Thursday, July 9, 2020

Analysis from Scotusblog

Opinion analysis: Disputes over Trump financial records to continue
This morning the Supreme Court issued its long-awaited rulings in the battle over efforts to obtain financial records belonging to President Donald Trump. By a vote of 7-2, the justices sent a pair of cases challenging congressional subpoenas for the records back to the lower courts for another look, holding that subpoenas involving the president must be subject to a tougher standard than the courts had applied. In a third case, in which the president challenged a subpoena by a Manhattan district attorney, the justices – again by a vote of 7-2 – rejected the president’s claim that he is always immune from state grand jury proceedings while he is in office. But the decision in that case does not mean that the financial records that the grand jury seeks will be turned over: The court sent the case back to the trial court and agreed that the president could still argue that complying with this subpoena would interfere with his ability to do his job. The upshot of today’s decisions is that the disputes are likely to continue in the lower courts for some time; even if the House of Representatives and the New York prosecutor ultimately prevail, neither Congress nor the New York grand jury will have access to the documents anytime soon.

This is as an objective, nonjudgmental, and non-political review of the decisions as I can find in scouring the various sites. In simplest terms:

  • Trump won the case against Congress when the lower court decision that ruled for Congress was vacated. This is also a political win for Trump, as it pretty much eliminates any concept that Congress could get his financial records before November
  • Trump lost the case against Vance (New York Prosecutor) as the court did not find his arguments regarding total immunity to be valid. But he also won a political victory when the court decided to remand the case back to the original court for more litigation, rather than order the subpoena to be honored immediately.  

So for all practical purposes, Trump went three for four today. Certainly could have been (and at one point looked to be) much worse for him. In retrospect, I believe this was probably the best he probably should have hoped for (although he likely wanted to run the table). Everyone appears to live to fight another day. Of course will anyone want to still deal with the fight, once November is over?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch ends his thread article:
"Everyone appears to live to fight another day. Of course will anyone want to still deal with the fight, once November is over?"

I assume November will bring Trump's defeat. It is possible that before happens, or sometime thereafter, so many things will become known about Trump's shady, dishonest, criminal dealings that Americans will clearly see that if the public had known about them to begin with, this corrupt charlatan would never have been enabled to become President of the United States.

At that point it I think our people will call for some forms of legislation that will ensure that all people who want to run for President anytime in the future must not only PROMISE to release their taxes (as Trump did, but didn't), but must actually release their taxes to public scrutiny MONTHS before they can be made their party's nominee.

In other words, no one as corrupt as Trump will ever again be allowed to become President by employing such lying, dishonest subterfuge as he employed.

Caliphate4vr said...

No matter what he kept Cankles out of the White House

C.H. Truth said...

At that point it I think our people will call for some forms of legislation that will ensure that all people who want to run for President anytime in the future must not only PROMISE to release their taxes (as Trump did, but didn't), but must actually release their taxes to public scrutiny MONTHS before they can be made their party's nominee.

One could demand that all school transcripts be released
(which Obama refused to do).

One could demand all sorts of things be released

But the constitutional reality is that there is no such requirements for someone to run for President and it would likely be unconstitutional to demand that they release this or that as a requirement.

Perhaps one Party or the other could demand it as a condition of being the nominee... but as far as the constitutional requirements. Pretty much any citizen over the age of 35 is qualified to run for President.


One could demand that all school transcripts be released
(which Obama refused to do).

How about the terms of the settlement that Obama had engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior and harassment in separate cases with two males. The university allegedly settled the cases and offered them agreements that allegedly included financial compensation and required them to remain silent about the nature of the settlements.

In other words, no one as corrupt as Obama will ever again be allowed to become President by employing such lying, dishonest subterfuge as he employed.

Caliphate4vr said...

Maybe a law against a dementia patient running for president should be passed

Biden can’t remember his own proposals even while reading a teleprompter

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

2:50 has the word ALLEGEDLY only twice, but the whole thing never happened.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump promised to release his taxes, but did not, lyingly claiming that because he was under audit, the IRS would not let him, a claim the IRS says is groundless.

Trump criticized Obama for not releasing his transcripts, implying that he himself would do so, but has he?
No. Not at all. He has only claimed he was a genius of a student, which has been laughed at by both professors and students who knew him in those days.

And did Obama ever pay anyone to take a test for him?


Did Trump?
And apparently more than ALLEGEDLY so.

The Congress could indeed make it a necessity, both legal and Constitutional, for anyone running for President to have to release their tax information ahead of time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bonus Quote of the Day at

“The media’s been asking this question for four years, and for four years, the president has said the same thing, his taxes are under audit, and when they’re no longer under audit, he will release them.”
— White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, quoted by Axios, when asked why President Trump still won’t release his tax returns.


C.H. Truth said...

Bonus quote of the day on Parler!

If the MSM keeps telling that these protests were peaceful, why does the Minnesota Gov need disaster relief?


Widow of Trump's friend pushes back against Mary Trump SAT allegation, calls it false
Pam Shriver, widow of Joe Shapiro, says allegation is "unfair."

In the new book from Mary Trump, the niece of President Donald Trump, one of the most explosive allegations is that the president hired a friend of his named Joe Shapiro to take the SAT exam so that he would have a better shot at transferring from college at Fordham University to the more prestigious Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Now, the widow of a man named Joe Shapiro said if the book is referencing her late husband, who was a friend of Trump, she is confident the accusation is false.

"He always did the right thing, and that's why this hurts," Pam Shriver said of her late husband, an attorney and a former executive of the Walt Disney Company. Shapiro died in 1999 after a battle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Shriver, an ESPN tennis analyst and former highly-ranked professional tennis player, said Shapiro was friends with Trump, but said it was her understanding that they did not meet until after Trump had transferred to Wharton for his junior year. Joe Shapiro was an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania on the same campus.

"They shared a love of golf," Shriver remembered, adding that Shapiro and Trump did keep in touch a bit over the years, and they visited him a few times at Trump Tower in New York City.

"When you put somebody's name in print in a book, you want to make sure the facts around it are correct, especially if they are not living because it's not like Joe is here and he would have known how to deal with this," Shriver said. She said she was contacted by a journalist with this accusation years ago and refuted it at the time. "It feels unfair," she said.

false accusations have never stopped the "pastor" before so I doubt he will stop now.

But boy can he pole vault, just ask him.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, I was a rather poor pole vaulter, but I did manage to get a letter.

But now you will give us proof that Obama engaged in homosexuality as you false-accusingly ALLEGED.


Bonus quote of the day on Twitter!

Emerald Robinson ✝️

The corporate media wants you to believe that a guy who can't find 200 people to watch his townhall online is more popular than a sitting president who can get 10,000 voters to show up to hear him speak on any day of the week in every town in America.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh wait. I just found out what a horrible person Obama was.

See the wikipedia article on James David Manning.


During Barack Obama’s tenure as the president of the Harvard Law Review in the late 1980s, at least two male student editors complained to colleagues and senior university officials about inappropriate behavior by Obama, ultimately leaving their positions at the journal, multiple sources confirm to THE KANSAS CITIAN.

The men complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Obama that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the university that gave them financial payouts to leave the journal. The agreements also included language that bars the men from talking about their departures.

In a series of comments over the past 10 days, Obama and his administration repeatedly declined to respond directly about whether he ever faced allegations of sexual harassment at the journal. They have also declined to address questions about specific reporting confirming that there were financial settlements in two cases in which men leveled complaints.

THE KANSAS CITIAN has confirmed the identities of the two male journal editors who complained about Obama but, for privacy concerns, is not publishing their names.

White House spokesman Jay Carney told THE KANSAS CITIAN the president indicated to White House staff that he was “vaguely familiar” with the charges and that the university’s general counsel had resolved the matter.

Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review from late-1988 to mid-1989. THE KANSAS CITIAN learned of the allegations against him, and over the course of several weeks, has put together accounts of what happened by talking to a lengthy roster of former university officials, current and past students and others familiar with the workings of the journal at the time Obama was there.

In one case, THE KANSAS CITIAN has seen documentation describing the allegations and showing that the university formally resolved the matter. Both men received separation packages that were in the five-figure range.

On the details of Obama’s allegedly inappropriate behavior with the two men, THE KANSAS CITIAN has a half-dozen sources shedding light on different aspects of the complaints.

Guess if Obama would release them from any settlement terms this could be cleared up quickly.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump DISapproval 56.6
Trump ----approval 41.3

14.7 underwater


I'd say more credible than the charges the "pastor" is floating

There is a lot of other rumors including why he let his daughter intern with Harvey Weinstein...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There is a lot of other rumors including why he let his daughter intern with Harvey Weinstein..


Correct English: There ARE a lot of other rumors...etc.

(But thanks for so fully revealing now what a depraved sicko you really are.)

Myballs said...

Colin Powell says media reaction to Russia bounty story has been hysterical. Generals didn't think it serious.


So the POS "pastor" can only feebly correct a grammar mistake. GREAT FIND, makes you feel "superior". Must be from your white supremist DNA. Probably something Harvey Weinstein was good at contributing too.

Here's a GREAT VIDEO from someone who has really emerged during all this recent BLM turmoil. Hope he starts getting the exposure he deserves:



And boy did Michelle praise Weinstein too. What a great friend he was. Look it up "pastor"

Commonsense said...

2:50 has the word ALLEGEDLY only twice, but the whole thing never happened.

It was from an anonymous source familiar with Obama's thinking. Has to be true right?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I don't need to look it up. I was already aware that Weinstein, who wore the sheep's clothing of a progressive, was praised by many before it became known what a creep he was/is.

Trump is also a creep. Sexually as well as in other ways.

Texas Republicans Sue Houston Mayor

The Texas Republican Party sued Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (D) for canceling the party’s in-person convention scheduled for next week in downtown Houston, the Houston Chronicle reports.


Hmmm. Sued him for wanting to protect people from the virus, after it has become clear what an outbreak the indoor Tulsa meeting led to?

Louisville Courier:
Beshear Mandates Use of Masks In Kentucky

Gov. Andy Beshear (D) said that amid “an explosion of COVID,” all Kentuckians must wear masks in public starting Friday at 5 p.m., the Louisville Courier Journal reports.


Commonsense said...

And boy did Michelle praise Weinstein too. What a great friend he was.

Michelle will praise anybody who gives her money.

Myballs said...

Bid3n gonna end shareholder capitalism. What the hell does he think tens of million of 401Ks invest in? He just handed Trump a tv ad. Dumb shit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What is quite interesting is the President may be subpoenaed to testify under oath in the Grand Jury investigation.

If he refuses to testify under oath the Supreme Court will not let him get away free.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On top of that is that he will not have lawyer in the hearings. Grand Jury investigations are very powerful.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...


Impeachment 2.0

Anonymous said...

Adolf Biden hard Socialist chat with the fawning media .

Anonymous said...

Cali, wow , your video of fumbling, confused, befuddled Adolf Biden is shocking.

Anonymous said...


Your standard is all quotes require a link too.

Ok, we will see how long you adhere to your standard.



Joe Biden brags that he released 21 years of tax returns while in office. How come no one ever asks him how he ever afforded to buy this massive estate (below) from the Dupont's while he was on a government salary for 50 years? #TrumpTaxReturns

Joe Biden

@realDonaldTrump, you want to talk about corruption? I’ve released 21 years of my tax returns — release yours or shut up.

Amazing what the poor can afford and corruption in plain sight

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Next Week Will ‘Look Worse’ In Texas Says Republican Governor Abbott

“As Texas on Thursday set single-day records for deaths from coronavirus and how many people the disease has put in the hospital, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was bracing for even more bad news,” the Dallas Morning News reports.

Said Abbott:
“The numbers are going to look worse as we go into next week.”

The Texas Tribune reports that
Texas is reporting more than 100 new deaths from coronavirus today.

Mississippi Sees A Big Virus Outbreak In Their Legislature

“Packed elevators and crowded committee rooms.
Legislators sitting shoulder-to-shoulder on the House and Senate floor.
People standing close to each other and talking, sometimes leaning in to whisper, without a mask in sight,”
the AP reports.

“Those were common scenes at the Mississippi Capitol IN JUNE — a month that saw a historic vote to remove the Confederate emblem from the state flag — now at least 26 lawmakers have been diagnosed with the coronavirus in the biggest known outbreak in any state legislature in the nation.

“That works out to about 1 in 7 Mississippi legislators.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is going to go nuts and tweet tirade.

The Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley on Thursday condemned Confederate leaders as traitors and said he supports a review of Army bases named after those who fought against the Union, a viewpoint that puts him at odds with the commander in chief.

Pressed by Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.) about the 10 Army installations named for Confederate leaders, Milley told the House Armed Services Committee that the military needs "to take a hard look at the symbology" of the Civil War — such as base names, display of the Confederate battle flag and statues — as well as improve in other areas such as "the substance of promotions."


"The American Civil War … was an act of treason at the time against the Union, against the Stars and Stripes, against the U.S. Constitution — and those officers turned their backs on their oath," Milley said. "Now, some have a different view of that. Some think it's heritage. Others think it's hate."

"The way we should do it matters as much as that we should do it. So we need to have, I've recommended, a commission of folks to take a hard look at the bases, the statues, the names, all of this stuff, to see if we can have a rational, mature discussion."

President Donald Trump has threatened to veto any defense policy legislation that changes the names of the bases, and earlier tweeted that the discussion is off the table for his administration.

"The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars," he tweeted. "Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations."

Still, members of both parties in both houses of Congress have backed legislation in the authorization bill to rename the bases. A pair of military appropriations bills in the House also attempt to tie funding to renaming the bases.

Brown also pushed Defense Secretary Mark Esper about plans for a military-wide ban on the Confederate flag. The Marine Corps has already banned the flag's display and the Navy has announced it's formulating a similar order.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A quartet of universities released a survey Wednesday of public opinion in all 50 states on President Trump’s and governors’ response to the coronavirus pandemic. The pollsters found:

First, the average governor has experienced a 10-point decline in approval from late April to late June, and in only 5 states — Hawaii, Michigan, New Jersey, South Dakota and Vermont — have governors’ approval ratings increased since late April. In the remaining states, approval has declined. . . . Only one governor — Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona — now has an approval rating in their state lower than that of the president.

Considering the abysmal conditions in Arizona, Ducey’s rating seem to be well-earned. State governors in the Midwest, Northeast and West, who addressed the initial onslaught aggressively, still have high approval ratings, despite recent declines. In New York, for example Democratic Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s approval rating has ranged between 65 and 70 percent since April; although governors in California (70 percent down to 58 percent) and Ohio (81 down to 66) slipped, they still have enviable approval ratings when it comes to their handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

By contrast, governors in states that generally followed President Trump’s lead (e.g., slow to close, early to open) have poor ratings. The pollsters found that of the 10 governors with approval ratings below 45 percent, “eight are Republicans in Republican-leaning states.” That includes Ron DeSantis of Florida and Brian Kemp of Georgia, who are both at 43 percent; even lower is Republican Kim Reynolds of Iowa at 37 percent. Republican Greg Abbott of Texas dropped from 60 percent to 44 percent.

It is noteworthy that the polling period ended on June 28, before the worst case numbers in states such as Arizona, Florida, Georgia and others came in.

As for Trump, the public is giving him a giant thumbs down. “The President began (at the outset of our series in late April) with a relatively low approval rating, below that of the governor in all 50 states, and has declined further — by 8 points on average,” pollsters report. His approval on handling of the virus is down among all groups, but especially among those older than 65 with a high school education or less (56 percent to 44 percent). In addition, they found “a somewhat greater decline of 10-12 points among lower income (50k of income or less) and less-educated (some college or less) white respondents, as well as a precipitous drop from 40% to 26% among white respondents ages 18-24.”

Even worse for Trump: The decline in approval of his handling of the coronavirus seems to have driven down his head-to-head numbers against former vice president Joe Biden. He went from a deficit of five points to a deficit of 10 points (47 percent to 37 percent). Trump’s approval ratings for handling of the virus is very low in some swing states, including Florida (40 percent), Arizona (34), Georgia (42), Michigan (26), North Carolina (35) and Wisconsin (30).

Trump can say what he likes; his sycophantic governors can parrot his misleading and irresponsible utterances. But the facts matter. He is not going to convince voters feeling the horrible effects of his malfeasance that he is doing a great job. Republican governors who followed Trump and not health experts pay a political price for their irresponsibility. The preventable deaths, economic distress, educational hardship and emotional stress remain a tragedy, in large part because it did not have to be this way. The polling, nevertheless, suggests that there may be a reckoning at the ballot box in November. That’s precisely how a democracy should function.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

Sad, even her native country thinks malodorous is a gold digging traitor....wonder when the tweets will start blaming Slovenia for the virus??????

Jennifer Hassan
July 9, 2020 at 1:21 p.m. EDT
Add to list
A life-size sculpture of first lady Melania Trump, carved into a tree in Slovenia by a local artist using a chain saw last year, was set on fire July 4, according to its creator. It has since been removed from its position on the banks of the Sava River, near the first lady’s hometown, Sevnica.
The defacement came the same day President Trump delivered a speech in the shadow of Mount Rushmore, a monument to U.S. presidents, decrying the vandalism of public sculptures by protesters seeking to confront racism.
The Melania sculpture, which depicts the first lady clad in a blue dress, with a scrunched face, a unibrow, pursed lips and chunky limbs, drew mixed reactions upon its unveiling last year.
Nobody, including the art gallery that presented it, seemed to know if the statue was a parody or meant to be taken seriously, The Washington Post reported at the time.

Anonymous said...

Huh ?



President Trump says Biden probably thought his Coronavirus test was a Cognitive test because he couldn’t pass a Cognitive test.



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Complains In Private About Pandemic

“Callers on President Trump in recent weeks have come to expect what several allies and advisers describe as a ‘woe-is-me’ preamble,” the Washington Post reports.

“The president rants about the deadly coronavirus destroying ‘the greatest economy,’ one he claims to have personally built. He laments the unfair ‘fake news’ media, which he vents never gives him any credit. And he bemoans the ‘sick, twisted’ police officers in Minneapolis, whose killing of an unarmed black man in their custody provoked the nationwide racial justice protests that have confounded the president.

“Gone, say these advisers and confidants, many speaking on the condition of anonymity to detail private conversations, are the usual pleasantries and greetings.

“Instead, Trump often launches into a monologue placing himself at the center of the nation’s turmoil. The president has cast himself in the starring role of the blameless victim — of a deadly pandemic, of a stalled economy, of deep-seated racial unrest, all of which happened to him rather than the country.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day at

“We’re going to be worse than New York. But at least in New York, people took the virus seriously. Here, we’re in a war zone that people refuse to accept.”
— A Charleston, South Carolina emergency room nurse, to the Daily Beast.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci Has Not Briefed Trump In Two Months

He added: “I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say we have a serious ongoing problem, right now, as we speak. What worries me is the slope of the curve. It still looks like it’s exponential.”





Washington ComPost ?

Bezos has been producing a lot of shit

FAKE NEWS to the max.


and I see both BUTT BUDDIES are using it...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Broad Disapproval for Trump on Virus and Race

A new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds President Trump is facing broad disapproval for his management of the two major crises gripping the nation, with 67% of Americans giving him low marks for both his response to the coronavirus pandemic and his handling of race relations.



Tim Young

Remember the last time Trump's tax returns were "exposed" by Rachel Maddow... we found out he paid a higher percentage in taxes than Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.



Democrats are allowing the murder rate in cities they control skyrocket because orange man bad.

They don't care about black lives.

They care about political power.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Says He ‘Aced’ Cognitive Test

Trump Has Trouble Defining Biden

America’s Patchwork of Policies

Trump Advisers Split Over Roger Stone Pardon
YES, DO,say some. FOR GOD'S SAKE, DON'T say others.

Trump Takes Another Swing at the Dreamers

Trump Implied He’ll Grant Clemency to Roger Stone

GOP Lawmaker Wants More to Get Virus

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Dallas Morning News:
Next Week Will ‘Look Worse’ In Texas, says Governor

“As Texas on Thursday set single-day records for deaths from coronavirus and how many people the disease has put in the hospital, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was bracing for even more bad news,” the Dallas Morning News reports.

Said Abbott: “The numbers are going to look worse as we go into next week.”

The Texas Tribune reports Texas is reporting more than 100 new deaths from coronavirus today.

U.S. Hits Another Record for Coronavirus Cases

New York Times:
“Officials across the United States reported more than 59,880 cases on Thursday, setting a single-day record for the sixth time in 10 days, according to a New York Times database. The surge has been driven largely by states in the South and the West that were among the first to ease restrictions established during the virus’s initial wave in the spring. At least six states set single-day case records on Thursday: Alabama, Idaho, Missouri, Montana, Oregon and Texas.”

“The numbers were especially striking in Texas, which set a record for the fourth consecutive day with more than 10,900 cases. Nearly one in 10 of them were in Hidalgo County, which consists of over a thousand square miles of scrub and urban sprawl on the Mexico border.”



Between last election day and inauguration day, Joe Biden was "looking for information, and manipulating intelligence," @RichardGrenell tells Newsmax TV.


rather than transitioning power the Obama administration was trying to sabotage Trump...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Vandals Cut Down Flag Pole at 9/11 Firefighter Memorial

A flag pole at a memorial honoring four firefighters who lost their lives in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center was found cut down by vandals in Washingtonville, New York.

The defunct pole was discovered on Wednesday and, according to Washingtonville Police Chief Brian Zaccaro, a tool was used to cut the pole. Four to five feet of the pole was left standing in the ground and a message, which has not been released by authorities, was written on it with a marker.

disgusting what the left has become. They should never be allowed to have power again.

Trump 2020


Dan Bongino

It’s Friday, July 10th, 2020, and Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of how President Trump has handled the coronavirus pandemic, the latest ABC-Ipsos poll reveals.

In the poll, 67 percent of respondents said that they disapproved of how the president has handled the pandemic, which was killed more than 130,000 people in the country, while 33 percent said that they approved of Trump's performance.

It's the highest level of dissatisfaction with the president's response to COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

Anonymous said...

"Powell: Russia Bounty Coverage ‘Almost Hysterical’ – Military Didn’t Find It ‘as Serious a Problem’ as Media"

Roger and James still loving Powell?

Anonymous said...

Roger , you , Pedo and Denise have already called this election a landslide win for Adolf Biden.