Friday, June 5, 2020

I wonder how this looks to those who were told that they could not hold a funeral?

No social distancing requirements when you have a funeral for a martyr?


cowardly king obama said...

Thousands of people attended marches for "respect"

But in some states churches were not allowed to open for worship and in others were limited to as low as 10 people at a time.

Under the threat of police arrest.

What kind of government does that remind you of ???

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The president said: "Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, 'This is a great thing that's happening for our country. It's a great day for him, it's a great day for everybody. It's a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day."

Myballs said...

How refreshing to have a president who loves this country. The last one didn't and was always apologizing for it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

John Kelly Agrees with Mattis on Trump

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly said he agrees with former Secretary of Defense Gen. Jim Mattis’ stark warning this week that President Donald Trump is “the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people."

Said Kelly:
“I agree with him… There is a concern, I think an awful big concern, that the partisanship has gotten out of hand, the tribal thing has gotten out of hand. He’s quite a man, Jim Mattis, and for him to do that tells you where he is relative to the concern he has for our country.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yahoo News:
Leaked Document Details Force Protecting White House

“A leaked Trump administration document details the federal law enforcement and military personnel squaring off against protestors in Washington, D.C., including a 1,300-strong force currently deployed to the south side of the White House.

“Thousands of federal enforcement and military personnel have been called to Washington to respond to growing demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd… but the Trump administration has so far refused to disclose many of the details about who is policing the nation’s capital.

“An internal report obtained by Yahoo News shows which agencies are involved.”
Democracy dies in darkness

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fortunately, there are many concerned people who will leak information we deserve to have.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Wall Street Journal:
Trump Directs U.S. Troop Reduction in Germany

“President Trump has directed the Pentagon to remove thousands of U.S. troops from Germany by September.

“The move would reduce the U.S. troop presence in Germany by 9,500 troops from the 34,500 troops that are permanently assigned there.”

Does he think he needs them here to try to control our people after he steals the election?

Caliphate4vr said...

Democracy dies in darkness

Stupidity resides in James

Commonsense said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?

You should be.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No I am not.

But why should I be afraid?

Commonsense said...

Fortunately, there are many concerned people who will leak information we deserve to have.

The only persons who wants details on how the president is protected are those people who want to harm or kill the president.

Is that what you want to do James? Harm or kill the president?

I think the leaker certainly does.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I think the leaker is determined that we are not going to allow a Trump dictatorship.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?

C.H. Truth said...

Fortunately, there are many concerned people who will leak information we deserve to have.

You mean break the law?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?


The lying POS James said...
Fortunately, there are many concerned people who will leak information we deserve to have.

An as we have seen with Schiff and the Obama administration deep staters and former officials those "leaks" which were reported by the complicit MSM ended up to be contrary to the factual evidence later.

In other words LIES that were not retracted and help shape a false narrative and attack the presidency.

The foundation of the current democrat party.

Wasn't there also a biblical parable about weak foundations ?

And shouldn't those leakers who spread false narratives also be exposed by a fair media?

And james is afraid of the truth to come out.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If it is information the American people deserve to have and is being withheld, it is not breaking the law to leak it. It is needed whistleblowing by patriots.

Mattis is such a patriot.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?

C.H. Truth said...

Why would it bother you, Reverend...

If troops are in D.C. protecting the White House and the those who are there? Shouldn't the White House be protected from riots by any means possible?

It quite obviously represents much more than any single occupant, and if somehow we allowed riots to cause damage or injure people there due to some sort of silly political rhetoric (that makes no logical sense) how will that relate internationally or to future generations?

I doubt that anyone would be questioning Obama had he asked for increased security if there were 1000's of rioters in D.C. many of whom would have no issues causing him harm (as these rioters feel today about this President).

There is no justification for even the slightest bit of anger over having increased security (military or otherwise) in our nation's capital.

None. What. So. Ever.

Anyone who is angry about it...

is a fucking moron. Period!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?

Caliphate4vr said...

Rasmussen Reports
Reader Tip: Coming Later

Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job
@realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.

It’s OVER, pederast

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anyone who is angry about it...
is a fucking moron. Period!

Ch believes Mattis and the Pentagon are f'n morons. Period.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?


and false narratives and antifa are being used to stoke racial disharmony and to try and create chaos.

Thank God we still have police forces and a rebuilt military.

And not Obama leading.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?


Caliphate4vr said...

Rasmussen Reports
Reader Tip: Coming Later

Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job
@realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.

It’s OVER, pederast

I saw that but I didn't want to upset james

Commonsense said...

Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race…Hopefully Gorge Floyd is looking down right now & saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country…in terms of equality"

Donald Trump, the full quote.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

U.S. Park Police Walk Back Tear Gas Denial

A U.S. Park Police spokesperson told Vox it was a “mistake” to insist that it didn’t use tear gas the day before in Lafayette Square to disperse a crowd ahead of President Trump’s photo op, explicitly noting that pepper balls shot by officials irritate the eyes and cause tears.

Who lied then? Trump and how many others?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?

Still waiting for Common to tell me why I should be afraid.

Anonymous said...

Stop Running James.

James called me "Greedy"
Yet I one one home, James owns Two.
I don't own a Boat, James boat dock, oddly, no boat..

Alky , doesn't own the pot he sits down to piss in, yet he dreams/lusts for o huge home, a large Bank Acct and the car of his dreams a Audi A8 .

Yet, James supports Alkys money lust.

James, when Alky was thrown out by his 2nd ex, he was broke, homeless and Suicidal, how DID you help him?

Commonsense said...

Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job
@realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.

Look for the media to redouble their efforts to paint him as a racist.

While the Democrats are taking away police protection from black neighborhoods.

And they thought black folks would applaud that. 🙄🙄🙄

Commonsense said...

Still waiting for Common to tell me why I should be afraid.

Na, too fun watching you twist yourself in the wind.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles
all had negative job growth.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are you afraid of our troops James?
You should be.

No I am not.
But why should I be afraid?

Still waiting for Common to tell me why I should be afraid.

Is it because I am a patriotic American who openly lets it be known that I am firmly opposed to an unconstitutional Trump take over?

Well, I'm not afraid, because I know there are so many good people in our land who will not let that happen.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rasmussen. LOL.

Anonymous said...

40 percent LOL


So tear gas WASN'T USED and james thinks that's a "win" for him.

Where does he get this shit ?

Officially the lowest iq on the planet now.

And the most desperate.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend...

Let's wait until the election and exactly how many military people decide to vote for Trump. He won military people by almost 2-1 and I strongly suspect that he will win them by at least that much in 2020.

I know people in the military and the national guard and there isn't a single one of them that didn't believe that the Cities and States dropped the ball and that they (military) should be helping.

To be clear, Esper's opinion is Esper's opinion... nobody else's. At least one of my military friends is embarrassed about his "sucking up to the liberal media" as he put it... and thinks Esper should resign.

Maybe you should take the time to ask your military friends. Real people. Not just read the same blog every day and think you have your eye on the pulse of the nation.

Commonsense said...

Is it because I am a patriotic American who openly lets it be known that I am firmly opposed to an unconstitutional Trump take over?

Well, a patriotic American doesn't wish the president dead or harmed. But you do.

So yes, James be very afraid.


Note to lo iq james (guess I need to further identify them now) smoke also irritates the eyes and is made up of chemicals.

Just trying to help you out.

Commonsense said...

Oh and Trump is the duly elected president of the United States. By calling it an "unconstitutional takeover", as you do, is treason to the Constitution and the United States.

Yes James, I would leave the country if I were you.

Anonymous said...

Maxine Waters .
Black Leadership.
"insurrection" is embodied by the "Rioters".

Caliphate4vr said...

Rasmussen. LOL.

Put up against PPP any day of the week, pederast

Anonymous said...

Why would it bother you, Reverend...

If troops are in D.C. protecting the White House and the those who are there? Shouldn't the White House be protected from riots by any means possible?

if 0linsky and the mooch were still stinking up the place, the pederast and the alky would be demanding heavy air support, the 1st cavalry, seal team six, and a company of army rangers plus a sniper unit on every rooftop in the city to protect their dear leader.

with Trump they'd allow the angry mob to drag him out of the oval and murder him on the white house lawn.


While I'm waiting for james to post one of his many Trump supporters spitting on people wearing facemasks videos he claimed to exist:

Andy Ngô

Update: Thanks to the public's help, the suspects were identified. The male seen on video kicking out the unconscious victim's teeth is a 14-year-old. He's been transferred to a juvenile detention center & charged with felony assault.

Maybe this kid and Greta can get together. The kids are our future democrat party. Have a bunch more examples I can produce while I wait for james to even find one but I won't clog up the board unless he wants me to.

odd he can't find his. He did produce a 2014 shooting of a black man under Obama though for me to consider. He hadn't heard of that before.


if 0linsky and the mooch were still stinking up the place, the pederast and the alky would be demanding heavy air support, the 1st cavalry, seal team six, and a company of army rangers plus a sniper unit on every rooftop in the city to protect their dear leader.

with Trump they'd allow the angry mob to drag him out of the oval and murder him on the white house lawn.

yeah remember all those "violent" tea party protestors they were scared of? Ended up just "needing" to send the IRS after them.


CHT said to james:
Maybe you should take the time to ask your military friends. Real people. Not just read the same blog every day and think you have your eye on the pulse of the nation.

Have you noticed he appears to spend quite a bit of time getting every scrap from Goddard's political_lire blog?

I thought I was the only one who observed that.

Caliphate4vr said...

Three Ways Lockdowns Paved the Way for These Riots

Anonymous said...

James can't answer direct question about his actions/ Character.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense's "thinking":

Trump can do nothing wrong, so if he unconstitutionally took over the country it would not be unconstitutional.

Courts and decent Republicans and military officials (not to mention decent Americans of all sorts) do not agree.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Have you noticed that references all kinds of sources?

Not always just the left leaning ones that I like?

Unlike the right wing fanatical sources of information so many of you use.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Shopper spits on worker -- then does it a day later in coronavirus dispute, PA cops say

A disgruntled shopper spit on another customer during a social distancing dispute, marking the second incident in one weekend, Pennsylvania officials say.

Philadelphia police are looking for a woman they say first got into a dispute at a store on Saturday.

The customer was arguing with an employee about “how she wanted to pay for her items” when she spit on him, the Philadelphia Police Department said Thursday in an email to McClatchy News.

The same woman returned to the store the next day and bumped into a customer, officers say. That’s when an argument about social distancing ensued, KYW and WPVI reported.

The woman “lowered her mask, stated ‘B----, I don’t have the virus,’ spit into the other shopper’s face and left the store, according to police.

Shopper Alexis Danilo told the Philadelphia Inquirer she was was “in shock” after spit came toward her face at Di Bruno Bros. market in the Central City area.

“I think this woman should be locked up,” she told the newspaper. “You should never be spitting on anybody and given the fact that there’s a pandemic, you shouldn’t be doing that.”

Danilo “was wearing a protective mask and glasses” and is OK, police say.

Officers released a photo of the suspected spitter, believed to be a white female in her early- to mid-30s with a “thin build, long reddish-brown hair, wearing a three-quarter length black jacket, dark pants, and a red bandana around her neck,” according to cops.

It isn’t the first time a person has been accused of spitting inside a Pennsylvania store in the age of coronavirus.

In the Pittsburgh area, police arrested a man they say crouched under a Plexiglass barrier and spit in a supermarket manager’s face, McClatchy News reported last week.

And in Harrisburg, a woman was accused of making a threat after spitting on a grocery store worker, according to the city’s police department.

To reduce the risk of getting COVID-19, health officials recommend social distancing, which involves avoiding crowds and keeping a 6-foot distance from others.

The disease can spread through droplets released “when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People who are nearby can breathe in those droplets and get sick.

Caliphate4vr said...

It’s philthadelfia pederast, I’d bet they’re donks

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Reporter Hits White House on Lack of Social Distancing

Jonathan Karl of ABC News slammed the White House for positioning reporters closer together than usual for President Trump’s remarks in the Rose Garden.

Said Karl:
“This is a flagrant violation of CDC guidelines on social distancing and a move that puts reporters at risk for the purpose of turning the press corps into a prop for a so-called ‘press conference’ where the president refuses to answer a single question.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is going to be pissed off

Mayor Bowser just officially renamed the section of 16th street in front of the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza."

Commonsense said...

James' thinking:

Trump can do nothing wrong, so if he unconstitutionally took over the country it would not be unconstitutional.

Being constitutionally elected (he's already president so he has already in effect legally taken over the country) is unconstitutional because he doesn't like the results of the election.

The conspiracy to remove Trump however was an unconstitutional it not illegal coup attempt. James approves of that.

That's why he's a traitor.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

To say that a constitutionally elected president has "taken over" the country ignores the fact that in a government of equal branches, the Executive does not have dictatorial or absolute powers. (Trump claimed he did, but he was wrong, as so many constitutional experts made clear, even to him, ho ho.)

I didn't know the protesters were threatening to take over the country. I thought they were peacefully protesting racial injustice.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

@ Roger's 2:05
Nice move, lol.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Trump is going to be pissed off
Mayor Bowser just officially renamed the section of 16th street in front of the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza."

Actually, kicking out the National Guard out of their hotel rooms are more likely to piss off Trump. They'll have to bivouac on the mall.

Meanwhile BLM didn't appreciate her little appeasement publicity stunt. To say it backfired on her is an understatement.

There will be violence in DC tonight if Trump doesn't fire the mayor.


James, your posting failed in TWO BASIC AREAS

1) It is not a video

2) There is nothing that indicates this is a Trump supporter doing the spitting. I've posted several videos of people spitting AT Trump supporters so it's much more likely from prior posted evidence that in fact this is another disgruntled liberal doing the spitting.

So back to square one for you.

Your weaseling and delay in posting kind of makes me think you were caught in a LIE ONCE AGAIN. Well after today I'll just consider it a LIE and won't ask you to keep looking for something that obviously doesn't exist.

Tic Toc

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did I say it was a video?

C.H. Truth said...

Trump can do nothing wrong, so if he unconstitutionally took over the country it would not be unconstitutional.

Something is not unconstitutional just because someone says it's unconstitutional. In fact the argument here is whether or the the President should invoke the Insurrection act.

Certain people disagreeing with a perfectly legal action does not make that action unconstitutional. The fact that the Insurrection act exists, makes it constitutional.

But I guess logic and actual constitutional principles don't apply here for some reason?

Can you explain why they don't apply here, Reverend?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Pentagon Disarms Guardsmen In Sign of De-escalation

“The Pentagon [note: THE PENTAGON!!!] has told the District of Columbia National Guard and guardsmen from other states who have arrived in the nation’s capital as backup to not use firearms or ammunition, a sign of de-escalation in the federal response to protests in the city after the killing of George Floyd.

“The Department of Defense, led by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, appears to have made the decision without consulting the White House… Trump specifically had encouraged the National Guard to be armed.”


Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
To say that a constitutionally elected president has "taken over" the country ignores the fact that in a government of equal branches,

It is used colloquially as well as literally. He is indeed in charge of the federal government and is commander-in-cheif of the armed forces.

And every action he has taken so far is within his powers as chief executive.

Just because they are "equal branches" doesn't mean the have the same functions.

The Congress legislates, the president executes and enforces the law, and conducts foreign policy.

The judiciary interpreters the Constitution and federal law and resolves disputes arising from the law.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gosh, Ch. I didn't know Trump invoked the Insurrection Act before the protesters were driven back. When did he do that?

C.H. Truth said...

To be clear.. I met on-line with one of my supervisors today who sent me pictures of a portion of Minneapolis near his house that was part of the riots.

The place looked like a war zone with entire blocks gutted and buildings literally crumbling.

For anyone to suggest that this is all just "peaceful" protesting, is an insult to everyone's intelligence and everyone's sense of decency.

Disagree with sending in troops all you want... but there were a hell of a lot of Minnesotans horrified at the inaction of Walz that were calling for Trump to send in those Airborne units that were on stand by.

Only after that threat was made, did Walz act, called up several thousand National Guard soldiers and things settled down.

The idea that our Mayors and our Governor thought it was best to let parts of the twin cities pretty much burn to the ground rather than upset the liberals... makes me sick to my stomach. Making a determination that calling in Federal troops (which is allowed by both the law and the constitution) to be unconstitutional is just plain stupid.

And no... I don't care who agrees with you. It's logically stupid. Period.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And how could a president invoke the Insurrection Act against American citizens who are peacefully protesting and thus obeying the laws?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I thought we were talking about what Trump did with regard to those particular protesters, Ch.

Commonsense said...


No firing him will do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL Fire away. Then duck the backlash.


James said...
Did I say it was a video?

YES, you said you had SEEN multiple ones.

And now you've been looking for them for a few days.

or not, I suspected you were lying and told you so from the start.

Awful late to be changing what you said existed and to such a weak response.

VERDICT - james lied

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend...

But the constitution as well as this act itself allows the President to call for troops to be sent to cities. The actual "invoking" of the act would allow the President to Federalize the response, and basically take over everything from the Governors. It would allow the Federal Government to take command over local National Guardsmen, and in some cases even local police forces.

That is a far cry from having personnel clear out an area of a city...

I am pretty sure you are aware of this, and are just playing dumb for effect. But perhaps you really are not that well informed? After all, you garner most of your news from a blogger.

Commonsense said...

And how could a president invoke the Insurrection Act against American citizens who are peacefully protesting and thus obeying the laws?

Violating curfew is breaking the law.
Throwing rocks and bottles at police officers is breaking the law.
Burning cars and buildings is breaking the law.
Looting stores is breaking the law.
Murdering people is breaking the law.
Standing by and doing nothing about is aiding and abetting and is breaking the law.

What one was the peaceful protest James?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Business Insider reports that:
Fauci Says Protests Will Help Spread Virus

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that many of the protests against racism and police brutality taking place across the country, involving congregation of large crowds, raises the risk for transmission of the coronavirus.

Said Fauci:
“It is a perfect set-up for the spread of the virus in the sense of creating these blips that might turn into some surges.”

Yes, there's danger.

Still, standing up for the racially oppressed may please God more than packing churches.

C.H. Truth said...

The reality here, Reverend.

One cop did a bad thing... and suddenly everyone wants to pretend that all cops are bad, we should defund police departments, and fundamentally change the way we police.

Whereas literally 1000's of people rioted, burning down and destroying hundreds of business and looting thousands more. At least a dozen people have died in these riots, including at least one police officer.

In the first case... we are supposed to treat all police like the one bad apple.

In the second case... we are supposed to ignore all of the violence, looting, and death, and simply pretend that everyone protesting is peaceful and nobody is going to cause any trouble.

Can you explain how that is logical?

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
LOL Fire away. Then duck the backlash.

Except from the usual idiot suspects do you really think there would be a backlash?

BTW bet old Mad Dog wished he kept his mouth shut today. Talk about getting backlashed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And how could a president invoke the Insurrection Act against American citizens who are peacefully protesting and thus obeying the laws?

Violating curfew is breaking the law.
Throwing rocks and bottles at police officers is breaking the law.
Burning cars and buildings is breaking the law.
Looting stores is breaking the law.
Murdering people is breaking the law.
Standing by and doing nothing about is aiding and abetting and is breaking the law.

What one was the peaceful protest James?

The one that was going on while Trump was speaking to the nation about honoring peaceful protests, after which he led an entourage out into an area that had just been militarily cleared of peaceful protesters so that he could stage a photo op in front of a church holding up a Bible that calls for justice and even mercy for the poor and oppressed.

Commonsense said...

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that many of the protests against racism and police brutality taking place across the country, involving congregation of large crowds, raises the risk for transmission of the coronavirus.

Said Fauci:
“It is a perfect set-up for the spread of the virus in the sense of creating these blips that might turn into some surges.”

I will give Fauci this. He's at lease honest and consistent in his message. Unlike some of his colleagues.

Commonsense said...

The one that was going on while Trump was speaking to the nation about honoring peaceful protests,

Nope, wrong again. At that very time those "peaceful protesters" were throwing rocks and bottles at the police.

Everything the media told you about that night has been a lie and has since been refuted.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH, I am not defending any acts of violence, looting, or destruction.

But I AM DEFENDING AND WILL DEFEND WITH MY VERY LIFE the right of our citzenry to protest peacefully. Amen.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Peaceful protests at the White House after two nights of unrest
Washington Post •June 2, 2020

People gathered to protest the death of George Floyd and systemic racism at Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. on June 2. Following two nights of clashes between police and protesters, the demonstrations remained peaceful.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A street sign was torn down. The perpetrator was booed because "that's not what we're here for."

Commonsense said...

Yeah you do James. Including the murder of retired Saint Louis police captain David Dorn.

He will get no memorial.

Reverend Sharpton and Jackson will not speak at his funeral.

Only his family will grieve.

Only some black lives matter.

C.H. Truth said...

But I AM DEFENDING AND WILL DEFEND WITH MY VERY LIFE the right of our citzenry to protest peacefully. Amen.

No you're not...

You are specifically defending the non-existent right to "riot" "loot" "vandalize" and "set things on fire"...

Because that has always been the ONLY reason to bring federal troops into a situation. Not a single person (and certainly not the President) has suggested he is going to invoke any sort of action to Federalize a response to "peaceful protests" - because it would be entirely unnecessary.

So when you demand that such a federal response to rioting is unconstitutional, you are IN FACT demanding that rioting, looting, such is something you support.

Commonsense said...

As I said, the media lied to you fool.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

According to Fox News...?

C.H. Truth said...

I wonder if James buys into the rhetoric that the "Park Police" that was accused of tear gassing the Lafayette Square as the President was on his way to St John's church...

were "military" soldiers?

Because it was just the "park police" and several Democrats (including Warren, Clinton, and I believe Biden) put out statements referring to them as "military".

Or possibly they believe that the Secret Service or the D.C. National Guard are Federal military agencies?

I didn't realize that anyone would confuse the US Park police with being "military"... at least not for real?

Anonymous said...

The Socialist here are dirt dumb.
None of them lifted a finger to help Alky when he was Suicidal and homeless.

Anonymous said...

"But I AM DEFENDING AND WILL DEFEND WITH MY VERY LIFE the right of our citzenry to protest peacefully."

Lol@pompusfake preacher

Commonsense said...

Maybe not Fox News:

'Orgy of violence': Ami Horowitz talks to Minneapolis protesters who support looting, killing cops

Documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz embedded himself in the Minneapolis protests-turned-riots and said the majority of protesters he spoke with supported an "orgy of violence," including "killing cops."

Horowitz, who previously covered police protests in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014, spoke to "peaceful protesters" Sunday night in the city where George Floyd died while in police custody on Memorial Day. He found that, while they acted peacefully, they supported the looting and violence that started there and continued in other cities.

What I saw was really shocking," Horowitz told Fox News. "It was a city on fire and full of chaos. Anarchy was reigning across the streets, and you saw police officers chasing roving bandits all over the city."

Commonsense said...

I didn't realize that anyone would confuse the US Park police with being "military"... at least not for real?

They say advanced stage syphilis leads to dementia.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You guys keep trying to change the subject.

NOBODY is defending acts of pillage, violence, looting, arson, or destruction that took place elsewhere.

The question is, Why did Barr at the President's whim order the pushing back of peaceful demonstrators near the White House just so the President could have his little op ed moment.

And no, Ch, the protesters were not pushed back with pepper gas and smoke and force WHILE but BEFORE the President took his little ill conceived backfiring walk.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch says:
No you're not...

You are specifically defending the non-existent right to "riot" "loot" "vandalize" and "set things on fire"...


Ch says:
Because that has always been the ONLY reason to bring federal troops into a situation. Not a single person (and certainly not the President) has suggested he is going to invoke any sort of action to Federalize a response to "peaceful protests" - because it would be entirely unnecessary.


So when you demand that such a federal response to rioting is unconstitutional, you are IN FACT demanding that rioting, looting, such is something you support.


So when you demand that such a federal response to rioting is unconstitutional, you are IN FACT demanding that rioting, looting, such is something you support.


So when you demand that such a federal response to rioting is unconstitutional, you are IN FACT demanding that rioting, looting, such is something you support.



Caliphate4vr said...

With Cub, Target, two Aldi stores and many small markets damaged by rioting over the past week, Longfellow and about eight other neighborhoods have nearly become a food desert.

“I consider the loss of these businesses devastating,” said Melanie Majors, executive director of the Longfellow Community Council. “Besides just the food, there’s a lack of retail for diapers, formula, household goods, even clothing.”

Many residents of the area shop lower-priced stores such as Aldi or dollar stores. Two of those dollar stores — including Family Dollar on Lake Street — were destroyed in last week’s looting and violence that arose after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis police custody.


Commonsense said...


Commonsense said...

The question is, Why did Barr at the President's whim order the pushing back of peaceful demonstrators near the White House just so the President could have his little op ed moment.

Because they were committing acts of violence. Lord you're dumb.

Anonymous said...

But I AM DEFENDING AND WILL DEFEND WITH MY VERY LIFE the right of our citzenry to protest peacefully. Amen.

that explains the pallets of bricks strategically placed in every city where there's been rioting, arson, looting and MURDER.


Anonymous said...

“I consider the loss of these businesses devastating,” said Melanie Majors, executive director of the Longfellow Community Council. “Besides just the food, there’s a lack of retail for diapers, formula, household goods, even clothing.”


i hope you fucking assholes enjoy sleeping in the bed you've made.

may those stores you destroyed never return, and may you get a fucking busy signal every time you call 911 from now until Jesus comes back.

you've sown the wind. now you'll reap the whirlwind.

Commonsense said...

I think James should go to Chicago and march with the "peaceful protesters" tonight. He can tell us what a wonder experience it was.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As the country erupts in protests over police brutality and racism, two-thirds of Americans think President Trump has increased racial tensions in the U.S., according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

The poll offers a snapshot of a nation in upheaval after a video captured a Minneapolis police officer with his knee on the neck of a black man named George Floyd, who was pleading for his life before he died.

Overall, 67% said Trump has mostly increased racial tensions, including 92% of Democrats, 73% of independents, 88% of Africans Americans and 63% of whites.

Just 18% said he has decreased tensions, including 41% of Republicans. In fact, almost 6 in 10 Republicans believe he has either increased tensions (29%) or are not sure (30%). That's a finding the pollsters see as significant given how in lockstep Republicans have been with Trump on nearly everything.

"It's very unusual to see Republicans break when the name Trump is presented, but that is the case here," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll.

C.H. Truth said...

The question is, Why did Barr at the President's whim order the pushing back of peaceful demonstrators near the White House just so the President could have his little op ed moment.

It was the US Park Police who cleared the area, Reverend. They are not a military unit. Their most common job is to provide security for events taking place at these national parks and to protect the national monuments.

Like it or not, if the President of the United States is going to be at one of those national parks, or at a monument... for ANY REASON... Secret Service and local police are going to clear the area.

Hell... Mpls St Paul shut down a major highway last time Obama came to town, during rush hour traffic.

I am not sure why suddenly what has been normal for 44 Presidents is an aberration and abomination with the 45th.

Anonymous said...


welcome to the fucking club pederast.

we ALL support that.

we even showed you how it was done with countless tea party rallies all across the nation. where we gathered, spoke, protested, carried signs...

...and even toted out our trash and left the venue cleaner that we found it.

including the national mall.

every word you type is as disingenuine as it could possibly be. and your support for antifa, black lies matter, and every other murderous pack of fucking scumbags is duly noted.

fuck off pederast.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

California will allow the reopening of schools, day camps, bars, gyms and some sports with modifications starting next week.

Details about the significant step as the state gradually pulls back a stay-home order issued in mid-March were not immediately available.

Mark Ghaly, the state's top health official, said the state plans to release guidance Friday for counties to follow to reopen a broad range of businesses that have been closed since mid-March because of concerns about spreading the coronavirus.

The rules on schools and day camps will apply statewide. But only counties that have met certain thresholds on the number of cases, testing and preparedness will be allowed to start reopening the other sectors.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has been moving the state through a methodical four-step process for reopening. Most of the new businesses are part of "Phase 3." Nail salons will not be included in the list.

C.H. Truth said...

Moreover Reverend...

What does the US Park Police clearing an area before a Presidential visit have to do with calling up the U.S. Military or invoking any Federal control to combat rioting violence?

Really curious...

Are you really stupid enough to believe these are the same things?

If so, every President who ever went anywhere (where local police cleared areas or set up security) would be in the same violation... in other words every President. Every fucking one?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Park Police contradict the President's claims that it didn't use tear gas on protesters, admit they were 'incorrect' in saying pepper balls aren't tear gas.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Barr ordered the Park Police to clear the area of peaceful demonstrations to give the President the photo OP

Commonsense said...

June 5 Statement from United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan about the actions taken over the weekend to protect life and property
Date: June 5, 2020

Reiterating his previous statement regarding the actions taken over the weekend to protect life and property at Lafayette Park, the United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan issued the following statement today:

WASHINGTON – United States Park Police officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park in response to violent protestors.

Anonymous said...

Maxine Waters did defend.
"NOBODY is defending acts of pillage, violence, looting, arson, or destruction that took place elsewhere."

Commonsense said...

“Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender, or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it. We all saw what happened last week. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, “This is a great thing that’s happening for our country.” This is a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality. It’s really what our Constitution requires and it’s what our country is all about.”

President Donald J Trump, June 5, 2020

Anonymous said...

Alky, did you pick up your new Audi A8🤣
What is your delay, is it the $85,000 asking price?

Your "six figure income" for life should get you there.

Anonymous said...


Commonsense said...

Roger can't make an argument without lying.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

U.S. Park Police Walk Back Tear Gas Denial

A U.S. Park Police spokesperson told Vox it was a “mistake” to insist that it didn’t use tear gas the day before in Lafayette Square to disperse a crowd ahead of President Trump’s photo op, explicitly noting that pepper balls shot by officials irritate the eyes and cause tears.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender, or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it."

Very nice words, Mr. President. Why then did you sanction an illegal preventative action against American citizens peacefully exercising their Creator-endowed right to protest what they perceive to be systemic acts of racial injustice?

Caliphate4vr said...

Illegal yer an idiot


James said...(really Goddard's political_lire said)
U.S. Park Police Walk Back Tear Gas Denial

A U.S. Park Police spokesperson told Vox it was a “mistake” to insist that it didn’t use tear gas the day before in Lafayette Square to disperse a crowd ahead of President Trump’s photo op, explicitly noting that pepper balls shot by officials irritate the eyes and cause tears.

political_lire headline U.S. Park Police Walk Back Tear Gas Denial

Vox headline US Park Police said using “tear gas” in a statement was a “mistake.” It just used the term again.

But then, shortly before 4 pm, Park Police acting Chief Gregory Monahan walked back from the spokesperson’s comments and used the “tear gas” phrase again. “United States Park Police officers and other assisting law enforcement partners did not use tear gas or OC Skat Shells to close the area at Lafayette Park in response to violent protestors,” he said, referencing a type of canister found on the scene.

It’s yet another firm statement by the agency that it didn’t use any weapons banned in war on American citizens outside the White House.

so political_lire paraphrased Vox who supposedly had a verbal conversation with a spokesperson that differed from the official statement which was then repeated.

No tear gas or skat shells (chemical agent for crowd control) was used.

And in case you wonder smoke does irritate the eyes and may cause tears. Liberals cry a lot naturally, as well as lie. Probably a lot of dope being smoked as well.

One in particular uses Goddard's political_lire non-stop without saying they are. The "pastor" is a non-stop plagiarizer and liar.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



7News Boston WHDH

Police: Fall River man threw 82-year-old wearing Trump hat to the ground, violently kicked him

imagine if Trump supporters acted like the left actually does.


Power Tie

It’s called #magaphobia


Now that the left has emptied the jails it's time to start throwing these idiots in. Maybe these are not shown on the MSM because they are too graphic and children may be watching ?

Did you look at that 14 year old kid licking an unconscious defenseless man laying in the street in the head knocking out his teeth I posted earlier? Peaceful protest ?

And Biden's staff is bailing these terrorists out. As are a bunch of Obama linked people.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Scroll down, see graph.


Scroll down, see graph.


Scroll down, see graph.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Commonsense said...


Biden lied. The full text of Trump's remarks were printed.


What does the "pastor" do when he's caught lying and fraudulently posting spam as fact?

He spams some irrelevant polls.

Those same polls really did you good in 2016 !!! In fact they had Hillary with an even bigger lead.

ROFLMFAO at the loser !!!

He's like the democrat gov candidate in Georgia who forgets she actually lost the election. She'd be a great VP candidate, her and Biden could keep their no malarkey bus tour going after Trump wins his second term and if she's nice Joe may let her sit in the front of the bus. After all he owns her. And they could listen to music from Joes gramophone. Maybe visit Gillum in Florida and do some group events.

And yeah Biden lied. Everyone knows that though the "pastor" thinks no one will notice. Like his non-stop Goddard spam and plagiarism.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What does the "pastor" do when he's caught lying and fraudulently posting spam as fact?

I laugh when I read that, 'cause I'm not aware of it happening.


I'm also not aware of Biden lying.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cali doesn't think it's illegal to interfere with someone's 1st amendment rights.

Commonsense said...

Now James is worried about 1st amendment rights, Where was he when the governors of Illinois and Michigan and the mayor of Chicago was stomping all over them?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How were they dong that, Commonsense?

Anonymous said...

Wring again James
"Tear "gas" generally consists of aerosolized solid or liquid compounds (bromoacetone or xylyl bromide)"

then there is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), pepper , "pepper balls shot".

James, stop , please .

Anonymous said...

"Now James is worried about 1st amendment rights, Where was he when the governors of Illinois and Michigan and the mayor of Chicago was stomping all over them?"

Hiding in fear.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Washington Post
NFL Encourages Players to Peacefully Protest

“NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Friday he and the league strongly support players expressing their opposition to inequality and police misconduct, saying the league’s leadership was ‘wrong’ for ignoring players earlier and that it now endorses their peaceful protests.”


Yes, everyone's right to peacefully protest against perceived wrongs should be protected and respected, even revered.

Commonsense said...

How were they dong that, Commonsense?

Forced closing of Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, and other places of worship.

That's how shit for brains.

Commonsense said...

The Washington Post
NFL Encourages Players to Peacefully Protest

Nobody going to watch this year anyway.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

NFL Encourages Players to Peacefully Protest

New York Times:
As Trump rekindles NFL fight, Goodall sides with the players.

Good things can come out of bad things.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How were they dong that, Commonsense?

Forced closing of Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, and other places of worship.

Oh. You are of the opinion that trying to help them avoid spreading a deadly virus was trampling on their first amendment right to assemble and their right to worship.

But didn't most churches, synagogues, and mosques comply with gratitude -- grateful to get help in avoiding larger numbers of cases and deaths?

Commonsense said...

Oh. You are of the opinion that trying to help them avoid spreading a deadly virus was trampling on their first amendment right to assemble and their right to worship.

But didn't most churches, synagogues, and mosques comply with gratitude -- grateful to get help in avoiding larger numbers of cases and deaths?

Yeah, that's why mayor Lightfoot sent her stormtroopers to block people from entering.

Maybe she should help the protesters from spreading the virus by breaking a few heads.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, if I don't wear a seat belt I may endanger others and add to everyone's insurance and medical expenses.

So some freedoms must sometimes in some ways be curtailed.

People insisting on crowding into churches will endanger not only themselves but possibly numerous people they come in contact with later.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Washington Post

D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser renamed a street in front of the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza” and had the slogan painted on the asphalt in massive yellow letters, a pointed salvo in her escalating dispute with President Trump over control of D.C. streets.

City officials said the actions Friday were meant to honor demonstrators who are urging changes in law enforcement practices after the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, in the custody of Minneapolis police.

“There was a dispute this week about whose street it is, and Mayor Bowser wanted to make it abundantly clear whose street it is and honor the peaceful demonstrators who assembled Monday night,” said John Falcicchio, the mayor’s chief of staff.

For days, Bowser (D) has strongly objected to the escalation of federal law enforcement and the military response to protests and unrest in the nation’s capital.

Trump has urged a crackdown on demonstrators, outraged by sporadic cases of looting during protests in Washington and some other cities. He and Attorney General William P. Barr marshaled a huge influx of federal police and National Guard units to the capital against Bowser’s wishes.

On Friday, city workers included a D.C. flag at the end of the display in front of St. John’s Church, close to where federal law enforcement forcefully cleared the area of largely peaceful protesters Monday night just before Trump walked over and posed for news cameras, a Bible in his hand.

The art takes up two blocks on 16th Street NW, between K and H streets, an iconic promenade directly north of the White House. Local artist Rose Jaffe said she and others joined city work crews to paint the giant slogan, starting before dawn.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This Is the Story of a Coward’

The Lincoln Project is out with a new ad comparing President Trump to Jim Mattis on leadership.

This attack ad is not nice, calling Trump a Coward and Mattis a Commander, but we all have to take our lumps in politics.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The rioters kill every lock down order for Law abiding Americans.

Anonymous said...

What a Great Day in America.
And a Great Day to be an American american.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden called it "Pearl Harbor".

"The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history."

Commonsense said...

People insisting on crowding into churches will endanger not only themselves but possibly numerous people they come in contact with later.

The same is true of the protesters and?

Commonsense said...

Yeah, the Lincoln project is a clown organization working for Democrats.

Commonsense said...

Joe Biden called it "Pearl Harbor".

"The Normandy landings were the landing operations and associated airborne operations on Tuesday, 6 June 1944 of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. Codenamed Operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history."

Bless his heart.

Commonsense said...

Roger has posted the same thing 3 times. His mind is like a scratched copy of the White album.

Commonsense said...

Looks like Maine is in play for Trump.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.

--Retired pastor James, an old white POS who will waterboy forever from his ultra-liberal GODdard and savior political_lire's blog.

No matter what the thread topic is.

And will try and do whatever it takes or approve of any means, legal or illegal, to dispose of a duly elected president.


Had to repost since james isn't aware of the 20-30 times he did this just today. And he's unaware of Biden lying too.

ROFLMFAO !!! I guess if you're that stupid you must be innocent kind of like you can't execute someone with an extremely low iq.

Everybody here but james knows what HE'S doing.


Anonymous said...

Roger wants his dream car a Audi A8.
That car asking price is $85,200.
Roger is only $85,000 short.

Evaporated is his "six figure income" for life.


Dan Scavino

President Trump arrives in Guilford, Maine! #MAGA2020Flag of United States


Warm welcome with no burned down buildings or brick throwing liberals. Definitely won't see on CNN or MSM

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He was a never Trumpet.

A new super PAC, called 43 Alumni for Biden, has been formed by former staffers of George W. Bush, according to paperwork submitted earlier this week. The news comes just days after the former president issued a statement along with his wife, former First Lady Laura Bush, calling for Americans to unify as protests grip the nation following the killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis.

I don't think that he will actually campaign against Trump. Or for Biden.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Probably not. But the PAC sure will.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thank goodness, F'n has stopped rolling around on the floor and has started HOWLING.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Barr Says He Didn’t Order Park Cleared

Attorney General William Barr told the AP “that law enforcement officers were already moving to push back protesters from a park in front of the White House when he arrived there Monday evening, and he says he did not give a command to disperse the crowd, though he supported the decision.

“Barr’s comments were his most detailed explanation yet of what unfolded outside the White House earlier this week. They come after the White House and others said REPEATEDLY that the attorney general ordered officers to clear the park.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Try to get your stories lined up right, boys.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again James
"Tear "gas" generally consists of aerosolized solid or liquid compounds (bromoacetone or xylyl bromide)"

then there is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), pepper , "pepper balls shot".

James, stop , please .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why did Trump's White House say Barr ordered the plaza cleared when Barr says he didn't?

Why do some say tear gas wasn't used while others say it was?

Why is it said there was violence when reporters who were present said they saw none?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That is, until the police and military moved in.

Anonymous said...

Joe has foot in mouth .
""There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people"


Buck Sexton

100,000+ people have died from coronavirus, 9 unarmed African-Americans were killed by cops last year, and now doctors who were telling us until last week no gatherings allowed say that protesting against cops is more important to safety


Joe will "be" Joe and sheep will "be" sheep

and Trump will "beat" Biden. like a drum.



New York Post

Ibuprofen will now be tested as coronavirus treatment

Buck Sexton

If Trump were to even mention this study the entire lib media would go into a frenzy over how it’s “irresponsible to push this unproven drug” and suddenly you’d see stories everyday on CNN about how Ibuprofen can burn a hole in your stomach and oh btw does Trump own stock in it?

Please, please, PLEASE !!!

I bet he will too.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Castor oil cures covid-19, Trump claims.



Over 250,000 Deaths are caused each year by ”Medical Errors”....

How many of them were Black.???

Should we “Defund Medicine” to teach them a lesson....??


And remember every death matters. The libs have been screaming this for months.


The Columbia Bugle Flag of United States

Tucker Carlson Showing The Victims Of These Riots

"Those are human beings. They're Americans & now they're gone. And you know who did it? The people on our streets. They should be held accountable for what they did."

Shoutout to @DarrenJBeattie for compiling this important list


Say their names and hold those responsible to account


Arthur Bloom

NY Mag won’t run Andrew Sullivan’s column, the New York Times can’t run a sitting senator without a woke freakout, the Lancet published a fake study about HCQ, and public health officials have now supported protesting during a pandemic

all the result of TDS like the 30+ Goddard political_lire spams the idiot lying POS "pastor" plagiarizers daily.


But hugely positive jobs report, things are looking up and transparency is coming.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ivanka Trump Dropped as Commencement Speaker

Ivanka Trump released the speech she had prepared to give at Wichita State University Tech’s commencement ceremony before she was dropped as a speaker.

Plans to have her speak there were canceled amid criticism over the president’s response to protests against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

George Conway says:
Trump’s Inhumanity Is Even Deeper Than We Knew

“It’s more than just narcissism that drives this failing, flailing president. However difficult they can be, even extreme narcissists can have consciences. They don’t necessarily cast aside behavioral standards or laws, or lie ceaselessly with reckless abandon.

"Trump’s behavior is conscienceless, showing utter disregard for the safety of others, consistent irresponsibility, callousness, cynicism and disrespect of other human beings.
Contempt for truth and honesty, and for norms, rules and laws.
A complete inability to feel remorse, or guilt.

"As a New Yorker profile of Trump put it nearly a quarter-century ago, Trump lives ‘an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.’ That’s Donald Trump’s problem yesterday, today and tomorrow.

“It’s our problem, too, for now:
We remain governed by a soulless man with a broken mind.
The damage will continue, and it won’t stop until voters end it.
Come November, it will be up to the eligible human population of this country to look to their souls, their consciences, their humanity — and to cast their votes for one of their own.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump now lives at: 1600 Black Lives Matter Plaza NW, Washington, DC 20500

Anonymous said...

NBC News claimed that NFL superstar Drew Brees' "biggest mistake" when defending the American flag was "believing" that it "means anything."

Commonsense said...

Funny, the post office still calls it Pennsylvania Avenue. So do 95% of America.

Anonymous said...

Funny, the post office still calls it Pennsylvania Avenue. So do 95% of America.


it's ironic. hanging the black lies matter sign doesn't fucking matter.