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Am I paranoid, or are they really just out to get me? |
A new poll by Politico and Morning Consult shows that 46% of voters believe that major news organizations fabricate stories about the president and his administration.
The poll, published Wednesday, also found that 37% of voters think the media doesn't fabricate stories about the president. Another 17% were undecided.
Morning Consult conducted the poll between October 12-16 and surveyed 1,991 registered voters.
That's a fairly strong sentiment. We are not talking about 46% of the public believing that the MSM gets things wrong, or that 46% of the public believes that the MSM has some bias, or that 46% of the public believes that the MSM is willing to misrepresent. Nope. 46% of the public believes that the MSM flat out lies and makes shit up.
So keep this in mind, if you are one of those people who believes everything you hear from the MSM as it pertains to Trump. You represent just over one third of the country. You are in the minority. You might ask yourself why?
What CH left out....typical of the weak minded defenders...the devil is in the details.....oh well....
More than three-quarters of Republican voters, 76 percent, think the news media invent stories about Trump and his administration, compared with only 11 percent who don’t think so. Among Democrats, one-in-five think the media make up stories, but a 65 percent majority think they do not. Forty-four percent of independent voters think the media make up stories about Trump, and 31 percent think they do not.
Among the voters who strongly approve of Trump’s job performance in the poll, 85 percent believe the media fabricate stories about the president and his administration.
Trump last week accused NBC and the weak minded post this trash......
Anonymous commie said...
What CH left out...
he left nothing out, fucknuts.
he included the link so even a mouth-breathing moron like you could click on it and read the entire article.
if this was an alky post on the hospice blog it would've been copy/pasted in it's entirety in font size 48 and taken up the whole front page of the blog.
Yep he left stuff out rat hole, you just are too stupid to see it...
Of the voters who strongly approved of the president's job performance, 85% believed the media makes up fake news about Trump.
wanna try again since you are in the strong trump supporters group, nothing he says gives you a moment of doubt....Giving the link at best is interesting since it shows how biased his post is since he omitted the obvious details.......thanx for helping rat hole......LOL
actually d0pie, i clicked on the link and read the whole story.
you're an imbecile. why don't you just go back to doing what you do best - sucking michael mann's balls.
Sergeant Johnson’s mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, backed the congresswoman’s version. “Yes, he did state that comment,” Ms. Jones-Johnson said, via message on Facebook, of Mr. Trump’s remark that her son “knew what he signed up for.”
By midafternoon, the White House was no longer disputing Ms. Wilson’s account of Mr. Trump’s choice of words. Ms. Sanders said the White House did not tape the call. But she said Ms. Wilson had willfully mischaracterized the spirit of the conversation.
Another way to look at how trump has manipulated the weak mind conservatives....
Ben Riley-Smith, us editor
18 OCTOBER 2017 • 5:42PM
Three in four Republicans believe the media invents stories about Donald Trump, a new poll has revealed in a sign his “fake news” campaign is working.
The figure is even higher for those who strongly approve of how the US President is performing, with 85 per cent of that group saying the same.
The findings come after a relentless campaign by Mr Trump against the media in the nine months he has been in office.
His criticism dates back to his election campaign, when reporters were heckled and booed by Mr Trump’s supporters as he pointed them out at rallies.
Yep, he's got you all brainwashed......LOLOLOL
He brought it upon himself to compare his response to his predecessor.
CNNPresident Donald Trump's chronic inability to turn the other cheek to a perceived slight has landed the White House with a crisis on multiple fronts over his handling of the ISIS ambush in Niger that killed four US troops.
Trump's reflexive boast that he was more attentive to the relatives of war dead than his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush set off a cascade of consequences that has left his White House reeling. A full-blown political drama erupted when Trump was accused by a Democratic congresswoman of insulting a widow of one of the soldiers killed in the clash.
The chain of events offers lessons in how a President walks a rhetorical tightrope every time he speaks and underlines how Trump's outspoken bluster and relish for confrontation that was so successful on the campaign trail threatens to undermine his hopes for a successful presidency.
It's a behavioral pattern of Trump's presidency: He reacts viscerally to what he sees as an attack, whips up a showdown, and ends up eroding his own political position.
The resulting rumpus over Niger meanwhile also exposes the bitter dynamics of Washington in 2017, where the President's enemies immediately embrace any version of events that puts him in a bad light, and where the White House quickly retreats into a defensive crouch and slams the media for misrepresenting the President.
It was inevitable that questions would mount about the Niger operation, given the administration's reticence to speak about the October 4 ambush.
But Trump made the situation infinitely worse with a bristling answer to an innocuous question in a White House Rose Garden press conference alongside Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell on Monday.
He defended his response to the killing of the American soldiers by arguing, falsely, that he had been more solicitous to bereaved relatives than Bush and Obama, who spent hours with wounded soldiers and grieving relatives of those killed in operations they ordered.
By Wednesday, the controversy had spiraled out of control. Trump was being forced to respond to allegations that in the call with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, he did not know the fallen serviceman's name and he had indicated that the soldier knew "what he signed up for."
The President responded angrily to that version of the call, relayed by Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida.
"I had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife, who sounded like a lovely woman. Did not say what the congresswoman said, and most people aren't too surprised to hear that," he told reporters.
After a chaotic day of revelations and pushback on Wednesday, the White House was struggling to answer a clutch of questions about the deaths of the soldiers in closely held anti-terror operations in West Africa.
rat the hole said...
actually d0pie, i clicked on the link and read the whole story.
you're an imbecile. why don't you just go back to doing what you do best - sucking michael mann's balls.
Proving you can read does not mean you understand which is confirmed in your juvenile trump like comment..I'm sure your children would be impressed with your awesome grasp of insults....idiot...
Roger if you actually believe anyone besides code pink or Westboro Baptist would insult the family of a fallen soldier
You need psychological help. Get it you're insane
Independents agree with Republicans on this one.... it's only the Democrats who fall for the national inquirer stories. You know, Trump, Elvis, Bigfoot, and Putin type stuff. So desperate for validation that you voted for Hillary that you will believe "anything" anyone tells you.
if you actually believe anyone besides code pink or Westboro Baptist
Please describe how well trump played the political card of kelly's kid helped him avert the current firestorm which is self induced....
independents agree with Republicans on this one
Doesn't mean all have been completely brainwashed...since 44% think it is true....not good but certainly not the R split.....time will certainly tell.....
Spam by the drunkard
Spam by the drunkard
Crack head commie
it's only the Democrats who fall for the national inquirer stories. You know, Trump, Elvis, Bigfoot, and Putin type stuff.
well he does hangout at abovetopsecret.com Where they discuss the difference in the greys and reptilian aliens and which one we are descendants of
Crack head commie
The 2006 sting operation was widely reported after the fact by U.S. newspapers, including the Washington Post:
Republic of Georgia authorities, aided by the CIA, set up a sting operation last summer that led to the arrest of Russian man who tried to sell a small amount of nuclear-bomb grade uranium in a plastic bag in his jacket pocket, U.S. and Georgian officials said.
The operation, which neither government has publicized, represents one of the most serious cases of smuggling of nuclear material in recent years, according to analysts and officials.
Despite partisan attempts to make it appear conspiratorial, the transfer of the sample of confiscated uranium was simply an instance of cooperative law enforcement between three countries: the U.S., Georgia, and Russia. The Russia government requested a sample of the uranium for forensic testing, the Georgian government signed off on it, and the U.S. government carried out the delivery.
The total amount of HEU confiscated in the sting was 3.5 ounces (about 100 grams). The amount Mueller delivered to the Russians was ten grams (the weight of four U.S. pennies).
The person who needs psychology help, is President Donald Trump.
psychology help
The opiates have kicked in early
Fat head the loser posted...
well he does hangout at abovetopsecret.com
And you hang out with the chuckler loretta.......good to see your intellect is as able as hers.....LOL!!!!
caliphate4vr said...
psychology help
The opiates have kicked in early
Amazing how quickly this went down the shitter with the 2 losers vying who can be the most stupid poster of the day....
Crack head commie
"The opiates have kicked in early"
...and the estrogen.
Sergeant Johnson’s mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, backed the congresswoman’s version. “Yes, he did state that comment,” Ms. Jones-Johnson said
actually, the full quote was -
“Yes, he did state that comment, an' shit yo”
the ny times really needs to update their stylebook to include ebonics.
...and the estrogen.
man, the alky chooses the most inane shit to dig his heels in on.
hey alky,
your little snopes article is a response to a question no one is asking.
nice try at a diversion, though.
Loretta for the 57th time said...
No wonder why cali likes you....your a dumbass R !!! Idiot who thinks she has the concession of funny......like rat hole...
"man, the alky chooses the most inane shit to dig his heels in on."
I see what you did there...
You're welcome crack head.
You're welcome crack head.
Anything for our biggest asshole......Idiot
Sgt. Jonathan Hunter Kia
Never heard from President Trump
Roger Amick said...
Sgt. Jonathan Hunter Kia
Never heard from President Trump
geez alky, now you're showing concern for the war dead?
how convenient.
i'm old enough to remember when you celebrated every "bush body bag" that came home from iraq and shithole-istan, and you wanted cindy sheehan on mount rushmore.
"how convenient."
I'm leaning toward "hypocrisy"
Like I posted the other day......more fake news about warming....maybe rat hole can provide more of his famous humor to allay fears that this is not a hoax...
Second-warmest year on record thus far
Each of the first eight months of 2017 have ranked among the top four warmest such months on record, giving 2017 the second highest January–September temperature in the 138-year record: 0.78°C (1.57°F) above the 20th-century average. This is behind the record year of 2016 by 0.13°C (0.24°F). This near-record warmth in 2017 is especially remarkable given the lack of an El Niño event this year. Global temperatures tend to be warmer during El Niño years, when the ocean releases more heat to the atmosphere. Given the lack of an El Niño event in 2017, it is unlikely that we will surpass 2016 as the warmest year on record. However, 2017 is almost certain to be the planet's warmest year on record that lacks any influence from El Niño, and Earth's four warmest years of the last century-plus are likely to be 2016, 2017, 2015, and 2014.
i'm old enough to remember when you celebrated every "bush body bag"
LIAR...just like trump...
HB did tell us he went to his Dr. For prescription "adjustment:,
HB, other then the left sending 17 Billion to Health Insurance Executives and share holders, the thing Dems wanted, what do Republicans and the American people get?
HB, is married to a "him".
t/h. RRB
Miami, population is soaring.
Stumpy KD said...
Miami, population is soaring.
While your brain cells are dying at an alarming rate....stroke like !!!!
Matt Bai is a very smart man.....
Whatever his impact may be on the country or the world, Donald Trump’s presidency imperils the future of his party, and there isn’t a serious-minded Republican in Washington who would tell you otherwise, privately.
In the short term, Trump’s determination to upend the health care market, his vague tax plan that’s already unpopular, an approval rating that can’t crack 40 percent, his exhausting and inexhaustible penchant for conflict — all of it threatens to make a massacre of the midterm elections, if you go by any historical marker.
In the longer term, it’s plausible to think that Trump’s public ambivalence toward white supremacists, along with his contempt for immigrants and internationalism, could end up rebranding Republicans, for generations, as the party of the past.
Trump doesn’t care what happens to Republicans after he’s gone. The party was always like an Uber to him — a way to get from point A to point B without having to find some other route or expend any cash.
Omg, this is funny.
The closer we get to the Anniversary of Winning Bigly, the looney get louder.
Opie you said Miami is regularly flooding , why are 10"s of thousands people increasing that cities population?
Wathing woppie Goldberg and the view.
Stand up comedy and clapping seals in the audience.
Jobless claims drop to lowest level since 1973.
Paychecks replacing welfare.
Lowest jobless claims since 1973.
Wow, "mainstream media" is so general that it's almost subjective as to what that means. I would be one who agrees that a lot of "news" and "analysis", and even "fact checks" about Trump are made up out of whole cloth. Much of that is repeated, reported on and generally taken more seriously than it warrants. Does that mean that "mainstream media" is "making shit up"? I couldn't give you an explicit yes or no to that question, so I really don't know what to make of survey asking that. At best it probably reflects a person's general attitude.
Fewer Americans are receiving welfare checks today, then in the last 15 years.
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