Monday, October 25, 2021

Pelosi has an agreement on the reconciliation bill... well most of the agreement... and will most definitely, this time, have the votes by the end of the week.

Again! This time it's for sure... 90%

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that Democrats plan to reach an agreement on the spending bill and pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill this week. “Are you saying in the next week there will be an agreement on the social safety net bill and you will also vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill?” asked CNN host Jake Tapper on State of the Union. “That’s the plan,” Pelosi said. “I think we’re pretty much there now. It’s just the language of it. 90 percent of the bill is agreed to and written.”
Meanwhile, they did lose one of their House members, meaning they are down to two votes to spare in the House.
And at least for now, it looks like Pelosi’s down to two. In an open letter to Maine’s legislative leadership, Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) declared his opposition to the current form of the reconciliation package. For those paying attention to Joe Manchin’s objections, much of this will sound familiar, but in much greater detail than any previous public dissent:

Those in the know say that Golden might even have a little clout in this, meaning his defection (if they cannot iron out the details) could pull in other defectors from within that same wing of the Democrats. He is pointing out that most of the manner in which Democrats claim to be able to pay for all of this is through "gimmicks" and other mirage accounting tricks. This bill will ultimately cost Americans much more than they are pretending.

But I think that ultimately Pelosi relies on the fact that elected Democrats are generally not actually very tied to their principles and are likely to cave in over calls for partisanship. "Pass the bill (even though you object) or Democrats and Biden will look like crap". That seems to be the only real argument being put forward by the dealmakers at this point.

Whether everyone decides to cave in on their principles remains to be seen. It would certainly appear that many heels are dug in here pretty deep. It will take a lot of caving from a lot of people to get to the elusive end result. An end result that will be very bad for the country, while Democrats are hoping it makes them look like less of a bunch of losers than they do right now.


rrb said...

Peloshee is still playing games. If she had the votes an emergency session would've been called and a vote held.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The only principles worthy of being upheld are those that recognize that the middle class of America should not continue to allow the wealthiest among us to keep the middle class from being able to attain the kind of progressive opportunities it has enjoyed in the past.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The former President Trump may have committed crimes. He has to be the President to avoid prosecution.

Trump called Willard Hotel 'war room' as allies plotted coup on 'eerie' night before Capitol riot: author

Travis Gettys

October 25, 2021

Donald Trump called into the "war room" set up at the Willard Hotel as some of his chief allies coordinated efforts to block the certification of Joe Biden's election win, according to a reporter who was present.

Washington Post reporter Robert Costa, co-author of the book "Peril" with his colleague Bob Woodward, was outside the hotel on Jan. 5 as Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon and others gathered inside ahead of the "Save America" rally, and only now does he recognize the significance of what happened at that time.

"To this day I wish I had banged a little harder on that door, because it was a freezing cold night," Costa told MSNBC's "Morning Joe." "I was roaming around, and it was -- I still remember we talked about it as we were writing it because we didn't know. When you write a book, it takes months to understand the context of what's happening, what actually happened. But that night was eerie."

"We didn't know at the time that Trump's over at the White House, pounding into [vice president Mike] Pence in the one-on-one Oval Office meeting, and then after it doesn't go well for Trump, he calls into the Willard War room, and this is the key thing we found for 'Peril,'" Costa added. "It's not just a Willard war room happening in an isolated way across the street. The president is calling in, Trump's calling in. He's coordinating this effort to speak for Pence. Remember, late at night as you detailed earlier, Trump's issuing a statement saying Pence agrees with me. He's effectively taking over the vice presidency, at least in terms of the public message. This is all just hours before the insurrection."

Woodward said, based on the evidence they're already gathered, that Trump and his allies appear to have committed at least one crime.

"We talked recently with a Republican, former Republican head of the criminal division in the Justice Department, who said there is a lay-down case just in what we know," Woodward said. "It's 18 U.S. Code, section 371. I'm sorry this sounds technical, but it is. It's a law that says it's a crime to defraud the government in any deceptive way, and that's exactly what they did here."

James's Fucking Daddy said...

"It's 18 U.S. Code, section 371. I'm sorry this sounds technical, but it is. It's a law that says it's a crime to defraud the government in any deceptive way, and that's exactly what they did here."

WOW are Biden and Hunter in trouble


James's Fucking Daddy said...

* Joe and Hunter

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

This is a dramatic change.

Now here’s the critical question -- how long would this take? The parliamentarians don’t give a time limit, but Senate insiders estimate it could be completed in as little as two weeks.

Democrats raise objections to this estimate. Vote-a-ramas have no time limit, they point out, so there’s no guarantee how long this will take. Democrats also note that if amendments were passed by the Senate during the second vote-a-rama, it would force the House to vote on the measure again. 

And they reject the whole approach on the grounds that -- as we said before -- it’s hypocritical for McConnell to force them to do this since Democrats agreed to raise the debt limit under former President Donald Trump, despite their opposition to the 2017 GOP tax cut, which added trillions to the national debt.

“Going through the long, convoluted, difficult reconciliation process with debt limit is very, very risky,” Schumer said last week after he met with Senate Democrats. “We’re not pursuing that.”

But as we also noted above, there’s only two weeks until the “X date” set by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for raising the debt limit. If there’s no movement by the end of this week -- and the House isn’t scheduled to be back in town until Oct. 19 -- then financial markets are likely to start getting seriously rattled. Many Democrats believe that McConnell will come under pressure to find some compromise at some point. Yet that’s not where the Senate Republican Conference is. McConnell doesn’t have as much freedom to operate here as many Democrats believe; some of his Republicans are much more hard-core on this.

So Washington goes from infrastructure-reconciliation drama to debt-limit drama. Except this act is much more perilous than the previous one.

Biden will speak about the debt limit this morning at 11:15 a.m. in the State Dining Room.

This might reverse the top down of system that started in the late 70s.

Increased wages will lessen the problem with temporary inflation rates as predicted by the middle of next year.

If it passes the Democrats might keep the majority's in both houses.

The President is going to travel across the country in the next week.

Halloween night might be a transitional day!

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Republicans said the tax cuts will ultimately cost Americans much less than they are predicted by the former President Trump.

rrb said...

Back in June, red states held the top 13 slots in terms of jobs recovered. Today, they have the top 14 and 17 of the top 20.

Two of those states — Idaho and Utah — have more jobs today than when the China Virus hit, while two Democrat-run states — Louisiana and Hawaii — have failed to recover even half of the jobs they lost during the pandemic.

Perhaps most remarkable, though, is the case of red-and-getting-redder Florida, which is the nation's third-most populous state and has the nation's largest percentage of folks 65-plus. As our Mark Alexander writes: "Despite all the politically motivated media obsession with rising COVID cases in Florida in August, an excuse to criticize Gov. Ron DeSantis, his critics have now disappeared. No doubt due to increased rates of herd immunity, new cases have been declining for eight weeks, and are now at the lowest level since June. Currently, there are only two states with lower per capita infection rates than Florida."

Think about that: Florida, our eighth-most densely populated state, is 48th in terms of COVID-19 infection rates. Credit Ron DeSantis for doing his homework and heeding the actual sciences of herd immunity and natural immunity, as opposed to the state-sponsored sciences of masking and mandatory vaccination.

When it comes to "the economy, stupid," elections do indeed have consequences. And as the researchers at point out, those consequences will soon be borne out in two gubernatorial elections in reliably blue states: New Jersey and Virginia. These two states rank 39th and 41st, respectively, in terms of economic recovery. In addition, under outgoing Democrat Governor Ralph Northam, Virginia ranks 49th for the best state to start a business, and New Jersey ranks 47th.

Of course, it doesn't have to be that way. Choose wisely on November 2, folks.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

§ 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "[i]f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose.Jan 21, 2020 › archives
923. 18 USC § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States | JM

Trump and Giuliani

The President has executive exception

rrb said...

Anonymous The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Republicans said the tax cuts will ultimately cost Americans much less than they are predicted by the former President Trump.

Tax cuts cost us ZERO alky. Always and forever. ZERO.

SPENDING is what costs us money. Not being allowed to keep more of what we earn.

Your premise requires a person to believe that ALL money belongs to the government and they let us keep what they allow us to keep. And that's an utter falsehood.

No tax cut that I've ever enjoyed has cost me one thin dime, alky.

Not one.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The taxes on the exception billionaires may get her support.

Many Arizona Democrats accepted political reality when Sinema ran for her seat as a moderate in 2018, Gallego said, but have been disappointed in her intransigence.

"We always thought in the end, when push came to shove, given the situation such as this where her vote would be transformational in terms of changing millions of people’s lives, that she would make the right call and the fact is she’s not making the right call," Gallego said in an interview.,
"Now she’s negotiating in secret and not talking to her constituents."

Gallego, a Harvard graduate and Marine Corps veteran, added that he is "not focusing on anything related to 2024."

Biden, who campaigned on bipartisanship in 2020 and often found himself among the swing votes as a senator, has taken a different tack toward Sinema than many of his Democratic allies. While she has been portrayed as enigmatic and corrupt, Biden called Sinema "smart as the devil" at a CNN town hall last week, even as he laid out positions she has been reluctant to make public.

He said he is trying to figure out how to collect enough money to pay for as much of his agenda as he can given Sinema's refusal to "raise a single penny" through individual and corporate income taxes. He met with Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, Sunday, but Sinema did not attend the breakfast.

In an interview with MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart Sunday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., outlined how she is working with Sinema to find ways to tax the wealthy without raising income tax rates on individuals and corporations.

"The axis that I’ve been arguing for for a long time now is to say we need a tax on the billionaires, we need a tax on the billionaire corporations that haven’t been paying taxes, and we need to enable the IRS to go after the billionaire tax cheats," Warren said, referring to a tax on individual wealth rather than income, international tax rules and federal enforcement of existing taxes. "Those three things are how we can form the core of the revenues we need to be able to do the things we need to do for the American people," she said.

The challenge for Democratic leaders is not that Sinema is enigmatic or erratic, it's that she is holding firm to positions they don't agree with.

But if they can pass Biden's plan in some form, it will not be in spite of Sinema. They have to do it with her

They will get it done.

Commonsense said...

Tax cuts, especially on corporations and the wealthy actually brings more revenue into the Treasury. The reasons are twofold.

Tax Cuts stimulate economic growth which in turn brings more money into the treasury.

It is more cost effective to pay the tax rather than engage in tax avoidance activity. Which in turn brings more money to the treasury.

Instead liberals bring out that tired old "tax the rich trope" but I don't think anyone is listening.

rrb said...

Just shoot these fucking activists. Then let the traffic turn them into road pizza.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

This story reported that the former President Trump created the largest deficit increase in recent history.

Commonsense said...

Janet Yellen wants to tax unrealized capital gains and net worth.

In effect she's confiscating your property and will destroy every Americans nest-egg.

rrb said...

Instead liberals bring out that tired old "tax the rich trope" but I don't think anyone is listening.

Their base is listening because their base actually believes the myth.

Seize ALL the wealth of the top 1%. You don't pay for 6 months of government.

Only an imbecile believe otherwise.

Commonsense said...

This story reported that the former President Trump created the largest deficit increase in recent history.

With pandemic assistants spending not tax cuts. I didn't here you bitch when you got your Trump check.

Commonsense said...

Only an imbecile believe otherwise.

Then they're all imbeciles.

rrb said...

It seems like the only place left leftists have to fund their Build Back Better idiocy is our retirement savings. So here they come for it...

‘Absolute power-mad lunatic’: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says zero-dollar #BuildBackBetter would be funded by stealing money you don’t even have [video]

rrb said...

Today would be a beautiful day for Alec Baldwin to commit suicide.

Commonsense said...

Absolute power-mad lunatic’: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says zero-dollar #BuildBackBetter would be funded by stealing money you don’t even have [video]

These people are evil.

The only saving grace is to watch James' nest-egg get taken away from him by the very same people he help get elected.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As of today, October 25th, 2021, I have been sober for nine years and four months!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The picture was taken in 1967.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is speaking right now and is not Sleepy Joe like you liars say because you have been gaslighted by...

Anonymous said...

Today would be a beautiful day for Alec Baldwin to commit suicide.

or rather, the person who handed the actor a real loaded pistol

Anonymous said...

Janet Yellen wants to tax unrealized capital gains and net worth.


Anonymous said...


In an interview with MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart Sunday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., outlined how she is working with Sinema to find ways to tax the wealthy without raising income tax rates on individuals and corporations.

"The axis that I’ve been arguing for for a long time now is to say we need a tax on the billionaires, we need a tax on the billionaire corporations that haven’t been paying taxes, and we need to enable the IRS to go after the billionaire tax cheats," Warren said, referring to a tax on individual wealth rather than income, international tax rules and federal enforcement of existing taxes. "Those three things are how we can form the core of the revenues we need to be able to do the things we need to do for the American people," she said.

The challenge for Democratic leaders is not that Sinema is enigmatic or erratic, it's that she is holding firm to positions they don't agree with.

But if they can pass Biden's plan in some form, it will not be in spite of Sinema. They have to do it with her

They will get it done.