Saturday, July 23, 2022

Adams is spot on again!

As also stated by the cartoonist (I am paraphrasing)...

We have literally watched the entire "Trump planned a coup" disolve into "Trump did nothing to stop it". All because the Jan 6th commission (even with no due process, no objective judge, and no defense) could not actually show a planned plot. At the end of the day, they might have been better off not shedding light on the details of all of this.

The facts are way less incriminating than the imagination of the public.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One of Donald Trump’s favorite newspapers — controlled by his media ally Rupert Murdoch — says Trump is “unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.”

Those words, in this weekend’s New York Post, may be the tabloid’s strongest critique of Trump yet.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was published online on Friday evening, around the same time another Murdoch publication, the Wall Street Journal, also published an editorial harshly critiquing the former president.

The Journal called him “The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6” and praised Vice President Mike Pence. “Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his,” the Journal editorial stated.

Both newspapers have been noticeably more critical of Trump than Murdoch’s biggest megaphone of all, the Fox News Channel, though close viewers have also picked up on some signs that Fox might be souring on Trump.

The right-wing network does not show his rallies any longer, for example. Potential 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor, was a featured guest on Fox while Trump held a rally on Friday night.

Both the Post and Journal have conservative editorial boards that are thought to reflect Murdoch’s views. Murdoch said last fall that conservatives must play an active role in the American political debate, “but that will not happen if President Trump stays focused on the past.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

'Incitement by silence': Rupert Murdoch's newspapers blister Trump after J6 hearings

Bob Brigham

July 23, 2022

Donald Trump has lost the confidence of both of the major newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

Under the headline, "The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6," The Wall Street Journal editorial board harshly criticized the former president.

"No matter your views of the Jan. 6 special committee, the facts it is laying out in hearings are sobering. The most horrifying to date came Thursday in a hearing on President Trump’s conduct as the riot raged and he sat watching TV, posting inflammatory tweets and refusing to send help," the editorial board wrote.

"The committee’s critics are right that it lacks political balance," the newspaper wrote. "Still, the brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out."

The editorial concluded, "Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his."

Trump was also criticized by the NY Post editorial board under the headline, "Trump's silence on Jan. 6 is damning."

"As his followers stormed the Capitol, calling on his vice president to be hanged, President Donald Trump sat in his private dining room, watching TV, doing nothing. For three hours, seven minutes," the editorial board wrote.

"There has been much debate over whether Trump’s rally speech on Jan. 6, 2021, constituted “incitement.” That’s somewhat of a red herring. What matters more — and has become crystal clear in recent days — is that Trump didn’t lift a finger to stop the violence that followed," the NY Post wrote. "And he was the only person who could stop what was happening. He was the only one the crowd was listening to. It was incitement by silence."

The tabloid concluded he is unfit for office.

"His only focus was to find any means — damn the consequences — to block the peaceful transfer of power.

There is no other explanation, just as there is no defense, for his refusal to stop the violence," the newspaper wrote. "It’s up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again."

Plus he will be in jail in Georgia 🇬🇪

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Get help 🙏

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There's no single treatment that's best for everyone with intermittent explosive disorder. Treatment generally includes talk therapy (psychotherapy) and medication.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unfortunately I have been living with a guy who has IED and it's terrible experience.

Even talking nicely like we do with Scott and he called us names and acting irrational.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rupert Murdoch’s Newspapers Weigh In

July 23, 2022 at 6:36 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 45 Comments

A Wall Street Journal editorial:

“The brute facts remain: Mr. Trump took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he had a duty as Commander in Chief to protect the Capitol from a mob attacking it in his name. He refused. He didn’t call the military to send help. He didn’t call Mr. Pence to check on the safety of his loyal VP. Instead he fed the mob’s anger and let the riot play out.”

“In the 18 months since, Mr. Trump has shown not an iota of regret.”

A New York Post editorial:

“As his followers stormed the Capitol, calling on his vice president to be hanged, President Donald Trump sat in his private dining room, watching TV, doing nothing…”

“It’s up to the Justice Department to decide if this is a crime. But as a matter of principle, as a matter of character, Trump has proven himself unworthy to be this country’s chief executive again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Are you ready for Monkeypox mania? If not, you better get ready because the World Health Organization declared the disease a “global health emergency” on Saturday.

Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus gave the announcement in Geneva. Yes, that would be the same Tedros who colluded with the Chinese to try to cover up the communist nation’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic, and the details of how this latest decision was made don’t paint any less corrupt of a picture.

The World Health Organization declared the outbreak of monkeypox to be a public health emergency of international concern.

“The global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern,” WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a briefing in Geneva Saturday.

At the virtual press conference, Ghebreyesus also said that the outbreak has spread around the world “rapidly” and that officials understand “too little” about the disease.

With so much fear being spread about Monkeypox, I’m amazed that seemingly no one is stopping to ask whether it’s even all that deadly. Per the ABC News article that the above excerpt came from, there have been about 14,000 cases worldwide since the outbreak began. Of those, only five people have died, and all of those five lived in poorer parts of the African continent, meaning they likely lacked proper medical care.

Further, no one in the mainstream media wants to talk about how Monkeypox is spreading because that would mean having to denounce the gay orgy scene. No, I’m not trying to be snarky. The chief vector of Monkeypox spread is sex between two men (you can take it from there as far as details go), with some 95 percent of cases being attributed to it.

When it came to coronavirus, they asked you to wear a mask for two years and tried to mandate you get a vaccine that doesn’t stop the spread, but asking men to have less indiscriminate sex is a bridge too far for our international elite. They wouldn’t want to cross any intersectional boundaries, right?

Again, I’m not trying to be snarky here. Rather, I truly believe this is all just ridiculous. A declaration of a “global health emergency” seems overwrought at best, at this point at least. The disease doesn’t appear to be deadly on any statistical level (perhaps that will change?), and we know that it is targeting a very specific demographic participating in a very specific act. Regardless of what one thinks about COVID-19, it was at least proven to be highly contagious and spread through the air. There are no comparisons between the coronavirus and Monkeypox based on what we currently know.

So how did the WHO arrive at its decision? Apparently, Tedros overrode the panel vote on the matter, choosing to declare the emergency of his own volition.

An international organization giving dictates via a single man with no accountability at all. What could possibly go wrong? That’s rhetorical because the last several years have shown us exactly what can go wrong.

Regardless, my response to this is simple: Nope.

I’m not doing this global pandemic thing again. I’m not doing mask mandates. I’m not doing vaccine mandates. I’m not doing lockdowns. These globalist bureaucrats can go jump in a lake for all I care, and I bet most Americans feel exactly the same way.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

You are certifiable, Alky

Enjoy your alone time

Anonymous said...

Alky is living in fear of monkey pox.
Alky you know it sexually transmitted.

Anonymous said...

Putin controls the US Economy according to The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Voters aren't excited about the possible 2024 rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.AP

No Trump in 2024
Our great country has to be able to do better than a President Biden vs. Donald Trump rematch in 2024 (“Grumpy old men: the 2024 sequel,” Michael Goodwin, July 17).

As a Republican, I am just fine with the Democrats nominating Biden, as that is shaping up to be an easy GOP victory. But the GOP must move on from Trump, as the only way Republicans lose in 2024 is if they nominate him again.

The Republican Party has such a strong bench of possible candidates, and it would be a shame to waste that talent. And if a big negative regarding Biden is his age, why would the GOP nominate someone who will be 78 years old come election time?

As we already know, Trump is all about Trump. The party should not support him.

Matthew Viola
River Dale, NJ

Sri Lanka’s trials
I take issue with Rich Lowry’s opinion, “Greens’ Misery Agenda” (PostOpinion, July 20).

It is not true, as he says, that Sri Lanka is in economic shambles due to its green energy policies. Sri Lanka is a failed state from its brutal, long and futile genocidal civil war. Sri Lanka also suffered an economic setback from the tsunami of December 2004.

Most importantly, as the people of Sri Lanka will testify, their country has been under one family’s rule and beset by that family’s blatant corruption as well as its adverse economic policies. Environmentalists are the least of the reasons for Sri Lanka’s economic debacle.

To be a conservative, one does not have to be a man-made climate-change denier.

Climate change is not a political problem. As the heat waves and floods of Europe and across the globe show, it is already a clear and present existential threat.

Usha Nellore
Bel Air, MD

Kid freedom
Lenore Skenazy’s article about allowing kids more freedoms at a younger age, like the “Stranger Things” crew, completely missed the mark (“Let them go,” PostScript, July 17).

Times really have changed. People today drive like maniacs, with little regard for anyone other than themselves. And now a schoolyard brawl ends up as a knife fight or a shooting match with unintended targets.

While I disagree with the social-media platforms that have allowed the tracking of children (to the dismay of the kids and sanity of the parents), it has become a necessary evil.

Skenazy needs to realize this isn’t the good old ’80s anymore.

Linda Calabrese

Uncensored Roger said...

Uncensored Roger said...

No Trump in 2024
Our great country has to be able to do better than a President Biden vs. Donald Trump rematch in 2024 (“Grumpy old men: the 2024 sequel,” Michael Goodwin, July 17).

As a Republican, I am just fine with the Democrats nominating Biden, as that is shaping up to be an easy GOP victory. But the GOP must move on from Trump, as the only way Republicans lose in 2024 is if they nominate him again.

The Republican Party has such a strong bench of possible candidates, and it would be a shame to waste that talent. And if a big negative regarding Biden is his age, why would the GOP nominate someone who will be 78 years old come election time?

As we already know, Trump is all about Trump. The party should not support him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No,no .

Big Mike Obama 2024

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

DeSantis vs Koubachar.

She would get the Great Lakes states and Pennsylvania and Georgia are Arizona etc.. even Iowa.

One or two more than Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Amy Jean Klobuchar

George Calin said...

Pope Francis, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and a little boy are crossing the Atlantic on an airplane when the engines fail.

They find three parachutes.

Donald Trump grabs the first parachute and jumps out of the plane saying, “The world needs a great person like me!”

Joe Biden grabs a parachute and says, “I need to help make choices for our world”, so he jumps off the plane. 

At this point, the Pope and the little boy are on the plane. 

The Pope says to the boy, “take the last parachute, I am too old and I’m going to die soon one day.” 

“Actually there are two left. Donald Trump took my backpack.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Reply to Scott Adams

Randy Robbins
Replying to

He is shedding support monthly. I dont see how Jan 6th hearings help his cause. I know some former Trump voters personally who have now dropped their support. Anecdotal, but there have to be more.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There are a LOT mope. But I want to encourage Scott to keep thinking Trump will be the GOP nominee.

There are NUMEROUS Republicans who know that would be a HUGE mistake. Especially if Biden decides not to run, as I think he will.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump and Putin are sitting in Putin's office discussing how powerful they are.

Putin says "Watch this." He picks up the phone and says something in Russian.

A beautiful woman walks in the room, kneels in front of Putin and begins giving him a blow job.

Minutes pass, and Putin finishes. He gives the woman a tap on the head, and she stands up and walks out of the room.

Looking back at Trump, Putin asks "Do you want to try?"

Trump replies "Yeah, but please dont tap me on the head when you're done."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Axios reveals Trump's plan to take out the Deep State

By Rajan Laad

Just yesterday, Axios carried a piece provocatively entitled "A radical plan for Trump's second term."

The following are key excerpts from the article:

The heart of the plan is derived from an executive order known as "Schedule F," developed and refined in secret over most of the second half of Trump's term and launched 13 days before the 2020 election. (snip)

Trump signed an executive order, "Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service," in October 2020, which established a new employment category for federal employees. It received wide media coverage for a short period, then was largely forgotten in the mayhem and aftermath of Jan. 6 — and quickly was rescinded by Biden.

Sources close to Trump say that if he were elected to a second term, he would immediately reimpose it.

Tens of thousands of civil servants who serve in roles deemed to have some influence over policy would be reassigned as "Schedule F" employees. Upon reassignment, they would lose their employment protections. (snip)

An initial estimate by the Trump official who came up with Schedule F found it could apply to as many as 50,000 federal workers — a fraction of a workforce of more than 2 million…. (snip)

Even if Trump did not deploy Schedule F to this extent, the very fact that such power exists could create a significant chilling effect on government employees.

It would effectively upend the modern civil service, triggering a shock wave across the bureaucracy. The next president might then move to gut those pro-Trump ranks — and face the question of whether to replace them with her or his own loyalists or revert to a traditional bureaucracy. (snip)

Such pendulum swings and politicization could threaten the continuity and quality of service to taxpayers, the regulatory protections, the checks on executive power, and other aspects of American democracy.

To sum it up, this is Trump's plan to take on the Deep State bureaucracy, purging it of the sort of partisan officials who torpedoed many of his initiatives in his first term.

But there is also the Washington Democrat Establishment that Trump refers to as the swamp, made up of politicians, interest groups, and donors, in addition to Deep State bureaucrats.  The swamp is the core of every problem within the U.S. political system.

It begins with elections.

If a relatively unknown but well-meaning candidate wants to run for office, the swamp places numerous impediments before him. 

The first impediment is funding.  The candidate first needs to raise millions to fund a campaign, for which the swamp is the facilitator.  If the candidate chooses to circumvent the swamp and fund a campaign on small donations from regular individuals, there are challenges.

Firstly, few donate to unknown candidates.  Secondly, his swamp-funded opponent, either during the primary or the main electoral contest, runs attack advertisements, while the regular candidate has no means to respond.  Despite good intentions, he loses.

Hence, candidates intending to win have no option but to plunge into the swamp.  This enables millions of dollars for their campaign, favorable media coverage, and a few coveted endorsements.

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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

January 6 Stalinist propaganda show trial.  The goal is to make Trump appear like a dictator who will impose martial law upon being elected, crush every dissenting voice, and purge rebels within the civil service.

The sanctimonious seldom have self-awareness.  The authors also fail to understand most people are suffering on myriad fronts due to the misgovernance and the apathy of the Biden administration that has been propped up by the swamp.  When these people read of a plan to constrain the ability of the swamp to act through the Deep State bureaucrats, they will celebrate.

What Axios thinks is a hit job reads like an important section of Trump's 2024 campaign manifesto to his supporters.  It will be a huge vote-getter for the GOP during the midterms and President Trump in 2024.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is another reason to get the orange monster 👻

George Wallace Jr said...

The population replacement scheme Biden now leads was the brainchild of the late Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. Kennedy, who attempted to sabotage the foreign policy of President Reagan, started the immigration rupture at our nation’s borders. The Democrats and Republicans in Washington refuse to patch the rushing flow of illegals.

Human error and greed caused the Sultana disaster. Formal inquiries followed the tragedy, but no one was ever held accountable.

Our leaders who favor open borders in 2022 are responsible for the current inflow of illegals. They justify their actions as compassion, but the goal of electoral supremacy drives these incursions.

When the illegals enter America, they are rewarded with social services. Our nation is $30.5 trillion dollars in debt, yet we are pretending to be the world’s endlessly rich uncle. As we crowd together on the national deck of America in July 2022, a collective déjà vu wariness is growing. Many see serious problems ahead as our nation steams up this uncertain river in the darkness of night.