On the evening of November 17, news reports swept across Twitter that the platform had lost so many employees it likely no longer had the people behind it to keep its most vital services running. To commemorate the occasion — not unlike violins on the Titanic — longtime internet culture reporters Katie Notopoulos and Ryan Broderick hosted a massive Twitter space to discuss the demise of the service.
At publish time, Twitter had yet to splutter to a stop, and it’s not a given that it will shut down. Still, the changes made by new owner Elon Musk — both structural (like firing thousands of employees) and cultural (like breaking the verification system, reinstating banned users, and reinstating former President Donald Trump) — have contributed to a feeling that something has fundamentally changed.
So here is the reality folks... Twitter has not gone away. There has been no disruption of services and there is little to no chance that there will be. The man who literally owns a private company that is beating NASA at space travel is not going to purchase a "website" and not be able to figure out how to keep it up and running.
The reason (the sole reason) that many of these people (claim) to be leaving Twitter is not because they cannot be on Twitter, but literally because Musk is allowing people they do not like to also be on Twitter. They object to the people who "used" to be on Twitter before they were banned for things like being conservative, criticizing liberals, or (gasp) providing facts that did not conform.
Apparently if the left cannot control the entire website, then they do not want anything to do with it. It makes you wonder exactly how self absorbed and entitled these crybaby liberals really are? Do they really believe that their personal feelings cannot be disrupted by something like "free speech" and that the rest of the world should acknowledge and bow to this thinking?
Well.. yeah? Apparently this is exactly what they think.
Moreover, they apparently believe that the woke liberal employees are the only ones capable of running Twitter and that a non-liberal like Musk is not smart enough to figure it out. They cite the firing and quitting of "thousands" as proof positive that Twitter will fail. Really? If Must cut the Twitter payroll by 2/3 and the website is still up and running, that is not an indictment of Musk, but an indictment of the previous CEO Parag Agrawal and his mismanagement of the public company.
The previous Twitter (the ones that liberals are pining for and mourning) was one that was run by a group of people (led by Agrawal) who literally suggested that they had no interest in being a real public forum and that they had no real interest in making money? They actually believed that it was okay to reshape Twitter as a liberal echo chamber for liberals to enjoy all the while driving the stock prices down to the point where Twitter was literally worth half as it was worth back when Dorsey ran it.
And the saddest part? They felt entitled to do so. You have to wonder why?