Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Media has no clue what to do with the Clemson football fast food story?

What a confusing day for the media. The Clemson football team visited the White House after winning the NCAA men's football National Championship.

Trump served fast food!

Now there was certainly some people who looked to criticize the President's decision, and then there were those who begrudgingly figured out that doing so would be silly. Objective factual reporting from those present at the event suggested that the players whooped and cheered when they saw the spread, and that as a whole they had a lot of fun with it. 

I have to say, however, that my personal favorite was the suggestion that the heat lamps was not a healthy way to keep fast food warm, and that it possibly created a health hazard for the players. Yeah, the idea that fast food is unhealthy "only" after it sits for a period of time under a heat lamp is a wonderful bit of hard core reporting. As if it is otherwise healthy, and as if nobody in college has ever pizza that wasn't directly served hot out of the box. 

I figure it was just one of those things that Trump did quite possibly with the knowledge that it would be both fun for the players and something that would completely throw the media off. Big Macs and Whoppers on silver platers under hot lamps? How could that not be a "trigger" for the anti-Trumpers and the media as a whole!


Anonymous said...

i didn't see any chick-fil-a on the table. trump missed an opportunity there.

anonymous said...

Media has no clue what to do with the Clemson football fast food story?

Nothing other than we all knew trump had a penchant for ahittty burgers because of his fear of being poisoned.....funny rat hole mentions chick fil-a like they did on msnbc this morning....

Anonymous said...

the smart set has taken time out of their busy fake news day to fact check the number of hamburgers.


democracy drowns in bullshit.

C.H. Truth said...

Rat -

I am beginning to seriously believe Trump does some of this on purpose, just to see how silly something can be and still "trigger" the crazy left.

In one tweet he states 300 burgers, and then in another he states 1000 burgers, etc... (with the etc being the key - there was pizza, fries, and other items involved)

Most reasonable people would assume that he provided 1000 individual items, 300 of which were burgers. But not the crazies... they have concluded that one or the other tweet must be a lie (as if it actually mattered)!

cowardly king obama said...

C.H. Truth said...
Rat -

I am beginning to seriously believe Trump does some of this on purpose

I am of the opinion that he is intentionally doing this, kind of like the Ali rope-a-dope strategy. Having the media and TDS infected outraged daily (Another shoe falling, Another bombshell, Another "lie") gets very tiring to the 70 % of the population who genuinely don't care but take notice.

Punch by punch they are becoming less effective and when 2020 rolls around he will be delivering a knockout punch, be it the Wall, bringing light to the Obama FBI/CIA/State coupe attempt or just a bundle of his accomplishments that the "resistance" detest or don't want to give him credit for.

Just look what he has accomplished with that crowd here.

Anonymous said...

C.H. Truth said...

Rat -

I am beginning to seriously believe Trump does some of this on purpose, just to see how silly something can be and still "trigger" the crazy left.

no question. just look at the alky.

trump tweets "good morning" and the alky responds with -


followed by eleventy hundred copy/pastes disputing just how good or bad the morning really is, and just how many lives will be lost where it is in fact, NOT a good morning at all. especially at the border where a child will be caged on the direct order of trump while the child starves and trump gorges himself on hamburgers that HE LIED ABOUT.

oh, and it was PUTIN, NOT TRUMP, who really paid for those hamburgers.


anonymous said...

I am beginning to seriously believe Trump does some of this on purpose

And to think, you figured that out all by yourself....such a genius....!!!!! LOLOL

BTW He does it ALL on purpose is correct!!!

Anonymous said...

A new caravan of at least 500 of the alky's favorite child rapists late Monday began its perilous journey from a rain-soaked bus station in Honduras to the United States border, members of the group told Fox News.


The scene was a familiar one: The group had a mix of people that included some mothers carrying their young children on their shoulders, as well as dozens of alky-approved child rapists. It's unclear where the group will rest, but past migrants have used the Honduran city of Quimistan, which is 35 miles from the bus stop, as an early checkpoint.


caliphate4vr said...

Don't forget the special sauce on a Big Mac is basically, wait for it, Russian Dressing.

The Donks have him now

Anonymous said...

"C.H. TruthJanuary 15, 2019 at 8:13 AM

Sorry Denny...

Not my fault you don't pay attention"

It happens to him a lot.

Anonymous said...

russian dressing.

cali, that's it.

the extent to which russia has infiltrated our government at the highest levels culminates in a truckload of big macs, each of which contains a tiny transmitter controlled directly by vladimir putin. once ingested by the recipient, their every move is controlled by moscow.

the entire clemson football team has been recruited by putin via trump to be russian spies right under our noses, all under the guise of an innocent celebration luncheon.

fortunately for you cali, clemson belongs to the ACC. your allegiance to the SEC is well known, and had alabama won, you would've been guilty by association.

anonymous said...

A new caravan of at least 500 of the alky's favorite child rapists late Monday began its perilous journey

Is that the replacement for the caravans that mysteriously disappeared last year????? Yes, lets have another group of phony immigrants scaring out chickenshit rat out of his ever loving mind while trump plays up to his crowd of imbecile....

Anonymous said...

"ahittty burgers" Denise


anonymous said...

Finally an R showing a set of ballz.....unlike all the pussy's here!!!!

No. 3 House Republican says Steve King should ‘find another line of work’

The assessment by Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) came as Democrats weighed what action to take against King after the Iowa Republican questioned whether the term “white supremacist” was offensive.

Anonymous said...


i'm not offended by the term "white supremacist" any more than i am by the term "democrat."

perhaps because they're interchangeable.

the concepts of each are repulsive, but the words are... just words.

over the long run having snowflakes in charge is probably not going to end well.

Anonymous said...

an oscar winning performance!:

ATLANTA (AP) — The sentencing hearing for a former high-ranking Atlanta city official was dramatically cut short Monday when she collapsed to the floor as the judge sentenced her to prison.

Katrina Taylor-Parks, 49, pleaded guilty in August to conspiring to accept bribes while she was former Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed's deputy chief of staff. Federal prosecutors say Parks accepted thousands of dollars from a vendor in exchange for helping him secure city contract work.

She was the sixth person charged and the fifth to plead guilty in a federal investigation into corruption at City Hall that U.S. Attorney Byung J. BJay Pak said remains ongoing.

Parks, who was standing to receive her sentence from U.S. District Judge Steve Jones, collapsed immediately after he ordered her to spend a year and nine months in prison and to pay $15,000 in restitution. She shook as she lay on the floor saying she couldn't breathe, and U.S. marshals cleared the courtroom.


cowardly king obama said...

The Washington Post

So... how much did all that food actually cost?

A Washington Post investigation. https://wapo.st/2DbSq00

EducatëdHillbilly™ Retweeted The Washington Post

You assholes bought every Obama lie but THIS you fact check!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!
Keep your doctor/plan
YouTube video
Workplace violence
Red lines
Al Qaeda on the run

You sold every fucking lie.

Anonymous said...

son of a mailman John Katshit has officially become a purveyor of fake news on CNN:


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Who can remember "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion on a sesame seed bun."?

My Facebook post.

C.H. Truth said...

"Two all beef patties, Russian dressing, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion on a sesame seed bun.

Anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...

"Two all beef patties, Russian dressing, lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion on a sesame seed bun.

and an ingestible transmitter controlled by pooty poot himself.

Anonymous said...

The former top lawyer at the FBI has been under federal investigation for leaking to the media, a letter from House Republicans revealed Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Alky and his lawn ornament sucking more cash from tax payers. Free insulation for his wife's house, crappy home.

The program locks HB . He is impoverished, the only way to qualify.

Anonymous said...

Politics Analysis

President Trump’s extravagant, $3,000, 300-sandwich celebration of Clemson University

FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.


the "democracy dies by laughing hysterically" crew actually wrote a 1200 word opus dedicated to fact checking fucking hamburgers.

Anonymous said...

This appointment is Pres. Trump repaying The Bush Family for their help in getting US Supreme Court Justice votes.

"William Pelham Barr is an American attorney who served as the 77th United States Attorney General from 1991 to 1993 during the first Bush administration."

Anonymous said...

14 for 0 votes Against.

That was in 1991.
What will the vote be this time for William Barr?

anonymous said...

1200 word opus dedicated to fact checking fucking hamburgers.

Apparently, TDS has also robbed you of a sense of humor......asshole..slow news day....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Bitch PM May got bitchslapped.

She is a big anti-Trumper.

Anonymous said...

Chuck in Nancy refuse to meet with Angel Moms.

Anonymous said...

Ww2 80 million people died.
41 million babies were killed in 2018 alone.

anonymous said...

41 million babies were killed in 2018 alone.

You disliking abortions is not cause for others to have different beliefs....How many have you saved?????

anonymous said...

She is a big anti-trumpet.

She sure is not alone in that.....good girl....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

The pussafication of America.
F the Left

"Proctor & Gamble is urging men to shave their “toxic masculinity” in a new ad for Gillette razors. The ad shows men fighting, cooking barbecue, and verbally harassing women, interspersed with news reports about the #MeToo movement."

Anonymous said...

CNN is shocked to find out college football players eat Beef.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A team of morons.

By CH's favorite PhD in economics and Pulitzer prize winning columnist Paul Krugman.

First up is Kevin Hassett, chairman of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, who was asked about the plight of federal workers who aren’t being paid. You don’t have to be a public relations expert to know that you’re supposed to express some sympathy, whether you feel it or not. After all, there are multiple news reports about transportation security workers turning to food banks, the Coast Guard suggesting its employees hold garage sales, and so on.

So the right response involves expressing concern about those workers but placing the blame on Democrats who don’t want to stop brown-skinned rapists, or something like that. But no: Hassett declared that it’s all good, that the workers are actually “better off,” because they’re getting time off without having to use any of their vacation days.

Then consider what Sean Hannity had to say about taxing the rich. What’s that? You say that Hannity isn’t a member of the Trump administration? But surely he is in every sense that matters. In fact, Fox News isn’t just state TV, its hosts clearly have better access to the president, more input into his decisions, than any of the so-called experts at places like the State Department or the Department of Defense.

Anyway, Hannity declared that raising taxes on the wealthy would damage the economy, because “rich people won’t be buying boats that they like recreationally,” and “they’re not going to be taking expensive vacations anymore.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump and His Team of Morons https://nyti.ms/2Hekkwt

Anonymous said...

Alky and his lawn ornament sucking more cash from tax payers. Free insulation for his wife's house, crappy home.

The program locks HB . He is impoverished, the only way to qualify.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched portions of the testimony by Barr. This was the most dangerous thing for the President. In his judgment Barr said that if a president were to intervene with a Justice Department investigation to protect himself, a family member, or a business associate, that “would be a breach of his obligation under the Constitution to faithfully execute the laws.”

He basically provided grounds for impeachment. A high crime or misdemeanor.

Whether a sitting President cannot be indicted or not he never really stated clearly in either way.

He also said that Muller is not running a "witch hunt" hoax and that the should be permitted to complete his investigation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bill Barr is a very intelligent lawyer. I think that the President is probably wondering if he picked the wrong guy. He's swearing that the loyalty to the law
Not the President.

Myballs said...

All the big football programs have s diet coach to keep the big guys from getting too big. But season was over and they all loved the spread.

But some, anything to criticize trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was not on any of the major mainstream media. Scott created a non existent attack on the meal. Except Faux News Morning

Anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi calls security after a person goes over the wall of her estate, she is pisses off.

Lol, yeah, sucks noe don't it, dumb bitch.

Anonymous said...

"Roger Amick January 15, 2019 at 7:11 PM
It was not on any of the major mainstream media."

You are a day late, it was on at least CNN yesterday and it was in the Washington Post, NYT etc this morning.

Anonymous said...

Meet Ruthie Ginsburg replacement.

"Amy Coney Barrett is a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. She was previously a professor of law at Notre Dame Law School and the John M. Olin Fellow in Law at George Washington University Law School."

Anonymous said...

"You are a day late, it was on at least CNN yesterday and it was in the Washington Post, NYT etc this morning."

Alky is too Stupid.

But he and his lawn ornament wife suck more money from tax payers to insulate her home/dump. The "yard" is 1/16 of an acre.lol@Alky

Anonymous said...

It was even in my small local paper. You must be living in a backwards town or way out in the boonies.

Anonymous said...

Meant that for Roger Amick

Anonymous said...

Anderson Cooper on CNN covered it just now.

Myballs said...

Reggie Bush was bashing the fast food spread big time on twitter.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has made a serious mistake by nominating Barr for Attorney General.

Asked about the Muller investigation he said “I don’t believe Mr. Mueller would be involved in a witch hunt,”

The President and you puppets have been saying all along with the President. Now the top law of person in the country believes that the investigation has to be allowed to complete his investigation.

A Bush was critical of the President?? Oh my goodness. Balls you have been fellating Bush family members for decades.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is still considering the withdrawal from NATO. Most of his people are scared to death about the President.

the president’s repeatedly stated desire to withdraw from NATO is raising new worries among national security officials amid growing concern about Mr. Trump’s efforts to keep his meetings with Mr. Putin secret from even his own aides, and an F.B.I. investigation into the administration’s Russia ties.

A move to withdraw from the alliance, in place since 1949, “would be one of the most damaging things that any president could do to U.S. interests,” said Michèle A. Flournoy, an under secretary of defense under President Barack Obama.

“It would destroy 70-plus years of painstaking work across multiple administrations, Republican and Democratic, to create perhaps the most powerful and advantageous alliance in history,” Ms. Flournoy said in an interview. “And it would be the wildest success that Vladimir Putin could dream of.”.

He fucking crazy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Senior Trump administration officials discussed the internal and highly sensitive efforts to preserve the military alliance on condition of anonymity.

After the White House was asked for comment on Monday, a senior administration official pointed to Mr. Trump’s remarks in July when he called the United States’ commitment to NATO “very strong” and the alliance “very important.” The official declined to comment further.


American national security officials believe that Russia has largely focused on undermining solidarity between the United States and Europe after it annexed Crimea in 2014. Its goal was to upend NATO, which Moscow views as a threat.

Russia’s meddling in American elections and its efforts to prevent former satellite states from joining the alliance have aimed to weaken what it views as an enemy next door, the American officials said. With a weakened NATO, they said, Mr. Putin would have more freedom to behave as he wishes, setting up Russia as a counterweight to Europe and the United States.

An American withdrawal from the alliance would accomplish all that Mr. Putin has been trying to put into motion, the officials said — essentially, doing the Russian leader’s hardest and most critical work for him.

When Mr. Trump first raised the possibility of leaving the alliance, senior administration officials were unsure if he was serious. He has returned to the idea several times, officials said increasing their worries.

Anonymous said...

The Bar Nomination ?

How many Dems vote for him in the end. According to Alky should be 40+.

Anonymous said...

Huffington post also rallied against the President host in the NCAA College Football Campions and enjoying Beef.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't give a flying fuck about his hamburgers.

Commonsense said...

Democrats in the house are now threading to roll back Trump's VA reforms. Among those reforms is Trump's plan to supplement the VA system with private providers.

This reform makes the most sense of all. Veterans are traveling hundreds of miles and waiting six to nine months to get the same medical care they can essentially get at home.

Ideally the private providers would provide for the veterans' common healthcare needs while the VA hospitals themselves become centers of excellences concentrating on recovery and rehabilitation from combat wounds.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I believe the Russians interfered or attempted to interfere with the election, and I think we have to get to the bottom of it."

"I don't think it is a witch hunt."

Commonsense said...

The sterling guardians of the first amendment.

MSNBC Anchor Suggests Trump Is Blackmailing Graham Over ‘Extreme’ Secret

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle implied without evidence Tuesday that Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) has something to hide and the president is blackmailing him over it.

Graham has become one of the President Donald Trump’s staunchest allies in the Senate, although he has criticized him for some key decisions, such as the military pullout from Syria. Ruhle seemed to imply there’s more to their relationship than politics, however, during a discussion about Graham with former Rep. David Jolly and professor Eddie Glaude.

How exactly is this diffrent from Obama's birther movement (founded BTW by the Hillary Clinton campaign)?

Commonsense said...

"I believe the Russians interfered or attempted to interfere with the election, and I think we have to get to the bottom of it."

Yeah, no one is disputing that. The witch hurt part is trying to tie the Trump campaign to it.

There is actually more public evidence of Russian collusion with the Hillary Clinton campaign yet the special council has shown little curiosity in this matter.

This is why there is little confidence that the investigation is thorough or fair.

Commonsense said...

threading = threatening (grrrr)

Myballs said...

Brindisi, Rose, Slotkin, Golden

Just a few house dems demanding that Pelosi negotiate with trump and end the shut down. House dems want to move onto other things. Pelosi losing them.

Commonsense said...

As the polls start tipping against them, you are going to see more and more defections.

Commonsense said...

Meanwhile another invasion is making it's way up from Central America.

Putting the exclamation point on the need for a border wall.

anonymous said...

Meanwhile another invasion is making it's way up from Central America.

You mean like the last three that disappeared into the ether???????!!!

Put BS on the wall.....idiot..

anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
As the polls start tipping against them, you are going to see more and more defections.

Like these cramps?????

Poll Results Spread
President Trump Job Approval Quinnipiac Approve 41, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +14
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 37, Disapprove 59 Disapprove +22
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 43, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +12

anonymous said...

Gee, lil Scotty.....your 3% looks like it is out in the shitter.....all thanks to trumps ego......

WASHINGTON — The partial government shutdown is inflicting far greater damage on the United States economy than previously estimated, the White House acknowledged on Tuesday, as President Trump’s economists doubled projections of how much economic growth is being lost each week the standoff with Democrats continues.

The revised estimates from the Council of Economic Advisers show that the shutdown, now in its fourth week, is beginning to have real economic consequences. The analysis, and other projections from outside the White House, suggests that the shutdown has already weighed significantly on growth and could ultimately push the United States economy into a contraction.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

It was not on any of the major mainstream media. Scott created a non existent attack on the meal. Except Faux News Morning

except that the bozo's post dedicated an entire piece to it written by one of their senior political reporters.

Politics Analysis

President Trump’s extravagant, $3,000, 300-sandwich celebration of Clemson University

FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.


enemies of the people? perhaps.

fucking retards and an embarrassment to their profession? most definitely.

Commonsense said...

Like these cramps?????

I don't care about today's polls Dennis. I'm talking about the near future.

Commonsense said...

You mean like the last three that disappeared into the ether??

Not the ether, Tiajuna. Just because the liberal media doesn't report on them any longer doesn't mean they went away.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

I watched portions of the testimony by Barr. This was the most dangerous thing for the President.

drama queenie, trump has nothing to fear from this AG. if you actually DID watch the hearings like i did you would know this and not be making shit up.

Commonsense said...

It is appropriate that Kristen Gillbrant announced her candidacy for president on a clown show.

New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand announced she is forming an exploratory committee to run for president, throwing her hat in the ring for the Democratic nomination in an appearance on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" that aired Tuesday night.

Commonsense said...

FACT CHECK: At two inches each, a thousand burgers would not reach one mile high.

They have top people on it, top people!!

anonymous said...

Not the ether, Tiajuna.

It's Tijuana The rightest media has completely ignored that the last 3 caravans never materialized...the TJ's were there before the caravan lies....idiot...

I don't care about today's polls Dennis..

LOL....in your zeal to support the lying trump, ignoring the polls is most amusing since they do represent the near future....today....LOLOLOLOLOL

Commonsense said...

It's Tijuana The rightest media has completely ignored that the last 3 caravans never materialized...the TJ's were there before the caravan lies....idiot...

Cognitive dissonance. At this point, it would be a wast of time to engage in someone who denies basic facts.

Myballs said...

My two senators are Schumer and know nothing Gillibrand. I'm so proud.

Anonymous said...


A CNN analyst called out a Fox News contributor for his ‘white privilege.’

He’s black.


Anonymous said...

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸


To be clear:

The entire leadership of Obama's FBI has all been either fired for misconduct or come under investigation for criminal activity

Let that sink in

6:08 PM - Jan 15, 2019


anonymous said...

For the willfully ignorant....wonder what happened to this group of criminals????? They sure didn't get to TJ!!!! or any border!!!

President Trump said Wednesday afternoon that the caravan of migrants heading to the southern U.S.-Mexico border is "full of criminals" and blamed "judicial activism" for putting our nation in danger.

"There are a lot of CRIMINALS in the Caravan. We will stop them. Catch and Detain! Judicial Activism, by people who know nothing about security and the safety of our citizens, is putting our country in great danger. Not good!" the president tweeted.

The caravan has drawn the president's ire since an initial group of 160 Hondurans began making their way to the U.S. border in mid-October. Over the past month, the group has grown substantially, adding thousands of migrants. The exact number is unknown, but Tijuana, Mexico officials currently fear as many as 10,000 migrants could pass through their city in the coming weeks.

The president has previously argued that the caravan is full of criminals. While there is no direct evidence to back up the president's claim that the group is riddled with criminals, one member of the caravan stated publicly that there are " criminals everywhere." The migrant later amended his statement to say there are "not that many."

Keep slurping cramps....the fake wall will save you....BWAAAAAAA

anonymous said...


The migrant caravan that was seized upon by U.S. President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2018 midterm election has quietly dwindled, with many having gone home to Central America or put down roots in Mexico.
Despite the hard-line immigration rhetoric by the Trump administration, however, many others — nearly half, according to U.S. Border Patrol arrest records — have sought to enter the U.S. illegally.
About 6,000 Central Americans reached Tijuana in November amid conflict on both sides of the border over their presence in this Mexican city across from San Diego.
As of Monday, fewer than 700 migrants remained at a former outdoor concert venue in Tijuana that the Mexican government set up as a shelter to house the immigrants.

anonymous said...


Donald Trump, the Migrant Caravan, and a Manufactured Crisis at the U.S. Border

By Jonathan BlitzerNovember 14, 2018

The migrant caravan now consists of nearly five thousand people, about a third of whom are under the age of eighteen.Photograph by Adriana Zehbrauskas for The New Yorker
Since last week’s midterm elections, Donald Trump has spoken less frequently about the migrant caravan, but the subject is still plainly on his mind. On Friday, he signed a Presidential proclamation (“Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States”), which suspended the possibility of asylum for anyone entering the country between officially designated ports of entry. By U.S. and international law, migrants are allowed to seek asylum “whether or not” they do so at an official checkpoint along the border; Trump’s measure, which was immediately challenged by advocacy groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, aims to override explicit provisions of an existing federal statute in order to thwart the entry of tens of thousands of Central American migrants. As Lee Gelernt, the A.C.L.U.’s lead litigator in the case, told me, “It would mean the President could literally sit down with a copy of the immigration act that Congress wrote and cross out any provision he didn’t like.”

The night before the President issued his proclamation, members of the caravan gathered in Mexico City, where they’d paused for a week of rest, to vote on a final destination for the group. Of the big border cities in northern Mexico, Tijuana was considered the safest—the route skirts territory controlled by violent cartels—but it was also the farthest away. The caravan now consists of nearly five thousand people, about a third of whom are under the age of eighteen. An estimated three hundred of them are younger than five. Because of the punishing physical toll of the trip, the group has tried, with mixed success, to arrange van and truck transportation the rest of the way. Hundreds of them have either turned back or have been deported by Mexican authorities, while some twenty-six hundred others, according to the Mexican government, have received temporary legal status to remain in Mexico.

Anonymous said...

My name is dopie the dumbass. I only know five words

Goat fuck

OK four words. I'm so stupid.

cowardly king obama said...

Ryan Fournier

Russia donated $0 to Donald Trump.

Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

But Trump is the one under investigation..

But on topic does anybody know if the White House was playing "Cheeseburger in Paradise" in the background?

anonymous said...

Ryan Fournier - Official Site
Ryan Fournier is a political commentator, analyst, and strategist. As the National Chairman for Students for Trump, Ryan leads a national student mobilization effort which seeks the reelection of President Donald J. Trump.

Fake news from a fake and fraud site.....

anonymous said...

Goat fuck

Yep,,,that sums up what I think about trump supporters..

cowardly king obama said...

lo iq commie said "Fake news from a fake and fraud site.."

Actually lo iq it is Twitter and this number has been reported elsewhere.

But to indulge you, how much do you think flowed to the Clintons and their foundation from Russia?

Certainly not an insignificant amount, and Trump is at zero.

Guess you are the FAKER, defending the CROOKS.