Friday, May 4, 2018

Did the FBI really monitor phone calls and raid an attorney's office over a $130K NDA?

Sometimes I have to wonder whether or not it's our Federal law enforcement, or out modern day media that has completely gone over the deep end since the election of Donald Trump.

Look, there would be absolutely nothing logical about the concept of the FBI monitoring the phone calls of an Attorney to the President, raiding his home, office, car, boat, bike, cabin, hotel, storage facility, and grave sites of close relatives... all over a $130,000 non disclosure agreement. To the best of anybody's knowledge, there is nothing illegal about non-disclosure agreements.  Even (if suggested) the $130,000 could be somehow defined as a campaign finance violation, that number would be dwarfed by the $3.3 million dollars that the Obama campaign was found to be in violation of. Their campaign agreed to pay a $375,000 fine and the matter was settled.

Moreover, campaign finance laws are generally overseen and investigated by the FEC, not the FBI. A possible $130,000 Campaign Finance violation would not warrant such an exception as to demand the FBI be provided jurisdiction. 

All that being said, the press seems to be covering this as if it is somehow the job of the FBI to figure out whether or not the President and Cohen have been telling the truth about the non-disclosure agreement. As if, somehow, it has become a federal crime to mislead the press.

Either way, we have two possibilities, and neither of them reflect well on our modern day society.
  • The first would be that the FBI is in fact using this $130,000 payment to pretty much seize everything associated with the President's personal attorney, presumably on some sort of fishing exhibition to see what else they might uncover. This, would be a massively corrupt abuse of police power, especially considering that the FBI has jurisdiction issues. 
  • The second is that the media is so fixated on everything coming back to Trump, that they continue to erroneously report the Michael Cohen matter as having to do with Trump and the porn star (true or not), because that is what their rabid fan base is interested in.

Unfortunately, there is really no good explanation that doesn't leave one side or the other looking rather dismal. The sooner this is over, the sooner the insanity can stop including a steady erosion of the reputation of both our media, and our law enforcement community. 


Anonymous said...

A Detroit radio station said it will ban Kanye West's music"

Anonymous said...

Hillary and friends paid Steele and 5 other non-Americans 56 million.

Anonymous said...

JamesMay 3, 2018 at 1:26 PM
Trump's lawyer Cohen has been wiretapped for some time."

We can always count on the dumbest of the 5 liberal stooges of CHT.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sometimes I have to wonder whether or not it's our Federal law enforcement, or out modern day media that has completely gone over the deep end since the election of Donald Trump.

His own behavior has been the trigger for every single one of these stories. His lies are in the thousands. Yet you remain in the base 40%. FYI they didn't wiretap Cohen.

He is a subject of the investigation. The timing of the money to silence Daniels is relevant because the timing where it was as the debates were scheduled.

The odds of him completing his term are declining.

C.H. Truth said...

He is a subject of the investigation. The timing of the money to silence Daniels is relevant because the timing where it was as the debates were scheduled.

Again, Rog... hush money is not illegal. The FBI is a law enforcement (not a ethics enforcement) agency.

As a campaign finance violation (a legal stretch of Olympic gymnastic proportions) it would fall under the jurisdiction of the FEC, not the FBI.

Commonsense said...

Sometimes I have to wonder whether or not it's our Federal law enforcement, or out modern day media that has completely gone over the deep end since the election of Donald Trump.

Remember when Chuck Schumer said “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”?

In a properly functioning republic, no citizen should have to fear the wrath of their government.

This is nothing short than a mortal struggle between the republic and the deep-state bureaucracy that's suppose to serve it.

Myballs said...

Roger says there are thousands of trump lies. I call bullsh*t. Prove it.

Here's proof, James said...

Anonymous said...

Again, Rog... hush money is not illegal.

exactly. civil suits are settled all the time across the country for "an undisclosed sum" with all parties involved under NDA.

daniels herself was under NDA and violated it when she sat down with the heiress anderson vanderbilt for an interview.

Myballs said...

Thousands?? Lol.

"None of this makes what you say fake."


wphamilton said...

Reportedly, Cohen is under investigation for bank fraud and wire fraud in connection to bank loans for his shady taxicab business.

I said "reportedly" because the source of that information is speculative. However, that is LESS speculative than the theory presented here, that "the FBI is in fact using this $130,000 payment to pretty much seize everything".

Cohen's financial crimes, if any, are unlikely to come back on Trump in my opinion. I think you also have to search pretty hard to find a "media fixation" on Trump connections in the Cohen investigation, and those are pretty nebulous involving mostly Cohen's "Russia connections". It would take turning over a lot of rocks, and establishing a sequence of actual events, just to prove a back-door mechanism having Cohen as an intermediary in a Trump-Russia conspiracy, which is not only unlikely to be within the FBI's capability but also unlikely in the first place.

I mean, put yourself in Trump's shoes and imagine that you're conspiring with Russia to gain a corrupt advantage. Use your personal lawyer? Seriously? Even a bumbling fool would know better and arrange some deniable cut-out as a go-between.

Commonsense said...

I think you also have to search pretty hard to find a "media fixation" on Trump connections in the Cohen investigation

Yeah, you have to open CNN's website.

C.H. Truth said...

I think you also have to search pretty hard to find a "media fixation" on Trump connections in the Cohen investigation, and those are pretty nebulous involving mostly Cohen's "Russia connections".

I don't believe anyone is pushing a Trump/Cohen/Russia angle, nor did I suggest anyone is.

But you can open up Real Clear Politics and see several articles and videos from the media talking specifically about the Cohen/Trump payment to Stormy Daniels as the new exciting big legal issue at hand.

Again, if I had to bet, I would say that those in the media who assume that the FBI raided Cohen over the Stormy Daniels payment have it wrong. But I wouldn't put it past the FBI (at this point) to make up a pretty lame excuse to go after Trump's attorney.

wphamilton said...

This looks like suggesting a Trump/Cohen/Russia connection in the media.

"The second is that the media is so fixated on everything coming back to Trump, that they continue to erroneously report the Michael Cohen matter as having to do with Trump and the porn star"

I can see how you could mean exclusively with regards to the porn star. But it reads as the media being fixated on everything coming back to Trump, including the Cohen raid, and they're fixated on the Russia angle. That's where that angle came from, that I wrote about.

Concentrating on the porn star and campaign finance would be doing Trump a huge favor, given how Starr's fixation on Clinton's sex life backfired on that investigation. If it overwhelms whatever else they're looking into, the public will just tune it out.

C.H. Truth said...

So WP...

I stated Stormy, which you suggest means Russia?

Commonsense said...

Not that the 5 TDS infected liberals here care, but a federal judge just rip Mueller a new asshole.

U.S. judge questions special counsel's powers in Manafort case

.James said...

Cavuto said a lot more than what Myballs quoted at 9:46.


Anonymous said...

"Scope memo"

The restraints on the Muller witch Hunt is going to be made Public. I can not wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

A loan is not illegal
A NDA is not illegal
Paying $345,000 is not illegal

Roger has a Criminal-Trump, now all Rog needs is a crime.

wphamilton said...

"I stated Stormy, which you suggest means Russia?"

I read "Trump and the porn star" as the union of things having to do with Trump, and having to do with the porn star.

It actually makes sense to have seen it that way, since there's been a lot of media coverage suggesting that the Cohen raid was actually related to Mueller's probe, which does concern itself with Russia. Just interpolating you in the light where you'd be the most accurate.

wphamilton said...

Initially, I mean, there was media coverage relating to Cohen raid to the special investigation. That all pretty much died down, which is why I said you'd have to look for it.

What the other fellow meant by "open CNN's website" is anyone's guess. Probably he didn't realize I wasn't talking about Stormy (even though I was specific about Russia connections).