Friday, November 18, 2022

One down - two to go?

Would put the GOP at 220 seats by my calculations At the very least, this is a Democrat who is not "denying" an election, huh?

I mean... it's only been like ten days since the election. Lord forbid we would have only two races left uncalled, huh? What's with the hurry? One of the California races still has a third of their vote to count. At this pace it will be another week till we have that final outcome. I mean it is only taking them about 80 times longer to count than it took Florida to count their 8 million votes.

What exactly is Florida's problem and why did they need to rush things? Texas and Georgia too?  Georgia went from 2020 late night 40,000 ballot discoveries, days of counting, and  hand count totals not matching what was sent to SOS... to having it all done that same night without any problems? Something doesn't seem right about that, huh?

We all know that slow, sleazy, and inaccurate wins more races for Democrats.