Thursday, May 3, 2018

May we live in comical times

  Mr President... what do you think I was thinking when you read the NY Times and found out
that I was thinking about asking you what you were thinking, when you were thinking about
 firing me for thinking you might be guilty of a crime. Remember that you are under oath


Anonymous said...

Are the 5 liberal stooges of CHT fine withe provable public lies from FBI Director Comey and Mueller?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yes we are. And are Goofy the Clown.

Anonymous said...

HB did the Russians hack your account.

Anonymous said...

Former President Bill Clinton says Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan is racist, despite using the exact phrase himself several times during his 1992 presidential campaign.

During a campaign event Wednesday for his wife Hillary Clinton, the 42nd president said Mr. Trump’s rallying cry to “Make America Great Again” is a racist dog whistle to white Southerners.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“Make America Great Again” is a racist dog whistle to white Southerners.

It was and it worked.

Loretta said...

"Former President Bill Clinton says Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan is racist, despite using the exact phrase himself several times during his 1992 presidential campaign."

As a great American says...

Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

Commonsense said...

OOOO so is displaying, wait for it, the American flag.

These leftist idiots would be comical if they didn't have so much power.

Anonymous said...

and i'm old enough to remember when the words "golf" and "chicago" were code words for racism, alky.

you see alky, according to the rules that you assholes have established for your cynical little racism game, when everything is racist, nothing is racist.

Commonsense said...

Strange bedfellows there days.

Rod Rosenstein is not above the law

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s reaction to reports of possible impeachment for failing to respond to congressional subpoenas was to proclaim that the Justice Department “will not be extorted.”

I suppose he meant to say, “Only we here at the Justice Department do the extorting, with special counsels, daylight raids of people’s attorneys, bankrupting people with legal fees, threats to prosecute family members, and questionable wiretapping of Americans.”

Last time I checked, the Constitution gave the elected representatives of the people the right to decide whether to impeach public officials for failure to comply with completely lawful subpoenas and appropriate oversight. They even provide Congress with immunity included in the Constitution to prevent threats from people like Rosenstein.
As the proposed questions for President Trump from special counsel Robert Mueller imply, just the act of the president raising issues or even having negative thoughts about the appropriateness of actions by Rosenstein, fired FBI director James Comey or Mueller can be investigated as possible obstruction of justice.

This government within the government has now crossed a line that is unacceptable. By gaining the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Rosenstein stepped into the shoes of the attorney general, even though he was not appointed to that role by the president.

Now he believes he is above the law despite the myriad of conflicts he has ignored to authorize these unlimited investigations of the administration he supposedly serves. Remember, Rod Rosenstein provided the memo supporting the firing of Comey and then turned around and installed Mueller, a friend of Comey’s, as special counsel, right after trying to get Mueller the position of head of the FBI.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. What Pres. Trump is doing is nothing short of amazing.
Restoring the US Constitution. That the Elected hold the reigns of power.

WP and his ilk believe that no Executive of any company can fire a subordinate.

commie said...

Funny how you sycophants all think trumps lies are just trivial matters....Imagine that!!! Lying to the voters is okay and acceptable as long as he stays in the WH...Ideology of a democrat ethics of a whore mongering woman hating New Yorker....He sure is good at that doncha think? Maybe the unemployed mentally disabled loser from kansas will find real work when the job numbers come out and he continues to slurp on trumps ass....Like I've said before, you have to have a perfect memory when lying and it is evident trump ain't too smart!!! CHUCKLE The end is near....burn a tree for Jesus!!!

Commonsense said...

Funny how you sycophants all think trumps lies are just trivial matters.

Says the sycophant who was silent through eight years of Obama lies.

And Obama's lies where a hell of a lot more damaging to America than Trump's.

caliphate4vr said...

Fatty when Trump earns lie of the year like Obumble maybe we'll listen to you


commie said...

Says the sycophant who was silent through eight years of Obama lies.

Please menstral, may be you can point out a specific lie I ignored.....My guess you cannot, again...Idiot.. Maybe you can also point out the exact damage you claim he created....This will be showing a single job created by trump repatriating profit...LOLOLOL

commie said...

earns lie of the year like Bumble maybe we'll listen to you

No you won't asshole, you ain't smart enough to get past your blatant ideology.....Yout acceptance of everything trump speaks volumes.....Paying for pussy is what you envy...CHUCKLE

caliphate4vr said...


Is this My Cousin Vinny?


commie said...

From the same group that awarded obama....seems trivial now with the number of trump whoppers!!! HUGE CHUCKLE So many to choose from...the choice will be inevitable and trumps....

The nuclear deal gave Iran "$150 billion, giving $1.8 billion in cash — in actual cash carried out in barrels and in boxes from airplanes."
— PolitiFact National on Friday, April 27th, 2018

commie said...


That all you got asshole????....I guess four years of drinking at UGA paid off for our spell checker....Be proud , you are just sooooo smart!!! Another chuckle for exposing another raw nerve from our talented salesman....

Commonsense said...

Please [expletive deleted], may be(sic) you can point out a specific lie I ignored.

I can name several:

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor."

Obamacare retarded the economic recovery and prolong the recession.

"Riots in Libya was due to an internet video."

That lie lead to the jailing of the poor schmuck who produced it and set a precedent that free speech can be abridged if it offends Islam, or (name your favorite protected group here).

"We are leaving Iraq a safe, stable democracy."

The only thing that kept the sunnis and shiites from going at each other's throats was a US military presents.

In less than two years, ISIS invaded northern Iraq.

"Syria use of chemical weapons is a red line with us."

Syria cross that line and Obama did nothing thus ruining US credibility in the world.

caliphate4vr said...

You didn't expose a nerve fatty, obviously I did though.

I guess attending some 2 bit institution in Jersey, that was established about the year of your birth, pales to my attendance at the first public university in the country, gripes your fat ass


Anonymous said...

The Lie of the Lost years.

$2,500 savings

caliphate4vr said...

Oh and we play damn good football.


Anonymous said...

oPoor, your AA degree in food services
Against my Masters degree in Economics From KU.

Anonymous said...

Jobs newly employees looking to be 190 k.

We shall see.

Where is the Democrat Economic plan for 2016?

Anonymous said...

John Kerry dé·marche all chemical weapons are out of Syria.

No one has been hurt according to oPoor.

commie said...

Against my Masters degree in Economics From KU.

Now I understand why you are unemployed, a degree in uselessness.....Too funny fraud....

guess attending some 2 bit institution in Jersey

And your masters is in what, dumbfuckery???? Keep plugging at work....I am retired, with 2 pensions and you got shit...Thanx to a MBA from that chickenshit boy...HUGE CHUCKLE at your obsession with what I have and you will only dream of...Yeah, football is very important to weak minded graduates like you....growing up is not in your genes.....

caliphate4vr said...

If our newly formed nation had to pick a Founding Father to transform higher education across America — and create a critical pillar of our fledgling democracy — Abraham Baldwin would have been an unlikely choice.

The son of a Connecticut blacksmith, Baldwin was only 30 years old when he crafted one of the most groundbreaking documents in our nation’s early history — the charter that established the University of Georgia as the birthplace of public higher education in America.

Hoe 'bout them DAWGS

Anonymous said...

164,000 new jobs
3.9 % unemployment

commie said...

Gee, that number seems lower than expected......

"Hoe" 'bout them DAWGS

Hoe bout that, dimwit.....LOL

Isn't ABAC an ag school???? Maybe rathole can finish his degree there.... Still didn't answer where you earned your MBA....Chuckle...

Commonsense said...

So to summarize:

In 18 months of president Trump:

1. ISIS has been driven to the ground. Terrorist on the run.

2. The economy is the best it'd been in eight years of Obama with 3.9% unemployment.

3. US on the brink of lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.

4. The US is respected again in the world.

5. Israel and Saudi Arabia are close to rapprochement and cooperation.

And all the media can obsess about is a possible tryst with a washed out porn star.

commie said...

The son of a Connecticut blacksmith, Baldwin was only 30 years old when he crafted one of the most groundbreaking do

A real yankee being credited by a georgian red neck...I find that irony palpable....LOL "Hoe" bout that????

Commonsense said...

the charter that established the University of Georgia as the birthplace of public higher education in America.

Always knew those Georgans were communist. ☺

commie said...

Gee, that list sure doen't look like what menstral claims to be Obama damage, but talking points and lies perpetrated and believed by the genius of the south....LOL

caliphate4vr said...

Fatty cling to your small victories, it's all you got

Heard Golden Corral now has a breakfast buffet, go hammer it


commie said...

Fatty cling to your small victories, it's all you got

2 pensions and medical plus my mountain home is more than you will evah got.....CHUCKE!!! HOE DAT FEEL???? Idiot...

caliphate4vr said...

BTW got a cousin that graduated from ABAC and vet degree from UGA he could buy and sell your fat ass, the premier vet doc in MS

Commonsense said...

Gee, that list sure doen't look like what menstral claims to be Obama damage, but talking points and lies perpetrated and believed by the genius of the south....LOL

Thank you for proving my case.

caliphate4vr said...

I don't have plastic hips and have several yuge 401ks

I do just fine fat boy


commie said...

I don't have plastic hips and have several huge 401ks
But suffer brain damage from too many head shots.....

Very impressive...yuge is a relative thing...just like trumps hands..>CHUCKLE..... How's that lake house fit in on a yuge 401. Got out of my condo 25 years ago! Houses owned while you don't...very sad! BTW....My 401's have done very well and I have enough income not to hit them except for travel and enjoyment and home improvements .....something foreign to you! Get to work, I'm packing for Paris today......

commie said...

Thank you for proving my case.

Menstral again concedes defeat and runs away like the little chicken shit sycophant he has proven to be....

caliphate4vr said...

Good for you stay away from the Moslem ghettos in Gay Pari.

I head to Park City and Yellowstone at the end of this month paid for because of my sales, on the heels of Cabo 3 weeks ago again another free trip

James said...

commie said...

I head to Park City and Yellowstone at the end of this month paid for because of my sales

Wow like I thought, a commissioned salesman....what a fucking loser you better than a used car salesman....skied at Grand Targhee and Jackson Hole, did a winter tour at yellowstone, Old faithful looks great in the winter....Silver Dollar Saloon in Jackson is a great place for lunch and the mangy moose at the base lodge is a hoot, take the tram to the top and you'll see where I skied!!! ....All paid because I had a real job that paid a real salary and provided a pension that I am now enjoying.....Keep digging asshole....I am enjoying your puffing out your chest...Enjoy your condo....

commie said...

BTW...Goldminers Daughter is right next door to park city at Alta....had a job there one winter, skied for free!!!!....home of champaign powder and some of the best bowl skiing in the west...When you drive up the little cottonwood canyon, note the signs warning of avalanche danger....quite the place to ski!!!!

caliphate4vr said...

Fatty i've been to both spots frequently since i was a pup.

Parents used to pack us up in a Clark Griswald green woody station wagon and head on trips.

Rafted the Snake River through Hell's Canyon several times, in ID.

Floated the Green River through Canyon Lands and the confluence with the Colorado in Utah

Hammer that buffet at Golden Corral.

The only one that was puffing their chest out was your fatass attempting to be big by claiming you were packing for Gay Pari.

Damn i live rent free in your diminutive brain


commie said...

Rafted the Snake River through Hell's Canyon several times, in ID.

On your parents nickle....never on your own...the irony is priceless!!!! Keep puffing, it is what you do best!!! Paris trip is tuesday, taking my spawn and wife on the salary I saved years ago....

.....Keep drinking snd are a get to work..."Hoe" bout that!!!! HUCE CHUCKLE Your obsession with my success is most amusing, loser.....Paris is tuesday, I'll send you fotos!!!!! Dayum funny!!!

caliphate4vr said...

Remember fatty my trips to Cabo and Park City are free, while you rub 2 nickels together for airfare and whatever shithole buffet you’ll be destroying

And I guarandamntee the resorts are far better than where you’re staying


commie said...

ou rub 2 nickels together for airfare and whatever shithole buffet you’ll be destroying

BWAAAAAAAAA! What vain attempt douche..... I make more retired than you do working....God you make it sooooo easy while you toil away and live in a shit hole condo....keep dreaming of that lake house....My cabin is 2 miles from Notelly Lake, what about yours????? You own your condo yet? Probably not.....And you won a sales, you must be special.....Can't even pay for your own way and must rely on contests...sad, very sad.....They sure have your number!!!!!! Thanx for sharing your shitty existence!!!!

wphamilton said...

You two fought so much about buffets and Golden Coral that it talked me into trying out the Golden Coral buffet a couple of weekends ago. It had been maybe 10 years since the last time, which was pretty bad but years before that I recall it being pretty decent.

But this time, $16 for barely mediocre fare, poor variety ... well thanks I guess that I got that out of my system. Just don't start badgering now about Denny's or Shoney's or something, OK?

Loretta said...


caliphate4vr said...

No Denny’s or Shoney’s it’s Wafle House for me


Anonymous said...

Wp, funny and correct.

Anonymous said...

oPie, your food miles in on day is more then my family in a week.

Anonymous said...

Fatty 38 times the lost years book less jobs in a month.

As for the 3.9 % unemployment. The Lost Years Prez . Never book that. The bootlicking press called 5 % full Employment and the "new normal".

C.H. Truth said...

Wow like I thought, a commissioned salesman....what a fucking loser you better than a used car salesman.

I lived in an upscale neighborhood in Eden Prairie. Bought a fancy executive townhouse that was wonderful for a young couple with no kids... but almost impossible to sell (three levels, three baths, wood and ceramic floors everywhere, wet bar, two story vaulted great room, cat walk, etc)... but technically only one bedroom.

The townhouses were like the ghetto area of the neighborhood. We were surrounded by million dollar homes, Mercedes, BMWs, Volvos, Porsches, etc...

About half the people I met in that neighborhood were some sort of salesperson (or account manager who sold stuff). The other half were executives, many of whom "had" been salespeople.

You always want to make money, like real money? Be good at selling. There is always money to be made (and lots of it). I took a substantial pay-cut to leave sales and move into the technology field (where I could work Mon-Fri and be off at 4:00 every day). And I am not exactly poor today doing what I do.

Anonymous said...

Excellent .

Anonymous said...

Drilling down into the Economic Data.

Hispanic and Blacks the core voters of the socialist Democrats , unemployment rate at historic lows.

caliphate4vr said...

Those that can sell, those that can't get accounting or finance degrees and spend their lives in drudgery

Jealous of the sales team that are knocking off at 3 on Friday and having an early happy hour


caliphate4vr said...

On your parents nickle....never on your own..

Fatty I was well out of college the 1st time I went to Boise.

StICK to what you know....PIES


Anonymous said...

On your parents nickle....never on your own" oPie

Funny, he accuses us that hold a higher degree and from a real University of having done nothing on our own.

It comes from the financial abandonment by his parents.

caliphate4vr said...

I'm just curious why someone is packing Friday for a supposed trip to Gay Pari on Tuesday.

That's a lot pies...

I packed for Cambodia 2 years ago, for three weeks, the day of in 15 minutes and was the shit in Phenom Penh.

Shove it in my duffle bag and go. Obviously he's not the world traveler he claims...

Or maybe fatty was trying to do some empty bragging.....

commie said...

I'm just curious why someone is packing Friday for a supposed trip to Gay Pari on Tuesday.

You are married right loser???? For some one who thinks winning a sales contest is better than earning a salary, really needs to go back to school...How much did that trip contribute to your huge 401???? Company cheaps out by keeping your salary real low, avoiding their contribution to SS and still writing it off as cheaply as really aren't very bright are you.... My guess the only thing you packed for penh were flip flops, bug spray and shorts.....Once again your puffing out your chest is just more amusement to me on how desperate you are to prove anything I say is wrong......"Hoe" bout that asshole!!!! Keep digging, this is funny. Seems to me you brought an incurable stupid virus from asia....I am so impressed.....