Saturday, April 30, 2022

Please be careful if you must cut and paste...

Reason number 14 why cut and paste is silly and unuseful

Try not to include anything that is html. In other words just save text and not go linking an entire story. We have had two threads damaged by something being posted into the comment with obvious opened ended html. We had a thread the other day where everything was italicized and now one is all bold. This comes from sloppy cutting and pasting and I am not sure how to "fix it". Not without deleting comments.

If I have to I will start deleting long cut and pastes (especially those that are in bold or italicized font) and those that show things like "advertising" or "links to other stories"..  which makes it obvious that the person is just lazily pasting a whole story.  This is not a censorship of opinion, but rather a censorship of comment posting that is literally damaging to everyone involved. Besides it is not your "opinion" being censored. It is a copy of someone else's.

It is obvious that nobody really appreciates (and rarely reads) long drawn out C&P comment ons the threads. If there is something about a story you want to repeat, then pick the portions you are most interested... copy it. Link it. And for god's sake provide a semblance of your own opinion on the subject.


rrb said...

And I would add... stay on the fucking TOPIC.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

CHT I think it may actually be something else. Everyone has had posts fail to post recently. the "pastor" was complaining about getting an error message for having hit his posting limit. And while I agree with your "remedy" it may be something google is trying to implement since they ultimately own this blog.


it's here


James's Fucking Daddy said...

* and if it's not that I'll go along with rrb from the last thread

it's alky

he sure has been posting entire blocks of garbage recently full of all kinds of html

or maybe it's GODdard being pissed

rrb said...

it's alky

he sure has been posting entire blocks of garbage recently full of all kinds of html

I c&p stuff on occasion, but I don't scrape the whole page.

The alky is good for at least a couple of -




- in every one of his plagiarisms.

C.H. Truth said...


I have seen the open ended html stuff cause problems even on the main blog where the only way I could fix it was to basically remove a post. Blogger I believe is written in a form of Python and we have very little editing ability and even if we did, not sure how to fix code.

I researched the You have created the maximum number of comments for today, please try again tomorrow. which I saw was considered a "bug" by users about a year ago, but there was little about if it was resolved or if it was actually a bug. I see no settings in my version of Blogger to limit that. There might be newer settings in a newer version and maybe there is a preset limit. That being said, if Roger has never hit it, then I doubt that is the case. I could upgrade my template to find out, but to upgrade, I would need to change the entire format of the blog. And I am not even sure that the newer templates would upgrade the admin area (probably not).

More likely than not, this was something to do with the same comment being posted more than once or something of that nature. I have seen odd things when I have multiple screens open or try to resend a comment that seems to have never finished posting (say a lagging internet or something).

Maybe it's just a deal with blogger. Thought about moving to a different comment software that can attach, but that is a lot of work and it would require people to create new set up and such.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Well you obviously know it better than me. But the clustering of problems all at once makes me wonder. Perhaps it's not behaving resulting from a "patch" in an operating system (I'm assuming most of us are running Windows? Again I'm no expert unlike roger and the "pastor"

I'm sure the truth will come out

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Not sure if I am on the right track but did run into this which shows google working with some issues (comment not posting) on the blogger software and still not reolving it as recent as 2 days ago if you skip down the thread

stuff is way beyond me and I may be barking up the wrong tree ?

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Oh and it says at the top:

This post is a trending issue.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

I'm locking my front door and loading my guns because I'm pretty sure that the "pastor" has exposed me to the Biden goon squad for messing with his "posts"

After all he is a renowned "blogger"

and knows it was me doing this