This is the sort of thing that happens when the rails are coming off!
Slow Joe is back to Creepy Joe after getting into the habit of yelling at his own supporters who are asking him questions that he doesn't want to deal with. I know he wants people to view him as a fighter, but sometime you simply have to answer a question or two without a threat, a challenge, an insult, or the demand that the question is a lie!
Quite obviously the impeachment hearings put Burisma, his son Hunter, and his quid pro quo demands that a Prosecutor be fired into the spotlight and he was ill prepared for the fall out. I am not sure there was ever going to be a good play for Biden, short of acknowledging that quid pro quo like that happens all the time (which would have let Trump off the hook).
I doubt it was the intention of the Pelosi and Schiff to throw the frontrunner (and Trump's most feared challenger) under the bus, but that is effectively what they did. Now we are seeing the repercussions of this. But perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. Biden was going to have to deal with it at some time. Better to see if he can react positively and put it behind him early in the process, rather than sweep it under the rug during the nomination process.
Unfortunately, Creepy Joe is not handling this very well. In fact, it is sort of reminding people of why Joe Biden has never been considered a very strong campaigner or candidate. It just might have cost him his last and best shot at a Presidency.
the way biden's going it won't be long before he's sharing a room with the alky at the assisted living facility.
Oscars last night - of course they gave one to the Obama produced documentary. Then the director gets up and quotes Karl Marx. How fitting.
"parasite" won best picture. wasn't that also a documentary? i figured it was glimpse into the modern American liberal and it starred bernie sanders.
lol, yep.
"the way biden's going it won't be long before he's sharing a room with the alky at the assisted living facility." RRB
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