Sunday, October 8, 2017

Here is an idea? Let all illegal aliens move to California!!

California becomes 'sanctuary state' in rebuke of Trump immigration policy
Under threat of possible retaliation by the Trump administration, Gov. Jerry Brown signed landmark "sanctuary state" legislation Thursday, vastly limiting who state and local law enforcement agencies can hold, question and transfer at the request of federal immigration authorities.
Senate Bill 54, which takes effect in January, has been blasted as "unconscionable" by U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, becoming the focus of a national debate over how far states and cities can go to prevent their officers from enforcing federal immigration laws. Supporters have hailed it as part of a broader effort by majority Democrats in the California Legislature to shield more than 2.3 million immigrants living illegally in the state.
Seriously... if California want's to deal with the illegal immigration population, then all the more power to them. They can invite all 11 million to come live with them.

The only thing I would caution, is that they shouldn't ask for a red cent of federal funding for anything that goes towards that cause, including federal subsidies for medical expenses, housing expenses, or any other expenses that can be tied back to "their" decision to allow the illegals to roam free.

If California truly wants to act independently of Federal law, then let them do it outside of the Federal dime. But, we know that won't fly.  Like most liberals, Californians probably feel entitled to act however that they want to (responsible or not), without having to deal with the consequences of those actions.


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Loretta said...

Excellent idea.

Anonymous said...

I agree, put out the welcome hammock and they will mooch.

Anonymous said...

Kaepernick, has a deal for the NFL.

He will stand if he gets $$$$$$$$ to do it, see his true color is not about blacks , it is Green.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let's address a real issue, instead of a pitiful attempt at humor, it's not one of your strengths.

Let's assume one thing, but your Trumpism does not let you accept it, it was one of your childish reasons to block me.

The Washington Post, New Your Times and yes, even the Wall Street Journal, get a lot of leaks from the West Wing, and that most of them are negative in regards to the President?

I assume that the primary reason, is that these patriotic Americans believe that this President is dangerous, and in my opinion, he's mentally ill have been leaking more than any other administration in the last 40 years.

If you really believe that the journalists from these news papers are not telling the truth, and it's all "Fake News", I won't get an honest response.

Why are all of these leaks are coming out, on an almost daily basis? Do you have a rational answer? If not, or no response, answers the question. You have lost the ability to be cold hearted, and are instead a partisan hack.

Commonsense said...

Mike Pence walked out of the Colts/49ers game after some players took a knee during the National Anthem.

A new survey puts NFL Football at the bottom of a list of major college and pro sports.

The same survey in August had them at the top.

I'm wonder if the players and owners are so damn stupid and arrogant that they are not seeing they are cutting their own throats before it's too late.

I'll miss baseball when it's done but at least I'll have pro-hockey and college football until pitchers and catchers report in February.

Anonymous said...

it was one of your childish reasons to block me.

blocked on facebook by CH, and relegated to the second string on the hospice blog by me.

getting the fucking hint yet alky?

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Maybe it's because you're coming an *sshole

Loretta said...

"Let's assume one thing, but your Trumpism does not let you accept it, it was one of your childish reasons to block me."

You're an obnoxious dick.

That's probably why he blocked you.

commie said...

Mike Pence walked out of the Colts/49ers game after some players took a knee during the National Anthem.
Some like you care.... watching .pence is like watching paint dry...
A new survey puts NFL Football at the bottom of a list of major college and pro sports.
Another big so....I'm sure rugby and bull riding are lower.....

I vote for building a big wall around kansas....put all illegals in and fill it with one would notice...

Loretta said...

"getting the fucking hint yet alky?"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH has allowed the blog racist to bock the legacy blog until 2018, He has lost it even worse than Mrs Alzheimer's and Menstra.

Opie, James and i provide the only intelligent comments, except for Indy and wp who once in a while waste their time with the host, who has lost it seemingly forever.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's like the racist bastard blooking this.Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂
Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂
Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's like the racist bastard blooking this.Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂
Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂
Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's like the racist bastard blooking this.Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂
Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂
Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good! The White House is Now a Daycare Center and Somebody miss their Shift!! LOL ROTF 😂😂😂

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Do you like it?
I"m done looking like a racist asshole, named Jimmy the racist republican bastard.

Commonsense said...

Opie, James and i provide the only intelligent comments

You suffer from paranoid TDS. James copies other people's work so much that he should be seeing cease and desist orders in his mail. And Opie is unintelligible if not downright incoherent.

Yeah, you three make quite a trio. That's why your pageviews crashed into oblivion.

Commonsense said...

Senator Corker Ripped Trump Ass Good!

It's called ring and run. It was not particularly noble or courageous.

Commonsense said...

Looks like the Red Sox will live to fight another day.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Brown also approved a “sanctuary state” law that essentially shields the 2.35 million illegal immigrants living in the state from the Trump administration's new rules by limiting, and in some cases prohibiting, cooperation between local law enforcement officials and federal immigration authorities. There are exceptions for people who committed certain offenses.

I don't think it's going to be the last state either.

This is in response to the "rapist" "murderers" and "drug dealer" racist policies by our insane President.

Commonsense said...

I'm good with California not getting any federal dollars.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The California economy is in great shape. Locally, construction is incredible. New office buildings, industrial, medical and commercial construction is everywhere. The construction trade unions are falling short of workers, as the baby boomers, my age, are retiring on their generous defined benefit pensions. A friend of mine says that local 803, where I am still a member, is hurting for apprentices, and even journeyman to fill the jobs.

In the retail and restaurant business, and even the grocery stores, all have "Help Wanted" signs everywhere. They are offering more than minimum wages, to get the college age and high school graduates,to take the jobs. If you know someone who lives out here and needs to get a chance to work construction, as a carpenter, I know people.

My neighbor, who is a Mexican who is a citizen and an ex Marine, asked me to get his son into the Union and a contact to get a chance to work for Kaiser Permanente facilitates services, where I worked for 20 years. And yes, boys and girls, I was not a street drunk LOL I had a lot of experience, and mentored a couple college graduates on how to do the job. I was damn good at it despite what you idiots think. If I had been bombed all the time, I would not have stayed for the last 17 years.. I worked a total of 20 years, with a break, but the last one was from January 5, 1995 until October 31, 2012,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If you aren't watching the Cowboys vs the Packers, you are an idiot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump is the savior of American values from the dark skinned world. It's working here. The NFL players, etc, etc, And the rapists etc. And of course, the evil beaners.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The administration’s wish list includes the funding of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border, a crackdown on the influx of Central American minors, and curbs on federal grants to “sanctuary cities,” according to a document distributed to Congress and obtained by The Washington Post.

The demands were quickly denounced by Democratic leaders in Congress who had hoped to forge a deal with President Trump to protect younger immigrants, known as “dreamers,” who were brought to the country illegally as children. Trump announced last month plans to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, an Obama-era program that had provided two-year work permits to such immigrants, which the president called “unconstitutional.”
This is a developing story. It will be updated.

Loretta said...

"And yes, boys and girls, I was not a street drunk LOL I had a lot of experience, and mentored a couple college graduates on how to do the job. I was damn good at it despite what you idiots think."

No one gives a fuck, drunkard.

Anonymous said...

Lol, what?

Anonymous said...

All hat, no cattle

Anonymous said...

HB, again how many pills do you take a day, to feel young?

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

The Democrats want something for nothing.

Trump doesn't have to give them the dreamers, unless they give something in return.

And guess what, border security is extremely popular for Americans, with upwards of 70% or more wanting increase in border security...

and according to 2017 polling, upwards of 80% of Americans believe that local authorities should be force to comply with federal laws that require them to report on immigration.

Lastly, Americans (by about a four to one margin) want a comprehensive immigration overhaul where both Parties work together and both Parties compromise.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jerry Jones OWNER of the Dallas Cowboys NFL team has put an end to disrespecting the Flag and Anthem, do it and you WILL NOT PLAY.

Standing O.

Anonymous said...

CA. Senator DiFi has some splannin' to do.

She said no law could has stopped the Las Vegas shooter. Oh fuck that deflated the left position on new gun laws

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"And yes, boys and girls, I was not a street drunk LOL I had a lot of experience, and mentored a couple college graduates on how to do the job. I was damn good at it despite what you idiots think."

No one gives a fuck, drunkard.

You obviously give a fuck, because about half of your posts are your insults directed at


Commonsense said...

Lord, everything is about you isn't it?

The New York Times said...


Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) charged in an interview that President Trump was treating his office like “a reality show,” with reckless threats toward other countries that could set the nation “on the path to World War III,” the New York Times reports.

In an extraordinary rebuke of a president of his own party, Mr. Corker said he was alarmed about a president who acts “like he’s doing ‘The Apprentice’ or something.”

Said Corker: “He concerns me. He would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation.”

Bonus Quote of the Day

“I don’t know why the president tweets out things that are not true. You know he does it, everyone knows he does it, but he does.”
— Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN)’ quoted by the New York Times.

Unknown said...

Roger is right. There are people in Trump's own administration who are so worried about some of his extremist positions that they leak copious amounts of information in an attempt to undercut him.

Anonymous said...

It's called ring and run. It was not particularly noble or courageous.

especially when you don't even have the balls to run for reelection.

bob corker was an 0linsky tool from way back. he will not be missed,

Unknown said...

Did you see what Pence's little stunt cost American taxpayers>

Commonsense said...

Does that mean we can bill the players who disrespected the country?

Oh I see. Republican officials don't have free speech rights in your book.

Unknown said...

Trump says he directed Pence to walk out of game if 49ers protested during national anthem--
Washington Post

Unknown said...

It was a political stunt. See the Post article. :-)

Commonsense said...

Kind of like Marsha Blackburn for Corker's seat.

Unknown said...

And the players are disrespecting Trump and violence against blacks, not the country. Linking arms is one of the better ways to express that, imho.

Commonsense said...

The Post is behind a paywall.

Beside what's one man's political stunt is another's man protest.

I for one love for people to see what traitorous bastards the media really is.

Jonathan Swan said...

Bannon’s Next Victims

Jonathan Swan: “Steve Bannon and his allies are planning a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. And only one Senator running in 2018 will get a free pass: Ted Cruz.

“Breitbart’s Washington Editor Matt Boyle writes today that conservatives are ‘running or actively seeking out’ serious primary challengers for every incumbent Republican senator running in 2018 except the Texan.”

Unknown said...

Get ready for another Repuglican Klown Korner of an election.

Commonsense said...

And the players are disrespecting Trump

They weren't playing "God Bless Trump" they were playing the "Star Spangle Banner".

So try and tell me again how they are just protesting Trump and not saying "fuck you" to the country.

Nobody is buying your tripe. People are voting with their feet and the owners are finally starting to take notice.

Unknown said...

Pretty soon the fascist wing will be saying players have no right to link arms. They should emigrate to Russia where no freedom of speech is legally enforced.

jay boz said...

I'm a fucking loser.

No one cares about me.

No one reads my spam.


Rev James Boswell

Unknown said...

Corker says the White House Day Care Center needs adult supervision.

Not having to worry about getting reelected brings out the truth in Republicans.

Anonymous said...

And the players are disrespecting Trump and violence against blacks

if that were true, a never ending protest would be going on in chicago right now.

chicago enjoys a vegas - style murder tally every month.

black lives in chicago must not be fashionable enough to matter to the NFL's millionaire elite.

Unknown said...

When my opponents start using the f word, you know they are losing.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
The Post is behind a paywall.

not if you're using an incognito browser window. the "democracy drowns in bullshit" crew hasn't been smart enough to notice that little factoid.

Unknown said...

Slight correction:

... the players are disrespecting Trump and POLICE violence against blacks

Commonsense said...

And after the "correction" you're still wrong.

Willfully and stupidly wrong.

Unknown said...

It can never be wrong to respect the freedom to speak the truth to power.

Anonymous said...

Blogger jay boz said...
Slight correction:

... the players are disrespecting Trump and POLICE violence against blacks

thanks for the clarification, pederast.

so from now on i'll only be concerned when a police officer shoots a black man.

but for black on black murderous violence, according to you i'll be cheering it on.

got it.

Commonsense said...

It can never be wrong to respect the freedom to speak the truth to power.

Truth to power? And what truth to power did you speak out against when Harvey Weinstein was praying on starlettes?

When Roman Polanski was raping and sodomizing 13 year-old girls?

You're a pompous, gutless piece of shit.

Commonsense said...

so from now on i'll only be concerned when a police officer shoots a black man.

You know the gutless, hypocritical piece of shit never preached in the south side of Chicago even though it was less than an hour away from his home.

Loretta said...

"When Roman Polanski was raping and sodomizing 13 year-old girls?"

Right up his alley.

Anonymous said...

the asshats in mexifornia are on a roll:

Knowingly exposing someone or blood supply to HIV no longer a felony in California

"Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive."

political correctness just made the leap from asinine to deadly in the land of fruits and nuts.

Commonsense said...

I don't think California's liberal policy on illegal aliens and their outbreak of hepatitis is coincidental.

The two are definitely related.

Anonymous said...

They are without a doubt.

If the medicaid to illigals was stopped in CA.

Remember when O'Dell Beckham lifted his leg and acted like he was piss ing on something, when asked, he said he was piss ing Trump.
Yesterday he had a season ending injury. I am so happy.

Anonymous said...

VP Pence took a stand yesterday and the NFL is upset at him. Problem is the VP is 100 % right. VP Pence is a regular guy.

Anonymous said...

Other States with a brain will stop taking blood from those states.

Anonymous said...

James ID died when I called his bluf.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Real Truth: The President has gone off the deep end.

1: He threatened North Korea with nuclear war.
2: He threatened to withdraw from the nuclear weapons agreement with Iran. This would give them a free reign to develop their own nuclear arsenal.
3: He takes away from women, the right to take birth control medication as part of their medical insurance coverage. That war was fought in the early sixties.
4: He got into a Twitter war with Senator Bob Corker over his mental health. To anyone, it's increasingly obsessive, that the Republican senator is absolutely correct.
5: He linked the failed attempt to build a wall at the Mexican border, to the ruling giving the Dreamers the right to avoid mass deportation. Despite the fact that the vast majority of them are productive, and contributing to the economy of the country.
6: The President has been revealed over this weekend, that he's in control of the asylum in the West Wing of the White House.
7: He directed the Vice-president to leave an NFL football game, because some of the players knelt in protest against the actions of the President, not the nation they love.
8: He is a clear and dangerous threat, not only to the country we all love, but the entire civilized world.

The Coldheartedtruth is that this man is obviously unfit to be President of the United States Of America and for which it stands. God Bless America.

Anonymous said...

Yawn, med's kick'n Alky's ass again.

Unknown said...

Roman Polansky? I don't remember ever commenting on him here at all.
He was already ancient history when I came on this blog.

And now lying Senseless will name all the "girls" Polansky raped.
(I thought it was one.)

The cowards here try to connect me to anything but the real argument, which is
speaking truth to power and to Trumpian stupidity.

But a video of a policeman shooting a fleeing black repeatedly in the back
does not seem to bother the racists here at all.

It bothers me, and I can understand why it bothers blacks especially.

And most black on black killing does not involve uniformed officers
sworn to uphold the laws.

Truth to power and stupidity.

Unknown said...

The White House Day Care Center needs adult supervision.

Truth to power and stupidity.

Commonsense said...

It's spelled Polanski spelling and grammar genius.

Indeed the power of stupidity is strong within you.

Roman Polanski said...

Thanks for supporting me reverend james boswell, as if its OK to rape even one underage girl... though truth and you don't seem to be on the same side.

Another woman publicly accuses Roman Polanski of underage rape

Fugitive director Roman Polanski, already fighting a 40-year-old underage rape case in a California court, was accused on Tuesday by another woman, who says he raped her in 1973 when she was 16.

Attorney Gloria Allred, who's become the go-to lawyer for women accusing famous men of sexual abuse in decades-old cases, introduced "Robin M.," a new accuser of the Oscar-winning director, at a press conference at her office.

Unknown said...

Polanski. That's how little attention I ever paid him. I liked his vampire comedy, however, very much.

Commonsense said...

No doubt James looks to Polanski for inspiration. Even if he can't spell his name.

Unknown said...

I didn't know, Roman, that you face other accusations as well. You see, I never paid you much attention.
I did like that vampire flick, though. :-)

Unknown said...

The White House Day Care Center really does need adult supervision.

The one here too.

Commonsense said...

Seems the California Sheriffs aren't too wild about Browns sanctuary policy.


COWARDS CHANGE NAMES RIGHT "pastor" james boswell ??

or jay boz.

just saying truth to the asshole...


Unknown said...

Republicans Privately Admit Defeat on Obamacare Repeal --8:09 am EDT

“For the first time, rank-and-file Republicans are acknowledging Obamacare may never be repealed,” Politico reports.

“After multiple failures to repeal the law, the White House and many GOP lawmakers are publicly promising to try again in early 2018. But privately, both House and Senate Republicans acknowledge they may never be able to deliver on their seven-year vow to scrap the law.

“Even if Republicans try again next year, few House Republicans are confident the Senate would be successful without a change in the GOP lineup or someone flipping their vote.”

Truth to a lack of power.

Unknown said...

5:01 am


I see why james is a Democrat


New California law allows sex offenders to be removed from registry

SACRAMENTO — Ninety percent of California sex offenders will no longer be required to register with law enforcement for life under a bill that Gov. Jerry Brown signed Friday.

The change is one of several sweeping alterations to the state’s 70-year-old registry contained in SB384 by Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco.

The bill allows most sex offenders to petition beginning in 2021 to be removed from both the public and the police registries 10 to 20 years after they are released from prison, as long as they have not committed another serious or violent felony or sex crime.


truth to the "pastor"

Reuters/Ipsos said...

Trump Loses Support In Rural Areas

The Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll finds President Trump’s popularity is eroding in small towns and rural communities where 15 percent of the country’s population lives.

In September, 47% of people in non-metro areas approved of Trump while 47% disapproved. That is down from Trump’s first four weeks in office, when 55% said they approved of the president while 39% disapproved.

Commonsense said...

The President has gone off the deep end.

1: He threatened North Korea with nuclear war.

It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.

So much for the deep end.

Political_Lire said...


from the pastor whose party is weakening rules against sexual predators and strongly support many those in their ranks, including in their top power positions.

TRUTH TO JAMES. you are one sick old man

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Loretta said...

"Roman PolanskiOctober 9, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Thanks for supporting me reverend james boswell, as if its OK to rape even one underage girl... though truth and you don't seem to be on the same side."

He's a nasty perv.

:-) said...

Most Disapprove of Trump’s Handling of NFL Protests
11:00 am EDT

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds that just 30% of the public approves of President Trump’s handling of the NFL protests.

In addition, NFL fans (44% of the public) are more negative than the public at large about the President on this issue.

Spam said...

SPAM AT 10:15

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Science fiction is the matter with you.

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration announced Monday that it would take formal steps to repeal President Barack Obama’s signature policy to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, setting up a bitter fight over the future of America’s efforts to tackle global warming.

At an event in eastern Kentucky, Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, said that his predecessors had departed from regulatory norms in crafting the Clean Power Plan, which was finalized in 2015 and would have pushed states to move away from coal in favor of sources of electricity that produce fewer carbon emissions.

“The war on coal is over,” Mr. Pruitt said. “Tomorrow in Washington D.C., I will be signing a proposed rule to roll back the Clean Power Plan. No better place to make that announcement than Hazard, Kentucky.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That was myself, stupid b***h

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's all you have. Your Alzheimer's disease is increasingly becoming more apparent. Get help.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is theatenig a preemptive nuclear strike. Your response is irrelevant.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Vice President stunt cost taxpayers $96,000.

Loretta said...

Sure drunkard.

Commonsense said...

The Vice President stunt cost taxpayers $96,000.

Nope the trip was planned, budgeted, and made public months in advance. Long before this became an issue. He really was going to attend a Colts during a stop on a fundraising tour.

It still would have cost the same if he had stayed.

The "cost" only became an issue because he walked out.

This is hypocrisy squared.

Anonymous said...

Hi James, still nothing .

not on POLITICAL_LIRE said...



Menendez’s corruption trial began earlier this month in Newark, N.J. He has pleaded not guilty to 18 counts of fraud and bribery.

It’s the first time in nine years that a sitting U.S. senator is facing a federal bribery charge.

What is Menendez accused of?

Menendez, 63, is accused of accepting a plethora of campaign donations, gifts and vacations from Salomon Melgen, a Florida ophthalmologist.

In return, Menendez used his position to lobby on behalf of Melgen’s business interests, according to prosecutors. A former health administrator testified that a Menendez staffer used his boss’s name to push for the settlement of a multimillion-dollar Medicare dispute involving Melgen.

Melgen allegedly directed more than $750,000 in campaign contributions to entities that supported Menendez, according to the indictment, which said they were inducements to get Menendez to use his influence on Melgen's behalf. Prosecutors have said Menendez tried to hide the gifts, which were part of a larger bribery agreement.

Melgen also paid for Menendez and his girlfriend to stay for three nights at a Parisian hotel where rooms typically cost about $1,500 per night and allowed the senator the use of his private jet, according to prosecutors.


Federal prosecutors said that Menendez “sold his office for a lifestyle that he couldn’t afford.”

The indictment also alleges Menendez pressured State Department officials to give visas to three young women described as Melgen's girlfriends.

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

The idea has been floated to call the dems bluff on illegal immigration. To let all the illegals stay but make them ineligible to vote. Lol. That would completely clear expose the dems for their true intentions.

Anonymous said...

CS, a direct hit on hopped up on opens HB.

Anonymous said...

ACLU is supporting those immigrate that want to take a knee in protest while being sworn in as a new US Citizen.


AFTER MORE SPAM FROM THE "PASTOR" in a huff he labels this SPAM (at least we know he knows he's spamming)

Must be too close to home !


"I see why james is a Democrat


New California law allows sex offenders to be removed from registry

SACRAMENTO — Ninety percent of California sex offenders will no longer be required to register with law enforcement for life under a bill that Gov. Jerry Brown signed Friday.

The change is one of several sweeping alterations to the state’s 70-year-old registry contained in SB384 by Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco.

The bill allows most sex offenders to petition beginning in 2021 to be removed from both the public and the police registries 10 to 20 years after they are released from prison, as long as they have not committed another serious or violent felony or sex crime.


truth to the "pastor"

October 9, 2017 at 10:15 AM "

Anonymous said...

James, why do now go by the moniker Jay boz, is that your chickenhawk online monikrr?

Anonymous said...

Great news in the last jobs report, -12,000 less Government jobs.

Anonymous said...

Happy Columbus Day, also known a Natonal White Privilege Day.

I am BBQ home grown T-bones, spuds, carrots and apple pie.


Illegal Aliens and Sex Offenders all WELCOME in CALIFORNIA.

guess James's new favorite song is California here we come.

btw james, this is topic related and not cut-n-pasted from the same site multiple times in one day.


Commonsense said...

The LA city council is calling it indigenous peoples day saying brutality, slavery, and warfare by white people isn't worthy of celebration.

The funny thing is that if it wasn't for Columbus not one of those people sitting on the council today would be there. Not a damn one.

The New York Times said...


Corker’s Comments Resonate with OTHER REPUBLICANS

“For nearly nine months, Senate Republicans have watched their new president with a mix of aggravation and alarm. But it took Sen. Bob Corker to take those concerns public and confront President Trump with his most serious challenge from within his own party,” the New York Times reports.

“In unloading on Mr. Trump, Mr. Corker, a two-term senator from Tennessee, said in public what many of his Republican colleagues say in private — that the president is DANGEROUSLY ERRATIC AND UNSTABLE, that he treats his high post like a TELEVISION SHOW and that he is RECKLESS enough to STUMBLE THE COUNTRY INTO A NUCLEAR WAR.”

Mike Allen said...

“The biggest threat to the Trump presidency, the markets and our ability to deal with future crises is the coming staff exodus. We cannot stress enough how many essential staff and officials want out — if not this quarter, then soon after the new year.”

Let us OUT of this madhouse!

Anonymous said...

"What you going to do bitch ass nigga"" Oakland Raiders Offense Tackle Donald Penn

Showing the fans in the parking lot some love by insulting them.

Tillerson said...

Corker is entirely right: The White House Day Care Center DOES needs adult supervision.

I, Tillerson, tried, but I'm about to be kicked out for calling a moron a moron.

Morons don't like that kind of adult frankness.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Yep.

Anonymous said...

James, daily spam, Lordie

Need more spam here today said...

The Republicans’ Guide to Presidential Etiquette
NYT editorial board

Republicans used to care a whole lot about how a president comported himself, and whether he acted at all times with the dignity his station demands.

“Is President Obama Disrespecting the Oval Office?” Fox News asked in 2010, with a link to images of Mr. Obama and his aides tossing a football, or eating apples just inches from the Resolute desk.

“Wear a suit coat and tie,” said Andrew Card Jr., President George W. Bush’s former chief of staff, in reaction to pictures of Mr. Obama in shirtsleeves in 2009.

“I do expect him to send the message that people who are going to be in the Oval Office should treat the office with the respect that it has earned over history,” Mr. Card said.

But hey, that was then! In 2017, there’s a whole new bar for tolerable conduct by the commander in chief. Our original guide cataloged several dozen examples. Almost five months later, it’s clear that an update is necessary. This expanded list is meant to ensure that Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other congressional Republicans never forget what they now condone in a president.

So, if you are the president, you may:

Mock a foreign leader with a demeaning nickname and threaten his country with nuclear annihilation over Twitter

Call for the firing of “son of a bitch” athletes who choose to exercise their right to free speech

Refer to the White House as “a real dump”

Spend the weekend golfing at your private club while the mayor of an American city wades through sewage-filled water to help citizens after a catastrophic hurricane, then accuse that mayor of “poor leadership” when she criticizes your administration’s slow response to the storm

Criticize victims of that hurricane still living without drinking water or electricity by saying they “want everything to be done for them”

During a visit to some of those victims, throw rolls of paper towels at them and tell them they should be “very proud” that only 16 people have died so far, unlike in a “real catastrophe”

Attack a senator battling terminal cancer

Pick nominees to the federal bench who call a sitting Supreme Court justice a “judicial prostitute” and refer to transgender children as part of “Satan’s plan”

:-) said...

Campaign hard for a Senate candidate; then when he appears likely to lose, say “I might have made a mistake” and later delete your tweets supporting him

Behave so erratically and irresponsibly that senators of your own party resort to saying you’re treated like an adult day-care student to keep you from starting World War III

Spend one of every three days as president visiting at least one of your own properties

Publicly and privately humiliate your own attorney general for recusing himself from an investigation into your campaign

Say nothing when a foreign leader’s bodyguards brutally attack peaceful protesters in the streets of Washington, D.C.

Tweet GIFs of yourself violently attacking the media and your former political opponent

Encourage police officers not to be “too nice” when apprehending criminal suspects

Help draft a misleading statement about the purpose of a meeting between your son, other top campaign aides and representatives of a rival foreign power intent on interfering in the election

Deliver a speech to the Boy Scouts of America that includes mockery of a former president and winking references to sexual orgies, and then lie by claiming that the head of that organization called and told you it was the best speech ever delivered in Boy Scout history

Hang a framed copy of a fake Time magazine cover celebrating your business acumen in your golf clubs around the world

Mock a female television anchor’s appearance, saying the anchor was “bleeding badly from a face-lift” at a holiday gathering at your private resort

Force your cabinet members to take turns extolling your virtues in front of television cameras

Welcome into the Oval Office a man who threatened to assassinate your predecessor, whom he called a “subhuman mongrel,” and who referred to your political opponent as a “worthless bitch”

:-) said...

Continue to deny that Russia attempted to influence the presidential election, despite the consensus of the American intelligence community — and yet also blame your predecessor for not doing anything to stop that interference

Grant temporary White House press credentials to a website that, among other things, claims that Sept. 11 was an “inside job” and that the massacre of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., was a hoax

Block people who criticize you on Twitter

Claim that an investigation into your campaign’s possible collusion with a foreign power is “the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!”

Pressure multiple intelligence chiefs to state publicly that there was no collusion between your presidential campaign and the Russian government

Without consulting anyone at the Pentagon, announce a new policy barring transgender soldiers from serving in the military

Pardon a former sheriff who was convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to obey the law

Continue to repeat, with admiration, a false story about an American military general committing war crimes

Mock the mayor of a world city for his careful, sober response to a terrorist attack

Tell Americans that a march of torch-carrying white supremacists and neo-Nazis includes “some very fine people” — and when one of those marchers murders a peaceful counterprotester, condemn violence on “both sides”

Run an administration whose ethical standards have, in the words of the federal government’s top ethics enforcer, made the United States “close to a laughingstock”

Hide data that don’t support your pre-existing policy preferences

Admit to trying to intimidate a key witness in a federal investigation

Continue to leave hundreds of executive branch positions unfilled

Profit off the presidency, accepting millions of dollars from foreign government officials, businesses, politicians and other supporters who pay a premium to patronize your properties and get access to you — while also attempting to hide the visitor lists at some of those properties from the public

Promise to drain the swamp, then quietly grant ethics waivers to multiple former industry lobbyists who want to work in your administration

:-) said...

Tell a lie, on average, more than five times a day

Call for criminal investigations of your former political opponent, seven months after winning the election

Appoint your family wedding planner to head a federal housing office

Shove aside a fellow head of state at a photo-op
Attack private citizens on Twitter

Delegitimize federal judges who rule against you
Refuse to take responsibility for military actions gone awry

Fire the F.B.I. chief in the middle of his expanding investigation into your campaign and your associates

Accuse a former president, without evidence, of an impeachable offense

Employ top aides with financial and other connections to a hostile foreign power

Blame the judiciary, in advance, for any terror attacks

Call the media “the enemy of the American people”

Demand personal loyalty from the F.B.I. director

Threaten the former F.B.I. director

Accept foreign payments to your businesses, in possible violation of the Constitution

Occupy the White House with the help of a hostile foreign power

Intimidate congressional witnesses

Allow White House staff members to use their personal email for government business

Claim, without evidence, that millions of people voted illegally

Fail to fire high-ranking members of your national security team for weeks, even after knowing they lied to your vice president and exposed themselves to blackmail

Refuse to release tax returns

Hide the White House visitors’ list from the public

Vacation at one of your private residences nearly every weekend

Use an unsecured personal cellphone

Criticize specific businesses for dropping your family members’ products

Review and discuss highly sensitive intelligence in a restaurant, and allow the Army officer carrying the “nuclear football” to be photographed and identified by name

Obstruct justice

Hire relatives for key White House posts, and let them meet with foreign officials and engage in business at the same time

Promote family businesses on federal government websites

Tweet, tweet, tweet

Collude with members of Congress to try to shut down investigations of you and your associates

Threaten military conflict with other nations in the middle of news interviews

Compare the U.S. intelligence community to Nazis

Display complete ignorance about international relations, your own administration’s policies, American history and the basic structure of our system of government

Skip daily intelligence briefings

Repeat untruths

Share highly classified information with a hostile foreign power without the source’s permission

Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie etc. ad infinitum

Myballs said...


:-) said...

That was the Republicans' new Guide to Presidential etiquette. You're welcome.

:-) said...

Spam by the pedophile "pastor", no one will read but at least it keeps him away from children while he's busy here :-)

:-) said...

oops, my ankle bracelet just went off, got to call in to democratic headquarters...


What a fucking idiot james is ("pastor" james boswell, Normal Illinois for those not understanding)

and an asshole

just realized all these postings come up on google searches, thanks for outing yourself and continuing to be a jerk james ...


commie said...

Menstral the child posted......

l. And Opie is unintelligible if not downright incoherent.

This coming from a cultist ideologue that thinks science is a hoax and women should be in their place....yep....still an idiot after all these years....LOL

:-) said...

How Unpopular Is Donald Trump?

As this FiveThirtyEight chart shows, no president in the modern era was as unpopular as Donald Trump

commie said...

Anyone hear malodorous complained that being in the WH was like being in jail????....Our mail order bride needs to be deported to the shit hole she came from if she wants jail.....Complete asshole who only respects money.....golddigger with a nice ass....

jay boz said...

****Spam by the pedophile "pastor", no one will read but at least it keeps him away from children while he's busy here :-)****

Rev James Boswell
Normal, Illinois

jay boz said...

****As this FiveThirtyEight chart****


The pedophile Rev James Boswell

NYT said...

Mr. Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, evidently feels liberated now that he has decided not to run for re-election, while other Republican senators with concerns keep quiet fearing the retaliation of a Twitter-armed president and his allies in the conservative media. But Mr. Corker’s passionate statements reflect growing troubles for a president attempting to govern with a narrow and increasingly disenchanted Republican majority.

The president has already seen what can happen with a 52-vote Senate caucus that can be thwarted by the defection of just three Republicans. Until now, Mr. Corker has not been one of the renegades on those high-drama votes that killed Mr. Trump’s health care legislation. By himself, Mr. Corker could make it that much harder for the president to hold a fragile majority on upcoming votes on taxes, among other priorities — and if he emboldens other Republican doubters, it could add to Mr. Trump’s challenge.

The White House spent Monday morning telling its allies that Mr. Corker is responsible for the fight, not Mr. Trump, and that the senator was an attention-seeking obstructionist. But few of Mr. Trump’s allies accepted that narrative. One close associate of the president, who asked not to be identified to discuss the situation more candidly, said Mr. Trump’s entire agenda could be dead because Mr. Corker has a lot of friends on Capitol Hill.

Commonsense said...

Looks like Opie needs a nap.

:-) said...

JUST IN: Jemele Hill suspended by ESPN

:-) said...

MICHELLE OBAMA CALLED OUT: "I don't know if she noticed, but I am not white and I am not a male ... "I don't fit in a box. I am a wife. I'm a mother. I'm a Utahan. I am a black Republican who cares about America and cares about all people." – Rep. Mia Love

:-) said...

WEINSTEIN GETS THE BOOT: The Weinstein Company film studio fired movie mogul Harvey Weinstein days after the New York Times reported he settled sexual harassment lawsuits with at least eight women ... Weinstein's alleged inappropriate behavior with women in the last 30 years was detailed in the bombshell Times report published Thursday. In it, actress Ashley Judd described being lured to Weinstein's hotel room, only to find him wearing a bathrobe and requesting sexual favors. The report also detailed encounters Weinstein allegedly had with other women working for the Weinstein Company, as well as official settlements from people associated with him, including actress Rose McGowan, who was issued a $100,000 settlement that the famed film producer specifically said was not an admission of guilt.
•The Weinstein Company set to change name amid sexual harassment accusations: report

Charlie Sykes said...

2:52 continued

Charlie Sykes
“Guys like Bob Corker, I think, have reached the point where it’s like, ‘Can we not pretend the emperor is not naked? Can we not pretend the emperor is not unstable in a way that we should’ve understood very, very clearly more than a year or two years ago?’” Charlie Sykes, A FORMER CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW HOST and author of “How The Right Lost Its Mind,” said on CNN on Sunday.

As chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Corker could single-handedly block the confirmation of a new secretary of state should Mr. Trump push out his embattled chief diplomat, Rex W. Tillerson, and he could bottle up other appointments. He would presumably play a key role in any decision on whether to tear up the Iran nuclear deal. And as a longtime deficit hawk, he could also become a challenge for Mr. Trump as the president seeks to pass deep tax cuts that would add hundreds of billions of dollars to the national debt.

jay boz said...

****NYTOctober 9, 2017 at 2:52 PM"


Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois

jay boz said...

****Charlie SykesOctober 9, 2017 at 3:00 PM
2:52 continued****


Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois

Anonymous said...

The three liberal stooges are having a party with HB's Opeits.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tell a lie, on average, more than five times a day

Call for criminal investigations of your former political opponent, seven months after winning the election

Appoint your family wedding planner to head a federal housing office

Shove aside a fellow head of state at a photo-op
Attack private citizens on Twitter

Delegitimize federal judges who rule against you
Refuse to take responsibility for military actions gone awry

Fire the F.B.I. chief in the middle of his expanding investigation into your campaign and your associates

Accuse a former president, without evidence, of an impeachable offense

Employ top aides with financial and other connections to a hostile foreign power

Blame the judiciary, in advance, for any terror attacks

Call the media “the enemy of the American people”

Demand personal loyalty from the F.B.I. director

Threaten the former F.B.I. director

Accept foreign payments to your businesses, in possible violation of the Constitution

Occupy the White House with the help of a hostile foreign power

Intimidate congressional witnesses

Allow White House staff members to use their personal email for government business

Claim, without evidence, that millions of people voted illegally

Fail to fire high-ranking members of your national security team for weeks, even after knowing they lied to your vice president and exposed themselves to blackmail

Refuse to release tax returns

Hide the White House visitors’ list from the public

Vacation at one of your private residences nearly every weekend

Use an unsecured personal cellphone

Criticize specific businesses for dropping your family members’ products

Review and discuss highly sensitive intelligence in a restaurant, and allow the Army officer carrying the “nuclear football” to be photographed and identified by name

Obstruct justice

Hire relatives for key White House posts, and let them meet with foreign officials and engage in business at the same time

Promote family businesses on federal government websites

Tweet, tweet, tweet

Collude with members of Congress to try to shut down investigations of you and your associates

Threaten military conflict with other nations in the middle of news interviews

Compare the U.S. intelligence community to Nazis

Display complete ignorance about international relations, your own administration’s policies, American history and the basic structure of our system of government

Skip daily intelligence briefings

Repeat untruths

Share highly classified information with a hostile foreign power without the source’s permission

Lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie lie etc. ad infinitum

:-) said...

OBAMA Scandals:

1. IRS targets Obama’s enemies


3. Spying on the AP

4. The ATF “Fast and Furious” scheme

5. Sebelius demands payment

6. The Pigford Agriculture Department Scandal

7.The General Services Administration Las Vegas Spending Spree.

8. Veterans Affairs in Disney World and neglecting vets

9. Solyndra

10.New Black Panthers Voter Intimidation

11.The hacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer

12.Obama’s LIES about the Affordable Care Act

13.“I’ll Pass My Own Laws”

14.NSA Spying on American People

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

:-) said...

Foreign Policy

1. Lack of solidarity with Israel

2. Disaster with the Arab Spring

3. Crimea

4. Leaving Iraq too soon and letting ISIS take over

5. Handling of Syrian Red Line

6. Calling ISIS “JV”

7.Failing to Recognize ISIS as a Radical (or Devout) Muslim Movement

8. Returning the bust of Churchill to the Brits

9. Lack of Confidence by NATO nations

10.Signing a Disastrous Nuclear Deal with the Mullahs of Ira

11. Paid $5 Billion & Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl

12.Waging war by attacking Libya without Congressional approval

13.Allowed the building of Chinese bases in the South China Sea and off the coast of Somalia at the entrance to the gulf of Aden

14. Paying ransom to Iranian for hostages- and using foreign currency in unmarked plane

15. Lying about paying ransom (which media ignored!)

16. Pays tribute to Japanese at Hiroshima on US Memorial Day

17. Obama trashed America 18 times on Asian Tour

18. Pushing the U.N. resolution condemning Israel for legally building houses in Jewish neighborhoods

19. Released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority in last few hours

:-) said...

More Obama failures:
Domestic Policy

1. Failure to secure the Border

2. Illegals bringing guns, drug and diseases through the southern border

3. Bowe Bergdahl swap

4. Passing on the keystone pipeline

5. 9 Trillion dollars more in debt

6. Vast expansion of government

7. Racial Division at all-time high

8.Inviting Bomb Boy Ahmed to White House

9. Disrespect for Cops

10. Failed economic stimulus plan

11. Constant disregard for the Constitution and tyrannical rule

12. China overtook America as world’s largest economy

13. Double Downgrade

14. Housing policies failed to stop foreclosures

15. Price of healthcare has drastically risen for those purchasing it

16. Education policies failed to curb college costs

17. Highest percentage of Americans on Food Stamps and Medicaid

18.Record 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not working

19. Lowest Labor Force participation rate of 62.7%

20.Denying the notion of American Exceptionalism

21. Securing the Olympics for Chicago in 2016

22. Naming numerous Communists/Socialists/Progressives to Czar Positions

23.Mismanagement and cover up of Terrorist shootings in San Bernardino, California

24.Mismanagement of Gulf Oil Spill

25.Disastrous Vetting Process of “Immigrants” from Muslim Nations

26.Refusing to Listen to CIA/FBI that there is no way to properly vet certain immigrants from Muslim nations

27. Fort Hood Shooting

28. Colorado EPA Disaster

29. Veto of 911 Crime Bill- which was overturned

30. Worst economic recovery since the depression with anemic GDP numbers

31. Over 94 million Americans out of the workforce

32. Obama commutes sentence on Chelsea Manning

33. Obama commuted the sentence of FALN activist Oscar López Rivera

Loretta said...

Obama was and remains a traitor.

:-) said...

Obama did manage to build a JV ISIS team into a varsity team, guess he'll list that as a success.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Tell a lie, on average, more than five times a day


are you up to over 5 a day, alky?

i hadn't noticed, but i guess with all the fake news you've been copying and pasting you probably are.

:-) said...

and Obama was smarter than anyone else about Russia, remember the 80's called and wanted their foreign policy back.

He also loved his profit to earnings ratio, might have had a little problem explaining that... but he was so smart nobody in the press asked...

Loretta said...

"are you up to over 5 a day, alky?"

Worthless drunk.

:-) said...

and he sure solved that Iran problem, send over boatloads of cash and leave to next guy, kind of like Korea

Got lots of legislation passed, no wait, that was all pen wasn't it?

Great job Baracky, guess that rhymes with lackey

jay boz said...

***Obama did manage to build a JV ISIS team into a varsity team, guess he'll list that as a success.***

He's a little old for me, but I'd suck him off.


Rev James Boswell pedophile
Normal, Illinois

commie said...

Commonsense said...
Looks like Opie needs a nap.

If you only had a brain....idiot..

Anonymous said...

hey alky, help me understand something...

all these wymyn seem to have their panties in a twist over this whole birth control thing, right? now then, i've been told ad infinitum that these wymyn are strong, spirited, independent wymyn. then how is it that just as soon as these broads have to pick up their own birth control all their strength and independence goes right out the fucking window and all of US have to pick up the tab?

inquiring minds want to know.

commie said...

Rathole pondered....

inquiring minds want to know.

Why men can get viagra paid for to get hard and women work hard to protect themselves from asshole men like you who would dump them in a nanosecond.....Your wife must be a real winnah putting up with your stupidity.....0

Loretta said...

"hey alky, help me understand something..."

This should be good.

Commonsense said...

Red Sox one run down in the bottom of the 9th.

Anonymous said...

ESPN suspended “SportsCenter” anchor Jemele Hill for two weeks on Monday, the network announced, after Hill violated the company’s social media guidelines over the weekend. Hill suggested NFL fans boycott vendors and advertisers associated with the Dallas Cowboys after franchise owner Jerry Jones told players they’d be benched if they demonstrated during the national anthem.


you work for ESPN, and you are encouraging folks to boycott companies who advertise on...

wait for it...


this is the kind of stupid that should hurt with a searing blinding pain.

Loretta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Red Sox eliminated. Houston goes to the ACLS.

Commonsense said...


Anonymous said...

The high cost of Viagra, averaging $22 to $24 per pill, leads many men to seek health insurance coverage for this drug. However, insurance companies have been ambivalent about their coverage for ED drugs, with some insurers picking up the cost and others refusing to cover any portion of the bill.

a few years ago there was a proposal offered up by some liberal asshat in the NYS Assembly that would've provided viagra for FREE to welfare recipients.

i shit you not.

Commonsense said...

you work for ESPN, and you are encouraging folks to boycott companies who advertise on...
wait for it...
this is the kind of stupid that should hurt with a searing blinding pain.

I was kinda of wondering when bottom line will beat woke.

Loretta said...

"viagra for FREE to welfare recipients.

i shit you not."

Shaniquaika needs MORE babies!!

Anonymous said...

He shall see if any liberal gives an actual answer

Anonymous said...

ESPN should stick to politics.

Anonymous said...

Lol, damn funny and true.

Indy Voter said...

Maybe the illegal aliens can rebuild Santa Rosa.

I have a friend who I helped move from Santa Fe to Marin County about ten years ago. He moved to Santa Rosa about three years later to be near one of his daughters and her family and is now retired. No word yet on whether he, or his daughter, still have homes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is out of control, and it's not just me.

Senator Korker, is not alone. When McConnell was questioned about his comments on the day care center at the White House. He said the Senator is the chairman of the foreign relations committee and is strong and capable. Multiple sources, who will not talk in public, are very concerned. He is self deceptive approaching the levels of the month before Richard Nixon resigned.

There is a reason, that cannot be disputed, that the "leaks' from the White House are not "FAKE NEWS", a term he claimed to have invented. He was not. The staff is worried, that every day, that he will go into another "Tweet Storm" as he did with the Senator, and note they were dated around 5:00 AM, and for a few minutes after. Nixon was drinking heavily, Trump does not drink, be he's at least as mentally unstable as Nixon was as Watergate was ending his term.

CORKER: Do I understand that it’s a daily exercise at the White House to keep him in the middle of the road? Yes. Do I want our nation to be successful? Yes.


CORKER: Have I even weighed in from time to time to help keep things in the middle of the road? Yes.

MARTIN: What have you done? What have you done?

CORKER: I don’t wish him harm. I don’t. I just — But the volatility is, to anyone who has been around, is to a degree alarming. But again, I don’t wish him harm. He’s got people around him that have been able to keep him, generally speaking, in the middle of the road. The tweets, especially as it relates to foreign policy issues, I know have been very damaging to us, O.K..


CORKER: I do wish that would stop. But as evidenced this morning, he just — it’s just something he has to do.
And it’s like he — it’s like it’s an act to him and sure that bothers me, just from the standpoint of, I mean, I know that he isn’t necessarily a warmonger. I don’t believe that he is a warmonger in any way. But I don’t think he understands.

This is very very serious. I don't look at this as a partisan issuue, this is a danger to the country. He is self deceptive, lies uncontrollably, and his staff, including General Kelly are trying to keep him from tweeting in anger, but he's the President, unfortunately, and unless they use the 25th Amendment, we are going to be in as much danger, since the Cuban Missie Crisis. He is threatening initiating a nuclear attack on North Korea. We have had since the end of World War II that we will not initiate a nuclear attack

I remember it, because we lived 20 miles from Ellsworth Air Force Base, where nuclear armed, B52 bombers. We also had dozens of Minuteman Missile sites within 50 miles or so. We would have been nuclear dust. I was 12 and yes, I was well aware of what we were facing. My parents were hoping our basement might let us survive. They actually stocked water and canned food under the stair well. in the basement.

The bottom line, is that he does present a clear danger as we were at anytime in the Cold War.

Loretta said...

Spam by the drunkard

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Provide a rational reply,instead of a childish insult, Ms Alzheimr's

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Blogger Loretta said...

Spam by Blogger Loretta said...

Spam by Mrs: Alzheimer's
October 9, 2017 at 7:10 PM

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Rush had a segment about Corker and he astutely pointed out that everything Corker is saying is exposing the establishment that trump was elected to remove. All the denials by Ryan snd McConnell ring hollow now.

Indy Voter said...

Calling Trump on his lies is hollow?

Pointing out how much of a child he is is hollow?

Highlighting how dangerous his rhetoric is to global peace is hollow?

I'm thinking what's hollow is the space between your ears.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You may be one of few, others like the alt-right Bannon, who does not believe that Trump is out of his mind. Bannon came out with a list of Republican senators who will be a target of Breitbart. The Republican party is self shredding itself It's giving the Democrats the best chance in 12 years to take back the congress. Unfortunately I don't see a message or a stand out personality. Nancy and Chuck, and with a handful of sensible Republicans are not going to give Trump a single success.

You seem o be ignoring that only about 26% of most of the polls, think the President is taking us down the right path. I noted your "new" bathwater drinking user name. This is like a repeat of the Bush Years. he could do no wrong.

But your denial based on Rush, is well, self deceptive.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Indy, excellent point Korker is a loyal, conservative, Republican. I disagree with his politics, for the most part, but he's a true patriot and as the Trump disaster continues and if we don't end up as nuclear dust, his story in the history books, he will be seen as an American hero.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

By the way, Karl Rove is the person who in recent history, invented the term "Fake News" on news contrary to the Bush W. administration.

George W. Bush is remaining silent on the current situation, as most ex Presidents do, but I suspect that is deeply concerned, nd not because he beat his brother in the primaries.

Indy Voter said...

Eh. Not entirely sure what Balls' "ring hollow" comment referred to, but if it's to the hypocrisy of Corker (and Ryan, and McConnell, and Pence) enabling him and only now beginning to publicly turning on the POS, then I would actually agree with him.

Wouldn't surprise me if we start seeing "Corker 2020" stories.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And for the last time, if CH wants more hits on the other side, he will have to act like a mature person, instead of a child by allowing a disgusting, semi nude picture represent his blog.

Anonymous said...

Again your canidate lost. Stop being bitter, can you?

Myballs said...

Indy voter if you're not sure what i was referring to, maybe you should just keep your insults to yourself.

Otherwise kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

Stop cring, god what an Opeits baby you are. Get all thirty pills in your system today?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well, I don' thing Korker is a hypocrite, if that's what you are saying. But as to Ryan and McConnell are both unwilling to speak out and say what they actually believe I agree. But they are politicians and the absolute truth is very rare.

Anonymous said...

He still can't believe his unidentified canidate lost.

Anonymous said...

We will have to in 2018 "primary out" those Rino's that protect the establishment.

Indy Voter said...

You let Rush do your thinking for you, Balls. Enough said.

Myballs said...

Roger got what i was referring to. Korker came right out and said the gop establishment was trying to slow Trump's agenda. McConnell and Ryan deny it.

You getting any of this indy?

Indy Voter said...

Corker was one of the first senators to come out for Trump, and now he's turning on him publicly. Do you really believe he had no idea that Trump was a reckless child in a 70 year old body when he gave him his support?

Anonymous said...

CA is having a few little not much more then "kitchen fire" in the woods and Jerry Brown can't manage to get them out. I blame Gorebal warming.

Anonymous said...

Corker , I love this guy, fails to run for re'election, new indy hero.

The problem with the Republican voter according to The Mooch Obimbo "All White".

Anonymous said...

Glass house

Myballs said...

You're flailing. So according to your logic, anytime any of us reference a point made, we're not thinking for ourselves. He doesn't think it possible to simply make an observation and put it forth for discussion?

Indy Voter said...

Corker called Trump someone who needs adult supervision, and said his words were making making it possible that WWIII would break out.

It's the MSM that's saying this means Corker is stalling the Trump legislative "agenda". As far as I can tell, the Trump legislative agenda amount to "You guys pass something, anything, so I can sign it and take credit for it."

Anonymous said...

Under the newly minted Indy rule, we can no longer qoute anyone. Less Da be doin" Dat thinkin' for us.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My medications are none of your business, idiot.

They keep me well and having fun showing that the inherited wealth, absolutely stupid, cow fucking idiot as a worthless piece of shit. LOL

Anonymous said...

59 murders in Las Vegas. Tragic.

59 murders a month in Chicago, normal.

Anonymous said...

Yet you post about your medications all the time. As for inheritance, yours comes from the current workers, feel good about that teat sucking welfare fairy.

Myballs said...

You're actually criticizing trump for wanting legislation to come out of congress rather than write it all himself like obama?

Myballs said...

I'm going back to the yankee game

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