Sunday, June 7, 2020

This guy should be President!

I guess with everything else happening here in 2020, it would make sense for someone with this sort of cognitive reasoning to be elected President. Covid-19, murder hornets, riots, an inevitable zombie apocalypse, and a nearly 80 year old man with almost none of his senses remaining being elected President.

"Despite a litany of public appeals from many people including me back in January not to let American lives and the U.S. economy on the world hang on his confidence quote the Chinese word"

You tell em Joe! Even if it makes no sense and nobody can understand what you are saying! At the very least, it sounds like you are attempting in your own confused dementia fashion to criticize that one guy, that you, you know that person who is the guy who, well... anyways he's orange and bad and there is something important about him and he should be stopped or something. Or at least that is what those people in those fancy suits who call themselves advisors are telling you!


Anonymous said...

liberals throughout the land told us that trump must be removed from office via the 25th amendment because mental illness, yet they insist upon electing this goddamn fool.

perhaps dr. bandy ree can opine on ol' joey stinkfinger's mental acuity.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Colin Powell Will Vote for Biden

Retired Gen. Colin Powell, the secretary of State under former President George W. Bush, told CNN he will be voting for Joe Biden.

Said Powell: “I certainly can not in any way support President Trump this year.”

Powell said Trump “has not been an effective president” and “lies all the time,” starting with his first day in office about the size of the crowd at his inauguration.

The New York Times:
George Bush Won’t Vote for Trump

The New York Times reports that former President George W. Bush won’t endorse — or vote for — Donald Trump for President.

In response to the report, a senior Bush aide told NBC News that the former president hasn’t indicated how he will vote.

Well now, W can easily clear that up by stating that he WILL vote for Trump -- or NOT.

A new EPIC-MRA poll:
Biden WAY AHEAD In Michigan

Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in the presidential race,
53% to 41% with 6% undecided.

In the U.S. Senate race, Sen. Gary Peters (D) leads challenger John James, 51% to 36%.

Chariot's coming for the USA.
DOOMSDAY for Trump's reelection chances.


Jack Posobiec

They keep catching so many pedophiles in Antifa, we might have to start calling them Pedofa
The same people who claim Antifa just means anti-fascist also refuse to believe Nazi means national-socialist
‘Antifascism’ was just a propaganda term made up by the Soviets to recruit Westerners 90 years ago and there are still journalists falling for it today

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That’s a gender split that basically makes it impossible for Trump to win the popular vote. Women tend to make up more of the electorate than men.

And a split like that would make an Electoral College win extremely unlikely for Trump. It would require swing states to have electorates or gender splits that look dramatically different from the overall national figures.

But the most problematic number in the poll for Trump may be his standing with white voters in the head-to-head with Biden. In 2016, Trump won white, non-Hispanic voters by 21 points. It made up for the huge losses he faced with communities of color.

his edge with white voters is down to just 6 points

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

To be clear, Election Day is still five months away, which is a lifetime in politics, and several lifetimes in 2020 time. In a year marked by everything from a pandemic to protests across the country, there are almost certainly going to be more twists and turns to come.

On Friday, a surprisingly strong job report had Trump heralding the good economic news and promising more good times ahead. And the poll shows the economy is still a point of strength for him.

But the numbers here indicate that as of early June, the president has a lot of work to do with a lot of different kinds of voters if he wants to be re-elected.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.

--Retired pastor James, an old white POS who will waterboy forever from his ultra-liberal GODdard and savior political_lire's blog.

No matter what the thread topic is.

And will try and do whatever it takes or approve of any means, legal or illegal, to dispose of a duly elected president.


I see he's over 20 already on different threads.

WACKO off-the-rails bizarre

Hairs on fire

Well I think I've covered the threads he's posted the exact same redundant spam, the left is going up in flames!!!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The New York Times:
Biden to Meet With George Floyd’s Family in Houston

“Joe Biden will travel on Monday to Houston to meet with the family of George Floyd, a black man whose death at the hands of the police touched off a nationwide outcry over racism and police brutality.

“Mr. Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, will offer his condolences to members of the Floyd family and will also record a video message for Mr. Floyd’s funeral service on Tuesday, according to a Biden aide.
Mr. Biden is not expected to attend the service — given his Secret Service protection, there were concerns about creating a disruption — but he wanted to offer in-person condolences.”

“I think there’s racism in the United States. But I don’t think that the law enforcement system is systemically racist.”
— Attorney General Bill Barr, on CBS News.

Fly that past the Floyd family Fly it past all our black population who've seen all the videos. Fly it past any thinking American.

Anonymous said...

It made up for the huge losses he faced with communities of color.

Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job @realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.

LOL @ the alky.

dream on alky, dream on.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, my little experiment (mentioned in the last thread) worked.
I knew I could get F'n daddy to come out with his stupid repetitive boring boiler plate nonsense just by posting effectively. It worked.

Caliphate4vr said...

You don’t post effectively pederast, you just c&p stupid shit no one reads



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.

--Retired pastor James, an old white POS who will waterboy forever from his ultra-liberal GODdard and savior political_lire's blog.

No matter what the thread topic is.

And will try and do whatever it takes or approve of any means, legal or illegal, to dispose of a duly elected president.


I see he's over 20 already on different threads.

WACKO off-the-rails bizarre

Hairs on fire

Well I think I've covered the threads he's posted the exact same redundant spam, the left is going up in flames!!!



Dan Bongino

A Mitt Romney endorsement is the kiss of death. There is ZERO value-added for a conservative to receive an endorsement from Mitt Romney-Flake. If Mitt Romney-Flake really wanted to hurt Trump then he would endorse him.



Shelby Talcott

“= Defund The Police” has been added to DC’s “Black Lives Matter” street mural

House Judiciary GOP

Democrats want to “defund the police.”

Republicans want law and order.

You decide.

We will November 3rd


rrb said:
Our Daily Presidential Tracking poll today shows Black Likely Voter approval of the job @realDonaldTrump is now over 40%.

That explains the avalanche of desperate Goddard political_lire spam by the lying POS "pastor"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yep, it worked. And HOW it worked. Apologies to readers, however for the repetitive boring boilerplate nonsense which, however, I know you just skip over anyway.


They keep catching so many pedophiles in Antifa, we might have to start calling them Pedofa

in case someone missed it while skipping over the lying POS "pastor's" spam

Maybe a good name for him would be pastor pedofa



A racetrack in North Carolina is holding races again with full audience attendance by calling the race a “PEACEFUL protest of injustice and inequality everywhere.”

North Carolina is still in strict coronavirus lockdown mode.
Seems logical that churches and larger venues follow:


I think the democrats don't even realize what they say anymore. Something like a broken clock:



If life returns to anywhere near normal Trump in a landslide.

2 minute clip of a walk through a re-opened casino:

I'm booking as soon as I can figure out my schedule and filter through all my offers I've been stacking !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — Eight out of 10 voters believe that things are out of control in the United States, with majorities still concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, pessimistic about the economy returning to normal before next year and down on President Donald Trump’s ability to unite the nation.

Those are the major findings of a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that was conducted May 28 to June 2, during the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, as the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus surpassed 100,000 and after millions have lost their jobs.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, I never got around to asking you the question I kept saying I going to ask you.

You argue that what Trump did regarding the protesters at the White House was okay, was justified.

My question, to which I would like a simple direct answer, but I'm sure I will not get it from you, is this:

If, as you say, what Trump ordered done was so innocent and so justified, WHY DID IT UPSET SO VERY, VERY MANY OF OUR TOP MILITARY BRASS?
-- Not to mention tremendous numbers of those who work at the Pentagon.

A simple answer would be appreciated, but I'm quite sure I will not get it.

anonymous said...

Carol Morello and
Laurie McGinley
June 7, 2020 at 11:40 a.m. EDT
Colin L. Powell, a former secretary of state and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday that he would vote for Joe Biden in November because President Trump has “drifted away” from the Constitution, is a chronic liar and is “dangerous to our country.”
In a blistering interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Powell added his voice to a string of retired generals, admirals and Pentagon chiefs who have denounced Trump since his threats to use troops to break up nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis.
“We have a Constitution,” Powell said. “And we have to follow that Constitution. And the president has drifted away from it. I’m so proud of what these generals and admirals have done, and others have done.”
The former secretary of state called Trump — who has shown disdain for diplomacy and long-standing U.S. allies and has demonized immigrants — a liar who has harmed America’s moral authority.
“He lies. He lies about things. And he gets away with it because people will not hold him accountable,” said Powell, who served in President George W. Bush’s Cabinet.
Colin Powell: ‘The Republican Party has got to get a grip on itself’

Powell also rebuked Republicans who have been silent about Trump’s shortcomings and urged the American people to eject the incumbent out of office.
“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court, but, most of all, we have the people of the United States, the ones who vote. The ones who vote him in and the ones who vote him out. I couldn’t vote for him in 2016. I certainly cannot in any way support President Trump this year.”
Powell told CNN that he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 partly because of Trump’s support for the birther movement, which falsely claims that Barack Obama was born in Africa, not the United States.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You might want to include information from anonymous' surprisingly relevant post in your answer to me, Ch.

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...

And just think fucking asshole daddy....your hero trump bankrupted 4 casinos all by himself!!!!!!! A record he owns all by himself......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, you would think, wouldn't you? that Trump would have learned from this that he couldn't do just any old thing he wanted to do:

Trump Wanted 10,000 Troops On Streets

In a heated and contentious debate in the Oval Office last Monday morning, President Trump demanded the military put 10,000 active duty troops into the streets immediately.

Attorney General William Barr, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley objected to the demand.

Anonymous said...

This thread Topic is so spot on the spamming is like a raging waterfall.

Anonymous said...

RRB coined it..
Alky Stupid.

"That’s a gender split that basically makes it impossible for Trump to win the popular vote."

Inability to learn.

Anonymous said...

Has James posted today?


rrb said...

liberals throughout the land told us that trump must be removed from office via the 25th amendment because mental illness, yet they insist upon electing this goddamn fool.

perhaps dr. bandy ree can opine on ol' joey stinkfinger's mental acuity.

Best post on thread and on topic !!!

Anonymous said...

James's F-ing Daddy post are a good read.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Repeating on topic gold of RRB.


Robert Barnes

Justice Roberts looks like a complete joke after he approved lockdowns of churches in the name of deferring to the "tough" decisions of Governors & Mayors who now happily join in mass public gatherings just days later when it suits their political aims.

and thanks KD


I try to stay on-topic but with the avalanche of spam I just jump on in.

And I use hundreds of sources, not just the same old one.

And mine tend to be short and sweet

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I certainly cannot in any way support President Trump this year," Powell said on CNN's "State of the Union."Powell said he is "very close to Joe Biden," noting that he has worked with the former vice president for four decades. "He is now the candidate, and I'll be voting for him," Powell added.Powell said Trump "has not been an effective president" and "lies all the time," starting with his first day in office about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. "I didn't vote for him [in 2016]. The situation ... has gotten worse," he said. "Every American citizen has to sit down and think through - don't listen to everybody out there. Don't read every newspaper. Use your common sense. Say, 'Is this good for my country?'" "Make America not just great but strong for all Americans, not just a couple," Powell added.


Anyone who is close to Joe Biden and hasn't noticed his dementia is not someone you can trust on anything. And as he said he didn't vote for Trump in 2016 either so why the "big" story now?

TDS constantly on display, has Powell addressed the Obama/Biden spying on Trump or the Flynn setup ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My question, to which I would like a simple direct answer, but I'm sure I will not get it from Ch, is this:

If, as Ch says, what Trump (not Barr!) ordered done regarding the protesters at the White House was so innocent and so justified, WHY DID IT UPSET SO VERY, VERY MANY OF OUR TOP MILITARY BRASS?
-- Not to mention tremendous numbers of those who work at the Pentagon.

A simple, direct answer without a lot of dancing around would be appreciated, but I'm sure neither Ch nor any of the other Trump supporters here can provide it.


Scott Adams

I did not protest physically, but in every other way I am with the protestors in demanding changes that I am either unwilling or unable to specify in any useful way. And I want those changes NOW!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I mean, after all, Trump's demand that the military immediately put 10,000 active duty troops into America's streets had already been rejected by Attorney General William Barr, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley.

Anonymous said...

Hi Greedy James.


Avi Yemini Flag of AustraliaFlag of Israel

Yesterday I joined the Black Lives Matter rally in Melbourne to get some answers from protesters.

RT to show the world what they're really about.

WATCH the full vidRight pointing backhand index


Looks like Australians don't like reporters of color but do like to protest...

Anonymous said...

Your short , on topic and making a point post are always welcomed JFD.

Unlike Alky Stupid and Effeminate James.

Anonymous said...

🤣NYC’s curfew is lifted ‘effective immediately’: De Blasio🤡

By Lee Brown

June 7, 2020 | 8:30am"

Keeps China Flu restrictions 😆


Shaun King

STOP generically telling us to VOTE in response to all of the police brutality we have right now.

Yes we should vote. But we have to be VERY specific.

Democrats, from top to bottom, are running the cities with the worst police brutality in America right now.

We voted for them.

so he says vote for "new" democrats, not old ones.

Where is Biden in that ?

C.H. Truth said...

This is FALSE. I was in the mtg. @realDonaldTrump very clearly directed DOD to surge the National Guard - not active duty- after nights of vandalism & arson in DC. It worked, & we’ve seen powerful, peaceful demonstrations since.

CNN Breaking News

@cnnbrk· 18h
The White House wanted to have 10,000 active duty troops on the streets of Washington and other cities earlier this week to quell protesters, but defense officials pushed back on the idea, a source says

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I see Ch is trying to give Trump credit for the powerful peace demonstrations.


Anonymous said...

James your Team owns the Riots.


Donald J. Trump

Colin Powell, a real stiff who was very responsible for getting us into the disastrous Middle East Wars, just announced he will be voting for another stiff, Sleepy Joe Biden. Didn’t Powell say that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction?” They didn’t, but off we went to WAR!

I remember when roger used to say Bush and his administration were evil warmongers and now he is using them as references for his candidate.

Thanks for reminding me President Trump


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I genuinely want what is best for our country. I sincerely do not think the reelection of Trump wold be best for our country.

Anonymous said...

So your opinion has not changed since 2015.

We have finally found in thing James has not changed his political stand on.


Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)

Jun 5
"Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race…Hopefully #GeorgeFloyd is looking down right now & saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country…in terms of equality"

Thank God for actual video on twitter else the NYT and WP would not have apologized for their "accidental" misquoting of president Trump. I suspect they just did it on purpose to outrage the base ahead of the weekend and knowing that most people would remain unaware. The POS "pastor" and political_lire dutifully carried the bullshit here. And never cleaned it up that I saw. Trying to falsely stir up racial tensions

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Earlier today I responded negatively to the slogan, "Defund the police." I lean toward rejecting it. So does Biden.

But I just finished reading this long, long article, and find my thinking beginning to change.

Protesters demand that cities 'defund the police.' Politicians are starting to listen.
Yahoo News
Jun 7th 2020 10:07AM

LOS ANGELES — On June 2, activists with Black Lives Matter Los Angeles marched to the official residence of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, a Tudor mansion in tony Windsor Square. For days, organizers had kept the carefully planned demonstration under wraps — and off social media — to avoid alerting the cops.

But now they were making their mission clear.

“We are going to stand at his doorstep,” declared the group’s co-founder Melina Abdullah. “And we’re going to demand that he defund the police. Does that sound good?”

For hours, that’s exactly what the protesters did — first hundreds of them, and then, as word spread through the city, thousands. “Defund LAPD,” read the signs they carried. “Defund the police,” they chanted.

The next day, Garcetti called a press conference to announce that the city would be reallocating$250 million from its budget— including as much as $150 million from the LAPD — to “invest in jobs, in health, in education and in healing” in the “black community here in Los Angeles.”

“We have to do something different,” Garcetti said. “We hear what people are saying.”

Black Lives Matter-L.A. was quick to take credit. “The $150 million cut to LAPD funding & reallocation of $250m to communities of color comes as a result of PROTEST and ORGANIZING,” the group tweeted alongside a video the June 2 demonstration. “This step forward was won by the people. … And we’re not done.”

In activist circles, “Defund the police” is not a new idea, or even a new slogan. But until about 12 days ago, most Americans were unaware of it. That all changed after George Floyd died under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer late last month. Soon protesters filled the streets of more than 700 towns and cities in all 50 states — and defunding the police emerged as their major rallying cry.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The phrase is contentious. It also covers a wide spectrum of views ranging from abolition to divestment:
on one end, disbanding police departments;
on the other, redirecting some portion of their funding — currently about $100 billion per year, nationwide — into less violent emergency response programs that involve health care workers, social workers, conflict interrupters, restorative justice teams and community organizers.

There is a common thread, however: the sense that mere reform doesn’t address the deeper problem with policing. “More training or diversity among police officers won’t end police brutality, nor will firing and charging individual officers,” Philip V. McHarris and Thenjiwe McHarris wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed. “The only way we’re going to stop these endless cycles of police violence is by creating alternatives to policing.”

Police reform seeks to regulate the way the officers respond to emergencies. Think of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which grew out of the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., or the current 8 Can’t Wait campaign, which calls on cities to enact eight policies — banning chokeholds and strangleholds, requiring warning before shooting — that could, according to Campaign Zero, “reduce police killings by up to 72 percent.”

Defunding goes further: It reduces the scope of policing altogether, arguing that many, even most, emergencies — drug overdoses, mental-health breakdowns, non-violent offenses — don’t warrant a law-enforcement response.

“When people are in crisis, why should the person who shows up be a person with a gun?” asks criminologist DAVID KENNEDY, director of the National Network for Safe Communities program at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “That’s a really good question. A lot of what it speaks to is the way police have ended up being what’s left standing over decades of systematic gutting of social services and the safety net. AND THAT'S NOT THE POLICE'S FAULT. The police have just ended up being left to do what needs to be done.”

Rarely has a notion as seemingly extreme as defunding police departments rocketed so rapidly to the center of the national conversation. For decades, Democrats and Republicans have largely agreed that more cops means less crime, and the research has largely backed them up. Case in point: Joe Biden’s own policy platform calls for spending an additional $300 million to give police departments the “resources” they need “to hire a sufficient number of officers” (provided those officers “mirror the racial diversity of the community they serve”).

Yet suddenly Los Angeles is proceeding with real if modest cuts to its police budget. New York Comptroller Scott Stringer is saying his city could save $1.1 billion over four years by reducing the number of officers and cutting overtime — savings that could, in Stringer’s words, be put toward “social workers, counselors, community-based violence interrupters, and other trained professionals.” San Francisco Mayor London Breed has promised that her two-year budget proposal (to be submitted August 1) will funnel money away from the city’s police department and toward the black community. And in Minneapolis, “several” city councilmembers are “working on finding out what it would take to disband the Minneapolis Police Department and start fresh with a community-oriented, nonviolent public safety and outreach capacity,” according to Councilmember Steve Fletcher.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NBC News/WSJ #Election2020 #Vote
28 May - 2 June
N = 1000 (half on cell phones)
MOE: 3.1

Biden 49-42

Battlegrounds (AZ, CO, FL, ME, MI, MN, NV, NH, NC, PA, WI): Biden 50-42

Trump Job Approval: 53-45 Disapprove

Generic Congressional: D 51-40

Blacks: 82-9
Latinos: 57-33
Women: 56-35
18-34: 54-35
Whites w/college: 52-39
Indy: 45-35
65 & up: 51-43

White: 49-43
Men: 59-42
Whites w/o college: 55-37

Things are out of control in US: 80-15

State of economy: Poor 46%, Only Fair 31%, Good 17%, Excellent 5%

Length for #COVID19 containment & economic recovery: A Year or More 54%

Troubled by Floyd’s death: 59% (Whites 54%, D 81%, Indy 59%, R 29%)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

At the same time, #DefundthePolice is trending on Twitter and Instagram. Celebrities such as John Legend, Megan Rapinoe, Lizzo, The Weeknd, Jane Fonda and Natalie Portman have signed a petition urging local governments to redirect police funding to health care, education and other community-based initiatives. And in a sign of just how hot the topic has become, former Hillary Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon tweeted “Defund the police” Wednesday — and Republicans pounced.

“Hillary Clinton press secretary makes the 2020 Dem agenda clear: 'Defund the police.' Take away your guns. Cheer on the rioters & looters who burn your city,” snapped Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. “It’s like Mad Max at Thunderdome, brought home to America.”

President Trump quickly followed Cruz’s lead. “The Radical Left Democrats new theme is “Defund the Police,” Trump tweeted Thursday. “Remember that when you don’t want Crime, especially against you and your family. This is where Sleepy Joe [Biden] is being dragged by the socialists. I am the complete opposite, more money for Law Enforcement!”

According to KENNEDY, the John Jay criminologist, “what we’re really engaging here is an idea, not a full prescription. It’s an aspiration, an organizing principle, even a slogan. And what we see happening in real time is that it’s getting a kind of political traction that up until now it simply hasn’t had.”

The question now is whether this “slogan” will continue to gain momentum — and, if so, in what form. Will lawmakers in other cities follow L.A.’s lead? Will they go further? And will these changes be big enough to satisfy activists? Or will they simply fuel Republican attack ads without satisfying anyone?

The resistance to defunding the police is real. According to the latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll, conducted May 29 and 30, most Americans still say they have either some (39 percent) or a great deal of (20 percent) trust in cops. Asked whether they favor “cutting funding for police departments” — the question didn’t delve into specifics — 65 percent said no. Just 16 percent said yes — a number that held steady across party lines, with Democrats at 16 percent, Republicans at 15 percent and independents at 17 percent. Even African-Americans were more likely to oppose the measure (36 percent) than support it (33 percent).

That’s why Chicago’s black, Democratic mayor, Lori Lightfoot, told reporters Friday that “what I’ve heard from people in neighborhoods is that they want more police protection, not less.” It’s why Democrats’ forthcoming police-reform bill — “the most aggressive intervention into policing by Congress in recent memory,” according to the New York Times — says nothing about slashing budgets. And it’s why Biden recently brushed off a question about L.A.’s cuts by saying “it depends on the community.”

“It’s all about treating people with dignity,” Biden continued, mentioning reforms to “what constitutes adequate and fair police conduct.”

“That’s what we have to focus on, in my view.”

Yet the protests continue. The police continue to respond with force, making the protesters’ case for them. And the coronavirus pandemic continues to decimate municipal budgets, requiring tough decisions about which programs and services to cut.

In this climate, downsizing the police could start to look more realistic.

“This is going to be a national movement,” predicts Jeffrey Fagan, director of the Center for Crime, Community and Law at Columbia Law School. “There are conversations happening all over the country about how to delegate or devolve social-control authority to communities or neighborhoods while drastically shrinking the police footprint.”

In Minneapolis, activists have been pushing abolition for years, issuing a report in 2018 that argued that the oppression of poor people and black people was encoded in the department’s DNA. Now, in the wake of George Floyd’s killing, at least four councilmembers there, including the council president, also say they want to disband the department.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” Councilmember Jeremiah Ellison tweeted this week. “And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response.”

Peter VanKoughnett, the Minneapolis activist who runs the abolition organization (MPD150) behind the 2018 report, says he’s “never seen anything like this.”

“I think we’re at a tipping point, not just here but nationally,” VanKoughnett explains. “We’re not advocating for simply, ‘get rid of the police overnight and don’t do anything.’ It’s a matter of developing alternate institutions that actually provide public safety, because that's not what the police do right now for a lot of people.”

It’s unclear whether this sudden shift in awareness can produce lasting changes in policy. Powerful police unions already oppose the most basic reforms; they will fight even harder against cuts. Public opinion may not evolve as quickly as defunders would like, leaving politicians wary of going too far. And experts have legitimate concerns about the risks of putting fewer cops on the streets.

“The militaristic bent of the police that has really increased since 9/11 is problematic,” says Edward Davis, who emphasized community policing as Boston police commissioner from 2006 to 2013.” I think we need to take it away from ‘we’re law enforcers’ and get more into ‘we are servants of the community, enforcing the standards they expect.’ But when you reduce the ranks substantially, there's a lot of evidence out there that the crime rate grows because of the lack of visibility in the neighborhoods.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But in Los Angeles, at least, prominent minds seem to be starting to change. In April, Garcetti put forward a budget that proposed a seven-percent spending increase for the LAPD, including a package of raises and bonuses for rank-and-file officers. As recently as last Sunday, the mayor was publicly dismissing the idea of defunding the police. “I’ve always seen the departments, the more that they’re underfunded, the worse things can happen,” Garcetti said at a news briefing that day.

Three days later, however, a group of labor and community leaders met with Garcetti, according to the L.A. Times; they urged him not to repeat the mistakes of earlier mayors, who repeatedly expanded the city’s police force in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots. The same day, Council President Nury Martinez introduced a motion to cut funding for the LAPD. Garcetti signed on.

Martinez’s motion was co-filed by Councilmember Herb Wesson, Jr., one of L.A.’s most influential politicians. Before the Floyd protests, Wesson, a 68-year-old black man, wasn’t focused on downsizing the LAPD. But the “magnitude of this, and the cry from the whole country,” started to persuade him that something had to change. “These are some very loud voices,” he says.

The idea also resonated personally with Wesson, whose son has struggled for years with addiction and homelessness. (The younger Wesson has now been sober for 193 days.) “If it's a cat in a tree, the police are called,” Wesson explains. “To deal with individuals suffering from mental conditions on the street, the police are called. So part of this is a reexamination of that.”

For now, L.A.’s reexamination is limited in scope. Garcetti’s April budget called for police spending to consume a full 53.8 percent of the city’s “unrestricted” general fund revenue; a $150 million cut would simply reverse his previously proposed increase while preserving most of the department’s $1.8 billion budget.

Downplaying the cut as an “interim” victory, local activists plan to push for more. Earlier this year, Black Lives Matter-L.A. partnered with other grassroots organizations to survey Angelenos about their budget priorities and draft a “People’s Budget.” Under this alternative spending plan, just 5.7 percent of the city’s general fund would go to the LAPD.

“City Council and Mayor Garcetti need to know that we’re fighting for truly transformative change here,” co-founder Melina Abdullah told the L.A. Times. “[We] won’t be bought off with just this minimal amount of money.”

Point taken, Wesson says. But change has “to start somewhere.”

“What was that old Kennedy thing? ‘The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step?’” he explains. “People have to realize that this is the first step. That there's no way systems can be dismantled with one move or one piece of legislation. I think that the winds of change in this country blow from the west to the east. And I view this as a bold move in the right direction.”

Caliphate4vr said...

Nothing but worthless unreadable spam from the pederast

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Not unreadable, though that article does demand real thoughtfulness.

Caliphate4vr said...

You are the boring one pederast. Incredibly boring

Commonsense said...

Not unreadable, though that article does demand real thoughtfulness.

The only though I have is Democrats are batshit insane if they think this is a winning issue for them in November. Fully 85% of the American people do not want to see police defunded.

But, you know James, go for it. When that angry parent finally shows up at your door and you call 911, you'll get an out of service message.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

National Guard Troops Leaving Los Angeles
Sunday, Jun. 07, 2020 | Updated 2:28 PM PDT
By Staff Reports
National Guard troops will leave the Los Angeles area beginning Sunday, one week after being deployed to assist in managing protests and scattered looting.

"After nearly a week assisting civil authorities on the streets of California, soldiers with the California National Guard will begin transitioning back to their home armories," California National Guard Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. David Baldwin said in an email.

Baldwin added, "The citizens of California know that whenever they need their California National Guard, whatever the situation, when called, we will respond – we are always ready and always there.”

The Cal Guard will still maintain a quick reaction force in multiple locations across the state ready to respond if local law enforcement request assistance, the National Guard said.

National Guard troops arrived after a fourth day of protests on May 30th. Mayor Eric Garcetti said he asked Gov. Gavin Newsom for 500 to 700 members of the Guard to assist the 10,000 Los Angeles Police Department officers after demonstrators clashed repeatedly with officers, torched police vehicles and pillaged businesses.

Those numbers increased to more than 1,000 troops assisting local law enforcement in LA County. In all, Newsom mobilized more than 7,000 National Guard members to assist local authorities across the state.


Kaitlin Bennett

I'm old enough to remember when these same people said I was a selfish grandma killer for holding a small wedding ceremony with 10 family members

The narrative controls the science


Harmeet K. Dhillon

Churches in California today are limited to 25% capacity or 100 faithful, whichever is fewer.

San Francisco Chronicle

Thousands gather near the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center in SF to march in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and protest the death of George Floyd at the hands of police.

makes perfect sense in California. And I guess the ever expanding homeless there are getting lots of company. At least the ones surviving being attacked.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

By the way, anyone who carefully reads the article can see that it is not really for getting rid of the police.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump orders withdrawal of National Guard in D.C. as anti-racism protests continue
Jun 7th 2020

President Donald Trump on Sunday said that he has ordered National Guard troops to begin withdrawing from Washington, D.C., stating that “everything is under perfect control” as anti-racism demonstrations continue worldwide.

“I have just given an order for our National Guard to start the process of withdrawing from Washington, D.C., now that everything is under perfect control,” the president tweeted. “They will be going home, but can quickly return, if needed. Far fewer protesters showed up last night than anticipated!”

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told reporters that the National Guard members would begin leaving the nation’s capital at 5 p.m. Sunday.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had requested some National Guard forces to help manage a wave of protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis last month. But Trump ordered thousands more “heavily armed soldiers” and federal law enforcement agents to the city to quell civil unrest, such as vandalism and looting, that unfolded during the demonstrations.

“Those who threatened innocent life and property will be arrested, detained and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Trump said during a speech from the White House Rose Garden last week. “I want the organizers of this terror to be on notice that you will face severe criminal penalties and lengthy sentences in jail.”

He also threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act, an 1807 law that would allow the president to send U.S. armed forces into states for the purpose of domestic law enforcement, if mayors and governors didn’t do more to curb the unrest.

Trump reportedly told advisers during a “contentious” meeting last week that he wanted to deploy as many as 10,000 National Guard troops to D.C., Reuters reported. But Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and Attorney General William Barr reportedly pushed back.

Earlier this week, the Pentagon ordered that the National Guardsmen deployed in D.C. not use any firearms or ammunition, and on Friday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper ordered the remainder of active duty troops moved to the Washington area to return to their home bases.

Trump’s threat to use military force against protesters has drawn condemnation from local and state officials, activists and former military officials.

Ret. Gen. James Mattis, who resigned as Trump’s secretary of defense last year, slammed the president’s rhetoric regarding the military as divisive and unconstitutional.

“I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled,” Mattis write in a statement published Wednesday in The Atlantic. He added: “We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mitt Romney is now marching with Black Lives Matter protesters. Hell has officially frozen over.


Are States Going To Prosecute Their Rioters? It Depends
While local police have had no issues arresting those engaging in violence, some jurisdictions have declined to prosecute them. Others, however, such as Texas and Missouri, are taking a far more strict approach and partnering with the federal government to press charges.

Arguably the most relaxed reaction to rioters came out of St. Louis, Missouri, where local prosecutor Kim Gardner refused to charge nearly 40 people arrested for rioting.

“In a stunning development, our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner,” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt tweeted Wednesday.

Gardner’s brazen move led Republican Missouri Gov. Mike Parson to announce a partnership with U.S. attorneys to prosecute the state’s rioters, most of whom were arrested in St. Louis.

The federal-state partnerships come as U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr has made it a federal priority to prosecute those who cross state lines to participate in protests.

Out-of-state protesters were responsible for inciting much of the violence and looting at the original demonstrations in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Other cities across the country have experienced similar trends.

President Donald Trump has pinned the blame on Antifa, an anarchist protest group that has been extremely active in inciting violence at the protests. Trump is currently seeking to declare the group a terrorist organization, though it is unclear how such a designation would affect a domestic group.

Good, feds can bypass Soros "installed" local prosecutors and get federal charges brought.


JT Lewis

President Trump is going to save America...


in his first term!

Caliphate4vr said...

Roger no one cares what Pierre Delecto does, NO ONE


NYTimes Communications

The @nytimes announced today that James Bennet, Editorial Page Editor since May 2016, is resigning effective immediately. Katie Kingsbury, who joined The Times in 2017, has been named as acting Editorial Page Editor through the November election.

Greg Price

Tom Cotton succeeds at regime change

Good, they had a Taliban written op-ed this year, even Hitler in the past and all sorts of others in-between (even "anonymous") but couldn't handle the opinion of a conservative ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump’s Aides Seek New Theme

President Trump’s top political advisers are deeply concerned about “brutal” internal polling for the president in the aftermath of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and George Floyd’s killing.

He also has a “woman problem” in the words of another adviser.

On top of all that a woman problem!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Washington Post:
Bolton’s Book Will Come Out Later This Month

“John Bolton is forging ahead with plans to publish a scathing memoir about his time in President Trump’s White House and is in negotiations with network television channels to promote the book.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The long article I cited above does not really advocate defunding the police in the sense of getting rid of the police, but rather reenvisioning the police, in the sense of revising the basic concept policing.

“The militaristic bent of the police that has really increased since 9/11 is problematic,” says Edward Davis, who emphasized community policing as Boston police commissioner from 2006 to 2013.” I think we need to take it away from ‘we’re law enforcers’ and get more into ‘we are servants of the community, enforcing the standards they expect.’

Interesting. Jesus said that anyone who wants to be really great must be last of all and servant of all.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well over Ten thousand March peacefully in Los Angeles today!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Why does peaceful assembly cause you to become excited?

Anonymous said...

If a restaurant says that they’re going to open dining at full capacity in honor of George Floyd, would they be allowed to do it? Some restaurant should try it and see what happens.

Caliphate4vr said...

Roger the fact you felt compelled to write that is a horrific indictment of your side

Anonymous said...

"De Blasio: NYC to cut NYPD funding, shift it to social services"
The Three Socialist Stooges of CUT love this.

Anonymous said...

"White Privilege"

Stop yourself, think.

See it.

Anonymous said...

Roger's Hero.
"He went to jail for atleast 5 times and a look at George Floyd’s profile as per court documents reads like a career criminalinvolved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her stomach while looking for drugs and money."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Minneapolis City Council Votes to Disband Police

A majority of the Minneapolis City Council vowed on Sunday to disband the local police department and replace the office with what members have said will be a new model of public safety.

New thinking. New energy.
Putting into practice what is described in post 6:35PM above.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Caliphate4vr said...
Roger the fact you felt compelled to write that is a horrific indictment of your side


Anonymous said...

You just said Cali is no a Human.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL How many times have you called me a subhuman,
and Obama a black monkey,
and his wife a cheap Chicago whore?

Anonymous said...

James, are you demanding the defunding of your police?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

James, dodging is all you do.
So dishonest.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Hey pederast the human race expects people to not burn and loot other people’s private property, YOU FUCKING STUPID OLD MAN

Care you retract and prove you have a brain?

Anonymous said...

"Defund the police” has become a litmus test for Biden and other Socialist Democrats.

Will Joe Cave?

Anonymous said...

James, just said Cali is not a Human.

James response was his normal dodging.

Caliphate4vr said...

The racism of low expectations, own it Pederast you believe it

Anonymous said...

James said it.
He owns it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

@ 9:25
Ten thousand rightfully enraged protesters peacefully marching in these contentious times after all the systemic violence that has been heaped on black brothers and sisters is a marvelous testimonial to the triumph of the human spirit.

Caliphate4vr said...

It permeates the left and is as disgusting as someone wearing a hood

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Good comes out of bad.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fuck off, Nathan Bedford Forrest, AKA as the pederast

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anonymous said...

Did Floyd really have 3 times the level of a drug necessary to kill him by itself and impede breathing? Hope there wasn't a rush to judgement. If a jury finds that to be a contributing factor it may get very ugly.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

AG Barr says pepper spray 'is not a chemical irritant.' But the company that makes pepper-spraying balls says otherwise.

On June 1, US park police used pepper spray to disperse protesters in Washington DC's Lafayette Park.

The police stated they only used smoke canisters and pepper balls, not tear gas, on the crowd. Yet some types of pepper balls, which are paintball-like projectiles filled with chemicals, contain tear gas.

But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classifies pepper spray as a type of tear gas.

US Attorney General William Barr, who ordered the park police's actions, incorrectly told CBS's Face The Nation host during an interview that "pepper spray is not a chemical irritant."

PepperBall, a private company that makes products of the same name, advertises that its pepper balls contain "the most effective chemical irritant available."

Anonymous said...

Were over 150 park police injured at Lafayette park during this skirmish too ? Sounds like something was happening that wasn't peaceful.

Anonymous said...

The riots were never about Floyd.

James, you do know that , right?

Anonymous said...

Sunday Funny, James OUTRAGE.
Opsie, shot himself, again.
James June 7, 2020 at 6:00 PM

Since that rogue cop used an illegal chokehold on Garner, why did Attorney General William Barr make the decision not to bring charges?"

What year?

anonymous said...

The riots were never about Floyd.]

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Sure goat your alternate universe trump is winning the battle of uniting the country!!!!!!

To charge Pantaleo under federal statute, prosecutors would have had to prove not only that he had used objectively unreasonable force but also that he had wilfully violated the law. Donoghue said that while his department had interviewed in excess of four dozen witnesses, the video of Garner’s death provided the central evidence.

He said prosecutors believed the video showed that Pantaleo attempted to perform two approved restraints on Garner before he placed Garner in “what appeared to be a chokehold” for seven seconds as the two fell to the floor.

AS to barr not filing charges....because the fat fuck had trumps dick stuck in his ear!!!!!! Look how well that turned out an festered in society to today's unrest....Trump and Barr....a pair of fat fucks who only care about themselves!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Opens Up Big Lead Over Trump

A new CNN poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally, 55% to 41%.

Trump’s approval rate has slipped to 38% to 57%.