Thursday, April 9, 2020

ABC lies through it's teeth!

More fake news!

And how could it exist? How could anyone (including the National Center of Medical Intelligence) have information on a virus that didn't exist until a few months ago.

Not that this exposure will stop anyone in the media to continue to report nonsense as news. At this point there is little point in anyone in the media attempting to maintain any degree of professional dignity. They lost that a long time ago. The only point now it to continue to make up bad stuff about Donald Trump in an attempt to undermine his reelection bid. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, Ch, your readers may want to go to posts 7:25AM and 7:26 AM in the next thread down and decide who they believe.

Among other things, it is there stated:

U.S. intelligence officials with the National Center for Medical Intelligence issued a report in late November warning that a virus was taking root in China, ABC News reported Wednesday.

“Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,” a source inside the government told ABC, and the report was shared with the White House, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency. It is unclear whether Trump was ever briefed on the NCMI report, but sources who spoke to ABC described multiple briefings about the report throughout December for “policymakers” as well as officials at the National Security Council and the White House.

Late Wednesday, the Defense Department released a statement saying,
“No such NCMI product exists,”

but ABC News
stood by its reporting.

Myballs said...

The same ABC news that Brian Ross had to resign from for a....wait for it.......a false news story.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did you read 7:25,26 in the next thread down?

Anonymous said...

Weak James

Anonymous said...

CA. Govenor Giving Stimulus package money to fund Illegals.

anonymous said...

Ca gov. acted more presidential than trump corralling and leading Ca to limit the virus spread.....And the goat fucker again makes political hay out of nothing that makes sense or is true.....fucking loser!!!!!

anonymous said...

The ball less idiot compares oranges to balloons......God you are a moronic simpleton!!!!!

Anonymous Myballs said...
The same ABC news that Brian Ross had to resign from for a

Yeah, that's the reason you fool!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ABC (Always Believe China) News claims that the Defense Intelligence Agency's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) warned Trump about the Oriental Kung Flu Grippe back in November but that he ignored it. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that ABC is the home of hack propagandist Jonathan Karl, who the President pantsed a few days ago for his, Karl's, embarrassing buffoonery during a press conference.

trump bruised jon karl's vagina, so ABC digs in their heels to protect their sissy.

Myballs said...

Exactly. We've already seen abc news put out false news. No obr seems to know anything about this alleged report except them.

Anonymous said...

what's worse is that we are supposedly in the midst of some global pandemic crisis. you would think that the dissemination of ACCURATE information by the media was more critical now than ever, and that the TDS afflicted assholes in the media would set aside their petty asshattery for the cause.

but no.

not the US cina-controlled media

they actually DOUBLE-DOWN on the fake news.

and they wonder why they are widely hated.

Anonymous said...


C.H. Truth said...

but ABC News
stood by its reporting.

I will believe them...

as soon as their source reveals themselves and provides the actual report.

The reality here is that the concept that our defense department would know about a health crisis before it started defies common sense and any sort of medical reality.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Nation

Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming

The Pentagon warned the White House about a shortage of ventilators, face masks, and hospital beds in 2017—but the Trump administration did nothing.

By Ken Klippenstein
APRIL 1, 2020

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Nation believes that helping readers stay informed about the impact of the coronavirus crisis is a form of public service. For that reason, this article, and all of our coronavirus coverage, is now free.

Despite President Trump’s repeated assertions that the Covid-19 epidemic was “unforeseen” and “came out of nowhere,” the Pentagon was not just well aware of the threat of a novel influenza but even anticipated the consequent scarcity of ventilators, face masks, and hospital beds, according to a 2017 Pentagon plan obtained by The Nation.

“The most likely and significant threat is a novel respiratory disease, particularly a novel influenza disease,” the military plan states. Covid-19 is a respiratory disease caused by the novel (meaning new to humans) coronavirus. The document specifically refers to coronaviruses on several occasions, in one instance saying, “Coronavirus infections [are] common around the world.”

The plan updates an earlier Department of Defense pandemic influenza response plan, noting that it “incorporates insights from several recent outbreaks including…2012 Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.”

Titled “USNORTHCOM Branch Plan 3560: Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Disease Response,” the draft plan is marked for official use only and dated January 6, 2017. The plan was provided to The Nation by a Pentagon official who requested anonymity to avoid professional reprisal.

Denis Kaufman, who served as head of the Infectious Diseases and Countermeasures Division at the Defense Intelligence Agency from 2014 to 2017, stressed that US intelligence had been well aware of the dangers of coronaviruses for years. (He retired from his decades-long career in the military in December 2017.)

“The intelligence community has warned about the threat from highly pathogenic influenza viruses for two decades, at least. They have warned about coronaviruses for at least five years,” Kaufman said in an interview.

“There have been recent pronouncements that the coronavirus pandemic represents an intelligence failure…. It’s letting people who ignored intelligence warnings off the hook.”

In addition to anticipating the coronavirus pandemic, the military plan predicted with uncanny accuracy many of the medical supply shortages that will now apparently soon cause untold deaths.

The plan states, “Competition for, and scarcity of resources will include…non-pharmaceutical MCM [medical countermeasures] (e.g., ventilators, devices, personal protective equipment such as face masks and gloves), medical equipment, and logistical support. This will have a significant impact on the availability of the global workforce.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The 103-page response plan provides an overview of what might cause a pandemic, likely complications, and how the military might respond. The plan outlines conditions under which an infectious disease can become a pandemic, several of which were at play with Covid-19: crowded workplaces, proximity to international airports, unsanitary living conditions. It also contains references to classified annexes that go into further detail. (The Nation is not in possession of these annexes.)

Last week, Trump lashed out at General Motors and Ford on Twitter, demanding that they manufacture ventilators, a life-or-death appliance for many people with acute Covid-19 symptoms.

Donald J. Trump

General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!! @GeneralMotors @Ford
10:23 AM - Mar 27, 2020

The plan’s warning about face masks and ventilators was prescient: The US Strategic National Stockpile of medical equipment—including respirators, gloves, face masks, and gowns—is reportedly nearly depleted.

The military plan also correctly anticipates “insufficient hospital beds.” Indeed, hospitals are in critically short supply in Italy and are rapidly filling up across New York.

“Even the most industrialized countries will have insufficient hospital beds, specialized equipment such as mechanical ventilators, and pharmaceuticals readily available to adequately treat their populations during clinically severe pandemic,” the report goes on.

Another prediction in the report anticipates worldwide competition for and scarcity of Covid-19 vaccines. Trump has already reportedly offered German scientists large sums of money for exclusive rights to a vaccine, and efforts to develop drugs are underway in several countries.

The Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Anonymous said...

The Pentagon warned the White House about a shortage of ventilators, face masks, and hospital beds in 2017—but the Trump administration did nothing.

By Ken Klippenstein

"The Nation" pederast? really?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Look The Nation up in wikipedia, Rat.
It has a far better reputation than Fox "News".

anonymous said...

PJ Media and Trumps lies.....Rats go to source....>BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

After repeatedly denying the severity of the virus crisis,

NYT: March 17:
Trump Now Claims He Always Knew the Coronavirus Would Be a Pandemic

Sounds like he must have read or been told about the Pentagon's warnings, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...


it's widely known that the nation is a favorite of the communists, marxists, socialists, anarchists, antifa douchebags, and various and sundry other fuckwits.

anonymous said...

Fucking hysterical!!!!!! God you R's don't have enough brain power for a single cogent thought....Just echo what the moron in the WH tells you to believe!!!!!!!! God help us!!!!!!

anonymous said...

, face masks, and hospital beds in 2017—but the Trump administration did nothing BUT BLAME OBAMA AND PELOSI FOR THE SHORTAGES....

Fixed it for you James....

Anonymous said...

Notice how much Weak James cries out for attention.

Anonymous said...

I love Flyover Country.
So much space, sunshine and clean air.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"widely known"
knee slapping hilarious

C.H. Truth said...

It has a far better reputation than Fox "News".

Does it have a far better reputation than the US Defense Department?

It's the actual MIDIA that denies that any such early assessment warning existed back in November of 2019.

Reporters can stand behind their fake reporting all they want.

It's still fake reporting and they are still fake reporters.

Anonymous said...

They got caught, then slapped down.

C.H. Truth said...

hospital beds in 2017

So the President of the United States is now responsible for how many Hospital beds exist in the country?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

hospital beds in 2017

Right, the Pentagon was warning THAT FAR BACK
about how dire future shortages could be.

Let's see, Who was President then?

Oh yeah, Trump became president Jan. 20, 2017.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.

C.H. Truth said...

So Reverend 2 million dead....

How does the President of the United States control how many Hospital beds are out there?

I'll wait while you sort out your answer based on the previous hospital bed strategies of previous Presidents.

Fucking idiot.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
hospital beds in 2017

So the President of the United States is now responsible for how many Hospital beds exist in the country?

The pederast is so incredibly stupid he won’t get it

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh? If a President is warned that a crisis is probably going to come for which the nation is not adequately prepared, that President can do nothing?

Well, I guess that DOES explain Trump!

Anonymous said...

President Trump.provided 2 K Hospital beds and Doctors ad 100 ventilators to Democrat Governor Cuomo.
How many are in use?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But he's frantically trying to play catch up on numbers of hospitals and beds now, as he will proudly tell you.

Myballs said...

I think you have a different definition of frantic.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Okay. He' only trying to play catch up...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Pederast eat a bag of dicks.


C.H. Truth said...

Oh? If a President is warned that a crisis is probably going to come for which the nation is not adequately prepared, that President can do nothing?

Well first of all...

There is no actual evidence that anyone "warned the President"...

But more importantly...

You cannot answer the question about the President being responsible for Hospital beds because it is such an asinine suggestion that there is no reasonable response.

So yeah James....

When it comes to how many Hospital beds there are...

45 Presidents have all done absolutely nothing!!!

C.H. Truth said...

But he's frantically trying to play catch up on numbers of hospitals and beds now, as he will proudly tell you.

FEMA and the Army Corp of Engineers can build temporary hospitals.

That is what they do...

They do not build more long term hospitals with more beds for communities that otherwise are not asking for them.

Hospitals in this country are privately owned and licensed by either the State or Federal Government. The Federal Government does not demand that they build more beds because someone, somewhere might have warned someone somewhere that they may need them.

Are you really that stupid...

That you don't understand the difference between temporary emergency hospital beds...

and long term hospital beds?

Tell me you understand the difference Reverend hoping for 2 million dead Americans.

Commonsense said...

Even the other mainstream new outlets are backing away from this story. Still no comment from ABC.

Anonymous said...

James, Is Your Hospital over ran with Patients?

Mine is not. And My Hospital is KU Medical.

Anonymous said...

The Models are Junk ... Not Science.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at NY HCRA tax on hospitals it’s ridiculous

Rather than phasing out the original taxes, lawmakers repeatedly extended them, hiked them, and added new ones. HCRA receipts now total $5.5 billion per year, making it the third-largest tax in the nation’s highest-taxed state.

If any state should have excess hospital beds it’s NY

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Lordy, I, myself, and me, we NEVER hoped for 2 million dead. That was a prediction someone else made -- WRONGLY I hoped and still hope.

Well, Ch,
I guess frantically building temporary hospitals for more beds in communities begging for them
is different from frantically building hospitals for more beds in communities begging for them.

Thanks for pointing out that important difference.

C.H. Truth said...

I guess frantically building temporary hospitals for more beds in communities begging for them
is different from frantically building hospitals for more beds in communities begging for them.

Thanks for pointing out that important difference.

There are almost no "federal" hospitals in the U.S. Reverend 2 million dead Americans...

No "President" in our lifetime has ever ordered the Federal Government to build permanent hospital beds because he believed there wassome unknown pandemic just around the corner.

In fact, the President would have no more authority to build Hospital beds as he would to build a wall on the border without funding from Congress.

So... Reverend Presidents are responsible for Hospital Beds...

Can you tell us all how many Hospital Beds Obama built?