon, CNN
Oct 20, 2021
(CNN) - When Nikki Hudson drove to a local strip mall in Worthington, Ohio, to collect a corsage for her daughter's homecoming, she was met with two billboards plastered with her name.
One declared her a failure. The other said she should put kids before her political agenda.
"It's like nothing you would ever imagine in a local race," Hudson told CNN.
She's talking about her race for reelection to the Worthington School Board.
Four years ago she remembers going door to door in the well-off suburbs of Columbus, trying to drum up interest in her platform of tackling the ageing school infrastructure. She came top of the ballot with more than 7,000 votes in what felt like a traditional local contest.
But this year, the fractured national political climate has been replicated in heated school board meetings over issues like mask mandates and race equity.
That passion is now being reflected in contentious elections in Ohio and across the country, many with a new, negative undercurrent in the traditionally low-interest polls.
In Worthington, the billboards, yard signs, negative mailers and door hangers are more reminiscent of a divisive presidential or hotly contested congressional race than what would be expected for an off-year vote in the grass roots of American democracy.
Hudson and other board members say they have received threats from members of the community in email, texts and mail.
One mailed letter said, "We are coming after you," and that board members should be tried for treason, in part for "poisoning the minds of children" because of the belief the board is mandating critical race theory. Hudson said that's not the case.
"We want to be a part of selecting the curriculum for our children. We will protest in front of your homes, day and night," the letter said.
The letter was postmarked in Columbus, and said it was from a member of a group called Citizens to Remove CRT From America. CNN could not find a record of the group.
"You have become our enemies and you will be removed, one way or the other. Have a miserable, miserable day for the rest of your life you filthy traitor," the letter said.
Hudson said she expected to be challenged on her decisions, which have been far from universally popular, particularly a board vote to end a contract with police to provide school resource officers that triggered debates about race and law enforcement.
Worthington voters will get their democratic say on whether Hudson deserves another term, but she did not expect the vitriol facing her from billboards and yard signs across the neighborhood.
"They are putting tens of thousands of dollars into targeting me and smearing me," said Hudson.
She doesn't even know who is funding some of the opposition For instance, the billboards are cloaked behind an organization called "Save Worthington Schools," which became an LLC in August 2021. CNN has been unable to contact any people associated with the group despite emails and phone calls.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

It is essentially dark money," Hudson said about the lack of transparency. "As a school board member, when you have someone in your community that is upset about an issue or a decision, the first thing that you do is engage and you have conversations so that you can better understand their viewpoint and what's going on. This structure allows zero opportunity to engage."
The negative attacks and the mailed threats have made her more hesitant, even though she said she is ready to have passionate discussions around schools.
"I just am very just very cautious knocking on doors," she said. "I still do it, but it definitely has a different feeling right now."
'Never seen anything like that'
Hudson's fellow school board member Charlie Wilson, who's lived in the mostly White, upper-middle-class town for 40 years, said he's experienced strong objections to some of his stances, but not personal attacks.
"These so-called outsider groups are sending out scurrilous, untrue, highly defamatory attacks on a school board member who is running for reelection," said Wilson, whose position is not up for vote this year. "And we've certainly never seen anything like that."
Wilson, a past president of the National School Boards Association, said he's been aware of intense votes in big cities but this year the pressure is widespread and particularly charged.
Coupled with the anti-Hudson billboards, are yard signs on tidy front lawns around Worthington, that seem innocent enough. They promote a slate of three school board candidates, -- Jennifer Best, Kelli Davis and Brian Steel -- to fill the three positions up for election.
But Davis said she has nothing to do with the other candidates and condemns the use of her name alongside others. Steel said he wasn't consulted. Board incumbent Best told CNN she also didn't know about the signs before they were made and is focused on running her own campaign.
Davis said the arrival of the signs provoked such tension, she released a statement condemning them, despite the promotion of her candidacy.
"I tried to kindly and respectfully make things clear, but as things got more and more negative and more and more name calling, I felt that it was really important for people to understand that I have no part in that," said Davis.
The signs come from a group called OneWorthington, which seems to have a singular goal of unseating Hudson. Its website has a litany of criticism of Hudson, with clips from board meetings, text exchanges among people in town, and other details in a blog format.
The group does not publicize its leadership or membership, but in an email exchange with CNN, claimed to be comprised of "dozens" of local residents with "hundreds of other local parents cheering us on."
It declined to offer more details about its donors, stating it keeps "much of what we do to ourselves" to stop Hudson and others from targeting them.
But the group did email a statement from Christine Scott, a Worthington parent and member of OneWorthington.
"We're a group of many different Worthington parents who care about our kids. We want them to get a good education and we want to bring common sense back to our schools," Scott wrote. "Nikki Hudson has been a divisive leader on the board, uninterested in listening to the community and building consensus, and unsupportive of our administrators and teachers."
The statement went on to say the group was not part of any candidate's campaign, but selected whom they favored to promote on the yard signs.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Commonsense said...
nformed that members [of the Oathkeepers] were photographed wearing tactical gear

Well we pretty much know the head of at least one of the Oath Keepers troops was actually FBI. He was recorded inciting people to breach the capitol and waving them in.

How many more were FBI ?

We don't know yet because people like Garland refuse to answer under oath

Nor release the tapes

Banana Republic

No Justice

one-sided prosecutions

Anonymous said...

No improvement on the west coast port backlog.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Phil Kerpen

Can they have a World Series in two voter ID states?

guess they will have to cancel

Anonymous said...

Biden is simply overwhelmed by the job.

"The backlog of cargo ships in southern California reached an all-time high this week as a supply chain crisis continues to overwhelm America’s busiest port complex"

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker is overwhelmed by his stupidity and believing GOP propaganda......LOLOLOLOLOLOL

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

There it is ... #1 trend in the USA ... #ArrestFauci


They took off the real trend which was #ArrestFauci
and now it just reads "Fauci" 😂😂😂

What a joke.


big tech covering for Biden

as always

Let's Go Brandon

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Fucked daddy still obsessed with my old white ass!!!!!! Funny how his go to insult is getting as old as the goat fuckers dirt farm!!!!!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

SNL actually did a GREAT 30 second bit on Biden


looks like the left is finally giving up on him

could do entire shows for the rest of the year with Biden material

James's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...
Gee Denny I wonder how long you're going to keep posting the same

Until it annoys you cramps......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

The sound an unsuspecting male makes when being penetrated by another male's hardened genitalia

sammy was busy minding his own business when chris crept up behind and inside him causing him to yell BWAAAAAAAAAA!

I see the VERY lo iq tunnel is still wide open


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

He is a devout Christian who has realized that Trump is a Christian.

But this summer, at an influential megachurch in Northern Virginia, something went badly wrong. A trio of elders didn’t receive 75 percent of the vote, the threshold necessary to be installed.

“A small group of people, inside and outside this church, coordinated a divisive effort to use disinformation in order to persuade others to vote these men down as part of a broader effort to take control of this church,” David Platt, a 43-year-old minister at McLean Bible Church and a best-selling author, charged in a July 4 sermon.

Platt said church members had been misled, having been told, among other things, that the three individuals nominated to be elders would advocate selling the church building to Muslims, who would convert it into a mosque. In a second vote on July 18, all three nominees cleared the threshold. But that hardly resolved the conflict. Members of the church filed a lawsuit, claiming that the conduct of the election violated the church’s constitution.

Platt, who is theologically conservative, had been accused in the months before the vote by a small but zealous group within his church of “wokeness” and being “left of center,” of pushing a “social justice” agenda and promoting critical race theory, and of attempting to “purge conservative members.” A Facebook page and a right-wing website have targeted Platt and his leadership. For his part, Platt, speaking to his congregation, described an email that was circulated claiming, “MBC is no longer McLean Bible Church, that it’s now Melanin Bible Church.”

What happened at McLean Bible Church is happening all over the evangelical world. Influential figures such as the theologian Russell Moore and the Bible teacher Beth Moore felt compelled to leave the Southern Baptist Convention; both were targeted by right-wing elements within the SBC. The Christian Post, an online evangelical newspaper, published an op-ed by one of its contributors criticizing religious conservatives like Platt, Russell Moore, Beth Moore, and Ed Stetzer, the executive director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center, as “progressive Christian figures” who “commonly champion leftist ideology.” In a matter of months, four pastors resigned from Bethlehem Baptist Church, a flagship church in Minneapolis. One of those pastors, Bryan Pickering, cited mistreatment by elders, domineering leadership, bullying, and “spiritual abuse and a toxic culture.” Political conflicts are hardly the whole reason for the turmoil, but according to news accounts, they played a significant role, particularly on matters having to do with race.

“Nearly everyone tells me there is at the very least a small group in nearly every evangelical church complaining and agitating against teaching or policies that aren’t sufficiently conservative or anti-woke,” a pastor and prominent figure within the evangelical world told me. (Like others with whom I spoke about this topic, he requested anonymity in order to speak candidly.) “It’s everywhere.”

anonymous said...

Arrest Fauci for what???? Doing his job competently and without political bias......unlike you and the morons of the GOP who think Fauci is out to get them......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Sad your understanding of science is limited to you posting Twitter lies and fake news without question....Sad what a waste of resources you have can you afford to live being as stupid as you appear????????

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

At the same time, Keller argues, that anti-institutional tendency makes evangelical communities more prone than others to “insider abuse”—corruption committed by leaders who have almost no guardrails—and “outsider-ism,” in which evangelicals simply refuse to let their church form them or their beliefs. As a result, they are unrooted—and therefore susceptible to political idolization, fanatical ideas, and conspiracy theories.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

James's Fucking Daddy said...

BREAKING: Let’s Go Brandon is #1 and #3 slot on iTunes Charts

Top of the Charts !!!


anonymous said...

Fucked daddy still dreaming about my wide open ass forgetting to take trumps mushroom dick out of his mouth!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Keep digging sport as you wallow in the pig sty of trumps GOP for dummies!!!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Maddie de Garay… "Brought to you by Pfizer."


very sad

and she has lots of company

James's Fucking Daddy said...

anonymous said...

looks like VERY lo iq never has an "empty"


the gift that keeps giving

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Byron York

Signs of growing media concern about 'Let's go, Brandon' and 'F--k Biden' shouts and signs around country. Yes, vulgar, disrespectful. But will have to go a long way to match 'F--k Trump' climate--just in the arts world!--of recent years. So Biden chants not a surprise.

why would an "impartial media" be concerned ?

Oh, never mind

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Lisa Boothe

Both vaccinated & unvaccinated people get and spread COVID. How is it selfish to not get vaccinated when everyone can spread it? It’s selfish to force someone to inject their body with something they do not want or need. Free your mind from the psychosis that has taken over.

Stop the Biden totalitarianism

anonymous said...

Hey fucked daddy....stop the stupid....go suck on rats 7 mm and do the world a favor!!!!!!! Twitter the source of all things fake and GOP approved!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Dayum you are a dumb fuck!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

The Reverend has to resort to the lie that Donald Trump screwed up the Covid response, when under his watch the United States was in front of everyone. In front of everyone setting up a specific task force. If front of everyone in terms of supply chain. In front of everyone as it pertained to travel restrictions and lock downs. In front of everyone was it pertained to the vaccine.

We have literally gone from ahead of the whole world in our response to being behind. None of that happened under Trump.

But the Reverend cannot be honest (maybe not even to himself). Probably still thinks that everything tangible that was done can be erased because of a book?

But either it is dishonest because the Reverend is lying to himself or because he is lying to us. Either way, he is just flat out lying based on all objective fact.

btw... think of all of the moving around of medical equipment, moving of military hospitals, the creation of temporary hospitals, and everything we did to make sure everyone had everything they needed. Nobody died in he US because they couldn't get treated.

But our current administration cannot figure out how to unload ships so the American citizenship can buy normal groceries.

From ahead of the curve to crazy incompetence... which the Reverend cheers because it is happening under the watch of someone with a "D" behind their names.

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Can we at least admit the mayor of South Bend wasn't qualified to run the Department of Transportation?

well he was in charge of 53 buses there

and apparently can speak Norwegian

and do you know he's gay?

guess that's well qualified for Biden

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
The Reverend has to resort to the lie that Donald Trump screwed up the Covid response,

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! HE DID IN SPADES!!!!! And his BS about mandates and taking the shot in secret sure was telling what a fucking loser he is and remains!!!!!!!! Imagine if he had reacted immediately instead of playing to idiots like you and cramps...the country would be a better place instead of constant showmanship !!!!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...
JUST IN - Fauci: Vaccines for children ages 5 to 11 in the U.S. "may become available" in early November.

What does the inventor of mRNA vaccines have to say about vaccinating kids for Covid?

Robert W Malone, MD

There is absolutely no scientific or medical justification for vaccinating children in my opinion. This man must be stopped.

We'll see if we follow the scientist or the Big Pharma supported political bureaucrat.

How many billions has Big Pharma made so far?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Too bad Trump followed Fauci from the get go

A huge mistake

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The labor shortage is the result of a national strike against low wages and insurance premiums..

The media and most economists measure the economy’s success by the number of jobs it creates, while ignoring the quality of those jobs. Just look at the media coverage of the September jobs report: The New York Times emphasized “weak” job growth. For CNN, it was “another disappointment.” 

But when I was Secretary of Labor, I met with working people all over the country who complained that their jobs paid too little and had few benefits, or were unsafe, or required unwieldy hours. Many said their employers treated them badly.

With the pandemic, it’s even worse. That’s why, in addition to all the people who aren’t returning to work, we’re also seeing dozens of organized strikes around the country – 10,000 John Deere workers, 1,400 Kellogg workers, over 1,000 Alabama coal miners, and thousands of others.

Not to mention the unauthorized strikes and walkouts since the pandemic began, like the mostly Black sanitation workers in Pittsburgh or the Amazon warehouse workers in Staten Island.

In order to lure workers back, employers are now raising wages and offering other incentives. Average earnings rose 19 cents an hour in September and are up more than $1 an hour over the last year. But clearly, that’s not enough to get workers back.

Corporate America is trying to frame this as a “labor shortage.” 

But what’s really happening is more accurately described as a living-wage shortage, a hazard pay shortage, a childcare shortage, a paid sick leave shortage, and a health care shortage.

Unless these shortages are rectified, this unofficial general strike will continue.
I say it’s about time.

Robert Reich PhD.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Higher wages will balance the inflation rate and eventually restore bottom up economics.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

Michael Vick went to jail for almost 2 years for what he did to dogs... and Fauci did much worse.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

What reasonable research was conducted by allowing puppies to be eaten alive by insects?

That literally sounds like psychopath Nazi Mengele shit.

it was Fauci, same difference

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Emerald Robinson

You think Fauci cares about your health - a guy who funded puppies being eaten alive by insects with their vocal cords cut so they couldn’t scream?

anonymous said...

Yep....they are the same insects that ate your fucked up brain daddy.....>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! What reasonable research proved the GOP has lost its way......YOUR POSTING OF DRIVEL AND BULLSHIT!!!!!!

anonymous said...

More fake news and stories found in that POS twitter by fucked beyond belief daddy who has a huge woody for trumps fat ass!!!!!!!!!

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that Democrats are close to finalizing an agreement on the social safety net plan that would allow for the bipartisan infrastructure bill to move forward.

"We have 90% of the bill agreed to and written, we just have some of the last decisions to be made," Pelosi said on CNN's "State of the Union."

C.H. Truth said...

No Denny...

Imagine if he "led from behind" like Obama and Biden. Then we would have literally been behind the rest of the world, not ahead of it.

We led all the way. The very first to do anything. We reacted faster than "immediately" Denny. We had a task force and plans in place before we reported the first Covid death.

But... hey! just continue to attack the BEST RESPONSE IN THE WORLD while defending a man who cannot get food to the grocery store while his Transportation secretary is out on paternity leave. People go without so that the Biden Administration can be woke and politically correct with allowing Buttigeig to stay home instead of doing his job.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Top Democrats have held a slew of talks in recent days to try and get centrists and progressives to sign off on a sprawling plan to invest in child care, paid leave, education, health care and climate policy. The party has to resolve disputes, like what to include in the package and how to pay for it, before it finalizes an outline.

Democrats have already had to cut its price tag from $3.5 trillion to $2 trillion or less, as part of an effort to appease centrist Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz.

“It is less than what was projected to begin with, but it is still bigger than anything we’ve done in terms of addressing the needs of American working families,” Pelosi said.

“Nonetheless, the point is to reach a goal,” she added.

My own Medicare advantage program will pay for dental care and eye care and hearing aids in January.

It costs me $16/ month and maximum $3,400.

Like the liver transplant costed $1.6 million

anonymous said...

Imagine if he "led from behind" like Obama and Biden.

HE LED FROM INACTION AND HOPING IT WOULD GO AWAY.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! He failed as miserably as your first marriage Lil Schitty!!!!!! Your opinion of trumps greatness is most amusing especially the best response in the world....LOLOLOLOLOL which is nothing more than YOUR OPINION OF A LOSER!!!!!!!

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

A record 4.3 million workers walked off the job in August

The number of people quitting their jobs is still smashing records.

Despite the fact that the unemployment coverage ended before this happened.

The welfare queen rhetoric is proven wrong again and again and again.

When they get both passed Biden will be the next FDR.

Despite being wrong about some things .

Caliphate4vr said...

The Friendship That Shapes Atlanta Baseball

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Happy New Year

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vaccines for kids between the ages of 5 and 11 will likely be available in the first half of November, top U.S. infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci said on Sunday, predicting a timetable that could see many kids getting fully vaccinated before the end of the year.

"If all goes well, and we get the regulatory approval and the recommendation from the CDC, it's entirely possible if not very likely that vaccines will be available for children from 5 to 11 within the first week or two of November," Fauci said in an interview with ABC's This Week.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials are reviewing the Pfizer/BioNTech application seeking authorization of its 2-dose vaccine for younger children, with its panel of outside advisers scheduled to weigh in on Oct. 26.

The FDA typically follows the advice of its panel but is not required to do so.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The President will reverse the tax exemption for people who inherited their wealth. They didn't work for the money!

WASHINGTON—A new annual tax on billionaires’ unrealized capital gains is likely to be included to help pay for the vast social policy and climate package lawmakers hope to finalize this week, senior Democrats said Sunday.

“We probably will have a wealth tax,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said Sunday on CNN, noting that Senate Democrats were still working on their proposal, which isn’t technically a wealth tax but bears a strong resemblance to that idea.

The proposal under consideration from Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) would impose an annual tax on unrealized capital gains on liquid assets held by billionaires, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday on CNN.

Trump's children will help others.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

No fake news robotics like...the worst troll squad asshole said.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday she expects inflation to ease by "the middle to end of next year," but believes higher rates will nonetheless linger for months, reports Politico.

"The COVID shock to the economy has caused disruptions that we'll be working through over the next year," Yellen told CNN's State of the Union. "And, of course, Americans have not seen inflation like we have experienced recently in a long time." Yellen also pushed back on the idea that the U.S. is losing control of inflation.

"As we get back to normal, expect that to end," she added, of the high rates. Yellen noted that supply chain issues and worker shortages are likely to blame for the economic issues, citing health and child care concerns as reasons why "many firms are experiencing a shortage of labor." Regardless, however, she expects the situation to improve as the pandemic clears up and supply chains get back to normal.

"This is temporary pains that result from a COVID economy," the treasury secretary said. "As we get beyond the pandemic, I expect labor supply to increase.".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The American Thinker believes that fake news conspiracy started during the Vietnam war.

There's always been a bias in news reporting, but now it's really a lot more obvious...and intentional.  Why?  The purpose of news reporting is no longer primarily holding an audience in order to sell advertising, but rather, to further an agenda. 

This may have gotten started during the Vietnam War, when Lyndon Johnson "lost" Walter Cronkite. 

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Afghanistan Near Collapse

“Afghanistan will shortly collapse into chaos unless the international community acts rapidly, Swedish and Pakistani ministers warned on Saturday,” CNN reports.


And Ch was talking about what great shape we left them in. *SNICKER*

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Eye Tax on Billionaires’ Gains

“A new annual tax on billionaires’ unrealized capital gains is likely to be included to help pay for the vast social policy and climate package lawmakers hope to finalize this week,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“The tax is expected to affect people with $1 billion in assets or $100 million in income for three consecutive years.”

C.H. Truth said...


I think you mean that conservatives believe the way Biden left Afghanistan was a total disaster.

100 percent Joe Biden
O percent Donald Trump

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rioters Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings

“As the House investigation into the Jan. 6 attack heats up, some of the planners of the pro-Trump rallies that took place in Washington, D.C., have begun communicating with congressional investigators and sharing new information about what happened when the former president’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol.

“Two of these people have spoken to Rolling Stone extensively in recent weeks and detailed explosive allegations that multiple members of Congress were intimately involved in planning both Trump’s efforts to overturn his election loss and the Jan. 6 events that turned violent.

“Rolling Stone separately confirmed a third person involved in the main Jan. 6 rally in D.C. has communicated with the committee. This is the first report that the committee is hearing major new allegations from potential cooperating witnesses. While there have been prior indications that members of Congress were involved, this is also the first account detailing their purported role and its scope. The two sources also claim they interacted with members of Trump’s team, including former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who they describe as having had an opportunity to prevent the violence.”

A rose by any orher name would smell as sweet.
A coup by any other name would stink as much.

Anonymous said...

"my wide open ass" Dennis

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

100 percent Joe Biden?
O percent Donald Trump?

Trump criticized Biden for not leaving quicker and sooner, as Trump would have done after stupidly working out an unworkable agreement with the Taliban -- not with our Afghani allies.

History will not be kind.

Anonymous said...

Roger admits the Socialist Democrats are Leftists.

"Democrats have already had to cut its price tag from $3.5 trillion to $2 trillion or less, as part of an effort to appease centrist Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., and Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz."

With 2 Centrist left in the Senate.

Anonymous said...

Biden's policies are raising home interest rate more then 25 basis points over last year at this time.

This rise ended 10's of thousands of dreams for Americans hoping to biy thier first home.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

According to coldheartedliars here,
Biden went on vacation this weekend,

Biden Hosts Budget Talks In Delaware

“President Joe Biden was hosting two pivotal senators for meetings in Delaware on Sunday
in hopes of resolving lingering disputes over Democrats’ long-stalled effort to craft an expansive social and environment measure.

“Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) were scheduled to attend the session.”

“With a series of deadlines approaching, President Biden’s increased involvement in talks over his sweeping social-policy agenda shows
the line he is walking between being a pragmatic deal maker, with hopes of delivering tangible political wins,
and his desire to enact transformative, long-term progressive policies.”

Pelosi Says Reconciliation Deal Is Close

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Sunday she expects to have votes on President Biden’s infrastructure and Build Back Better deals in the coming week.

Said Pelosi:
“We have 90 percent of the bill agreed to and written. We just have some of the last decisions to be made.”

She added: “I think we are pretty much there now.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

One of the few truthful bloggers here said...
According to coldheartedliars here,
Biden went on vacation this weekend

Actually what was said here was he left Friday afternoon for a "another relaxing weekend" so yet another lie by the POS "pastor" james boswell. Having a few people over for a short visit to his vacation home doesn't change that nor boswell's lie.

Boswell followed that with a bunch of plagiarized GODdard political_lire spam.

Conduct unbecoming of a "pastor"

as always


and the "pastor"

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Oh and

Let's Go Brandon !!!


anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
"my wide open ass"

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Wide open for a trump thumping!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

My Idiot Gov..Ron now supporting anti vax cops and inviting them to floriduh with $5k bonus to move there......Brilliiant bringing another influx of idiots plus their unvaxed spawn and families to infest the state that is finally turning the corner on infections......Pandering his idiot trump base is no way to protect the people of the state!!!!!!!

As some police fight vaccine rules, DeSantis says Florida will pay them $5,000 to relocate: ‘We will treat you better’

rrb said...


Brilliiant bringing another influx of idiots plus their unvaxed spawn and families to infest the state that is finally turning the corner on infections.....

So BWAA, what you're saying is that the vaccines are worthless and vaccinated people must fear the unvaccinated because the unvaccinated will catch Covid and most certainly DIE.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

So BWAA, what you're saying is that the vaccines are worthless and vaccinated people must fear the unvaccinated because the unvaccinated will catch Covid and most certainly DIE

just as stupid as saying these new spending plans cost nothing but we have to raise the debt ceiling.

And wait till interest rates surge to catch up to the inflation rate

We are being fucked

or as VERY lo iq says when he gets it


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Baldwin's last words before shooting (this is not a joke)

Very strange story and there's even more

anonymous said...

Sad that fucked up daddy is obsessed with the travails of Baldwin.....grow up asshole....... BTW. said all that BS about the vax not me....Inferring otherwise implies you are the box of rocks that makes america look stupid!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!@!!!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Steve Deace


Reminder, Risch is one of the most academically cited American epidemiologists alive today.

Sara Gonzales

Yale Epidemiology Professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull a healthy child out of public school and homeschool before he gave them this vaccine.

I'd say grow-up asshole back to you but obviously you are not capable

lowest IQ on the planet

VERY lo iq

and btw posting one brief comment about Baldwin is not being obsessed.

You need to look at your constant posting of being fucked in the ass


James's Fucking Daddy said...

* well that is in reaction to I guess

Commonsense said...

rump criticized Biden for not leaving quicker and sooner, as Trump would have done after stupidly working out an unworkable agreement with the Taliban -- not with our Afghani allies.

Unworkable according to who, you? Trump constructed a series of confidence building steps with the Taliban one of them was to sit down and negotiate a peace with the central Afghanistan

History will not be kind.

You didn't have to wait on History to know a president is bad. As it was known that Buchanan was bad at the time so history has confirm it. Similarly we know Biden is a bad president and history will rank him up with Buchanan as one of the worst presidents ever.

(For those interested in Trump's rating he is was a mediocre middle of the pack president. About the same as McKinley.)

rrb said...

just as stupid as saying these new spending plans cost nothing but we have to raise the debt ceiling.

Good point, and one that I've been wondering about.

The liberal brain trust has assured us that the cost to the taxpayer of the $3.5 TILLION is ZERO.

Zero. As in Zero Dollar$.

So why the panic over the debt ceiling if the true cost is zero?



Commonsense said...

Blogger One of the few truthful bloggers here said...
Rioters Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings

The same people who published a fake rape story a few years back and there is no reason to believe they are any credible today.

I'll wait for more credible independent reporting.

In other words don't bother me with a story that just quotes from the Rolling Stone story. That's not confirmation nor is quoting the same "sources" Rolling Stone uses.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

and people planning for a protest is not criminal activity anyways

unless Biden criminalizes that


rrb said...

Unworkable according to who, you?

Unworkable only to those under the influence of Stage IV TDS.

Trump's plan was quite workable, it allowed us, Afghan allies, American citizens, and any others aligned with us to leave peacefully. Trump's plan also included the recovery or destruction on American military assets. Thanks to the current regime the Afghan Taliban is among the top 20 most well equipped militaries in the world.

Bagram AFB would NOT have been surrendered.

And I don't think Trump's plan allowed the last Afghan president to leave in a convoy of vehicles stuffed full of American ca$h.

It's easy, and also galactically and blatantly dishonest for the left to characteristically denounce Trump's plan as "unworkable" since it was never tried.

And we know what we got out of the Biden plan - FUCKED.

Commonsense said...

My Idiot Gov..Ron now supporting anti vax cops and inviting them to floriduh with $5k bonus to move there......

Growing state. We need the police officers. Not all of them are anti-vaccine but anti-vaccine mandate. Which means they chose the vaccine for themselves but are against the erosion of Freedom the mandate represents.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

So what have Biden and Harris been busy doing ?

Vice President Kamala Harris

United States government official
President Biden and I released the first ever National Gender Strategy. This is our vision for the future of our nation—one that is bold in strategy and one that this moment calls for.


Commonsense said...

Sad that fucked up daddy is obsessed with the travails of Baldwin.

Baldwin should get charged with manslaughter. His mishandling of a firearm is criminally negligent.

Myballs said...

Filed under 'anothet way today's democrats can guck things up':

The tax hikes they want include taxing unrealized gains on investments. It's a stupid plan because an unrealized gain one year can drop in value the next. But we already paid taxes. Apply that to tens of millions of us with 401Ks, and it will create a tax nightmare.

It's as if they're trying to destroy the country.

rrb said...

President Biden and I released the first ever National Gender Strategy.

If your gender strategery arrives at a number greater than two this tells us that your strategery is fucked, and that you've just given mental illness a place of legitimacy in our national conversation.

Commonsense said...

1. Your livelihood should not be dependent upon whether you get a COVID shot. This is a personal decision.
2. The Biden Vaccine Mandate is unconstitutional, and we have a responsibility to fight back as a state.
3. Vaccine mandates are bad for the economy.

Governor Ron DeSantis

anonymous said...

If your gender strategy arrives at a number greater than two this tells us that your strategery is fucked

Your inane opinion is noted and BWAAAAAAAAAAA'd at.....sorry sport you can't go through life with your head stuck up you fucking ass!!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Ron DeIDIOT!!!!!! Instead of fighting an american who cares about america instead of leading morons like cramps around and giving GOP idiots cover for being dumb fucks!!!!!!!!!! Having Covid could kill you, and there is nothing that proves mandates are bad for the economy.....240 million citizens vaccinated and the infection rate is finally can that be bad for the economy?????

anonymous said...

ldwin should get charged with manslaughter.

I think involuntary manslaughter is appropriate.......First rule of gun safety......the gun is always loaded!!!!!!!!!! He should have checked!!!!!

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sedition by Trump.

A slate of Republican members of Congress is being outed by those who attended planning meetings for the protest that resulted in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, according to a new report in Rolling Stone.

Two sources, according to their story, revealed that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) were all present on "dozens" of calls with organizers of the group.

Trump aide Katrina Pierson was also named by them a "liaison" between the White House and the rally organizers. Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows was cited as someone who also aided the group.

"I remember Marjorie Taylor Greene specifically," the organizer told Rolling Stone. "I remember talking to probably close to a dozen other members at one point or another or their staffs."

The former president also spoke to the group, saying that they were going to march to the U.S. Capitol and tell the members of Congress that they needed to hand Trump the election. He promised that he would lead them and walk with them, but that never happened.

"These two sources also helped plan a series of demonstrations that took place in multiple states around the country in the weeks between the election and the storming of the Capitol," said Rolling Stone. "According to these sources, multiple people associated with the March for Trump and Stop the Steal events that took place during this period communicated with members of Congress throughout this process."

"We would talk to Boebert's team, Cawthorn's team, Gosar's team like back to back to back to back," the organizer recalled.

While there have been reports of officials being part of the planning, this is the first report from those involved on the inside, willing to go on the record with investigators and the press.

"Nick Dyer, who is Greene's communications director, said she was solely involved in planning to object to the electoral certification on the House floor," said the report. "Spokespeople for the other members of Congress, who the sources describe as involved in the planning for protests, did not respond to requests for comment."

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sedition by Trump

"Congresswoman Greene and her staff were focused on the Congressional election objection on the House floor and had nothing to do with planning of any protest," Dyer said in an email.

"She objected just like Democrats who have objected to Republican presidential victories over the years," Dyer wrote, which is incorrect. No Democrats have ever attempted to stop certification of election results. Greene's office named a list of Democrats, falsely saying that they attempted to do exactly that when it came to President Donald Trump in 2017.

Dyer went on to say that no one in the U.S. cares about Jan. 6.

Ali Alexander, the original organizer of the event is now in hiding, but he's already said in a since-deleted video that Gosar, Brooks, and Biggs all aided his efforts for the event

"I was the person who came up with the Jan. 6 idea with Congressman Gosar, Congressman Mo Brooks, and Congressman Andy Biggs," Alexander said in the video. "We four schemed up on putting maximum pressure on Congress while they were voting so that — who we couldn't lobby — we could change the hearts and the minds of Republicans who were in that body hearing our loud roar from outside."

When he organized an event in Phoenix, Gosar was the main speaker. Alexander even referred to him as "my captain" and called him "one of the other heroes has been Congressman Andy Biggs."

"He just couldn't help himself but go on his live [feed] and just talk about everything that he did and who he talked to," one of the planners told Rolling Stone about Alexander. "So, he, like, really told on himself."

"The breaking point for me [on Jan. 6 was when] Trump starts talking about walking to the Capitol," said the organizer. "I was like. 'Let's get the f*ck out of here.'"

"I do kind of feel abandoned by Trump," the planner added. "I'm actually pretty pissed about it, and I'm pissed at him. What the f*ck?"

"I have no problem openly testifying," the planner also said.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THE LIAR TRUMP Tries to Trademark ‘Truthing’

The Florida attorney who filed a trademark application for “Truth Social” a week ahead of Donald Trump’s announcement that he’s launching a social media network is also attempting to trademark the words “truthing,” “post a truth,” “retruth” and “follow the truth,” Mother Jones reports.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Noah Pollak

FOIA'd emails show Biden admin worked with National Association of School Boards on the infamous letter calling concerned parents "domestic terrorists."

John Hayward

The big question hanging over the next election is whether the parents of American realize the Democrat Party has declared all-out, scorched-earth war against them, and if they're ready to fight back for the sake of their children. If so, the Democrats will be annihilated.

from one of the few posters here with a truthful moniker

(and being a poster here does not make you a blogger. The "pastor" even lies in his moniker multiple times)

when he isn't busy plagiarizing he's busy lying

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Hope for Big Week

Punchbowl News: “Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill are planning a big week.
Their goal is for the House to vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill
and reach an agreement on the outlines of the Democrats’ massive reconciliation bill, the Build Back Better Act.

“Whether all this happens remains to be seen. But it’s going to be a frantic few days.”

“The next nine days are the most important of Biden’s young presidency: He needs to rescue his legislative agenda in Congress, rescue his party’s political candidates in two states and rescue America’s leadership on climate policy in Scotland.”

Manchin Agreeable to Wealth Tax

“Pivotal Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin appears to be on board with White House proposals for new taxes on billionaires and certain corporations to help pay for President Joe Biden’s scaled-back social services and climate change package,” the AP reports.

Reuters: With corporate tax off table, U.S. Democrats turn to billionaires to fund spending bill.

U.S. Lags Behind on Paid Leave

New York Times: “Congress is now considering four weeks of paid family and medical leave, down from the 12 weeks that were initially proposed in the Democrats’ spending plan. If the plan becomes law, the United States will no longer be one of six countries in the world — and the only rich country — without any form of national paid leave.

“But it would still be an outlier. Of the 185 countries that offer paid leave for new mothers, only one, Eswatini (once called Swaziland), offers fewer than four weeks. Of the 174 countries that offer paid leave for a personal health problem, just 26 offer four weeks or fewer.”

Politico: What’s still in the Democratic mega bill?

DeSantis Seeks to Lure Unvaccinated Cops to Florida

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said that he is looking to enact legislation that will provide a $5,000 bonus to police officers to relocate to Florida, where they can avoid vaccine mandates, The Hill reports.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sleepy Joe Biden is going to get the middle class the biggest increase in wages in history.

America’s business leaders expect to keep shelling out higher wages to employees.

Driving the news: According a new quarterly survey released today by the National Association of Business Economists, a record high 58% of respondents increased pay at their firms during the third quarter — and nearly the same share expects to do so again in the coming months.

Why it matters: Strong demand in the U.S. economy is underpinning rising wages as well as continued hiring plans on the part of business leaders. But rising business costs — for things ranging from labor to raw materials — have some economists on alert for spiking inflation trends.

State of play: Average weekly earnings are up 4.5% over the last year, according to government data.

Within that, the sectors most in need of more workers have seen outsized gains: construction pay has jumped 7.1% and leisure and hospitality surged 11.2%.Starting this past May, job openings exceeded the number of job-hunters — and wages are bound to continue their rise as employers compete even harder for labor.

The bottom line: "Trouble finding talent ... is certainly something that we continue to hear about all the time,” Chad Moutray, NABE survey analyst, tells Axios.

The share of NABE survey respondents reporting shortages of skilled labor rose to 47% in October, from 32% in the prior surveys.

The national strike is working!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McAuliffe Has the Edge In Virginia

The upcoming race for governor in Virginia could send shockwaves around the country.

More Choices Come to Obamacare Exchanges

“Consumers shopping for health coverage on the federal Affordable Care Act exchanges can likely find lower premiums and more choices for 2022 — as well as generous government assistance.

“The upcoming open enrollment period, which begins November 1 and runs through January 15, is the first for President Joe Biden, who is seeking to restore the landmark health reform law after the Trump administration spent four years trying to undermine it.”

GOP Worries Eric Greitens Could Tank Senate Chances

Politico: “Greitens is a formidable presence in the race, armed with a solid base, right-wing media savvy and a billionaire backer. But the scandal-plagued Greitens is also viewed by many Republicans — both nationally and in Missouri — as the candidate most likely to jeopardize a GOP-held Senate seat. With the Senate majority in sight in next year’s midterm elections, the prospect of blowing the opportunity weighs heavily on party minds.

“Pointing to Greitens’ baggage — he resigned the governorship in 2018, midway through his first term, following allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman — many Missouri Republicans view him as an opportunist who has shamelessly recast himself as a MAGA warrior to revive his political career.”

GOP Leaders Rally Behind Herschel Walker

Politico: “Party leaders are now rallying around Walker, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump who is running in a race that could determine which party controls the Senate after 2022. Scrutiny of Walker’s erratic past at first led Senate Republicans to voice concern about whether the former running back can win, but he has made significant inroads since then.

“In the latest illustration of the shift, South Dakota Sen. John Thune, the No. 2 Senate Republican, is set to endorse Walker on Monday.

“Thune is the first member of Senate GOP leadership to endorse Walker, and his support is the newest evidence the former football star has tacitly won the party hierarchy’s blessing.”

What Drives Kyrsten Sinema?

“Critics suggest that Sinema is in the pocket of various industry donors to her campaigns or seeking to carve out a ‘maverick’ reputation, like longtime Republican Sen. John McCain, in Arizona.

“But friends say her approach is consistent with a political philosophy that emphasizes credibility with colleagues, working across the aisle and rejecting single-party legislation.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

State of play: Average weekly earnings are up 4.5% over the last year, according to government data.

Within that, the sectors most in need of more workers have seen outsized gains: construction pay has jumped 7.1% and leisure and hospitality surged 11.2%.Starting this past May, job openings exceeded the number of job-hunters — and wages are bound to continue their rise as employers compete even harder for labor

Trump got 3% in 3 years.

Then he was President during the worst economic and pandemic era in history

James's Fucking Daddy said...

School boards group that equated parental activism with 'domestic terrorism' owes IRS $20 million

The financial problems exacerbate the revolt NSBA is facing from at least 21 state members after it asked President Biden to use the Patriot Act in response to "the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation" against school board members, citing both physical altercations and heated rhetoric at public meetings.

Its board of directors issued a memo to members Friday saying "we regret and apologize for the letter ... there was no justification for some of the language" NSBA used. "[T]he voices of parents ... should and must continue to be heard" when it comes to decisions about their children's education, health, and safety."

The board said it failed to properly consult members, which caused them "strain and stress," and promised to launch a "formal review" and announce "specific improvements soon" on consultation and coordination.

It always seems to be that far-left groups fail to pay their fair share of anything but want to take more of everyone else's money

Has Garland sent his storm troopers back home yet ?

anonymous said...

This little cocksucker should be kicked in the scrotum....!!!!!!!!

Jamie Ross
Mon, October 25, 2021, 8:51 AM
Donald Trump Jr
Donald Trump Jr
It’s only been three days since Alec Baldwin accidentally shot and killed 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, but the Trump family has never been known to hang around when there’s a tawdry buck to make.

The oldest Trump son, Donald Jr., is hawking $27.99 T-shirts on his official site with the mocking slogan: “Guns don’t kill people, Alec Baldwin kills people.” On his Instagram stories, the Trump son also posted a photoshopped pic of the actor wearing one of the Ts.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

F'n Daddy STUPIDLY says
"being a poster here
does not make you a blogger."

Why is it, then,
that if you repost
what another poster said,
the site itself says
"Blogger so-and-said..."


Ole F'n really has me
living permanently in his head.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

The Wolf Of All Streets

Proposing a tax on unrealized capital gains is insane.

Imagine paying taxes on something you haven’t sold just to see it go down afterwards.

I assume that means we can write off unrealized losses, right? Right!?

I guess Hunter would owe a fortune on his unsold masterpieces

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The two Jan. 6 rally organizers told Rolling Stone there were tensions between their main rally near the White House, in which Trump spoke and urged his supporters to walk to the Capitol and "fight like hell," and a Jan. 6 "Wild Protest" on the Capitol lawn organized by "Stop the Steal" head Alexander Ali.

Ali said in a since-deleted livestream that he, Gosar, Brooks, and Biggs "schemed up" the "Wild" protest, and Gosar, Greene, and Boebert were listed as speakers at that Capitol protest. But the two organizers of the main protest said Alexander had agreed to call of his event, then reneged, and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows declined to step in and stop that second, potentially explosive event. "They knew that they weren't there to sing 'Kumbaya' and, like, put up a peace sign," the second planner told Rolling Stone. 

The established plan, they said, was for Trump and his allies to present evidence of election fraud while the GOP representatives objected to certifying President Biden's victory. "The Capitol was never in play," the planner told Rolling Stone. "The breaking point for me," the first organizer said, was when "Trump starts talking about walking to the Capitol."

Sedition by Trump is a high crime or treason

James's Fucking Daddy said...

One of the few truthful bloggers here said...

Ole F'n really has me
living permanently in his head.

Hey idiot the site software assumes that posters have blogging capabilities

You don't have those assigned to you.

Are you really that stupid ?

And you don't "live in my head"

But I did decide to permanently use the moniker

Because you are such an asshole "pastor"

besides you said it is an honor for me to do that


or was that another lie from the "pastor" ?

impossible to really keep up

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

F'n Daddy STUPIDLY says
"being a poster here
does not make you a blogger."

Why is it, then,
that if you repost
what another poster said,
the site itself says
"Blogger so-and-so said..."


Ole F'n really has me
living permanently rent free in his head.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt Whitlock


Axios his the McAuliffe panic button

Amazing that the only thing he wants to talk about is Trump .. but when he’s asked about trying to make the race about Trump he gets irritated and flustered.

Maybe McAuliffe ate some of the Fauci test dog food

James's Fucking Daddy said...

I obviously OWN the lying POS "pastor" james boswell

After all, I'm his daddy !!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...


NOW - Protesters against vaccine mandates breaking through barricades to Barclay's Center in NYC, chanting "Let Kyrie play"

I have a feeling these mandates are not too popular with minority youth

Or many Americans

If they are not stopped the effect on America will be tremendously negative


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Candace Owens

Reading through Fauci’s experiments and the one I find most alarming is the use of an acid to destroy a region of monkeys’ brains to magnify terror. They then simulated images of spiders and tormented them with fear.
Human DNA is 97% identical to apes.
Why fund that research?

Did Fauci descend from someone running the Tuskegee experiments ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"being a poster here
does not make you a blogger."

After an out-and-out lie like that,
F'n accuses others of lying.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

* or Dr. Josef Mengele ?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

"pastor" blogging and posting are two distinct and separate activities

You are obviously to stupid to comprehend

maybe you are not lying, just stupid

thanks for clarifying

what a fucking idiot or liar

or both

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* too

correcting those type of errors are all you ever "contribute" other than lying and plagiarizing, which you apparently still don't understand.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* maybe "commenting" would be a better description than "posting"

but definitely not "blogging"

rrb said...

Did Fauci descend from someone running the Tuskegee experiments ?

Dr. Josef Mengele.

“The deadly experiments on dogs are proof that Fauci’s boss is stuck in the failed science of yesteryear,” Guillermo said.

“He is spending billions of dollars on studies that include infecting and cutting up dogs, frightening monkeys, and addicting mice to cocaine that don’t lead to cures or vaccines while humans die from Alzheimer’s, HIV, cancer, multiple sclerosis, ALS, and other deadly ailments.”

anonymous said...

READ THE FUNDING REQUEST ASSHOLE......Yeah, they used animals for research....shocking.....and I bet you thought when the bunny died.....all was safe right moron???????? Maybe I'lll post pictures of Don'jr holding the tail of an elephant he shot for fucking fun......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! God dayum you suck!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

History will not be kind.

Well gee Reverend...

I think "history" will keep in line with the fact that it was Biden (not Trump) who was in charge of the Afghanistan fiasco where Biden killed 13 American service people, bombed an Afghani family killing seven children, lied about it... then went on television and told everyone that things went well.

Commonsense said...

James is lying when he said he's truthful. He's nothing but a hack.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It wasn't Biden who killed the 13 American service men and women and Biden never lied about the tragic killing of innocent Afghan civilians and children, civilians sypathetic to our cause.

Our military reluctantly confessed to that major mistake, a mistake made trying to keep another tragic killing at the airport from happening.

rrb said...

Maybe I'lll post pictures of Don'jr holding the tail of an elephant he shot for fucking fun...

Go ahead, BWAA. I guarantee you that elephant was killed more mercifully than any one of those beagles.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

James never lies.

rrb said...

It wasn't Biden who killed the 13 American service men and women and Biden never lied about the tragic killing of innocent Afghan civilians and children, civilians sypathetic to our cause.

Yes it was, and yes he did.

He lied about both repeatedly until caught.

And the word is "sympathetic," pederast.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Facebook has actually been involved in the attack on the Capitol building and getting people to say it was just a peaceful demonstration! And after it was supporting Trump.

Hours after the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol, Mike Schroepfer, Facebook’s chief technology officer, posted on the company’s internal message board.

“Hang in there everyone,” he wrote. Facebook should allow for peaceful discussion of the riot but not calls for violence, he added. 

His post was met with scathing replies from employees who blamed the company for what was happening. 

“I’m struggling to match my values to my employment here,” an employee wrote in a comment. (The employee’s name was redacted in a version seen by NBC News.) “I came here hoping to effect change and improve society, but all I’ve seen is atrophy and abdication of responsibility.” 

Another employee asked, “How are we expected to ignore when leadership overrides research-based policy decisions to better serve people like the groups inciting violence today?”  

The comments openly challenged the company’s leadership with a not-so-subtle message: Facebook’s well-documented problems in abetting violent polarization and encouraging the spread of misinformation weren’t getting fixed, despite the company’s investments and promises. 

The comments are in thousands of pages of internal Facebook documents given to NBC News detailing Facebook’s internal debates around the societal impact of its platforms. Together the documents offer the deepest look provided to outsiders at the internal workings of the world’s largest social media company. 

They are a small fraction of the internal communications over the past several years at Facebook, where employee message boards that started as a way to embrace transparency have become an outlet for reflection and advocacy on the impact of social media.

The documents show employees — many who were hired to help Facebook address problems on its platforms — debating with one another on internal message boards free of public relations spin. Many tried to figure out how to turn stalled bureaucratic wheels and steer a company that now has so many departments that employees sometimes aren’t aware of overlapping responsibilities. Some employees defended management, with one calling Facebook executives “brilliant, data-driven futurists like many of us.” 

Internal Facebook documents reveal more red flags about misinformation on site

The documents were included in disclosures made to the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, and provided to Congress in redacted form by legal counsel for Frances Haugen, who worked as a Facebook product manager until May and has come forward as a whistleblower. Digital versions of the disclosures — with some names and other personal information redacted — were obtained by a consortium of news organizations, including NBC News. Most of the documents are digital photographs of company material on computer screens. 

The news consortium is making at least some of the disclosures public beginning Monday. The Wall Street Journal reported some of the disclosures earlier. 

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Haugen alleges in letters to the SEC Office of the Whistleblower that Facebook executives up to and including CEO Mark Zuckerberg have misled investors for years, giving them a false picture of the reality inside the company about subjects like Facebook’s user base and its record on human rights. She wrote at least eight separate letters, and her attorneys provided the internal documents to the SEC in support of her allegation that executives’ statements don’t match the truth. In the letters, she also offered her help to the SEC if it were to investigate potential violations of securities laws. 

But more broadly, Haugen has kick-started a debate about Facebook’s impact on society, both in the U.S. and abroad. 

“Facebook did not invent partisanship. They did not invent polarization. They didn’t invent ethnic violence,” Haugen said in a call with reporters this month. “But the thing that I think we should be discussing is what role, what choices did Facebook make to expose the public to greater risk than was necessary?” 

Haugen repeated her allegation against Facebook executives in testimony before Congress this month. 

“The company intentionally hides vital information from the public, from the U.S. government and from governments around the world,” she told the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Protection. 

James said...

James never lies.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Blogger James said...
James never lies.

Commonsense said...

It wasn't Biden who killed the 13 American service men and women

Drone strikes only occur on the orders of the President of the United States. The responsibly is Biden's. He kill them just as surly as if he pulled the trigger himself.

Commonsense said...

James never lies.

James lies all the time.

C.H. Truth said...

It wasn't Biden who killed the 13 American service men and women and Biden never lied about the tragic killing of innocent Afghan civilians and children, civilians sypathetic to our cause

They literally claimed that they killed a terrorist on his way to bomb the airport and literally claimed that there was no civilian casualties.

That was a flat out lie, Reverend.

Not sure how you reconcile any of that and pretend that they were telling the truth.

C.H. Truth said...

“I’m struggling to match my values to my employment here,” an employee wrote in a comment. (The employee’s name was redacted in a version seen by NBC News.) “I came here hoping to effect change and improve society, but all I’ve seen is atrophy and abdication of responsibility.”

Facebook is a forum where people post pictures of their kids and trips and shit. It's not a place where millions of people get to be told by Facebook employees what sort of politics they can and cannot discuss.

Someone comes to facebook to make social change?

That in and of itself is a fucking problem.

rrb said...

Someone comes to facebook to make social change?

That in and of itself is a fucking problem.

Facebook needs to be destroyed. If any one of those toddlers that works there thinks he/she possesses the power to facilitate social change on a grand scale, that's all the reason we should need to smash it into a trillion pieces.