Sunday, January 13, 2019

Here is a Democrat who gets it...

Democratic Rep. Katie Hill said that many Democrats understand that “border barriers” are a necessary part of border security, but “semantics” have played a role in the current impasse faced by both sides on the issue.
I think the challenge is that we’ve gotten hung up on these semantics, really on both sides and gosh, I can’t tell you how much I’ve come to hate the word ‘wall.’ And I think many of us have because it’s unnecessary. In the campaign President Trump was fixated on this wall and I think we on the Democratic side of the aisle, have such a gut reaction to it because it’s associated with hateful rhetoric, but in reality we need to step back, all of us, step back and say OK, concrete wall two thousands of miles long, never gonna happen. Bad idea. The president has walked that back. Most Republicans have walked it back, but Democrats are for border security, too, and part of that is physical barriers.
I suspect that more and more Democrats will start coming around to the idea that you cannot have security on the border without physical barriers. Or perhaps they will start to admit that they have always felt this way, but have (as Rep Hill suggested) got caught up in rhetoric and allowed their own judgement to be influenced by their hatred of Trump.

Border agents and most everyone associated with securing the border are overwhelmingly in favor of more physical barriers. Quite frankly, it's simply common sense. As time goes on, and the public becomes better informed of how and why the existing seven hundred miles of physical barrier got built, they will start to see the transparency of this obvious "anti-Trump" tantrum on the part of Democratas.

The current barrier has areas where there is need for repair. There are gaps that need to be filled in. There are recommended areas where expansion is believed to be very practical. $5.7 billion probably doesn't cut it, for what is actually needed right now. But it's a start. Once Democrats break the dam on this one, I would strongly suspect that more funding would start to "quietly flow" into the budget.

The CBS poll should make it clear that Democrats are not looking any better than the President on this one. Considering the President publicly offered to "take the blame" for any shut-down, it's quite amazing that half the public still blames the Democrats. As well they should.

Will the Democrats really want to go into 2020 as the "anti-security" Party?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More and more Republicans come to believe have you can have security on the border without physical barriers along the entire border.

They are extremely expensive and in remote areas they are relatively easy to get around, over the top or under. Proper surveillance technology can provide more effective security than any fucking wall.

If you actually read what she said, she does not mean to support your asshole President.

Democrats are for border security, too, and part of that is physical barriers..

Not a thousands of miles and billions of dollars as he said when he was running for President.

He really didn't think that he would win the election.

But we are stuck with this President who is not qualified for the Presidency.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

5.7 billion probably doesn't cut the deal. But the President has been saying that is sufficient. But you have been ignoring the facts.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Will the Democrats really want to go into 2020 as the "anti-security" Party?

The election is almost 1.5 years away.

The impulsive President will change the topic every single day between here and then.

C.H. Truth said...

5.7 billion probably doesn't cut the deal. But the President has been saying that is sufficient. But you have been ignoring the facts.

The President has stated that he would have liked as much as $40 billion on a border wall.... but has offered $5.7 billion because it seems like a pretty reasonable number.

The bottom line Roger...

The longer this goes on, the harder it will be for Schumer and Pelosi to hold their ranks. People like Acosta going down to the border and reminding folks that we already have a barrier in place only goes to bring people to ask how (and when) it got built.

The reality that you ignore is that Republicans have always been for more border security and a border barrier. None of them are switching their previous stances because of Trump.

But Schumer and plenty of other Democrats were also for border security and even a border barrier. They are not switching their positions because of Trump.

The facts are simply not on their side. They cannot afford the facts to come out on the southern border barrier situation. They will ultimately be seen as the hypocrites that they are.

Anonymous said...


you're so full of shit.

if hispanics were reliably GOP voters, you assholes would build a wall 100 feet tall with gun turrets and drones carrying hellfire missiles.

If you actually read what she said, she does not mean to support your asshole President.

and if you had actually read the fucking post, you would admit that nowhere in it did he make that fucking claim. he actually quoted her you asshole.

so are you a fucking moron or are you a fucking liar?

and i'll accept "BOTH" as well.

Anonymous said...

The impulsive President will change the topic every single day between here and then.

the government shutdown has just entered its fourth week.

i'd say that's staying on topic, not changing the subject.

nancy and chuckles had better start changing the subject though. every day this continues favors trump.

Myballs said...

More and more democrats are indeed speaking out against chuck and Nancy's strategy. The quotes are out there. Media not reporting it

Anonymous said...

A well reasoned voice.
"Democratic Rep. Katie Hill "

She user's the need for Border Security and funding for that Security.

Sounds like a deal is coming.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More and more Republicans have been working with Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Especially in the house.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Alky's chargers are getting their ass kicked like Alky did in school.

Anonymous said...

Chuck in Nancy .

Working with Republicans , you sure?
There $0.00 in funding was their hard red line.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In your dreams.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.
The testimony comes at a time when President Donald Trump's push for a border wall includes arguments that it would help stop the flow of drugs into the United States.

Trump tweeted Friday that without a steel barrier or wall along the US-Mexico border, "our Country cannot be safe. Criminals, Gangs, Human Traffickers, Drugs & so much other big trouble can easily pour in. It can be stopped cold!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fact remains, however, that undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the native-born, and that states with higher levels of undocumented immigrants overall had lower crime rates than their counterparts with lower levels.

This means that the average American is less likely to be the victim of a violent crime because undocumented immigrants are here than they would be if no undocumented immigrants were here.

cowardly king obama said...

Drug smugglers - please trust us, a stinking wall won't hinder us at all.

And 100% of all illegal immigrants have already committed a crime

Not much to stand on... but keep repeating your lies, maybe you believe them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fact the number of children smuggled into the country for sexual assault is almost nonexistent anymore. The wall will not make a bit of difference.

This is just another irrelevant rationale for the President and his wall.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The children of illegal immigrants who were born here are being deported, in violation of the Constitution.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Drug smugglers will not be inhibited by the wall. Most of the illegal drugs come through the ports of entry and via private vehicles and boats from the Mexican peninsula.

James said...

Most Blame Trump for Shutdown

Amid the longest government shutdown in US history, a new CNN poll finds 55% of Americans say Donald Trump bears more responsibility for it than the Democrats in Congress, and the President’s disapproval rating has climbed five points since last month to 57%.

Key finding: “The increase in disapproval for the President comes primarily among whites without college degrees, 45% of whom approve and 47% disapprove, marking the first time his approval rating with this group has been underwater in CNN polling since February 2018.”

cowardly king obama said...

So do illegal drugs here now come with a label showing how they arrived here?

Must be a new government regulation.

Are there separate labels for tunnels, boat, airplane etc

Thanks in advance

And don't use percentages of drugs that were actually seized, you see they are what gets caught, not gets through...

cowardly king obama said...

WOW FAKE NEWS CNN says presidents disapproval rating went up 5 points to 57 % since last month according to the "pastor"

That means it was 52 % disapproval the month before.



and other networks are reporting that while still underwater the wall support is surging.

James said...

New poll shows that most Americans don't think there's a crisis at the border.

caliphate4vr said...

s and boats from the Mexican peninsula.

Mexico is a peninsula now??

When did that happen? Are Belize and Guatemala gone?

Anonymous said...

Wow, another subject Alky failed at.
Geography .

Anonymous said...

His school mates kicked his Nancy- ass daily.

James said...

FROM THE PULPIT: A just and equitable world
by the Rev. James Boswell for the Pantagraph (our local paper)
Jan 11, 2019

"Good will and peace on earth," the Christmas angels sang, while Mary rejoiced that "God has brought down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up the poor, and sent the rich away empty handed."

Some 30 years later, Mary's son stood before a council in Jerusalem who were about to condemn him to a Roman cross, telling them they soon would see "the son of man coming with the clouds of heaven" to bring God's righteous kingdom to all the earth, a rule in which justice and mercy would prevail, and tears would be wiped from every face, and sorrow and shame and sin — and even poverty and war and death — would be no more.

Nearly 2,000 years later, we enter the year 2019 asking, "Where is that righteous rule, that wonderful new world promised by so many of the great religions and faiths of the earth?" All around our globe, we see the rich growing ever richer while the poor grow poorer. We see rampant injustice, inequality and selfishness on the rise as the powerful consolidate and institutionalize their greed, no matter how harmful that may be to others.

Meanwhile, we realize that even the great religions of the world have had their problems and their failings. Christianity must bear the reproach of allowing African slavery and the decimation of Native Americans and the European Holocaust. Hinduism bears the stigma of its cruel and despicable caste system. Islam bears the onus of being too fanatical, too warlike and too violent. All the great faiths of the earth have had their shortcomings, including their shameful suppression of women and of gays.

Perhaps the only hope for us now is a different kind "fundamentalism," one that puts all its emphasis on the basic insistence of so many of our prophets that justice must be for everyone, especially for the powerless.

A great prophet of our own, an American prophet, once stated that government should be "of the people, by the people, and for the people" — not of, by, and for the special interests of the wealthy and the privileged.

Perhaps it is time for us in America to revise our pledge of allegiance to the flag so that every time we say it, we will be reminded that a just and equitable nation cannot exist without government that really is "of, by, and for" the people.

Boswell is a semi-retired pastor of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Contact him at his website,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A majority, 54 percent, said they oppose the construction of a border wall, while 42 percent said they favor it. Among those who support the wall, 52 percent said the president should keep demanding the funds even if it prolongs the shutdown. Forty-one percent favored compromise. 

Fake News polling Washington Post/ ABC

James said...

"Good will and peace on earth," the Christmas angels sang, while Mary rejoiced that "God has brought down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up the poor, and sent the rich away empty handed."

Sounds rather liberal/socialistic/progressive-democratic, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Republicans and Democrats are talking about an agreement that funds US Boarder Security.

Get' s the funding and opens the gov.

Will Democrat leadership nix it having staked out a "NO" funding $0.00 red line?

Anonymous said...

Mexico is a peninsula now??" Cali
Beating up Alky.

caliphate4vr said...

I guess all of Central America is now a peninsula thanks to the Panama Canal. But I didn’t know a man made water barrier qualifies

Commonsense said...

"God has brought down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up the poor, and sent the rich away empty handed."

Sounds rather liberal/socialistic/progressive-democratic, doesn't it?

Only if you replace "God" with "Caesar".

Which I believe you already did.

Commonsense said...

I guess all of Central America is now a peninsula thanks to the Panama Canal. But I didn’t know a man made water barrier qualifies

Guess you may need the Secretary of Justice to make a ruling.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Forty-one percent favored compromise is compromised by the 90%,Republican approval of the President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Look at a map of Mexico. There is a peninsula between the mainland and south peninsula going south of Tequila.

Kput'z you are so fucking stupid .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Its called the Gulf of California.

caliphate4vr said...

Baja is a peninsula, I was in Cabo not quite a yea ago, but mainland Messico ain’t.

Admit you’re wrong

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cabo is at the end of the peninsula.

caliphate4vr said...

I understand but you didn’t say Baja.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein has said that he’s been told that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will show how President Donald Trump helped Russia “destabilize the United States.”

Bernstein, who is renowned for his coverage of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of former President Richard Nixon, appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday to discuss two bombshell reports released this weekend, one from The New York Times and one from The Washington Post, which revealed new details about whether or not Trump and his aides have colluded with Russia.

The Post reported that Trump has gone to “extraordinary lengths” to conceal direct conversations he has had with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Times article revealed that the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into Trump after he fired former bureau director James Comey in 2017, suspecting the president could be working on behalf of Russia. Trump has angrily denied allegations that he worked with Russia and has regularly attacked the media for reporting on the investigation. But Bernstein slammed Trump’s dismissal of the probe.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Baja Mexico is a peninsula between Baja and the mainland of Mexico.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A narrow section of Mexico is between the mainland and Baja Mexico

caliphate4vr said...


The Messican mainland isn't a peninsula

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You keep fixating on my not calling the Chief Attorney the secretary for justice.

The Chief Attorney had to authorize the FBI investigation into the case when the President worked with the Russians to destabilize the United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Baja peninsula is part of Mexico. The mainland is not a peninsula. Paul you are either drunk or in dementia.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Messican mainland isn't a peninsula????

Paul you are either drunk or in dementia.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy the beaner hater is not going to be happy with this.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Sunday said “action will be taken” against Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) over his recent comments to The New York Times questioning why terms such as “white supremacist” and “white nationalist” are considered offensive.

McCarthy said on CBS’ “Face The Nation” that he will meet with King on Monday to discuss the veteran lawmaker’s future in the Republican Party. 

″That language has no place in America,”

He will probably be removed from the committees in the house.

Commonsense said...

Don't think the Democrats should count on the Hispanic vote.

Rick Scott chased the Hispanic vote and got it

In his first sit-down interview since becoming senator, Scott said he’s never believed people vote just based on the color of their skin.

“I think that their vote is tied to what's in their best interest, as a general rule. And so as governor, what I found is most issues come down to one of three things: They want a job, everybody does. They want their kids to get a good education. And they want to live in a safe community,” he said. “And so what I did was I showed up, and I showed up and I talked to everybody.”

Scott said he went to Hispanic communities, Hispanic groups, and small businesses and focused on their issues “no different than I focus on everybody else's issues. I put a lot of effort into making sure I could speak Spanish.”

What is his message to his fellow Republicans who often struggle with Hispanic voters, especially as the debate in Washington heats up over border security and what to do with illegal immigrants, especially given the sentiments expressed at the end of the survey?

“I think what we have to talk about is what people care about. They care about security. I don't meet people that don't want border security. And I'll talk to anybody, right?” he said.

“People want a secure border, and they want everybody to have the same chance. And we want it to be fair. And I agree with them. And so what we've got to talk about is the dream of this country, which I lived. From public housing, getting to go build companies, be governor now senator. You've gotta talk about, ‘I want that for you. And I want that for your children, and I want that for your grandchildren.’ And it's gotta be sincere,” he said.

Latinos generally are socially conservative and pro-life. And to a man the ones that make it here dispise socilisim.

I think legal immigration from these groups will be more pro-Republican than not.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has alienated the Latino voters and the Republicans have not been pushing back against his racist rhetoric.

Commonsense said...

I understand but you didn’t say Baja.

And it's not called Mexico. It's called Baja California.

So you could have said the Californian peninsula and be correct. But not the Mexican peninsula.

caliphate4vr said...

As always roger projects rather than admit error. I’ve been to Cabo and both of mainland messico coasts Pacific messican Riviera on the Gulf

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have to wonder if this will work out in 2020, but this President is stirring the debate in different directions than the Republican party was before he was elected President.

Jan. 13, 2019, 5:57 AM PST
By Dante Chinni and Sally Bronston
WASHINGTON — American politics is full of second acts, but the biggest rehabilitation in 2019 may be around the word “liberal.” For years, even Democrats shied away from the moniker. But new data show that L-word has emerged from its exile, and is being embraced again by those who once shunned it.

This week Gallup released data showing that, for the first time since 1994, more than half of Democrats, 51 percent, identified their political views as “liberal.”

For the first time since 1994, more than half of Democrats, 51 percent, identified their political views as "liberal."
For the first time since 1994, more than half of Democrats, 51 percent, identified their political views as "liberal."
Another 13 percent call themselves “conservative,” while 34 percent call themselves “moderate.” Those numbers stand in stark contrast to 1994; when Democrat Bill Clinton was president.

Myballs said...

Yeah all those record number of Latinos with jobs are really alienated.
You've been posting complete bullshit all weekend.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are drunk

caliphate4vr said...

Been to Chichen Itza on the Yucatán not Messican Peninsula

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yeah all those record number of Latinos with jobs are really alienated.

Did you look at the outcome of the election last November?

The minority vote was not in favor of the Republicans. The Democrats gained a 40 vote advantage in many states that Trump won.

Proving you are wrong is not complete bullshit.

The facts are showing you are posting total bullshit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You must be drinking too much beer Paul.

The Baja California Peninsula is a peninsula in Northwestern Mexico. It separates the Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California. The peninsula extends 1,247 km from Mexicali, Baja California in the north to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in the south. Wikipedia
Area: 55,363 mi²
Population: 4,085,695 (2015)

Myballs said...

Latinos are working like never before. They know Trump in responsible for it and appreciate it greatly.

Yes you've posted bullshit all weekend.

Myballs said...

New CA gov wants a new tax on drinking water. I am so glad I don't live there.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He didn't even answer a question from a Fox News reporter.

The New York Times report Friday cited unnamed former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

Trump responded to the report Saturday during a telephone interview broadcast on Fox News Channel after host Jeanine Pirro, who is also a personal friend of the president, asked whether he is currently or has ever worked for Russia.

"I think it's the most insulting thing I've ever been asked," Trump said. "I think it's the most insulting article I've ever had written, and if you read the article you'll see that they found absolutely nothing."

Trump never answered Pirro's question directly, but went on to say that no president has taken a harder stance against Russia than he has.

"If you ask the folks in Russia, I've been tougher on Russia than anybody else, any other ... probably any other president, period, but certainly the last three or four presidents."

He knows that his world is closing in.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Latinos are working like never before. They know Trump in responsible for it and appreciate it greatly.

Ballsless is definitely ilinfomed by Fox Fake News

OCTOBER 25, 2018
More Latinos Have Serious Concerns About Their Place in America Under Trump
About half say situation for U.S. Hispanics has worsened over the past year; majority worry that they or someone they know could be deported

Line chart showing that Hispanics say their situation in the U.S. has deteriorated in the past year, rivaling views during the Great Recession.Half of Latinos say their situation in the U.S. has worsened over the past year, up from 32% in the weeks after Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election and the highest level since the Great Recession.1 In addition, more say they have serious concerns about their place in American society now (49%) than in 2017 (41%). And a majority (55%) say they are worried that they, a family member or close friend could be deported.

Many blame the current administration for what they see as the worsening situation of Hispanics, the nation’s largest minority group. Two-thirds (67%) say the administration’s policies have been harmful to Hispanics – a much higher share than during the administration of either Democrat Barack Obama (15% in 2010) or Republican George W. Bush (41% in 2007).2 Overall, six-in-ten Hispanics (62%) say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country today, up since 2017 and the highest level since the Great Recession a decade ago, when 70% of Hispanics said they were dissatisfied with the nation’s direction.

Charts showing that immigrant Latinos are more worried than U.S.-born Latinos about their place in America and deportation.And yet, attitudes among Latinos are not monolithic. Slightly less than a quarter of Latinos (23%) identify as Republican or describe themselves as leaning Republican. Among this group, six-in-ten (59%) approve of President Trump’s job performance, compared with just 8% of Latino Democrats who say the same.3 In addition, half as many Latino Republicans as Latino Democrats (28% vs. 57%) say the Hispanic population’s situation has grown worse over the past year.

Notably, partisan differences do not extend to voting. In each partisan camp, about six-in-ten (59%) registered voters say they are more enthusiastic about voting in the upcoming midterms than in the last congressional elections. This year, more than 29 million Latinos are eligible to vote, up from 25 million in 2014.

Half of Hispanic adults (49%) are foreign born, and as a group they have stronger concern than those born in the U.S. Immigrants are more likely than U.S.-born Hispanics to say they have serious concerns about their place in U.S. society (57% vs. 42%), and they worry a lot or some about deportation (66% vs. 43%). Foreign-born Hispanics are also more pronounced in their criticism of the Trump administration: 71% say White House policies have been harmful to Hispanics as a group, compared with 63% of U.S.-born Hispanics who say the same.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Admit you’re wrong" Cali to Roger.

Roger put on a dress and has been dancing ever since.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Baja California Peninsula is a peninsula in Northwestern Mexico. It separates the Pacific Ocean from the Gulf of California. The peninsula extends 1,247 km from Mexicali, Baja California in the north to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur in the south. Wikipedia
Area: 55,363 mi²

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — A U.S. judge in California on Sunday blocked Trump administration rules, which would allow more employers to opt out of providing women with no-cost birth control, from taking effect in 13 states and Washington, D.C.

Judge Haywood Gilliam granted a request for a preliminary injunction by California, 12 other states and Washington, D.C. The plaintiffs sought to prevent the rules from taking effect as scheduled on Monday while a lawsuit against them moved forward.

But Gilliam limited the scope of the ruling to the plaintiffs, rejecting their request that he block the rules nationwide.

The changes would allow more employers, including publicly traded companies, to opt out of providing no-cost contraceptive coverage to women by claiming religious objections. Some private employers could also object on moral grounds.

California and the other states argue that women would be forced to turn to state-funded programs for birth control and experience unintended pregnancies.

“The law couldn’t be more clear — employers have no business interfering in women’s healthcare decisions,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement Sunday. “Today’s court ruling stops another attempt by the Trump Administration to trample on women’s access to basic reproductive care. It’s 2019, yet the Trump Administration is still trying to roll back women’s rights. Our coalition will continue to fight to ensure women have access to the reproductive healthcare they are guaranteed under the law.”

The U.S. Department of Justice said in court documents the rules “protect a narrow class of sincere religious and moral objectors from being forced to facilitate practices that conflict with their beliefs.”

At issue is a requirement under President Barack Obama’s health care law that birth control services be covered at no additional cost. Obama officials included exemptions for religious organizations. The Trump administration expanded those exemptions and added “moral convictions” as a basis to opt out of providing birth control services.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z you are a representation of the need for retro-active abortion

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This might have an impact upon the people who don't like gay rights.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You haven't said anything except to tell me I'm full of shit.

Coming from you is ironic because you never actually say anything about anything. You comment about the Latino vote is not based upon the facts.

Anonymous said...

Chuck in Nancy have a problem.
That damn red line of $0.00 for Border Security.

How to get out of that corner?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z shut up because you are so fucking stupid. The VP had negotiated with Chuck and Nancy for

Vice President Pence, at Trump's behest, had previously asked the Democrats for just $2.5 billion.) They had agreed if he would agree, but instead he erupted like Mount Rainier.

Mulvaney inserted himself into the conversation and tried to negotiate a compromise sum of money, according to the sources in the room. Mulvaney said "that if Dems weren't OK with $5.7 [billion] and the president wasn't OK with $1.3 [the Democratic offer] ... he was trying to say we should find a middle ground," one of the sources said, paraphrasing Mulvaney's remarks.
"Trump cut him off ... 'You just fucked it all up, Mick,'" the source recalled Trump saying. "It was kind of weird."
Another source who was in the room confirmed the account. That source said their impression was that Trump was irritated at Mulvaney's negotiating style. "As a negotiator, Trump was resetting," the source said. "Mick was not reading the room or the president."
A White House official, who was in the room, responded to Axios' questions about the encounter: "This is an exaggerated account of the exchange that doesn't reflect the good relationship Mulvaney has built over the last two years with the president." (The official did not deny the quote we provided, but denied that it was as heated a moment as some in the room perceived it to be.)
The same WH official said, "The president and Mulvaney joked about it afterwards."
Between the lines: A fourth source, who was not in the room but has observed Mulvaney and Trump's interactions during previous congressional talks, told me Trump has long been irritated that Mulvaney's initial 2019 budget only requested $1.6 billion for the wall. Democrats relish pointing this out, asking the White House why they're not happy getting the money they originally asked for.

The answer: Trump signed off on that budget, but as we've previously reported, Trump privately asked, in a 2018 meeting attended by Mulvaney, "Who asked for $1.6 billion?"
Why it matters: Trump’s willingness to humiliate his top staffer in front of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is another reminder — beyond Democratic unwillingness to fund a barrier — of why shutdown talks have made zero progress: Trump exhibits little regard for the credibility of his own deputies

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

$1.3 billion dollar Democratic offer.

Go fuck Daisy she misses your tiny little dick.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One more time Scott.

Walls don’t work. Illegal immigrants have tunneled underneath and/or erected ramps up and down walls and simply driven over them. People find a way. When East Germany erected its wall, it created a military zone, staffed by booted, machine-gun carrying guards ready to shoot to kill. Yet thousands managed to make it to West Germany anyway. More to the point, do we really want to model ourselves after communist East Germany?

One of my sisters in law escaped from East Germany as a teenager and lived in Canada then moved into the United States and became a citizen. They don't fucking work!

Don't you dare call me a child molesters lover again. Even for you that's fucking stupid .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's ability to manipulate deep, primal emotions—namely fear and hate works very well here.

Myballs said...

16 of the last 20 posts are from roger. I always know when he is talking out of his ass. He tries to hide his bullshit in quantity.

Every time.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I prefer quality over simplicity and tossing out insults on my comments you can't refute.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Total chaos.

President Trump dispatched national security adviser John Bolton on a cleanup mission a week ago, with a three-day itinerary in Israel that was intended to reassure a close ally that Trump’s impulsive decision to immediately withdraw troops from Syria would be carried out more slowly and with important caveats.

The plan seemed to work at first. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was all smiles, thanking Bolton profusely for the show of U.S. support.

But by the end of the week, attempts to dissuade Trump or place conditions on the withdrawal faded as the U.S. military announced it had “begun the process of our deliberate withdrawal from Syria.” A multipronged effort by alarmed U.S. national security officials, foreign allies and Republican hawks in Congress to significantly alter or reverse Trump’s decision was effectively a bust.

Since Trump’s abrupt Syria announcement last month, a tug of war with allies and his advisers has roiled the national security apparatus over how, and whether, to execute a pullout. Netanyahu spoke to Trump two days before the president’s announcement and again a day afterward. French President Emmanuel Macron tried to get the president to change his mind. Even Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who liked the policy, was concerned it could not be safely executed so quickly.

The episode illustrates the far-reaching consequences of Trump’s proclivity to make rash decisions with uneven follow-through, according to accounts of the discussions from more than a dozen current and former U.S. officials and international diplomats. They spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the matters frankly.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Trump has alienated the Latino voters and the Republicans have not been pushing

Trump got more of the Latino votes than Mitt Romney did. And Trump is the only president that is addressing Latiino Issues like protecting them from criminal gangs like MS 13, providing good jobs, and give regulatory relief to small business start ups.

And contrary you bigoted view of who exactly opposes illegal immigrant, it is especially opposed and resented by legal immjgrent and the opposition crosses all demographics groups.

In others words Americans of all creeds and colors oppose illegal immigration. It is a criminal act.

Commonsense said...

The Trump portrait of an unsustainable Border Crisis is dead on. “In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with Criminal Records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes & 4000 violent killings.” America’s Southern....

Commonsense said...

....Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan. The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!

Commonsense said...

Barack Obama says Libya was 'worst mistake' of his presidency

Ya think?

Barack Obama has said the biggest mistake of his presidency was the lack of planning for the aftermath of Muammar Gaddafi’s ouster in Libya that left the country spiralling into chaos and coming under threat from violent extremists.

Reflecting on his legacy in a Fox News interview aired on Sunday, Obama said his “worst mistake” was “probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya”.

Obama has conceded that the intervention “didn’t work”.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Monday said Obama’s regrets extended to what “the United States and the rest of the members of our coalition didn’t do”.

Notice he didn't question the whole idea of going into to Lybia. He thinks his mistake is not going in hard enough.

anonymous said...

He thinks his mistake is not going in hard enough.

Simple question....when was the first time trump admitted a true mistake????? Other than not going to Arlington or trying to tie southern border to terrorists......

anonymous said...

And the BS keeps getting deeper and deeper and the right side idiots dig in harder and harder

rump’s Efforts to Hide Details of Putin Talks May Set Up Fight With Congress
Disclosures about the F.B.I. investigation into Mr. Trump and his efforts to keep meetings with Russia’s leader secret could intensify scrutiny of him.
Jan. 13
Top Democrats Warn Trump Over Comments on Michael Cohen
Three Democratic House committee chairmen cautioned that any effort to discourage or influence a witness’s testimony could be construed as a crime.
Jan. 13

Commonsense said...

To the extent this relates to Barack Obama, this is the first time Obama has ever admitted to a mistake at all.

And he certainly didn't do it while he was president.

So in the contest of red herrings I win.

Commonsense said...

Is there any doubt that if the president was named Barack Obama instead of Donald Trump the narrative of the New York Times story would be the FBI going rouge?

anonymous said...

this is the first time Obama has ever admitted to a mistake at all.

Another post based on your opinion cramps.....suggest a little research and then I'll wait for your apology.....LOLOLOL

anonymous said...

Barack Obama instead of Donald Trump the narrative of the New York Times story would be the FBI going rouge?

Pure bullshit speculation on your part cramps.....See the latest polls on shut down????....even the white uneducated assholes like you are starting to see the fraud as what he is!!!!

Anonymous said...

Admit you’re wrong" Cali to Roger.

Roger put on a dress and has been dancing ever since.

Still Alky is in drag.

anonymous said...

Here you go of many articles...

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
Admit you’re wrong" Cali to Roger.

Grow up, goat fucker.......such an asshole 24/7

American Voters said...

Who said it?

We have an actual crisis on our southern border. We need to drop the politics and fix it once and for all.

Commonsense said...

Another post based on your opinion cramps.....suggest a little research and then I'll wait for your apology.....LOLOLOL

I'm not wasting my time chasing a non-existent apology. Why don't you do the research and post the results?

In other words, I'm calling your bluff.

Commonsense said...

And this wasn't it,

This was more along the lines of I didn't do enough to convince people of how awesome I am.

anonymous said...

This was more along the lines of I didn't do enough t

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Like i said, I''ll wait for your apology, but you like trump never admit being wrong Mr .6% LOLOLOLOL

Your opinions and lack of intellect are always amusing when you suck on donalds dick....Keep slurping...Idiot...

Commonsense said...

And I'll wait for your proof.

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare call me a child molesters lover again.

why alky?

it's true.

you love illegals who murder cops too.

you guys need their votes THAT badly.

anonymous said...

For the willfully ignorant and lazy beyond his years cramps.....take your pick, there are many more.....

President Obama admits his biggest mistake: Arrogance - The ...
President Obama admits his biggest mistake: Arrogance. ... Obama's failure to acknowledge the hand-in-glove relationship between his policy proposal and the politics of selling a health-care ...
Obama Admits Mistakes - Video Results
Obama admits Libya is his worst mistake as president0:33
Obama admits Libya is his worst mistake as president
Obama Admits 'Shovel-Ready' Mistake?4:28
Obama Admits 'Shovel-Ready' Mistake?
Obama admits recession mistakes2:33
Obama admits recession mistakes
Obama admits recession mistakes2:33
Obama admits recession mistakes
More Obama Admits Mistakes videos
President Obama Admits the 'Worst Mistake' of His Presidency ...
President Barack Obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was failing to prepare for the aftermath Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi’s ousting. “Probably failing to plan for the day after ...
Obama Admits Mistakes - ABC News
In reflecting on the results of Tuesday's primaries in Ohio and Texas, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., admitted in an exclusive interview with ABC News that his campaign has made some mistakes and that ...
Obama Admits 'Mistake' in Handling of Daschle Nomination ...
President Obama admitted he made a "mistake" in his handling of Tom Daschle's Cabinet nomination, telling FOX News on Tuesday that he takes full responsibility for a process that ended in Daschle ...
President Obama Admits Daschle 'Mistake' | Fox News
This is a rush transcript of "Special Report With Bret Baier" from February 3, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. BRET BAIER, HOST: President Obama is taking full ...
Obama Admits Mistakes, Says He Wants Second Term ... - HuffPost
Obama Admits Mistakes, Says He Wants Second Term 'Badly' In Diane Sawyer Interview By Paige Lavender President Obama admitted he makes "a mistake, you know, every hour, every day" in an interview ...

Commonsense said...

All of that is is in the same interview with Brett Baier after he left the presidency and the only thing of comcequence that he admitted to was Lybia as I already pointed.

He didn't take responsibility for the Red line in Syeria or the Iran deal or the ACA which to my mind was far bigger mistakes.

You lose.

Fact Check said...

Obama's biggest mistake was taking oath of office

then everything else

anonymous said...

Obama's biggest mistake was taking oath of office

the peanut gallery speaks....idiot

anonymous said...

s in the same interview with Brett Baier after he left the presidency

And what about the rest of that were during his presidency......

Commonsense said...

He didn't apologize. Not really.

Commonsense said...

For someone who supposedly hates the press, Trump holds more impromptu press conferences than any other president I've known.

Commonsense said...

BTW Comey is a "dirty cop who I fired for good of the country" and Andrew McCabe is a "liar".

Commonsense said...

Roger says this guy deserves to be in the country.

Tennessee jury convicts illegal immigrant child rapist for second time

This guy got two bites of the apple because liberals gave him a free pass.

Anonymous said...


but all of the really, really smart people told us warmyl cooling was to blame...

Citing “extraordinary challenges” from the 2017 and 2018 California wildfires, PG&E said Monday that it will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the utility gave the 15-day notice required by law for filing for bankruptcy, a day after it announced the departure of Chief Executive Geisha Williams.

Because it faces outsize liability costs and lawsuits over the wildfires, PG&E said filing for bankruptcy protection is the best way for it to “enable continued safe delivery of natural gas and electric service to PG&E’s millions of customers.”

Anonymous said...

Roger says this guy deserves to be in the country.

Tennessee jury convicts illegal immigrant child rapist for second time

alky says - you can never have enough child rapists as long as they vote democrat.

cowardly king obama said...

Omri Ceren

July 2015: Obama State Dept spokesman says if Iran steps up attacks "we have military options available to us if and when it ever came to that"

Jan 2019: WSJ says State & Defense Depts "shocked" when Bolton asked about military options after Iran-linked attack

Someone's fibbing

Either the news or State/Defense or both

Anonymous said...


-50,000 homeless Veterans

-500,000 homeless Americans

-3.6M black children in poverty

-4M Hispanic children in poverty

-4.2M white children in poverty

Democrats choose criminal illegal aliens over Americans.