Thursday, July 9, 2020

Trump v Everyone

7-2 that prosecutors "can" subpoena his financial records under the right circumstances and Congress "might" be able to...  but USSC does NOT order anyone to turn them over in either ruling. 

(Some are now calling this a victory for the President) 

Trump appointees rule with majority.  Alito and Thomas dissent.

Trump v Vance Trump  (case with prosecutors)

The court rules that absolute immunity that the President argued does not apply and that prosecutors may, in fact, subpoena his records under the right circumstances.

But it's not over... 
  The arguments presented here and in the Court of Appeals were limited to absolute immunity and heightened need. The Court of Appeals, however, has directed that the case be returned to the District Court, where the President may raise further arguments as appropriate. We affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Trump v Mazars & Trump v Deutsche bank (The cases with congress) 

The court ruled that the lower courts did not take into consideration the separation of powers argument and need to go back and address this.

According to ScotusBlog:
The Court has vacated the decisions below in Mazars, and it holds that congressional subpoenas may be enforceable but that the courts below did not take account of all the possible separation of powers concerns. The case will this go on. So this issue is back in the hands of the DC and Second Circuits for now.
Of the cases today with Trump and his financial records, this is his clearest victory. Basically vacating the lower court decision ordering him to turn over his records.


So for all practical purposes?

The USSC punted. In both cases, the rulings were 7-2 to basically remand the decisions back to the lower courts to reconsider more litigation. In both cases, Thomas and Alito dissented, wanting to completely toss them out. Reminiscent of Bush v Gore.

Sounds like more litigation and the chances of seeing the President's financial records any time soon is probably not in the cards.



A great explanation by Cornell Law Professor William Jacobson - explaining why so many people may have jumped the gun on what these decisions mean:


Commonsense said...

I think they are going to rule against Congress on the second issue.

Commonsense said...

Just as I thought, a split decision.

The court kicks the Congressional subpoena case back to the appeals court saying it got it wrong.

C.H. Truth said...

They basically kicked everything back to the lower courts.

The Vance ruling was less of a win for Trump than the Mazar's ruling.

In Vance, they agreed with the lower court decision on absolute immunity but provided the President with the ability to raise other issues. Once people comb through the ruling, I am sure they will find the argument that they will accept.

Mazar basically said that the court was wrong and did not consider the separation of powers argument. They need to go back and reconsider the entire case with more emphasis on that.

The difference between the majority and dissent is the opposite of the 7-2 decision in Bush v Gore, were 7-2 agreed that the court was wrong, but some of them wanted it sent back while others wanted it overturned.

In Bush v Gore, there were 5 votes to over turn and 2 to remand.

In these Trump cases, there were 7 votes to remand and two votes to overturn.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We will not see his tax returns until after the election

anonymous said...

At least we will finally find out how legal the payments to the whores were!!!!! That alone should make donnie very uncomfortable and may give melodious a chance to take donnie to the cleaners in spite of the pre nup!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His two appointees voted against the President in the New York decision.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is a semi victory for the President

anonymous said...

SCOTUS DECLARES TRUMP NOT THE KING!!!!!! Sorry Lil Schitty......your opinion is once again ignored by most!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Supreme Court dealt President Trump a major defeat Thursday by rejecting his claims of presidential immunity and upholding subpoenas from New York prosecutors seeking his tax returns and financial records.
In one of the most anticipated rulings on presidential privilege in years, the justices by a 7-2 vote ruled the nation's chief executive is not above the law and must comply with legitimate demands from a grand jury in New York that was investigating Trump's alleged hush money payments to two women who claimed to have had sex with him.
Trump had sued to block the subpoenas and claimed that as president he had an "absolute immunity" from demands for personal or confidential information.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the majority, rejected Trump's claim of immunity.
"We reaffirm that principle today and hold that the president is neither absolutely immune from state criminal subpoenas seeking his private papers nor entitled to a heightened standard of need."
A decision on a similar subpoena from House investigators was expected to be issued by the court shortly in a separate opinion.
The election-year dispute had an obvious political significance, but it was also the rare separation of powers case in which the powers of the president, Congress and the judicial system were all at issue.
In past rulings on similar high-profile cases, the court had unanimously ruled that the president is not above the law, forcing President Nixon to hand over the Watergate tapes and President Clinton to be deposed in the Paula Jones harassment lawsuit.
Unlike other presidents since the Watergate era of the 1970s, Trump refused to disclose his tax returns and has kept secret the details of his business dealings. Investigators were particularly interested in whether Trump and his businesses were heavily indebted to foreign banks.
Trump said during the 2016 campaign he expected to release his tax returns, but then refused to do so.

Every President has released his taxes since Richard Nixon in 1968

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump on Facebook today.

We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAUGHT...and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear. No Republican Senate Judiciary response, NO “JUSTICE”, NO FBI, NO NOTHING. Major horror show REPORTS on Comey & McCabe, guilty as hell, nothing happens. Catch Obama & Biden cold, nothing. A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX, failed - investigated everything. Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given for another President. This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!

Anonymous said...


C.H. Truth said...

At least we will finally find out how legal the payments to the whores were!!!

Nope... The court did not order the financial records to be turned over to the Prosecutors.

While they rejected his argument of total immunity, the whole thing is remanded all the way back to the original court where Trump can offer up more arguments.

Better chance than not that it if is pursued, that it ends up right back in the USSC... in 2021.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If he wins reelection he will try to put President Obama in jail

Commonsense said...

The point is that everything is delayed until after the election.

If Trump wins, it won't matter because he'll definitely take Congress with him.
If Trump loses, then nobody will care.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unfortunately you are correct

Anonymous said...


This was to be the "final Nail" .

Yet, it is a huge yawn.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
If he wins reelection he will try to put President Obama in jail

Hyperbole!! But Susan Rice may be in a bit jam. So is Comey et al. They all deserve to be in jail.

Anonymous said...

CS is right as a NY Democrat how often did the US Democrat House Majority go after his tax returns.

IF Trump wins China Flu and Democrat hunt for Trump's Tax records will end

Anonymous said...

Susan Rice believes she is going to be Biden's VP.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday gave President Donald Trump a chance to beat back House Democrats’ efforts to obtain his financial records but ruled he is not immune from Manhattan district attorney’s attempt to get his taxes.

We won't see the tax returns until 2021.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's how a banana republic does works

Anonymous said...

Emotions of a teen girl.

"Roger AmickJuly 9, 2020 at 10:01 AM

If he wins reelection he will try to put President Obama in jail"

Former Discredited and Legacy void Obimbo and his hermaphrodite "Mike".

Anonymous said...

Roger, is now a tax lawyer and expert.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Justices Rule Against Trump on Tax Returns
July 9, 2020 at 10:13 am EDT

“The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Manhattan prosecutors can obtain President Trump’s financial records — and punted on House Democrats’ efforts to access those records,” Axios reports.

“The Manhattan ruling, a 7-2 decision, is a stinging loss for Trump, who has fought relentlessly to keep these records secret.

“The state of play: The public likely won’t see Trump’s tax returns any time soon, because they’ve been subpoenaed as part of a secret grand jury process in New York.

“And the court’s 7-2 punt of House Democrats’ subpoena means that they won’t get their hands on Trump’s finances ahead of the November election.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump on Facebook

The Supreme Court sends case back to Lower Court, arguments to continue. This is all a political prosecution. I won the Mueller Witch Hunt, and others, and now I have to keep fighting in a politically corrupt New York. Not fair to this Presidency or Administration!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's afraid to release his taxes because he is a corrupt person and a narcissist.

C.H. Truth said...


Well Reverend... that might be what Axios reports.

But the USSC stated this:

The arguments presented here and in the Court of Appeals were limited to absolute immunity and heightened need. The Court of Appeals, however, has directed that the case be returned to the District Court, where the President may raise further arguments as appropriate. We affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

So regardless of what your favorite bloggers have to say.

The USSC did not order Trump or any Trump party to turn anything over to the District court at this time. The entire thing goes back to the original court where the only settled question is that Trump is not immune from subpoena because he is President.

While from a technical standpoint, Trump didn't get what he legally asked for (which was the court to order that he had absolute immunity). But he got exactly what he needed, which was no order by the USSC for him to turn anything over at this time.

The court agreed that he still has other arguments against the subpoenas that he can make and that the litigation will continue (and for now, he doesn't have to turn over anything).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another reason to Vote Blue Wave in November.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It will not be resolved until after the election.

C.H. Truth said...

But the Reverend is correct that it would be extremely unlikely that subpoenaed records to the District court of New York would make it to the public eye before the election even had the court demanded and ordered Trump to turn them over today.

We all know that five minutes after Congress had Trump's financial records, they would be leaked to 101 different media outlets.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the eastern half of Oklahoma can be considered Native American territory, a decision the state previously warned could create "civil, criminal and regulatory turmoil."

The 5-4 decision was written by Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined by the court's four liberal justices. The justices were considering the issue for the second time after failing to decide a different case last year, when Gorsuch was recused and the court likely deadlocked.

The case concerned an appeal from Jimcy McGirt, a Native American, who claimed his state rape conviction from 1997 should be overturned because Oklahoma lacked jurisdiction. Congress, his lawyer Ian Gershengorn said, never properly terminated the reservation.

More: 1 in 3 American Indian and Alaska Native women will be raped, but survivors rarely find justice on tribal lands

During oral arguments in May, the justices reached back to 1907 to determine whether Congress, using imprecise language, failed to disestablish the 1866 boundaries of the reservation.

Anonymous said...

To believe Roger on Trumps Tax Returns is to believe every auditor at the IRS is turning a blind eye.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If so, virtually half of Oklahoma – home to 1.8 million residents and including Tulsa, where President Donald Trump recently held a controversial campaign rally amid a global pandemic – would remain Native American territory. That means Native Americans are subject to federal, not state, laws.

"In reaching our conclusion about what the law demands of us today, we do not pretend to foretell the future and we proceed well aware of the potential for cost and conflict around jurisdictional boundaries, especially ones that have gone unappreciated for so long," Gorsuch wrote in Thursday's decision. "But it is unclear why pessimism should rule the day. With the passage of time, Oklahoma and its Tribes have proven they can work successfully together as partners."

Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch did not participate in the earlier Oklahoma case, presumably because he was involved while serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit.
Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch did not participate in the earlier Oklahoma case, presumably because he was involved while serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit.
"The federal government promised the (Muscogee Creek Nation) a reservation in perpetuity," Gorsuch wrote, adding that while Congress has "diminished" the sanctuary over time lawmakers had "never withdrawn the promised reservation."

"As a result, many of the arguments before us today follow a sadly familiar pattern. Yes, promises were made, but the price of keeping them has become too great, so now we should just cast a blind eye. We reject that thinking."

The state's solicitor general, Mithun Mansinghani, warned that could require the release of more than 1,700 inmates. That didn't sit well with several justices who feared a chaotic overhaul of long-decided criminal cases.

"What makes this case hard is that there have been hundreds, hundreds of prosecutions, some very heinous offenses of the state law. On your view, they would all become undone," Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Gershengorn.

"Won't (residents) be surprised to learn that they are living on a reservation and that they are now subject to laws imposed by a body that is not accountable to them in any way?" Associate Justice Samuel Alito asked.

In the earlier case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit ruled the state lacked jurisdiction to prosecute a gruesome murder because it happened within 3 million acres belonging to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. The ruling threatened more than 19 million acres in eastern Oklahoma once inhabited by five Native American tribes.

Yet many Oklahoma public officials, including Republican Rep. Tom Cole and former Democratic Gov. Brad Henry, urged the justices to rule in favor of the Native American tribes whose sovereignty they said has been good for the state.

"In one area after another – taxation, gaming, motor vehicle registration, law enforcement, and water rights – the Nations’ sovereignty within their reservations and the state’s recognition of that sovereignty have provided the framework for the negotiation of inter-governmental agreements that benefit all Oklahomans," they said.

The Trump administration took the state's side, telling the justices that Congress long ago broke up the Creek Nation's lands, abolished its courts and set a timetable for the tribe's dissolution.

Last year, 10 states from Maine to Texas to Montana warned that the boundaries of tribal lands have jurisdictional consequences there as well. They said a decision in the tribe's favor "would be confusing and costly at best, and disastrous at worst," affecting health and energy policy, environmental regulation, economic development and taxes.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Supreme Court allows Native American jurisdiction in half of Oklahoma

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's far more complicated than you can understand kput'z shut the fuck up

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump’s twitter feed reads like a man who knows he is facing prosecution in New York.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dan Rather

C.H. Truth said...

Another way to look at this would be how it affects future issues between the executive and congressional branch.

With the USSC vacating the lower court ruling on the grounds that they did not look at separation of powers and given all nine Justices agreed on this point, it sets a pretty solid precedent moving forward for executive privilege.

This sort of 9-0 logical decision 7-2 on vacating vs overruling probably doesn't happen if Congress wasn't so transparently issuing these subpoenas for political reasons and with the obvious and full intent to leak the information illegally to the press and public.

In other words...

Trump derangement syndrome probably harmed the powers of Congress vs the Executive branch because they couldn't help but overreach in an area where no other Congress would have thought to go after any other President.

Their overreach and blatant politicizing of the issue cause irreversible harm to Congresses "legitimate" oversight moving forward.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Both Gorsuch & Kavanaugh joined the majority on this.

He hasn't yet had a Tweet storm yet

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unfortunately it will lead to a Presidential authority beyond everything the founding fathers feared.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your TDS claim is full of shit again

C.H. Truth said...

Funny that "everyone" is claiming victory

Jay Sekulow is claiming victory
Prosecutor Vance is claiming victory
Nancy Pelosi is claiming victory

The only one of the three that has pretty much zero reason to celebrate was Pelosi. They came into this with a win at the lower court and now the USSC has vacated that win, leaving a very very large uphill battle as to how to approach a "separation of powers" issue that all nine Justices on the high court agreed existed.

C.H. Truth said...

Your TDS claim is full of shit again

Is it?

Has a congress ever subpoenaed a President's personal financial record under the guise that it serves a legislative purpose? Can you honestly say that this isn't something (right, wrong, or indifferent) that was done under the excuse that the "bad orange man" required them to go this far outside the normal boundaries of the separation of powers?

Because if you use the excuse that this is about Trump specifically (not President's in general) you are admitting to TDS.

Commonsense said...

If Vance's office is in any way ethical, you won't see Trump's tax returns unless there is an indictment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Congress has the authority to oversee the President.

Richard Nixon made the same arguments.

I'm old enough to remember the Nixon impeachment proceedings. Do you think that it was Nixon Derangement Syndrome?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott Do you wear a mask when you go out or are you pro virus ?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They can't release the tax returns or go to jail

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nothing will happen before Nov. His base has already accepted that he’s a criminal and they don’t have a problem with it, so the election is what matters.

Commonsense said...

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the eastern half of Oklahoma can be considered Native American territory, a decision the state previously warned could create "civil, criminal and regulatory turmoil."

The 5-4 decision was written by Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined by the court's four liberal justices. The justices were considering the issue for the second time after failing to decide a different case last year, when Gorsuch was recused and the court likely deadlocked.

Kind of confuses the status of American Indian reservations. Before the jurist-prudence treated the reservation as subordinate to the state where they were located in where they recognized most state laws and the power of state law enforcement entities to enter and arrest wrong doers. It was something more than a county but less than a state.

Now it is treating the reservations as the sovereign equivalent to a state. Which means they will have to provide their own law enforcement apparatus as well as infrastructure, legislation and taxing laws. The state of Oklahoma will no longer be able to collect taxes on half of it's original territory. And a number of non-native Americans will now fall under tribal law.

I don't think this is a win for native Americans.

C.H. Truth said...

The courts ruled against Nixon because he was simply arguing executive privilege with no real basis for it. He was caught committing an actual criminal action and was trying to use the Presidency to avoid prosecution.

There is no evidence that Trump has committed any criminal offenses at this point. He has not been "caught" doing anything criminal. The underlying crime in the Vance investigation (non-disclosure agreements with women) are not even really about those agreements being illegal...

Vance is only investigating whether or not any of the documents were "falsified" which would be a difficult thing to prove and more difficult to actually tie to Trump himself (who probably had little to do with the actual accounting of such a thing - especially when he was running for President at the time).

It would appear that Vance is politicizing things here and largely getting away with it. Ultimately the idea "may" have been to get something out before the election... but that seems unlikely at this point.

The USSC was clear that Trump still has the right to continue to fight the subpoena and it would seem to be a direct affront to the ruling if that information was sent to Vance before the court procedures play their way out.

The USSC did not "order" either Party to send the documents. If they did send them at this point, the information may not be usable by Vance (unless his plan was to simply let them leak out somehow - which would be criminal).


Justices Rule Against Trump on Tax Returns
July 9, 2020 at 10:13 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

the "pastor's" GODdard has once again told him how to think and what to spread.

Like he does ALL DAY

And boy what he spreads sure has on odor. Like a POS so he probably is oblivious to it.



Dan Bongino

‪Democrats: “No one is above the law!”‬

‪Also Democrats: “Except Obama and Biden!” ‬

Any chance this will help open up Biden's Delaware records ???

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You made my point.

"There is no evidence that Trump has committed any criminal offenses at this point. "

Until the investigation is completed, we will not know if he broke the law.

You keep claiming that the prosecutor is a partisan hack. These people are dedicated lawyer not politicians

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In both cases, Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the majority opinion, in which Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan joined.
Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch filed a concurring opinion in the judgment against Trump tied to his fight against releasing his tax returns and financial records, while Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito filed dissenting opinions in both cases.


Donald J. Trump

We have a totally corrupt previous Administration, including a President and Vice President who spied on my campaign, AND GOT CAUGHT...and nothing happens to them. This crime was taking place even before my election, everyone knows it, and yet all are frozen stiff with fear....

...No Republican Senate Judiciary response, NO “JUSTICE”, NO FBI, NO NOTHING. Major horror show REPORTS on Comey & McCabe, guilty as hell, nothing happens. Catch Obama & Biden cold, nothing. A 3 year, $45,000,000 Mueller HOAX, failed - investigated everything....

...Won all against the Federal Government and the Democrats send everything to politically corrupt New York, which is falling apart with everyone leaving, to give it a second, third and fourth try. Now the Supreme Court gives a delay ruling that they would never have given...

...for another President. This is about PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. We catch the other side SPYING on my campaign, the biggest political crime and scandal in U.S. history, and NOTHING HAPPENS. But despite this, I have done more than any President in history in first 3 1/2 years!

The president is eight, Justice needs to be balanced.

The corrupt Obama administration has been held to be above the law


* right

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What is the best thing about the Supreme Court's decision?

ANSWER: The fact that Trump hated it.

You would think he would have tried to claim "absolute and total exoneration."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess Fox News DID try to claim that:

Fox News Was Rebuffed In Declaring Victory for Trump

Fox News was ready to declare “victory” for President Trump after the Supreme Court ruled by a 7-2 margin that he must turn over his tax returns to the Manhattan District Attorney.

But then Judge Andrew Napolitano stepped in to say not so fast, the Daily Beast reports.

Said Napolitano:
“It means that the president of the United States, President Trump and all of his successors and any of his predecessors for that matter, is not immune from criminal prosecution and is not immune from complying with the ordinary process. This is a defeat for the president.”

Oh, how unkind! Trump will be furious.

FavoriteSave to Favorites

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Says He’s Victim of a ‘Political Prosecution’

President Trump's tweet storm after the Supreme Court ruling on his tax returns suggest he’s not very happy.

He’s painting himself as the victim of a double standard in comparison to the “totally corrupt previous Administration.”

He also resurrected his conspiracy theory that former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden “spied” on his campaign, complaining “nothing happens to them.”


Oh dear, Donald, you're say you're being politically persecuted?

Maybe you could apply for asylum in, oh say, Guatemala or somewhere.

C.H. Truth said...

Until the investigation is completed, we will not know if he broke the law.

Well Roger... you need a probable cause to start any investigation. You cannot decide to "investigate the person" and find the crime later.

Keep in mind that the old saying - show me the person and I will find a crime - is technically unconstitutional and subject to judicial review.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

At the end of the day the opinions of the lay people will not matter.

The only thing that DOES matter is what the USSC wrote.

In the Vance case THE USSC Specifically wrote:

the arguments presented here and in the Court of Appeals were limited to absolute immunity and heightened need. The Court of Appeals, however, has directed that the case be returned to the District Court, where the President may raise further arguments as appropriate. We affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals and remand the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.


By definition, that means that the litigation is not over and that they only ruled on these specific issues.

There is nothing in the ruling that suggests that the subpoenas themselves have been determined to be legal and the USSC did not order anyone to turn over any information.

They REMANDED it back to the lower courts for more litigation.

Not sure why people want to argue with what Roberts ACTUALLY wrote?

C.H. Truth said...


The actually VACATED the lower court ruling that had gone in favor of Congress. That LITERALLY makes it as if there was never any ruling in the first place.

That case will have to go back to the appellate court and they will have to litigate the entire thing with a new found focus on the separation of powers that all 9 Justices suggested they did not address.

Caliphate4vr said...

Until the investigation is completed, we will not know if he broke the law.

Geezus you get dumber by the day

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, Reverend...
At the end of the day the opinions of the lay people will not matter.

You consider Judge Napolitano to be a lay person?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“...the president of the United States, President Trump and all of his successors and any of his predecessors for that matter, is not immune from criminal prosecution and is not immune from complying with the ordinary process. This is a defeat for the president.”


Justice Department Backs Roger Stone Going to Prison

“The Justice Department supports longtime Trump friend Roger Stone going to prison on Tuesday, according to a new court filing,” CNN reports.


Pelosi Says House Has ‘Path’ to Trump’s Taxes

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that although the Supreme Court ruling does not give the House of Representatives access to President Trump’s financial records, it gives them “a path,” ABC News reports.

Said Pelosi: “We have a path that the Supreme Court has laid out that we will certainly not ignore and we will never stop our oversight… There was never any way they were going to give us the records right now, but they would give us a path to the records.”


Fauci Calls for Some States to Shut Down Again

Dr. Anthony Fauci told the Wall Street Journal that states hit hardest with coronavirus should consider “shutting down” again.

Said Fauci: “What we are seeing is exponential growth. It went from an average of about 20,000 to 40,000 and 50,000. That’s doubling… Any state that is having a serious problem, that state should seriously look at shutting down.”


Governor Wants Bust of KKK Leader Removed

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) said the bust of a Confederate general and early Ku Klux Klan leader should be relocated to the state museum, marking the first time Lee has explicitly called for the removal of the monument of Nathan Bedford Forrest inside Tennessee’s Capitol, the Tennessean reports.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They had probable cause to start the investigation.

C.H. Truth said...

You consider Judge Napolitano to be a lay person?

I consider what Chief Justice Roberts actually wrote...

to be more accurate than any off the cuff opinion by a washed up media legal analyst...

Wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...

The only thing that DOES matter is what the USSC wrote.

James failure to read, again

C.H. Truth said...


What you have is a situation where people are trying to spin the situation one way or the other.

But you and I both know that the ONLY thing that really matters is whether or not the USSC would have ordered that Trump's financial had to be turned over to someone right now, so they could be leaked to the press prior to November.

As the people I trust have suggested that it's likely that "eventually" the Prosecutors will get the records and that Congress will likely never get the records.

The more pressing concern is that the rulings may have now created a precedent where prosecutors can start investigating standing Presidents with very little pretense, just because.

The Vance prosecution is little more than an end around the fact that the SDNY could not find any actual evidence of a crime in regards to the actual Non-disclosure agreements. What Vance is hoping to prove is that a perfectly legal agreement was somehow "falsified" in the record keeping.

Without the underlying criminal idea that saying it was a "legal expense" rather than a "campaign contribution" - I am not sure where that goes. You would have to first prove that it had to be listed as a campaign contribution (when there is no legal reason for him to have done so).

In fact, I believe that the actual agreement was created and signed by Cohen, and that the payments from Trump went to him (to pay the recipients).

They would have to show that this is entirely different from how normal non-disclosure agreements work. More to the point, they would have to prove that someone (and it would have to specifically be Trump) knowingly falsified it in a manner where they were clear they were breaking the law.

I don't believe that Vance even probably thinks he has a case. He really just wants to get his hands on the financial records.

Anonymous said...


What you have is a situation where people are trying to spin the situation one way or the other.

But you and I both know that the ONLY thing that really matters is whether or not the USSC would have ordered that Trump's financial had to be turned over to someone right now, so they could be leaked to the press prior to November."

Exactly CHT.

Anonymous said...

With the 3 Marxist of CHT, they HATE Trump for beating Hillary.
Ending the hope n changy thingy of the Obimbo and Hermorphidite "Mike".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's latest campaign promises have helped him expand his base.

David Duke has endorsed Donald Trump for president. He’s also suggested that Fox News personality Tucker Carlson should be his vice president.

Duke was Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and is a notorious racist. He took to Twitter on Wednesday to offer his endorsement of the President.

“Trump & Tucker is the only way to stop the commie Bolsheviks! It is the only path to beat them!” Duke wrote.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Twitter tirade. Soon

The city of New York began painting a Black Lives Matter mural outside of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan this morning. Mayor Bill de Blasio joined in this afternoon along with his wife, Chirlane McCray, and Rev. Al Sharpton.⁣
De Blasio announced last month that the city would paint “Black Lives Matter” on streets at locations around the city. The first such block-long message was put on a street in Brooklyn. The announcement follows the move by officials in Washington, D.C., to paint the slogan in enormous yellow letters on the street leading to the White House.⁣⁣
Trump lived in Trump Tower before he took office as president but has spent little time there since. He changed his official residence to Florida last year. His business empire is still headquartered there.⁣⁣
📷 AP⁣

Caliphate4vr said...

When Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep’s handlers first began letting him do videos from his quarantine basement, Jill was often sitting at his side, grinning like a proud mother whose idiot underachieving kid had just successfully recited the alphabet for the first time. It was, quite frankly, very creepy to watch.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

None of you will watch this YouTube video.

anonymous said...

UGA mouth of the south with another POS opinion from PJ media, the thinker for dumb fucks like him!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

The BLM in front of trump tower in NY is exactly the ticket most NY'ers feel about trump......a bigoted idiot who did nothing for them or the country but steel and screw his way to the top!!!!! Thanx DiBlasio for showing the country what donald is about thinking that the mural is denigrating .......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Only to bigots and idiots!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

None of you will watch this YouTube video.

After how many of your predictions have failed!!!

You finally got one right! Congratulations!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Can we please all agree that this experiment of having a dumb TV host and shady real estate developer with no government knowledge, 5 children from 3 marriages, 6 bankruptcies, 46 charges of sexual assault, and 3,800 lawsuits as president is not going well at all? #TrumpMeltdown


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is a video of Ronald Reagan and his make America great again and in contrast to the President speaking at Mount Rushmore claiming that anyone who dares to differ with him is traitor.

anonymous said...

Isn't it great to know Lil Schitty that the sitting US president will now have an active criminal investigation being conducted during the campaign thanx to the SCOTUS decision!!!! I again see the Biden ads will write themselves as more and more information is discovered about the trump cover up of payments to whores and their friends.....I am sure melodious will enjoy the info as it is made public and that she can capitalize on holding him hostage to her will.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

After how many of your predictions have failed!!!

You mean like you and all your virus predictions Lil Schitty???????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! kettle!!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JUST IN: The Department of Justice said in a court filing that it's "reasonable" for longtime Trump adviser and former Republican operative Roger Stone to begin his prison sentence next week, saying Stone failed to provide adequate reasoning as to why he should be treated differently from other convicted felons.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer for President Donald Trump, was taken into custody by U.S. Marshals and sent to a federal jail after balking at a demand that he agree not to talk to the media, or participate with any film or book, while serving the rest of his criminal sentence on home confinement, his attorney said.
Cohen’s detention came weeks after his furlough from a federal prison in Westchester County, N.Y., due to concerns about him catching the coronavirus, and a week after he was photographed by a New York newspaper eating at a Manhattan restaurant.
Cohen was recently released from prison after raising concerns he could catch the coronavirus.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty you never make sense

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McConnell May Not Attend GOP Convention

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told the Cincinnati Enquirer he was uncertain about attending the Republican convention next month.

Said McConnell: “It’s a challenging situation and a number of my colleagues announced they are not going to attend. And we’ll have to wait and see how things look in late August to determine whether or not you can safely convene that many people.”


anonymous said...

Hey UGA mouth of the south,,,,,,,,,,BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Like I give a fuck what you think !!!!! Sad you can't figure out for yourself that PJ media is a POS, just like you!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“Trump & Tucker is the only way to stop the commie Bolsheviks! It is the only path to beat them!”

"Defeating Trump is the only way to stop the KKK white supremacist fascists who want Trump as their DOTUS (Dictator of the United States).

anonymous said...

2 more senate seats that the GOP may lose!!!!!!! Thanx for your help donnie in poisoning everyone in your old man white party as your world is sinking around you!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

In the Georgia special election set for Nov. 3, which will not have a primary and will pit several Democrats and Republicans against each other on one ballot, Mr. Collins has led almost every public and private poll, with Ms. Loeffler and several Democrats behind him. (The winner must earn 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff.)

A recent survey of Arizona voters from The New York Times and Siena College found Ms. McSally trailing her Democratic opponent, the former astronaut and U.S. Navy Captain Mark Kelly, by nine percentage points.

In a recent Fox News poll of the Arizona race, just 73 percent of Republicans supported Ms. McSally, while 88 percent of Democrats supported Mr. Kelly.



I don’t know who needs to hear this but Joe Biden is moving further Left than Bernie Sanders.

and he OWNS blacks so he can

anonymous said...

Hey James fuck nut daddy.....

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Bradford and fucked daddy....a pair of pocket deuces in a high stakes game!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Caliphate4vr said...

Hey fatty Collins is the one Trump wanted Loeffler was Kemp’s choice, stupid

Anonymous said...

Roger, wrong again.
"None of you will watch this YouTube video."

Too easy to defeat Alky.
CHT and I watched it.


Chicago Sun-Times

When the man ignored her request to put the mask back on, she allegedly yelled, “I am a schoolteacher and I have COVID-19.” The woman then allegedly removed her own mask and spat in his face.

Those Biden supporting teachers, sure it was all done in fun.

anonymous said...

Who won today????? The rule of law/ constitution Or Donald the crook trump?????? Will trump be exposed by his own evidence???? Will donnie say he is sorry to his wife????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

How much do you want to bet she's not fired.

anonymous said...

FUCK NUT DADDY.....trying to prove he and the whore fucker trump are superior to everyone!!!!! The root cause of the GOP going down the shitter!!!!!! She allegedly yelled on twitter......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Great source asshole!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Who won today?????

Donald Trump. After their initial elation even the liberal pundits admit as much.

anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet she's not fired.

For an asshole that does not name the monetary stakes......and I'll take your bet!!!!!! BWAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

the liberals look so sad and angrier.


Why I Went to Auschwitz

Great story by NBA star Ray Allen and why history and people matter.


And fuck off lo iq, you are just a piece of shit like your BUTT BUDDY

anonymous said...

Which liberal pundits admit as much.....a link will do.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Hard Socialism of Biden.

"“It’s way past time to put the end to the era of shareholder capitalism. The idea the only responsibility a corporation has is its shareholders — that is simply not true, it’s an absolute farce. They have a responsibility to their workers, their community, to their country.”

Anonymous said...

Carl Biden:

In place of “shareholder capitalism,” Biden proposed a more inclusive system built on the power of labor unions and on “black, brown, and Native American” communities that he said had been left out of economic prosperity."

Pedo Joe.

"The slogan for his plan, Biden said, was “Build Back Better.”😣


anonymous said...

Hey asshole if I had a single digit IQ it would still be higher than yours.

Don't you have a dick to go suck or an old hairy white butt to explore as is normal for you?

ROFLMFAO at the delusional piece of shit !!!

anonymous said...

IT'S TIME FOR THE GOAT FUCKER TO TAKE HIS HEAD OUT OF TRUMPS FAT OLD OBESE WHITE ASS AND REALIZE HOW MUCH THE COUNTRY HAS BEEN SCREWED BY THE LIAR IN CHIEFLLLLLLL Maybe the disingenuous piece of shit goat fucker will post the entire Biden quote instead of the part taken out of context to the entire speech you fucking lying shit head!!!!!

anonymous said...


anonymous said...


Caliphate4vr said...

LMAO at stupid fatty

Blogger anonymous said...
2 more senate seats that the GOP may lose!!!!!!! Thanx for your help donnie in poisoning everyone in your old man white party as your world is sinking around you!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

In the Georgia special election set for Nov. 3, which will not have a primary and will pit several Democrats and Republicans against each other on one ballot, Mr. Collins has led almost every public and private poll, with Ms. Loeffler and several Democrats behind him. (The winner must earn 50 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff.)

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Hey fatty Collins is the one Trump wanted Loeffler was Kemp’s choice, stupid


Hey lo iq not only do I have a MUCH HIGHER IQ than you, so does every one else on the PLANET.

Good thing for you is yours can never decline much, unlike Biden.


anonymous said...

Hey mouth of the miss the fact Collins is bleeding support from the faithful like you.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Georgia turning blue you dumb fuck!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Which of course you don’t know, since you didn’t realize Collins was R, until I posted, that FACT

Poor fatman never knows anything of which he speaks

But he can inhale a pie

I win!

Anonymous said...

Lol@Denise as his Mangina bleeds.

Anonymous said...

Carl Biden:

In place of “shareholder capitalism,” Biden proposed a more inclusive system built on the power of labor unions and on “black, brown, and Native American” communities that he said had been left out of economic prosperity."

Pedo Joe.

"The slogan for his plan, Biden said, was “Build Back Better.”😣

anonymous said...

Of course the only ads I see are from the cunt......And following this states fucked up govner, an alumni of the UGA party school....You should read the whole article at the is rather revealing for idiots like you......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Blow it out your ass again, big should learn to listen instead of just being a stupid loud mouth.....LOLOLOLOL

Caliphate4vr said...

So IOW fatty, you had no idea of Collins party affiliation, but that’s somehow everyone else’s fault, when you made your stupid post that a donk would win the seat

Fuck you’re so stupid and easy

And fat

Caliphate4vr said...

Oh and I WIN

anonymous said...


anonymous said...

YEP mouth of the and trump always win, your egos can't handle anything else......LOLOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...


Your standard is all quotes require a link too.

Ok, we will see how long you adhere to your standard.

anonymous said...

Funny......I told you to post the whole thing and you failed to understand that simple request with your typical idiotic twisted words....No wonder why you hide in mommy's basement too stupid to survive on your own......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper confirmed Thursday that he had been briefed on information regarding Russian payments to the Taliban, seemingly acknowledging that Russia's support for the militant group in Afghanistan is not a "hoax," as President Donald Trump has claimed. However, Esper also made clear that he has not seen intelligence that corroborates claims that American troops were killed as a result of the "bounty" payments, walking a delicate line between acknowledging a well-known threat and potentially clashing with the President.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bioethicist Dr. Zeke Emanuel is predicting that up to 250,000 Americans could die directly from the coronavirus by the end of the year. In an interview with CBS News chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett, Emanuel, who is the vice provost for Global Initiatives and chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, slammed the Trump administration's response to the pandemic as "incompetent and pretty disastrous."

"Before the year is out, we'll probably have, I would think, between 220,000 and 250,000 Americans who died directly from COVID, not to mention those people who are dying indirectly," Emanuel said in this week's episode of "The Takeout" podcast. Emanuel singled out people with heart conditions or in need of cancer treatment who may not visit the doctor due to concerns about catching the virus as factors contributing to high indirect mortality rates.

"You'll have a huge increase in mortality because of COVID, and that is, it seems to me, to be a failure," Emanuel said. Emanuel is also a senior fellow for the left-leaning think tank Center for American Progress, and he is also on former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign task force to address the coronavirus.

Highlights from this week's episode:Zeke Emanuel on the possible death toll of the virus by the end of the year: "Before the year is out, we'll probably have I would think between 220 and 250 thousand Americans who died directly from COVID, not to mention those people who are dying indirectly."Coronavirus testing: "We were extremely slow to develop good testing and we still don't have the best testing that we should."Reopening schools in the fall: "We need to open up primary and secondary schools in the fall. I think it's really important. I think you can do it safely. But whenever I say it, I don't mean 'no COVID,' I mean 'you will get COVID and kids will get COVID,' but you can do it in a way that tries to minimize those cases."Importance of wearing masks: "I heard someone saying, 'Oh only sissies wear masks.' Baloney! You wear a mask because you don't want to spread it to someone else, and you don't want to catch it from someone else."

Emanuel noted that several states have seen an uptick in cases in recent weeks, and that the daily death tolls are comparable to what they were at the onset of the pandemic in the U.S. in March.