Monday, October 26, 2020

An interesting tidbit...

A glimmer of hope for Trump? 

If you look at the states where Trump won in 2016, there is only one of those states (Wisconsin) where he doesn't lead in at least one poll. Even in Wisconsin, there is one poll showing him tied. This isn't that unlike the situation in 2016 (with the large exception being national polling - which is much better for Biden than it was for Clinton). It's not that there were not polls showing Trump ahead of Clinton in many of these battleground states, it's just that there were more showing Clinton ahead and most people just "assumed" that the pro-Trump polls were outliers or biased in his favor. 

Oddly, the same opinion and attitude is prevalent today. We have two states where some polls show Biden up double digits, but also have polls showing Trump ahead. Most pundits suggest that it's the polls that are more favorable to Trump that are the biased one, not the other way around. There seems to be an even more intense belief in the polls showing Biden way up and an even more intense disbelief of polls showing Trump doing well than what we saw in 2016 with Clinton and Trump. You can almost see the collective "eye roll" of the various election pundits every time a poll comes out that suggests Trump might be winning a battleground state (or even ahead nationally as the most recent Rasmussen poll shows). 

Either way,  if Trump were to simply win all of the states where there is at least one poll showing him ahead, then he would end up with 295 or 296 Electoral College votes (depending on whether he wins the one ECV from Maine again). He could even afford to lose one other state (or possibly two depending on the states and whether he hangs on in Maine to that one ECV) and still win reelection. 

Not saying that this makes Trump any sort of a favorite (I still believe he is the underdog). Just that I would take pause before betting the mortgage that Biden is a shoo in to be the next President. Funnier things have happened, and funny things seem to happen when it involves Donald Trump. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I wouldn't want to rain on your parade (oh yes I would), but I JUST saw this:

GOP Pollster Has Biden Up BIG

October 26, 2020 at 4:36 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

A new Public Opinion Strategies (R) poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally by 14 points,
55% to 41%.

and for your further enjoyment:

An Anonymous Republican Speaks Out
4:32 pm

Olivia Nuzzi has an excellent look at the “tortured self-justification of one very powerful Trump-loathing anonymous Republican.”

Said the Republican of President Trump:
“I thought he would lose! I mean, everyone thought he would lose. The idea that he won is still shocking. This is a man who is so completely alien to what this country — the best principles of what this country is about. When I think about the fact that a hundred years from now, people will look back and say, ‘How the f**k did they think this was normal?,’ it makes me sad for the country. He’s a permanent scar on the face of our country.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But being the good Christian person that I am, I will try to cheer you up a little by pointing out that Biden today lost Georgia on the Real Clear Politics NO TOSS UPS MAP and that caused him to plunge all the way down to

======== BIDEN ONLY 341 vs TRUMP 197

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The undecided voters are almost non existent in this year,

Biden has 50%+ in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. RCP

The President can't win without any of them.

Unless an October surprise happens within a few days, Biden will win the electoral college victory.

In 2016 Clinton never achieved a 50% margin. When Cohen published the investigation in the email. 7 days later she lost the electoral college victory.

You are hopeful but you know that unless every poll is wrong by 6% or 7% he is toast.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rasmussen is an outstander.

anonymous said...

Heavy turn out a bad bad thing for the donnie and his regime........BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Yep.....donnie keeps talking and his voters keep leaving!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Yahoo News
Yahoo News/YouGov poll: With one week left, Biden's lead over Trump grows to 12 points — his biggest yet
Andrew Romano
Andrew Romano·West Coast Correspondent
Mon, October 26, 2020, 3:27 PM EDT

Heading into the final week of the 2020 presidential campaign, former Vice President Joe Biden now holds his largest-ever lead over President Trump, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a 12-point margin that’s four times the size of Hillary Clinton’s national advantage over Trump at this point in 2016.

The survey, which was conducted from Oct. 23 to 25, found that 54 percent of likely voters have either already voted for Biden or plan to vote for him by Election Day. Just 42 percent of likely voters say they are casting their ballots for Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President inteview on 60 Minutes.

He acted like a bully, when she asked him a question about what he said before, he ran away like a coward.

Myballs said...

Putin defends Hunter Biden. Of course. He paid for him.

Myballs said...

Stahl was far too rude, obnoxious, combative and argumentative.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She is not obligated to be polite.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You actually believe the propaganda pushed by the Russians to discredit our election system.

Your loyalty to the President seems to have blinded you about the truth

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McENANY ONCE GOT SOMETHING RIGHT WHEN SHE Praised Biden as a ‘Man of the People’
6:14 pm

Prior to becoming a prominent backer of Donald Trump, Kayleigh McEnany praised then-Vice President Joe Biden in August 2015 as “funny and likable” and a “man of the people” who resonates with “middle class voters.

Said McEnany:
“I think the Republicans run into a problem if it is Joe Biden and if it is maybe a Trump on the other side.

"Because Joe Biden, one of the things he is remarkable at is really kind of being a man of the people and resonating with middle class voters.

"Feeling like — coming off as human. His gaffes — as much as we make fun of them — to a certain extent they make him look human. So not, since he’s likable.”



Polling Guru Bets on Biden
5:30 pm

Mark McKinnon:
“In many ways 2020 is haunted by 2016. So in an effort to tune into a clear, crisp radio signal through all the white noise, I interviewed the ultimate expert:
Dave Wasserman.
He’s one of the very few political seers who predicted—in mid-September of 2016, no less—that Trump might very well lose the popular vote and yet win the electoral college.

“Wasserman covers congressional races for the nonpartisan and widely respected Cook Political Report. He has a microscopic understanding of what is happening around the country politically…

“After talking with him I came away with the sense that Trump is not just toast, but burnt toast. To use a poker metaphor: In the last election, Trump won by pulling an inside straight to win. This time he’ll need nothing short of a royal flush—by pulling an ace from his sleeve. "

Not just toast; he's BURNT toast, LOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lesley Stahl: (14:51)
Okay, this is important. Okay, I’ll ask you another health question, okay?

Donald Trump: (14:58)
Go ahead.

Lesley Stahl: (15:01)
You promised that there was going to be a new health package, healthcare plan.

Donald Trump: (15:06)

Lesley Stahl: (15:08)
You said that it was going to be great. You said that it’s ready.

Donald Trump: (15:12)
It will be.

Lesley Stahl: (15:12)
It’s going to be ready, it’s all ready. It’ll be here in two weeks. It’s going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before. And of course, we hadn’t seen it. So why didn’t you develop the health plan?

Donald Trump: (15:23)
It is developed. It is fully developed. It’s going to be announced very soon.

Lesley Stahl: (15:27)
When [crosstalk 00:15:28].

Donald Trump: (15:28)
When we see what happens with Obamacare, which is not good. And when we see what happens with Obamacare.

Lesley Stahl: (15:34)
But if the Supreme Court-

Donald Trump: (15:36)
And it will be much less expensive than Obamacare, which is a disaster, and it will take care of people with pre-existing conditions.

Lesley Stahl: (15:45)
But your plan was to repeal and replace. And if the Supreme Court finishes Obamacare, there will be all these people stranded because there’s no replacement.

Donald Trump: (15:54)
No, they’re won’t. We will make a deal and we will have a great healthcare plan-

Lesley Stahl: (15:59)
But you keep saying that.

Donald Trump: (15:59)
… with less expensive, less expensive, and a much better plan.

Lesley Stahl: (16:04)
Why haven’t we seen it?

Donald Trump: (16:06)
You have seen it. I’ve been putting out pieces all over the place and we actually have plans. And we have 180 million people right now have a plan. And you haven’t been watching, you haven’t been watching.

Lesley Stahl: (16:22)
But what about the people with pre-existing conditions? If the Supreme Court-

Donald Trump: (16:27)
Are protected, will be totally protected.

Lesley Stahl: (16:29)

Donald Trump: (16:30)
They’ll be protected, Lesley.

Lesley Stahl: (16:32)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump: (16:32)
I mean, the people with pre-existing conditions are going to be protected-

Lesley Stahl: (16:35)

Donald Trump: (16:36)
… as they are now.

Lesley Stahl: (16:37)

Donald Trump: (16:38)
In any plan we do, they will be protected [crosstalk 00:16:42]. Lesley, people with pre-existing conditions would be always protected, always.

Lesley Stahl: (16:49)
But if the Supreme Court ends this with Obamacare-

Donald Trump: (16:55)
We’re going to have to see what happens, it’s got a ways to go. I mean, we’ll see what happens. I think it’ll end … I hope that they end it. It’ll be so good if they end it.

Lesley Stahl: (17:04)
If they end it-

Donald Trump: (17:05)
Because we will come up with a plan, which will be-

Lesley Stahl: (17:08)

Donald Trump: (17:08)
Yeah, we will.

Lesley Stahl: (17:09)
But you said it was all ready.

Donald Trump: (17:11)
We have large sections of it already done. And we’ve already come up with plans, take a look at your various secretaries, various plans that we’ve already come up with. And also, a large part of this country has private health insurance, 180 million people. And under that, Biden, he doesn’t have any clue, but under that 180 million people will lose their health care. And they’ll go to socialized medicine, and that’s not going to be acceptable. 180 million people Lesley, will go to socialized medicine. It won’t be … it will not acceptable.

Lesley Stahl: (17:50)
And if the Affordable Care Act is determined to be unconstitutional-

Donald Trump: (17:53)
Then we’re going to have a new, and we’re going to have new and it’s going to be very good. And it’s going to-

Lesley Stahl: (17:59)
Yeah but you keep saying that and don’t show it to us. And so people with pre-existing conditions-

Donald Trump: (18:01)
We’ve come with many plans, Lesley, and they’re already in existence. I’ll tell you what, after this interview, I will show you short-term, longer term. I’ll show you different plans. We’ve come up with many plans. And we got the individual mandate out. The individual mandate is gone. That was the worst part of Obamacare, that’s gone.

Lesley Stahl: (18:23)
Okay. All of that, I grant you all of that. But if there’s no plan, a replacement plan-

Donald Trump: (18:33)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here you go, Roger. Here's Trump's health plan:

Trump Claims He Gave 60 Minutes His Health Care Plan

While Lesley Stahl waited to see if President Trump would return to finish his 60 Minutes interview, his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, came in with a hand delivery.

McENANY: Lesley, the president wanted me to deliver his health care plan, it’s a little heavy.

STAHL: Oh my god. This is his health care plan?


STAHL: Okay. Kayleigh, thank you.

McENANY: You’re welcome and the Vice President will be with you shortly.

STAHL: Okay. And the president’s not coming back?

McENANY: The president’s given you a lot of time.

It was heavy. Filled with executive orders, congressional initiatives, BUT NO comprehensive health plan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is funny.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that most Republicans want to see President Trump voted out of office but can’t say it publicly, Axios reported on Sunday.

Clinton told the New York Times Opinion podcast “Sway” that most Republicans “have been cowards, spineless enablers” of the president throughout his administration.

"Most Republicans are going to want to close the page," Clinton said on an episode of the podcast set to be released Monday. "They want to see him gone as much as we do, but they can't say it publicly."

When asked if a female president would have better handled the coronavirus pandemic, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said, "I have no doubt, especially if it were me. I have no doubt. I mean, I was born for that."

The U.S. has recorded the most coronavirus cases and deaths in the world, with more than 8.5 million cases and 225,067 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Clinton added that she “can’t entertain the idea of [Trump] winning” the 2020 election, which is slightly more than a week away.

“It would cause cognitive dissonance of a grave degree,” she said.

"It makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we'd have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions,” she added, according to Axios. “And damaging of our norms and our values. And lessening of our leadership. And the list goes on.”

National polls and many state surveys have shown Democratic nominee Joe Biden leading Trump, but polls in a number of battleground states are tight.

The president has been holding rallies across the country in the lead-up to the election. He has brought up Clinton at several of the events, including when he jokingly blamed her for a microphone outage last week.

When asked in the “Sway” interview if she would say, “Lock him up,” Clinton responded, "No, I would never say that. ... I believe in the rule of law, unlike some of these people."

"I think I live rent-free in his head," So does Barack Obama.


James said...
I didn't forget to drop the Goddard. Left it there on purpose.

That particular GOP poll is so important I thought you would not want to miss it, so I put it on two (not multiple) threads.

You're welcome.

The definition of multiple is more than one.

Two is more than one.

I saw it on two and didn't bother to see if you posted the same shit on other threads, so I used multiple.

It is the correct usage, as usual you are wrong.

But boy are you ignorant.

Or should that be "BUTT BOY are you ignorant ?"

Then the answer would be simply - yes.

You're welcome.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Balls used to drink George W Bush's bathwater. He does it too!


60 Minutes

President Trump’s press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, gave us a heavy book that she described as the president’s health care plan. It was filled with executive orders and congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive healthcare plan.

Kayleigh McEnany

US government account

@60Minutes is misleading you !!

Notice they don’t mention that I gave Leslie 2 documents: a book of all President @realDonaldTrump has done & a plan of all he is going to do on healthcare— the America First Healthcare Plan which will deliver lower costs, more choice, better care

60 minutes is FAKE NEWS

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Who do we believe?
Trump & McEnany or Stahl?

And a book on "all he is going to do on healthcare" is NOT a health care plan, lol.

F'n is so amusing. I mean, who cares, but multiple means many, numerous, manifold.

MORE IMPORTANT, this thread blows old Donald "Burnt Toast" Trump out of the water so far as ever again being elected.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Expands National Lead Over Trump
7:21 pm

Heading into the final week of the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden now holds his largest-ever lead over President Trump, 54% to 42%, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll —
a 12-point margin that’s FOUR TIMES the size of Hillary Clinton’s national advantage over Trump at this point in 2016.

Trump Rallies Are Non-Stop Lies
7:00 pm
“Two minutes and 28 seconds into a campaign rally on a recent Saturday night in Janesville, Wis., President Trump delivered his first lie.

“Over the course of the next 87 minutes, the president made another 130 false or inaccurate statements. Many were entirely made up. Others were casual misstatements of simple facts, some clearly intended to mislead. He lied about his own record and that of his opponent. He made wild exaggerations that violate even the pliable limits of standard political hyperbole.”

Anonymous said...

US Senate Voting.

Trump Shaped the Court for the Future for a Generation.

Joe Biden owes the Voters an answer, he promised he would after today's historic Vote .

Anonymous said...

Perfect Historic Optics.
"Report: Clarence Thomas Will Swear In Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court After Confirmation Vote"

Anonymous said...

52 US Senators Put Country before Party.

Lockstep Liberals failed.

Trump protected the US Constitution

Caliphate4vr said...

The best part is ACB is confirmed on HRC’s birthday


Anonymous said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

After Biden wins, the Dems should do away with the fillibuster and pack the Court.

Do you think Trump would do differently if he had been treated the way McConnell treated the Obama/Biden nominee?

Then we'll see whose influence will be the greatest on into the future.

Anonymous said...

Officially and for all future conversations James is against this country and the US Constitution.

Anonymous said...

FDR was stopped.

Anonymous said...

🍾USSC Justice Amy Barrett🍒

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Carpenter Issues Matter. So Does Your Vote.


When making our endorsement for president, we considered these issues that impact union carpenter jobs and wages:

• Keeping us safe. Jobsite safety is ALWAYS issue #1. Joe Biden will take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously and keep us and our families safe. The people we elect need to take COVID-19 safety as seriously as we do.

• Opposing "Right-to-Work." Politicians who support "Right-to-Work" have tried to drive down our wages, standards, and benefits. Joe Biden opposes a national "Right-to-Work" law that would limit our ability to negotiate for good wages and benefits, harm the middle class, and drive inequality to new heights.

• Protecting union apprenticeships. Some politicians want to water down training standards to allow more non-union "apprenticeships." It's a gift to non-union contractors and would undercut safety and high-quality union training. Biden will defend our programs from non-union attempts to weaken apprenticeships and lower our standards.

• Defending prevailing wages. When our tax dollars are used to build our roads, bridges, schools, affordable housing, public buildings, sports stadiums, or any other projects, workers should get paid the local wage rate. Joe Biden is a strong supporter of the Davis-Bacon Act that stops non-union contractors from lowballing bids by paying workers less.


Additional UBC Endorsements

The decisions elected officials make every day on the local, state, and federal levels affect our jobs, benefits, and families. From opposing "Right-to-Work" to defending prevailing wages, it's important that we elect leaders who stand with us on carpenter issues.

The UBC is proud to support candidates in either party who support good union jobs.

Enter your entire voting address, including your zip code, below, and we'll show you a personalized list of our 2020 Carpenter-endorsed candidates and measures from your local area.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Schumer Says GOP Will Regret Rushing Confirmation
7:47 pm
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaking about the Republican rush to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court: “You will regret this, and you may regret it a lot sooner than you think.”

He added: “Monday, October 26, 2020. It will go down as one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate.”
My goodness!

Anonymous said...

USSC Justice Amy Barrett🍒

Caliphate4vr said...

Pedo the pendulum swings slowly, you assholes have finally had Bork shoved down your throats.

Enjoy you’re own bile

Anonymous said...

So , so, sweet.
Perfect Historic Optics.
"Report: Clarence Thomas Will Swear In Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court After Confirmation Vote"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Eyes Hosting Election Night Party
7:40 pm
President Trump has his eye on hosting an election night party at his own hotel in the nation’s capital, the AP reports.

Over the weekend, the campaign pushed out fundraising emails in the president’s name offering donors the chance to enter a drawing “to join Team Trump at the Election Night Party in my favorite hotel,” in Washington, suggesting he will use his luxury hotel as the backdrop for reacting to election results.

Oh that will be nice. They can weep and hug and cry onto each other and pass the virus out among them on the night of Trump's defeat...
or what if all votes are not counted for days...
PLENTY of time to super spread then.

Anonymous said...

Owning Property has many perks.

Anonymous said...

James is in a dark dystopian mood.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Perfect Historic Optics.
"Report: Clarence Thomas Will Swear In Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court After Confirmation Vote"

Commonsense said...

Schumer Says GOP Will Regret Rushing Confirmation
7:47 pm

Another good reason to keep the Democrats from controlling the senate.

They are too childish for the responsibility.

Caliphate4vr said...

Kavanaugh Empties Keg Of Beer On ACB's Head In Celebration

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Moments after Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice this evening, Justice Brett Kavanaugh leaped out of the crowd and emptied a full keg of beer on top of her head in celebration.

"Yeah, ACB! Wooooo!!!" he cheered as he emptied 15 gallons of beer over Justice Barrett's head. "Welcome to the bench, sister! Oh yeah! Up top!" He went for a high five but was already on his seventh beer of the evening and fell over instead. "I'm alright!" he shouted, jumping back up to his feet.

He then began to sing: "Oh, let us strive that ever we, maaaaaay let these words our watch-cry beeeeee, where’er upon life’s sea we saaaaaaail: For God, for Country and for Yaaaaaaaale!"

He attempted to put Barrett on his shoulders, wanting to parade her around the room, but clerks held him back. "Probably not a great look, Brett."

Anonymous said...

As the Court moves more Right and back to the rile of law. Removing Political hacks.

"Supreme Court Blocks Wisconsin From Counting Mailed Ballots Received After Election Day

Siding with Republicans, the high court blocked the state from counting ballots received up to six days after Nov. 3."

Commonsense said...

James is in a particularly broken and bitter mood tonight. Another good reason to vote for Trump.

Anonymous said...

"Supreme Hijacked: Berrett Confirmed"
Buffoon Huffpo crying

Anonymous said...

Daily Kos is in open meltdown

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
As the Court moves more Right and back to the rile of law. Removing Political hacks.

"Supreme Court Blocks Wisconsin From Counting Mailed Ballots Received After Election Day

Siding with Republicans, the high court blocked the state from counting ballots received up to six days after Nov. 3."

The stupid party, AKA Republicans are FINALLY playing the long game


James said...

F'n is so amusing. I mean, who cares, but multiple means many, numerous, manifold.


Well you may not care but you keep bringing it up and inferring I was wrong when in fact you were wrong. Let me set you straight, though it's doubtful you can retain this:

Definition of multiple
1: consisting of, including, or involving more than one


The lying POS "pastor" plagiarizes from Goddard multiple times every day.

President Trump has been nominated for multiple Nobel Peace prizes.

The "pastor" gets his ass kicked multiple times every day.

You're welcome.

And slimy.


Caliphate4vr said...
Kavanaugh Empties Keg Of Beer On ACB's Head In Celebration

Spot on !


and make America fun again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL Different dictionaries give different definitions for "multiple."

Example: having or involving several parts, elements, or members. "multiple occupancy"

Don't know about you, but "several" doesn't sound like two to me.

But hey, I don't mind admitting I thought maybe three different idiots (or maybe just jokesters, that happens sometimes) had actually nominated Trump for this year's Nobel Peace prize.

I knew he didn't get it, though, and never will, although HE thinks (snicker, snicker) he should.

(Actually, he might have been considered for what he worked out for Israel, if he hadn't done so many others things that would never get him nominated (withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear deal, misbehaving toward NATO, getting out of the Paris environmental pact, and his well known attitudes toward dictators and WOMEN, etc., etc., etc.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, and James Carville has it right:



Ignorant james said:

But hey, I don't mind admitting I thought maybe three different idiots (or maybe just jokesters, that happens sometimes) had actually nominated Trump for this year's Nobel Peace prize.

I knew he didn't get it, though, and never will, although HE thinks (snicker, snicker) he should.


He has been nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace prize and for multiple very significant accomplishments. Currently he has received 4 different nominations. He may even get more. The 2021 Nobel Peace prize winner has not yet been determined, the 2020 was just awarded despite your total ignorance.

Let me update my examples.

The "pastor" gets his ass kicked a multitude of times every day.

He fares about as well as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.




Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I knew only that the 2020 award had been given, and Trump didn't get it.

You are so full of hate, but I can understand it. You know your hero is about to be shown up to be exactly what he most hates to be:


Anonymous said...

Trump Appointed 3 US Supreme Court Justices. Oh what will the Court look like if Hillary had WON?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just had a laugh. I saw where Commonsense had said I was in a broken and bitter mood tonight.

I'm still chuckling this very minute.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"We're not going to control the pandemic."
There you have it from President Trump's chief of staff, announcement of failure, incompetence and cold indifference. You're on your own, America. Try not to die.
When Mark Meadows said those words on Sunday morning to CNN's Jake Tapper, he was stating the obvious: The Trump administration never mounted more than a halfhearted attempt to limit the spread of covid-19, and now has simply given up. Daily reporting of new cases has reached an all-time high, yet Trump flies around the country holding superspreader campaign rallies and claiming that we are somehow "rounding the turn" on the virus. What is that even supposed to mean? What could he possibly be talking about, except a turn for the worse?
There are many, many reasons Americans should vote Trump out of the White House, but perhaps the most urgent is his refusal — or perhaps his inability — to face the reality of covid-19. This election is literally a choice between life and death.
Why have we lost approximately 225,000 lives to covid-19, more than any other nation on Earth? Because the Trump administration never even considered taking the basic but difficult measures that could have strangled transmission of the virus during its infancy.
[Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic]
European nations such as Italy, France and Spain saw big initial spikes in infections and deaths but instituted comprehensive shutdowns that reduced transmission of the virus to levels low enough to allow reopening of businesses and schools. They are now responding to new infection spikes with targeted shutdowns. Germany, which has done much better than other Western countries, relied on tried-and-true public health strategies of testing, contact tracing and mask-wearing. I don't buy the argument that cultural differences would have made such measures impossible here. I don't believe most Americans are too stupid to understand the need to work together against a common threat.

Anonymous said...

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor Monday night that America is a “constitutional republic,” and the government’s “legitimacy” does not arise from the left’s “feelings.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Heading into the final week of the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden now holds his largest-ever lead over President Trump, 54% to 42%, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a 12-point margin that’s four times the size of Hillary Clinton’s national advantage over Trump at this point in 2016. 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

According to the survey, Biden is stronger than Clinton with every key demographic group: 

Just 3 percent of 2016 Clinton voters say they are now voting for Trump. More than twice as many 2016 Trump voters (7 percent) say they are voting for Biden. 

The Democrat leads by 9 points (45 percent to 36 percent) among independents — a bloc that Trump won by 4 points (46 percent to 42 percent) in 2016. 

Four years ago, Trump trounced Clinton by 20 points (57 percent to 37 percent) among white voters. Today, Biden trails by just 3 points (47 percent to 44 percent). 

There has been a similar swing among suburban voters, who backed Trump by 4 percentage points in 2016 (49 percent to 45 percent) but now favor Biden by 14 (52 percent to 38 percent). 

Meanwhile, the former vice president is ahead by a nearly 2-to-1 margin among those who voted third party in 2016 or didn’t vote at all — an advantage that adds 4 percentage points to his overall lead.  

anonymous said...

And the heralded trump economy proves to be mediocre at best as fools gauge the stock market as its main sign.....very sad indeed.!!!! Keep slurping goat fucker.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Jessica Goodheart and Danny Feingold, Capital & Main
Mon, October 26, 2020, 9:00 AM EDT
Even before the U.S. economy was slammed by a pandemic, the typical American household’s income grew at a slower pace in more than half of the states under Donald Trump than in the years leading up to his presidency, according to a new Capital & Main analysis of U.S. Census data.

Those states include several key battlegrounds, undercutting one of Trump’s central campaign themes: that before COVID-19 his actions led to an economy he has described as "the best it has ever been.”

Pennsylvania saw its typical household’s income growth slow from 6.2% in Obama’s last three years to 4.7% in Trump’s first three years, while median household income growth in Wisconsin declined from 7.1% to 6%.

In New Hampshire typical household income growth slowed from 7.2% between 2013 and 2016 to 3.1% from 2016 to 2019, while in Iowa it slowed from 4.5% to 3%.

anonymous said...

Senate in recess until November 9!!!!! I guess they are too exhausted after confirming the bitch to worry about the millions of people out of work and are broke......Great Job Jowls!!!!!! The county is watching you and your antics!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a 12-point margin that’s four times the size of Hillary Clinton’s national advantage over Trump at this point in 2016.

celebrate this poll at your peril.

it sampled 1500 registered, not likely, voters.

and no sampling data (D vs.R) was given.

in other words, it's a fucking joke.


Anonymous said...

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor Monday night that America is a “constitutional republic,” and the government’s “legitimacy” does not arise from the left’s “feelings.”

precisely. and the USSC isn't the fucking 'make a wish foundation' either.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is infecting his supporters!

As President Donald Trump jetted across the country holding campaign rallies during the past two months, he didn’t just defy state orders and federal health guidelines. He left a trail of coronavirus outbreaks in his wake.

The president has participated in nearly three dozen rallies since mid-August, all but two at airport hangars. A USA TODAY analysis shows COVID-19 cases grew at a faster rate than before after at least five of those rallies in the following counties: Blue Earth, Minnesota; Lackawanna, Pennsylvania; Marathon, Wisconsin; Dauphin, Pennsylvania; and Beltrami, Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

the source of the alky's PLAGIARISM.

Anonymous said...


Relax, I didn't vote for the guy you hate

A black Supreme Court justice just swore in a female Supreme Court justice. And the only people who are unhappy about it are Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Over 1,000 carloads of President Donald Trump supporters participated in a rally at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center parking lot Sunday morning.

Who knew there were so many white supremacists in California? Oh wait:

Participants represented a broad coalition, including the Beach Cities Republicans, Latinos for Trump, Indians for Trump and Filipinos for Trump. Redondo Police began routing cars to alternative parking locations after the Performing Arts Center’s 500 car lot quickly filled up.

Good thing they weren’t Biden voters. The police would have been showered with rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, et cetera.

The rally was followed by a two-hour long car parade that followed Pacific Coast Highway through the Beach Cities to Wilmington.

but, but, but...Biden's up by a gazillion in a 'yahoo snooze/you give a fuck' poll!


Anonymous said...

by comparison to Redondo Beach, "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message:"

anonymous said...

rate this poll at your peril.

Ignore that poll is your choice.....with record voting occurring in ALL states.....the GOP never does well when that occurs....!!!!! LOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

but, but, but...Biden's up by a gazillion in a 'yahoo snooze/you give a fuck' poll!

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! According to you....all polls suck....!!!!!! Funny that you now are paying attention to them!!!!! Must have caught your attention for some strange reason....LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

BWAA, at this stage of the game it's TURNOUT that matters.

polls showing 'registered voters' are meaningless. touting them is LESS than meaningless.

smart people know this.

intellectual clods like you and the alky need to be told this.

at least you're just a garden-variety dumb fuck.

the alky, from his perch in a nursing home, prides himself as some sort political genius & presidential historian or something.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Putin Orders New National Mask Mandate as Russia Sees Second COVID-19 Spike

Jamie Ross


Published Oct. 27, 2020 6:53AM ET 

Reuters/Pavel Golovkin

This is perhaps one of the few things that might make President Donald Trump change his mind on a national mask mandate. Vladimir Putin on Tuesday made his most direct intervention yet to stave off a second wave of novel coronavirus infections by reintroducing a national mask mandate in Russia, The New York Times reports. Masks will reportedly be mandatory in public places like public transport, parking garages, and anywhere where more than 50 people can gather. Since the end of Russia’s first nationwide lockdown, Putin has delegated pandemic measures to regional leaders, so the new mandate marks a change in his government’s thinking. It came as Russia recorded more than 16,000 new cases five days in a row.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Putin Orders New National Mask Mandate as Russia Sees Second COVID-19 Spike

i know you and the NY Times are fawning and swooning over this alky, but here's the deal...

putin gets to do this because he's a totalitarian dictator.

our Constitution PREVENTS Trump from doing the same.

see how this works?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy Hitler, you doesn't know shit.

The polls show that the President is going to lose.

He's going to New Hampshire! He is down double digits.

Then he's going to Omaha Nebraska, to try to get the small number of electoral college votes.

Then to Las Vegas.

He is going to lose Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Biden is going to Georgia, because he has a chance to get Georgia.

Trump is scared. Biden is confident.

anonymous said...

smart people know this.

BWAAAAAAAAA Which excludes you and the goat fucker....LOLOLO>>>>>Turn out to date is almost 2x 2016!!!!! How does that affect the GOP in high turn out elections?????? Smart people are leaving the GOP in droves.....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...


well alky 'everyone i don't like is Hitler'...

i'll take this comment as your 2020 'KERRY BY A LANDSLIDE!!!11!' moment.

your ignorance of polls and polling methodology/accuracy is evident, so we'll just leave that there.

Trump draws 100,000 at a rip, 3 times a fucking DAY, while Joe Lid refers to him as 'George.'

all i will say is "we'll see."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Four years ago, Trump won with a coalition of voters. While the fabled working-class whites were central to this coalition, he couldn’t have won without sizable support from suburban white women; from seniors ages 65 and older; and from independents who voted for Barack Obama in the previous election. Today, that coalition is in tatters. Trump ran competitively with college-educated white women against Hillary Clinton, losing them by 7 points; polling now suggests he could lose them by 25 points or more. Trump won seniors by 7 points against Clinton; polling now shows him consistently trailing among seniors by 5 to 15 points. Trump won independents by 4 points; polling now shows Joe Biden running up big margins with those voters. None of this means the president can’t assemble a new coalition to win this November. Indeed, his team has spent considerable time and resources targeting Hispanic voters and Black men, believing inroads with those groups could offset heavy losses elsewhere. Whether he’s successful, the fact remains: Trump’s coalition from 2016 no longer exists.

2. Four years ago, just a third of the country believed America was on the right track. These conditions were fundamentally advantageous to Trump, a political outsider, whose party had been out of power for eight years. Today, only one-fifth of the country believes America is on the right track. But this time, Trump bears the brunt of the public’s frustration, primarily due to his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

3. Four years ago, Trump defeated a Democratic opponent who was intensely disliked by tens of millions of voters; who was viewed as untrustworthy by huge majorities of the public; who was under FBI investigation for much of the general election. Today, Trump is facing a Democratic opponent who does not polarize the country, who does not antagonize the right, and who is personally well-liked.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I know the methods. LV or RV.

Unless an October surprise, the Republicans are getting nervous because they stood with the President. They will be the minority party for a long time

Biden is going to Warm Spring Georgia. FDR made a significant speech.

The people are sick and tired of the President.

The crowds are super spreader events

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

5. Four years ago, turnout was especially stagnant in battleground states such as Michigan and Wisconsin. (Fun fact: Despite carrying Wisconsin, Trump won fewer votes in the state than Mitt Romney did in 2012; Romney lost Wisconsin by 7 points.) This low turnout owed largely to waning enthusiasm in major Democratic strongholds, such as Detroit and Milwaukee. Today, organizers in these cities report voter-mobilization efforts that make 2016 look like a school board election.

6. Four years ago, sluggish voter turnout allowed Trump to win the Electoral College by threadbare majorities (77,744 votes combined in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania) while losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million. It was widely acknowledged that had participation been modestly higher than the roughly 137 million people who voted, Clinton would have won. Today, experts believe we could be heading for turnout in the neighborhood of 160 million votes or higher—which would roughly match the scale of record-breaking turnout in the 2018 midterms, when Democrats won the popular vote for the House by nearly 10 million votes.

anonymous said...

Rat your ignorace of polls and polling methodology/accuracy is evident, so we'll just leave that there.

You couldn't have said it better asshole..... a flea has more sense than you will ever have.....your only comments about polls are they are wrong, without providing any reason why.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Your arrogance without substance is typical of ag school drop outs without a working brain!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Trump draws 100,000 FLIES at a rip, 3 times a fucking DAY,

Fixed it for you dumbass......none of his crowds are that large!!!!!!!!! Sorry sport, you are just full of shit again ergo the flies!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

54 % of Americans Believe Joe profited from.Hunters Businesses.

Anonymous said...

A black Supreme Court justice just swore in a female Supreme Court justice. And the only people who are unhappy about it are Democrats."


They are throwing a hissy fit.

anonymous said...

54 % of Americans Believe Joe profited from.Hunters Businesses.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Says Rasmussen and the NY Post!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLO,......About as credible as you goat fucking idiot!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The crowds are super spreader events

unlike the antifa/BLM riots which are 'super immunity' DNC fundraisers.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The real leaders of the US House , the Squad are for Trashing the US Constitution.

In line with the Obama/Biden Radicals here.

Anonymous said...

Joe said he can demote a Supreme Court Justice to a lower Federal Court and move whom ever he wants to the USSc.

anonymous said...

unlike the antifa/BLM riots

Sad rat, but you got that wrong suggested very little covid transmission at those events unlike trump where tracing confirms they were....sorry sport, again all you have is fake bullshit.....!!!!!!! bwaaaaaapaaaaaa!!!! Asshole

Black Lives Matter Protests Didn’t Contribute to the COVID-19 ...
Jul 08, 2020 · Getty Images. There isn’t evidence that Black Lives Matter protests have led to a noticeable increase in COVID-19 cases, despite early concerns from health officials. The reasons for the lack of ...

Caliphate4vr said...

Biden is going to Warm Spring Georgia. FDR made a significant speech.

A city with a whopping population of 550. And I didn’t forget any “0”s

Anonymous said...

Lol, Will Joe fuck up again?

His idea of "rotating" US Supreme Court Justices to Lower Federal Courts and out who he picks to the USSC.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The action is now on the next thread.

anonymous said...

No mouth of the again missed the point.......Biden showing himself as being cautious which resonates with us old fartsl....trump acting like he has not a care in the world as he endangers the entire crowd that shows up to fawn on held by trump now have a string of covid spikes in those counties he held them.....oh well why should an asshole like you give a shit that someone is stupid enough to get sick supporting the fat assed jackass!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Fat old diabetics like you should worry and quiver in place

anonymous said...

Wow mouth of the south....your ability to demean others is typical of drunken loser salesman whose life is empty like trumps fat ass!!!!!! You really must have trouble walking through doors with that giant head of yours......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Rapist In Chief is extremely dangerous to her.