Monday, October 18, 2021

Secretary Powell passes from complications of Covid

Colin Powell, first Black secretary of state, dies at 84 from COVID-19 amid cancer battle
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell died Monday morning due to complications from COVID-19, his family announced, amid an ongoing battle with cancer. He was 84.
Powell, the first Black secretary of state and the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was fully vaccinated, his family said in a post on his Facebook page. But Powell had battled various other health ailments, and had been treated for multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that affects white blood cells and can severely compromise the immune system. His wife, Alma, also had a breakthrough case of COVID-19, but responded to treatment.

Not going to get too political here. Powell was an influential man regardless of what you though of him. I am sure there will be ongoing questions about this being a breakthrough case and whether or not someone battling cancer like this should show Covid on his death certificate. But either way. flags are at half-mast for the passing of Secretary Powell.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sad that Colin Powell died. Both he and his wife had breakthrough cases of Covid after being vaccinated, but she survived and he did not, probably due to his immune system having been weaked by cancer.

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

Chris Stigall

Herman Cain dies of COVID complications and he’s an unvaccinated, Trump supporting kook.

Colin Powell dies of COVID complications and he’s a double vaxxed, Never Trump nobleman.

Our media is beyond disgusting and dishonest.

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

Michael Malice

Corporate journalists are a bigger plague on America than Covid

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bannon Was a Frequent Guest of Jeffrey Epstein

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein’s New York mansion, Rolling Stone reports.

“Although Epstein’s reputation was badly damaged after he spent 13 months in a Florida jail for soliciting sex from a teen, the conviction didn’t stop the flow of wealthy and famous people who flocked to his $77 million Upper East Side mansion. Behind the 15-foot oak front doors, Epstein played host to old friends like Wall Street billionaire Leon Black, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and new ones like Steve Bannon.”

Trump Faces a Pile Up of Civil Lawsuits

NBC News: “At least 10 civil cases are pending against Trump, whose ability to delay them has been curtailed since he left office in January. Trump had argued in some of the cases that as a sitting president he was immune from civil lawsuits. His office didn’t respond to a request for comment on the cases.”

Biden to Visit Scranton to Sell His Agenda

President Biden is heading to his childhood hometown of Scranton to promote his expansive legislative agenda, the Scranton Times-Tribune reports.

Pelosi and Biden Seek to Wrap Up Negotiations

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden spoke by phone last Tuesday and zeroed in on a strategy for their party’s sweeping economic package, deciding that the time has come to wrap up negotiations — a sign of Democrats’ growing restiveness at a critical moment for their domestic agenda,” CNN reports.

Meanwhile, CBS News reports Rep, Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) met with Biden at the White House this morning.

Mark Warner Urges Infrastructure Vote Soon
October 18, 2021 at 1:18 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 92 Comments

“Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) has started urging his colleagues to support a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill in the coming days — even if the Build Back Better bill isn’t ready yet,” Politico reports.

“The Virginia Democrat, a Terry McAuliffe ally who recently started making the case in the media for such a move, spoke with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) about this idea over the weekend.”

Sanders and Manchin May Meet One-on-One

“Talks are underway for Bernie Sanders and Joe Manchin to meet one-on-one after a week of escalating sparring between the two influential members of the Democratic caucus,” Politico reports.

“Democrats need both Manchin and Sanders to support anything that passes the evenly split Senate, so any olive branch would be helpful to the party at this point.“


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Colin Powell: Bill Clinton ‘still d—ing bimbos (according to the NYP)’

“A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still d–kng bimbos at home (according to the NYP),” reads the explosive e-mail obtained by the Web site DCLeaks. Hillary is actually 68.

Powell sent the message just days after The Post revealed in May that Bill Clinton allegedly has a blond mistress who visits his Chappaqua home so often, she was dubbed “the Energizer” by the Secret Service.

The story referenced Ronald Kess­ler’s book “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,” which named Clinton’s Chappaqua neighbor Julie Tauber McMahon as the other woman.

Asked about the e-mail’s authenticity, Powell told The Post, “Jeez, don’t remember this one. Best to ignore, don’t you think?”

Of course the Clintons got frequent flyer miles for Bill's trips to Epstein Island

And had his portrait hung wearing his famous blue dress


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My own Doctor Chang said that even though I have been vaccinated three times, that I could still get infected with the covid-19 was the Delta variance.

His cancer treatment weakened his immune system. his immune system. The odds are that the covid-19 virus was the primary cause of death.

Because of his age, the death is probably a side effect of the covid-19 virus.

The same thing happened to my brother Ron who was the same age.

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

* "honest" pastor james's fucking daddy

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

Abe Greenwald

New York now has more than double Florida’s rate of new COVID cases per 100,000.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Victor David "Frankenstein" Not Frankensteen Mel Brooks

Believes that our troops are being treated like sheep. And when those who would not participate in the military coup if Trump is elected again in 2024.

Victory or What? 

Four, these types of politicization and violation of a variety of laws do come at a price, either in distracting the military command from its primary mission of defeating the enemy and securing victory in American conflicts or contextualizing such failure through embrace of social activism. 

Since the Korean War, and with the exception of the first Gulf War, the military’s record has not been especially stellar, given a chronic inability to achieve a military victory in a cost-benefit sense acceptable to the American people: optional interventions in Lebanon, Somalia, and Libya, the defeat in and retreat from the Afghanistan war, and strategic stalemate and withdrawal from Iraq. 

Many of these setbacks were due to political loss of will, but the military might have prevented such fickle and fluid civilian policies had it been able to present a strategy for victory, one that justified to the American people the resulting costs in blood and treasure. 

The above pessimistic appraisal is not mine nor conservatives. It is now likely the consensus of our enemies from Afghanistan to Russia to Iran and other parts of the Middle East to North Korea. Our enemies hope that the once most powerful military in the history of civilization is going through a sort of people’s liberation army internal revolution, one in which ideological purity, not battlefield competence, is deemed the better measurement of today’s high-ranking officer corps. 

How strange that in the midst of a humiliating defeat and withdrawal from Afghanistan our military still assured us that culturally sensitive food was awaiting refugees upon landing in the United States—a group, we were told, flown out with acceptable gender ratios and unvaccinated, but shepherded by soldiers who will shortly be discharged if they likewise remain unvaccinated. 

Commonsense said...

When ask about China's hypersonic missiles test Jan Psaki said "We welcome stiff competition." What the fuck? In war you want overwhelming superiority. So much so that you adversary would think twice before taking any aggressive action. Like occupying Taiwan.

One of the worst foreign policy blunders Carter made was the one China Act. Declaring China one nation and Taiwan is part of China and giving the Chinese Communist China's permanent seat on the security council.

Commonsense said...

Bannon Was a Frequent Guest of Jeffrey Epstein

So was Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Prince Andrew, Anna Wintor. So what is your point.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You believe that they would not show the cause of death by cancer instead of covid-19 sides effects, in order to sustain their oppression to Republicans.

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

Jason D. Meister

Florida currently has the lowest per capita COVID cases among the contiguous 48 states.

I expect wall to wall coverage giving @GovRonDeSantis credit for crushing the virus despite not implementing vaccine passports and mask mandates.

rrb said...

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon was a frequent visitor to Jeffrey Epstein’s New York mansion, Rolling Stone reports.

Ah yes, the Rolling Stone of UVA "rape" fame.

And I think they recently pulled another huge boner with a fake story.

So yes, go with the RS story, pederast.

As a know prolific liar around here that is right up your alley.

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...


NOW - Crowd chants "Arrest Bill Gates" outside Downing Street in London before a dinner discussing "Global Britain" with Boris Johnson and others.


Another Epstein "friend"

and Fauci

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

My own Doctor Chang said that even though I have been vaccinated three times, that I could still get infected with the covid-19 was the Delta variance.

And as Powell dies from complications due to Covid because of his multiple myeloma, you still advocate for vax mandates.

That's idiocy on stilts.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
You believe that they would not show the cause of death by cancer instead of covid-19 sides effects, in order to sustain

I believe they understated the cancer as a cause of death. If there wasn't a cancer there would not have been immunosuppressive therapy and the vaccine would have been more effective and the COVID symptoms would never have been severe enough to kill him.

I'm surprised they didn't use monochrome antibody therapy or at least the didn't say.

rrb said...

Colin Powell will not be endorsing any more Democrats.

He will, of course, continue voting for them.


"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

Julie Kelly

A 40-minute clip released under strenuous objection from Biden DOJ and USCP shows Capitol Police allowing hundreds of protesters to enter the building on January 6. This happened right after chambers were evacuated. My report here:

I just got off the phone with a woman charged with misdemeanors for J6. She’s sobbing bc this video exonerates so many defendants whose lives have been RUINED by this corrupt, vengeful, soulless Justice Department. Many inside for less than 10-15 minutes.

Release ALL the tapes

rrb said...

What strikes me about the Powell story is that the media has been, for months, reporting on unvaccinated Covid deaths with glee.

Earlier I heard a story on the radio on the comments Cum-Allah made on Powell's death. A reporter asked what she thought of Powell dying DESPITE being vaccinated and that reporter was shut down instantly.

Must. Protect. The. Narrative.

"honest" pastor james's fucking daddy said...

2 minute of the 14,000 video hours yet to be released

The Columbia Bugle

Release every single person in this video immediately.


What Nancy and the Biden DOJ has perpetuated concerning 1/6 is criminal

No wonder they fight tooth and nail for the truth not to come out

rrb said...

Blogger Commonsense said...

When ask about China's hypersonic missiles test Jan Psaki said "We welcome stiff competition." What the fuck? In war you want overwhelming superiority. So much so that you adversary would think twice before taking any aggressive action. Like occupying Taiwan.


The people in charge are the very dumbest fucks we could have possibly installed. Everything they've touched so far has turned to complete shit, and China salivates at the thought of doing whatever they want whenever and wherever they want, without serious reprisal.

Ironically it was The Colon of the Powell who helped enable this shit, and he didn't live to see the fruits of his labor.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Blogger Truth telling James said...
Another Right-Wing Radio Host Has Covid-19

Conservative radio host Dennis Prager announced that he has Covid-19 while he ranted against vaccines.

Said Prager: “It is infinitely preferable to have natural immunity than vaccine immunity and that is what I have hoped for the entire time. Hence, so, I have engaged with strangers, constantly hugging them, taking photos with them knowing that I was making myself very susceptible to getting Covid. Which is, indeed, as bizarre as it sounded, what I wanted.”

Prager also said he “has been taking hydroxychloroquine from the beginning.”

I have not been hugging everyone or engaging with strangers of taking photos with them and have not been taking hydroxycloriquine(?) and I have been wearing masks in public places and I have not gotten Covid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Just when we thought Republicans couldn't get any more backward or obtuse, we see this:

School Makes Vaccinated Students Stay Home

“A Miami school that made headlines for saying it would penalize teachers who got the Covid-19 vaccine is now requiring students who get vaccinated to remain home for 30 days after each dose,” WSVN reports.

Historians will have a field day with that sort of thing.

rrb said...

I have not been hugging everyone or engaging with strangers of taking photos with them and have not been taking hydroxycloriquine(?) and I have been wearing masks in public places and I have not gotten Covid.

You also have not been minding your own fucking business, and for a supposed 'pastor' you take particular glee when someone you consider to be a political enemy contracts Covid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I feel strongly vindicated when someone who does not believe in the America I believe in behaves so stupidly that it is crystal clear to everyone they have ideological screws loose and rattling around in in their heads.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I also feel strongly vindicated by Trump's desperate erractic behavior.

Trump Sues House Select Committee

“Donald Trump is suing the Jan. 6 select committee and the National Archives to block the release of his White House’s records related to the Capitol attack,” Politico reports.

Trump Testified for More Than Four Hours

“Former President Donald Trump answered questions under oath for about 4 1/2 hours Monday as part of a lawsuit brought by men alleging they were assaulted by his security during a demonstration outside Trump Tower in 2015,” CNN reports.

So how many lies did he rack up?

rrb said...

Blogger Truth telling James said...
I feel strongly vindicated when someone who does not believe in the America I believe in behaves so stupidly that it is crystal clear to everyone they have ideological screws loose and rattling around in in their heads.

Tolerance. When someone does not believe in the America YOU believe in. Spoken like a true phony 'pastor.'

YOU would've given up Anne frank in 1944.

I just hope you die before you violate another child.

Piece of shit.

anonymous said...

case and whether or not someone battling cancer like this should show Covid on his death certificate.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Sad how the stupidity pandemic has affected what is remaining of your brain, Lil Schitty!!!!!! It sure did not take long for you to politicize his passing like the good little dumb fuck you have become!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

RRB is and even bigger liar than Trump and in that last statement we could all hear the loose ideological screws rattling in his head.

Anne Frank has long been one of my most beloved heroes. And I have never, ever violated a child, and he knows it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

an even bigger

The smartest blogger in the world said...

If the Reverend can change his moniker, then so can the rest of us. To something just as honest.

the smartest poster on the blog said...

Nicholas Wu

Some updates here, per sources:
- Progressives have their meeting at 2:00 - CPC chair Jayapal among the members going
- Moderates have their meeting at about 4:30 - New Dems chair DelBene among ppl going…

David Popp

Democrats are in so much disarray right now they can't even meet as one party, in one room, at the same time with the president.

Are these new moniker standards a Biden EO ?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not getting vaccinated, is akin to someone coming to a traffic light and driving through the red light. Yes, they assume a certain degree of risk to themselves, but they put others at risk.

Too bad we can't write a ticket for refusing immunization. Like running a red light.

the smartest poster on the blog said...

Josh Kraushaar

Asked Youngkin abt his reax to McAuliffe calling critical race theory a “racist dog whistle”:

“I’m not going to be lectured by a guy on race who literally called for Gov. Northam’s resignation for blackface & then turned around and accepted his endorsement & campaigns with him”

racism is actually OK for dems

It's been in their party from the start

Anonymous said...

I met General Powell in person at the Commemoration of the Buffalo Soldiers Statute on Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

the smartest poster on the blog said...

The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week
By Thomas T. Siler, M.D.

There is a massive propaganda push against those choosing not to vaccinate against COVID-19 with the experimental mRNA vaccines. Mainstream media, the big tech corporations, and our government have combined efforts to reward compliance and to shame and marginalize non-compliance. Their mantra says that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Persons who choose not to vaccinate are characterized as unintelligent, selfish, paranoid people who don’t read much and live in a trailer park in Florida (or Alabama, or Texas, or name your state). Never has there been such an effort to cajole, manipulate through fear, and penalize people to take an experimental medical treatment.

However, as time has passed with this pandemic and more data accumulates about the virus and the vaccine, the unvaccinated are looking smarter and smarter with each passing week. It has been shown now that the vaccinated equally catch and spread the virus. Vaccine side effect data continues to accumulate that make the risk of taking the vaccine prohibitive as the pandemic wanes. Oral and IV medications ( that work early in the treatment of COVID-19 are much more attractive to take now as the vaccine risks are becoming known, especially because the vaccinated will need endless boosters every six months.

the smartest poster on the blog said...

Jack Murphy ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ⚔️


Joe Rogan hammering Gupta on the issue most important to me and my son.

Thank you Joe.

(not Joe Biden)

Anonymous said...

General Powell Died of Covid 19.

He did everything right.

"Roger AmickOctober 18, 2021 at 2:36 PM

"My own Doctor Chang said that even though I have been vaccinated three times" like the live if fear Coward Roger.

Yet, General Powell died.

Again, so get those shots, wear those masks and obey the Government.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott didn't do this like kputz just said.

It didn’t take long after the death of Colin L. Powell for the conservative media to set off a debate over vaccinations, mandates and disinformation.

Some conservatives, seizing on the fact that Mr. Powell’s family said he was vaccinated, claimed that his death from complications of Covid-19 illustrated why vaccine hesitancy remained pervasive — overlooking the fact that Mr. Powell, who was 84, had serious underlying medical conditions that made him more vulnerable to the disease.

Bernard Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner, said in an interview with Newsmax that he had received multiple messages on social media from people who cited Mr. Powell’s death as an example of why they remained skeptical about getting the shot. “‘They’re forcing me to take a vaccination that doesn’t really stop Covid,’” Mr. Kerik said, describing the messages he had received.

A Fox News anchor posted and then quickly deleted a comment on Twitter that Mr. Powell’s death “raises new concerns” about the long-term efficacy of Covid vaccines, drawing criticism from those who pointed out that Mr. Powell’s immune system had been weakened by multiple myeloma, a rare blood cancer that also makes vaccines less effective. He had to postpone getting a booster shot last week because he got sick, a spokeswoman said.

Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican and an ally of former President Donald J. Trump who has opposed vaccine mandates and mocked people for taking precautions like wearing masks, responded sarcastically to the death of Mr. Powell, a former secretary of state and a four-star general.

“Post-vaccine breakthrough infection kills more people than Iraq’s WMD’s ever did,” Mr. Gaetz said in a tweet, making a crude reference to the role Mr. Powell played in selling the invasion of Iraq by citing faulty evidence that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Other conservatives criticized news coverage that focused on the fact that Mr. Powell had been vaccinated, arguing that framing his death that way was stoking anxiety that could lead more people to fear resuming their pre-pandemic lives.

Rich Galen, a veteran Republican consultant, urged people to consider Mr. Powell’s death in context. “As to the passing of GEN Colin Powell of COVID complications despite having been vaccinated: It is important to remember that perfection is a religious, not a scientific (nor a political) concept,” Mr. Galen wrote on Twitter.

— Jeremy W. Peters

Anonymous said...

Cowardly Queen Roger.

Live in fear as you have your entire worthless life.

General Powell died of Covid 19.
HE did everything right.

Yet the Science failed him.

He is the poster child of obey the US Government and live, err, die.

Anonymous said...

Cowardly Queen Roger.

๐Ÿ˜†Three Shots"๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท

Live in constant fear, you have your entire life.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fox’s Will Cain Raises Questions About Vax Efficacy After Colin Powell’s Death, Insists He’s Not ‘Leading’ People to Vaccine Hesitancy

‘I Am a Reluctant Warrior’: Bob Woodward Shares Audio from Recent Colin Powell Interview

BREAKING: Trump Files Lawsuit Against January 6 Committee to Block Document Request

Ed Orgeron Reportedly Hit on Pregnant Wife of LSU Official

Billy Porter Slams Vogue for Cover of Harry Styles in a Dress: ‘I Changed the Whole Game’ But ‘All He Has to do is Be White and Straight’

Fox’s John Roberts Slammed For Deleted Tweet Claiming Death of Colin Powell Raises ‘New Concerns’ About Vaccines

By Ken MeyerOct 18th, 2021, 11:08 am


Fox News anchor John Roberts faced intense criticism for claiming on Monday that Colin Powell’s raises “new questions” about the coronavirus vaccines.

Powell’s family announced Monday morning that the former secretary of state and chairman of the Joint Chiefs passed away “due to complications from Covid 19.”

“He was fully vaccinated,” the family noted. Powell’s death prompted an outpouring of grief throughout the world of politics and the media. Roberts, however, took note of the fact that Powell had been vaccinated, in a tweet that has since been deleted.

“The fact that Colin Powell died from a breakthrough COVID infection raises new concerns about how effective vaccines are long-term.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His speech to Howard University in 1994.

"From the diversity of our people, let us draw strength and not seek weakness. Believe in America with all your heart and soul, with all of your mind. Remember, that it remains the "last, best hope of Earth." You are its inheritors and its future is today placed in your hands."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former President Adolf Trump blasted Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) on Monday after the senator said in an interview he would not vote for him if he ran for president again in 2024, The Hill reports.

Trump called Cassidy a “RINO” who had “begged” for his endorsement in 2020 “and used it all over the place to win re-election.”

Said Trump: “Now, Wacky Bill Cassidy can’t walk down the street in Louisiana, a State I won by almost 20 points. He could not even be elected dog catcher today, the great people curse him.”

Commonsense said...

Just when we thought Republicans couldn't get any more backward or obtuse, we see this:
School Makes Vaccinated Students Stay Home
“A Miami school that made headlines for saying it would penalize teachers who got the Covid-19 vaccine is now requiring students who get vaccinated to remain home for 30 days after each dose,” WSVN reports.
Historians will have a field day with that sort of thing.

The Miami-Dade school board is predominately Democrat. "Fair minded pastor" couldn't even check his facts.

C.H. Truth said...

The Miami-Dade school board is predominately Democrat

The Reverend never really checks facts. He just checks Politicalwire.

But pretty much anyone and everyone who follows politics is well aware that Miami-Dade is liberal, and that anything within he Miami city limits is going to be even more liberal.

But I think it's just an assumptive bias. Like Roger when first explained about critical race theory, flat out stated that I was lying when I stated that teaching CRT was a liberal cause.

Not only did he say he didn't support it, but believed full throatedly that his Party was certainly not in favor of such a thing. Then once he realized his Party "was" the Party of race baiting and segregation, he decided that it was a good idea after all.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Let's just be candid: My Republican Party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of that Party wants president Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable."
--Colin Powell