Monday, July 13, 2020

Let's clarify the lies about Roger Stone

Not surprisingly, the commutation of the sentence of Roger Stone has driven the left stark raving mad. It also has driven them to make statements and comments regarding things that are simply factually incorrect. Whether or not many of these people are even aware of what is and isn't true is of question. After all, liberal pretty much trust EVERYTHING they read these days, all dependent on where they read it.

But let's dig into this:

  • No, Roger Stone was not a liaison between Trump and Assange from Wikileaks. The Special Counsel Report is clear that they found no connection what-so-ever between Stone and Assange. What Stone did was contact a person by the name of Jerome Corsi and a radio host named Randy Credico, whom Stone claimed were in contact with Assange. However, the facts are that neither Corsi or Credico personally knew Assange either, and attempts to arrange interviews (for themselves) through other intermediaries never came to fruition. Contrary to popular belief there was no Stone/Assange/Wikileaks connection. There was a friend of a friend of a friend situation that never actually happened. 
  • No, Roger Stone was not a liaison between Trump and Guccifer (the supposed Russian hacker). The Special Counsel Report is clear that the closest thing Stone had to a relationship to Guccifer was receiving an email of thanks from someone identifying themselves as Guccifer, after Stone wrote a tweet criticizing Twitter for suspending the Guccifer Twitter account.  There was a couple of other emails from this contact to Stone, one asking something about turnout models, to which Stone replied with a two word reply of "pretty standard". The Special Counsel report was clear that there was no other communications, they could not determine that the emails actually came from anyone responsible for any hacking, and there was no other evidence of Stone reaching out to anyone regarding this.

The underlying truth is that Special Counsel found no actual evidence that Stone was liaison to anyone on behalf of anyone. Stone may have talked big, but there was nothing to his claims, there was no criminal activity, and there was nothing that he was "hiding" regarding much of anything other than failed attempts to garner information. 

There may be an argument that it was politically irresponsible for Stone to be digging around in any of this or making claims of connections, but bravado or politics is not a reason to investigation someone for criminal activity. The portion of the Special Counsel investigation that focused on Stone was worthless and more than a little unreasonable. 

The fact that at a time when people are walking around armed, riots have caused billions in damages, people are being shot and killed, and almost nobody is being arrested or charged with these crimes, it puts an even larger degree of hypocrisy to suggest that this guy should be the one serving time. The discrepancies in his testimonies were not in regards to any communications with Trump, Assange, or Guccifer. There was discrepancies about when and how he communicated with people like Corsi and Credico. Communications that were not illegal or even unethical.

Moreover, at a time when dangerous repeat violent felons are being released from Prison because of Covid, the idea that you would start a prison sentence for a non-violent 67 year old man (with no criminal history) and a history of lung problems is even more irresponsible.  

The truth is that common sense should have carried the day here, and Stone should have been put on a house arrest or even had his sentence dropped to probation. Had prosecutors and judges been reasonable about this (instead of holding political grudges) then the President would not have had to commute his sentence. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is no doubt, though, that Stone was guilty of perjury and a laughably ham-handed attempt at witness tampering. He was justly convicted of these charges and deserved to go to jail; in our system of justice, self-parody is no defense.

Attorney General Bill Barr reportedly opposed the commutation and was right to do so. The act of clemency is made worse by the fact that Stone repeatedly argued that he was owed it for his loyalty to the president.

Again, there is no reason to believe that Stone actually knows more damaging information about Trump’s dealings with Russia. Mueller’s investigators interviewed, subpoenaed, and searched hundreds of witnesses and prosecuted a couple of dozen Russian operatives and entities, and concluded that the Russians neither got help nor were looking for help from the Trump campaign. Even if Stone’s talk of omerta is a pose, it is grotesque and alone makes him unworthy of clemency.

(At least Trump didn’t pardon him, which means that his convictions still stand.)

This isn’t to deny the excesses of Trump’s critics and the prosecutors. The focus on Stone as the linchpin of a great international conspiracy was always absurd, even though some people — including Andrew Weissman, the zealous Democratic prosecutor who had a large hand in running the Mueller probe — are still clinging to it today. The early-morning SWAT team raid on Stone’s home, somehow covered by a CNN crew, was a travesty.

But Trump’s handling of the matter is indefensible. It is another indication of his perverse, highly personalized view of the criminal-justice system — and another reminder of the loathsome characters he’s surrounded himself with his entire adult life.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Typical people like you have lost your mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The National Review is not a left wing stark raving mad left wing Democratic lunatic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is no doubt, though, that Stone was guilty of perjury and a laughably ham-handed attempt at witness tampering. He was justly convicted of these charges and deserved to go to jail; in our system of justice, self-parody is no defense.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is still guilty of a felony and should be in jail.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump believes that the U.S. Air Force saved the United States War of 1812 .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

— Trump “insisted” the National Guard be used in Minneapolis to quell disturbances and Seattle officials “knew” he was ready to act with force if the city did not shut down protests. Local officials say neither claim is true; they acted on their own.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

— “We’ve rebuilt the military, 2.5 trillion dollars.” Trump frequently suggests this money is all for new equipment, but he’s just adding together three years of budgets, none of which is a record.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The commutation was another example of his total disregard for the rule of law in the United States of America.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You said "there was no criminal activity" he is a convicted felon.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even William Barr doesn't agree with you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After all, "liberal" pretty much trust EVERYTHING they read these days, all dependent on where they read it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Read it here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I stand corrected it was the American Revolutionary War n

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"At the 1788 convention where Virginia decided to ratify the Constitution, one of the delegates suggested that the pardon power was too broad and should be narrowed. “What if the president engaged in a criminal conspiracy and pardoned his co-conspirators?” the delegate asked. “And James Madison answered, ‘Well, that could never happen, because a president who did that would be instantly impeached.’” Tonight [July 10 ], Trump stepped in to save a man convicted of lying to Congress to cover up for the president."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump continues to commit crimes and pardon his felon buddies because he believes he’s above the law—and every Republican who voted to acquit him enabled and owns this.

Myballs said...

19 straight posts. Get a life.

anonymous said...

What the American Pediatrics really said about opening schools....DeVoss another FOT who is a know nothing was a complete embarrassment with her non answer BS on the head shows sunday.....

And ball less again shows his ignorance......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

19 straight posts. Get a life.

this IS his life.

locked down in a nursing home in the grip of TDS, with nothing to share but what he plagiarize's from others.

Anonymous said...

What the American Pediatrics really said about opening schools....

fuckstick -

apparently only morons like you need the guidance of the bozo's post to interpret the AAP - covid guidance for them.

the rest of us go to the source:

The purpose of this guidance is to support education, public health, local leadership, and pediatricians collaborating with schools in creating policies for school re-entry that foster the overall health of children, adolescents, staff, and communities and are based on available evidence. Schools are fundamental to child and adolescent development and well-being and provide our children and adolescents with academic instruction, social and emotional skills, safety, reliable nutrition, physical/speech and mental health therapy, and opportunities for physical activity, among other benefits. Beyond supporting the educational development of children and adolescents, schools play a critical role in addressing racial and social inequity. As such, it is critical to reflect on the differential impact SARS-CoV-2 and the associated school closures have had on different races, ethnic and vulnerable populations. These recommendations are provided acknowledging that our understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is changing rapidly.

Any school re-entry policies should consider the following key principles:

School policies must be flexible and nimble in responding to new information, and administrators must be willing to refine approaches when specific policies are not working.

It is critically important to develop strategies that can be revised and adapted depending on the level of viral transmission in the school and throughout the community and done with close communication with state and/or local public health authorities and recognizing the differences between school districts, including urban, suburban, and rural districts.

Policies should be practical, feasible, and appropriate for child and adolescent's developmental stage.

Special considerations and accommodations to account for the diversity of youth should be made, especially for our vulnerable populations, including those who are medically fragile, live in poverty, have developmental challenges, or have special health care needs or disabilities, with the goal of safe return to school.

No child or adolescents should be excluded from school unless required in order to adhere to local public health mandates or because of unique medical needs. Pediatricians, families, and schools should partner together to collaboratively identify and develop accommodations, when needed.

School policies should be guided by supporting the overall health and well-being of all children, adolescents, their families, and their communities. These policies should be consistently communicated in languages other than English, if needed, based on the languages spoken in the community, to avoid marginalization of parents/guardians who are of limited English proficiency or do not speak English at all.

With the above principles in mind, the AAP strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.

geezus BWAA, you must need written instructions from the WaPo on how to wipe your ass too.


Commonsense said...

” Tonight [July 10 ], Trump stepped in to save a man convicted of lying to Congress to cover up for the president."

Funny. Stone's conviction arose from the fact that he knew far less than he let on. That is what he mislead Congress about. Stone's real crime was embarrassing the Democrats on the hill and the New Media who were to eager to believe him as possessing the smoking gun. He had no smoking gun and nothing to cover up. He's just a buffoon looking for his 15 minutes of fame.

His prosecution was an exercise in maliciousness from the time the FBI raided his home in front of CNN cameras. His commutation would be indefensible were it not for the fact the Democrats refuse to refer Clapper, Comey, Strozk, and Brennan for lying to Congress.

anonymous said...

Hey rat......if you had the presence of mind to pay attention......DeVoss offered no guidance at all....just open up....As to the article I posted.....they very clearly lay out what is needed to be done to safely opened.....NO SINGLE SCHOOL DISTRICT HAS COMPLIED YET....!!!!!!!! IOW's your stupidity is duly noted and LAUGHED AT!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Funny. Stone's conviction arose from the fact that he knew far less than he let on

Even funnier, he was convicted by a jury of his peers and should be in jail.....Stone is nothing but a political operative whose claim to fame is knowing donnie......sad, he has done nothing in his life other than that, kinda like you cramps....a big fucking ZERO!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As to the article I posted.....they very clearly lay out what is needed to be done to safely opened....

no, they offer their opinion, which you quite obviously need since you don't possess the intellect to read and understand the guidance directly from the AAP.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!! And your idiotic opinion is again duly noted and I am sure the Pediatric will give a shit about your brand of being stupid!!!!!!!! God you must really enjoy trumps snegma!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Christie Wouldn’t Have Commuted Stone’s Sentence

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) told ABC News that he wouldn’t have commuted President Trump associate Roger Stone.

Said Christie:
“Well, I wouldn’t have done it… because I don’t think that the facts that surround the Stone prosecution support the idea of any type of clemency.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Roger Stone Will Campaign for Trump And Write a Book

Roger Stone told Axios that he plans to write and speak for President Trump’s re-election now that Stone “won’t die in a squalid hellhole of corona-19 virus.”

Said Stone: “First, I’m going to write a book about this entire ordeal to, once and for all, put to bed the myth of Russian collusion.”

He added: “It’ll be a very tough fight. He’s got three obstacles: voter fraud… internet censorship, which I have just recently experienced myself; and, of course, the constant falsehoods being pushed by the corporate-owned mainstream media. Those all make it a difficult race. But he is a great campaigner. He’s a great communicator.”

Barbara McQuade: Why Trump commuted Stone’s sentence instead of pardoning him.


This thread looked to be for TDS infected demented old white men.

In an episode.

Stone isn't the person you would invite to a quaint tea party but his ethics tower above those employed by the partisan Mueller "investigation.

And now with the gag order lifted he gets to talk and people should listen. Of course state media will desperately try to spin it different. But sane people will see what really happened.


* "investigation"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Roger Stone says "He's a Great Communicator.

Washington Post:

“It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Fact Checker’s database, an average of 12 claims a day.”

“But on July 9, just 440 days later, the president crossed the 20,000 mark — an average of 23 claims a day over a 14-month period, which included the events leading up to Trump’s impeachment trial, the worldwide pandemic that crashed the economy and the eruption of protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Shares Claim Doctors Are Lying About Coronavirus

President Trump retweeted a claim by game show host Chuck Woolery that the CDC, the media, the Democratic party, and “most” doctors are “lying” about the coronavirus.


Roger Stone Will Campaign for Trump
July 13, 2020 at 7:24 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Christie Wouldn’t Have Commuted Stone’s Sentence
July 12, 2020 at 9:23 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

etc etc etc

The mindless waterboy continues.

What a lying POS the "pastor" is.

Or as the left call people like him "useful idiot"


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




White House Declares Open Season on Fauci

“In Florida, some 15,300 coronavirus cases were reported in the last day. Health experts are warning of a resurgence of the virus. Yet, the White House is spending its time slagging Anthony Fauci, slinging opposition research about his misjudgments or misstatements as he was trying to prepare the nation for the coronavirus.

“A lot of White House aides shake their heads when they look at the president’s Twitter feed, or complain when he otherwise strays off message.
But they’re focusing their energy on trying to railroad the nation’s popular infectious disease doctor in the middle of an active pandemic that has killed more than 130,000 Americans."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



David French Reveals The Depth Of Intellectual Dishonesty Needed For The NeverTrumpers’ Vituperation of Roger Stone

I won't publish the entire article here (waste of space and people just skip over most of those) and it is lengthy but it completely obliterates the "case" against Roger Stone and the "Mueller" editorial from the TDS infected WP.

Anonymous said...

Washington Post:

“It took President Trump 827 days to top 10,000 false and misleading claims in The Trump Derangement Syndrome database, an average of 12 TDS seizures a day suffered by Washington Post staffers.”

“But on July 9, just 440 days later, the Washington Post staffers crossed the 20,000 TDS seizure mark — an average of 23 seizures a day over a 14-month period, which included the seizures triggered by events leading up to Trump’s impeachment trial, the seizures triggered by the worldwide pandemic that crashed the economy and the seizures triggered by the eruption of protests over the death of George Floyd in police custody.”

Grief counselors and psychiatric professionals have been brought in to deal with this rash of TDS seizures, with an increase of TDS seizures by several orders of magnitude expected as the 2020 Presidential Election nears. A Washington Post staffer suicide hotline is being established in the unlikely event Trump wins re-election, and thwarts all efforts by the Washington Post to prevent such an event.

Googan Todd-Tard reporting.

Myballs said...

Biden gonna rid the country of shareholder capitalism. Good grief. What the hell does he think will happen to tens of millions of 401Ks?

Caliphate4vr said...

And the pathetic ‘pastor’ runs to Godwin’s Law

You are an imbecile


Steve Krakauer

More people died with coronavirus in New York City (population 8 million) than Texas (29 mil), Florida (21 mil), California (39 mil) and Georgia (11 mil) … combined.

But the left loves New York's response.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rat's committing forgery again.

Commonsense said...

Christie Wouldn’t Have Commuted Stone’s Sentence,

Christie is not president of the United States.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If it's in RedState, you can believe it
about like you can believe Trump.


James said...

I see the lying plagiarizing POS "pastor" is showing his NAZI ROOTS AGAIN.

And blindly copying shit over from his GODdard's political_lire. Whatever he says must be copied over.

James said...

ROFLMFAO at the dementia impaired German.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No Hoax

First Read has the “indisputable” facts on the Russia investigation:

*Trump and his campaign asked for Russia’s help in the 2016 presidential race.

*Trump and his campaign got that help — in a contest decided by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states.

*Roger Stone lied about his contacts with Russian intelligence and WikiLeaks.

*The president commuted Stone’s prison sentence, despite White House aides disagreeing with the move.

*And Stone admitted his objective was protecting Trump.

“Yes, some of the liberal theories about Russia investigation never came to pass (Michael Cohen didn’t travel to Prague; that ‘pee tape’ appears to be fantasy).

“And, yes, Mueller concluded that his investigation didn’t establish ‘that that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.’ (Though note he said ‘Russian government’ and not intermediaries like WikiLeaks.)

“But what did happen was a bigger scandal — involving a foreign adversary — than we can remember for any recent administration or major presidential campaign.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I was only correcting my misspelling of JAWOHL.

Commonsense said...


The context James omits:

Last time I say this before I get it tatooed on my forehead, but this statement would be much more accurate if the positivity rate spiked today along with record case increase, instead it fell to a 2 week low, with a record amount of tests being conducted.

New York never conducted that many test in one day. Florida is aggressively testing and doing contact tracing. The bottom line is they know who is getting infected and why.


Undercover Huber

“Robert Mueller” wrote that op-ed in the same way that “Joe Biden” is running for President

and the lying POS "pastor" can't dispute the facts about Mueller and Roger Stone. He attacks the publication.


James said...


C.H. Truth said...

There is no doubt, though, that Stone was guilty of perjury

Well that would be news to everyone!

He was never charged with perjury (which is lying under oath during an investigation or trial).

Stone was charge with making false or misleading statements to Congress, which of course is ONLY a crime if you are associated with Donald Trump. Others (Clinton, Clapper, etc) can lie through their teeth and it's perfectly fine.

Moreover, he was called before Congress to be asked about whether or not he had made any contact with Assange at Wikileaks, which even if it had happened would not have been a crime.

The false or misleading statements were pretty much all regarding the times and methods he used to talk to his two go between people (who never actually ended up being go between). His lies were saying he used a text rather than an email or an email rather than a text or what he did it on Friday, when it was actually Monday.

You know, blatant mafia style criminal actions that demand a 67 year old person serve time when killers, muggers, and rapists are not charged, not convicted, or otherwise set free.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Mueller Prosecutor Will Break Silence on Russia Probe

Andrew Weissmann, an attorney who played a leading role under Robert Mueller in the investigation of Russian election interference, will release a book in September about the special counsel’s near two-year examination of links between Donald Trump and Moscow, The Guardian reports.


Oh never mind. We know all that already.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caliphate4vr said...

Eat those opiates liver



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Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Corruption In Plain Sight

David Frum says we have witnessed the “most conspicuous scandal in American history.”

“Although crucial details remain concealed, the core narrative has been visible from the start. An American private citizen worked with foreign spies to damage one presidential candidate and help the other. That president accepted the help. When caught, the private citizen lied. When the private citizen was punished, the president commuted his sentence.”

Yep. It doesn't get more obvious than that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

White House has taken the unusual step of attacking a member of its coronavirus task force, by providing a document to several media outlets that contains a list of comments made by Dr. Anthony Fauci in an effort to damage his reputation.

The comments were first reported by the Washington Post.

The news of the document comes as two senior level White House sources tell ABC News that Fauci has at times been referred to among aides to President Donald Trump as "Dr. Gloom and Doom."

The document, obtained by ABC News from sources who confirmed the effort to discredit Fauci, says in part that "several White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things."

MORE: Rift grows between Trump, health experts amid coronavirus surge
The document goes on to list examples of what the White House views as Fauci contradicting himself.

One example in the short document is a comment made by Fauci on NBC's Today Show in late February that "at this moment, there is no need to change anything that you're doing on a day-by-day basis."

However, that was not the full statement Fauci made during the interview.

Pool New/ReutersAnthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a... moreAnthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on efforts to get back to work and school during the coronavirus disease outbreak, in Washington, D.C., U.S. June 30, 2020.
Pool New/Reuters
"Right now the risk is still low, but this could change," Fauci also told the Today Show at the time. "When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread."

In addition to Fauci sometimes being referring to as "Dr. Gloom and Doom," sources say the nickname has been used at times to describe other medical professionals on the task force.

In conversations with sources within the White House and within the larger task force apparatus, officials also described a direct effort to block Fauci from media appearances.

MORE: Situation 'really not good' as new COVID-19 cases break records: Fauci
Fauci said Friday that he hasn't seen Trump in person since June 2.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has had a higher approval rating than the president in national polls related to the coronavirus response.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This will piss of you racist rodent bastard.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington NFL franchise announced Monday that it will drop the “Redskins” name and Indian head logo immediately, bowing to decades of criticism that they are offensive to Native Americans.

A new name must still be selected for one of the oldest and most storied teams in the National Football League, and it was unclear how soon that will happen. But for now, arguably the most polarizing name in North American professional sports is gone at a time of reckoning over racial injustice, iconography and racism in the U.S.

The move came less than two weeks after owner Dan Snyder, a boyhood fan of the team who once declared he would never get rid of the name, launched a “thorough review” amid pressure from sponsors. FedEx, Nike, Pepsi and Bank of America all lined up against the name, which was given to the franchise in 1933 when the team was still based in Boston.

The team said it is “retiring” the name and logo and that Snyder and coach Ron Rivera are working closely to develop a new name and design.

Native American advocates and experts have long criticized the name they call a “dictionary-defined racial slur.” Over a dozen Native leaders and organizations wrote to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell last week demanding an immediate end to Washington’s use of the name. Goodell, who has fielded questions on the topic for years, said he supported the review.

Protests against the name predate Snyder buying the team in 1999, and, until now, he had shown no willingness to consider a change. Strong words from sponsors — including a company run by a minority stakeholder of the team — changed the equation.

FedEx earlier this month became the first sponsor to announce it had asked the organization to change the name, particularly important because CEO Frederick Smith owns part of the team. FedEx also paid $205 million for the long-term naming rights to the team’s stadium in Landover, Maryland.

The lease at FedEx Field expires in 2027, and dropping the name keeps open various possibilities in Maryland, Virginia and Washington for the team’s new stadium and headquarters. District of Columbia mayor Muriel Bowser has said the name was an “obstacle” to Snyder building on the old RFK Stadium site, which is believed to be his preference.

Washington recently started cutting ties with racist founder George Preston Marshall, removing his name from the Ring of Fame and renaming the lower bowl at FedEx Field for the team’s first Black player, late Hall of Famer Bobby Mitchell. Marshall, who renamed the Boston Braves the Redskins in 1933 and moved it to D.C. four years later, was a segregationist and the last NFL owner to integrate their team. The current logo shows the profile of a red-faced Native American with feathers in his hair.

Long removed from the glory days of winning Super Bowl titles in the 1982, 1987 and 1991 seasons under coach Joe Gibbs, Washington has just five playoff appearances in 21 years and no postseason victories since 2005. The team has lacked a nationally marketable player since Robert Griffin III’s short-lived stardom, and the 2020 schedule features zero prime-time games for a franchise that used to be a draw.

Re-branding with a new name and logo — and perhaps the same burgundy and gold colors — coupled with turning football operations over to Rivera could be a boon for Snyder on and off the field. Even if a segment of the fan base opposes the change in the name of tradition, winning would more than make up for those losses.


More AP NFL: and

. said...

Roger, delete 8:24 and clean it up.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President just said

So hard to watch Fox News anymore. They are working so hard against the people (viewers) that got them there. Their contributors are a disaster, and all over the place. The Radical Left has scared Fox into submission, just like they have so many others. Sad, but we will WIN!

He's delusional


James said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Author: Marcelino Benito (KHOU)
Published: 10:28 PM CDT July 12, 2020
Updated: 7:02 AM CDT July 13, 2020
HOUSTON — COVID-19 continues to blaze through the south at a record pace.

"We are in a full-blown public health crisis right now," said infectious disease expert Dr. Peter Hotez. "These aren't hotspots. This is widespread devastation."

Hotez said every day that goes by without action is a great loss of valuable time that is only making things worse.

Experts Say 'Patchwork Of Policies' Are Creating COVID-19 Hotspots

"We have no choice, we have to shut things down now," Hotez said.

In Texas, record-breaking hospitalizations were reported on Sunday. Now, 10,410 COVID-19 patients are in state hospitals and the state's positivity rate is now up to a new record of 16.33%.

"I think we're heading into something unprecedented," Hotez said.

Hotez predicts 100,000 new cases a day sooner rather than later.

"Every American will know someone hospitalized with COVID-19 and that will be incredibly destabilizing," Hotez said.

Mayor Sylvester Turner and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo are both publicly calling for a shutdown but have no power to make it happen. Hotez said states can't do this alone either. Stopping this surge requires a federal plan.

"We have to save the country," Hotez said.

Other countries have managed to return to some sense of normalcy and keep the virus controlled. Hotez believes the U.S. can too, but the clock is ticking.

"If we take the right measures now, we can have schools, colleges and even the NFL by the fall, but we have to do some hard work," Hotez said.

Hotez said it's clear Texas and other states reopened too soon. If states were to make the same mistake with schools, the consequences could be even worse.

RELATED: Travis County coronavirus cases reach 14,788, 169 deaths

RELATED: West Texas sheriff dies after battling COVID-19

RELATED: Florida reports highest new single-day COVID-19 numbers, more than any other state


James said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Poor, poor Trump.
He knows if he's lost even Fox,
he's lost it all.

Commonsense said...

Weissmann's book will be nothing more than the ravings of a lunatic prosecutor who couldn't prove his case.

I'm sure it's fun for the TDS infected but by in large it will be a yawn for everybody else.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Andrew Weissman, who worked with former Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump's campaign, is planning to release a book in which he says the investigation was "undermined" and that it was not as successful as it could have been.

"The hard truth is that we made mistakes. We could have done more."



The left has destroyed/defaced statues of confederate soldiers, union soldiers, abolitionists, Lincoln, Jesus and Mary.

But not Karl Marx

Because justice for black people or something.

James said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump is trembling before the power of "the radical left."

Also before the power of the people who voted for him and now wish they hadn't.

Also before the power of the Republicans who never wanted him anywhere near the White House.

Also before...the list goes on and on and on.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

TODAY: Despite everything that’s happened since Mueller concluded his probe in early 2019 (including Trump’s impeachment over Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic), the Russia investigation remains one of the biggest political scandals in generations.


Commonsense said...
Weissmann's book will be nothing more than the ravings of a lunatic prosecutor who couldn't prove his case.

I'm sure it's fun for the TDS infected but by in large it will be a yawn for everybody else.

What should happen is Weissmann should be called to testify under oath on public. By all accounts he is the one who really ran the Mueller "investigation" and he needs to be formally exposed. Maybe even ask about the WP editorial...


* in

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here are the indisputable facts:

Trump and his campaign asked for Russia’s help in the 2016 presidential race. ("Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing"; "If it's what you say, I love it.")
Trump and his campaign got that help — in a contest decided by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. ("Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks.”)
Roger Stone lied about his contacts with Russian intelligence and WikiLeaks. (“He lied about the identity of his intermediary to WikiLeaks. He lied about the existence of written communications with his intermediary. He lied by denying he had communicated with the Trump campaign about the timing of WikiLeaks’ releases,” Mueller wrote in his op-ed.)
The president commuted Stone’s prison sentence, despite White House aides disagreeing with the move. (“Roger Stone is a victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency,” the White House said on Friday.)
And Stone admitted his objective was protecting Trump. (“[Trump] knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him. It would have eased my situation considerably. But I didn’t,” Stone told journalist Howard Fineman before his sentence was commuted.)
Yes, some of the liberal theories about Russia investigation never came to pass (Michael Cohen didn’t travel to Prague; that “pee tape” appears to be fantasy).

And, yes, Mueller concluded that his investigation didn’t establish “that that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” (Though note he said “Russian government” and not intermediaries like WikiLeaks.)

But what did happen was a bigger scandal — involving a foreign adversary — than we can remember for any recent administration or major presidential campaign.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott A**hole won't listen.

"I've got my own opinions on the mask subject, dont get me wrong. But to sit there and say "I'm not wearing it because my government told me to and I'm a Patriot." is absolute bullshit.

You wear clothes. You follow traffic laws. You pay taxes. Your firearms and vehicles are taxed and registered. You hunt and fish with licenses to do so. You wear seatbelts or be fined.

I could make this list a mile long. Law makers have been dictating your life since the day you were born. And THIS is what you're choosing to revolt against? A MASK Get a grip. Rant over."


James said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Wait is Dr Fauci the one who told us to drink Clorox and stick a light bulb up our ass? If so he definitely needs to go!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Now do you begin to understand why some of Trump's advisers so strongly advised him to just let this thing drop and let Stone serve out his rather meager sentence?

And F'n says, Jawohl!


By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...


By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"In a burst of early morning online activity, Trump retweeted messages from the politically conservative former game show personality Chuck Woolery, which lamented the spread of the 'most outrageous lies' regarding the coronavirus pandemic."

So we should take the word of yet another game show host over that of the world's leading authority on viral diseases?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A private company that President Trump targeted for criticism over its efforts to construct a barrier near the U.S.-Mexico border reportedly received $1.7 billion in federal wall contracts after lobbying the president personally on cable news.

The Texas Tribune reported Monday that Fisher Sand and Gravel received $1.7 billion from the Defense Department and the Army Corps of Engineers for what has resulted in a stretch of about three miles of border fencing near the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona.

Originally, the company indicated that it planned to construct more than 30 miles of border fencing, but the project has become mired in legal battles as government attorneys warn that the structure is endangered by recent erosion, the news outlet noted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Our leader who makes shit up on a daily basis and retweets Chuck Woolery as if he is a medical authority says the CDC is lying and trashes Dr. Fauci. Earth to our leader, "Please return to the planet now."


Thomas Massie

In just 120 days the so-called experts went from:

“only healthcare professionals can effectively use a mask!”


“even kids in grade school can effectively use a piece of cloth!”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Donald's wall is falling down, falling down, falling down,
Donald's wall is falling down,
and Mexico ain't payin'.


Tim Young

Also, anyone on the left who believed or continues to believe 'Russian collusion' has no grounds to point fingers and scream "conspiracy theorist" at the right FOR ANYTHING.

That empty garbage was only believed because every major media outlet pushed it as true with no evidence.

and propagated by the left's minions...

James said...


Alex Berenson

And after a week of nightmare headlines about Florida, and about 70,000 new cases (aka positive tests), hospitals have a grand total of 130 more patients (~2.5%) in ICU beds statewide than last Sunday. Can’t make it up. 45 deaths today, in a state with 20 million people.

And how much was traced back to migrants ?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump has been saying since his 2016 campaign that he would love to release his tax returns to the public ― as candidates and presidents do — but he’s being audited by the IRS.

His personal attorney Rudy Giuliani blew that excuse out of the water Sunday when he revealed the audits have been completed.

“All these tax returns have been by and large — maybe not the last one — but all of them have been audited, all of them have either been passed on or settled,” Giuliani told Maria Bartiromo on Fox News.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“There should be some finality in tax returns,” Giuliani added. “We get audited, we make a deal, we pay the government, you don’t come after me forever for that.” 

Just days earlier, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany insisted that ongoing audits were the reason Trump was not releasing any of his tax returns. 

“The media’s been asking this question for four years, and for four years, the president has said the same thing: His taxes are under audit, and when they’re no longer under audit, he will release them,” said an annoyed McEnany.

The audit excuse has always been a lie. Nothing prevents anyone from releasing their tax return, even if they’re being audited. 

So will Trump release his returns now?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And how much was not supposed to happen at all by now, according to Donald, who all along has been protecting us?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let us see those returns, Mr. President. You have assured us you have nothing to hide, so let us see them.

Caliphate4vr said...

Roger here’s your Russian Collusion proof

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have over 3 million American's sick as hell with the Coronavirus, and over 135,000 have died from the bastard-bug. Our troops are being targeted by Russia's leader Putin. Millions of our citizens are currently out of work, drawing unemployment (which is due to expire this month), and going hungry, not to mention close to losing their homes. Our children are under the threat of being forced back into the schools, with a raging pandemic in 45 of our states. So, what is on Benedict Arnold Trump's mind today? Golf...and Barack Obama (of course).

The bastard tweeted today..."I know many in business and politics that work out endlessly, in some cases to a point of exhaustion. It is their number one passion in life, but nobody complains. My “exercise” is playing, almost never during the week, a quick round of golf. Obama played more and much longer....[ ](, no problem. When I play, Fake News CNN, and others, park themselves anywhere they can to get a picture, then scream “President Trump is playing golf.” Actually, I play VERY fast, get a lot of work done on the golf course, and also get a “tiny” bit of exercise. Not bad!"

Let's examine the Traitor's bullshit, since he also tweeted "Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf," on Oct. 13, 2014.

According to "Politifact", in President Barack Obama's first 4 years in office, he played golf 37 times. A lot of that is from when he was on vacation, and yes, he did enjoy his time on the links. We know of at least 56 times the Traitor has played an actual game of golf since taking office...but he has visited his golf resort properties over 100 times. It's unclear whether he played golf on each of his visits to his we can't count that...but we do know of 56 times that he did. This info is from May 2020...and the Traitor has played often since then.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That was a funny video, Cali.

He could have said, "arrest me and then the President can pardon me.
..Well, maybe I'll settle for just a commutation."

We can't wait for his book to come out.
Or his interview tonight on Hannity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Trump retweeted a message from game show host Chuck Woolery that attacks the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and claims the agency and others are lying about the coronavirus pandemic, the latest example of Trump undercutting the guidance of his administration's own public health organizations.

Our President was a game show host and you believe that he knows how to run the country.