Tuesday, May 19, 2020

More rebellion within the masses...

We've been hearing about places opening up all across the country, some before they are "supposed" to. One of these places is from a small town area in Minnesota, where (of course) they have seen almost no Covid-19 and have seen no deaths of anything other than businesses and jobs.

Shady’s restaurants in Albany Minnesota

In this case, a small business owner had decided to reopen his place of businesses (or places of businesses in this case). He was met by an injunction from the Attorney General ordering them to remain closed. This was delivered by the local police. The threat at this point is $25,000 a day for reopening his business, and a revocation of his liquor license across his six restaurants.

A go fund me page to help cover the fines and legal expenses raised about a quarter million dollars so far. I believe that will be enough to cover any fines and actual legal counsel. With court decisions coming out of multiple states questioning the authority of a Governor to shut down businesses and demand people stay home on some sort of house arrest, I find it both a legal (and a political) disaster for the Governor or AG to actually try to pull liquor licenses.

If more of these courts determine that these orders are illegal, the State could be on the hook as defendants in major lawsuits from businesses who either lost income or had to close permanently because of these shut downs. I'd think this is something that they should want to avoid. If the orders are illegal, then certainly pulling licenses would also be illegal (and may even be considered illegal even if the orders themselves are not).


Myballs said...

Even NY Gov Cuomo is reopening by region within the state. Of course, he has to. The rest of the state is in far better shape than the shithole that is now NYC.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Florida Tried to Block Coronavirus Data

“The Florida Department of Health had blocked the commission from releasing the spreadsheet. When the state agreed to release, state officials attempted to redact the narratives with details about each death and the cause of death…”

“The data provide grim insight into the early failures of state officials and the medical system to contain and respond to the virus. Florida Today’s analysis of the initial 600 deaths found patients denied testing until their second or third hospital visit, deaths from untraceable cases, meaning contact tracing either didn’t happen or fell apart immediately, and deadly clusters of infection at nursing homes and cruise ships.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Susan Rice’s Email to Herself Declassified

The email that National Security Adviser Susan Rice sent herself on the day of President Trump’s inauguration — and has since drawn intense scrutiny from Republicans — has been declassified.

“It says that then-FBI Director James Comey worried about sharing classified information with the Trump team because of incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn’s frequent conversations with the Russian ambassador, but that Comey had no knowledge of Flynn sharing classified information with him.”

The email noted that President Obama wanted to be sure “every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.'”

"By the book" means "legally."

Anonymous said...

...The DOH had said they were concerned about privacy. However, that information has always been public in Florida.

the part you conveniently omitted, pederast. God forbid the state tries to protect the privacy of the deceased and next of kin.

you're a piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

"By the book" means "legally."

not so fast, pederast.

the timing of the rice email vs. the FISA warrants reveals that the spying on flynn had been conducted ahead of the warrant, and the warrant was obtained after the fact to cover their asses.

in a just society rice should be swinging from the gallows immediately following a speedy trial.

and you can relax. the magic negro lightbringer will not be touched.

Anonymous said...

bottom of page 46 & top of page 47:


Anonymous said...

Tracy Beanz

Remember this? On 1/13/17 the Obama administration gave a press conference, saying not only would they HELP the transition team reach out to foreign officials should they ask, but that they saw no problem with Flynn speaking to any foreign official- including Kislyak.


Caliphate4vr said...

you're a piece of shit.

And incredibly fucking stupid


what Goddard's political_lire left off about the Rice memo is that a large paragraph is still redacted, but may be unredacted very soon... and released by certain congressmen.

And her memo was about a meeting Jan 5th, after which unmaskings soared including one by Obama's chief of staff the same day, and Biden a week later which he apparently forgot about. Interesting timing... Still MUCH MORE to come out in the weeks ahead.

And btw even Obama's initial transition team reached out to foreign governments before taking office, it's normal. Just not the being spied on part, though apparently that was a regular Obama tactic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nancy Pelosi just called President Trump morbidly obese. 😂😂😂😂 That made my day! Hehehehe


Tim Young

To the left, it's ok if Nancy Pelosi calls Trump #morbidlyobese... but could you imagine the complete meltdown if Trump called... just spitballing here... Stacey Abrams #morbidlyobese.



anonymous said...

but could you imagine the complete meltdown if Trump called... just spitballing here... Stacey Abrams #morbidlyobese.

I for one would find that extremely amusing !!!!! Probably would help him lose many of the women that currently support him....for reasons I will never understand!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To the left, it's ok if Nancy Pelosi calls Trump #morbidlyobese... but could you imagine the complete meltdown if Trump called... just spitballing here... Stacey Abrams #morbidlyobese.

not to mention the #fat shaming that sends the left into conniption fits.

a day without hypocrisy is like a day without sunshine for the left.

anonymous said...

Blogger rrb said...
Tracy Beanz

Another outstanding pile of shit posted by the local idiot of NY!!!!!! Yep.....sure is hard hitting commentary for losers like you who have the attention span of a fucking gnat!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

May 19, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. EDT
The Food and Drug Administration has already warned: “Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not been shown to be safe and effective for treating or preventing COVID-19.” In its public warning (necessitated in part by President Trump’s hyping of a dangerous drug) the FDA explained, “Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine can cause abnormal heart rhythms such as QT interval prolongation and a dangerously rapid heart rate called ventricular tachycardia. These risks may increase when these medicines are combined with other medicines known to prolong the QT interval, including the antibiotic azithromycin, which is also being used in some COVID-19 patients without FDA approval for this condition.” It went on to say: “Patients who also have other health issues such as heart and kidney disease are likely to be at increased risk of these heart problems when receiving these medicines.” Doctors who want to prescribe the drug should check “for a suitable clinical trial and consider enrolling the patient.” There is little room for doubt: This is not a cure for the novel coronavirus and can have serious, even deadly, consequences.
Nevertheless, Trump claims the White House physician prescribed it for him, although the physician’s letter meant to back up Trump’s dubious claim stated merely that he had discussed the topic with Trump and concluded the benefits (what benefits?!) outweigh the risks. Trump’s press secretary claims he is taking the drug, which proves nothing, since she has already demonstrated a propensity to say anything her boss requires.
The debate over whether the president is actually doing something so reckless as to put his own life at risk or merely lying about doing so, thereby risking other people’s lives who will follow his example, is instructive in four respects.

Anonymous said...

boy alky,

what an enchanting existence you must be leading these days in the assisted living facility for a half-assed insult to make your day.

i can only imagine your reaction when it's red jello night.

anonymous said...

I can only imagine the surprise you will have when you pull your head out of your old useless white ass!!!!! Chicken shit supreme is your mantra!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey BWAA, so trump is taking Hydroxychloroquine under the supervision of his physician.

what the fuck business is it of an asshole like you?


Peer-reviewed studies published from January through April 20, 2020, provide clear and convincing evidence that HCQ may be beneficial in COVID-19, especially when used early, states AAPS. Unfortunately, although it is perfectly legal to prescribe drugs for new indications not on the label, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that CQ and HCQ should be used for COVID-19 only in hospitalized patients in the setting of a clinical study if available. Most states are making it difficult for physicians to prescribe or pharmacists to dispense these medications.

As the letter to Gov. Ducey notes, “Many nations, including Turkey and India, are protecting medical workers and contacts of infected persons prophylactically. According to worldometers.info, deaths per million persons from COVID-19 as of Apr 27 are 167 in the U.S., 33 in Turkey, and 0.6 in India.”

After Morocco and Algeria began using HCQ, a trend break and sharp reduction in their COVID-19 case fatality rate occurred.

Vaccines and results of randomized double-blind controlled trials of new drugs are at best months away. But patients are dying now, while affordable, long-used drugs would be available except for government restrictions, AAPS states.

The FDA should listen to the AAPS and save lives.


Charlie Kirk

Remember Karen Whitsett?

She's the Democrat from Michigan who beat the Chinese Virus with Hydroxychloroquine

But when she thanked President Trump for popularizing the treatment—the media brutally attacked her and her party censured her

Now, she's sets the record straight

AWESOME VIDEO: https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1262833294305046530

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden: ‘President Tweety Doesn’t Like To Be Bullied’


Barr: “What happened to the President in the 2016 election and throughout the first two years of his administration was abhorrent. It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.”

And boy was Trump bullied.

Payback is going to be epic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Just-released polls contain bad news for President Trump and his Senate allies, with Joe Biden expanding the electoral map to states that have long been safe bastions for the Republican Party.

Biden is solidifying his lead over Trump in Arizona, a state not won by a Democrat in a presidential race since Bill Clinton took it in 1996, according to a new survey by OH Predictive Insights. Biden leads Trump by 7 percentage points in Arizona. The poll has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

The same survey also had bad news for Senate Republican incumbent Martha McSally, who appears to be losing ground in her reelection bid against Democrat Mark Kelly. A former astronaut and the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, Kelly now leads McSally by 13 points. A month earlier, the same poll showed Kelly ahead by 9 points.

In Georgia, Biden leads Trump by a single percentage point, 48 percent to 47 percent, according to a poll conducted by Civiqs/Daily Kos that was released Tuesday and has a margin of error of 3.1 percent.

An internal poll conducted last week by a group backing Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp found Biden ahead of Trump by a margin of 47 percent to 46 percent. The poll had a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Both polls showed Democrat Jon Ossoff running strong against incumbent GOP Sen. David Perdue. While Ossoff has yet to secure his party’s nomination, he leads Perdue by 2 percentage points in the Civiqs/Daily Kos poll and trails by 2 points in the internal Republican poll.

President Trump. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
President Trump. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)
If Biden does defeat Trump in November, Democrats will need to flip just three Senate seats to retake control of the chamber where Republicans currently hold a 53-47 seat advantage. With Biden’s victory in the Democratic primary coupled with the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, the chances of what had been considered a long shot have greatly increased.

“It’s an extraordinary turn of events,” Neil Newhouse, a GOP pollster, told Vox. “This is not the political environment we expected at the beginning of the year.”

Not all the polls in recent weeks show Biden and Democrats cruising to victory. While the presumptive Democratic nominee also leads Trump in Florida by 4.6 points among likely voters, according to a poll released Tuesday by Point Blank Political, an Emerson College poll released last week showed the president leading Biden in Texas by a margin of 52 percent to 48 percent in a head-to-head matchup.

Still, referencing recent surveys in Arizona, Georgia and Texas that show Biden competitive or leading in those states, Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said Friday that the former vice president would make a play for those traditionally red states.

“We believe that there will be battleground states that have never been battleground states before,” O’Malley Dillon said in a call with reporters. “We feel like the map is really favoring us if you look to recent polling.”


Media in Panic Mode over Latest Presidential Polls

CNN, in their dogged and unending quest to overturn the 2016 presidential election and drive President Trump from office, is in full-on campaign mode. Just as in the last presidential election cycle, opinion polls are a campaign staple of the media and the Democrat party. Polls are not being used as they should, to reflect public opinion, but instead to shape opinion, a form of political propaganda.
When CNN reported the poll results, their headline put a ho-hum spin on the poll findings, “Biden tops Trump nationwide, but battlegrounds tilt Trump.” Townhall reported the poll more accurately, “New CNN poll shows Trump crushing Biden in swing states.”
The CNN poll, with Democrat oversampling, showed voters nationally backing Biden over Trump by 51 to 46 percent, a five point difference, less than the 8 point difference in party affiliation. Theoretically, if the survey sample were equally balanced between Democrats and Republicans, Trump would come out ahead by 3 points. Which is perhaps why Democrats were oversampled.
In battleground states, Trump leads Biden by 52 to 45 percent, a 7-point margin. Add the 8-point difference in party affiliation of those polled and Trump’s lead could potentially be 15 percent. Is it any wonder CNN is not touting this news?

Anonymous said...

Roger, does your assisted living shithole allow you to have a pet?

anonymous said...

The FDA should listen to the AAPS and save lives.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The FDA makes its recommendations based on science....not the opinions of a splinter group of Dr's with nothing but opinions....!!!!