Saturday, October 29, 2016

AG, President, Clinton all pissed off!

Well there is no question that James Comey is now a man without many friends. After pissing off most of his subordinates as well as most conservatives in the country, he's now pissed off his superiors and most of the liberals in the country.

Speculation is going crazy. The "most interesting" theory in my opinion is that the emails found in Abedin's home computer was more of an "excuse" to reopen an investigation that most of the rank and file agents felt was closed prematurely. I don't know that it's true, but it does resonate with the Trump message of everything this side of my son's Bantam Hockey game being rigged.

Perhaps Wikileaks and the release of FBI emails  have not had the direct impact that some might have expected. Most of your media has buried these stories well behind the latest 40 year old unsubstantiated accusation of sexual harassment by Donald Trump.

But what all of this leaking has done is further called Comey's decision to not prosecute Clinton into question. As it turned out, his well publicized thrown together press conference exonerating Hillary Clinton came shortly "after" he vetoed requests from investigators to subpoena information from Clinton (post interview) and "while" these investigators were still gathering additional information and still investigating Clinton (including investigating possible false statements). It was obvious that Comey stabbed those investigators in the back by closing an investigation they were still persuing, and likely did so without much apology.

All that being said, the most "logical explanation" here is that this is still a bigger legal problem for Abedin than for Clinton. That being said, this reopening of the investigation was made at the request of the rank and file FBI investigators. It's unlikely that Comey would have acted (without approval from his superior) unless there was good reason to. That could spell legal trouble for more than just Abedin.

But either way, it's a damaging political issue for Clinton to be dealing with ten days from the election. If nothing else, this has awoken many Republicans and breathed some much needed life into the Trump campaign. Mighty momentum had been sneaking towards Trump, but with this news, the momentum just "lurched" in his favor.

Why does this matter? Because we are not talking about Donald Trump.


Commonsense said...

After the Obama administration hung Comey out to dry I don't think he particularly cares what they think.

He's basically daring Obama to fire him.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

They didn't hang him out to dry as much as you and the Repugs did.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My prediction: In a few days this is going to be HELPING rather than hurting, Clinton.

Loretta said...

OMG, can't we have at least ONE thread without fucking spam?

C.H. Truth said...

My prediction: In a few days this is going to be HELPING rather than hurting, Clinton.

Yeah, only someone with your mindset believes that being under FBI investigation is a "good thing" for a politician running for office.

KD, LOL @HalfJane Daily said...

OMG, can't we have at least ONE thread without fucking spam? " Ette

Not as long as Opium, HB and Jane the dumbass is allowed to post.

What kind of amazing corruption their team has going, when the sitting pResident orders the AG Lynch (failure of an AG) to stop the investigation.

The cover up is now the story. This is much worse then Nixon, so much worse.

Those Three Stooges are so funny.

KD said...


Fury Over FBI Chief’s ‘Extraordinary’ Email Move... ‘Shocking And Disheartening’... ‘If I Did What He Did, I Would Be Censured’... ‘Particularly Egregious’... ‘Sets Terrible Precedent’...


KD, Hillary Pressor, when ??? said...

Remember when asked about her Emails, Hillary responded 23 Times she did not recall.

That is the reason she had demanded ((((( LLLLLOOOOOLLLLL))))) that the FBI Director show her his evidence.

My God she is really dumb, Madam, the Investigator never shows the Evidence to the Criminal.

Hillary, might want to get more then the 75 Lawyers she has on staff to work overtime and explain to HER, reeeeaaaalllllly slowly how this kind of Criminal Investigations .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I like two. Nate Silver who despite being intellectually dishonest, was on television yesterday.

Strategy No. 1: Demand more details from Comey

This was Clinton’s initial strategy during her brief press conference on Friday, where she said that “the American people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately.”

This approach carries a couple of advantages. First, Clinton may reasonably believe that the details of the case aren’t as bad as the headlines. Voters may fill in the blanks when words like “FBI,” “Clinton” and “investigation” appear in the same headline, even if there’s more smoke than fire to the case. But as more information about the case has come to light, the implications seem less severe for Clinton than they did at first.

Another advantage is that Clinton may get credit from the media for appearing as though she has nothing to hide. There’s a whole school of “savvy” political reporting that holds that it isn’t the crime that matters, but the cover-up. In this view, a relatively minor scandal can become a serious “political problem” if the candidate doesn’t handle it appropriately by showing the right amount of openness and contrition. To say the least, I’m not a fan of this approach, which diverts voters’ attention from the evidence and instead inserts the reporter or pundit as the equivalent of a figure-skating judge who grades the candidates based on artistic impression. But it’s a widespread paradigm in the press, and Clinton could gain more sympathetic coverage if she plays by the media’s rules.

The risk is that by continuing to litigate the case, Clinton could keep the story in the news, which could be a negative for her even if further details prove to be exculpatory. At this point in the election, it’s mostly so-called low-information voters who are still making up their minds — not necessarily those who will read the fine print. And in general this year, candidates have tended to lose ground in the polls whenever they’ve been in the headlines. A day that the media spends talking about Comey and emails is also a day that they don’t spend talking about Trump, and his many vulnerabilities.

Strategy No. 2: Rile up Democratic partisans by attacking Comey and other targets

While Clinton herself hasn’t yet attacked Comey’s motivations, her top surrogates and advisors like John Podesta are already doing so. There’s the risk of hypocrisy here given that some of these same Clinton surrogates were praising and defending Comey after the FBI chose not to charge Clinton in July. But the target for arguments like these is not undecided voters who are looking for logical consistency, so much as Democratic partisans who are looking for reasons to feel aggrieved. One reason that scandals and gaffes often don’t have as much impact on the polls as pundits expect is because we live in a highly partisan era, and even highly negative news stories can sometimes wind up motivating a candidate’s own supporters to vote.

Clinton and her surrogates could also take a cue from the Republican playbook by attacking the media for way it’s covered the story. But that’s a riskier strategy for a Democrat, especially given that the public is more inclined to think the media is biased against Trump than against Clinton. Still, the longer the story remains in the news, the more risk there is of fatigue or backlash against it, and Clinton can potentially gain sympathy among Democratic partisans by protesting that the media is obsessed with her “damn emails” at the expense of everything else at stake in the election.

Commonsense said...

Strategy 1 is a joke. One could come right back at the campaign and asked "Don't you know?".

It's the strategy of the guilty.

Comey is a Democrat appointee who has already caved to pressure from the AG and POTUS so strategy 2 is a non-starter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is claiming the entire DOJ, political appointments and not are all conspiracing to get Trump.

He is the most dangerous man to run for President since the Civil War.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Strategy No. 3: Let it go

This is the opposite of strategy No. 1. Here the Clinton campaign lays low after calculating that the story will die of its own accord. And it may be what we see if the campaign doesn’t see much impact from the FBI news in public and internal polls by early next week. The Clinton campaign woke up Friday morning with a lead of 5 or 6 percentage points nationally. The campaign could afford to lose a point or two, especially if it expects the impact to fade by Election Day (although that may be less true for down-ballot races, where the margin in many states is within 1 or 2 percentage points).

It can be easy to underestimate how quickly the media can turn from one story to the next. Many stories that seem major at the time wind up garnering no more than two or three days of coverage, provided there’s nothing further to perpetuate them — or if there’s something else that pre-empts them.
Strategy No. 4: Drop an opposition research bomb on Trump

Speaking of which, I often see reporters speculating or predicting that the Clinton campaign is sitting on one or two major pieces of opposition research about Trump, which they’ll leak to the press at a time of maximum strategic advantage. There’s reason to be skeptical of these claims: If the Clinton campaign had something great, wouldn’t they have released it already, especially given that people are already voting in many states?

But the FBI news may slightly increase the chance that we’ll see counter-attacks against Trump. Especially if the polls do tighten, the usually risk-averse Clinton campaign may become more willing to push a story that has some risk of backfiring (say, a serious accusation against Trump that isn’t backed up by more than one source). News organizations and their potential sources may also become more willing to run with these stories if the election becomes closer, taking on more legal and reputational risk, whereas they’d bypass them if Clinton seemed to have the election in the bag.

If the Clinton campaign does have something major on Trump — or even something minor — there’s a lot of art and science involved in when it drops the story. Too soon, and it could get swept beneath the undertow of the FBI story. Too late, and it might look desperate. But one way the campaign could end is with a whole crescendo of major stories dropping. That could make things complicated for pollsters and forecasters.

Commonsense said...

Think they may have shot their wad on Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The pathological liar is lying in a state the Democrats hasn't won for decades.

RCP Average 9/28 - 10/24 -- -- 43.5 42.0 6.3 1.8 Clinton +1.5
Monmouth 10/21 - 10/24 401 LV 4.9 45 46 4 1 Trump +1
Arizona Republic 10/10 - 10/15 LV 4.0 43 38 7 4 Clinton +5
Emerson 10/2 - 10/4 600 LV 3.9 44 42 9 1 Clinton +2
OH Predictive Insights 9/28 - 9/30 718 LV 3.7 42 42 5 1 Tie

Commonsense said...

Of course they may have a video of him with Jeffrey Epstein but they would have to photoshop out Bill.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hillary Clinton and her allies sprang onto a war footing on Saturday, opening a ferocious attack on the F.B.I.’s director, James B. Comey, a day after he disclosed that his agency was looking into a potential new batch of messages from her private email server.

Treating Mr. Comey as a threat to her candidacy, Mrs. Clinton took aim at the law enforcement officer who had recommended no criminal charges less than four months earlier for her handling of classified information as secretary of state.

“It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election,” Mrs. Clinton said at a rally in Daytona Beach, Fla. “In fact, it’s not just strange; it’s unprecedented and it is deeply troubling.”

For Democrats, it was also deeply worrying. Mrs. Clinton’s advisers expressed concern that the F.B.I.’s renewed attention to emails relating to the nominee would turn some voters against her, hurt party candidates in competitive House and Senate races, and complicate efforts to win over undecided Americans in the final days of the election.

Two points.
This is aggressive and powerful.

She must be sure that there is nothing damaging there.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm watching the world series, no politics.

Go Cubs,!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans have only guarded optimism about FBI probe changing Clinton, Trump race

Faux "News"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Campaign chairman and longtime Clinton family confidant John D. Podesta said on a call with reporters that Comey’s announcement was “long on innuendo and short on facts,” allowing Republicans to “distort and exaggerate” its message.

“There’s no evidence of wrongdoing, no charge of wrongdoing, no indication that this is even about Hillary,” Podesta said.

Comey’s decision to ignore the advice of Justice leadership is “stunning,” said Matt Miller, who served as Justice Department spokesman under then-Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. “Jim Comey forgets that he works for the attorney general.”

“I think he has a lot of regard for his own integrity. And he lets that regard cross lines into self-righteousness,” Miller said. “He has come to believe that his own ethics are so superior to anyone else’s that his judgment can replace existing rules and regulations. That is a dangerous belief for an FBI director to have.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Washington post

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When an adviser warned him he had insulted a Gold Star family, Trump reportedly said “what’s that?”

Commonsense said...

As I said earlier, the Clinton strategy of blaming Comey and demanding to see what the FBI has on her will backfire.

Hillary only has herself to blame for the mess she’s in

We must forgive Mark Twain for his error when he declared that “history never repeats itself but it often rhymes.” After all, he’d never met the Clintons.

If Twain were alive now, he would be astonished at how the headlines over the e-mail scandal roiling the presidential race are virtual repeats of the family’s 1990s saga in power.

The headlines are also an omen. A restoration of the Clinton presidency would be a restoration of the national and moral chaos they invariably create.

They can’t help themselves. They are corrupt and corrupters, the ­Typhoid Mary of politics.

Whether by nature or nurture, they are programmed to ruin. Friends, allies, institutions — all are stained by their touch.

And always, the Clintons blame somebody else. Now it’s FBI Director James Comey’s turn to embody their all-purpose bogeyman, the vast right-wing conspiracy. Somebody, sometimes everybody, is out to get them, unfairly of course.

The victim card is a Clinton family heirloom, but there are major problems playing it over Comey’s sudden reopening of the e-mail probe.

Clinton created the mess with her incredibly stupid decision to use a private server as secretary of state. Virtually every major issue dogging her, including her reputation for chronic dishonesty, was started or exacerbated by that decision, including the current one.

Commonsense said...

Interesting read, good analysis, but it is still speculation. But with the FBI reopening the email investigation, more believable.

The secret forces that could lead to a Trump victory

Oh, there’s plenty of chatter about it in the raging echo chambers of talk radio and TV cable news, and in the cocksure journalists’ fun house known as Twitter, where in-the-tank reporters and dispossessed campaign consultants, smarting over their collective defeat in the primaries, smugly assure each other that Donald Trump will lose in a landslide.

But what if the widely swinging polls, turnout models and forecasting mechanisms are all wrong? What if the unique historical circumstances of this election — pitting the female half of a likely criminal family dynasty against a thin-skinned bull-in-a-china-shop businessman — have invalidated conventional wisdom? What if the ranks of shy voters storm the polls and, in the words of Michael Moore, deliver the biggest rebuke in history to the establishments of both parties?

What if, far from having a lock on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. come January, Hillary Clinton’s margin-of-error lead — currently between 4 and 5 points in the RealClearPolitics average of multiple national polls — turns out to be a Potemkin village, dependent on high turnout among blacks and other minorities and on getting late deciders to turn her way?

What if, in fact, the opposite happens — that Trump’s appeal to the disaffected white working class (many of them Democrats) in coal-mining and Rust Belt states outweighs the Democrats’ traditional advantages in the big cities, flipping a state like Pennsylvania from blue to red?

Welcome to the hidden election, where those who say they know what’s going to happen don’t, and those who do know will make their voices heard on Nov. 8.

Anonymous said...

don't forget the link, gin blossom.

Commonsense said...

Unlike you James I actually link interesting articles with my own commentary.

I do not promiscuously repost spam from unreputable and discredited blogs.

Nor do I shill for any source I use.

Commonsense said...

Two spam posts without a link.

Typical James.

Commonsense said...

Good, now I know to ignore your reposts because they are written by idiots.

But go on and let them piss down your neck and tell you it's raining.

The Clinton's know how serious it is. So does everybody else.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

State Poll Roundup: Sunday

Alaska: Clinton 47%, Trump 43%, Johnson 7% (Cracium)

Florida: Trump 46%, Clinton 42%, Johnson 4% (NYT/Siena)

Florida: Clinton 45%, Trump 44%, Johnson 5% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

North Carolina: Clinton 47%, Trump 41%, Johnson 8% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

Pennsylvania :Clinton 48%, Trump 40% (CBS News/YouGov)

North Carolina: Clinton 48%, Trump 45% (CBS News/YouGov)

Colorado: Clinton 42%, Trump 39% (CBS News/YouGov)

Arizona: Trump 44%, Clinton 42% (CBS News/YouGov)

Loretta said...

"Good, now I know to ignore your reposts because they are written by idiots."

As long as he's allowed to spam and plagiarize, he'll keep doing it.

Several old Coldheartedtruth followers (liberal and conservative) are amazed, especially during an election year - which is a time when CH normally shines, with his analysis and commentary.

Maybe he's busy planning his wedding?

Maybe he simply gave up and let them win?

Either way, it's a shame - with his good reputation.

Indy Voter said...

Alaska has been extremely difficult to poll over the years.

KD, Hillary Sues FBI to Stop Probe said...

Has the kiddy side of this blog closed?

Because the ill tempered children have deficated, pissed and thrown up all over this Adult Side.

Hillary vs. FBI