Friday, December 8, 2017

CNN Story Non-Story Story

So does this stuff never end?

CNN broke with a story claiming that Donald Trump Jr received an email with information regarding some unreleased Wikileaks material. CNN reported that Trump was provided an encrypted key to open up this information and effectively get first crack at it. The report implied that this was a recent discovery, and certainly would be leading to something substantial.

Turns out that the email was sent to Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr, possibly Baron Trump, pretty much every member of the Trump staff, associates, and apparently many "others". The emails were not a recent discovery, but had been forwarded by the Trump campaign to the investigators along with every other relative email that they turned over several months ago.

Furthermore, CNN acknowledged that they had the date wrong, that they had incorrectly referenced a particular tweet as being relevant, failed to disclose that there is no evidence that anyone even read the email, and that the information that the email supposedly referenced was apparently little more than a PDF of information previously released by Wiki leaks.

They don't even know who the sender is, and he apparently has nothing to do with Wikileaks. Looks more like some guy who copied and pasted the wikileaks information in a PDF format to make it easier to search.

CNN provided this - even as their headline still implies something more devious.
Washington (CNN)Correction: This story has been corrected to say the date of the email was September 14, 2016, not September 4, 2016. The story also changed the headline and removed a tweet from Donald Trump Jr., who posted a message about WikiLeaks on September 4, 2016. 
The new details appear to show that the sender was relying on publicly available information. The new information indicates that the communication is less significant than CNN initially reported.
While the correction is well noted. It might be better if they removed the headline that still suggests what they originally were reporting, or simply retracted the entire story.  MSNBC and others had the same story on their front page, referencing the "original" CNN description of events. The last time I looked (about an hour ago) MSNBC was not including any of the corrections.

This is purely a very blatant attempt to slowly but surely poison the well with incorrect information, in order to undermine and discredit the President. Funny how that works. CNN, ABC, MSNBC, all blatantly lie, and it makes liberals distrust the President even more. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

President Trump has exposed Hillary , Democrats and the liberal press has gone fucking insane.

Myballs said...

I have to wonder if these botched stories are deliberate. This way, even though false, the headline still gets out.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why don't you post stories about the President that are true that shows he lied or is acting impulsive and exhibiting irresponsible behavior?

Oh yeah, that would be responsible.

You actually believe that the stories that eventually were incorrect, were really and deliberately designed to hurt your President. Probably part of the Soros conspiracy to get Trump .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is completely insane.

This is purely a very blatant attempt to slowly but surely poison the well with incorrect information, in order to undermine and discredit the President.

A psychologist would be concerned, because it has no connection with reality.

Anonymous said...

President Trump dictates HB everyday.

Anonymous said...

President Trump dictates HB everyday.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Brown for the third time this year has begged Pres. TRUMP for money to pay for CA disasters.

Myballs said...

We've watched hillary lie for 25 years and roger never noticed.

Instead he is now channeling joe and mika and thinks everything Trump says is a lie.

What a horse's ass.

Loretta said...

"What a horse's ass."

He's nuts. Period.

Loretta said...

"This is purely a very blatant attempt to slowly but surely poison the well with incorrect information,"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I've been watching politics for my entire life. From the Kennedy v Nixon debate. You actually believe that the media is a giant conspiracy to make destroy Trump. First the premise is that this a giant conspiracy. Look, these companies are not all working together. Your obsession with Clinton is baseless allegations such as Bengazi. But you believe what you want. Facts don't matter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A psychologist would be concerned, because it has no connection with reality.

projecting again alky?

Anonymous said...

You actually believe that the stories that eventually were incorrect, were really and deliberately designed to hurt your President. Probably part of the Soros conspiracy to get Trump .

well alky,

MSDNC's ralph "strap on" maddow devoted an entire "special report" last night to the trump dossier. as in taking it fucking seriously long after everyone else knows it to be a fucking joke.

it appears that the various factions of the media, while not necessarily working in concert to take down this president, all seem to be in their own way pursuing the same goal.

HOW many times has CNN been busted peddling fake news? i've lost count. at some point CNN's peddling of fake news is going to become its own story. and legitimate journalists, the few that remain, are going to start reporting on efforts from CNN and others to take down this president as REAL news. because it is.

Anonymous said...

September 26, 1960 today is Dec 9th, 2017, ok, so HB was 7 years old and was glued to the tube to watch the Nixon/JFK the womanizer debates.'

what kind of sick little weak kid is watching that on tv and not out with friends ?

Anonymous said...

92% of democrats don't have a fucking clue:

Anonymous said...

what kind of sick little weak kid is watching that on tv and not out with friends ?

one who lies about watching that debate.

Anonymous said...

"Giant Conspiracy" Alky today

"Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" during the Clinton years, alky cheers

Anonymous said...

CNN had a rough Friday.

First, the network had to correct egregious, humiliating fake news in a report about Trump-Russia collusion.

Now, it seems CNN cannot get the identities right of White House staff. In a segment featuring a quote from current Trump deputy director of communications Raj Shah, CNN used in the image of another Raj Shah, who served in the Obama White House.

Anonymous said...

They are stuck on a stupid.

Remember Hillary catch phrase,,, LOVE Trumps HATE, that is now HATE TRUMP

Myballs said...

More political analysts think franken has no intention of leaving and will back out of his resignation once Moore is seated

Commonsense said...

The rush of the main stream media to "get something on Trump" has backfired on them badly.

If they want to counter Trump's fake-new narrative they better start being objective and get the story right.

Right now he's winning the narrative.

Commonsense said...

More political analysts think franken has no intention of leaving

I figured that out about an hour after the speech. I was a little slow that day.

Anonymous said...

Wait, The LEFTist of the HATE TRUMP , said Sen Franken had resigned, not very bright, he said he is kinda going to at a future date maybe, if he feels it would serve his state ,,,, shit it looks like Lawyer Hillary and Disgraced Bill the Rapist , helped him with the text has more holes in it then poorly made Swiss cheese.

commie said...

He who has no sins, cast the first stone as faux corrects a fake headline....LOL

Fox News felt a wave of outrage after publishing a misleading story which said one of the women who has accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual abuse "forged" part of her yearbook inscription signed by the Republican.
The Fox News story was published after Beverly Young Nelson sat down with "Good Morning Amerca's" Tom Llamas which aired on Friday. In the interview, Nelson said she made "notes" under Moore's inscription. In a news conference later on, Nelson's lawyer, Gloria Allred, said Nelson had written the notes so she could remember who Moore was and when and where he had signed the book, according to ABC News.
Nelson reiterated, however, "He did sign it."
Fox News did a report on Nelson's interview and the headline read, "Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of the yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate."
The headline has since been changed, and the coinciding tweet has been deleted, but an archive of the post still keeps the original headline available. The current headline now reads, "Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate."

commi said...

More political analysts think franken has no intention of leaving

More fake news perpetrated by our idiots.

Commonsense said...

Originally Allred said Moore wrote the note and they admitted that it was added by Nelson later.

She also said she added the "DA" after Moore's name thinking he was the district attorney.

Whether you call it a forgery or not the damage to Nelson's credibility is just the same.

Anonymous said...


cowardly king obama said...

David Brock May Be Illegally Funding An Effort To Impeach Trump

David Brock’s Media Matters for America appears to be granting hundreds of thousands of dollars in charitable funds to political groups that are trying to impeach the president and unseat Republicans across the nation.
much more at:

FAKE NEWS and trying to destroy a president... welcome to the democratic party

Anonymous said...

Good morning oPie.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

September 4, 2016
September 14 2016

This difference has sent Trump World into a Fake News orgasms.

Just coincidentally the President tweeted on September 4 2016 .

Interestingly,” CNN reporter Manu Raju said on the air, “the same day that Donald Trump Jr. received this email was the first time that he appears to have tweeted about WikiLeaks.

WIKILEAKS: Hillary Clinton Sent THOUSANDS of Classified Cables Marked "(C)" for Confidential

The FBI released documents Friday evening before the Labor Day Holiday on the agency’s interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The report contains numerous bombshells that show just...

So despite the fact that Jr. actually got the email on September 14, daddy sent the above tweet above from the wingnut Gateway Pundit on September 4, 2016.

The President had information from someone (named Putin) indirectly ten days before the original CNN report.

The media is not in a coordinated effort to destroy the President. That claim by our esteemed host insane claim, mistakes happen.

commie said...

the damage to Nelson's credibility is just the same.

The only complaints are coming from the trump sycophants who think this changes moores actual signature, which it does not.....LOL

Commonsense said...

The media is not in a coordinated effort to destroy the President.

They don't have to. Their collectives hate and disdain for him is enough.

He's an outsider.
He's beneath us.
He's not part of the club.
He doesn't deserve to be president.
He must be destroyed.

You don't need a conspiracy for that. Just group-think.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

September 26, 1960 today is Dec 9th, 2017, Roger Amick was 9 years old and was glued to the tube to watch the Nixon/JFK the debate.

I was in the fifth grade. I could name the capital of every single state. On a current world globe, I could name every single nation if the names were concealed. Our teacher always went back to me for answers that other students could not answer.

Geeks R Roger©

Commonsense said...

The only complaints are coming from the trump sycophants who think this changes moores actual signature, which it does not.....LOL

God Dennis you're a willfully stupid and ignorant man. She just gave Moore the election.

Commonsense said...

I was in the fifth grade. I could name the capital of every single state.

All 57 of them?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They don't have to. Their collectives hate and disdain for him is enough.

He's an outsider.
He's beneath us.
He's not part of the club.
He doesn't deserve to be president.
He must be destroyed.

You don't need a conspiracy for that. Just group-think.

Cookoo cookoo

Cookoo cookoo
Cookoo cookoo
Trump brings on negative coverage by his own actions, not a giant conspiracy.

commie said...

a Matters for America appears to be granting hundreds

And it appears that the daily caller is making shit up again....lOLOLO nothing unusual about that!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One mistake by an exhausted candidate who graduated from Harvard University Law school.

Cookoo cookoo

Cookoo cookoo

Anonymous said...

Amick was 9 years old and was glued to the tube to watch the Nixon/JFK the debate.

I was in the fifth grade

So did you graduate high school at 16 or did you repeat some years ?

just curious

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I graduated in 1969.

commie said...

She just gave Moore the election.

No McPea brain....the idiots of Alabama would rather support a sexual predator and pedophile rather than doing the correct thing. I am hoping for a moore win and will enjoy the right trying to explain how great day this is for the country and what a great man he is...GOOD!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I never repeated or skipped a grade.

Anonymous said...

so if you were 9 and in 5th grade in 1960

you would be in 12th grade in 1967

but you didn't graduate until 1969 and didn't skip or repeat a grade

just saying your story doesn't add up

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I just went through my head, and despite the belief by some that it's empty, the Kennedy V Nixon debate happened when I was in fourth grade. But I was 9. My fourth, fifth and sixth grade teachers were very good. By the time I finished grade school, I was reading at college level.

Enough personal information. It will get the usual alky alky alky alky alky alky spam.

Anonymous said...

thanks for clarifying

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I was born in 1951. In Yankton South Dakota.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No problem.

Indy Voter said...

There are a lot of folks his age who can't remember a year or two in the sixties.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Breakfast and medications. Yawn

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My first memories are from when we lived in Yankton South Dakota. My brother was born in March of 1954, I remember that. And a few others from before we moved to Rapid City South in 1956. I got to ride in the furniture moving semi. I remember that quite well.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Indy, like I said. My first memories date to 1954.

Anonymous said...

What utter and complete B S

Anonymous said...

In 1960 roger was a fifth grader.
10 years old in 5th grade makes you 67 years old.

Anonymous said...

Alky story don't add up.

"$162,000 medical bill would have bankrupt us" alky

Or this Alky

"Investment portfolio is worth $1.2 million dollars"

Loretta said...

We were ALL required to learn, and be able to recite, the state capitols.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I never repeated or skipped a grade.

nope. you just had to repeat a liver, you drunken sot.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Loretta said...
We were ALL required to learn, and be able to recite, the state capitols.

and our multiplication tables. ho hum.

the alky always takes the most mundane and trivial shit that WE ALL experienced and turns it into his own personal mount everest that he had to conquer.

next he'll be telling us that he was potty trained before every other kid his age in the entire fucking state.

Anonymous said...

By the time I finished grade school, I was reading at college level.

uncle alky,

tell us the story about how you mastered nuclear physics by age 12.

i love that one.

Commonsense said...

Cookoo cookoo

Cookoo cookoo
Cookoo cookoo

Roger's inability to respond intelligently is now morbidly terminal.

Commonsense said...

I am hoping for a moore win and will enjoy the right trying to explain how great day this is for the country and what a great man he is...GOOD!!!

You'll be waiting a long time, if and when Moore gets elected I suspect all of the media outrage will die down.

commie said...

, if and when Moore gets elected I suspect all of the media outrage will die down.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! SURE MR .6% It will just be starting as Moores indiscretions will become the raison d'être of the R's demise......LOL

Anonymous said...

Alky is what that show "Young Sheldon" and thinks that's him.

Anonymous said...

Army vs Navy Game today.

Will colon Kappernec and other current and former NFL Players be there to kneel. After all they say, it is not about disrespecting the Troops or the Flag.

C.H. Truth said...

I got to ride in the furniture moving semi.

Which is where he first hit is head and started experiencing his "condition".

commie said...

Army vs Navy Game today.

So. And its also be kind to pigs day.....idiot...