Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Good news?

There’s a little bit of good news on the Wuhan coronavirus front. Moderna Inc’s experimental vaccine for the virus proved to be safe and to provoke immune responses in all 45 healthy volunteers in an ongoing Phase 1 study.
Individuals who received two doses of the vaccine had levels of virus-killing neutralizing antibodies that exceeded the average levels seen in people who have recovered from COVID-19.

Now this will no doubt crawl along slower than a turtle with a broken leg, but it's encouraging that we have something that appears to have a good shot at helping.


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Anonymous said...

if voter fraud by mail favored the GOP, the left would burn down every Post Office in America.

this ain't about covid.

this is about STEALING.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Harsh penalties: Anyone who commits voter fraud using a mail ballot risks severe criminal and civil penalties: up to five years in prison and $10,000 in fines for each act of fraud under federal law, in addition to any state penalties. In Oregon, for example, voting with or signing another person’s ballot is a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison. These penalties provide a strong deterrent to voter fraud; it makes no sense to risk such significant punishment for one additional vote.

Postelection audits: In 2018, a review of returned absentee ballot records helped identify anomalies in the election results of Bladen County, North Carolina, enabling election officials to uncover election interference by a political operative who stole and tampered with mail ballots. Postelection audits, which many jurisdictions are starting to adopt, would more systematically enable election officials to identify any irregularities or misconduct in the vote. Audits typically use statistical techniques to review a sample of ballots cast in an election to ensure that votes were recorded and tallied accurately. Since audits can only be meaningfully carried out when there is a voter-verified paper record of each vote, mail ballots (which are paper-based), are conducive to effective audits. Postelection audits are already widely used in states that use mail voting and are a best security practice for all elections regardless.

Polling sites as a fail-safe: Finally, if there are concerns that an eligible voter’s mail ballots could be lost or uncounted, in-person polling sites provide a mechanism to correct problems, provide essential services, and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a valid ballot. No system that relies on mail balloting can operate without accessible in-person voting sites, both for those who cannot or will not vote by mail and as a fail-safe to the inevitable problems that may arise. Election administration glitches, mail delivery problems, and data errors can prevent voters from receiving or submitting their ballots. Other voters, including many on Native American reservations, simply lack reasonable access to mail. And inconsistent ballot counting practices cause mail ballots in some communities to be rejected unfairly, or at higher rates. These are problems of access and administration, not fraud. And they can be readily solved at polling sites.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vote fraud is extremely rare

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump actually said that he actually won the popular vote because over three million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton.

There is no evidence of that happen.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the Democrats actually cheated the popular vote why didn't Trump investigate the fraudulent voters?

Anyone who commits voter fraud using a mail ballot risks severe criminal and civil penalties: up to five years in prison and $10,000 in fines for each act of fraud under federal law, in addition to any state penalties. In Oregon, for example, voting with or signing another person’s ballot is a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison. These penalties provide a strong deterrent to voter fraud; it makes no sense to risk such significant punishment for one additional vote.

Unless things change in my opinion, is that the President will not accept his defeat and refuse to accept that and he will get a Republican governor to send in the National Guard and surround the White House and will not leave the house until the Pentagon will send in the 82nd Airborne to get his sorry ass to jail.


rrb said...

if voter fraud by mail favored the GOP, the left would burn down every Post Office in America.

this ain't about covid.

this is about STEALING.



Unless things change in my opinion, is that the President will not accept his defeat and refuse to accept that and he will get a Republican governor to send in the National Guard and surround the White House and will not leave the house until the Pentagon will send in the 82nd Airborne to get his sorry ass to jail.

TDS on steroids.

Don't worry, President Trump will win re-election so your nightmare won't happen.


anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! LMFAO at you again fucked up the only asshole on earth posting crap from james woods is most amusing and telling how stupid you truly are!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Brennan Center for Justice (BCJ)
organizationLast updated: July 16, 2020
Leftist think tank and legal activist group
Heavily bankrolled by George Soros’s Open Society Institute
Supports campaign-finance reform, judicial activism, voting rights for felons, and living-wage laws
Opposes voter ID laws
Contends that the U.S. Constitution is a “living” document that must evolve over time
Condemns the “persistent racial disparities” that pervade America’s criminal and civil legal systems
Seeks to ban all “ethnic and religious profiling”
Located at the New York University School of Law, the Brennan Center for Justice (BCJ) describes itself as a “nonpartisan” entity—“part think tank, part public interest law firm, part advocacy group, part communications hub”—that aims to “improve our systems of democracy and justice” by instituting “bold policy reform,” a “shift [in] legal doctrine,” and “meaningful, measurable change in the systems by which our nation is governed.” To advance these agendas, the Center generates scholarly studies (written by its team of 25 experts), mounts media campaigns, devises and promotes legislative reforms, files amicus briefs, gives pro bono support to activists, and litigates test cases in court.

Woven throughout BCJ’s work is a commitment to carry on the work of its namesake, former Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. (1906 -1997), a judicial activist who pioneered the modern practice of “legislating from the bench” and gave birth to the doctrine of a “living” Constitution whose relationship to the Founders’ document is constantly “evolving.” BCJ champions a “new constituional vision” that casts the U.S. Constitution not as an articulation of enduring principles, but as “a charter for a thriving [evolving] democracy” and a seed bed for “a compelling progressive jurisprudence for the 21st century.” The organization holds many public events that are centered on the Constitution, most notably a “Living Constitution” lecture series designed “to further understanding of the Constitution and its role in a changing world.”

Anonymous said...

Unless things change in my opinion, is that the President will not accept his defeat...

i would have to rank this as the ultimate in liberal psychological projection considering how they STILL to-this-day refuse to accept the result of the 2016 Presidential election.

anonymous said...

The UGA mouth of the south posting more fake drivel from Discover the asshole who believes this crap as real.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Keep proving why you and kemp are both fucking morons!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty’s gibbering

anonymous said...

Sure mouth of the south who posts pure guano and doesn't even know it!~!!!!!1 BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Doesn't think for himself and now realizes his UGA education was a waste of money!!!!!!!!! Gibbering.....LOLOLOLOL what you do best tough boy!!!!!

anonymous said...

Another great day for trumps economy;.....Only 1.3 million new claims for unemployment.....I am sure they will all be voting for trump in November.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

"the alky and the pederast are OPENLY rooting for a massive increase of covid infections and covid deaths."

Yes they do.

anonymous said...

And once again the goat fucker in his menial life posts from his basement another pile of BULLSHIT he is so noted for!!!!!! While you support the guy who has taken 136k american lives like they are not worthy of life.....that sure can be said about you and your unemployment and lack of a skill!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Biden win BLM attack and injured the Chief of Police.
Chief of Department Terence Monahan was among the seven officers injured during protests at City Hall when they were hit with canes, bats and debris."
Congrats to Dennis, James and Roger.

Anonymous said...
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