The "what about Australia" argument seems to be built on lies |
To be clear the 1996 gun law did not take all guns away from Australians and Australians did not (as some suggest) universally give away all of their guns:
During the buyback program, Australians sold 640,000 prohibited firearms to the government, and voluntarily surrendered about 60,000 non-prohibited firearms. In all, more than 700,000 weapons were surrendered, according to a Library of Congress report on Australian gun policy. One study says that the program reduced the number of guns in private hands by 20 percent.
As critics suggested, homicides actually increased a bit in the specific aftermath of the law before leveling off. There doesn't seem to be a direct correlation between the various gun laws and when Australian murders went down.
Moreover, there are simply not very many homicides in Australia to speak of. You are looking at less than one homicide a day versus approximately 60 specific "gun murders" a day in the United States. That is one murder a day for the 26 million Australians versus 60 for 330 million Americans. Do the math! There really never has been and there still is not any real comparison.
So here is the question I have for liberals using Australia as an example? There is no evidence that the gun laws have actually worked to reduce overall homicides anymore than homicides were reduced in many places over that same time period (without gun laws). The idea that they simply turned in all of their firearms and live in a gun-less society is a lie.
Why is "what about Australia" any sort of argument to not actually punish our criminals here in the United States? Why is "what about Australia" any sort of logical reason to blame honest law abiding gun owners for the crimes of others? Anyone have a good answer here?
Probably not... but it won't stop them from using it. Because there really are no good arguments.