Friday, October 15, 2021

Rogan right - CNN lied!

Joe Rogan gets CNN’s chief medical correspondent to admit CNN lied about ivermectin
CNN claimed this year that talk show host Joe Rogan injected himself with horse dewormer after he contracted the coronavirus. It was a lie. Not a misstatement or an exaggeration, but an outright lie. Rogan did no such thing. Rather, he took the human version of ivermectin, as prescribed by his doctor.
This week, Rogan had a chance to confront CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta over the cable network’s dishonest reporting. Gupta admitted eventually in the interview that, yeah, CNN clearly said things that were not true. “Don't you think a lie like that is dangerous on a news network when you know that they know they're lying?” Rogan asked his guest. “You know that they know that I took medicine.”
Gupta then attempted to change the subject, but Rogan wouldn’t allow it. He was determined to make the CNN host answer for his network’s reporting. “Does it bother you that the news network you work for out and out lied, just outright lied about me taking horse dewormer?” he asked. Gupta conceded, “They shouldn't have said that. Why did they do that? I don't know.”

This is a problem. Quite literally MILLIONS of people have taken Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin across the globe and 99% of them have had it prescribed by their medical doctors, just as Joe Rogan did. 

But idiots in the media are trying to convince the idiots that watch them that somehow any and all known treatments to Covid is akin to a medicine man or witch doctor selling home brews to gullible patrons. 

More to the point, CNN put so called medical experts on their network who knowingly lied for no other reason than to prove some sort of political point? But perhaps if people who watched CNN were a little bit brighter they wouldn't fall for it. But alas, people who watch CNN are not smart enough. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have been gaslighted

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Far more important is the Republicans in Texas are demanding that the holocaust be seen from a different perspective.

SOUTHLAKE, Texas — A top administrator with the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake advised teachers last week that if they have a book about the Holocaust in their classroom, they should also offer students access to a book from an “opposing” perspective.

What is a opposing the fact that the Germans under Adolf Hitler's murder of six million Jews?

They are saying that CRT is a communist strategy. This is very disturbing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

Columbia University hosts a lecture by noted and renowned Holocaust denier Mach-Mood Immadinnerjacket, and the left erupts in joyous celebration, sniffing his throne and gargling his balls.

Let a TX school district set an ambiguous policy and ho-lee fucking sheet, the world is coming to an end.

So much leftist hackery, so little time.


rrb said...

Apparently this is a subject that demands to be changed because the LYING by XiNN was so 'over the fucking top' obvious.

Goop-tah couldn't even defend the behavior of his fellow liars.

Myballs said...

Speaking of gaslighting, on the other board, Roger is actually trying to claim that next year's election will be about Trump and not Biden. Lol. So desperate.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Good, decent pastor Jim said...

CH tows the party line:

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are great
and Trump won the election.

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

Speaking of gaslighting, on the other board, Roger is actually trying to claim that next year's election will be about Trump and not Biden. Lol. So desperate.

That's because Trump fucking OWNS the left.

Terry McAuliffe has done NOTHING but reference Trump through his entire run for governor.

It's hilarious.

Good ole truth telling pastor James said...

The WSJ is scared to death Trump will defeat a GOP that does not insist that he won the election.

Myballs said...

Our shipping ports and airports are all in chaos, and Mayor Pete sits at home for two months. Marsha Blackburn just told him to get his ass back to work or leave the Department of transportation.

Myballs said...

Biden's court packing commission yesterday told him to forget it, that it's a dumb idea. So naturally the big tv networks blacked out the report after trumpeting the idea mobths ago.

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

Our shipping ports and airports are all in chaos, and Mayor Pete sits at home for two months. Marsha Blackburn just told him to get his ass back to work or leave the Department of transportation.

I disagree. Mary Pete Buttplug is an idiot who would do for transportation what he did for South Bend - destroy it.

Let him stay on maternity leave to focus on destroying the lives of the children he and his partner in sodomy just acquired.

Poor kids.

Myballs said...

Mr sulu bitter as he'll because 90 year old Shatner got to go into space. Typical liberal.

Pastor James said...

Southern Baptist leader resigns amid abuse review division
Associated Press

A top Southern Baptist Convention administrator is resigning after weeks of internal division over how best to handle an investigation into the denomination’s response to sexual abuse reports.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A top Southern Baptist Convention administrator is resigning after weeks of internal division over how best to handle an investigation into the denomination’s response to sexual abuse reports.

Ronnie Floyd, president and CEO of the SBC’s Executive Committee, announced his departure Thursday in a statement critical of recent decisions related to the third-party review that is getting underway. He said he will leave the post at the end of the month.

“Due to my personal integrity and the leadership responsibility entrusted to me, I will not and cannot any longer fulfill the duties placed upon me as the leader of the executive, fiscal, and fiduciary entity of the SBC,” Floyd said.

An investigative firm funded by the Executive Committee is conducting the review of allegations that the committee mishandled abuse reports and mistreated survivors. Following multiple meetings and mounting pressure from across the convention, a divided Executive Committee voted Oct. 5 to waive its attorney-client privilege for the probe, agreeing to turn over legally protected records to investigators.

Supporters of the waiver said it fulfilled a key demand of thousands of Southern Baptist delegates who set the third-party review into motion. Opponents said it could jeopardize the convention’s insurance policies and was financially risky.

In his statement, Floyd said the Executive Committee has been committed to the review, but it could have been done “without creating these potential risks relating to the Convention’s liability.”

For years, the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. has been grappling with a sex abuse scandal. It came under heightened scrutiny following a 2019 report by the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News, documenting hundreds of cases of abuse in Southern Baptist churches, including several in which alleged perpetrators remained in ministry.

So it's not just the Catholics.

C.H. Truth said...

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are great
and Trump won the election.

Boy... some people cannot seem to get the bad orange man out of their head.

But as for Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin... even the United States medical community has quietly admitted that it works and has now rated Hydroxychloroquine favorably (as in it causes no harm and has proven to work for Covid) and rated Ivermectin as neutral (as in it causes no harm and they believe it might be helping for Covid).

So at this point in time...


But you think you are listening to science because some CNN personality says so.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger now believes that the ENTIRE WORLDWIDE MEDICAL COMMUNITY and millions around the world who have taken these drugs...

have been gaslighted by Donald Trump and Joe Rogan into believing that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective drugs to take to treat Covid.

I am curious, Roger. Who (other than CNN) are you still listening to?

Anonymous said...

Roger said, $1.2 Trillion buys 😂The Republicans oppose the infrastructure bill because millions more people will have good playing jobs and again defined benefit pensions and medical insurance.😅
Remember the BIG LIE is that this money is spread over 10 years.
$1.2 ÷ 10 = $120,000,000,000,,, divided by 10 million jobs = $12,000

$12,000 a year per job.
You knew that Roger?

Anonymous said...

No one can find Biden's "Transitory Inflation"


A full blown Dumpster Fire 🔥
"US wholesale prices rose record 8.6% over 12 months" cite: AP

🤣Transitory Inflation 😂

"On Wednesday, the government reported that inflation at the retail level rose 0.4% in September with its consumer price index up 5.4% over the past 12 months, matching the fastest pace since 2008"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted Friday to recommend a second Johnson & Johnson shot for emergency use authorization.

The vote in favor was unanimous, with panel members citing the need to supplement protection in people who were vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson shot.

The decision will now go to the FDA, which is expected to make a final ruling in the coming days. The FDA doesn’t have to follow the guidance of the advisory panel, called the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, although it usually does.

Authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s booster means that all of the available vaccines in the United States would have booster doses. Thursday, the same panel unanimously voted to recommend a Moderna booster for certain individuals. 

Full coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic

The Johnson & Johnson booster would be available for all of the nearly 15 million people ages 18 and up who received that vaccine. That’s a departure from the recommendations for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna boosters, which are limited to those aged 65 and up, aged 18 to 64 with either underlying health conditions, or whose job that puts them at high risk of exposure to Covid-19.  

The recommended timing is also different: The Johnson & Johnson booster was authorized for at least two months after the initial vaccination, versus six months later for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. 

The vote came two days after a highly anticipated study from the National Institutes of Health found that giving people who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine a booster shot of Moderna or Pfizer led to higher antibody levels than boosting with a second Johnson & Johnson dose. That data will be a topic of discussion at the committee meeting later Friday afternoon.

The Biden administration is helping millions from the covid-19 virus

Anonymous said...

Post of the Day.
rrbOctober 15, 2021 at 11:32 AM

Anonymous Myballs said...

Our shipping ports and airports are all in chaos, and Mayor Pete sits at home for two months. Marsha Blackburn just told him to get his ass back to work or leave the Department of transportation.

I disagree. Mary Pete Buttplug is an idiot who would do for transportation what he did for South Bend - destroy it.

Let him stay on maternity leave to focus on destroying the lives of the children he and his partner in sodomy just acquired.

Poor kids"

Anyone know why JamesNewLeaf stop posting, is he in Jail?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This story started when a woman who was a fucking joke was in front of the Supreme Court building.

And Trump tweeted tirade in favor with

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are great.

You actually believe that they are traitors who are evil Democratic leaders who wanted to destroy the Orange Monster.

Your addiction to conspiracy theories is incurable unless you admit your are addicted to conspiracy theories.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. stocks rose on Friday as better-than-expected third-quarter earnings reports set the three major indexes on track for a winning week.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained about 400 points, or 1.1%. The S&P 500 added 0.8% and the Nasdaq Composite rose 0.5%.

Capitalism has made them millions under Sleepy Joe Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

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September 29, 2021

Ivermectin, the New Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19


Many who do not accept the CDC’s evidence-based recommendations about vaccinations and face masks are turning to other ways to prevent and/or treat COVID infections.  Hydroxychloroquine was the first of these. Now it is ivermectin, a drug used to treat certain parasitic infections in the intestines, like pinworms and strongyloides. 

Like hydroxychloroquine, there are clinical studies assessing the effect of ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) infections. Also like hydroxychloroquine, none of the well-done trials have shown definitive proof that it is effective. However, poorly done studies show possible benefits, and anecdotal experience from providers and those who have taken ivermectin for COVID proclaim the benefits; although many of these testimonials are biased and could be due to the placebo effect.

The weak evidence showing a benefit for ivermectin and the 31 ongoing ivermectin studies are encouraging some to take ivermectin to prevent and/or treat their COVID infections. The politicians recommending ivermectin are also contributing to this unfounded use. It is interesting to note that these are the same individuals that deny the compelling evidence that vaccines and face masks work. For them, scientific evidence appears to only be valid when it supports their positions.

That’s the opposite of how science works. In fact, every scientific study begins with the assumption that what you are trying to prove (such as a drug effectively treating a disease) is not true. The purpose of the study is to collect enough evidence to show — with at least 95% accuracy — why you were wrong to think this (i.e., that the drug actually works).

On the positive side, unlike hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin has a good safety profile when used at recommended doses. However, ivermectin is more readily available since it is widely used to treat or prevent parasites in livestock, and unsupervised use can result in dangerously high doses. Mississippi recently reported that at least 70% of their recent Poison Control Centers calls were about possible ivermectin toxicity. Not surprising if people are taking doses meant for large animals, such as cows or horses. Ivermectin toxicity/overdose can cause rash, headache, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, neurologic disorders, and occasionally severe hepatitis.

There is all the misinformation on social media — predominantly from anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists — that has convinced many that the currently accepted measures are unsafe, ineffective, an intrusion on individual rights, or any number of other myths perpetuated on the internet (check back for upcoming blogs debunking misinformation surrounding the COVID vaccines).

C.H. Truth said...

A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted Friday to recommend a second Johnson & Johnson shot for emergency use authorization.

Cool! I own JNJ stock and it's up over $1.00 today!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Although the conflicting evidence and misinformation make the issue seem cloudy, there are five things that should clarify things and convince you to avoid ivermectin.

1. Ivermectin is neither approved by the Federal Drug Administration (outside of clinical trials) nor recommended by the National Institutes of Health, the World Health Organization, public health officials, and the majority of healthcare providers. 

2. The evidence of ivermectin’s effectiveness is not strong enough to support using it. In fact, carefully done research shows no benefit at all. Since so many studies are pending, the jury is still out and we need to wait for the verdict. Even with the good safety profile at recommended doses, taking ivermectin before it is certain it works is not worth the risk.

3. Unsupervised ivermectin use has become a major safety issue, especially those using agricultural products.

4. There are measures such as the COVID-19 vaccines that have been clearly shown to very effectively reduce the spread of COVID and prevent severe covid disease. In addition, they are longer lasting, safe, and available for free. 

5. There are better studied, more widely accepted, and effective COVID treatments such as remdesivir and COVID-19 specific monoclonal antibody treatments.

COVID-19 is and will remain a moving target, as evidenced by the Delta variant. Although it took a while for science to catch up to the pandemic, the currently recommended measures have the benefit of being scientifically sound, highly effective, and very safe. The addition of unproven and potentially dangerous medications like ivermectin can only make the situation worse and should be avoided.

The saddest aspect of the entire covid experience in this country, including ivermectin, is that it has become a political issue for too many people. The COVID-19 pandemic is a medical and public health issue pure and simple, and we need to begin treating it as such and trust the science.
The NeedyMeds website has a database of over 100 nationwide resources for those who have been impacted by COVID-19. For those looking for information on receiving a coronavirus vaccine, all adults and children over 12 years old can receive the vaccine free of charge. There may be options for children ages 12-18 to get vaccinated even if their parents don’t grant permission. Search online for your state’s requirements, area’s locations, and appointment availability.

There is all the misinformation on social media — predominantly from anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists — that has convinced many that the currently accepted measures are unsafe, ineffective, an intrusion on individual rights, or any number of other myths perpetuated on the internet (check back for upcoming blogs debunking misinformation surrounding the COVID vaccines).

Blogger disinformation has caused thousands of lives lost in history

History will show that you have been gaslighted by Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The politicians recommending ivermectin are also contributing to this unfounded use. It is interesting to note that these are the same individuals that deny the compelling evidence that vaccines and face masks work. For them, scientific evidence appears to only be valid when it supports their positions.

That’s the opposite of how science works. In fact, every scientific study begins with the assumption that what you are trying to prove (such as a drug effectively treating a disease) is not true. The purpose of the study is to collect enough evidence to show — with at least 95% accuracy — why you were wrong to think this (i.e., that the drug actually works.

C.H. Truth said...

Like hydroxychloroquine, there are clinical studies assessing the effect of ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) infections. Also like hydroxychloroquine, none of the well-done trials have shown definitive proof that it is effective. However, poorly done studies show possible benefits, and anecdotal experience from providers and those who have taken ivermectin for COVID proclaim the benefits; although many of these testimonials are biased and could be due to the placebo effect.

Well considering millions across the globe have used it and millions of doctors are prescribing it... I would say that is a good enough "case study" to continue to use it. Especially when pretty much none of our health experts can actually produce a negative reason to not use it.

The real social media fraud is when people suggest that legitimate doctors across the globe are prescribing "horse dewormer" as CNN suggested about Joe Rogan. The same Joe Rogan that got Covid, took Ivermectin based on his doctor's recommendation, and never got sicker than a bit of the sniffles.

But hey... you believe what you want to believe Roger!

Just like you still believe that the Bad Orange Man will destroy the planet.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

People are making billions with disinformation stories that you have been spreading false stories.



NETWORK OF RIGHT-WING HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS IS MAKING MILLIONS OFF HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AND IVERMECTIN, HACKED DATA REVEALSThe data also reveals that 72,000 people paid at least $6.7 million for Covid-19 consultations promoted by America’s Frontline Doctors and vaccine conspiracist Simone Gold.

Micah Lee

September 28 2021, 2:37 p.m.

Photo illustration: Soohee Cho/The Intercept, Getty Images

A NETWORK OF health care providers pocketed millions of dollars selling hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and online consultations, according to hacked data provided to The Intercept. The data show that vast sums of money are being extracted from people concerned about or suffering from Covid-19 but resistant to vaccinations or other recommendations of public health authorities.

America’s Frontline Doctors, a right-wing group founded last year to promote pro-Trump doctors during the coronavirus pandemic, is working in tandem with a small network of health care companies to sow distrust in the Covid-19 vaccine, dupe tens of thousands of people into seeking ineffective treatments for the disease, and then sell consultations and millions of dollars’ worth of those medications. The data indicate patients spent at least $15 million — and potentially much more — on consultations and medications combined.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Intercept has obtained hundreds of thousands of records from two companies, and Ravkoo, revealing just how the lucrative operation works. America’s Frontline Doctors, or AFLDS, has been spreading highly politicized misinformation about Covid-19 since the summer of 2020 and refers its many followers to its telemedicine partner, which uses Cadence Health as a platform. People who sign up then pay $90 for a phone consultation with “AFLDS-trained physicians” who prescribe treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to prevent and treat Covid-19. The drugs are delivered by Ravkoo, a service that works with local pharmacies to ship drugs to patients’ doors. Of course, that’s if patients ever get the consultation; many customers told Time they never received the call after paying.

The data from the Cadence Health and Ravkoo sites was provided to The Intercept by an anonymous hacker who said the sites were “hilariously easy” to hack, despite promises of patient privacy. It was corroborated by comparing it to publicly available information. The Intercept is not publishing any individual patient data and has taken steps to secure the data. After The Intercept reached out, Cadence Health’s Roque Espinal-Valdez said he shut the platform down, not wanting any part in profiting off of Covid-19 “quackery.”

RelatedDoctor Who Joined Capitol Attacks Leads a Far-Right Campaign Against Covid-19 Vaccine

America’s Frontline Doctors, which debuted in the summer of 2020, has close ties to a network of right-wing efforts to undermine public health during the pandemic, including the Tea Party Patriots. AFLDS’s founder, physician Simone Gold, was arrested and charged after the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6. She and other doctors have appeared in widely shared videos arguing that the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin — which are primarily used to treat malaria in humans and parasitic worms in livestock, respectively — are effective treatments for Covid-19, despite warnings from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention against using them.

The extremely partisan group also misleads people about Covid-19 vaccines, which they refer to as “experimental biological agents,” and against public health measures like vaccine mandates, masking, social distancing, and restrictions on businesses. In a video titled “The Truth About Covid-19 Vaccines,” which has received over 1.3 million views, Gold falsely argues that Covid-19 is not very deadly and that the vaccines are more dangerous than the virus itself. Over 690,000 Americans so far have died from the virus, and unvaccinated people now make up 99 percent of recent Covid-19 deaths.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott you are the person who got gaslighted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Since the information doesn't come from a right wing nutcase website it's not credible to you

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I used your comment

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective drugs to take to treat Covid.

To use the internet to find out what happened to you.

C.H. Truth said...

Gee Roger...

And how much money is Johnson and Johnson making off their Vaccine... especially now that we are looking at 6 month booster possibly FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES! How about Pfizer? Same thing.

You wonder why I own stock in these companies?

C.H. Truth said...

To use the internet to find out what happened to you.

let me guess... you used "google" to search with?

I did Bing and the first actual report came from the National Center for Biotechnology Information and they concluded

Based on all such evidence, we hypothesize that HCQ and ivermectin could act in a consequential and synergistic manner. Indeed, HCQ would behave as a first-level barrier by inhibiting the entry of the virus into the host cell, while ivermectin could reduce viral replication if the virus did get in, strengthening HCQ antiviral effects. HCQ is cheap to produce and safe if monitored properly. Ivermectin seems to be safe and well tolerated, with no serious drug-related adverse events.5 Moreover, the 2 drugs do not seem to have a between-drug interaction. However, no in vitro or in vivo studies have been conducted on the combined effect of HCQ and ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 infection. Ours is only a hypothesis and a suggestion, but if not now, when should researchers share ideas?

But does it really matter, Roger.

No matter how many millions of people worldwide who have been treated successfully with a variety of drugs for Covid... you will continue to make up excuses for why Americans who take them are wrong.

Our country makes up less than 4% of the world's population.

The other 96% of the world basically is totally on board with treating Covid.

But ask yourself, Roger...

Who really benefits from the Covid pandemic if the powers to be continue to dismiss any treatment that comes along. Hell, Biden even attempted to prevent Florida from buying the anti-body treatments that have also proven incredibly successful in treating Covid.

Who benefits when we do nothing about Covid when someone gets it other than letting the get as sick as they can, until they end up in a Hospital?

Why on earth would you advocate that?

And who really profits from that?

Anonymous said...

"Cool! I own JNJ stock and it's up over $1.00 today!"


My home depot is shinning

349.98 USD +6.11 (1.78%)today

Roger, what is in your stock portfolio😅

C.H. Truth said...

Most of my meme stocks (AMC, BB, BABA BGFV) are all up today too!

Then again, so is MSFT and V as well. I am seeing positive throughout my portfolio!

On the flipside... SNDL continues to be a pain in the ass, but I opened to sell some contracts out a ways, which I believe was just easy money in the bank!

Anonymous said...

Come on Roger, which stock.of yours is shinning.

Anonymous said...

Backtracking Biden.

To little to Late.

Brandon to reverse course and reinstate President Trump Border Policies.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I used your comment

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective drugs to take to treat Covid.

To use the internet to find out what happened to you.

Wtf happened to YOU, alky?

You've dug your heels in on this issue where every sane, rational person accepts the notion that the two drugs prescribed by a qualified licensed physician actually fucking HELP.

But because a couple of fags like Anderson Cooper and Don LeMon wish to lie and mock it, you, for some idiotic reason, agree.

Anonymous said...

RRB, we need to be nice to the not so greiving Roger .
He is so broke and broken he has missed the burials of two of his simblings.

Is he now the "youngest sibling"?