Sunday, October 3, 2021

Some fiscal slight of hand!

So Dems want you to believe that they can pay for their trillions by taxing the rich?

The plan will increase revenue by less than a 100 billion a year
to pay for the 7 trillion dollars in recent and proposed spending

This is one of those not so clever moves that is specifically designed to fool the gullible who actually want to believe that Democrats are somehow telling the truth. But paying for Government programs by taxing the rich is a little like finding aliens, Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster. Big on claims and stories, but once you ask for proof, the details are always quite a bit more fuzzy.

So what the left does is make separate arguments that disconnect you from the larger picture. 

For instance, rather than actually explain how they will pay for it, they actually explain how they are not going to pay for it. In this case, they will break down how the tax increases work, who is affected, and how it will not affect you as Mr and Mrs Middle class. This is all fine and dandy if you want to be certain that you do not pay for any of it? 

Not so good if you are looking for how the plan DOES get paid for.

Let's go back to this top 1% deal. The left always pretends that they can just raise taxes on the top 1% and pay for things. Right now they are promoting a bump from 37% to 39.6% on income over 450,000 as a means to find that 3.5 trillion dollars. 

A little math can be done here on that top 1% (who pay approximately 21 percent of all taxes) to determine that this plan would raise revenues by at most 15 billion a year. If you decide to calculate this out for the top 5% (who pay approximately 37% of all taxes) it would raise revenues by at most 65 billion a year. Both of these are straight ahead estimates that are best case scenarios. The real amounts are likely well below this.

Unfortunately, once you get below that top 5 percent you are no longer including people who make enough to see that increase (those who earn 450,000 a year or more).  In fact, the top five percent includes anyone making approximately 210,000 a year or more. So at best, the plan to tax the rich will bring in approximately 65 billion per year, or 650 billion over the ten years, leaving us just about 2.85 trillion short of 3.5 trillion.

Without pushing below that 450,000 or even below the 210,000 figure, there is no manner in which you can find the new revenue to even come close to what they need to pay for this.

So what about Corporate income tax? Certainly they will raise that too? But even if they raised corporate income taxes by 10% across the board that would only add an additional 20 billion or so a year. Over a ten year period that still leaves us well over 2.5 trillion short of paying for the 3.5 billion. 

Meanwhile, these proposed tax increases are actually need to be paying for the other 2.6 trillion we have already passed as well as the 1.2 trillion dollar Reconciliation bill. Which means that these new taxes would be nearly 3 trillion dollars short of paying for what we have already set into law and has currently passed the Senate. 

So we are technically nearly 3 trillion short before we even think about paying for the reconciliation bill. Meaning that the tax plan being proposed comes up approximately 6.5 trillion dollars short of the revenue needed to pay for our most recent spending spree. So while Democrats attempt to ease the concerns of the bulk of Americans worried about having to pay for all of this, they expose the fact that they really don't have a plan do anything other than pay for a fraction of it. 

No wonder they do not want to allow the CBO to even score any of this.  

But that is exactly what happens when you make people believe that you can pass stimulus that is more than ten times the real chained dollar amounts we spent on the entire New Deal and over eight times more the second largest stimulus in history (the Obama stimulus)... and somehow pay for it by just taxing the rich. 

How bad do we really need that playstation 5? 


rrb said...

We could seize ALL of the wealth of the 1% and not pay for a single year of government at the current rate of spending. The arithmetic on this has already been noodled out countless times. And tanking the US economy with this nonsense tanks it for EVERYONE. Including the wealthy.

The gullible chronically stupid democrat base WILL fall for this again like they do every time the topic is discussed. This is Cloward-Piven in action, meant to break the fiscal back of the system; to bankrupt the fucker. Then we get to play in a world of full on socialism, and soon we find ourselves in a real life Hunger Games.

There's a reason civics and personal-level economics aren't taught in public schools anymore. An informed electorate is the left's worst fucking nightmare.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Manchin has said he will not vote to go over $2 trillion on the reconciliation bill.

The President has already approved the reduction.

The liberal Democrats on the Sunday morning talk shows they said they would probably agree with him.

C.H. Truth said...

Manchin has said he will not vote to go over $2 trillion on the reconciliation bill.

As of yesterday, it was 1.5 trillion and he would still like to take a pause and push this out a while. I have seen no news stories over the past 24 hours that claim he has changed his stance.

Either way... Biden and Democrats are lying to you about being able to pay for it. They refuse to allow the CBO to even score it. The largest spending plan (by over four times) and they won't allow the Congressional Budget Office to even look at it and they will not allow it to go through normal legislative channels.

The Senate Parliamentarian has already rejected portions of this, but that also won't stop them. They are like crazy zombies running around screaming "brains" and only Manchin and Sinema stand between them and the American public.

Tell me Roger...

If this bill costs nothing (when independent mostly liberal watchdogs say they are underestimating the "net" cost) - then why won't they allow the CBO to see that. Certainly the CBO agreeing with them would help...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I really don't care about that situation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Build Back Better included what I said before.

Workforce Training

The U.S. has chronically underinvested in workforce development, and millions of jobs have been going unfilled in growing sectors such as construction and health care. Through high-quality career and technical education pathways and Registered Apprenticeships, President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda will invest in training programs that will prepare millions of American workers for high-quality jobs in growing sectors.

That went away under Reagan era....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ot but very distracting

He said that if Trump wins again.

He will replace every single person in charge of every institution with loyalist.

Adolf Hitler did the exact same thing in 1932.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

From what I've read today is the it looks likely to pass.

But the vote will not happen quickly.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Philadelphia just intercept Mahone.

In the 3rd quarter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) expressed openness Sunday to a White House-backed climate and social spending plan that cost less than $3.5 trillion, but she firmly rejected Sen. Joe Manchin’s suggested $1.5 trillion price tag for the massive legislative proposal,

The President has already said that $2.0 trillion is acceptable.

Caliphate4vr said...

You really don’t have a life, Alky

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

Those of us with above average IQs understand that you cannot spend money you don't have. You cannot buy things you cannot pay for. Doesn't matter how much you want something.

If you went to a car dealership to buy your Audi. They tell you that you do not have enough money or good enough credit to pay for it. What do you think will happen when you say...

I don't care about that situation... just give me the car.

You are backing Democrats who are basically trying to buy a 3.5 trillion dollar car with no money down and no way to pay for it. When the dealership asks if they can run a credit check (CBO estimate) - Democrats say no.

Then they get mad when two of their own point out that it's simply way too much money. Actually you (like most Democrat) just throw a tantrum, like a toddler in the middle of the grocery store when mom or dad won't throw the extra bag of cookies in the cart.

Commonsense said...

The progressives won at 3.5 trillion. Why would they settle for 1.5 trillion or even 2 trillion?

Commonsense said...

From what I've read today is the it looks likely to pass.

From what you read Thursday Pelosi had the votes for the 1.5 trillion infrastructure bill.

Maybe you should read something else.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
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Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Opinion headline in the Washington Post
"Weak Joe Biden caves to loony left"

No, resolute Joe Biden hangs tough on his determination to set America on a transformative new path, similar to FDR's New Deal.

He sits at a desk named Resolute.