Wednesday, August 26, 2020

17 year old charged with multiple murders

He liked guns and backed Blue Lives Matter on social media.

Look for the liberal media to call him a right wing white supremacist! 

Shooter from Wisconsin in custody and charged with murder


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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Prove it asshole

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

people are heard screaming, "He shot him!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

180,000 dead

"Just live with it " Donald Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CDC now says you do not necessarily need a test if you have been in close contact with a person with a COVID-19 infection, as long as you don't show symptoms

Cuomo told them to go to hell

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I guess Kyle Rittenhouse just secured his primetime speaking slot at the 2024 Republican National Convention.😉

Anonymous said...

for alky the asshole -

The Anti-Defamation League, which tracks extremist activity, told CBS News there were militia members at the Kenosha protest but found no indication from Rittenhouse's social media footprint that he is connected to any extremist movements. His posts indicate he is extremely pro-police and appears to have been a former police explorer, a career-oriented program for youth considering a career in law enforcement. Many of his social media posts use the phrase, "Blue Lives Matter," according to the ADL.

Arrest documents indicate Rittenhouse is employed by the YMCA as a lifeguard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What bugs me when this shit happens. The police shooting was terrible and the outrage is understandable but when this happens, the Republicans convince their supporters that this is what the Democrats represent.

You do this every single day

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's a developing story

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is possible that he is not sane.

But I have to wonder, why can a 17 year old kid get a military weapon with a 15 round capacity cartridge case

cowardly king obama said...


riots in Portland

democrats - FAKE NEWS, just peaceful protests.

some people just got upset when some feds showed up

nothing to see here

it's just a group of Moms.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is perfectly acceptable

Here's the first part:

The C.D.C. was pressured to change guidance on testing asymptomatic people who had been exposed to the virus.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was instructed by higher-ups within the Trump administration to modify its coronavirus testing guidelines this week to exclude people who do not have symptoms of Covid-19 — even if they have been recently exposed to the virus, according to two federal health officials.
One official said the directive came from the top down. Another said the guidelines were not written by the C.D.C. but were imposed.

Admiral Brett M. Giroir, the administration’s coronavirus testing czar, told reporters the guidelines ultimately belong to the C.D.C., specifically its director, Dr. Robert Redfield. But he also said other members of President Trump’s coronavirus task force were involved.
“Let me tell you right up front that the new guidelines are a C.D.C. action,” Dr. Giroir said. “As always, guidelines received appropriate attention, consultation and input from task force experts — and I mean the medical and scientific experts — including C.D.C. director Redfield and myself.”

The newest version of the guidelines, posted on Monday, amended the agency’s guidance to say that people who have been in close contact with an infected individual — typically defined as being within six feet of a person with the coronavirus and for at least 15 minutes — “do not necessarily need a test” if they do not have symptoms. Scientists and epidemiologists say people infected with the virus can spread it even if they show no symptoms.
Exceptions, the agency noted, might be made for “vulnerable” individuals, or if health care providers or state or local public health officials recommend testing.

Mr. Trump has suggested that the nation should do less testing, arguing that doing more tests was driving coronavirus case numbers up, making the United States look bad. But experts say the true measure of the pandemic is not case numbers, but test positivity rate — the percentage of tests coming back positive.
But Dr. Giroir denied that politics were involved.

“There was no weight on the scales by the president or the vice president or Secretary Azar,” he said, referring to Alex M. Azar II, the secretary of health and human services. “This was a product produced by the scientific and medical people that was discussed extensively at the task force.”

Experts have called the revisions alarming and dangerous, noting that the country needs more testing, not less. And they have expressed deep concern that the C.D.C. is posting guidelines that its own officials did not author. The former C.D.C. director, Tom Frieden, railed against the move on Twitter.

cowardly king obama said...

Trump pops to 52%: ‘Best job approval rating on record,’ up with blacks, even Democrats

Buoyed by blacks and independent voters, as well as urban dwellers shocked by the Black Lives Matter protest violence raging in some cities, President Trump’s approval rating has hit a new high, according to a survey heavy with minority voters.

The latest Zogby Analytics poll just shared with Secrets had Trump’s approval at 52%. “The president has recorded his best job approval rating on record,” said pollster Jonathan Zogby.

What’s more, his approval rating among minorities was solid and, in the case of African Americans, shockingly high. Zogby said 36% of blacks approve of the president, as do 37% of Hispanics and 35% of Asians.

cowardly king obama said...

Justice Department

Department of Justice Requesting Data From Governors of States that Issued COVID-19 Orders that May Have Resulted in Deaths of Elderly Nursing Home Residents

Paging Mario Cuomo

Anonymous said...

Cuomo told them to go to hell


The Angel of Death told them to go to hell.

well, he does have a book deal now...


C.H. Truth said...

Cuomo told them to go to hell

Is that what he said to the 35,000 who died in his state?

I thought that Liberals wanted to "listen to science".

C.H. Truth said...

the Republicans convince their supporters that this is what the Democrats represent.

When the man you nominated for President refuses to denounce BLM rioters and kneels in front of the American flag to show unity with their cause...

Then it's Democrats who convince people that this is what they represent.

Perhaps have your Party leaders not stand behind the BLM/Antifa rioters and people won't associate them.

You think?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your education should have given you the ability to understand how science works. When a new virus infected appears, the scientists have to look at the symptoms and how the infection develops and the symptoms develop, and how they are transmitted.

The scientists didn't know how it infected and who is vulnerable to the virus. They didn't know how it would effect older people.

The infection rates in New York are much lower than in April and May.

The President called it a hoax in January of this year.

And to your ridiculous point, "listen to science"., the scientists of the CDC were directed to change the testing requirements to make it look like it was just going to disappear!

I understand why wp and Indy and other people, quit posting here because you lost your mind when Trump was elected President.

Caliphate4vr said...

Perhaps have your Party leaders not stand behind the BLM/Antifa rioters and people won't associate them.

BLM/ Antifa are there Sinn Fein

Anonymous said...

Roger called the St. Louis Couple defending their home "Nazi's".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Was their abuse of a synagogue Nazi-like?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Headlines at

Trump Jr. Denies Speech Was Fueled by Cocaine
...blaming his glassy eyes and sweaty forehead on unflattering lighting conditions.

White House Forced CDC to Loosen Testing Standards
...surprising and dismaying many public health experts,” the Washington Post reports.
--Jonathan Chait:
Trump sabotaged coronavirus testing to keep numbers low.

Trump Gives Platform to Some with Fringe Views
Associated Press:

An advocate of ‘household voting’ in which husbands get the final say.

A woman who has argued that school sex ed programs are ‘grooming’ children to be sexualized by predators like Jeffrey Epstein.

A candidate who has peddled in racist tropes and bizarre QAnon conspiracy theories. WOW!

“President Trump has long surrounded himself with controversial characters who hold out-of-the-mainstream views.

"But the decision by the party to elevate some of those figures by featuring them in prime-time spots at the Republican National Convention or inviting them to witness this week’s events is drawing new scrutiny.”



Germany Could Be the Decisive Ally
Thomas Friedman: “The Cold War with the Soviet Union was fought and won in Berlin. And the looming Cold War with China — over trade, technology and global influence — will be fought and won in Berlin.

Not good. Trump is disliked in Germany.

A Reality Check On The Conventions
Harry Enten:
“We got about about maybe 15% of voters watching this stuff. Most of whom are hardcore partisans in one of the most stable races ever. And little sign the horserace significantly moved after the DNC. This idea that any of the DNC/RNC activities will move voters is untested.”

Anonymous said...

Cali, "BLM/ Antifa are there Sinn Fein".

Roger belong to "Sinn Fein" , because he believes his life is that amazing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are being used by a propaganda agent.

The police shooting was terrible and the outrage is understandable but when this happens, the Republicans convince their supporters that this is what the Democrats represent.

Biden doesn't support the violence and he repeatedly condemned the violence and property damage. You ignore that because, you really don't get it.

There is systemic racism in this country. You try to discredit the movement to address racism, for reasons that I can't comprehend.

You know the history of the country, we had slavery in the Constitution! It took a Civil war to end slavery.

But you deny it exists

C.H. Truth said...

Your education should have given you the ability to understand how science works.

And even your limited education should have given you the ability to understand that the epidemiologists at the CDC are more qualified than the Governor of New York to make a recommendation.

Either you listen to science (CDC epidemiologists) or you listen to Politicians (Cuomo who is responsible for 35K deaths).

Which is it Rog?

Science or Politics?

Anonymous said...

Oh, look James is here to lie.

Anonymous said...

alky, the entire predicate of your point is this:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was instructed by higher-ups within the Trump administration to modify its coronavirus testing guidelines this week to exclude people who do not have symptoms of Covid-19 — even if they have been recently exposed to the virus, according to two federal health officials.

i'm supposed to believe this shit from the NY fucking times? again with the anonymous, mysterious, unnamed fucking sources.

look son, the NYT punked your ass yesterday with the real estate appraisal lie.

you must willfully sign up to be duped by those assholes every fucking day.

The infection rates in New York are much lower than in April and May.

they ought to be. NYC is still a fucking ghost town, our economy is barely open, people who fled have yet to return, and 2/3 of the fucking country is still basically prohibited from coming into the state.

Cuomo killed just about all he could fucking KILL, for chrissakes.

my God, you're so full of fucking shit it's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

CHT just clubbed Alky like a baby seal.

James said...

Officials See No Evidence for Trump Claims on Mail Voting
August 26, 2020 at 4:29 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

U.S. officials charged with protecting the 2020 election said they have “no information or intelligence” that foreign countries, including Russia, are attempting to undermine any part of the mail-in voting process, contradicting President Trump, who has repeatedly pushed false claims that foreign adversaries are targeting mail ballots as part of a “rigged” presidential race, CNN reports.

Anonymous said...

There is systemic racism in this country.

there is.

the blacks fucking HATE everyone who is not black.

there's your systemic racism, alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kneeling was in support for the death of George Floyd, not in support of violence and property damage in any way.

James said...

Cuomo who is responsible for 35K deaths.

Wasn't that Trump? Other nations kept it out better than he did.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Politics. The President has forced the CDC to change their policies.

He's using the power of President, for one reason. To get reelected.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't use the New York times newspaper, to make up my mind, like the racist rodent bastard alleged

C.H. Truth said...

Biden doesn't support the violence and he repeatedly condemned the violence and property damage. You ignore that because, you really don't get it.

You either denounce BLM/Antifa rioting in the streets or you tacitly support it. The stupid people here are not the ones who understand that Democrats are walking hand in hand with the rioters. The stupid people here are the one who think you should be able support these people without taking any responsibility for their actions.

Look at what happened with one 17 year boy who supports the Police. He shoots a couple of people and you blame Trump and Republicans. That is just one individual who has already been arrested and will be prosecuted.

There are thousands of people looting, destroying property, assaulting citizens, assaulting police officers, and even killing people as part of the rioting... Nobody is held accountable. Liberal cities with liberal leadership are releasing them without charging them all over the place every single day.

and you seem to think that somehow everyone should just see the good in all of it and demand that Democrats are not responsible for anything negative, in spite of elected Democratic officials being the specific ones responsible for the decisions to have police stand down, not fight back, not arrest people, or not prosecute those arrested.

Can't have it both ways, Rog...

Anonymous said...

Why not Slow Joe? Why is Slow Joe sending his Ho?

Kamala Harris will deliver counter to Trump's convention speech

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't read the article, asshole.

Unlike you, my mind works

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is getting ridiculous go fuck yourself

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The President has forced the CDC to change their policies.

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I didn't use the New York times newspaper, to make up my mind

LOL. alky, it is the allegation of THE NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES that it was Trump who forced the CDC's hand. except we have no proof of that except an allegation from -

THE NEW YORK FUCKING TIMES. which DOES dictate your every thought, alky.

Caliphate4vr said...

James said...
Cuomo who is responsible for 35K deaths.

Wasn't that Trump? Other nations kept it out better than he did.

pederast you’re a liar

Anonymous said...

‘Full retreat’! DC mayor condemning mob shown in viral video harassing diners indicates ‘the polls came out’ (and they’re BAD for Dems)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Roger's Anus speaks and raise the white flag.
"Roger AmickAugust 26, 2020 at 3:51 PM

This is getting ridiculous go fuck yourself"

Roger, grabs walk and leaves the debate "stage".

cowardly king obama said...

Caliphate4vr said...
James said...
Cuomo who is responsible for 35K deaths.

Wasn't that Trump? Other nations kept it out better than he did.

pederast you’re a liar

Nice graph, and don't forget how much better we would look if you separate the blue govs like Cuomo from the red ones. Dems would shit and I suspect Trump is going to show that Thursday.

Lots of people who have relied on legacy media don't have a clue yet. And I'm sure Trump will fix that.

Anonymous said...

No Show Joe sends his Hoe.

He is physically unfit .

Anonymous said...

the four days of the Republican National Convention are a wire brush enema for the MSM and the left.


cowardly king obama said...

Alex Berenson

This is quite the polling comparison. And it’s before every parent realizes that the summer #Covid spike is over and the Democrats and their friends in the teachers unions are keeping the schools shut for... no reason, really.

Illuminating comparison:

slow joe is getting crushed by 2016 Hillary.

Using RCP averages.

Anonymous said...

Frank Luntz

Swing state polls on August 25th:

• 2016: Hillary +9.2
• 2020: Biden +5.7

• 2016: Hillary +9.0
• 2020: Biden +6.7

• 2016: Hillary +11.5
• 2020: Biden +6.5

• 2016: Hillary +2.9
• 2020: Biden +4.8

Anonymous said...

and the Democrats and their friends in the teachers unions are keeping the schools shut for... no reason, really.

here in NY the union scum are trying to push in person PS back to October 1.

and in late Sept. it will be Nov 1.

and so on.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You predicate your opinions on a false claim. "Liberal cities with liberal leadership are releasing them without charging them all over the place every single day." Not true.

They have the police stand in front of a line of peaceful protesters. You claim that mayor told them to let them go and loot. False

* I denounce BLM/Antifa rioting. That does not mean that I endorse violence.

* I denounce blame Trump and Republicans, and mainly Trump because he has not risen to unite the country in response to the coronavirus pandemic in a manner that would have brought the entire nation behind him, like George W Bush after 9/11.

We started discussing politics back in 2002 on soars.

His approval rating was 90%

Although he is not a great American President, but he understood how to be the President of the country, not just his base,like you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

"Liberal cities with liberal leadership are releasing them without charging them all over the place every single day." Not true.

fact check TRUE, alky.

liberal mayors have told the cops to stand down in major cities across America.

bail reform like we have here in NY springs these shit stains free in 15 fucking minutes.

for once in your pathetic life OWN what you have created .

OWN the shitpile that is BLM, antifa, and the left in general.

it's becoming apparent why it's so necessary to STEAL this election, alky. the internal polling shows you guys with one giant fuck ton of a problem. systemic racism is a fable, george floyd is forgotten, you dumb fucks set the nation on fucking fire and you never for one minute gave a thought to how you were going to mnake it all stop.

you. are. FUCKED. alky.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is a lie


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

headlined by the one!

the only!

Michael Cohen!

give it up for Trump's "fixer" everybody!


Anonymous said...

Michael Cohen.

excuse me while I...


Joe Biden said...

Alzheimer's zapped: Scientist launch landmark trial to treat dementia by sending electric currents deep into the brain

I’m still a contender

cowardly king obama said...

Besides the stand down orders the Soros DA's haven't charged those who were arrested. Look at St. Louis where they released all the rioters and charged the couple defending their property.

People are fed up with this shit, much like they were when Reagan and Nixon won second terms, mostly due to law and order issues.

Those followed the "summer of love" too.

cowardly king obama said...

and Reagan and Nixon won landslides...

cowardly king obama said...

Joe Biden said...
Alzheimer's zapped: Scientist launch landmark trial to treat dementia by sending electric currents deep into the brain

I’m still a contender

what bothers me is that Bill Gates is now a medical expert.

He's not.

But like Obama he recently bought some very expensive oceanfront property. And he is really showing his age. Hope he doesn't turn into another Soros.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"We're the ones getting killed" - Clippers head coach Doc Rivers
Clippers head coach Doc Rivers delivered a powerful and emotional speech to the media as he spoke about the Jacob Blake shooting: "It's just so sad. They are spewing this fear, all you hear Donald Trump and all of them talking about fear. We're the ones getting killed, we're the ones getting shot. We are the ones who are denied to live in certain communities. We've been hung, we've been shot and all you keep hearing about is fear... it's amazing, why we keep loving this country and this country does not love us back".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't reply to you Scott, Yes but your incredible stupid

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Milwaukee Bucks did not take the floor for Wednesday’s playoff game against the Orlando Magic and are boycotting in the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake.

All of Wednesday’s NBA games have since been postponed.

The Magic initially took the court for pregame warmups, but left after Bucks players didn’t show up.

After the game was postponed, the Houston Rockets and Oklahoma City Thunder planned to boycott their Wednesday evening matchup according to The Athletic’s Shams Charania. The Portland Trail Blazers and Los Angeles Lakers had discussions to do the same for their Wednesday night Game 5, according to Yahoo Sports’ Chris Haynes.

The NBA later announced the postponement of all three games scheduled for Wednesday.

“The NBA and the NBPA today announced that in light of the Milwaukee Bucks’ decision to not take the floor today for Game 5 against the Orlando Magic, today’s three games – MIL-ORL, HOU-OKC and LAL-POR have been postponed,” a joint statement from the NBA and NBPA reads. “Game 5 of each series will be rescheduled.”

Talks of a boycott surfaced after the shooting of Blake, a 29-year-old Black man and father of three. Video surfaced late Sunday of police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shooting Blake in the back multiple times, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down, according to his father.

Giannis Antetokounmpo's Bucks did not take the court for their scheduled tipoff against the Magic on Wednesday. (AP fileP photo/Ashley Landis, Pool)
Giannis Antetokounmpo's Bucks did not take the court for their scheduled tipoff against the Magic on Wednesday. (AP fileP photo/Ashley Landis, Pool)
Some players were hesitant to participate in the NBA restart, wary of taking focus off the nation’s race reckoning in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police. The shooting of Blake has renewed those concerns.

Sources told Yahoo Sports’ Chris Haynes that a sizable faction of players are psychologically distraught by the shooting. The shooting has led to days of unrest and protest in Kenosha that have resulted in two shooting deaths. A white 17-year-old named Kyle Rittenhouse of Antioch, Illinois was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of first-degree intentional homicide

Bucks guard George Hill gave voice to concerns over playing on Monday.

“We shouldn’t have even come to this damn place, to be honest,” Hill said on Monday. “I think coming here just took all the focal points off what the issues are.”

Toronto Raptors guard Fred VanVleet echoed Hill’s sentiment on Tuesday in support of a Bucks protest. Kenosha is around 45 miles south of Milwaukee.

“Would it be nice if, in a perfect world, we all say we're not playing, and the owner of the Milwaukee Bucks — that's going to trickle down,” VanVleet said on Tuesday. “If he steps up to the plate and puts pressure on the district attorney's office, and state's attorney, and governors, and politicians there to make real change and get some justice. I know it's not that simple.

“But, at the end of the day, if we're gonna sit here and talk about making change, then at some point we're gonna have to put our nuts on the line and actually put something up to lose, rather than just money or visibility.”

Bucks senior vice president Alex Lasry voiced his support of the players’ decision.

“Some things are bigger than basketball,” Lasry wrote on Twitter. “The stand taken today by the players and org shows that we’re fed up. Enough is enough. Change needs to happen. I’m incredibly proud of our guys and we stand 100% behind our players ready to assist and bring about real change.”

Caliphate4vr said...

what bothers me is that Bill Gates is now a medical expert.

The first thing Gates will invent that doesn’t suck will be a vacuum cleaner

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Traditional Slovenian Hooker Proverb:

"Nothing says 'American First Lady' better than wearing a WW2 Soviet Military KGB uniform to the Rose Garden."

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The Milwaukee Bucks did not take the floor for Wednesday’s playoff game against the Orlando Magic and are boycotting in the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake.

All of Wednesday’s NBA games have since been postponed.

They’re playing bassetball? Who knew

Anonymous said...

Roger, got answer?

"Either you listen to science (CDC epidemiologists) or you listen to Politicians (Cuomo who is responsible for 35K deaths).

Which is it Rog?

Science or Politics?"

Anonymous said...

We're the ones getting killed, we're the ones getting shot.

pro tip:

stop shooting each other.

you'd have an easier time getting white people to believe that black lives matter if black lives actually mattered to, you know, black people.

it's shit like this that makes me want to question the intellect of the average black person.

i mean, try to stop shooting each other.


don't fuck with the cops. period. full stop.

see the disconnect there, chief?

rocket fucking science it ain't.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He got IBM to let him develop the Dish Operating S ystem DOS. and then Windows operating system.

It being used worldwide

Anonymous said...

They’re playing bassetball? Who knew

what was even funnier was when the WNBA announced that they would be playing in front of NO ONE in attendance.

whoever wrote that piece owes me a new keyboard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two years ago. The draft dodger bone spurs asshole

What an asshole.
President Trump nixed issuing a statement that praised the heroism and life of Sen. John McCain, telling senior aides he preferred to issue a tweet before posting one Saturday night that did not include any kind words for the late Arizona Republican.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly and other White House aides advocated for an official statement that gave the decorated Vietnam War POW plaudits for his military and Senate service and called him a “hero,” according to current and former White House aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations. The original statement was drafted before McCain died Saturday, and Sanders and others edited a final version this weekend that was ready for the president, the aides said.

But Trump told aides he wanted to post a brief tweet instead, and the statement praising McCain’s life was not released.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump forced the Director of FDA to issue an order, requiring testing for the COVID-45 virus, for only the people who had exhibited symptoms of infection

That was designed to reduce the number of infections, so he could claim that he had reduced the number of patients with the disease.

Trump is not a scientist, so he should never order them to make him look great.

cowardly king obama said...

Roger Amick said...
He got IBM to let him develop the Dish Operating S ystem DOS. and then Windows operating system.

Many people think he stole Windows from Xerox/Jobs/others and he actually purchased the initial DOS from others and worked a license deal with IBM but that's irrelevant now.

Didn't know he invented a dishwasher.

And if NBA players are serious why not cancel the whole series ? Only people watching now are in China. Maybe they should go play there.

In front of the Uyghur slaves making Nike shoes or Apple iPhones. You know the ones they wear and use.

Hunter might even get some more money out of that.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
He got IBM to let him develop the Dish Operating S ystem DOS. and then Windows operating system.

As shitty as your voice to text works, it’s time you tried IOS

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

An update on the story

A 17-Year-Old Aspiring Cop Has Been Charged With Murder In Kenosha
Police arrested Kyle Rittenhouse, a onetime police cadet, whose social media accounts indicated an affinity for the "Back the Blue" movement.

That doesn't mean that he's a right wing nutcase but because he wanted to a police officer, we need to have good screenings of aspiring police officers.

The Democrats have passed a bill with better screening methods.

#MoscowMitch won't let it come to a vote

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have been using computers since 92

DOS 4.0 or so

cowardly king obama said...


By the time the GOP convention ends, Biden is going to have to start worrying about New York and California.

Well we all worry about them

anonymous said...

pro tip:

stop shooting each other.

Very sad....trump is in charge and the racial flames are burning throughout the country.......while you blame everyone but trump.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! His vision of division is what has been sown for 3 years now .,....It is now exploding and he plays golf!!!! Sure hope those people in La get out of dodge......trump will blame Obama for the hurricane on his night of lies!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am diggin' this Lincoln Project... maybe it will help others wake up and vote country over party.
Former chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele is joining the Lincoln Project, a group of Republicans working to prevent President Donald Trump's re-election.

"Today is the day where things should matter and you need to take stock of what matters to you -- and the kind of leader you want to lead in these moments. And for me, it ain't him," Steele, a political analyst for MSNBC said making the announcement to host Nicole Wallace on Monday afternoon.

cowardly king obama said...


Mr President I know you will likely never see this but @realDonaldTrump I want to go on record. I did not vote for you in 2016. In fact I actively lobbied against you until the day you were sworn in.

I want you to know I would crawl over broken burning glass to vote 4 u in 2020

sounds like an

Anonymous said...

The Liberal polling has flipped on them.
"Oregon Gov Says Rioters, Looters Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ For Violence As November Nears"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


cowardly king obama said...


Joe Biden enriched his family for five decades in the swamp.

They impeached the wrong guy.

Anonymous said...

Trump, we have your back.

Commonsense said...

He got IBM to let him develop the Dish Operating S ystem DOS. and then Windows operating system.
It being used worldwide

"Dish" Operating System? Was Bill Gates making dish washers?

IBM contracted him for the original BASIC interpreter for their 386 base IBM PC. Gates actually stole DOS (it stands for Disk Operating System) from another developer, the graphical user interface from Xerox and parts of IBM's object oriented system OS/2 to create the Windows operating system. (Which really wasn't an operating system but a hack on top of DOS.)

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Two years ago. The draft dodger bone spurs asshole

present day. the draft dodger flat feet asshole alky.

Anonymous said...

"who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations."

what an asshole indeed, alky.

at least give Trump credit for not being a fucking hypocrite about mcstain, alky.

Caliphate4vr said...

August 26, 2020 at 5:01 PM
Blogger Roger Amick said...
I have been using computers since 92

Not well

And I had to take computer programming classes a decade prior to that for my college degree

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I have been using computers since 92

DOS 4.0 or so


the final release of DOS 4.0 was in 1987.

Anonymous said...

NBA Players Union boycotts it's own "Sport".

No one cares.

Caliphate4vr said...

...It is now exploding and he plays golf!!

While you eat pies and talk about other men’s assholes, fatty

Anonymous said...

Former chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele is joining the Lincoln Project

Grifter Lives Matter.

Anonymous said...

#Twitter does not consider a call by Black Lives Matter radical Shaun King to reveal the identities of police officers in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to be a policy violation."
They have chosen the Violent BLM.

Anonymous said...

Roger, got answer?

"Either you listen to science (CDC epidemiologists) or you listen to Politicians (Cuomo who is responsible for 35K deaths).

Which is it Rog?

Science or Politics?"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's 28 years ago I didn't Google to get the exact date

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was a Packard Bell.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
It's 28 years ago I didn't Google to get the exact date

Use a sun dial or abacus you doddering old fool, 1992 was 28 years ago

C.H. Truth said...

You predicate your opinions on a false claim. "Liberal cities with liberal leadership are releasing them without charging them all over the place every single day." Not true.

It's quite literally the policy in Portland and Seattle.

The Oregon state police walked off the job of protecting the Federal buildings because everyone they arrested was literally released without charge. The local prosecutor had deemed it policy to "not" charge people for simple destruction, looting, etc... only if they actually assault or kill someone. Even then, nobody had gone to jail in Portland for any of that.

How many of the people who took over Capital Hill and burned down buildings and destroyed a police precinct got charged? Not a one.

So yeah Roger... it is policy and it is a fact. You look stupid trying to deny it.

C.H. Truth said...

The Milwaukee Bucks did not take the floor for Wednesday’s playoff game against the Orlando Magic and are boycotting in the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake.

Meanwhile the fans continue to boycott the NBA playoffs in general.

Anonymous said...

Now the Entire NBA is boycotting Themselves.

What Stupidity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The FBI says it has no evidence of any coordinated fraud schemes related to voting by mail this year, undercutting repeated claims by President Trump and his camp about what they've called security problems.

That disclosure was made in an election security briefing for reporters on Wednesday by high-ranking officials from the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Normally, such a statement would not be notable, since election officials and experts have long said there is no widespread fraud issue in American elections.

But Trump, supporters and aides including Attorney General William Barr have cast doubt on the security of mail ballots as it has become clear that more than half the country may use them to vote this election season because of the coronavirus disaster.

Louis DeJoy Vows Post Office Can Handle Mail-In Ballots, In Senate Hearing
Louis DeJoy Vows Post Office Can Handle Mail-In Ballots, In Senate Hearing
Trump and Barr have said they think foreign countries could attempt to counterfeit ballots and send them in to interfere with counting and that mail voting expansions will be "ripe with fraud" and a way for Democrats to "steal the election from the Republicans."

But national security officials rejected those theories in the Wednesday briefing, saying they have not seen a coordinated fraud effort and noting how difficult such an effort would be, considering the decentralized nature of U.S. elections.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No fans are allowed to go see the games

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

Remember roger keeps saying Melania dressed as a Nazi

Here’s Big Mike adjusting its junk

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The FBI says it has no evidence of any coordinated fraud schemes related to voting by mail this year, undercutting repeated claims by President Trump and his camp about what they've called security problems.

Anonymous said...

🤡No fans are allowed to go see the games😃Alky

Really, not on any platform?
Since when?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Commonsense said...

Now the Entire NBA is boycotting Themselves.

Personally I wouldn't care if they cancelled the rest of the "season".

Caliphate4vr said...

I haven’t watched an NBA game since Dominique Wilkins was going up against Charles Barkley as a 76’er

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH headed this thread:

17 year old charged with multiple murders

He liked guns and backed Blue Lives Matter on social media.

"Look for the liberal media to call him a right wing white supremacist!"

Kenosha Shooter Was at Trump Rally
August 26, 2020 at 7:06 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

BuzzFeed News:
“The law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake appeared in the front row at a Donald Trump rally in January.”

Anonymous said...

I agree , the NBA has been dead to me for years.

Anonymous said...

Roger , in the junk you post, you are concerned about 80% of gulf oil being protected by shutting it down, why?

It isn't like your going anywhere the old folks home bus doesn't take you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Kenosha county District attorney said that the knife was on the floorboard of his car.

He said that there will be an independent investigation into the event.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Kenosha county District attorney said the demonstrations because of systemic racism is valid.

Anonymous said...

Told ya so.
"Roger AmickAugust 26, 2020 at 6:37 PM

The Kenosha county District attorney said that the knife was on the floorboard of his car."

Justifiable Homicide.

Anonymous said...

Jacob Blake made a stupid mistake he brought a Knife to a gun fight.

Anonymous said...

Roger, God Damn it. You can't get any facts right.

"Investigators found a knife from the driver’s side floorboard, according to Kaul." Attorney General of the State Wisconsin

Not the District Attorney.
Roger knows nothing.

Caliphate4vr said...

"Look for the liberal media to call him a right wing white supremacist!"

Kenosha Shooter Was at Trump Rally
August 26, 2020 at 7:06 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

BuzzFeed News:
“The law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake appeared in the front row at a Donald Trump rally in January.”

And your assumption that makes him a white supremacist is why you will get stomped in just over 2 months.

I actually sent money Jorgensen, have a yard sign and was seriously contemplating going back to voting LP. But fuck y’all, it’s a confrontation you want, you people can’t end it but we will

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Alky, how is it you can't "Debate" anything.
Is it the lack of a Stage?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden Maintains Lead In Key Battlegrounds

A new CNBC/Change Research survey finds:

Arizona: Biden 49%, Trump 47%
Florida: Biden 49%, Trump 46%
Michigan: Biden 50%, Trump 44%
North Carolina: Biden 48%, Trump 47%
Pennsylvania: Biden 49%, Trump 46%
Wisconsin: Biden 49%, Trump 44%

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't argue with kput'z

Anonymous said...

Roger when you do debate me you lose.

Anonymous said...

Tell us again about the Millions of Social Security benefits that are mailed out each month?

Commonsense said...

Investigators found a knife from the driver’s side floorboard, according to Kaul." Attorney General of the State Wisconsin

This is why people get shot by cops.

Anonymous said...

Roger has been unable to debate his topic once again.
What is a :
"....well regulated capitalist government that will share the wealth and not limit to the Super rich" Alky

IF he had the financial and economic mental firepower to debate his topic he would, but he drank and medicated it away.

Anonymous said...

Yep, he put the children in harm's way .
Report is that he may have been in violation of a restraining order that his girlfriend had against him after she was a victim of domestic violence by Saint Jacob Blake.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake appeared in the front row at a Donald Trump rally in January.

Kyle Howard Rittenhouse’s social media presence is filled with him posing with weapons, posting “Blue Lives Matter,” and supporting Trump for president. Footage from the Des Moines, Iowa, rally on Jan. 30 shows Rittenhouse feet away from the president, in the front row, to the left of the podium. He posted a TikTok video from the event.

Commonsense said...

CH was right. ☝️☝️☝️

Commonsense said...


This is the million dollar question.

There are questions surrounding the lead up to the gunfire, but everything on video seems to start with a guy wearing a red shirt tied around his head chasing Rittenhouse across a parking lot.

So far, this is the best all-angles breakdown online. Warning, this is graphic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake appeared in the front row at a Donald Trump rally in January.

Commonsense said...

The law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha,

He was chased by thugs with hand guns. See above.

Anonymous said...

So many peaceful protesters armed on the Left. Clearly the kid wth the rifle had better firearms training.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

NC Video of Rioters In ‘Biden’s America’ Is Actually Spain
August 26, 2020 at 9:53 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

A RNC video showing rioters setting a city street on fire in “Biden’s America” is actually a photo from Barcelona, Spain, BuzzFeed News reports.

The video was intended to be a warning of the dire consequences if Biden is elected president.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two of the immigrant women sworn in at the RNC gong show were not told they would be used as political props last night

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Tweet by Eric J @EricJafMN

In Wisconsin, open carry is illegal for someone under 18.

The #Kenosha cop who gave right-winger Kyle Rittenhouse a water bottle and said his presence is appreciated could have asked for ID and then arrested him.

That would have saved 2 lives.

End ID]

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

In Wisconsin, open carry is illegal for someone under 18.

tell the toolbox who tweeted that it's open carry of a HANDGUN, not long gun that's illegal under the age of 18.

geezus, there's nothing worse than when a liberal chimes in on the firearm topic. stupid fucks.

one of my faves was when a "journalist" (LOL) tweeted a picture of some disposable foam earplugs asking if they were rubber bullets.

Anonymous said...

well it's about fucking time -

The Justice Department’s civil rights division will request data from the governors of four states, including New York and Michigan, as part of a preliminary investigation into whether nursing home policies implemented there caused spikes in coronavirus fatalities.

“New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan required nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients to their vulnerable populations, often without adequate testing,” the Justice Department said in a statement on Wednesday.

Led by Assistant Attorney General Eric Dreiband, the civil rights division will make the request for nursing home data from the governors as it considers whether to open an investigation under the “Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act.”

“The Civil Rights Division seeks to determine if the state orders requiring admission of COVID-19 patients to nursing homes is responsible for the deaths of nursing home residents,” Dreiband said.

The four states, which all have Democratic governors, implemented policies early in the coronavirus pandemic that required nursing homes to re-admit residents from hospitals even if they tested positive for COVID-19, the Justice Department said.

The policies were widely criticized, with critics asserting that the measures would increase transmission of coronavirus at nursing homes.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo implemented his state’s policy on March 25.

Anonymous said...

Allie Beth Stuckey

Liberals suddenly want the riots to stop because they realize it’s hurting their election chances. Conservatives have always wanted the riots to stop even though we know it’s helping our election chances. The former cares about votes, the latter about lives.

12:42 PM · Aug 26, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Retweets and comments

anonymous said...

I personally liked the picture of the murderous punk in the front row of a trump rally in Iowa!!!!! Seems to me the liar in chief fanning the flames has taken a 17 year old and turned him into a mindless asshole protecting nothing!!!!!! Kid should be put in jail and than receive the ultimate punishment!!! Very sad since I am against that....but maybe a message sent will be received by others who feel compelled to walk around town with a gun which the asshole rat and Lil Schtiiy both think is fine!!!!!! You really are the party of dopes!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous cowardly king obama said...


riots in Portland

democrats - FAKE NEWS, just peaceful protests.

Who is charge asshole....Alll this discord is occurring under trump!!!!! What is the GOP policy on this....they don't have a platform only fucking rhetoric from idiots like you demanding action!!!!! What action is that????? Until you get elements like 17 year olds not being called out by the cops NOTHING WILL CHANGE!!!!!!! Sad what a dumb fuck group you associate with thinking armed 17 year old vigilantes are accepted and defended!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger rrb said...

Allie Beth Stuckey

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Another dumb cunt who would be your perfect mate asshole!!!!!!!! Maybe you can get her to fuck you since you probably really need it!!!!!

anonymous said...

The GOP.....the home of bigots racists liars and deniers!!!!

pinion by Editorial Board
August 26, 2020 at 4:15 p.m. EDT
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TRAILING IN the polls, and with no tangible agenda for a second term, President Trump is doing his best to tear down Democratic nominee Joe Biden. That’s hardly an unprecedented strategy, and some of the policy-based arguments being advanced by speakers at the Republican National Convention this week fall within the normal bounds of campaign debate, even if some of the hyperbole is beyond those bounds. Mr. Biden, it’s said, will be controlled by the Democratic left; he will raise taxes; he will be too soft on China.
There is another strand of the attacks, however, that is as depraved as it is scurrilous. The Trump campaign is attempting to portray Mr. Biden and his family as neck-deep in corruption, based on allegations that have repeatedly been demonstrated to be false. In effect, the Republicans accuse the former vice president of secretly doing what Mr. Trump has accomplished overtly during the past three years — using his office to enrich himself and his family.
Leading the GOP charge on Tuesday was Pam Bondi, a former Florida attorney general who in 2013 received a $25,000 contribution from a Trump charity six days after her office said it was looking into fraud charges against Trump University. The investigation did not go forward. Incredibly, Ms. Bondi opened her case against Mr. Biden by repeating the lie that led to Mr. Trump’s impeachment: that Mr. Biden demanded the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating a gas company that employed the then-vice president’s son Hunter.
An exhaustive congressional investigation, including sworn testimony by Mr. Trump’s own special envoy to Ukraine, demolished that charge. Mr. Biden sought the prosecutor’s ouster at the urging of the State Department, European governments and Republican senators. Ukrainian authorities said there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Mr. Biden or his son, which is why Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky resisted Mr. Trump’s demand that he launch an investigation of the matter. Yet Ms. Bondi used her prime-time slot to renew the smear, as though none of that had happened.
She also repeated another false charge previously aired by Mr. Trump, that a Chinese-American firm in which Hunter Biden holds a stake received “millions” of dollars (Mr. Trump had said “billions”) after the younger Mr. Biden accompanied his father on a trip to China. Again, this has repeatedly been debunked, including by The Post’s Fact Checker. Hunter Biden was an uncompensated board member of the company; he purchased a stake in it after his father left office; according to his lawyer, he has never received a return.

Anonymous said...

Who is charge asshole....

that would be the mayor of Portland BWAA.

i see you're still struggling with the whole concept of federalism, eh?

What is the GOP policy on this....

to send in federal law enforcement to protect federal property and assets.

after that it's up to local DEMOCRATS to deal with the fucking retards they've enabled.

this shit's not hard to grasp, BWAA. yet i somehow am not surprised you're struggling with it.

Anonymous said...

well goll-lee,

that's quite the breathless op/ed from the WaPo there BWAA.

it looks to me like their ass is a bit puckered after day 3 of the RNC.

and trotting out Cumala to give the response to Trump instead of Slow Joe? i guess i can see why.


anonymous said...

Yes rat an op ed....the only puckering is assholes like you who are afraid of your own shadow....Your boy is the leader of the country and has lead assholes like you to think like an asshole.....The country burns and you blame everyone but the leader, trump!!!! He who said he would pay for the lawyer if someone beat another at one of his rallies!!!! He who stokes the flames of racism and hatred and then claim 1 fucking 17 year old shoots 2 people dead under the guise he was protecting property....THE LITTLE SHIT CAN'T EVEN VOTE AND HE IS SUCKING TRUMPS DICK!!!!! That is sad as is your own brand of being a dumb fuck.....Can't fix this much stupidity until you take your head out of your fucking ass!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW asshole......the WaPost is a pretty good spokesman for what is going on....You posting gibberish from asssholes on twitter with a grudge is rather telling of your intellect....ZERO!!!!!! Trump will try to scare the shit out of people like you into being even dumber than you already are!!!!!

anonymous said...

that would be the mayor of Portland BWAA.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!! TRUMP IS IN CHARGE YOU DUMB FUCK!!!!!!!! I guess an idiot like you now knows how impotent the fat assed old white trump is.....

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You don't have to like me, but please,
listen to me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Just to be clear:
Just a note for my right leaning family & friends from my left leaning self as we near voting day:

They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police): we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.

They say we want to release all prisoners: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes and to deprivatize prisons.

They say we want open borders: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty help to give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren’t separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.

They say we want to take away your guns: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings.

They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely.

They say we want to get everything for free: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all.

They say we want a war against traditional marriage: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love.

They say we want to destroy or rewrite history: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again”.

They say we want to take away your constitutional rights: we don’t, that’s a lie. We choose to believe science and wear masks and try to prevent the spread of this disease.

They say we hate America: we don’t, that’s a lie. We just recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.

Stop with the us vs. them. Stop with the straw man arguments. Stop with the fake news. Stop with fox news. Our position is one of empathy, compassion and logic. Stop believing the hype. Stop with the division. Just because we want equality for all doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The law enforcement–obsessed 17-year-old who was charged with shooting and killing two people and injuring another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during protests for Jacob Blake appeared in the front row at a Donald Trump rally in January.

Anonymous said...



so, you advocate that Trump become an ACTUAL totalitarian dictator. one to seize authority and control over the cities.

now that's a most interesting perspective BWAA.

up until now Trump has been ACCUSED of behaving in this manner, yet you'd like to see him take it further and actually BECOME the dictator that the left claims to despise.


life comes at you fast, eh BWAA?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kyle Rittenhouse is clearly visible in the picture

anonymous said...

The trump influence......cut testing will be better for the country....rat will drool all over himself like the retard he is!!!!

Amy Goldstein and
Lena H. Sun
August 26, 2020 at 8:41 p.m. EDT
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An abrupt shift this week in government testing guidelines for Americans exposed to the novel coronavirus was directed by the White House’s coronavirus task force, alarming outside public health experts who warn the change could hasten the disease’s spread.
The new guidance — introduced this week, without any announcement, on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website — replaces advice that everyone who has been in close contact with an infected person should get tested to find out whether they had contracted the virus. Instead, the guidance says those without symptoms “do not necessarily need a test.”
Several leading infectious-disease experts predicted that, after months of public health exhortations encouraging people to get tested, the turnaround could heighten public confusion, impede contact tracing and lead to more cases. The CDC estimates that 40 percent of those who test positive for the coronavirus have no symptoms but may be highly infectious and spread it to other people.

Anonymous said...

the front row, alky.

like THE front row, alky?


do you know what this means???


do you know what this means, as in what is the significance of this, because i sure don't.

perhaps this will help -

anonymous said...


so, you advocate that Trump become an ACTUAL totalitarian dictator.

HE ALREADY IS YOU DUMB FUCK!!!!! AND YOU LOVE IT!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!! No perspective involved, just the actuality of his actions!!!!! You just are too dumb to see it and cram his dick another inch up your old white ass with glee!!!!! Using the WH as a prop, a national monument as propaganda.....Military members opening doors for the king are the evidence you are blinder than evah!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop with the straw man arguments.

says the asshat whose entire screed was one big fat straw man argument.

that's the thing about you assholes alky-

the only way you know how to "debate" is coming up with these idiotic 'heads i win, tails you lose' straw man/non sequiturs.

Myballs said...

Roger's they say we post...ive already had three of my liberal friends post this on Facebook. They're like lemmings.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

ALL FROM Taegan Goddard's

Quote of the Day
“We will make America great again—again.”
— Vice President Mike Pence, admitting the contradiction at the core of Donald Trump’s argument for re-election.


Trump Makes Crucial Play for the Suburbs
New York Times:
“Trump advisers said on Wednesday that they did not intend to change people’s minds about the president. Voter opinions about him have been remarkably impervious to the good and bad news about him, fluctuating little since he took office. Rather, the aides said, they were seeking to remind suburban voters of policies Mr. Trump has supported — like granting citizenship for legal immigrants and reducing harsh criminal statutes — that will give them something to hang onto in the voting booth in November.”

Washington Post: Trump and GOP go all in on law and order.

Trump Shifts Focus Away from Post Office
President Trump is shifting his focus from the U.S. Postal Service in his concerns about potential fraud in mail-in voting, claiming problems with mailed ballots lie with local elections officials who are “going to count them wrong,” NBC News reports.
--Said Trump: “It’s not the post office … it has nothing to do with the post office.”
--He added: “The problem is when they dump all these ballots in front of a few people who are counting them, and they’re going to count them wrong. The post office is not to blame.”

Cohen Blasts the “Real Donald Trump’ In New Ad
“President Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, stars in a new Democratic attack ad in which he describes Trump as a liar and warns Americans not to trust him,” the Washington Post reports.
--The 60-second television commercial from American Bridge 21st Century, the Democrats’ largest super PAC, will air Thursday morning on CNN and Fox News — during Trump’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends — for the last day of the Republican convention. It will air again in the evening ahead of Trump’s acceptance speech.”

Trump's Big Night
Associated Press:
“Though he will promise national greatness, there was little expectation he would deliver a message designed to unify the divided electorate. In 2016, his message was ‘I alone can fix it.’ This time, while trailing in the polls, he will offer himself as the last remaining defense against radical forces threatening the American way of life.
--“Aides have closely guarded details of the address, which was being revised the night before Trump was to speak from the White House South Lawn. While Trump has centered his recent stump speech on anarchists that he depicts overrunning city streets, aides signaled that Thursday’s speech will not be as dark as his infamous ‘American carnage’ inaugural address.”

Anonymous said...

Military members opening doors for the king are the evidence you are blinder than evah!!!!!!!

oh, you mean like THIS, BWAA?

anonymous said...

do you know what this means???

THE KID SAT AT A TRUMP RALLY !!!!! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? HE IS A FLAMING ASSHOLE WHO SHOT 2 PEOPLE TO DEATH FOLLOWING TRUMPS LEAD!!!!!! God you are dumb!!!!! No wonder you a ag school drop out and now sell used cars!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Turmoil Consumes Chamber of Commerce as it Backs Democrats

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is poised to endorse nearly two dozen freshmen House Democrats for reelection, triggering a revolt within the right-leaning organization and drawing fierce pushback from the group’s powerful GOP donors,” Politico reports.
--The decision represents a sharp departure for the traditionally conservative Chamber, which has spent over $100 million backing Republican candidates over the past decade, and it threatens to further complicate the party’s prospects in the November election while driving a split in the business community.”

Playbook: “In endorsing Democrats, the Chamber seems to be seeking relevance in a Washington that’s shifted away from them. These Democrats they’re endorsing have views that are simply incompatible with where the Chamber has been for years. But many of them will be elected officials next Congress — and the Chamber could, theoretically, take a bit of credit for that and find itself some new allies on the left.”

More Than 100 Ex-McCain Staffers Endorse Biden
New York Times:
“Mark Salter, who led the effort to gather signatures along with the former McCain aides Christian Ferry, Niki Christoff and Joe Donoghue, said they had confined their outreach to staff members, and did not seek out McCain family members.”

Romney 2012 Staffers Back Biden
“More than 30 former staffers from Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign are signing onto an effort to elect Joe Biden — the same man they worked to defeat during the 2012 campaign.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vice President Mike Pence and others twisted facts on the economy, some of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s positions and more:

Pence claimed that President Donald Trump “created the greatest economy in the world.” But the economy had been growing for seven years before Trump took office.
Pence falsely suggested Biden would “defund the police” and baselessly claimed Americans “won’t be safe” if Biden were president.
Pence cited a federal officer’s killing during “the riots in Oakland, California.” But he didn’t explain that the death was unrelated to demonstrators protesting in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Federal prosecutors have charged a right-wing extremist with the killing.
1960s Civil Rights figure Clarence Henderson said Trump “created” a “record” number of jobs for Black Americans. Actually, Black employment grew faster under Obama.
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said that, under Trump, “the single mom with two kids, two jobs, two commutes … finally has health insurance.” But the number of uninsured women ages 19 to 64 decreased during the Obama administration and had increased under Trump, as of 2018.
Pence misleadingly claimed that Biden “even opposed the operation that took down Osama bin Laden.” Biden said he opposed the timing of the operation, and suggested that the raid should be delayed in order to take further steps to confirm bin Laden was at the compound in Pakistan.
Sen. Marsha Blackburn falsely claimed that “Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their radical allies … encourage protests, riots and looting in the streets.” Biden has repeatedly condemned violent protests.
Richard Grenell, a former acting director of national intelligence, criticized the Russia investigation as unwarranted — but multiple independent reports found that there were grounds to investigate the Trump campaign’s contacts with people with ties to the Russian government.
Rep. Elise Stefanik criticized the House impeachment of Trump last year as “illegal.” It’s not. The Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to impeach the president.
Pence wrongly claimed that Trump “suspended all travel from China,” when the administration’s restrictions contained exceptions.
Pence misled when he said that “after years of scandal,” Trump “reformed the VA and veterans choice is now available for every veteran in America.” Although the Trump administration expanded the program, it began in 2014 under Obama.
And there were several repeat claims on fracking, abortion, school choice, military pay and immigration.

Myballs said...

So LeBron is threatening to boycott the rest of the season. Oh will I manage without nba games no one is watching or cares about?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

cowardly king obama said...

Amy Mek

Any media outlets spewing the LIE that Kyle Rittenhouse "murdered protesters" is the enemy of America and its citizens.

The media is at war with you and will go to any lengths to harm you or anyone working against their evil agenda.

only idiots blindly follow what the MSM spouts anymore.


Myballs said...

Police unions across America are endorsing Trump. They have always gone democrat. But not this time. Uh oh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump didn’t “create” any of that; it was given to him.

Job growth has continued under Trump, but at a slower pace. The economy added nearly 2.5 million jobs in the 12 months before Trump took office, Bureau of Labor Statistics figures show. It added just over 2 million during Trump’s first year. The unemployment rate continued to drop, from 4.7% when Trump took office to a 50-year low of 3.5% under Trump, before the COVID-19 pandemic sent it shooting up to the worst levels since the 1930s. It hit 14.7% in April and stood at 10.2% last month — still worse than any month of the Obama-Biden administration.

Biden and Crime
Pence said baselessly that Americans would not be safe if Biden were elected president. In doing so, he suggested that Biden would “defund the police,” something Biden has said he does not support.

And the vice president misleadingly used a response by Biden to a question in claiming the Democratic presidential nominee supported “cutting funding to law enforcement.”

Pence, Aug. 26: When asked whether he’d support cutting funding to law enforcement, Joe Biden replied, “Yes, absolutely.” Joe Biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to violence in America’s cities. The hard truth is you won’t be safe in Joe Biden’s America. Under President Trump, we will always stand with those who stand on the Thin Blue Line, and we’re not going to defund the police – not now, not ever.

There is no evidence that Americans would be less safe in Joe Biden’s America. As we have written, Trump and his campaign have repeatedly and falsely claimed that a Biden administration would eviscerate law enforcement, with Americans subjected to mayhem in the streets and unanswered police calls. But Biden has said on a number of occasions that he is opposed to defunding the police, and a Biden spokesman told us the Democratic nominee supports more funding for police for some functions, such as initiatives to strengthen community relationships and for body-worn cameras.

The federal government pays a small percentage of law enforcement expenses. According to a backgrounder by the Urban Institute, 86% of police funding in 2017 was from local governments, with additional money ponied up by state governments.

Here is the context for the “Yes, absolutely” response cited by Pence.

In a July 8 interview with progressive activist Ady Barkan about police reforms, Biden was asked about shifting some funding from police to social service agencies for tasks that could be better handled by the latter. “Yes, absolutely,” Biden responded. But as we said, he would support additional funding in some categories.

In a segment of the interview that didn’t appear on YouTube, Biden said he supports reforms, but “that’s not the same as getting rid of or defunding all the police.” (The Washington Post Fact Checker obtained audio of the full conversation.)

While Pence draws a contrast between the two candidates, it’s worth noting both Biden and Trump have expressed support for the idea of social workers and mental health personnel joining forces with police in some cases, as we’ve explained.

anonymous said...

Anonymous cowardly king obama said...
Amy Mek

DUMB AND FUCKING DUMBER FROM TWITTER!!!!!! I hope Klyles mother is proud of her murderous son like you and Amy are!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

and for those who are interested, this is where the alky stole the screed of asshattery:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The truthers would love armed vigilantes shooting peaceful protesters all over the country

Myballs said...

Blue collar hourly wages rose 5.5% just in 2019. Obama didn't do that. Trump did.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

So LeBron is threatening to boycott the rest of the season.

the rest of WHAT season?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Iowa Won’t Allow Drop Boxes for Absentee Ballots
August 27, 2020 at 8:38 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“The Iowa Secretary of State’s Office says county auditors cannot set up drop boxes to accept absentee ballots this fall — something several auditors say they did during this year’s primary election,” the Des Moines Register reports.

anonymous said...

Police unions across America are endorsing Trump.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Proving what????? BTW police unions typically endorse R's you dumb fucking asshole!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Black Employment Spin
Clarence Henderson, who participated in the famous 1960 sit-in at the Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, praised Trump for the “record number of jobs he created for the Black community.”

It’s true that the number of African Americans employed hit a record under Trump. But it wasn’t all his doing. In fact, jobs for Blacks grew faster under Obama/Biden — and all of Trump’s gains and more have disappeared.

Figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ household survey, which tracks employment by race and ethnicity, show Black employment hit a peak of over 19.7 million in February (before plunging to a six-year low of 16.2 million in April due to the pandemic).

But even in Trump’s good times, Black employment grew less than under Obama/Biden. During their final three years in office, nearly 2.1 million Blacks gained employment. During the next three years, under Trump, the number grew by just over 1.1 million.

All the gains of Trump’s first years were wiped out by the pandemic. As of July, nearly 1.3 million Black Americans had lost employment since he took office.

anonymous said...

Although police unions are typically more conservative than other labor groups and often support Republican candidates in municipal elections, their endorsements can still help bend local primaries toward Democrats whose views hew closely to those of the rank and file.

cowardly king obama said...

Andy Ngô

The 3 shot (2 killed) in #Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot have been identified.

Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, was the first one killed. Video allegedly shows him chasing teen shooter & throwing something at him. Rosenbaum was a registered sex offender for a sex crime involving a minor.
THREAD(with pictures):

Anthony Huber, 26, was shot & killed in Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot. He was filmed chasing down the armed teen and hitting him when he was on the ground with a skateboard. He has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse. #KenoshaRiots
The third who was shot (& survived) is Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. He's a member of the People’s Revolution Movement. He was filmed chasing after the teen w/a pistol. He was shot at close-range in the upper arm. He has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun.

I'm sure Biden will call these peaceful protestors (or perhaps fine people)

They are his base.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Imagine a party that
said it had no platform, just blind obedience to its leader.

What would you call that?

A cultist party

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Blue collar hourly wages rose 5.5% just in 2019. Obama didn't do that. Trump did.

And trump lost 25 million jobs in 2020 I guess to idiots like you zero wages is better.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Myballs said...

The jobs obama created were temp, part to,e and contract jobs. Trump created real, full time jobs. That's why the wage growth that Obama said was gone for good. Remember that?

anonymous said...


cowardly king obama said...

CNN Chyron On Kenosha: ‘Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting’

FAKE NEWS CNN keeps outdoing itself.

They are a bigger dumpster fire than the riots.


anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
The jobs obama created were temp, part to,e and contract jobs.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! You fucking lying dick sucking ass!!!!! Trump lost 25 million jobs idiot!!!! Country is in free fall and will take a D leader to save it!!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

John Hayward

Mrs. O'Leary's Cow Stages Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protest of Poor Stall Conditions


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Ahead In Pennsylvania
August 27, 2020 at 8:51 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

A new Franklin & Marshall poll in Pennsylvania shows Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 49% to 42%.

Important takeaway:
“There are fewer registered voters in 2020 who express support for a third-party candidate or who are undecided compared to August 2016.”

Republicans Seem to Forget Trump Is Already In Charge
August 27, 2020 at 8:42 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 14 Comments

New York Times:
“Even as president, Mr. Trump has often appeared most comfortable in the role of back-seat driver, jeering his own government like a common bystander, insisting that someone really ought to do something about all this.

“The effect during a week like this one — as a public health crisis proceeds apace and unrest consumes Kenosha, Wis., after another police shooting of a Black man — is particularly jarring, all the more because Mr. Trump has also strained throughout the convention to display himself in various scenes of presidential busyness: issuing a pardon, meeting with freed hostages, presiding over a naturalization ceremony. In the process, Mr. Trump and his team have effectively ignored distinctions between campaign activity and official business — less line-blurring than ostensible law-violating — co-opting public resources for political gain.

“Through it all, the intended takeaway has seemed clear: Mr. Trump is in control of the good but not responsible for the bad, worthy of praise for America’s successes and exoneration for its struggles.”


anonymous said...

Only 1 million file for benefits this week!!!!! A real win for ball less and trump!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

John Hayward

We're now entirely dependent on citizen journalists and alternative media for information about the riots in Democrat cities. Think about that for a moment. Smartphones are the only reason we know what's happening in Portland or Kenosha.

and the statist MSM and democrat party are terrified it exists.

Look at VERY lo iq

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said... them fine people.

No, that's Trump's line.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a party that
said it had no platform, just blind obedience to its leader.

What would you call that?

A cultist party

the DEMOCRAT party

blind obedience to peloshee & Slow Joe an da Ho.

no recognizable platform. just violence and mayhem and socialism of a 'democratic' variety. and a party who, if they win, will destroy the country with socialism, and if they lose, will just amp up the Burning, Looting and Murder.

that's why the straw man screed you ripped off didn't register, alky.

every word you guys write and every word you guys utter is a demonstrable LIE.

cowardly king obama said...

Tim Young

NOT A JOKE: Rachel Maddow had Seattle's Mayor (the one that gave up 8 blocks of her city to violent rioters) on her show tonight to say that there aren't violent takeovers in cities...


dems think they are. Watch Trump end up with over 60% of the vote.

Myballs said...

Franklin & Marshall...a small liberal arts college in PA whose president is canadian Barbara Altman. Altman spent over 20 years at...wait for of Oregon. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

A new Franklin & Marshall poll in Pennsylvania shows Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 49% to 42%.

oversample democrats to get the desired result. this is why my team is laughing at your polls, pederast.

The survey findings presented in this release are based on the results of interviews conducted August 17 - 23, 2020. The interviews were conducted at the Center for Opinion Research at Franklin & Marshall College on behalf of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs. The poll was designed and administered by the staff of the Center for Opinion Research.

The data included in this release represent the responses of 681 Pennsylvania registered voters, including 321 Democrats, 272 Republicans, and 88 independents.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Border Wall
Pence was misleading when he said Trump has “secured our border and built nearly 300 miles of that border wall.”

According to an Aug. 7 story in the San Antonio Express-News, only five miles of new fencing have been constructed. The paper said 260 miles of replacement and secondary walls have been built. The border is about 2,000 miles. The paper said its story was based on data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

A wall on the Mexican border to keep out immigrants trying to illegally cross the border was a major campaign issue in 2016 for Trump and a frequent rallying cry since. Trump promised that Mexico would pay for the wall.

In our June 5 story, we reported that 194 miles of new fencing had been built under Trump as of May 22 and included only about “3 miles of new border wall system constructed in locations where no barriers previously existed,” according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The Trump administration has allocated funding for 400 miles of replacement walls, 57 miles of new secondary fencing and 281 miles of new primary walls, the Express-News said.

cowardly king obama said...

The data included in this release represent the responses of 681 Pennsylvania registered voters, including 321 Democrats, 272 Republicans, and 88 independents.

Hadn't seen this. To be accurate they would probably needed to include those numbers of dems/repubs but added about 300 independents. They are now the largest voting block.

And we know how they are currently polling...

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