- A White cop kills a Black man in Baton Rogue.
- A Hispanic cop kills a Black man in Mpls.
- A Black man kills five White cops in Dallas.
- Obama gives speech decrying "gun violence" and demanding more federal oversight of police forces.
- Hillary gives a speech lecturing White people.
Fact: Gun control, federal oversight, and racist white privilege are not uniting concepts. Redefining the Dallas executions as gun violence, offering more federal "retraining" of polices forces on race, or demanding that it's white people who are the ones (apparently the only ones) who need to look in the mirror are all insulting arguments to make to many people in this country. Anyone who could look into these statements and not see them as political pandering to their own interest groups, is too far gone to even reason with at this point.
In addressing Donald Trump's statement, one could argue that calling on Americans to stand behind law enforcement is a similarly divisive statement to some (especially in the black community), but at the very least he was willing to address the two cop related shootings as senseless (even as he left it open to interpretation what he deemed to be senseless). It's also a matter of decorum to ask people to stand behind a person or a group of people after they suffer great tragedy. Although it's also obvious that some will read more into the statement than that, and think he is taking sides.
Of the statements, I find asking people to stand behind law enforcement (after five officers were executed) to be the least objectionable statement. But that could also be because I agree with the general overall concept that we should stand behind law enforcement. I believe that the facts over the past several years has shown that more often than not, it's a mistake to give the benefit of the doubt to the first reports (in these types of shootings). But yet, again and again and again, it's exactly what the media and many of out politicians do, because the racist shooting is a better story (and better political theater) than a justified shooting. Let's face it, once the accusation of a bad shooting is out there, there is not enough evidence in the world to make some change their minds.
United: When the President steps up and says he believes we are more united today than in the past, I wonder exactly how filtered his view of our country is? Does he not see what is going on, or does he believe that his bully pulpit is so powerful, that by claiming unity, some of his supporters will just believe it so?
Either way, the very definition of unity does not allow for the fundamental disagreements we have in this county right now. I don't recall ever seeing two Parties less unified heading into their conventions than they are right now. A majority of the county mistrusts both candidates, and over half of the country believe that the presumptive Democratic nominee should have been indicted. We are seeing racial violence at a rate that we have not seen in decades. We disagree on how to solve most every issue facing the country, and cannot even agree on what to call ISIS and their violent terror attacks.
None of this is helped by our political leaders pandering to partisanship in the wake of national tragedies. There are actually things that can be said that most everyone will agree with. Make those statements if you are looking for unity. There are also things that can be said that will divide people. Don't make those statements unless you are looking to further divide.
This doesn't seem like rocket science to me, folks.
I have to point out that after almost 8 years of Post Racial ObamaNation we are more divided then every . I lived thru the late 60's Racial Unrest and Riotings, this is worse because the Sitting President is the leading the Racial conflict and Hillary is doing the very same thing.
I am White and I sure as fuck don't need to listen to the bs of her or the BLM fucking thugs.
The Dallas Police and others around the nation is who I stand with, not Obama/Hillary/Lynch.
HB- A heart felt fu,,, you name Duke as if he is a somebody.
Why not name the other Racist in your party, like Hillary, Obama , Jesse Jew Hater Jackson, Rev Sharpton and his proven faults claims against the police, or at least ten others the lead you party that I can point out.
...once the accusation of a bad shooting is out there, there is not enough evidence in the world to make some change their minds.
Ah, but...
Once a video is out there of an officer shooting a fleeing black man in the back multiple times, it is hard to imagine "enough evidence in the world" to make some change their minds.
Once a video FINALLY gets out there (after long being kept hidden by the Chicago police) showing a young black man being shot down when he is just walking along, it is hard to imagine...etc.
Once a video is out there showing a police officer pull up into a service station and confront a young black man just because he is not wearing his safety belt and asks him for id and when the young man turns to get id from his truck starts firing away, it's hard to imagine...etc.
I hear no one trying to defend the shooting of police who were simply doing their jobs (though I'm sure there are some black racists who falsely will defend that, as "deserved" comeuppance),
but I do hear you defending positions I consider indefensible.
And if you think this issue can be handled without getting into the politics of it, you really are naive. Both sides will calculate their statements and their moves in an attempt effectively to promote what each side believes is the best course of action in terms of what this nation should be and do, according to either side.
And if you think this issue can be handled without getting into the politics of it, you really are naive. Both sides will calculate their statements and their moves in an attempt effectively to promote what each side believes is the best course of action in terms of what this nation should be and do, according to either side.
Hasn't always been that way James. There was a time prior to our current environment of hyper-partisanship, where these things made our politicians leave politics behind and work hard to promote unity by extending their hand in solidarity. They would make general non-partisan statements that were calculated to "not" offend people.
But you are absolutely correct that it doesn't work that way anymore. Your use of the term side and other side multiple times in your statement is a truism.
Once again, you are not arguing what I am saying, James... you admit that I am right and that our leadership doesn't stay above the fray anymore. You just justify it as okay... as you do whenever someone criticizes your beloved leaders.
As James proves:
once the accusation of a bad shooting is out there, there is not enough evidence in the world to make some change their minds.
Spot on CH. But James' agenda has nothing to do with the truth.
Spot on CH.
You sure help fan the flames with posts like this. Sorry, the truth is blogs like this instill the divisiveness of our country. Just use rat as a prime example behavior you have tolerated since you started this little slice of heaven
My "agenda" has nothing to do the truth?
Actually, my "agenda" has nothing to do with those videos, some of which show the truth all too clearly.
Ch, I challenge you to go over to Roger's thread and there, beneath that long, balanced, thoughtful, fair, compassionate statement of Hillary Clinton, tell us, point by point what is wrong with it.
I dare you.
By Jonah Goldberg, couldn't have said better myself:
But there is something particularly vile and disgusting in the way many of the leading masters of sanctimony keep changing their standards. When a registered Democrat and Muslim murdered people in Orlando in the name of ISIS, it was outrageous to suggest that maybe we shouldn’t point fingers at Christian conservatives or the NRA. When Gabby Giffords was shot by an utterly apolitical schizophrenic, Paul Krugman blamed it on Michele Bachmann’s “eliminationist rhetoric.” The Democratic party almost en masse blamed it on some crosshairs on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page. The Orwellians leapt out of their bunkers and started memory-holing martial metaphors.
But now, I gather, any suggestion that rhetoric from Black Lives Matter influenced these murderers is beyond the pale.
I keep repeating the old line: Behind every apparent double standard is an un-confessed single standard. The single standard here is that only the right people may politicize tragedy. Only the right people get to determine what sort of speech incites violence. Only the right people know when it’s a time for prayer and unity and when it’s time to take up action. Only the right people know when the blame falls solely on the murderers and when the murderers are simply a symptom of a larger problem. And when anyone disagrees with the right people, they reveal themselves to be the wrong people. Because you can only be right if you agree with the right people.
So, as I’ve said before, to Hell with you people.
And Hillary's "sermon" at AME Church is just one big pander.
Nothing about drugs and violence in the black community.
Nothing about the epidemic of single mother families.
Nothing about the gangs who run the neighborhoods.
In other words, nothing about the real causes of problems between the police and black community.
Blogger Commonsense said...
And Hillary's "sermon" at AME Church is just one big pander.
of course it was. was she "in no ways tarred" this time too?
I was amazed to find out that "I" a white guy living out a peaceful life in rural hard working America is at fault for the poor blacks in America.
Further Hillary tells me that it is "I" , because I enjoy a rich and wealthy life because of my work and savings and investing are keeping the poor black down.
Yes Opie... you seem to have your hand right on the nation's pulse here.
Yours truly (a blogger from Minnesota) is the cause of our problems with racial unity in this country.
Trump's political response to the Dallas Shooting and deaths of five brave police officers.
CH, I would never have guessed that your influence is nation wide!
Actually, Trump's responses to the shootings have all been widely praised.
Hillary's is clearly political.
You only see what you want to see.
K'putz comment corrected.
" I enjoy a rich and wealthy life because of my work inheritance from my parents, that allows me to post irrelevant irrational comments on the blog."
I watched Trump's response, and was truthfully surprised. But he didn't leave politics out of it. Nor did he name the officers who were shot and killed. I posted it on the other blog.
IOW"S CH, once a felon, you lose your rights of being living when confronted by Cops. Oh well, they were not choir boys, but neither are you. Does that give cops the right to terminate a life under questionable circumstances. If these were isolated events, but they are not. It also does not help to have everyone armed as evidenced by the latest killing.
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