Friday, October 22, 2021

Speaking of lying!

Biden: I made all the vaccinations happen. AP fact checker: No, you didn't
“When I first was elected, there were only 2 million people who had COVID shots in the United States of America — and the vaccine. Now we got 190 million, because I went out and bought everything I could do and buy in sight and it worked.”

I think that the fact checkers were a bit overly nice to Biden by saying he "overstated" his Covid response. Not only was the 2 million number incorrect (we were pushing out nearly a million a day when Biden took office), but the Trump administration had already purchased 300 million doses. At the time of Biden's inauguration (did he really mean elected and not inaugurated) there were over 32 million doses already out to the States with ten times bought in reserve.

If you look at the amount of shot given out so far, we are still under 600 million doses administered. That would suggest that Biden has actually been required to have purchased fewer new doses than what had already been purchased when he took office. At this point, there have been more Trump purchased doses administered than Biden doses.

I am curious if anyone who watched that CNN Townhall was sucked into the Biden lies or if like me (and most everyone else) they saw a dishonest half baked old man who is falling apart before our very eyes. 


Myballs said...

Only 2 Republicans got to ask a question. Both were at the end when most had tuned out. He needs to start answering real questions. If the gop takes the house next year, he gets impeached.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If he wins the nomination, the Republican party will return to normality, unlike the world you live in with halfbaked feelings.

Pence running in 2024 — and ‘has no plans to defer to his former boss’: report

Travis Gettys

October 22, 2021

Former vice president Mike Pence is preparing to run for the White House in 2024, whether or not his old running mate decides to run for re-election.

Donald Trump has been telling anyone who will listen that he plans to run again, and polls show he would almost certainly win a Republican primary campaign -- and the former president has been keeping an eye on potential challengers, reported Axios.

"Trump's most likely opponent is Pence, who — I'm told — has no plans to defer to his former boss," writes Axios co-founder Mike Allen.

The former president is closely watching Pence, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, whose substantial weight loss has been noted by Trump aides, but none of them can imagine DeSantis or Pompeo launching a challenge.

"Trumpworld is more uncertain about Pence, who has been quiet about his intentions but maintains a strong and loyal team around him," Allen writes.

Nikki Haley, another potential contender who served in the Trump administration, has explicitly said she would not run if Trump does, while others have signaled the same intention.

"Pence has notably not made any such declaration," Allen writes. "And you know who's noticed? Donald J. Trump."

I would vigorously vote against him, but if he wins the nomination, history will call him a hero.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hot Air is fucking bullshit Detective Scott Johnson Powerline schizophrenia

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Axios is not fucking crazy mothrfucker like you.

Former President Trump is telling most anyone who'll listen he will run again in 2024 — and poll after poll shows the vast majority of Republicans would gladly cheer him on and vote for him. 

Why it matters: Trump is the heart, soul and undisputed leader of the Republican Party and will easily win the nomination if he wants it, the polls make unmistakably clear.

It's not just idle chatter. Trump is spending much of his time thinking about politics, holding calls with his political team and surveying polling.

Trump is keeping close tabs on his would-be rivals for the nomination — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former V.P. Mike Pence and former SecState Mike Pompeo in particular.A source close to Trump told me he "is keeping all options open for 2024. With [an 84%] approval rating in the Republican Party, he doesn't need to keep 'close tabs' on anyone."

What we're watching: Trump has been endorsing loyalists who back his fraud claims in secretary of state races around the country — a sign he’s thinking ahead about political levers and remains obsessed with the "Big Lie."

What we're hearing: Trump's most likely opponent is Pence, who — I'm told — has no plans to defer to his former boss.

Reality check: The idea someone could challenge Trump as an anti-Trump candidate seems ludicrous. The market is minimalist inside the new GOP. 

That means someone would need to out-Trump Trump when the latest Quinnipiac Poll shows 8 in 10 Republicans want him to run.Almost every top Republican we talk to said it would take a severe illness, death — or criminal charges sticking — to stop Trump from walking away with the race before it even begins.

Pompeo has been the most obvious about his presidential ambitions — starting a PAC and doing all the obvious travel.

Trump aides have commented on how much weight Pompeo has lost — another sign, they interpret, of his ambitions.But Trump's advisers cannot imagine Pompeo or DeSantis would dare run against him.

Trumpworld is more uncertain about Pence, who has been quiet about his intentions but maintains a strong and loyal team around him.

Nikki Haley — the former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina governor, who's often talked of as a potential 2024 candidate — has explicitly said she wouldn’t challenge Trump.

Pence has notably not made any such declaration.

And you know who's noticed? Donald J. Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Associated Press

Kid-size doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine appear safe and nearly 91 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infections in 5- to 11-year-olds, according to study details released Friday as the U.S. considers opening vaccinations to that age group.

The shots could begin early next month — with the first children in line fully protected by Christmas — if regulators give the go-ahead.

Details of Pfizer's study posted online Friday. Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration will publicly debate the evidence next week.

Pfizer says its Covid vaccine is safe for children ages 5 to 11

The FDA is expected to post its independent review of the company’s safety and effectiveness data later Friday. If the FDA ultimately authorizes the shots, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will make the final decision on who should receive them in early November.

Full-strength Pfizer shots already are authorized for anyone 12 or older, but pediatricians and many parents are anxiously awaiting protection for younger children to stem rising infections from the extra-contagious delta variant and help keep kids in school.

More than 25,000 pediatricians and primary care providers already have signed up to get the shots into little arms.

The Biden administration has purchased enough kid-size doses — in special orange-capped vials to distinguish them from adult vaccine — for the nation’s roughly 28 million 5- to 11-year-olds. If the vaccine is cleared, millions of doses will be promptly shipped around the country, along with kid-size needles.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You keep going crazy about the Sleepy Joe Biden rhetoric.

You actually believe that the deep staters are keeping the public from knowing about your allegations of mental illness.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At this point, there have been more Trump purchased doses administered than Biden doses.

When I said that because Trump inherited the longest economic recovery in history, you said I was going nuts and again and again.

Over 4,000 people were dying a day on January 20th!

But you don't give credit to anyone other than Republicans.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump had nothing to do with this !

The Biden administration has purchased enough kid-size doses — in special orange-capped vials to distinguish them from adult vaccine — for the nation’s roughly 28 million 5- to 11-year-olds!

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You keep going crazy about the Sleepy Joe Biden rhetoric.

Says the assclown TDS sufferer who crushes every new thread with dozens of c/p plagiarisms like a nervous fucking tic.

Because he's crazy to defend Dumb Fuck Jow.



rrb said...

Trump had nothing to do with it because he was smart enough to realize IT'S NOT NECESSARY.




rrb said...


The alky's psychological projection never takes a day off.



Commonsense said...

Pence running in 2024 — and ‘has no plans to defer to his former boss’: report

Trump might not be the one Pence has to worry about.

He might be a nice guy but he really doesn't exude warmth in his personality.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Steve Bannon was caught attempting to flee the United States disguised as a man who had recently taken a shower, T.S.A. officials have confirmed.

A T.S.A. agent at Reagan National Airport, Harland Dorrinson, explained how Bannon’s talent as a master of disguise nearly enabled him to board a plane to Moscow.

“He showered, shaved, and even combed his hair,” Dorrinson said. “He was totally unrecognizable.”

Bannon’s plan crumbled, however, during a routine pat down. “That’s when we noticed that his pants had a large mustard stain,” the T.S.A. agent said. “They evidently had not been laundered in months. One of my colleagues shouted, ‘It’s Bannon! Stop him!’ ”

Taken into custody, the former White House adviser seemed bitter about his foiled escape attempt. “I took a shower for no fucking reason,” he said.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Trump had nothing to do with this !

You mean except getting the vaccine developed in the first place.

A children's vaccine is really not necessary but I sure it's a great comfort to all those Karen parents who will put their children first in line.

That is until a severe reaction occurs.

Commonsense said...

Ask to comment on the New Yorker story from home Bannon said it was the first he heard of it.

C.H. Truth said...

Kid-size doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine appear safe and nearly 91 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infections in 5- to 11-year-olds, according to study details released Friday as the U.S. considers opening vaccinations to that age group.

Sweet baby Jesus, just make it stop.

We have almost no infection rate in kids of that age and only about 500 children under the age of 17 OVERALL have died from Covid. As pointed out the other day, we are talking about an infection rate of around 5 in 1000 for children and most of those will never know they have it.

On the flip side, we are still over a year away from having all of the appropriate testing done for a vaccine that has "full approval" in spite of not going though the "full approval" process.

Now you want to put it into the bodies of children before we know? For god's sake why? Fear?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

1:31 PM EDT
Pelosi Suggests Deal Is Close

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that Democrats are within striking distance of agreement on President Biden’s sweeping domestic agenda,
The Hill reports.

Said Pelosi:
“We had a very positive meeting this morning; I’m very optimistic. It’s exciting, because whatever it is, it’s going to be bigger than anything we’ve ever done for the American people.”

A short time later, she estimated that “more than 90 percent of everything is agreed to.”

Wonderful, if true!

Last night President Biden appeared before the nation as a good and decent man and, yes, as a competent President.

And now we seem closer to getting a goodly portion of what America now so desperately needs.

Commonsense said...

Within striking distance? Sounds like they are no closer than they were last week.

Manchin is OK with no bill. That gives him the upper hand.

There are storied that Biden's staff had to fact check him real time.

What show up on TV was a demented old fool. Bet this is the last time he does a town hall.

Commonsense said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bet this is the last time he does a town hall.

Why? He came across as strong and in charge. He should do more of them, not less.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Vaccine Mandates Are Surviving Court Challenges

“A range of people—from nurses to firefighters to students—have filed lawsuits objecting to the mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations imposed by states and cities, claiming the policies infringe on their constitutional rights.

“Nearly every legal challenge has failed so far.

“With limited exceptions involving religious objectors, judges have overwhelmingly upheld orders in numerous states that require health workers, public employees, state university students and government contractors to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as a condition of employment. These rulings have allowed states to fire workers who refuse immunization.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Death Threats Cause Mass Exodus of Election Officials

Vice News spoke with over a dozen election officials who had experienced death threats and felt endangered during the 2020 election period.

“Officials across the United States experienced physical stalking, explicitly violent phone calls, racial slurs, home surveillance, bomb scares, and threats of mass shootings. For some officials in Georgia and Pennsylvania, the threats have continued for nearly a year. And now, many of these officials want to quit.”


Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...


Instagram has again flagged the @Breaking911 account for directly quoting the President of the United States, claiming our posts promoted “violence and incitement.”

Well than Biden definitely needs to be flagged for promoting “violence and incitement.”

He's the one who said those things

But of course they won't

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Tens of thousands of migrants gathering on southern border ahead of 'Remain-in-Mexico' restart, sources say

Border Patrol sources say as many as 60,000 migrants are amassing on the Mexican side of the border and intend to enter the U.S. in the coming days

Biden says he's been to busy to do anything about this.

Kamala was busy doing her "surprise" birthday party

And his AG is busy attacking parents and covering for Hunter

Good thing our supply chain is in good order

and we have plenty of housing

and no Covid issues

we are fucked...

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Stephen Miller

Just a reminder that Biden already spent $2 trillion on the American Rescue Act and all we have to show for it as an economic crisis, an inflation crisis, and a supply chain crisis.

at least the border is in good shape according to Biden

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Tom Cotton

Joe Biden said he's too busy to visit the border.

But he wasn't too busy to take a beach vacation in the middle of his chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal.

almost forgot, another Biden fuckup

How many Americans are still left behind?

rrb said...

Question of the night at the "Town Hall" (LOL).:

Why do Alzheimer's patients clench their hands?

Dementia makes it very difficult to process stimuli and new information, causing many people with Alzheimer's disease to become anxious. This anxiety often manifests itself in the form of restlessness, pacing, hand-wringing, and rocking.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...



The Washington Post is so corrupt. Read the thread and weep for those they harm with their propaganda and lies.

Christina Pushaw

Last week, a @washingtonpost Fact Checker reached out to me to “fact check” @GovRonDeSantis statement opposing the DOJ memo, which threatens to silence concerned parents exercising First Amendment rights.

WaPo “fact-check” essentially accused Gov. DeSantis of making things up:
Show this thread

Washington Post = Communist propaganda

now a corrupt billionaires blog

supporting crooked democrats

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

Question of the night at the "Town Hall" (LOL).:

Why do Alzheimer's patients clench their hands?

I heard that what Biden was doing was actually reverting to an exercise given to certain dementia patients, like he forgot where he was and had been going through that program.

Sounds very plausible

Certainly not normal

Commonsense said...

Death Threats Cause Mass Exodus of Election Officials

Just a few questions.

How do you know these election officials were Democrat?

How do you know the people making the death threats are not ANTIFA or BLM?

Do you know whether these death threats were reported to the police?

rrb said...

Blogger Commonsense said...

Ask to comment on the New Yorker story from home Bannon said it was the first he heard of it.

Borowitz apparently has only one fan and it's the alky.

A hemorrhoid flare-up is funnier than that asshole.

Commonsense said...

Vaccine Mandates Are Surviving Court Challenges
“A range of people—from nurses to firefighters to students—have filed lawsuits objecting to the mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations imposed by states and cities, claiming the policies infringe on their constitutional rights.
“Nearly every legal challenge has failed so far.

Scalia once said every bad law is not unconstitutional. It is just a bad law.

Commonsense said...

Roger was punked by a lame attempt at satire.

But he never checks it out before he post.