Tuesday, June 16, 2020

You can just tell me I was right...

About three weeks ago I made a prediction that the liberal covid-19 chicken little crown would quit talking about deaths and start talking almost exclusively about new "cases" which were bound to rise as testing ramped up and the young and less vulnerable started to interact again.

While the deaths continue to go down (twelve days in a row under a thousand) the number of new cases remains stubbornly stable. I actually sort of expected that they would go up as a whole, but in reality it appears to be hit or miss depending on where you live.

So while the chicken little crowd is not really able to shock us with big giant national numbers as it pertains to new cases (which has been hovering between 18000-25000 for the past few weeks), what they have done is simply made a spectacle out of every single place in the country that shows any sort of increase, even if it is just for a couple of days.

Not sure how many articles I have read in the past couple of weeks from Vox, or Slate, or TPM, or where-ever, and there is no number available that doesn't require an actual equation to measure how many cut and paste links we have seen in the comment threads here and elsewhere from those monitoring the horrors closely.

Either way... I feel vindicated.

Both in the fact that I was correct that cases would likely go up while deaths continue to decrease, as well as the fairly obvious suggestion that the chicken little crowd would change their stance on what was important to be talking about 24-7. Just imagine how bad it would be if they were not spending so much time defending criminals and demanding we defund the police.


Commonsense said...

The Democrats should be heading into electoral disaster for this. Not only do they have someone with 1st stage dementia leading the ticket, all the senate, congressional, and most importantly, governors and state legislature have veer insanely to the left where voting them into office jeopardizes your safety.

anonymous said...

The fucking dumbass christians haters using their constitutional rights to continue their bashing of gays after their stunning SCOTUS loss including Gorsuch writing the opinion that sets a huge precedent for humanitys equal rights for all!!!!

WASHINGTON — For conservative Christian groups, Monday’s Supreme Court ruling protecting the rights of gay and transgender workers was not only the latest sign that they are losing the American culture wars over sexuality. It also caused widespread concern that it could affect how they operate their own institutions.

Many faith-based organizations, like schools or nonprofits, do not allow LGBT people to work there, citing religious beliefs that sex should only be between a man and a woman who are married.

“No question it is going to make it harder to defend our religious freedom, as far as an organization being able to hire people of like mind,” said Franklin Graham, who leads Samaritan’s Purse, a large evangelical relief group.

“I find this to be a very sad day,” he said. “I don’t know how this is going to protect us.”

The employment of LGBT workers in religious institutions has been an issue across the country. In recent high-profile cases, teachers at Catholic schools in Washington state and Indiana have said they were forced to leave because of their sexual identity.

In a 6-3 ruling Monday, the Supreme Court determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bars employment discrimination based on race, religion, national origin and sex, also applies to many millions of gay and transgender workers.


Commonsense said...
The Democrats should be heading into electoral disaster for this. Not only do they have someone with 1st stage dementia leading the ticket, all the senate, congressional, and most importantly, governors and state legislature have veer insanely to the left where voting them into office jeopardizes your safety.

and you can see Biden's biggest supporters apparently have late-stage dementia too.

anonymous said...

Yep Lil Schitty your brilliant prediction that they stopped only talking about people dying which in your universe doesn't matter because the dead were generally old and ill which meant their lives were worthless....You really are a sick fucking asshole!!!!! Keep riding the trump wave which seems to have crested and is nothing but white water debris!!!!!!!1 BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Yesterday Dr Cramps posted an opinion piece that we had nothing to worry about spreading the virus at protests.....seems there are other opinions that say not so much!!!!!

Stanislaw Pytel/Digital Vision via Getty Images
I am scientist that studies infectious diseases and I specialize in severe respiratory infections, but I also serve as a member of my church’s safety team.

Over the past few weeks as states began to loosen restrictions, we have been discussing if and how to safely start services again. But the coronavirus is far from gone. As we try and figure out how to hold services while protecting our members, one question is of particular concern: How common is airborne spread of the virus?

How to spread a virus

Respiratory infections are generally spread in three possible ways: from direct contact, from droplets and from airborne particles.

Contact transmission occurs when a person touches an object that has live virus on it – called a fomite – and gets sick.

Droplets are small particles of mucus or saliva that come from a person’s mouth or nose when they cough or talk. They range in size from 5 microns to hundreds of microns in diameter - a red blood cell to a grain of sand. Most droplets, particularly large ones, fall to the ground within seconds and don’t usually travel more than 1 or 2 meters. If a person coughed on you and you got sick, that would be droplet transmission.

Airborne transmission happens because of airborne particles known as droplet nuclei. Droplet nuclei are any bit of mucus or saliva smaller than 5 microns across. People produce droplet nuclei when they talk, but they can also be formed when small droplets evaporate and shrink in size. Many of these droplets shrink so much that they begin to float before they hit the ground, thus becoming aerosols.

People produce thousands of these droplet nuclei per second while talking and the aerosolized particles can contain live viruses and float in the air for hours. They are easy to inhale, and if they contain live virus, can get people sick. The ability of droplet nuclei to transmit the coronavirus has a massive impact on if and how places like my church can reopen.

anonymous said...

and you can see Biden's biggest supporters apparently have late-stage dementia too.

While you trump slurpers are just fucking stupid with no hope for the future!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Everyone is sick of this scam

anonymous said...

Just saw the campaign ad for the Ga R cunt running for senate....her whole spiel "SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!! That sure is a great slogan for voters to hang onto.....she did nothing wrong, vote for me!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am scientist that studies infectious diseases and I specialize in severe respiratory infections, but I also serve as a member of my church’s safety team.

that's nice.

stay home, hiding under your bed.

the rest of us have lives to live, and existing in a perpetual state of frozen fear is not part of our program.

anonymous said...

Everyone is sick of this scam

TWITTER.....The chosen source for idiots and morons!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Rat again proves why he is the low intellect moron who has trumps dick stuck in his ass......BWAAAAAAAA!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is sick of this scam

this isn't a scam. this is comrade wilhelm deblasio's straight up hatred for NYC Jews.

Caliphate4vr said...

This is why Covid has fatty so concerned

A New CDC Report Shows Covid Disproportionately Affects Those With Underlying Disease And Disadvantaged Minorities

The most common underlying conditions reported in people with Covid-19 were:

Heart Disease 32%

Diabetes 30%

Lung Disease 18%

Commonsense said...

Yesterday Dr Cramps posted an opinion piece that we had nothing to worry

You mean the letter from those experts who said it was OK to protest?

Why should believed them now when they lied before?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There never were experts who said not to worry.

They always said, be careful, whatever you do.

If you open up, be prepared to have to close back down if you see signs that the opening is causing spikes.

If you insist on protesting in crowds, wear masks and keep distancing as much as possible. And it may nevertheless lead to spikes.

Spikes are happening now, in states that have been opening up. Spikes may show up dramatically in areas where large scale protesting took place and is taking place.

China, after numerous days of no cases, is now experiencing a worrisome if small spike, and trying to figure out what to do about it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Walter Shapiro:
Trump’s Feel-Good Campaign

"A major goal of the Trump reelection effort has become shielding the president from the truth about how widely he is reviled. The contortions necessary to appease Trump would qualify campaign staffers for starring roles in Cirque Du Soleil. In 80 years of presidential polls… no candidate had ever threatened a lawsuit because of poor survey numbers…”
I'LL JUST ADD !!!!!!!!!! TO THAT

“Other incumbent presidents have run feel-good reelection campaigns, most notably Ronald Reagan with his 1984 ‘Morning in America’ TV ad that resembled a McDonald’s commercial. But Trump is running the first campaign in history designed solely to make the candidate feel good.

"On November 3, even if Trump shields himself by watching his new favorite network, One America News, he seems likely to face a jolting bit of reality as the returns come in.”


C.H. Truth said...

Spikes in what, Reverend Chicken Little?

Spikes in deaths, serious hospitalizations, ICU and ventilator use?

Or just spikes in reported cases?

did you know that according to the official CDC statistics... that through he first 91,000 death certificates, that there has only been 727 deaths of people under 35 and only about 2000 for people under the age of 45?

Do you suppose if we knew in March that only 2000 people under the age of 45 would be fatally affected by this virus, that we would have told everyone of every age to stop working, close themselves in, and cower in fear for several weeks?

Do you suppose if the public knew that statistic back in March, that we would have all jumped at the chance to ruin our economy over that?

Just curious, Reverend Chicken little?

Myballs said...

Record low minority unemployment
Strong wage growth
Strong market growth
Record pace getting judges confirmed
Renegotiated trade agreements

Trump already feels good. So do many voters. His reelection campaign writes itself.

Commonsense said...

There will be no debate. Biden's handlers will not let him out of the basement.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, Ch, spout away.

The sky is not falling, but trying to play down the seriousness of this pandemic is a mistake.

"Do you suppose if we knew in March that only 2000 people under the age of 45 would be fatally affected by this virus, that we would have told everyone of every age to stop working, close themselves in, and cower in fear for several weeks?"

You do realize, don't you, that when you quote the number 2,000 you are quoting a number that is largely the result of very many of us taking the recommended measures to slow and/or halt the rapid spread of the virus?

What would we have done if we had known in March that without taking those measures, the number would now be much higher than that?

Young lives matter. All ages matter.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


“To observe Trump and his entourage this month as he prepares to resume normal campaign activity coast to coast could lead one to conclude that the coronavirus pandemic is over.

“In reality, the virus continues to ravage the United States and is fast spreading in some midsize and small cities that avoided bad outbreaks this spring. Recent spikes in coronavirus cases have been recorded in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas and Oklahoma — all states where Trump has said he plans to soon hold campaign rallies.”

C.H. Truth said...

You do realize, don't you, that when you quote the number 2,000 you are quoting a number that is largely the result of very many of us taking the recommended measures to slow and/or halt the rapid spread of the virus?

Is it really?

Because the reality isn't that people under 45 didn't catch the virus. In fact, they are the leading age group of people "catching" the virus.

The reality is that the rate of death is simply not that high among younger healthier people.

If 50,000,000 people that age group caught the virus, at the rate of death that is now being calculated, we would have seen around 10-12 thousand... not hundreds of thousands or millions...

Sure... 10K is worse than 2K

But would people had given up their livelihoods over a virus that is less deadly to them than the seasonal flu? Most Americans don't bother getting a flu shot, much less take a work furlough to avoid the flu.

What makes you think people would run screaming from a virus less deadly to them?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You don't have to be Einstein to figure out that even if the death rate among a certain age group is comparatively low, much larger numbers of them becoming infected would result in much larger numbers of them dying.

The measures taken, on the advice of pandemic experts, meant that we "only" have had one hundred thousand plus deaths. Without having taken those measure, the number could have been multiples of that.

Again, just to be clear:
I WANT a return to the way things were.
I WANT a return to normal life again.

But Dr. Fauci continually warned that to try to return too quickly by opening up too quickly could lead to a situation that would ultimately put that desired return off even longer.

He said that.
And said it.
And is still saying it.
And other experts are saying it too.

C.H. Truth said...

You don't have to be Einstein to figure out that even if the death rate among a certain age group is comparatively low, much larger numbers of them becoming infected would result in much larger numbers of them dying

Thus the reason I did the math for you....

But when the rate of death rate is as low as it appears with healthy younger people, we are talking about a difference of a few thousand. rather than tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or even million that certain experts had projected.

We can't "take back" our response due to hindsight being 20/20

but there is enough empirical data today to tell us things we didn't know, and it appears that we still have many people in power today (especially Democratic Governors) who still want to pretend that the original expectations are valid...

And they just keep the proverbial knee on the throat of their collective states. They just cannot seem to help themselves.

We lose tens of thousands to the flu each year. We could likely avoid many of those deaths by shutting down schools, malls, restaurants, and making everyone walk around with a mask on.

But we don't.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Changing the subject a little:

Some VERY interesting reading here:

John Bolton's impending book elicits angry reaction from President Trump
By Brian Stelter, CNN Business

google it

Anonymous said...

Again, just to be clear:
I WANT a return to the way things were.
I WANT a return to normal life again.

but what you WANT even more is the demise of trump.

so if normal needs to wait some more until trump can be deposed, that's a where you're willing to go.

you're not fooling anyone pederast. why you continue to try is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

John Bolton's impending book elicits angry reaction from President Trump
By Brian Stelter, CNN Business

LOL. good ol' TATER stelter himself.

otherwise known as "Butterball Powerbottom"


Myballs said...

Is Bolton willing to go to prison just to smear Trump?

Anonymous said...

"Everyone is sick of this scam"

Yep, the video is proof.

Biden Defended the Rebel Flag.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If I cannot "fool" you simply by telling the truth, that's your problem, not mine.

Anonymous said...

The left owns BLM and this white bitch sista' in Seattle.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Wall Street Journal:
Powell Sees Risk of Long-Term Economic Damage

“Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the economy faces significant long-term damage from higher unemployment and a wave of small business failures due to the coronavirus pandemic, despite recent signs of improvement."

Said Powell:
“Until the public is confident that the disease is contained, a full recovery is unlikely… If not contained and reversed, the downturn could further widen gaps in economic well-being that the long expansion had made some progress in closing.”

Straight talk.
"If [the disease is]
the downturn could further widen gaps in economic well-being that the long expansion had made some progress in closing."

So says Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.
So said Fauci.
So say I.

Anonymous said...

“Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the economy faces significant long-term damage from higher unemployment and a wave of small business failures due to the coronavirus pandemic, despite recent signs of improvement."

Said Powell:
“Until the public is confident that the disease is contained, a full recovery is unlikely… If not contained and reversed, the downturn could further widen gaps in economic well-being that the long expansion had made some progress in closing.”

well no. fucking. shit.

and as long as the trump-hating media continues to fear-monger and try to keep a bullshit lockdown in place for bure political expediency in their never ending effort to depose trump, things will NOT recover. and as far as the media is concerned, that's the whole fucking idea.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Biden wins .

Anonymous said...

"Retail sales jump 17.7% in May amid COVID-19 pandemic"

As those that believe in personal freedoms said 🖕 and got back to living.

Anonymous said...

Pres. Trump books the Michigan "Big House" for next Rally.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That was not the trump-hating media speaking.
That was Jerome Powell speaking honestly and rationally.
Your speech is full of irrational hatred.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Money Flows Into Super PAC Backing Engel

A Republican super PAC is funding an outside effort to help reelect Rep. Elliot Engel (D-NY), The Intercept reports.

“The PAC, presumably due to its visible Republican ties, is not spending directly in Engel’s New York primary. Instead, it funneled $100,000 to another super PAC, called Democratic Majority for Israel.”

Warren Helped Raise $6 Million for Biden

Joe Biden’s campaign had its biggest fundraiser yet, bringing in $6 million through an event with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on Monday.

Biden Holds Small Lead In Georgia

A new Public Policy Polling survey in Georgia finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 48% to 46%.

In the U.S. Senate race, Jon Ossof (D) barely leads Sen. David Perdue (R), 45% to 44%.

Anonymous said...


You need to talk slower and use smaller words for James, he missed your points.


KansasDemocrat said...

You need to talk slower and use smaller words for James, he missed your points.

He is so TDS infected nothing can help him

Can't leave the site and come back without seeing the lying POS "pastor" hating on President Trump.

What a dismal unappreciated life he is living out.

Hate and gloom.

and copy/pasting from his true GODdard.

some would call that devil worship.

I wouldn't argue that.



Democrats are now arguing that you can drive drunk, fall asleep in the drive-thru, resist arrest, assault police officers, wrestle away their taser, shoot it at the officers, and NOT expect deadly force in return.

2020 cannot get any dumber.

and he was serving a 7 year prison sentence for child abuse and 2 DUI's and was let out because of the China flu if I heard it right.


Joe Biden once called members of female Confederacy group ‘fine people’

A newly unearthed clip of Joe Biden shows the then-senator referring to members of a female Confederacy group as “fine people” during a 1993 Senate hearing.

During the Senate confirmation hearing for then-Supreme Court nominee Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Biden, the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, made a surprising comment about the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC), an organization committed to preserving Confederate statues with ties to the Ku Klux Klan


I don't make the rules I just report. As always what the dem accuse you of they have done themselves. (Howard Stern also)

Caliphate4vr said...

He’s just fucking stupid. Everything has to be explained to him in simplistic terms. It’s a waste of time

Anonymous said...

A Good Day when an America Hating piece of sub-human shit assumes room temp.

"Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) father Nur Omar Mohamed has died due to complications related to the novel coronavirus, the Minnesota lawmaker announced Monday evening."

Caliphate4vr said...

Trader Joe’s wasn’t requiring mask today, of course we had them, because it’s Trader Joe’s....

Anonymous said...

Denney waist is bigger around then his inseam is long.

Anonymous said...

funny. the locals were lobbying trader joe's for fucking YEARS to come to our area. they finally did, i waited for the commotion to settle and finally walked into the place. i looked around thinking "wtf? this is IT? all that fucking noise for some cheap wine and shit that liberals think they can't live without?"

trader joe's - for liberals who can't afford whole foods. and yep, we got one of them too.

Caliphate4vr said...

There frozen foods are damn good and the cashiers/baggers are the best.

But yeah every long hair and unshaven pits chick is there

The faint smell of patchouli oil wafts through the air

Anonymous said...

Went to a animal auction last Saturday.
Saw exactly two people out of over 1k. wearing a mask.
One was an older woman the other was a hipster.
I goat the wife a fainting goat and three Boer goats, all with papers.