Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Impeachment open thread!

Can you even take Schiff seriously?


Andrew Bates said...



Be Careful What You Wish For said...

Democrats Privately Mull Biden-for-Bolton Trade
January 21, 2020 at 8:28 pm EST

“Several Senate Democrats are privately discussing the possibility of calling Republicans’ bluff on witnesses, weighing an unusual trade in President Trump’s impeachment trial: the testimony of Hunter Biden for the testimony of a key administration official,” the Washington Post reports.

“Publicly, most Democrats have scoffed at the growing GOP clamor to hear former vice president Joe Biden’s son testify, dismissing him as irrelevant to the charges against Trump.

“But behind closed doors, a small group of Democratic senators and aides have begun to question that logic, sounding out their colleagues on whether they should back a witness deal that could lead to testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton or other administration officials with possible firsthand knowledge of the Ukraine controversy,”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Fact Checks Trump on Ukraine

Daily Beast:
“For months, Team Trump and Hill Republicans have sought to cast Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, as an unscrupulous individual engaging in nefarious activity in Ukraine.

“The nearly four-and-a-half minute slot, narrated by the Biden campaign’s rapid response director, Andrew Bates, walks through a historical timeline dating back to 2014, when Russia invaded the country and the U.S. joined in protecting Ukraine against aggression. Thirty seconds into the video, Bates plainly outlines the case they have long used against Trump’s claims on Hunter.”


Myballs said...

Andrew Bates rapid response director of the Biden campaign. Crock of shit time.

C.H. Truth said...


Because Bolton has less first hand knowledge than Gordon Sondland. Pretty sure that the President did not bear his soul to John Bolton. But Bolton might say some bad things about Trump? Would it be worth it?

I doubt that they would sacrifice Biden for that particular broken record!

Be Careful What You Wish For said...

Well, it's the stupid Republicans who keep calling for testimony from the two Bidens and the whistle blower?

The Bidens and the whistle blower know far less than does John Bolton.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Regardless of how the Senate trial comes out, the worms will keep falling and falling from the can of worms the Senate trial has opened.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Pretty sure that the President did not bear his soul to John Bolton.

Not his soul; just his intent.
So let's hear what Bolton has to say about that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why McConnell Changed Resolution at Last Minute

“In all about 15 senators argued in favor of changing McConnell’s resolution… That included some of the President’s staunchest allies such as Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan, South Dakota Sen. Mike Rounds and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker.

“Members were worried that by rushing things, they could inadvertently give traction to Democratic complaints of an unfair trial, and put vulnerable Republicans up for reelection at a further disadvantage. As the lunch went on, it became clear that the overwhelming majority of the conference supported changing McConnell’s resolution.”

Washington Post:
“One of the senators most upset about the initial provisions was Sen. Susan Collins, who will be a key swing vote on procedural matters during the trial. But the concerns spread beyond a closely watched core of potential GOP swing senators.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Witness Blasts Part of Trump’s Legal Defense
January 21, 2020 at 9:28 pm EST

Jonathan Turley, a law professor who was the sole Republican witness at the last House Judiciary impeachment hearing, slammed part of President Trump’s legal defense in the Washington Post.

Said Turley:
“The White House is arguing that you cannot impeach a president without a crime. It is a view that is at odds with history and the purpose of the Constitution.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Not only that, but Alan Dershowitz himself, regarding Clinton's impeachment, said that impeachment "certainly doesn't have to be a crime if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty. You don't need a technical crime."

But he's singing a different tune now.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Schiff Mauls Cipollone on Impeachment Trial's First Day


Anonymous said...

“The innocent do not behave this way.”

the pederast

Anonymous said...

this proceeding has reminded me that i should be very, very glad that john mcstain is very, very dead.

anonymous said...

Lil scotty is normally full of shit, but this one takes the award for mass stupidity for a trump fellator....!!!!!!!!

Blogger C.H. Truth said...

Because Bolton has less first hand knowledge than Gordon!!!!!!!

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! that's is amazingly stupid, even for you!!!!!!

anonymous said...


Amazing the piss poor quality of these 3 stooges of Trump.....Lil Scotty could fail just as badly as there guys....No defense on the charges....just complaining the process is unfair and listening to Crapolino lie about the lack of president participation was amusing especially since he wrote the letter saying they would not participate in the process.....and the idiots will continue to swallow it whole!!!!!!! Me thinks enough voters in Wi, Mi and Pa will start to realize that trump is a crook and will not vote for him a second time.....

anonymous said...


Pat Cipollone (Trump’s lawyer): “President Trump is a man of his word.”
Fact Checkers: Trump has told 16,241 lies in his 3 years as President.

Commonsense said...

Unlike James, I actually watch a good deal of the trial.

The Democrat House managers started out well using their debate time to basically lay out their opening argument but as the day dragged on there statements became overtire and redundant.

It was obvious from the audio-visual aids use, the House managers were tying to justified impeachment to the public. However, from all their thundering outrage about Trump being a "danger to democracy" the fail to mention any "treason, bribery, or other high crime or misdemeanor" that he's guilty of. I don't think the effectively moved the needle of public opinion.

In fact, I think most of the public switch over after the first hour because the proceedings were mind bendingly boring.

Trump's lawyers were at a disadvantage in that they only had one rebutted. The House managers got first turn and last rebutted in all debates.

Trump's lawyers however were effective in arguing executive privilege and immunity is a constitutional principle that goes all the way back to the founding of the republic and not some nefarious invention of Donald Trump. They effectively argue the following two points:

1. Trump was within his rights to assert congressional immunity and executive privilege and that any dispute over such rights should be resolved by the courts.

2. The subpoenas issue by Schiff's committee were invalid on their face since the committee wasn't authorized by the full House to issue subpoenas for an impeachment inquiry. Nancy Pelosi just can't hold a news conference and declare an impeachment inquiry, it has to be a resolution by the full house.

By effectively arguing these two points they eviscerated the second article charging the president with "Obstruction of Congress". This article should be dismissed forthwith.

anonymous said...

Trump's lawyers however were effective in arguing executive privilege

No one on the D side was questioning executive privilege...Crapolino was discussing process and lying about why Trump was being treated unfairly.....Schiff pointed out that 100 senators had access to all the hearings and depositions....Trump chose to say they did not want to participate in a letter to congress authored by Crappy,,,,,

Commonsense said...

No one on the D side was questioning executive privilege..

Nadler: "Executive privilege and other nonsense."

Commonsense said...

And article 2 "Obstruction of Congress" is all about Trump's use of executive privilege to quash congressional subpoenas and going to court to resolved the issues.

cowardly king obama said...

Commonsense said...
No one on the D side was questioning executive privilege..

Nadler: "Executive privilege and other nonsense."
And article 2 "Obstruction of Congress" is all about Trump's use of executive privilege to quash congressional subpoenas and going to court to resolved the issues.

When the left is so far wrong on the basics it's easy to see how political this whole thing is.

As is 53-47

Apparently the dems tried to put their whole case on before the trial started. And now will proceed to bore the nation to death.

Adam Schiff, on Mount Rashmore, along with Pelosi, Nadler and Schumer. An obviously sick party and the face of dems.

Myballs said...

Video up on breitbart of cippilone ripping into Nadler. Very well done.

cowardly king obama said...

The Senate Majority

New Impeachment Video

: The Senate Exists for Moments Like This #HoldTheLine


well played

Caliphate4vr said...

Buttigieg’s Jeb Bush moment

By having better hands guided by better values on those pulleys and levers of American government,” Buttigieg told the crowd. “So I’m going to look to you to spread that sense of hope to those that you know.”

The candidate took a brief pause, which was met with complete silence by attendees.

“Come on!” Buttigieg exclaimed and awkwardly chuckled, to which the crowd applauded.

anonymous said...

That's all you got fucking loser?????/ Get to work.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Video up on breitbart of cippilone ripping i

Crapalone got his white ass handed to him.....buffoon is an apt description!!!!! BTW.....Breitbart is still dead ballz.....like your brain!!!!!!

anonymous said...

When the left is so far wrong on the basics it's easy to see how political this whole thing is.

Still nothing to do with legit executive privilege.....they are addressing the abuse of same and withholding ALL data and witnesses!!!!!.....asshole.....

Caliphate4vr said...

RIP Terry Jones: Monty Python star dies aged 77

cowardly king obama said...

Conflicts with executive privilege's are ruled on in the courts.

Something the house avoided.

They did a Schiffty job and now will have to live with the consequences and present their "overwhelming and undisputed" case. Oh, and urgent.

And they have an entirely schiffty case, as will become extremely obvious to most Americans. And after this is over I hope other Senate committees pursue Schiff and his "whistleblower"

anonymous said...

BTW.....trump has not declared executive privilege....only declaration has been NO to everything!!!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

anonymous said...
BTW.....trump has not declared executive privilege

Because the House never subpoenaed Trumps people. Besides never giving Trump the right to call his own witnesses.

It's kind of hard to invoke executive privilege until it is in dispute.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

COMMENSA: In fact, I think most of the public switchED(!) over after the first hour because the proceedings were mind bendingly boring.

JAMES: I got a call yesterday from my sister in NC who was all excited and delighted at how well the Democrats were doing, how well they were making their case. What she said was in agreement with later newscast commentary I heard that the Republicans were ill prepared and were caught by surprise.

cowardly king obama said...

COMMENSA: In fact, I think most of the public switchED(!) over after the first hour because the proceedings were mind bendingly boring.

Me: I got a call yesterday from my sister in TX who was all excited and delighted at how well the Republicans' were doing, how well they were making their case. What she said was in agreement with later newscast commentary I heard that the Democrats were ill prepared.

anonymous said...


Me: I got a call yesterday from my sister in TX who was all excited

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Who gives a fuck about your retarded sister in dumbfuckistan texas!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Because the House never subpoenaed Trumps people.

Thanx for proving my point!!!! Idiot..!!!