Sunday, October 3, 2021

Tell what is so wrong about this statement?

Are Manchin and Sinema really the bad guys here?


Seems to me that these are probably the two most sane Democrats in the Senate. The rest are either punch drunk or desperate to really wreck the country while they still have a chance. The issue here is that the Democrats seemed to have learned the wrong lesson over Obamacare. We all recall that in the election directly following the passing of that bill that Democrats literally lost over 1000 seats (if you take it down to the state and municipal levels). But they feel that they won some sort of long term victory as people are always less willing to give up something that in place, than to create it in the first place. Some Democrats feel that after a decade or more that Obamacare is something that they can actually campaign on (although I am not sure how successful that has been).

In the case of the reconciliation bill that the Democrats want to pass, the entire thing is filled with things that people will like, but we cannot possibly pay for. Democrats are hoping that even if passing a multi-trillion dollar bill today is unpopular, that it will give them something to campaign on in the future. There will be battles as to whether or not these programs might need more funding or whether or not we let them expire. Democrats are betting that these are arguments that they can win with the general public.

But this is little more than having one parent who always wants to promise the kids everything and thne the other parent having to be the one to step up and tell the kids that whatever that is is not affordable at this moment. The kids want the new $1000 playstation 5 and they really don't care how it gets paid for. When one parent tells them yes and the tells them no, well guess which one they will want to see win that argument? Some of them will even throw a tantrum to get their way (eg - what happened to Manchin on his boat the other day).


Commonsense said...

Eight months. If the GOP and a few Democrat senators can hold out for eight months, the other Democrats will drop the reconciliation bill like a hot rock.

They needed to ram it through before anybody was looking.

As a GOP partisan I would rather have the issue but this bill is so dangerous to our freedom and unalienable rights that we can't afford to become law

Thecoldheartedtruth Troll said...

We don't want to give my taxes to pay to educate people who are welfare queens!

The White House

The Build Back Better Agenda


The Build Back Better Agenda is an ambitious plan to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families – all paid for by making the tax code fairer and making the wealthiest and large corporations pay their fair share ???

For 57 percent of children under six, there are no good choices for child care where they live. Only 44 percent of four-year-olds are served by public preschool programs. Nearly four in five private sector workers have no access to paid family leave. The President’s plan would ensure that no middle-class family pays more than 7 percent of their income for high-quality child care up to age 5—and that working families most in need won’t pay anything—saving the average family $14,800 per year. President Biden will also make universal preschool a reality, partnering with states to offer every parent access to high-quality preschool for 3- and 4- year-olds in the setting of their choice. Fully implementing this investment is projected to benefit five million families and save the average American family $13,000 per year. And the Build Back Better Agenda would institute 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave, to help improve the health of new mothers and reduce wage loss.

Lower Higher Education Costs

Education beyond high school is increasingly important to succeed in the 21st century economy, even as it has become unaffordable for too many families. The Build Back Better Agenda would provide two years of free community college—boosting the earnings of low-wage high school graduates by nearly $6,000 per year. President Biden’s plan will also increase the maximum Pell Grant award by almost $1,500, and invest billions in subsidized tuition for low- and middle-income students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and minority-serving institutions. The plan also invests in evidence-based strategies to strengthen completion and retention rates at institutions that serve high numbers of low-income students, particularly community colleges.

We worked for our families and they want to make us into welfare queens using our federal taxes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger.

Cowardly dumb ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The liberal Democrats will work with them.

Right now they are the roadblocks. But on the Sunday morning talk shows.



ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTOctober 03, 2021 - 09:46 AM EDTSanders says there may be 'give and take' on reconciliation price tagBY CAROLINE VAKIL18TWEET SHARE MORE

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) acknowledged on Sunday that there may have to be some “give and take” on lowering the price tag for a reconciliation bill.

Sanders told ABC’s “This Week” co-anchor Jonathan Karl that he knows he's not going to get the full amount he wants to address the social spending priorities that progressives are aiming for.

“What the president has said is that there's going to have to be some give and take, and I think that that's right. I think if anything, Jonathan, when we especially talk about the crisis of climate change and the need to transform our energy system away from fossil fuel, the $6 trillion that I originally proposed was probably too little,” Sanders told Karl on Sunday. “Three and a half trillion should be a minimum, but I accept that there's gonna have to be give and take.”

The President has already said that far less than the original $3.5 trillion.

Give and take matters.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The difference between the two parties is getting more than I can remember.

The Republicans have United with Trump. With the exception on the infrastructure bill, they are united in opposition to the build back better bill.

Progressives who don't like the two Senators, have rallied behind Biden's agenda. Now he’s gotta sell them on a compromise.

The president began that sales job on Friday, when he told House Democrats to expect something dramatically smaller than a $3.5 trillion social spending bill.

He will be traveling around the country for the next three weeks.

The liberals have been his primary concern. They are agreeing to reduce the build back better $3.5 trillion.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I will be watching football games all day long.

I have hope that President Biden will save America from Trump.

Anonymous said...


KansasDemocrat October 2, 2021 at 8:40 PM

From $400,000 to 200,000.

"Roger AmickOctober 2, 2021 at 8:03 PM

Even by 2031, only those making more than $200,000 (12.8% of households) would, on average, see a tax increase, under that scenario.

Bring it on kputz"



KansasDemocrat October 3, 2021 at 10:09 AM


KansasDemocrat October 2, 2021 at 8:38 PM

I cherry picked a directed quote from Biden, you don't know what the term " cherry picked" means.
" bring it on" Alky


Anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase. If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”

—President Biden, in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, March 16, 2021

Biden lied.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you should know better then challenge me, you old broke and broken coward

Is the community tv on?

Anonymous said...

The middle income and low income earners are again getting a punch to the gut by Biden Failed policies on US Energy.

Natural Gas prices have doubled since the Day Biden took office.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Manchin will support this portion. Sinema?? Probably because of the number of retirees have moved on Arizona.

On the health care part of the agenda, the key issue is gross spending versus net spending. 

Build Back Better envisions three major expansions of health insurance: an extension of temporary measures that made the Affordable Care Act’s private subsidies more generous, a new insurance program for low-income people living in states that have not expanded Medicaid, and new benefits for Medicare ― not just dental, but vision and hearing coverage as well.

Build Back Better also calls for reducing the price of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices with manufacturers. In addition to providing savings to recipients, the measure would reduce government spending because Medicare would spend less on drugs for seniors. 

If Manchin looks only at the gross (or new) outlays, he will see hundreds of billions of dollars, because that’s what it would cost to fund the three expansions of health insurance.

But if Manchin looks at the net effect, taking into account both the spending increase for insurance expansions and the spending reduction from prescription drug reform, he’ll see a much lower number. In fact, party leaders have been hoping to finance new coverage expansions entirely out of prescription drug reform, with every dollar of new spending having an offsetting dollar of savings.

If they can do that, then the net budgetary effect of the health care portions would be literally zero, leaving a lot more money for other purposes ― again, if Manchin and other holdouts can see it that way.

Because it actually improves Obama's reputation for senior citizens, you hate it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The other number doesn't take into effect until 2031. Ten years from now kputz.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm watching the Chiefs play on my television in my room.

Philadelphia is a great team too

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Roger...

I want a new 2021 Porsche 911 turbo...

Can you have Pelosi and gang add that into the bill?

I mean it's a drop in the bucket!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Philadelphia just scored a touchdown!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unless you make over $440,000 the tax increases don't effect your income.

I suspect some of the changes are going to get upset about Sleepy Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

Roger you posted that Biden tax scheme taxes $200,000.

😁Anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase. If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”

—President Biden, in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, March 16, 2021

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Going from $3.5 trillion to $2.0 trillion
It would still be short of what Democratic leaders have been seeking, and they would still have to make some tough choices about where to scale back. But the choices would at least be easier, because the leaders wouldn’t have to cut as much. 

Every one of the poortions of the bill will get paid in full, some of them will be reduced

The details are going to cause some problems with the liberal Democrats.

But they know that the nation is at risk today...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Multi tasking I'm watching the football game and I found this on axios...

What to watch: 

Biden allies point out that President Obama didn't sign the Affordable Care Act until March of his second year in office.

"We are way ahead of schedule," a top White House official told me. "The agenda here — even at $2 trillion for Build Back Better and $1 trillion in infrastructure — is historic."

Democrats tell me that in 2022, their message will be: A pandemic defeated and an economy renewed. 

"We came into office with 4,000 deaths a day and 50,000 jobs [added] a month," the official said. "America is going to look very different than that in November 2022."

The Republicans have going all in because if Sleepy Joe's plan ends the history of reverse party domination in off year elections, they will not get majorities in Congress, both sides...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

Read my latest post.

If you are correct and this only affects people making 400,000 or more... at best that raises 100 billion a year. Given our current deficit is 3 trillion and we have already passed 2.6 trillion and another 1.2 trillion is waiting on the House...

100 billion dollars a year isn't paying for 2 trillion, much less 3.5 trillion.

rrb said...

The people of West Virginia and Arizona DON'T WANT the $3.5 TRILLION boondoggle to pass. Manchin and Sinema are acting with "the consent of the governed" in their respective states.

And I'm old enough to remember being lectured on here about "the consent of the governed." Seems like those same assholes suddenly got fucking amnesia.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What you don't include that the fact that hundreds of thousands of union jobs, they will pay off a significant percentage of the deficit by paying taxes.

Anonymous said...

No such event in the economy occurs .

"Roger AmickOctober 3, 2021 at 1:14 PM

What you don't include that the fact that hundreds of thousands of union jobs, they will pay off a significant percentage of the deficit by paying taxes"
Roger is a economic illiterate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But as usual the hypocrisy on deficit spending is getting worse.

I strongly believe that it will reduce poverty by historic proportions..

16 years of school and again they have a plan to provide training programs on construction jobs that have pretty much disappeared since I was in school in Rapid City South.

They taught about electrical systems and plus and carpenters and others.

You don't need a college degree to make a good living.

Bottom up economics is going to make the most important change in the last few decades..

Anonymous said...

This was written by a clueless drunkard.

"hundreds of thousands of union jobs, they will pay off a significant percentage of the deficit by paying taxes"

Total fantasy.

Commonsense said...

I have hope that President Biden will save America from Trump.

More like someone needs to save America from Biden.

Anonymous said...

Roger, got any more Eagle game updates.

Commonsense said...

What you don't include that the fact that hundreds of thousands of union jobs, they will pay off a significant percentage of the deficit by paying taxes.

Union Jobs? Not even close.

Commonsense said...

Build Back Better also calls for reducing the price of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices with manufacturers. In addition to providing savings to recipients, the measure would reduce government spending because Medicare would spend less on drugs for seniors.>

Bu raising co-pays and deductibles. Big Pharma is going to get its money from somewhere.

Caliphate4vr said...


Commonsense said...

I strongly believe that it will reduce poverty by historic proportions..

You want. To reduce poverty by historic proportions all you/ have to do is.

Don't get pregnant.

Finish high school.

If you do get pregnant after high school, marry the father (Preferable before you get pregnant.

Learn a skill you can get a good paying job wilt have (both of you)

Studies show that a majority of poor hoiseholds are single parent (Usally the mother) households.

You don't need a massive spending program to follow the above principles.
And a massive spending program will do nothing to install those principles.

By far the GOP faith base initiatives were the most successful program to implement social changes by partnering with churches to provide services. Barrack Obama killed them all when he became president.

Commonsense said...

Gators ram into a buzzsaw in Kentucky. Took the, out of the national champion race,

Anonymous said...

"KansasDemocrat October 3, 2021 at 2:56 PM

Roger, got any more Eagle game updates."?

Come on "live" sideline reporter.

Anonymous said...

Roger, those pure fantasy new "hundreds of thousands of union jobs"

Give us the Dollar amount those union workers will pay in in taxes each year?

You got nothing .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Opinion headline in the Washington Post
"Weak Joe Biden caves to loony left"

No, strong Joe Biden hangs tough on his determination to set America on a transformative new path, similar to FDR's New Deal.