Saturday, December 2, 2017

We heard this all once before...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Commonsense said...

You certainly are Roger.

Anonymous said...

Roger is still realign from their US Stock Market Crash of Dec. 1st,2017.

-0.17 % for their Dow.

HB is a finance/economic fucktard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Today is the sixth month anniversary of the liver transplant at UCLA in Los Angeles. Just to make it short and sweet. Except for an infection and fever problem in August , my recovery continues with little or no problems. My lovely wife has been priceless. The surgical team was facing a difficult situation, but here I am.

Anonymous said...

God how your love you.

Anonymous said...

try to imagine how little i care, alky.

cowardly king obama said...

Mueller’s New Restaurant Chain: Nothing Burgers
"Did candidate Obama have authorization from President Bush to meet with Moscow? Unlike President-elect Trump, no longer just a citizen or a candidate, but a future president preparing to take office. Or Ted Kennedy who, “Made secret overtures to the Soviet Union’s spy agency during the Cold War to thwart then-President Ronald Reagan’s re-election.”

And who cares who directed Flynn, as incoming national security advisor, to contact Russia or any other country? Was it Trump himself? Or one of his surrogates, including his son-in-law Jared? All standard and expected for an incoming administration. Where’s the crime? Other than Flynn making false statements to the FBI.

What is Mueller charged with investigating? “Coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump.” Campaign, not the incoming administration. Coordination meaning collusion, which thus far there is no evidence of. Nothing burger.

The problem is that Flynn’s communications with Russia were after the campaign, when Trump was the president-elect. Instead Flynn got caught up in, “The special counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.” Like contradicting himself when speaking to the FBI. Just as Scooter Libby did. Process crime only. A false statement about something irrelevant to the investigation and certainly not illegal. A nothing burger for Mueller.

Mueller was appointed over six months ago. Is this all he has after all the investigating, assisted with a bunch of Democrat lawyers, looking for anything to nail Donald Trump? A process crime? False statement to the FBI and nothing on his mandate of collusion with Russia to influence the election? An empty burger.

If Trump committed a crime, we would know about it after half a year of investigation by Mueller and his hoard of investigators. And the intrepid investigators of every major news organization who would like nothing better than to nail Trump.

Who’s happy over this? Besides the left-wing media finally getting a bit of holiday cheer after months of horrible news exposing their “women’s rights” icons as predators. I’ll bet Vladimir Putin is enjoying this immensely. Mueller is accomplishing what the Russians could only dream of. Sowing doubt and discord into the US electoral process and the duly elected president. Propaganda at its best."...

Loretta said...





Anonymous said...

So for those people who have children of military age, get ready for the knock on the door from an American soldier in uniform, carrying a notification folder and a solemn face, be prepared.

Posted by Roger Amick at 8:35 AM

Loretta said...

"Posted by Roger Amick at 8:35 AM"

Emotional misfit.

Anonymous said...

Classic fucktard Roger.

Anonymous said...

Alky is their Fat Fairy Queen on little liberal "Island of Misfits".

commie said...


Sad, the loretta argument that D's did first makes it okay do do now....Sad how that permeates all the R wing rationale. Sad how far the country has fallen...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good morning Opie. Hope your wife, mom and mother in law are all doing well.

Anonymous said...

Not a single obama radicalized Democrat vote for their middle in come workers.

They final nail in their coffin of Moderate Dems RIP.

Hairy Wart said...

Hey all! I would like to celebrate my six month anniversary of growing out on Roger's fat ass! I would like to say it's been a great six months, but you try living six months on Roger's fat ass. It's no picnic.

Anonymous said...

Lol, nice😂

:-) said...

The cold civil war we are fighting is not just going well. Contrary to what was once expected, this war right now is in a stage of overwhelming success. Not that we have won anything permanent, but one has to be amazed at how positively things are going.

Consumer confidence is close to an all-time high.

Our economic growth is over 3%. After nearly a decade, our economy is clearly coming out of the doldrums, and the U.S. population is becoming optimistic about its future.

Trump is remaking the judiciary, an extraordinary achievement.

Illegal immigration is down, eventually to be controlled. A real border for a real country.

The military is strong, confident, and doing its job. ISIS and radical Islam are genuinely being defeated.

Our alliances overseas are strengthening, and our leadership is successfully realigning friends from the Obama-Clinton years of destruction. Other countries respect and fear us once again.

America is becoming great again.

Domestically, embittered adversaries on the left are melting down, in multiple ways. Their elites are being shown as irrational, immoral, hypocritical, rudderless, and foolish in an overwhelming wave of self-induced negativity. Their illusion of cultural greatness is falling apart, from Hollywood to the media to the educrats to the Democratic Party itself. They are failing miserably.

The Clinton crime family is going under for the third time, dragging others with it.

Yes, it's wonderful to watch the left disintegrate, but don't forget: they still own the education system and have won too many hearts and minds to their own party. It ain't over 'til it's over. We may be winning, but we haven't won yet.

Loretta said...

What's my little bitch talking about?

He doesn't know.

Loretta said...

"Hey all! I would like to celebrate my six month anniversary of growing out on Roger's fat ass! ....."


Anonymous said...

Remember in their eyes of them FOUR Liberal stooges of CHT.

President Trump is not thier President and has done nothing.