Monday, October 25, 2021

The best comedy almost nobody watched...


Anonymous said...

Biden is a horrible joke.

"Oil surpasses $85 for the first time in seven years"

Let's go Brandon.

The Real Coldheartedcomedian said...

Breaking news: Conspiracy against trump confirmed.

In a recent study of ballots it has become apparent that there was in fact a Conspiracy during the election.

Turns out it was way worse than the Republicans first thought though, it is now believed that a massive conspiracy involving some 81 million American adults conspired together against trump.

Several people have come forward admitting that they indeed modified ballots they were given by unknown actors in the government. These modifications were very small, but through years of planning they discovered that if they put a mark next to Joe bidens name, when counted, the machine would encounter an error and their vote wouldn't be counted for Trump and be instead be counted for his opponent.

It is at this time believed that every conspirator modified up to and including one whole ballot thereby stealing the election from the Supreme leader.

Sleepy Joe Biden said...

I had a stutter when I was a kid

It was embarrassing and all of the other kids made fun of me for most of my life. Finally, when I was a junior in highschool, my parents sent me to a doctor.
“D-d-doctor”, says I, “p-p-please help me. I h-h-h-have this terrible stutter”
Doc said “Son, I have some bad news for you....your penis is so large, that it has pushed your spleen, liver, stomach, and lungs further up into your body cavity, affecting your ability to speak, leaving you with a chronic stutter. We can perform surgery to shorten your penis, thereby relieving you of your stutter”
I really didn’t want to get my dick chopped, but dangit if I didn’t want to shake that stutter! So I told the doc
“O-o-ok, let’s proceed w-w-with the surgery”
So the doc inserted the IV and I was off to la la land.
Hours later, I wake up, and my stutter is gone!
My whole life I have had this nagging speech impediment, and now I am finally cured!
I joined the choir at church. I joined the debate team at school. I began to lead public orations.

But alas, there was still a problem...

I was sad that I didn’t have any female attention. After awhile, depression set in and I realized that I wanted my old life back. So one day, after a particularly lonely day, I called my doctor and sadly told him that I wanted to reverse my surgery.

After a moment, he laughed and said “F-f-fuck you”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Trump is releasing a new book on his COVID-19 experience.

Mein Cough

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Close In On Deal

“Negotiators were closing in on an agreement that could spend around $1.75 trillion over 10 years, half the size of the blueprint Democrats approved earlier this year, as they haggled with centrist holdouts in their party who are pressing to curtail the size of the bill…

“But a final deal remained elusive amid disputes over the details of potential Medicare and Medicaid expansions, a new paid family and medical leave program, programs to combat climate change and a proposal to lower the cost of prescription drugs. Top Democrats were also toiling to nudge the price tag up to $2 trillion, still far below the $3.5 trillion level they laid out in their budget plan.

“Pelosi and her team are still telling House Democrats there could be a vote on both the reconciliation package and bipartisan infrastructure bill this week. Yes, you read that right. We don’t quite understand how the leadership can pull this off — nor do we expect them to — but it’s fascinating that their private posture matches their public statements.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Aim for Infrastructure Vote This Week

“The White House and Democratic leaders hope to get a vote on the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill this week. Right now, we’d put the odds at 50-50 — at most. There are massive issues on the Democrats’ reconciliation package that need to be closed out, a tax proposal that needs to be written and still, we will note, no agreement on the topline spending figure.

“One other point — If you want to pass an important bill by, let’s say, Wednesday, you needed to have started whipping it already. Like yesterday. And so far, there’s no whipping on BIF due to the lack of a reconciliation framework. We’re not saying it can’t be done. But we’re saying that if you’re going to do it, you need to start pronto.

“The House Republican leadership believes that fewer than 10 of its lawmakers will vote for this infrastructure bill.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Rejects Trump’s New Executive Privilege Claims

The White House on Monday rejected two more of former President Trump’s claims of executive privilege over documents that the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot requested, CNN reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden May Tap Republican to Protect Elections

“A Republican secretary of state who challenged former President Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud in 2020 is the front-runner for a job heading the Biden administration’s effort to protect future elections.

“Kim Wyman has led elections in Washington state for years, and she was reelected to a third term in November — the lone statewide-elected Republican on the West Coast. She is in talks to serve as the election security leader for the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the agency responsible for safeguarding U.S. elections.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Get this — Trump now declares that Republicans won’t vote in the 2022 midterms or the 2024 presidential election if fraud is not uncovered to show he was the winner of the 2020 race?

It is a matter of history that Trump asked the mob to come to Washington to protest Congress certifying the election. He spoke to the crowd before they attacked Congress.

Cheney is one of two Republicans willing to defy the mob-think on the right by serving on the Jan. 6 House Committee:

“All of us as elected officials must do our duty to prevent the dismantling of the rule of law,” Cheney said last week, “and to ensure that nothing like that dark day in January ever happens again.”

Trump doesn’t want an election. He wants to claim he is a victim of another stolen election.

Talk show host Bill Maher recently warned that Trump is engaged in “a slow-moving coup.” He predicts that Trump, if he runs in 2024, will claim victory no matter the final vote tally — and this time the state and local officials who stopped him will be gone.

There is only one way to stop Trump’s coup attempt. A federal law protecting voting rights.

Unless full voting-rights protections are passed by Democrats now with their slim majority in Congress, historians will look back on 2021 as the year the American democracy died.

Trump is killing it — with help from Congressional Republicans. Democrats can’t be complacent Democrats as another year goes by.

Juan Williams is an author, and a political analyst for Fox News Channel.

Commonsense said...

Juan is really worried the Democrats are heading for a shellacking this mid-term. So is Roger.

Commonsense said...

Meanwhile here's cheering for the Braves who had the all star game unfairly taken away from and is now poised to win a World Series.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

White House Goes All-In on Virginia

“Unlike past White Houses, Biden isn’t trying to play down how much Virginia’s gubernatorial race matters for his political standing and agenda. The president is leaning in for better or worse on the eve of his campaign trip to Arlington,”

Grumbling on the Left

“President Joe Biden might be finally homing in on a deal with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), the elusive moderate. But a sense of discontent is starting to bubble up among progressives on the Hill, and it threatens to impede what the White House hoped would be a big week for the Biden agenda,” Politico reports.

“As the reconciliation bill’s provisions on Medicare, climate and family leave get watered down — if not axed entirely — progressives who initially sounded a positive note after meetings at the White House are now expressing concerns. And those worries are steering the left into a moment of reckoning over how hard to fight for their priorities.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has gone quiet.

Commonsense said...

Oh, words of wisdom for the day:

When Democrats say they are only going to tax the rich, they are lying to you.

Commonsense said...

But a sense of discontent is starting to bubble up among progressives on the Hill, and it threatens to impede what the White House hoped would be a big week for the Biden agenda,” Politico reports.

Yeah who didn't see that coming.

anonymous said...

The best comedy is Lil Schitty trying to act intelligent and fucked daddy posting guano from twitter.....the killing of dogs by fauci was as I thought was right wing hype desperately trying to get attention......IDIOTS!!!!!

Opinion: Why is Anthony Fauci trying to kill my puppy?

Anthony S. Fauci speaks during a Senate hearing on July 20. (Pool/Reuters)
Opinion by Dana Milbank
Yesterday at 6:55 p.m. EDT

My family recently got a new puppy, a strong-willed and mouthy but ultimately lovable little nipper. We named him Bernie Sanders.
Unfortunately, though, I can’t take Bernie out on walks. Here in the capital, we have a puppy killer on the loose, a murderous psychopath known as Anthony S. Fauci.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci is facing calls from a bipartisan group of legislators to respond to allegations that his National Institutes of Health division provided a grant to a lab in Tunisia to torture and kill dozens of beagle puppies for twisted scientific experiments,” Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post reported Sunday afternoon.

“HORROR ‘EXPERIMENTS’: #ArrestFauci trending after doc ‘funded research that saw beagles eaten alive & stripped of vocal cords in testing’” Murdoch’s Sun reported.
“'Cruel' Fauci is condemned for … experiments which saw beagles ‘de-barked’ and trapped in cages so flies could eat them alive,” added Britain’s Daily Mail, mentioning “a Tunisian research lab where beagle puppies were force fed a new drug.

The monster! What next, Fauci? Setting kittens’ tails on fire? Pulling appendages off daddy longlegs while watching cock fights?
Unlikely. As it turns out, the only thing being tortured here is the truth. The
episode says more about the right-wing disinformation machine and its crusade against Fauci than it does about research funded by Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
It turns out that this Tunisian study was erroneously attributed to NIAID. NIAID did, however, fund different research in Tunisia — and the beagles weren’t puppies, they weren’t euthanized, they weren’t “de-barked,” and they weren’t “trapped” so “flies could eat them alive.” The dogs were given an experimental vaccine and allowed to roam. There was a very good reason for this: Dogs are the main reservoir host (and flies the main vector) of the disease that was being studied, which affects half a million people a year, particularly children, and has a 6 percent mortality rate in Tunisia.

Right-wing news outlets, through stupidity or malice, conflated separate studies funded by NIAID, using documents provided by the White Coat Waste Project, a watchdog group with an anti-Fauci bent. Over the past couple of months, Gateway Pundit, National Review, Fox News, the Hill and others have picked up elements of this “story,” with varying degrees of accuracy, and lawmakers have written letters to Fauci based on the misinformation. NIAID received hundreds of threatening calls Monday from people inflamed by the misleading reports.

rrb said...

Yeah who didn't see that coming.

At least the MSM/DNC steno pool has finally listened to Peloshee and have signed on to sell this deal as they were ordered to.


Commonsense said...

the killing of dogs by fauci was as I thought was right wing hype desperately trying to get attention...

Well it's true. Fauci basically outsources research that is unethical crudity to animals and would never be allowed in the US.

Maybe you should considered who the real idiot is here. Denny.

anonymous said...

lie here's cheering for the Braves who had the all star game unfairly taken away

Typical comment for low intellect cultist thinks this WS will be amongst the lowest rating series in many years.....the cheating astros vs the whining braves......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! A GOP match made that mirrors how fucked the country is!!!!!

Commonsense said...

At least the MSM/DNC steno pool has finally listened to Peloshee and have signed on to sell this deal as they were ordered to.

It is telling that Pelosi actually expects them to be the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

rrb said...

Well it's true. Fauci basically outsources research that is unethical crudity to animals and would never be allowed in the US.

Do in the US what Fauci had done to those dogs and you face certain jail time, and rightfully so.

From harvesting and peddling fetus body parts to inhumanely torturing and murdering dogs, there's nothing so evil that the left will not stoop to it to gain a political advantage.

anonymous said...

rue. Fauci basically outsources research that is unethical crudity to animals

Your inability to process the writer word cramps is most comical.......Sorry sport.....fauci did no such thing.....see my post and re read it....typical GOP bullshit....have just a shred of truth and blow it completely out of proportion so idiots like you can moan about something else!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

rrb said...

It is telling that Pelosi actually expects them to be the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Every once in a while the drunken old skank says the quiet part out loud. This was one of those times.

anonymous said...

Do in the US what Fauci had done to those dogs and you face certain jail time, and rightfully so.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! And if you had a lick of brains, you might be dangerous.....!!!!! The story and your indignation is BULLSHIT!!!!!

rrb said...

So Pfizer meets with the FDA today to seek “to discuss a request to amend Pfizer-BioNTech’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for administration of their COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age.” […]

If all the experts are correct – if there is no COVID-19 emergency for kids 5-11 years old – then why is Pfizer seeking an emergency use authorization?

anonymous said...

Thanx for being a dumb fuck rat.....!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Leaders Could Stop Trump If They Wanted To

“If Terry McAuliffe holds on to defeat Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia governor’s race, a large number of Republicans will blame Donald Trump. McAuliffe has assiduously tied Youngkin to Trump. Youngkin has followed a careful strategy of appealing to both Trump cultists and moderates. Should he lose, it would be a proof point that blue-state Republicans can’t keep a foot in both camps. They would have to denounce the former president more forcefully to gain the credibility they need to win statewide office, a step that would erode Trump’s influence over the party.

“So a McAuliffe win would be a devastating blow for Trump’s power base within the Republican Party. Yet here is a funny thing. Nobody within the Republican Party, not even the Republicans who complain about his influence, wants this outcome.”


Anonymous said...

Biden Taxing the middle income and the poor the most.

""Oil surpasses $85 for the first time in seven years"

Let's go Brandon.

anonymous said...

Sad rat your mind is soooooo easily manipulated by the BS you read on line......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Kids may not be vulnerable....but they are carriers and can spread covid to all aspects of the population with 741 k dead,,,,anyone with a brain can understand it needs to be stopped...Funny again you have no skin in the fucking game and you whine like a little girl about others having to get a shot.....assshole!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


You did call Biden's Economic team "The All-Star"

They are more like F Troop.

"Chicago national activity index (3-month average) Sept. 0.25 ⬇️. Down from the last report from .38.

Anonymous said...

Left calls this a "Stealth Tax.
$3.389 Average gas price today

$2.18 Average gas price one year ago.

anonymous said...

Oil surpasses $85 for the first time in seven years"


How's my NOC doing asswipe?????

Thecoldheartedtruth Troll said...

The evil Democratic party has been requiring smallpox and measles for decades. It's time to move forward without them either because they are traitors who have to die

anonymous said...

Tesla becomes trillion dollar company as Avis buys 10K electric vehicles as they recognize GW is real, unlike goat fuckers and people with constant cramps.....

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

According to
How Facebook Fostered Rage and Misinformation

“Five years ago, Facebook gave its users five new ways to react to a post in their news feed beyond the iconic ‘like’ thumbs-up: ‘love,’ ‘haha,’ ‘wow,’ ‘sad’ and ‘angry.’

“Behind the scenes, Facebook programmed the algorithm that decides what people see in their news feeds to use the reaction emoji as signals to push more emotional and provocative content — including content likely to make them angry. Starting in 2017, Facebook’s ranking algorithm treated emoji reactions as five times more valuable than ‘likes,’ internal documents reveal. The theory was simple: Posts that prompted lots of reaction emoji tended to keep users more engaged, and keeping users engaged was the key to Facebook’s business.”

“The company’s data scientists confirmed in 2019 that posts that sparked angry reaction emoji were disproportionately likely to include misinformation, toxicity and low-quality news.”

Taeggan Goddard comments:
It’s just indisputable at this point that Facebook has caused considerable harm to our society.

Yes, and they did this by playing into the hands of the biggest liars and misrepresentors America has ever had.

Anonymous said...

Denny, have you bought your EV?

KansasDemocrat said...

that James used the term "All Star," but never cited the post where James did that.

Just more of KanDem's lying.

Anonymous said...

/Left calls this a "Stealth Tax.
$3.389 Average gas price today

$2.18 Average gas price one year ago

Deisel the life blood of transportation is up $1.24 a gallon.

Biden policies have caused inflation.

anonymous said...

And this leftie calls you the GOP idiot du jour......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I guess posting the same tripe dozens of times just confirms your ignorance......

How much does it cost to fuel your Truck asshole??????? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! My vehicle gets 31 mpg......what about you?????

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Those named in the Rolling Stone report as allegedly being involved include Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), and these members of Congress or their staffers: Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Harvard professor, CNN Analyst, Grip Mobility CEO, well-known national security expert and former Obama Homeland Security official Juliette Kayyem says clearly: "Mark Meadows, just three words: call your lawyer."

Because they can be expelled from their seats in the house of representatives like we did in 1866.

Anonymous said...

Denny confirms he doesn't practice what he preaches on EV ownership.

😃My vehicle gets 31 mpg....😂

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker again blows out his ass with more gibberish than Lil Schitty......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

BTW....I have always been an advocate of a sliding tax on gas.....the final price should be fixed at 4 bucks a gallon.....that will cut consumption in a hurry bv EVERYONE!!!!!!! BTW.....where do you think I advocate EV ownership???????? ASSHOLE I also not that you owning a pig truck is like your not taking the want all the benefits of society but won't do a fucking thing to help it!!!!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Democrats are so far gone, they're actually defending a puppy killer.

and an experimental "vaccine" on kids

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jack Posobiec

If the Jan 6 Committee wants to talk to the riot planners they should subpoena Chris Wray

The FBI needs to come clean

anonymous said...

Dayum......I misstated the Avis Tesla buy.....100,000 units not 10,000 sorry goat fucker....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

When Joe Biden starts a sentence with ... "Swear to god, true story." ... get ready for the biggest lie you've ever heard.


anonymous said...

Democrats are so far gone, they're actually defending a puppy killer.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

BREAKING: Fulton County Georgia Ordered More Than One Million Absentee Ballots from Printer Days Before the 2020 Election Knowing There Was No Time to Mail Them Out – Why?


Moncla lists other reasons why this should be investigated. It makes no sense why Fulton County would need over a million absentee ballots for the 2020 Election only days before Election Day knowing that they would never be mailed out.

If we had a Republican Party they would get to the bottom of this. If we had a Justice Department that wanted justice they would get to the bottom of this. If we had a Democrat Party that doesn’t steal elections this never would have happened.

full article:

most fraudulent election ever

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Caleb Hull


Nothing says “stop the spread” like coughing into your hand and then shaking people’s hands 5 seconds later

without a mask

according to him he's pulling a Baldwin

No Joke

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Chris Barron


Rolling Stone continues its fine tradition of publishing straight up lies/bullshit

almost as bad as CNN and the FAKE NEWS media

while accusing others they have written a mountain of fake stories


Ministry or Truth

Myballs said...

Sinema harassed again. This time in an airport. She and Manchin are gonna tell the whole fuckin dem party to shove it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Glenn Youngkin Now Running Against Books

“A new ad for Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s campaign features a Fairfax parent who sought to have Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison’s 1987 classic novel Beloved removed from her son’s school curriculum because it gave him nightmaress.

“Murphy, however, does not mention in the ad that her son was a high school senior at the time and that the book in question, assigned as part of his Advanced Placement English curriculum, was Beloved, the vivid and wrenching novel about slavery in America that won the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.”

Sounds like the kind of book that should give us all nightmares, doesn't it? -- about the horrors of slavery.

But no, I guess it's CRT to call slavery horrible.

(Blacks, be sure to vote!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, "james" sure keeps F-Daddy upset!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Luke Rosiak

1. girl raped by skirt-wearing male
2. dad of victim arrested, banned from school board meetings while SB passes transgender bathroom policy
3. Media ignores bc some details 'unsubstantiated'
4. Obama calls it 'phony'
5. 24 hours later, all details substantiated in court
6. wapo: (see headlines)

In between:
1. Media endlessly runs clip of dad's arrest while omitting where clip says 'my child was raped in school'
2. WH induces trade association to call parents 'domestic terrorists' based on arrest of victim's dad
2. DOJ uses trade assoc. letter to sic FBI on more parents

Myballs said...

VA blacks will vote, with the knowledge that McAuliffe was fine with the current governor's blackface activities.

McAuliffe is desperate.

Anonymous said...

WOW, "james" sure likes to gargle Goddard's balls !

James's Fucking Daddy said...

New York Post

Hiker lost for 24 hours ignored calls from rescuers because of unknown number

You know it was a democrat

maybe one of the slow ones here


anonymous said...

Consumer confidence Index unexpectedly rises to 113 vs expected 108 New home sales surge to 800k based on low interest rates!!!!

anonymous said...

You know it was a democrat

And we know you to be an asshole trump slurper making stupid comments like that while accepting Trump Jr selling T-shirts mocking a a killing.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Myballs said...

Actually mortgage rates are highest in 6 months and steadily rising. People rushing to lock in before they keep going up.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Michael Malice

I wonder when Alec Baldwin will resume shooting

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Paul Joseph Watson

When you're on the same side as the dude who approved beagle pups be locked in cages so their faces can be eaten alive by giant sandflies, with the dogs having had their vocal chords severed so they cannot cry out in pain...

You're probably not on the side of the 'good guys'.

anonymous said...

When you're on the same side as the dude who approved beagle pups be locked in cages


rrb said...

I wonder when Alec Baldwin will resume shooting

Love it, like Don Jr's new line of t-shirts -

Guns don't kill people
Alec Baldwin kills people.

Mike Lindell said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have announced a 3-day "marathon" broadcast to prepare the country for the 2020 presidential election to be overturned.

This is absolutely the biggest cover-up for the biggest crime in history!

I cannot wait to drop this Supreme Court case the Tuesday at 9 a.m. before Thanksgiving and the whole world is going to be watching all this unfold over Thanksgiving.

Donald Trump will be sworn in on the day after Thanksgiving day!

anonymous said...

Yeah rat.....that wasted sperm of donnie is nothing more than a rich kid who probably could not survive alone......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

GOP Leaders Could Stop Trump If They Wanted To

Well... we have a blue, blue state that Biden won by double digits with the Democrats absolute first choice candidate running for the office....

against a relatively unknown Republican who is now running neck and neck with McAuliffe. But if the unknown doesn't pull of the major Buster Douglas type upset...

Then the left will claim it is an indictment on Donald Trump.

Uhuh... these people are just downright crazy at this point.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Donnie will go bat shit crazy if the R loses Va.....D's will not have to do a thing but let him melt down so everyone can see what a fucking loser you and he are!!!!!!!! Going to be close with Loudan county being the lynchpin and R's have not done themselves many favors with the BS they started there!!!!!!!!!!!

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The President has been successful in reducing the number of deaths since inauguration day.

But the worst states have the highest infection rates are red states.

Alaska currently has the country's highest infection rate, followed by Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and North Dakota, according to federal data.

About 52,000 COVID-19 patients are currently hospitalized across the U.S., a major drop from the 104,000 hospitalized patients in late August.

But the U.S. death toll remains persistently high, with nearly 1,300 new deaths being reported each day, according to federal data. On January 20th we lost 4,000.

If the public is made aware, the next elections could break away from the past.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Wisconsin Republicans are Planning an Audit of the Election Audit

Republicans in the Wisconsin state Senate announced “they were launching a review of a recently completed audit of the 2020 election, just days after one of their members said the audit had shown voting had been safe and secure.”

Here's why:
So when an election
does not turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the election.
And when that audit doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the audit.
And when that audit doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the audit of the audit.
And when that audit doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to,
you audit the audit of the audit of the... ....etc., etc., etc."

Knee slapping funny.
And the entire world is surely laughing too.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This would be funny too, if it were not.

When red states which discourage masking and vaccinating have the highest infection rates,
what do you do?

You encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when that leads to still higher infection rates,
what do you do?

You continue to encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when that leads to still higher infection rates,
what do you do?

You continue to continue to encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when that leads to still higher infection rates,
what do you do?

You continue to continue to continue to encourage them to continue discouraging masking and vaccinations.

And when... etc., etc., etc.

rrb said...

When red states which discourage masking and vaccinating have the highest infection rates,
what do you do?

Let's ask Saint Colon of the Bowel.


He's dead?

And he was vaccinated?

That can't be!


Commonsense said...

This would be funny too, if it were not.

Florida has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. It has also passed it's peak in COVID infections and hospitalizations.

While no one in Florida mandates a vaccine, most Floridians are vaccinated.

The states with highest rates of COVID infections are states that mandate vaccinations and mask wearing.

There is no judgement about the blue state mandates causing an increase rate of COVID infections. It's simply their time. In fact, there is no correlation between increase infections and mandate or freedom that is chosen by a state.

There is a correlation between a forced climate control environment and increase COVID infections. Which is why you see increase infections in Florida in the summertime and increase infections in New York in the winter.

All things being equal, I choose freedom.

Commonsense said...

James is to ready to sacrifice his own freedom or better yet someone else's freedom on the alter of liberalism.

C.H. Truth said...

The President has been successful in reducing the number of deaths since inauguration day.

Actually Roger...

the amount of deaths right now is higher than it was in October of 2020. In 2020 we only hit 1000 deaths twice. In 2021 we have been consistently pushing over 2000 during the week.

So not just higher in 2021, but over double what we were seeing in 2020.

So other than being completely 180 degrees wrong on fact, your statement is otherwise telling. You believe that things are better because you are gaslighted and completely 100% uninformed.

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Donnie will go bat shit crazy if the R loses Va.

Biden carried the state by 10 points. The fact that any Republican is this close should worry the Democrats. If Youngkin wins, then the tsunami is on.