Saturday, January 5, 2019

All I want to do is, all I want to do is dance!

There is something sort of "breakfast clubby" about this


anonymous said...

She's not as good as Obama....but not bad!!!!!! I'm sure that is what you were trying for Lil Scotty.....not jumping on the bandwagon of the other talking heads that are trying to make a big deal of it to embarrass her!!!!.....Your originality is in the shitter.....again!!!! Too funny!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, if you’re offended by “impeach the mofo” and not offended by “grab em by the pussy,” check your own dam morals before you shove your holier than thou bs down someone else’s throat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Grab em by the pussy

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A high school video versus grab her by the pussy by the President of the United States.

You have lost your mind.

Anonymous said...

Grab em by the pussy

turns out there was so much pussy grabbing on the bernie '16 campaign, a bunch of staffers are lawyering up.

bernie is oblivious to it, of course.

i say go big or go home:

Bernie 2020

Grab 'em by the pussy!!!

cowardly king obama said...

Equating a decade old private "locker room" comment of a then private citizen to a current public statement of an elected official shows the raging TDS that is Roger.

And he thinks this is important enough to post everywhere.


TRUMP 2020

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
A high school video versus grab her by the pussy by the President of the United States.

You have lost your mind.

geezus alky, what DOESN'T trigger you these days???

people are having fun with the video. including her. so what?

she's a fucking moron, the likes of which we haven't seen since cynthia mckinney. the pack of fucktards that just got swept into office is like the cast of a communist comedy troupe. the next two years are going to be a gas.

and over in the senate, cocaine mitch just gets to sit there shaking his head and swatting those bills back across the capitol saying "nope, nope, nope..." while laughing his ass off at the fucktards you assholes just elected.

c-span just became must see tv.

Anonymous said...

Scott, if you’re offended by “impeach the mofo”

oh, and alky...

i can only speak for myself, but i am not offended by impeach the motherfucker. in fact, i think it was fucking glorious. i want your team to blurt out shit like that every fucking day. the American people need to see what they've done and who they've elected.

the feckless al qaeda cunt who blurted that out, along with assholio fucktardio cortez is the new face of the democrat party.

deal with it.

James said...

Conservatives creepily release video of @AOC as a teen, thinking it somehow discredits her leadership as a Congresswoman, only to have it backfire when people see it and say it proves that she’s basically been cool forever.

JAMES said...

Just go to and see how much trouble you guys are in these days.

Anonymous said...

when the bozo's post carries water for democrats, they do it with style. "flourishes of linguistic timidity." LOL.:

“Motherf---er” is filler; it means little more than “someone more unpleasant than ‘unpleasant’ can convey.” Saying you grab women “by the p---y,” on the other hand, is truly damaging: It turns members of that gender into something to be played with. Calling immigrants an infestation dehumanizes them.

“Motherf---er,” in short, is about civility. “Shithole countries” is about character. Democrats who conflate the two weaken themselves. They minimize the abuses of the Trump administration, and they invite the president to go on committing them without expecting anything more than an anemic reprimand. Democrats, he understands, won’t ever really fight back.

geez alky, if i didn't know better i'd say you've already ingested this column.

JAMES said...


Trump Slammed for Promoting Russian Propaganda

The Wall Street Journal editorial page slammed President Trump’s comments earlier this week which echoed Russian propaganda when he defended the Soviet Union’s 1979 invasion of Afghanistan:

“We cannot recall a more absurd misstatement of history by an American President.”

Anonymous said...

pederast -

assholio fucktardio cortez's dance moves don't discredit her. her piss poor ideas, sub-par intellect, and bullshit 'alex from the bronx' lies do.

and as far as trouble, check out schoolhouse rock, and how a bill becomes a law. mitch is gonna need a bigger bill shredder

and as far as the moose-limb cunt shrieking 'motherfucker' - tell her to keep it up please. i'm sure nanny nancy appreciates having her hands full with a pack of childish rank amateurs. an 80 year old running a day care center has got to be exhaustive.

Anonymous said...

let's move on, pederast.

that WSJ column triggered the alky yesterday.

JAMES said...

What Republicans Think Will End the Shutdown

Republican sources tell Mike Allen that “although they don’t see an imminent solution to the shutdown the White House is likely to cave when 800,000 federal workers stop getting paid and the hardships become a staple of local news coverage across Trump country.”

Trump Insists He Didn’t Break Campaign Law

President Trump tweeted that he “did not commit a campaign violation” in the 2016 presidential election, despite a filing last month from federal prosecutors implicating the president in his former lawyer’s campaign finance crimes.

Trump also insisted it is “no big deal” because “these are civil cases.”

TSA Agents Call In Sick

Hundreds of TSA agents have called in sick to at least four major airports after being forced to work without pay through the 14-day partial government shutdown, CNN reports.

A Lockout, Not a ‘Strike’

President Trump yesterday started calling the now two-week old government shutdown a ‘strike’ as if it were federal employee-instigated event.

“He’s completely wrong. It ‘s not being caused by employees; it’s completely the result of a — Trump’s — management decision. That makes this a ‘lockout.'”

NBC News: The Shutdown is taking a human toll across America.

Why Democrats Shouldn’t Budge on the Shutdown

Because Trump will have to cave.

White House Staff Heads to Camp David

President Trump and his senior staff “are headed on a group vacation — all at the direction of new acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney,” ABC News reports.

“White House senior staffers will spend the weekend at Camp David… Trump will visit the retreat and lead meetings, but only on Sunday.”

Quote of the Day

“The visuals of new House should send a shiver through anyone who cares about future of Republican Party. One side looks like America and our future, the other looks like board meeting of a 1950’s corporation. A basic law of politics: be for the future not past.”
— GOP strategist Stuart Stevens, on Twitter.

Trump Has Strengthened Pelosi

First Read: “And if you want to know why the shutdown pressure is on McConnell, just look at how Trump has unified House Democrats. The drama of whether or not Nancy Pelosi was going to get the votes she needed to be speaker ended the moment after last month’s Oval Office meeting with Trump.

“And, of course, Pelosi got the votes she needed on Thursday.

“Trump has done more to help Pelosi — and unify Democrats — than anyone out there.”



the "pastor" has nothing to contribute so he spams from his lockstep site.


Can't keep on topic and has no mind.

What a POS and an embarrassment to any organized religion.

Except devil worship.

Anonymous said...

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — The Border Patrol says it has experienced a major uptick in violence at the border since the arrival of the migrant caravan.

Assaults against agents are up 300 percent compared to this time last year, according to San Diego Border Sector Chief Rodney Scott.

but speaker maerose prizzi has declared it immoral to want to protect these brave patriots. which side should we be on?

well, let's do the math -

number of border patrol guards: small

number of undocumented democrat votes: millions

votes wins, right alky?

Anonymous said...

i'll see your feckless cunt moose-limb single mom motherfucker and raise you three American heroes:

Rep. Brian Mast

Verified account

Follow Follow @RepBrianMast

5 eyes. 5 arms. 4 legs. All American.

Welcome to Congress, @ElectJimBaird & @DanCrenshawTX.

Anonymous said...

"If you're unapologetic about your comments, Congresswoman, why not talk to us?" asked journalists

asking a liberal to take responsibility for their actions is always fucking hilarious.

anonymous said...

5 eyes. 5 arms. 4 legs. All American.

Sure hope that group of Hero's gets on the VA committee and puts billions of dollars in the budget to not only take care of those maimed like they are.....but all those vets living on the streets without any visible means of support...I am sure the ones who complain that scientists rip off the country have it in their cold heat the fortitude to keep their mouths shut when taxes are used to help them instead of relying on charity to get them through....

anonymous said...

Why should she be apologetic with the leader of the free world spewing insults and name calling every chance he gets...Low IQ, dumber than rocks.....Pocahontas......all demeaning for someone occupying the Oval Orifice, but okay to assholes like rat hole.....

Anonymous said...

100 % Agree with RRB.

"i can only speak for myself, but i am not offended by impeach the motherfucker. in fact, i think it was fucking glorious. i want your team to blurt out shit like that every fucking day. the American people need to see what they've done and who they've elected. 

the feckless al qaeda cunt who blurted that out, along with assholio fucktardio cortez is the new face of the democrat party.

deal with it."

Heck embrace the suck.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a rambling hour-long news conference in the Rose Garden that followed a meeting with senior lawmakers, Trump asserted that he had the power to declare a national emergency to build the wall without Congress — a move that would almost certainly be challenged in the courts. At the same time, he insisted the government would stay shuttered while the wall impasse continues, claiming without offering evidence that previous presidents have told him they wished they had built a wall themselves. 

Anonymous said...

Forbes News.

"312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama

Chuck DeVore. Contributor"

That MotherFucker sure knows how to make the Lost Years look even worse.

anonymous said...

the feckless al qaeda cunt who blurted that out,

And you remain as dumb as a box of rocks....goat fucker.....LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Roger what would you do IF the President grabbed your cunt?

anonymous said...

Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster

Does that include the automotive cut backs that were announced??????

anonymous said...

Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama

Of course the goat fucker cherry picks what makes it look great while omitting the should link the Forbes article you plagiarized from....again too lazy to do the whole job.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Manufacturing jobs are growing at a 714% faster clip under Trump than over a similar time under Obama , and;

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why didn't Obama get this done ?

Anonymous said...

Both little broken Alky and now Denise, failed to understand the word "plagerize" . Like Biden.

Anonymous said...

Auto news.
"Ford cancels Mexico plant, expands U.S. factory and adds 700 jobs


Updated 5:00 p.m. CST Jan. 4, 2017




Ford Motor announced Tuesday that it would cancel plans for a $1.6 billion Mexico plant and launch a Michigan expansion in a move that may be viewed as a capitulation to Donald Trump."

Anonymous said...

Dec job numbers are better the 78 months during The Lost Years .

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

In a rambling hour-long news conference in the Rose Garden...

this is why you need to watch these things live like i did alky.

it wasn't rambling. some twat from CNN did have an acosta moment though and had to have the mic taken away from her.

Anonymous said...

but all those vets living on the streets without any visible means of support...I am sure the ones who complain that scientists rip off the country have it in their cold heat the fortitude to keep their mouths shut when taxes are used to help them instead of relying on charity to get them through....

d0pie, i think that's a splendid idea.

let's take all the tax $$$ that's pissed away on warmyl cooling "research" and use it to fund disabled veterans.

count me in!

caliphate4vr said...

Bernie Sanders Asks Nation To Please Stop Mailing Him Books On Economics

NEW YORK, NY—In a late-night show interview Wednesday, Senator Bernie Sanders politely asked the nation to please stop mailing him books on basic economics, revealing that he’s been “absolutely flooded” with works on the most rudimentary concepts of supply and demand.

Sanders made the request after receiving yet another daily shipment of books from well-meaning Americans who simply assumed that he has never read a book on the subject in his life.

“I’ve got 1,200 copies of Human Action, 1,500 copies of Basic Economics, and 4,700 copies ofEconomics in One Lesson,” the angered senator said. “I’m drowning here.” Sanders also showed the late-night host a small mountain of children’s books on the subject of economics from the easy-to-read Tuttle Twins series, sent to him from Americans who assumed he had somehow missed classroom discussions on the value of a dollar and supply and demand while in elementary school.

Sanders further confirmed he still hasn’t read a single one of the books, stating that they look like they’re “full of harsh facts” and that he prefers a more emotion-based approach to economics. He added that he’s “a little peeved” that our nation has so many choices for books on basic economics on the market. “Do we really need that many?”

At publishing time, Sanders had arrived to one of his other houses and began screaming at the sky in anger upon discovering fifty-eight more books on basic economics had been mailed there.

Anonymous said...

That is too funny Cray Socialist asshole .

Anonymous said...

“I’ve got 1,200 copies of Human Action, 1,500 copies of Basic Economics, and 4,700 copies ofEconomics in One Lesson,” the angered senator said. “I’m drowning here.”

the bee has become better than the onion. probably because what they write could so very easily be true.

the irony is that with three houses bernie has plenty of storage for all those books if they had actually been sent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is handing the Democrats a gift per the National Journal.

Trump is handing new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a political gift by forcing rifts in his own party as she’s maintained a united front. With the new Congress just sworn in Thursday, already two swing-state senators up for reelection in 2020—Cory Gardner of Colorado and Susan Collins of Maine—have defected from the White House line on a border wall. And the three remaining House Republicans representing seats that Hillary Clinton carried have all broken ranks and voted to reopen the government without wall funding and against Trump’s wishes.

There’s only been limited polling since the government shutdown begun, but none of the findings are encouraging for the Trump administration. A Reuters/Ipsos survey, conducted between Dec. 21-25, found only 35 percent of respondents favored including money for a border wall in the congressional-spending bill. Just 25 percent support shutting the government down to secure the wall funding. Those are the numbers that are prompting Republicans to break away, and Democrats to remain united.

At a broader level, immigration is one of those issues where public opinion is hard to pin down given how nuanced most voters’ opinions are. When he’s focused on border security, the flaws of the current chaotic system, and the excesses of liberal Democrats’ anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement rhetoric, Trump holds the political advantage. The average American isn’t supportive of open borders and is skeptical of excessive immigration. Trump tapped into some nativist sentiment to win the presidency in 2016.

But when the debate turns to an expensive taxpayer-funded border wall, the shabby treatment of asylum seekers in American custody, and the president’s obsessive attention to a caravan thousands of miles away, the politics turn in the Democrats’ favor. In a post-election analysis conducted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, undecided voters who made up their mind in the final week broke towards the Democratic candidate, 48-45 percent, despite Republicans holding a 16-point registration edge with this group.

What was dominating the news cycle in the campaign’s final week? Trump constantly raising the specter of a caravan carrying migrants entering the United States.

Key Republicans agree with this assessment. A memo from leading GOP pollster David Winston found that the “president’s near-singular focus on those issues repelled Hispanics, independents, and soft Republicans, turning a race for House control that leaned Democratic into a late-breaking GOP bloodbath.”

But Trump shows no signs of moderating his rhetoric or offering any real compromises on the issue. He appears to truly believe that he holds the political upper hand in the showdown, egged on by like-minded advisers who are hard-liners on the issue of immigration. Trump is also dependent on holding support from his base, making it critical for him to save face before making any concession.

So don’t expect a quick resolution to the gridlock. The next elections are nearly two years away, and Trump doesn’t play by the traditional political rules of his predecessors. Neither side has any political incentive to strike a quick deal. All this points to a lengthy partial government shutdown that will end when one side starts to feel true political pain.

Josh Kraushaar

Anonymous said...

Dennis, a serious question.
When and why did you stop eating beef?

Anonymous said...

Flint mayor diverted water-crisis money to political PAC, suit says

By Sara Ganim, Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley and Lorenzo Ferrigno, CNN

Updated at 3:56 PM ET, Wed May 11, 2016

Karen Weaver was elected mayor of Flint, Michigan in 2015.

(CNN) — The mayor of Flint, Michigan, reacted to a federal lawsuit which claims donors were directed away from a charity for victims of the city's water crisis and toward a fund sharing a name with her campaign fund Wednesday, calling the allegations "outrageously false."

In the suit filed Monday, fired administrator Natasha Henderson claims that in February 2016, Flint's current mayor, Karen Weaver, directed a former city employee and a city volunteer to stop directing potential donors to a charity called Safe Water/Safe Homes. That charity was run by the Community Foundation of Greater Flint and had been approved by the city for water-crisis donations.

Instead, the lawsuit claims city employee Maxine Murray was directed by Weaver to begin directing donations to "Karenabout Flint." According to the lawsuit, Murray came to Henderson "in tears" and in fear of "going to jail."

Weaver deferred response to the allegations to her legal counsel, but not without making a comment.

"It saddens me that someone would attempt to taint me as Mayor of a city that is dealing with a major public health crisis, which has affected every man, woman and child in Flint," she said. "I will continue to work hard to serve the people of Flint, seek support for our residents, and secure the necessary resources from generous donors from around our great nation to help the city and citizens I have been elected to serve."

Myballs said...

Newt makes a great point. In today's dems party, pelosi is actually a moderate.

Good grief. Look what Obama did to the party.

Myballs said...

Gift my ass. Pelosi already can't control her caucus.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. Look what Obama did to the party."

He Radicalized Them making them full on Socialist.

Anonymous said...

How does Speaker MotherFucker get the Government open?

After all she is 100% for a borderless USA.

Anonymous said...

Please Nancy Stand Your Ground $0.00 for US Border Security.

Anonymous said...

"California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell has come out and said it: he does not support impeaching President Trump.

As the Washington Examiner reports, Swalwell said he does not believe Democrats should pursue impeachment because there is no evidence yet. His comments come after fellow Californian Congressman Brad Sherman re-introduced articles of impeachment against Trump, charging him with obstructing justice."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Look at what Trump has done to the Republicans.

anonymous said...

Flint mayor diverted water-crisis money to political PAC, suit says

Get back to me when the trial is over......asshole

anonymous said...

Congressman Eric Swalwell has come out and said it: he does not support

Gee goat fucker....that is the correct message from the leaders of the party....Why do you post that? Is it important he is doing the correct thing? Or are you wanting him to be an asshole, like you?????

When and why did you stop eating beef?

And here is a serious replay....GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wondered why you stopped eating beef, medical advice ?

anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
Bernie Sanders Asks Nation To Please Stop Mailing Him Books On Economics

The loser salesman once again with a perfect C+P of a piece he finds amusing and showing again, not an iota of original thought....I guess that is what you learn at UGA....a 4 year degree to sell....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

medical advice ?

Here's my advice to you....GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!

Anonymous said...

Josh Kraushaar

ah, josh. good kid. solid liberal media boner fides, alky.

he's probably due to win one of those mutual admiration society awards like the pee-you-litzer, or something.

i hear he's banging maggie haberman on the side. any truth to that rumor, alky?

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Look at what Trump has done to the Republicans.

you mean increased their seats in the senate? yeah... how about that alky?

it looks like the motherfucker has inspired a fucktard caucus in the house, too.

caliphate4vr said...

Oh look angry fatty spent his entire day here trolling.

What else does he have to do, with no life as a cripple geriatric with plastic hips

Are you back from the early bird special at Golden Corral?

How’s that awful sirloin with dentures? Chewy I’d bet


Anonymous said...

"California Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell has come out and said it: he does not support impeaching President Trump.

lil ricky has his sights set on higher office, and knows that he needs to put some distance between himself and the cray cray's on day one.

anonymous said...

i hear he's banging maggie haberman on the side]

Good for him....At least he doesn't have to pay her to keep quiet and deny it like your hero.....LOL

Anonymous said...

Never an original thought from 2nd Generation Alky
"Look at what Trump has done to the Republicans."


anonymous said...

and knows that he needs to put some distance between himself

BWAAAAAAA!!!!! Sure rat hole...I prefer to think he is smart enough to know they ain't got enough yet and will let the Mueller probe work its magic......and then, when they have enough and some R's coming out of their coma....he will be all in any proceeding.....

Anonymous said...

But when the debate turns to an expensive taxpayer-funded border wall...

expensive, josh?


our government pissed away $5B before most of us had breakfast this morning. the cost of the welfare and SSDI checks that will go out on monday towers over the $5B for the wall. and the amount of free shit that we will lavish on the illegals already hear is in the hundreds of billions of $$$.

like a good little liberal you are reliably un-serious and intellectually dishonest on this particular topic.

you did manage to impress the alky though, so there's your consolation.

anonymous said...

our government pissed away $5B before most of us

It's only for a down payment.....he needs 25-30 billion to do the whole want waste...the Osprey is a good example of waste.....mid course missile defense another....F-35 another multi mission failure aircraft., next gen bomber...that's real money.....!!!!

anonymous said...

he amount of free shit that we will lavish on the illegals already hear is in the hundreds of billions of $$$.

Another urban legend like the caddy welfare you have any idea how much in taxes those illegal pay?????

anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Andrew Luck is undressing the Houston Defense.

Anonymous said...

Denise When and why did you stop eating beef?

Did you stop because of your deep concern for Mother Earth.

Anonymous said...

illegal immigration costs taxpayers a staggering $134.9 billion a year while contributing only $19 billion in state, federal, and local taxes. At the federal level, medical costs make up the lion’s share of government expenditures on illegal immigrants, while education is the largest single expense that illegal immigration imposes on state and local governments.

Anonymous said...

there's no doubt that illegals are a net drain on all gov budgets - from local to federal. the debate is only over how much $.

what's immeasurable is the cost of American lives.

the Singhs buried a husband, a father, a police officer and a hero yesterday.

all so democrats could buy some votes. that's evil.

Anonymous said...

Singhs Family . Down One.

The cost of Today's insane Democrat open borders policy.

Anonymous said...

Policy of Obama.
Open Borders
NO Voter I'D.

anonymous said...

More to the story of anonymous 135 billion cost which was from a FAIR study.....the only one ever done...

Two days after the 2017 FAIR report was published Nowrasteh authored a critique that estimated the cost of illegal immigration was between $3.3 billion and $15.6 billion annually. The Cato report focuses on correcting what they say are false assumptions and mistakes in the FAIR study, such as rate of health care use.

Always more to the story than R's post....stupid...

anonymous said...

Policy of Obama.
Open Borders
NO Voter I'D.


Anonymous said...

But not a peep was heard from Harris about the brutal shooting death of Newman, California, Police Department Cpl. Ronil Singh at the hands of a Mexican gang member illegally in the country and protected by the very sanctuary policies Harris champions.

Border wall opponent Rep. Nancy Pelosi decried the deaths of two illegal immigrant children on the same day Singh was murdered, bashed the government shutdown and, on New Year's Eve, promoted her upcoming MSNBC special.

But not a peep was heard from Pelosi about Singh, the suspected illegal immigrant murderer, or the arrests of a total of seven alleged accomplices -- all reported to be illegally in this country as well.

Border wall opponent Sen. Dianne Feinstein released a public letter to the Customs and Border Patrol agency on the day of Singh's murder to voice her "strong concern about the recent deaths and illnesses of children detained in Border Patrol custody, and to request a full accounting and a revised protocol to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future."

But not a peep was heard from Feinstein about Singh, no call for investigation of how the suspected murderer and his alleged accomplices arrived in the U.S., were able to evade arrest and detection, and who employed them, and aided, abetted, and sheltered them.

Anonymous said...

Denise When and why did you stop eating beef?

I was hoping you could actually discuss the issue.

Anonymous said...

Oh don't throw a girlie boy hissy fit Fatty. You are a perfect two chinned liberal. You eat Beef. And from the looks of it only cheap fatty cuts.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

a president can be entirely successful in office yet be rightfully impeached for committing “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Indeed, no matter how successful a president may be in executing significant policies, the commission of any impeachable offense means, by definition, that he or she is not doing a great job.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rear Adm. Kevin Sweeney, chief of staff to the secretary of defense, has resigned, according to a Department of Defense statement released Saturday.

Sweeney had held the position since January 2017.

"After two years in the Pentagon, I've decided the time is right to return to the private sector. It has been an honor to serve again alongside the men and women of the Department of Defense," Sweeney said in a statement.

His resignation was the latest of several from the Defense Department.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sweeney has a Bachelor of Science degree in Resources Management from the U.S. Naval Academy. He also graduated with distinction from the Naval Postgraduate School with a Master of Science in Financial Management and attained a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Poll of the week: A Gallup poll out this week finds that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a favorable rating of 38% and an unfavorable rating of 48%. That's bad enough for a net favorability rating of -10 points.

Poll of the week: A Gallup poll out this week finds that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a favorable rating of 38% and an unfavorable rating of 48%. That's bad enough for a net favorability rating of -10 points.

The feckless cunt is more popular than the Republican President named Trump, the pussy grabbing traitor. My apologies for using the language of the racist rodent bastard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But at least I used proper English and punctuation. I passed Junior high school English.

Anonymous said...


Tlaib, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, aligns politically with the left wing of the Democratic Party.[22][23]

Domestic policy

She supports domestic reforms including Medicare For All and a $15 minimum wage.[24]


Tlaib was a strong, early supporter of the movement to abolish the Immigration Customs Enforcement agency.[22]

Israel and Palestine

Tlaib supports a one-state solution;[25][26] "It has to be one state", she has said; two states for two peoples "does not work."[25] She opposes United States aid to Israel.[27][26]

Commonsense said...

The feckless cunt is more popular than the Republican President named Trump,

Trump's latest Gallup approval is at 40%. Pelosi's is 38%.

This is one time she's correct when she said she was on equal footing with the president.

BTW this was before the good news on the economy was released.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jared Taylor — editor of the white nationalist magazine American Renaissance — lent his voice to a robo-call recording urging registered voters in Iowa to back Trump. Those potential voters, Taylor told The Post, are part of a silent majority who are tired of being asked to celebrate diversity but are afraid of being labeled bigots.

David Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump.

This bullshit is an attempt to label the Democrats as anti semitic is fucking ridiculous.

Get your head out of your ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


President Trump Job Approval

Job Approval on Economy | Job Approval on Foreign Policy | Congressional Job Approval | Direction of the Country

Polling Data
Poll Date Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 12/3 - 1/3 42.5 52.5 -10.0
Economist 12/30 - 1/1 45 53 -8
Rasmussen 12/27 - 1/3 46 53 -7
Reuters 12/26 - 1/1 41 57 -13

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thousands of people have signed a petition to name the street in front of Trump Tower after Obama.

Trump will declare a national emergency and put armed soldiers on the street corners to protect the street signs.

They could name the intersecting street after Obama's wife Michelle. The we might hear "Trump Tower on the corner of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama Streets".

caliphate4vr said...

list of military elite purged and fired under obama compiled by general paul vallely

Anonymous said...

Cali, play nice, the three Stooges can't handle the truth.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump quipped in a high-pitched voice that the message could come softly with someone saying: “We’re gonna tax you 25 percent.”

He added: “And I could say: ‘Listen, you motherfuckers, we’re gonna tax you 25 percent.’”

Tlaib relied on the same dramatic language on Friday. She said of the president at a rally: “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”

But instead of applause Tlaib was lashed by Republicans — including Trump.

Anonymous said...


Wilson = you lied


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Gen. John Kelly, Gen. James Mattis, Gen. Joseph Dunford, Gen. James Amos, Gen. John Allen, and Gen. John Paxton Jr.

Rear Adm. Kevin Sweeney, chief of staff to the secretary of defense, has resigned, according to a Department of Defense statement released Saturday.

Sweeney had held the position since January 2017.

"After two years in the Pentagon, I've decided the time is right to return to the private sector. It has been an honor to serve again alongside the men and women of the Department of Defense," Sweeney said in a statement.

His resignation was the latest of several from the Defense Department.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump lies 25 times per day.

The silence is deafening.

cowardly king obama said...

Buck Sexton

after 24 hours additional review, It is clear there was no “conservative outrage” at Ocasio Cortez dancing video- which makes sense because that would be absurd.

The “outrage” was fake news.

So now the question: who started the fake news?

Obviously a TDS infected MSM and their TDS minions. Examples abound here with another supposed HUGE SHOE to drop in 3 - 2 - 1

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Thousands of people have signed a petition to name the street in front of Trump Tower after Obama.

Trump will declare a national emergency and put armed soldiers on the street corners to protect the street signs.

that's right alky

in alky-land, where trump triggers you several hundred times a day, there's trump martial law.

and it's where triggered people sign petitions to rename streets "magic negro boulevard."

Anonymous said...

stop stealing alky...

Anonymous said...

My apologies for using the language of the racist rodent bastard.

don't apologize to me alky.

but please tip your hat to the card carrying liberal samantha bee who popularized the phrase.

btw, alky... bee and her asshat husband are deathly afraid of sending their kids to a school with little negro children.

some would say that's "mighty white" of them.


being reliably liberal means you can get away with being reliably racist.

Anonymous said...

RRB you did well explaining, Alky will do his best to remain broke and broken socialist idiot.