Bloomberg refuses to apologize!
Says it was five years ago!
Audio of @MikeBloomberg’s 2015 @AspenInstitute speech where he explains that “you can just Xerox (copy)” the description of male, minorities 16-25 and hand to cops.— Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) February 10, 2020
Bloomberg had video of speech blocked.
Perhaps because of the problematic explanation he gives for #StopAndFrisk
Now to be clear, I don't necessarily believe what Michael Bloomberg said is racist or even necessarily wrong (in principle). Is 95% of crime committed by this demographic and in these neighborhoods? No, probably not. But the point he is attempting to make (with a gross exaggeration) is that you have to go after crime by actually going after crime. Not by equally distributing your police force between high income neighborhoods with limited crime, and low income areas where crime is rampant. If one were to do that, it would look like you are over-committing large amounts of police for the safety and protection of high income people (mostly white) and allowing low income people (mostly minorities) to engage in criminal behavior against others who are just trying to survive.
The reality is that what Bloomberg did was little more than an extension of the broken window theory of policing, something that has proven to be far more successful than the woke members of our 2020 society would like you to believe. Ironically, it was only after these policies were enacted and were successful that people determined that they were unnecessary and racist.
So I am not really condemning Bloomberg, and to some degree I agree in principle to the idea that he puts forward. But it's a difficult position for him to reconcile in 2020 when he wants to represent this particular Democratic Party at the top of their ticket. More to the point, it's literally impossible for Democrats to both defend their irritating woke demands of political correctness, and support Michael Bloomberg as their Presidential candidate at the same time. At least not after listening to this audio.
The thing about identity politics is that sooner or later it backfires on you.
This graph says it all
Geeezus you dumb is the same policy that trump advocated when he lived in I guess they are both racists.....BWAAAAAAAAA
If you only had a brain drunkard loser.......
But according to Democrats, all Republicans are racist and black Republicans are "Uncle Toms". So there this sticks and stones thing for Trump.
BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! This fuck should be tossed in jail right next to Stone!!!!!!!
And cramps posts his usual trump gibberish talking out his old white ass like trump!!!!!
Ohio congressman and former Ohio State assistant wrestling coach Jim Jordan has been accused of participating in the cover-up of widespread sexual abuse in OSU’s wrestling program.
Jordan was accused by Adam DiSabato, who was the team captain in the late 1980s and early 1990s. DiSabato was appearing in front of a hearing in the Ohio legislature as a witness for House Bill 249, which would waive the statute of limitations and allow the OSU athletes who had been abused to sue the university.
DiSabato told the House Civil Justice Committee that several team officials, including Jordan, were aware that the team’s open shower facilities put them at risk of being abused and harassed by a team doctor, but did nothing about it. Then DiSabato detailed a phone conversation between him and Jordan, in which Jordan asks DiSabato to help him cover up wrongdoing.
[DiSabato] also said Jordan called him repeatedly in July 2018, after media outlets quoted his brother, Michael DiSabato, saying Strauss’ abuse was common knowledge to those surrounding the wrestling program, including Jordan.
“Jim Jordan called me crying, groveling… begging me to go against my brother…That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on there,” he said.
“Are you guys going to do what you’re voted to do?” he told lawmakers later. “That’s the only reason I’m here.”
Jordan’s name has already come up in this scandal numerous times. When the news broke in April 2018 that Dr. Richard Strauss had been accused of sexually abusing over 150 OSU wrestlers between 1978 and 1998, Jordan denied knowing anything about it, despite being an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to 1995.
Jordan continued to deny having any knowledge of student sexual abuse even after independent investigators released a report in May 2019 that concluded that Strauss, who had been employed by OSU’s athletics department and student health center until he was suspended in 1996, abused at least 177 male student athletes and patients. Strauss died by suicide in 2005.
Jordan’s name has already come up in this scandal numerous times.
like the sun rising in the east, i just knew they'd use this again to try and take jordan out.
Jordan’s name has already come up in this scandal numerous times.
Third time could be the charm as this guy is testifying under oath....maybe he's a liar and can be charged....its only a process crime!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!
Jessie Smollett also swore an oath.
Notice how quickly the Three Stooges of CHT attempt to go off topic.
Mini-Mic'd up.
Jessie Smollett also swore an oath.
And got caught again....what's your fucking stupid point other than the one on your pin head??????? And goat fucker....ESAD!
real men of genius...
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is looking to make a sharp pivot ¨from the heated politics of impeachment and lash President Donald Trump in another key area: the economy.
In a series of private meetings this week, Pelosi has all but explicitly told her members that with the election just nine months away, it’s time for Democrats to shift the spotlight away from the Ukraine scandal and other controversies ensnaring Trump.
To further underscore that point, Pelosi hosted a special speaker’s meeting on Tuesday with a top Obama economics adviser to explain to Democrats why the economy isn’t actually as strong as Trump claims and how they can message that to voters.
They really are delusional.
But I guess their only choice is to gaslight the voters into thinking the economy is not working for them dispite the overwhelming facts on the ground.
Has mini-mike actually apologized for his Racist and sexist comments?
Oh and released the woman he paid to keep their mouths shut from those Non-discloser agreements?
oh fuck yes, please go fucking for it you fucking maggot.
"Pelosi hosted a special speaker’s meeting on Tuesday with a top Obama economics adviser to explain to Democrats why the economy isn’t actually as strong as Trump claims and how they can message that to voters.😂
Alky and Jane assured us repeatedly the economy was NOT a key issue in 2020 Presidential election.
Public Service Announcement : 2020 Election will still be using the US Constitution and the Electorial College.
Jane adds another parrot term.
"hampering opposition"
He is in love with Socialist Ideals.
Go to and click on
The Day Democracy Died
February 12, 2020 at 6:02 pm EST By Taegan Goddard
Or go here:
"The Day Democracy Died" Sung by The Founding Fathers
James does not know the meaning of the economic make believe terms he parrots.
"The Debt Collective, an organization founded by a group of activists who met during the Occupy Wall Street protests a decade ago, is calling on people with student debt to stop paying it.The group's goal is to get all private and federal student loans canceled and to make public college free.They say there's essentially already a strike occurring, with a large share of borrowers unable to pay down their loans."
They protest , but in 10 years don't pay off their Obama Era Loans.
The Lost Years Legacy Student Loan Debt.
2009 633 Billion dollar
2016 1.35 Trillion
Ned Ryun
From a senior official and witness to Vindmans being escorted out: “People were standing and applauding them getting removed. Not just politicals, but careers in resource, personnel, and intel.” So yeah, those two got what they deserved and everyone knows it.
In other news, Roger Stone's 9 year sentence recommendation brouhaha just became irrelevant as the jury foreman reveled he was an anti-Trump Democrat activist who ran for Congress in 2012.
He made the revelation last night on Twitter.
Now the judge has no choice but to declare a mistrial and order a new trial for him.
The foreman himself may face perjury charges himself for not revealing his political history and the bias it implies to the court.
CS, That is really good news.
The Debt Collective, an organization founded by a group of activists who met during the Occupy Wall Street protests a decade ago, is calling on people with student debt to stop paying it.
Good luck getting a car loan, a home mortgage or even a credit card if you do that.
You will be forever labeled as a high-risk for credit.
Exactly, The Student Loan Program has an enforcement arm, similar to the ITS.
These children are going to be amazed at what can be done to them and those pesky contracts they signed.
"The United States led the entire world in reducing CO2 emissions last year while also experiencing solid economic growth, according to a newly released report.
“The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis – a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt,” The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported on Tuesday. “US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.”
Good luck getting a car loan, a home mortgage or even a credit card if you do that.
You will be forever labeled as a high-risk for credit.
that's what makes observing liberals in the wild (liberalis fucktardis) so entertaining. they never pause to consider the consequences of their actions. the downside? they expect us to bail them out.
The jury foreman on the Roger Stone trial came forward on social media Wednesday to defend the four prosecutors who withdrew from the case after the Department of Justice overruled their excessive sentencing recommendation.
A Facebook post written by Tomeka Hart, the senior program officer for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was picked up by multiple news outlets. But the reports left out some highly pertinent details about her background—namely that Hart is a hyperpartisan Democratic Party activist who is rabidly anti-Trump and a Russia-collusion truther.
The head juror in Roger Stone’s trial is very active on Twitter, and surprisingly enough, didn’t think to scrub all of her eyebrow-raising tweets after she went public.
CNN was first to report that Hart had come forward to defend the four Justice Department prosecutors who withdrew from the case and resigned on Tuesday. Without mentioning anything about her political past history, CNN helped Hart push her anti-Trump narrative:
The rest of her post is below:
I’m standing up for them now because I was a juror on the case. In fact, I was the foreperson.
I am sharing the November 22, 2019 op-ed of Seth Cousins, another juror–and not just because he said this: “My favorite person on the jury was an African American woman from Tennessee.”
Seth perfectly articulated my sentiments. I couldn’t have written a better piece–so I share his. I admired his bravery in speaking out so soon after the trial. Read Seth’s piece please.
I wasn’t ready. There had already been attempts at finding out who I was. Threats to expose my identity. For a moment I was afraid.
But I don’t live in fear. It is not my nature to be silent.
As Seth asserts, “We did not convict Stone based on his political beliefs or his expression of those beliefs. We did not convict him of being intemperate or acting boorishly. We convicted him of obstructing a congressional investigation, of lying in five specific ways during his sworn congressional testimony and of tampering with a witness in that investigation.”
The prosecutors who have now resigned did a masterful job of laying out every element of every charge, backed with ample evidence. As foreperson, I made sure we went through every element, of every charge, matching the evidence presented in the case that led us to return a conviction of guilty on all 7 counts.
It pains me to see the DOJ now interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors. They acted with the utmost intelligence, integrity, and respect for our system of justice.
For that, I wanted to speak up for them and ask you to join me in thanking them for their service.
“The prosecutors who have now resigned did a masterful job of laying out every element of every charge, backed with ample evidence,” Hart said. “As foreperson, I made sure we went through every element, or every charge, matching the evidence presented in the case that led us to return a conviction of guilty on all 7 counts.
“It pains me to see the DOJ now interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors. They acted with the utmost intelligence, integrity, and respect for our system of justice.
“For that, I wanted to speak up for them and ask you to join me in thanking them for their service.”
but it's barr who's the problem. uh huh.
Trump may be headed to more impeachment hearings.
Somebody needs to tell Kansas Dimwit that the reason I ignore his dumb questions -- the answers to which are obvious in things I say and sources I cite -- is that I have so little respect for him.
The country will be forced to endure more impeachment hearings until voters can send house dems packing in November. That's a shame.
but it's barr who's the problem. uh huh.
BWAAAAAAA!!!!! Obvious the fat fuck barr can't suck on trumps dick and be attorney for the American people at the same time!!!! Sad how corruption now permeates the group charged with defending the country from heathens like trump!!!!!
Funny, another trump crony becomes a convicted felon and the slurpers attack the judge and jury who convicted him....Aren't any of you smart enough to see what the king has wrought ????????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!
So a Trump colleague goes to trial where the judge is an Obama appointee, then just is stacked with democrat activists and the prosecutors all hate Trump. Dopey sees no problem here.
We don't call him dopey for nothing.
trial where the judge is an Obama appointee,
BWAAAAAAA!!!!! And I call you dumber than the Injun cunt that polluted the ether here......yeah its obama's fault you dumb fuck!!!!! Some day you will pull your head out of your old fat white ass and see the light!!!!!!
Blogger James said...
Trump may be headed to more impeachment hearings.
you don't say, pederast?
gee, i'm old enough to remember when eric holder bragged about being 0linsky's "wing man" and whenever african americans would hold one of their impromptu street festivals like in ferguson and baltimore, holder would rush to the scene waving a consent decree effectively giving him power over local law enforcement.
good times, good times.
James white flag of failure flying high .
gee, i'm old enough
Older and dumber than a box of rocks you asshole...
How Bloomberg Moved to Contain ‘Stop and Frisk’ Crisis
“Inside Bloomberg’s sprawling Manhattan headquarters, his team sprung to action: Emails started flying before sunrise about how to respond. Strategies about how to handle President Trump’s tweet calling him a “total racist” were debated. And staffers gathered for a morning meeting worried about how to manage black surrogates and supporters whose endorsements were to be rolled out that week.
“Leaders for Bloomberg’s black and Latino constituency teams gathered on a call with staffers spread across the country to get ahead of the news and calm their nerves. They talked about Bloomberg’s evolution from high-profile defender to deeply apologetic critic of ‘stop and frisk’… Advisers to the former New York City mayor distributed talking points that catalogued his work on economic opportunity and racial justice.
“Meanwhile, in a conference room at his Times Square headquarters, the mayor assembled about 20 black pastors for a pre-scheduled meeting that lasted more than two hours and included face time with Bloomberg.”
Trump Takes on Judge In Roger Stone Case
First he went after the prosecutors who recommended a multiyear sentence for his friend Roger Stone.
Then President Trump turned his Twitter ire to the ‘witch hunt disgrace’ of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, which led to Stone’s indictment.
But perhaps most surprising was Trump’s decision to target U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson — who will determine Stone’s fate when he appears in her courtroom next Thursday,” the Washington Post reports.
“It was not the first time Trump had gone after a federal judge or questioned the judiciary, but Tuesday’s attack was nevertheless vexing to current and former judges as Jackson prepares to decide whether to send the president’s friend to prison — and for how long.”
Yovanovitch Says State Department Is In Trouble
Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch said Wednesday that the State Department is “in trouble” and that the department is being “hollowed out,” CNN reports.
Said Yovanovitch: “Vacancies at all levels go unfilled and officers are increasingly wondering whether it is safe to express concerns about policy, even behind closed doors.”
John Kelly Finally Lets Loose on Trump
The Atlantic:
“Over a 75-minute speech and question-and-answer session, Kelly laid out, in the clearest terms yet, his misgivings with Trump’s words and actions regarding North Korea, illegal immigration, military discipline, Ukraine, and the news media.”
“Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general, said that Vindman is blameless and simply followed the training he’d received as a soldier, migrants are ‘overwhelmingly good people’ and ‘not all rapists,’ and Trump’s decision to condition military aid to Ukraine on an investigation into his political rival Joe Biden upended longstanding U.S. policy.”
Prosecutors Fear Trump Interference
New York Times: “Prosecutors across the United States, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid reprisals, said this week that they had already been wary of working on any case that might catch Mr. Trump’s attention and that the Stone episode only deepened their concern. They also said that they were worried that [Attorney General Bill] Barr might not support them in politically charged cases.”
Republicans, start practicing saying it:
Sieg Heil!
Trump Uses His Power as Part of Vendetta
“President Trump is testing the rule of law one week after his acquittal in his Senate impeachment trial, seeking to bend the executive branch into an instrument for his personal and political vendetta against perceived enemies,” the Washington Post reports.
“And Trump — simmering with rage, fixated on exacting revenge against those he feels betrayed him and insulated by a compliant Republican Party — is increasingly comfortable doing so to the point of feeling untouchable.
“In the span of 48 hours this week, the president has sought to protect his friends and punish his foes, even at the risk of compromising the Justice Department’s independence and integrity — a stance that his defenders see as entirely justified.”
Sieg Heil!
Associated Press: With impeachment over, critics see Trump “retribution tour.”
Sieg Heil!
The Rev. Al Sharpton said every Democrat has a racist past.
He said they need to come to the Alter.
"The Day Democracy Died" Sung by The Founding Fathers
“Meanwhile, in a conference room at his Times Square headquarters, the mayor assembled about 20 black pastors for a pre-scheduled meeting that lasted more than two hours and included face time with Bloomberg.”
and here is the video of the meeting:
Exchange of the Day
February 13, 2020 at 9:29 am EST
President Trump:
“Mini Mike is a 5’4” mass of dead energy who does not want to be on the debate stage with these professional politicians. No boxes please. He hates Crazy Bernie and will, with enough money, possibly stop him. Bernie’s people will go nuts!”
Mike Bloomberg:
“Donald Trump — we know many of the same people in NY. Behind your back they laugh at you & call you a carnival barking clown. They know you inherited a fortune & squandered it with stupid deals and incompetence. I have the record & the resources to defeat you. And I will.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Great Fun!
WE LIKE MIKE! say blacks.
a decent person grovels in front of 20 asshats?
sounds like the behavior of a patronizing and sniveling coward.
WE LIKE MIKE! say blacks.
so let's see, pederast...
mike branded them as criminals.
trump gave them an economy that both drastically reduced their unemployment and increased their wages.
Trump could prove Bloomberg wrong by releasing his tax returns.
Oh, wait.
rrb (republican rat bastard) posts a cartoon that is almost as racist as he is
and then he calls twenty pastor leaders of the black community "asshats"
keep up the good work, rrb
oh, we're back to the tax return ruse.
ralph maddow released trump's tax returns a while back.
so there you go!
so, while tiny mike is kissing black ass...
Another day, another positive Gallup headline for President Trump.
Today’s delivered more economic good news for Trump, that people feel “better off” than they did when the past four presidents were up for reelection.
A record 61% said they are better off than they were three years ago when Trump beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in a shocking election.
“Six in 10 U.S. adults say they are better off than they were three years ago, more than reported this in prior presidential reelection years,” said Gallup.
What’s more, people give Trump much more credit for the improved economy than former President Barack Obama, who’s supporters have been claiming credit. Some 26% give Obama a "great deal" of credit compared to Trump at 37%.
racist rrb speaks of kissing black asses
As I left the rally (walking by thousands of people who were watching it on a giant monitor outside of the arena because they couldn’t get in), I knew that there was no way Trump was going to lose in November. Absolutely no way. I truly believe that it doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate: Trump is going to trounce them. If you don’t believe me, attend one of his rallies and see for yourself. Don’t worry, they really won’t hurt you.
Today, I voted in the New Hampshire Democratic Primary for Pete Buttigieg. I genuinely feel that Pete would be great for this country, and maybe he’ll have his opportunity in the future. But tomorrow, I’ll be changing my voter registration from Democrat to Independent and walking away from the party I’ve spent the last 20 years in to sit in the middle for a while. There are extremes in both parties that I am uncomfortable with, but I also fundamentally believe that most people on both sides are good, decent human beings that want the best for the country but have dramatic disagreements on how to get there. But until we start seeing each other as human beings, there will be no bridging the divide. I refuse to be a part of the divisiveness any longer. I refuse to hate people I don’t know simply because they choose to vote for someone else. If we’re going to heal the country, we have to start taking steps towards one another rather than away.
I think the Democrats have an ass-kicking coming to them in November, and I think most of them will be utterly shocked when it happens because they’re existing in an echo chamber that is not reflective of the broader reality. I hope it’s a wake-up call and causes them to take a long look in the mirror and really ask themselves how they got here. Maybe then they’ll start listening. I tend to doubt it, but I can hope.
Wait till mini-mike gets on the debate stage !!!
He just can't hide how short he is.
All his money can't buy him height or respect.
I just watched the excellent Rachel Maddow video. Thanks, rattypoo!
Unfortunately, it didn't answer the questions,
But thanks anyway.
LOL Bloomberg says he has height enough on the only stage that matters.
Funny that tub of guts Orangeman should criticize someone else's physical appearance.
Bloomberg Blames Minorities For 2008 Stock Market Crash
Bloomberg released his Federal Tax returns?
Has he released the woman he sexually abuse and paid off fromnthier DNA?
If not, why not.
What is not fully addressed in the Times article, however—and what is not fully explored in the many similar pieces that consider the current iteration of Mike Bloomberg’s presidential ambitions—is a series of stories about him, accumulated over decades, that suggests in the aggregate a distinct pattern when it comes to his treatment of women: reports of disparaging comments made about women’s bodies and appearances. Allegations of a deeply sexist work environment at the company that Bloomberg founded and, for many years, ran. Stories that linger like exhaust in the air every time Mike Bloomberg is mentioned as, potentially, the next president of the United States.
The stories about Mike Bloomberg, though—stories, told through lawsuits and journalistic accounts, that involve allegations not of physical abuse but of more insidious manifestations of misogyny—ask broader questions about the ways electoral politics and basic morality will continue to tangle with each other as #MeToo marches onward. Will the stories (many of which Bloomberg has publicly denied as the inventions of money-hungry opportunists) have any bearing on his potential presidential candidacy? Will the Americans (and specifically now, apparently, the Democrats) of the current moment consider allegations involving casual misogyny, on the personal level and at the institutional, to be politically disqualifying? Will they consider those claims, indeed, to be worth discussing at all? Or will they dismiss them as the predicable collateral of the thing Americans are conditioned, still, to value above all: the successful accumulation of power and wealth?
From 1996 to 1997, four women filed sexual-harassment or discrimination suits against Bloomberg the company. One of the suits included the following allegation: When Sekiko Sakai Garrison, a sales representative at the company, told Mike Bloomberg she was pregnant, he replied, “Kill it!” (Bloomberg went on, she alleged, to mutter, “Great, No. 16”—a reference, her complaint said, to the 16 women at the company who were then pregnant.) To these allegations, Garrison added another one: Even prior to her pregnancy, she claimed, Bloomberg had antagonized her by making disparaging comments about her appearance and sexual desirability. “What, is the guy dumb and blind?” he is alleged to have said upon seeing her wearing an engagement ring. “What the hell is he marrying you for?”
Bloomberg denied having made those comments, claiming that he passed a lie-detector test validating the denial but declining to release the results. (He also reportedly left Garrison a voicemail upon hearing that she’d been upset by the comments about her pregnancy: “I didn’t say it, but if I said it, I didn’t mean it.”) What Bloomberg reportedly did concede is that he had said of Garrison and other women, “I’d do her.” In making the concession, however, he insisted that he had believed that to “do” someone meant merely “to have a personal relationship” with them.
Obama-Polosi-Schumers DNC
Why is the Left against her?
"2020 Democratic candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard thanked her supporters as the results of the New Hampshire primary were coming in Tuesday.
"No matter what happens here tonight, I want you to know that we have already been victorious. We have already been victorious because of what we have built here together,"
Gabbard said.
"As much as they have tried to erase us from this election, we’re still strong," she said."
You really want to go here?
Bloomberg: "I'd like to 'do' you."
Trump: "I can get away with anything. I just walk up and grab her by the p..."
How many porn stars has Mike slept with?
James as much as you read what I post , your lie about that you didn't .
Thing is as much as you post you could easily show us your description of those Socialist Economic terms you parrot.
But, you are not an honest person.
How many porn stars has Mike slept with?
who cares?
fucking is their job.
sexually harassing your own employees on the other hand is a serious allegation and one that must be thoroughly investigated.
if tiny mike had ONLY focused on porn stars instead of being a sexual predator within his own company, eh pederast?
How many women have filed sexual harassment charges against Trump?
I just grab 'em you know where.
Blogger James said...
How many women have filed sexual harassment charges against Trump?
actually filed official complaints?
gee pederast, i'm not sure. i've seen and heard lots of claims in the media and tabloids. the only one that seemed to go anywhere was skanky daniels and her case was ruled IN TRUMP'S FAVOR (LOLOLOLOL) and she had to pony up almost $300 large. oh, and her creepy porn lawyer is currently in JAIL for, among other things, trying to shake down Nike.
so, you were saying pederast?
fucking is their job.
And being trumps asshole is yours.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! How many times did you fuck a whore while your wife was birthing one of your idiots???????
Look at the wiki article
"Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations"
Here's a tiny part of it:
Sexual misconduct allegations have been made against Trump by at least 22 women. Trump has denied the allegations, saying he has been the victim of media bias, conspiracies, and a political smear campaign. In October 2016, Trump publicly vowed to sue all the women who have made allegations of sexual assault (e.g. non-consensual kissing or groping) or sexual harassment against him, as well as The New York Times for publishing the allegations, but he has yet to follow through with any legal action.
Why not? He's innocent.
Trump Slams John Kelly
President Trump responded to former White House chief of staff John Kelly’s reported criticisms of the president last night:
Said Trump: “When I terminated John Kelly, which I couldn’t do fast enough, he knew full well that he was way over his head. Being Chief of Staff just wasn’t for him. He came in with a bang, went out with a whimper, but like so many X’s, he misses the action & just can’t keep his mouth shut… which he actually has a military and legal obligation to do.”
He added: “His incredible wife, Karen, who I have a lot of respect for, once pulled me aside & said strongly that ‘John respects you greatly. When we are no longer here, he will only speak well of you.’ Wrong!”
Nice of you to repeat that, Devious Donald. Obviously, you had to do something awfully bad to make him turn against you.
Another example:
Treasury Official Resigns Amid Fallout
“The US attorney whose nomination for a top Treasury Department job was yanked because she ran the office that oversaw Roger Stone’s prosecution has resigned,” CNN reports.
Bonus Quote of the Day
“You have to be careful about what you are watching and reading, because the media has taken sides. So if you only watch Fox News because it’s reinforcing what you believe, you are not an informed citizen.”
— Former White House chief of staff John Kelly, quoted by the Morristown Daily Record, on working for President Trump.
LOL That's why the most uninformed citizen of all is in the White House.
And how many idiots du trump think that the fucking of Vindman's brother was above board and was not out of getting even???????
Blogger James said...
Look at the wiki article
"Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations"
Here's a tiny part of it:
Sexual misconduct allegations have been made against Trump by at least 22 women.
so make up your mind, pederast.
earlier you asked for this -
Blogger James said...
How many women have filed sexual harassment charges against Trump?
so pederast,
is it actual sexual harassment CHARGES, or mere allegations you seek?
there IS a difference.
WASHINGTON – Eight Senate Republicans broke with President Donald Trump on Thursday – joining all the chamber's Democrats to support legislation that would restrict the president's ability to wage war with Iran.
The 55-45 vote marked a rare bipartisan effort to curb Trump's powers and underscored lawmakers' concerns that U.S. tensions with Iran could escalate into a full-fledged war.
Democrats said Congress had to act now to rein in an unpredictable president, arguing Trump brought the United States to the brink of war with Iran when he green-lighted a deadly strike targeting Tehran’s most powerful military leader, Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
“I fear that the president’s erratic decision-making, his lack of strategy, his inability to control his impulses may bumble us into a war… even if he doesn’t intend it,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said during Thursday’s debate.
Most of the Senate's 53 Republicans voted against the measure, which would direct the president to terminate the use of U.S. military force engaged in “hostilities against Iran” unless explicitly authorized by Congress.
And it will return to Congress faster than you can say veto.
there IS a difference.
Only to idiots like you asshole.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Finally found something about clintons' BS that melds with what I have posted and alleged for years!!!!
In the state of Georgia it still only counts as rape if the male organ penetrates the female organ. Other people feel the same. Oral sex does not actually qualify as “sex,” as President Bill Clinton asserted in 1998. Oral sex carries a reduced risk of sexually transmitted infect
So when he testified that he did not have sex with that women....his statement was correct and still was impeached for lying!!!!!!
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