Friday, October 23, 2020


Biden claims that he will implement a mask mandate and provide protective equipment 

But yet, 99% of the country (every state but South Dakota and Utah) are already under mask mandates. Moreover, we have no actual shortage of masks or other equipment. In fact many places offer free masks when you walk in the door, mask manufactures are making a killing, t-shirt companies are making masks, N95 masks are available to the public on Amazon or E-Bay, and most people have more masks than they know what to do with. We manufactured more ventilators than we will ever use and there is very little that the medical community is requiring right now that they have not already been provided.

Except of course a vaccine. 

Everything Joe Biden says he will do to stop Covid is already being done. Let's be clear. Covid-19 will not go away because we elect a new President. Joe Biden has no actual ideas that are new or not being implemented. The entire thing is an exercise in beating a dead horse, because politics is essentially about pointing fingers rather than offering real solutions.

If all it took to defeat Covid was to enact mask mandates and provide more medical equipment, then we wouldn't be seeing a third wave, because mask mandates are already in play and we have all the equipment we need. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You and Trump have played down the severity of the virus until you couldn't. Remember when you too were saying it was little more than the standard flu?

Haven't conveniently forgotten that, have you?

I remember when you were mocking people who were taking it seriously.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump "We are turning the corner."

‘Dark winter’ as U.S. tops 73,000 new coronavirus cases for first time since July

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

North Dakota has the highest per person infection rate in the world.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I remember when you were mocking people who were taking it seriously.

You said that you were not going to wear a mask.

Scott you keep twisting information to fit your own agenda.

Politicians do that all the time, why has Thecoldheartedtruth become a politician??,

James was right, you used to contrast flu shots and the pandemic infection.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President mocked Biden for wearing a mask.

We are seeing the third wave, because millions of people don't wear a mask because it's a scam

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We don't have a national plan to deal with the pandemic.

It's getting worse every minute!

WEST ALLIS, Wis. — A hospital in Idaho is 99% full and warning that it may have to transfer coronavirus patients to hospitals in Seattle and Portland, Oregon. Medical centers in Kansas City, Missouri, turned away ambulances on a recent day because they had no room for more patients. And in West Allis, just outside Milwaukee, an emergency field hospital erected on the grounds of the Wisconsin State Fair admitted its first virus patient this week.

More than 41,000 people are currently hospitalized with the coronavirus in the United States, a 40% rise in the past month, and cooler weather that pushes more people indoors is threatening to expand the outbreak still more. At least 14 states saw more people hospitalized for the virus on a day in the past week than on any other day in the pandemic, according to the COVID Tracking Project. Seven more states are nearing their peaks.

The nation has seen more people hospitalized at earlier points — during an onslaught of cases in New York City in April and in the Sun Belt in July — but the sharply rising numbers now are deeply worrisome, in part, because they are testing the limits of smaller hospital systems.

Patients are now spread more broadly across the country, with troubling hot spots from North Dakota to Kentucky. More people than ever are falling critically ill in rural areas, particularly in the Midwest and the Mountain West, where they must rely on hospitals that may have only a handful of beds. And experts worry that the growing numbers in need of hospital care will only get worse if cases continue to mount.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a blatant lie Scott asshole!

Let's be clear. Covid-19 will not go away because we elect a new President. Joe Biden has no actual ideas that are new or not being implemented.

Joe Biden has already issued his agenda for his Presidency.

President Trump has not issued an agenda for his second term. Remember six months ago he was questioned by Sean Hannity and all he said was about driving to the White House inauguration!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott asshole said
Let's be clear. Covid-19 will not go away because we elect a new President. Joe Biden has no actual ideas that are new or not being implemented.


For more information on Joe’s leadership during the Coronavirus pandemic, please visit here.

For more information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding the coronavirus, please visit here.

The American people deserve an urgent, robust, and professional response to the growing public health and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. That is why Joe Biden is outlining a plan to mount: 

A decisive public health response that ensures the wide availability of free testing; the elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities.A decisive economic response that starts with emergency paid leave for all those affected by the outbreak and gives all necessary help to workers, families, and small businesses that are hit hard by this crisis. Make no mistake: this will require an immediate set of ambitious and progressive economic measures, and further decisive action to address the larger macro-economic shock from this outbreak. 

Biden believes we must spend whatever it takes, without delay, to meet public health needs and deal with the mounting economic consequences. The federal government must act swiftly and aggressively to help protect and support our families, small businesses, first responders and caregivers essential to help us face this challenge, those who are most vulnerable to health and economic impacts, and our broader communities – not to blame others or bail out corporations. 

Public health emergencies require disciplined, trustworthy leadership grounded in science. In a moment of crisis, leadership requires listening to experts and communicating credible information to the American public. We must move boldly, smartly, and swiftly. Biden knows how to mount an effective crisis response and elevate the voices of scientists, public health experts, and first responders. He helped lead the Obama-Biden Administration’s effective response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic and the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Biden also helped lead the response to the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and ran point on implementation of the Recovery Act. He knows how to get relief out the door to families, as well as resources to state and local officials to deal with the challenges they are facing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must prepare for the next one. As President, Biden will establish and manage a permanent, professional, sufficiently resourced public health and first responder system that protects the American people by scaling up biomedical research, deploying rapid testing capacity, ensuring robust nationwide disease surveillance, sustaining a first class public health and first responder workforce, establishing a flexible emergency budgeting authority, and mobilizing the world to ensure greater sustained preparedness for future pandemics. 

Congress has taken a step forward by passing an initial bipartisan emergency plan to combat COVID-19. The Trump Administration must now heed the calls of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer to put the health and safety of the American people first. Much more needs to be done, now, to bring our country together, respond to this emergency, and set the groundwork for bold, long-term reforms, including ensuring quality, affordable health care and a comprehensive paid leave program for every American. 

Biden will be ready on Day One of his Administration to protect this country’s health and well-being. But he is not waiting until then to communicate his views on what must be done now to properly serve the American people. Biden believes the following steps must immediately be taken. If Trump does not take them, Biden will on Day One as President.

The Biden Plan calls for:

Restoring trust, credibility, and common purpose.Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers, and minimizes the spread of COVID-19.Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19.Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families, and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy.Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future.

Biden understands that this is a dynamic situation. The steps proposed below are a start. As the crisis unfolds, Biden will build on this policy to address new challenges.

Caliphate4vr said...

Behold the brilliance of Democrats

Dar'shun Kendrick
just say 545 kids they can't find their parents for came over through "cartels and coyotes"?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking. #FinalDebate

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott I went to Google and searched.

1: Trump agenda for covid-19 recovery . Links to the President's agenda I got no links except to the media.

2;Biden agenda for covid-19 recovery.

Biden will listen to the scientists and the country can move into the future.

anonymous said...

BTW Lil Schitty......the last paragraph in your biased and stupid post is complete HORSESHIT!!!!!! Just like one has said what you infer!!! It aint' going away by itself and thinking it will, just makes you as dumb as that proverbial box of rocks.!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The 545 children were taken from the arms of their parents.

Not coyotes or drug dealers or murder suspects

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Doesn't it concern you, Ch, that this still remains the same now FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK?

----- BIDEN 357 TRUMP 181 -----

anonymous said...


BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Must be related to your buddy Dr Malcolm Kendrick....dumber that shit!!!!!! Sure does not look good for your hero trump......LOLOLOLOLOL

Caliphate4vr said...

oh look, it’s true

C.H. Truth said...

A decisive public health response that ensures the wide availability of free testing; the elimination of all cost barriers to preventive care and treatment for COVID-19; the development of a vaccine; and the full deployment and operation of necessary supplies, personnel, and facilities.

Sorry Roger...

But we already have free testing. My son has taken two tests and the charges for both put together was $0.00. We are currently testing about a million people a day and have passed up most of Europe in the amount of tests per million. Only a few smaller nations have better statistics on that.

The only barriers to treating the virus are "experts" telling us that everything other countries are using (like Hydroxychloroquine and Regeneron) don't help or are actually dangerous. There isn't a treatment right now that isn't being implemented because it is too costly.

The development of the Vaccine is already in full swing, with a public/private cooperation and absolutely nobody believes that this process can be "sped up" by any means. Most on the left suggest we are going too fast. You cannot have it both ways.

And to the degree that we need supplies, why is it that Biden doesn't identify anything that is actually needed? I can tell you why. Because people like you are not smart enough to ask for details. There is absolutely no real call from the medical community for more "Covid supplies".

You are just stupid enough to fall for exactly what I suggested.

Biden is giving you a laundry list of what has already been done and is fooling people like you into believing it's his plan.

Caliphate4vr said...

This explains it

Kendrick interned for Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney a

Myballs said...

I hope someone asks Biden how the hell raising the min wage to $15/HR helps small businesses.

And how wrecking the oil industry will help.

And how raising taxes on middle class will help the economy.

And how shutting down the economy again is a good thing.

He must've graduated from the Roger school of dumbass economics.

And btw, he was sequestered all week for that??

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has said that he will release his replacement for Obamacare in two weeks, six times and is fooling people like you to believe he has a plan.

Biden provided an agenda.

The President doesn't have a plan and has suckered you into his cult.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Trump administration first provided a court-ordered accounting of separated families in June 2018, stating at the time that about 2,700 children had been taken from their parents after crossing into the United States. After months of searching by a court-appointed steering committee, which includes a private law firm and several immigrant advocacy organizations, all of those families were eventually tracked down and offered the opportunity to be reunited.

But in January 2019, a report by the Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Inspector General confirmed that many more children had been separated, including under a previously undisclosed pilot program conducted in El Paso between June and November 2017, before the administration’s widely publicized “zero tolerance” policy officially went into effect.

Under “zero tolerance,” the Trump administration directed prosecutors to file criminal charges against those who crossed the border without authorization, including parents, who were then separated from their children when they were taken into custody. But some parents and children who crossed the border at legal ports of entry were also separated from each other.

Once the existence of a larger group was revealed, the Trump administration fought for months against providing data on the additional families, arguing that it was not necessary because the children had already been released from federally overseen shelters and foster homes into the care of sponsors, who are typically relatives or family friends. The parents of the children had already been deported without them.

They were not being smuggled across the border by coyotes

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1: Many states have increased the minimum wage. California is about $11,00. Even red states have a higher minimum wage than the federal reserve. I can remember when it was $1.25! Adjusted for inflation, I have to look it up but there is no evidence that increasing to $15.00 is going to destroy small business. Jesus, in 1974 I was making $6.75.

2: By 2035 we should be a zero carbon source economy. Converting to a renewable energy source economy will create tens of million good paying jobs.

3: He will not increase taxes on anyone making less than $440,000 a year. When they repeal the tax cuts, they they will exclude people making less than $440,000/ year.

4: He didn't say that he will shutdown the entire country. He said he would work with the governors on smart plans to clean up the schools and businesses, and opening up carefully.

He didn't have campaign events that were infection events.

A good education doesn't mean that you have good decisions and conclusion on policy issues.

Anonymous said...

The President doesn't have a plan and has suckered you into his cult.

he hasn't suckered me or anyone i know.

we'd be satisfied with returning to the pre-0linsky-care days when 90% od Americans were completely fucking satisfied with their plan, their doctor, and everything that goes along with it.

and Biden's plan? it's bullshit. bullshit that will cost us $750 BILLION PER YEAR.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Balls, if we implement a $15.00/hour minimum wage, we won't see what is happening in some states, where small business have left states to lower minimum wage areas.

Also when the lower wage people have more money to spend on goods and services. It's an actual trickle down economy!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

who built the cages Joe???


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Balls, if we implement a $15.00/hour minimum wage, we won't see what is happening in some states, where small business have left states to lower minimum wage areas.

that's right. instead we get the equal distribution of misery.

marx is smiling at this drivel.

Also when the lower wage people have more money to spend on goods and services. It's an actual trickle down economy!

no, all it causes is inflation.

which brings us right back to where we started. then we go from $15 to $20. then $30. then who the fuck knows.

there's not a minimum wage job in America that was intended to be a career, alky. and this is the fatal conceit of every single min wage line of bullshit that flows from the left. the left, including the unions, exploit the stupid into believing that a increase in the min wage lifts anyone out of poverty. it's a vote-buying con that is a cynical as it gets.

except for you. you just believe it because you're an economic moron.

C.H. Truth said...

he hasn't suckered me or anyone i know.

This is how it goes, Rat...

The left (and thus the moderator) gets to decide what areas that candidates are supposed to have "plans" for and what areas are not important. A moderator could have just as easily asked the candidates what their plans were for decreasing illegal immigration, promoting better trade deals, and fostering peace in the Middle East that favors our long time allies like Israel.

These are simply subjects that Biden doesn't agree with, so he wouldn't foster a plan. But Trump is supposed to have a plan for every liberal talking point and ever liberal government fantasy.

So I agree that Trump should just stand up and say that there is no "plan" for the Government to keep attempting to increase their control and foothold over our Health Care insurance system. He should simply say that the private insurance was better before Obamacare, that rates have increased because of Obamacare, and just because someone buys their insurance on the ACA website, doesn't mean that the insurance companies will no longer offer plans because ACA is repealed or otherwise shot down by the courts.

- These insurance companies insured people prior to ACA.
- These insurance companies were forced to conform to a three plan choice to sell on the exchange.
- If the exchange went away (because ACA no longer existed)... the only thing that would probably go away with it are the limitations on the choices. The companies themselves will still offer insurance to the same people and likely at a better rate because they can compete on things other than just price (by catering plans to what individuals need).

The idea that if ACA was shot down or repealed that 20 million people would no longer be able to buy insurance is like saying nobody in my town of Farmington can buy any groceries anymore because the Family Fresh Grocery store closed recently. There are still Cubs, Hy-Vees, Targets, Aldys and other Family Fresh affiliates to buy from.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That's a distraction. Look it up. You don't understand English.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Wall Street Journal doesn't agree with Scott and rrb.

Is Biden planning to repeal the 2017 tax law?

Not entirely. Mr. Biden and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris have caused confusion about their own plans by saying repeatedly that they want to repeal the 2017 law. They and the campaign have clarified that they only want to repeal parts of the law and that they would focus those changes on corporations and households making more than $400,000.

How will Biden’s tax plan affect households?

The bulk of the tax increases would hit very high-income households. According to the Tax Policy Center, the top 1% of households would see their after-tax income drop by 16% in 2022. That’s an average tax increase of $265,640.

The middle 20% of households would get a tax cut worth 1% of after-tax income, or an average of $620.

Mr. Biden promises that no household making less than $400,000 would pay more. Is he right?

He’s mostly right. The Biden campaign has said that it will adjust any of its plans to make sure that no household with income below $400,000 would pay more directly. His plans, as studied by outside analysts, generally meet that test.

But there are two main ways in which middle-income families could pay more. One is through Mr. Biden’s proposed reinstatement of the individual mandate to buy health insurance. The campaign, citing Trump administration language, describes that as a fee, not a tax. The payments are required by the tax code, and the Supreme Court has ruled that the penalty for failing to purchase health insurance is a tax.

Secondly, the corporate tax increases would indirectly affect households at all income levels. That’s because the burden of that tax is borne mostly by shareholders and, over the long run, by workers. So anyone owning stocks could be affected and eventually, companies may raise wages less than they otherwise would.

It's a mixed bag, but it's not going cause a depression.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

C.H. Truth said...

Balls, if we implement a $15.00/hour minimum wage, we won't see what is happening in some states, where small business have left states to lower minimum wage areas.

Ever owned a small business Roger?

A small business is not going to get up and leave to go to another state with a lower minimum wage to make more money. It doesn't make financial sense to have to move and start over.

But they just might do so if the minimum wage in their state makes it impossible for them to continue to make any money (or at least enough to get by). Then, the state has forced their hand, and their choice is to move or go out of business.

Caliphate4vr said...

Don’t forget minimum wage was designed to harm blacks

Anonymous said...

The idea that if ACA was shot down or repealed that 20 million people would no longer be able to buy insurance is like saying nobody in my town of Farmington can buy any groceries anymore because the Family Fresh Grocery store closed recently. There are still Cubs, Hy-Vees, Targets, Aldys and other Family Fresh affiliates to buy from.

yep. if the left simply wanted to expand medicaid to cover more people they could have done so. except for one thing... they couldn't make the dollar$ work. the only way they COULD make the dollars work was to fuck almost everyone to "spread the wealth (or the misery) around.

guys like the alky never admit ANY of this. to do so acknowledges that the ACA was a fraud, a con, and the camel's nose under the tent towards full-on socialism and the control of the populace that comes with it.

Anonymous said...

the alky favors a national minimum wage because it TRAPS people with nowhere to go to outrun it.

how perfectly fascist of him.

Anonymous said...

"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. Subject opinion to coercion: whom will you make your inquisitors?"

—Thomas Jefferson (1781)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A lot of economists believe that an increase in the minimum wage would lead to a higher economic recovery, because they would have more money to spend on goods and services.

I differ with you, because I have actually seen that high wages have a positive effect on millions. Since Reagan was elected President,the top one percent have a much higher percentage of the GDP. Putting money into the average American people, will like I said before, and you ignored, is that they spend on goods and services.

By making the minimum wage a national law, business will not be forced to move to another state!

You still believe in the trickle down economy, but since that was implemented in the Reagan era,the middle class has a much lower percentage of the GDP.

Caliphate4vr said...

Marx and Engels

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My brother Ron started a small business in Rapid City after he left the US navy in about 70. A commercial sound company that puts speaking systems in schools and businesses and medical facilities.

He his staff was unionized in a right to work state. And his son still run the business.

And although I haven't run a business, it doesn't mean that I don't know shit!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

A lot of economists believe that an increase in the minimum wage would lead to a higher economic recovery, because they would have more money to spend on goods and services.

yeah. they're all keynesians. and they completely ignore the inflationary effects of wage manipulation.

By making the minimum wage a national law, business will not be forced to move to another state!

correction: businesses will not have the FREEDOM to move to another state. you will have trapped them alky.

and this is another fundamental principle of liberalism:

liberalism can only achieve it's goals via force. via coercion. basically at the point of a gun.

liberals ideas are so awesome THEY MUST BE MANDATORY.

and this is why freedom loving people fucking hate you. whenever you guys get into the business of picking winners and losers, you're basically running a con, preying upon the stupid to serve yourselves.

it's disgusting and it's evil.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


You keep saying that if you're not a conservative, you're a Communist party supporter.

Eugene McCarthy is loving the President

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

trapped them alky. Is bullshit

It would give them option,not a mandate.

You're not very bright

Anonymous said...

And although I haven't run a business, it doesn't mean that I don't know shit!

and that's the problem alky.

ALL you DO know is SHIT.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Have you noticed that the President isn't talking about Tucker Biden and the Giuliani bullshit?

C.H. Truth said...

- The first thing he would do is raise taxes on corporations by 33.33% - which would then raise the cost of goods and services to the public by approximately the same amount 33.33%.

So we all would start off by increasing our cost of living by a very noticeable amount.

- He would then increase the capital gains taxes, which would create a negative incentive to open new businesses or even buy or sell anything (which creates jobs and revenue).

This would lead to economic stagnation and a higher unemployment.

So in the end, Biden is suggesting that we raise inflation, while simultaneously harming the economy... all so that the government can get their hands on more of our money.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You will insult or call me a communist.

These are regulated capitalism.

A lot of economists believe that an increase in the minimum wage would lead to a higher economic recovery, because they would have more money to spend on goods and services.

I differ with you, because I have actually seen that high wages have a positive effect on millions. Since Reagan was elected President,the top one percent have a much higher percentage of the GDP. Putting money into the average American people, will like I said before, and you ignored, is that they spend on goods and services.

By making the minimum wage a national law, business will not be forced to move to another state!

You still believe in the trickle down economy, but since that was implemented in the Reagan era,the middle class has a much lower percentage of the GDP.

Alky alky. Etc

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott,some people

The infusion of cash into the financial system has renewed concerns that inflation could surge. Higher wages in an economy that is in a recession are highly unlikely to cause inflation.

If we had increased the minimum wage in a strong economy could lead to inflation.

But we are in a long term slow economic recovery, because the pandemic is not going away in a few months

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Plus the fact that the people who are making more money are paying taxes on their wages.

Anonymous said...

So in the end, Biden is suggesting that we raise inflation, while simultaneously harming the economy... all so that the government can get their hands on more of our money.

what no liberal understands, including the alky is that -

1) the government sucks at picking winners and losers. always has and always will


2) money flows to where it is treated the BEST. no amount of punishing the wealthy ever helps the poor. all it ever does make liberal policy makers feel good about their efforts and about themselves. and it helps them buy the votes of the stupid. if they even bother to vote at all.

post the same shit over and over again alky. bold, italics, fucking wing-dings if it makes you happy.

none of that makes it TRUE.

C.H. Truth said...

A lot of economists believe that an increase in the minimum wage would lead to a higher economic recovery, because they would have more money to spend on goods and services.

Well of course...

Because those small business owners who are now paying their new dishwasher and new burger flipper over $30K a year will be able to just pick that extra money off the money tree that are being planted by these economists.

Which of course will be the same place that they find the extra money needed to pay the more experienced employee $35K a year, the shift leader $40K/year and the assistant managers $50K/year.

Because otherwise the owner will actually start to lose money.

And regardless of whether or not the economists will tell them that paying out that money will help the economy, they will still shut it down. Because in the real world, people will not lose money to help liberal fantasy economies work.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Plus the fact that the people who are making more money are paying taxes on their wages.

oh, so it's a tax $$$ grab. that's not at all how it works, but at least you said the quiet part out loud.

btw, where is the additional money required to pay an increased minimum wage supposed to come from? seriously. where are these small biz owners supposed to get it?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, most businesses have competition.

If your Burger by Scott has to pay your burger flipper $30,000 a year, Burger by Roger has to pay the same price, it won't put you out of business, if I had burgers as good as In&Out burgers in California, I would put you out of business.

That's why we need a national minimum wage.

Caliphate4vr said...

And Burger by anyone intelligent buys a robot

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The bottom line for this horror story is that we need to put a good hearted man in the oval office in January.

If Trump was a real Republican, I wouldn't be so concerned.

If he wins the American dream is in the greatest danger in history.

Caliphate4vr said...

White Castle becomes the first fast food chain to test out the robot fry cook, Flippy, from Miso Robotics

Anonymous said...

White Castle becomes the first fast food chain to test out the robot fry cook, Flippy, from Miso Robotics


and McDonald's across the nation are using kiosks for ordering. tap the screen, swipe your card, you're on your way. no human interaction, no human consuming an inflated wage.

the one good unintended consequence is that this will spurn accelerated technological adoption.

good job liberals. your dumbass attempt to "help" the min wage workers will accelerate their obsolescence. and because all you've ever taught them is government dependence, they probably end up completely on the public tit.

nice job.


"Biden: Two jobs, one job below poverty. People are making 6, 7, 8 bucks an hour. These first responders we all clap for as they come down the street, because they've allowed us to make it. What's happening? They deserve a minimum wage of $15. Anything below that put you below the poverty level. And there is no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage, business has gone out of business. That is simply not true. "

So Biden thinks first responders make less than $15 an hour and even if that was true then that high school kids working part-time at Joe's Burgers should make the same as full time head-of-household first responders...

Very much past the time for Joe to retire after 47 years of this.

He keeps getting worse.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You sound like Regan and the welfare queen bullshit

Caliphate4vr said...

and McDonald's across the nation are using kiosks for ordering. tap the screen, swipe your card, you're on your way. no human interaction, no human consuming an inflated wage.

It takes an absolute mental midget to believe this is a career path


Joe's plan

Minimum wage for first responders. They deserve it!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It looks great to me!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

First responders make more than the minimum wage asshole troll squad.

I wish Scott would ban you from Thecoldheartedtruth

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You sound like Regan and the welfare queen bullshit

and you sound like Bernie and his commie bullshit.

it's arithmetic alky. plain and simple.

i'll ask again:

where is the additional money required to pay an increased minimum wage supposed to come from? seriously. where are these small biz owners supposed to get it?

dispense with the "from each according to their ability; to each according to their need" bullshit and tell us where the $$$ is coming from?

Stein's Law - "If something cannot go on forever, it will stop."

Caliphate4vr said...

First responders make more than the minimum wage asshole troll squa

It was Biden’s you DUMB FUCK

Caliphate4vr said...

Everything the Alky thinks he knows is wrong, EVERYTHING

Though Reagan was known to stretch the truth, he did not invent that woman in Chicago. Her name was Linda Taylor, and it was the Chicago Tribune, not the GOP politician, who dubbed her the “welfare queen.” It was the Tribune, too, that lavished attention on Taylor’s jewelry, furs, and Cadillac—all of which were real.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was used by the Reagan campaign

Caliphate4vr said...

And she was real

Anonymous said...

Roger = 43 posts

There are only 64 post on this thread.

Joe Beddy Bye Biden failed last night.

Anonymous said...

Roger, You go out of the "Home" to eat?

How nice, giving your "Private Chef" a night off.

Pay $50 for your $11 order, no need to wait in government.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Republicans Are Worried About Trump’s Rallies
2:37 pm
“Before the debate hall even emptied out, the presidential motorcade was whisking Donald Trump back to Washington for a short layover ahead of his return to the campaign trail on Friday, which some Republicans worry could carry new risks in the final sprint to Election Day.

“The president’s hourlong rallies have become ground zero for his worst impulses —
from coarse language
and meandering monologues
to misleading claims about the Covid-19 pandemic
— and often result in controversies that aides must spend days cleaning up.

"Recently, Trump has used the venues to push
dubious and unconfirmed reports about Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, that have little resonance with pocketbook voters.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Mandatory Masks Could Save 130,000 Lives
2:55 pm
“Universal mask use could prevent nearly 130,000 deaths from Covid-19 in the United States through next spring, scientists reported on Friday." SCIENTISTS!

“The new study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, also offered a rough estimate of the pandemic’s toll in the United States:
perhaps 500,000 deaths by March 2021,
even with social distancing mandates reinstated in most states.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Under normal circumstances, a new President would temper that power, worried about spending it in ways that might alienate the electorate. That’s because, no matter what new Presidents say publicly, they are always looking four years ahead. But here’s Biden’s second possible advantage, carefully hidden in what seems to be his great weakness. He’ll be seventy-eight if he takes office; the prospect of an eighty-two-year-old man running for reĂ«lection seems slim. In fact, Biden sent signals in advance of the primaries that he would be a one-term President, and said, in the run-up to his Vice-Presidential pick, that “I view myself as a transition candidate,” explaining that “you got to get more people on the bench that are ready to go in—‘Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.’ Well, there’s a lot of people that are ready to play, women and men.”

Taken together, a big victory and a transitional attitude might let a politician whose career has been marked by compromise and caution throw both to the wind. If Biden’s not guarding his approval ratings for a second run, he could, for instance, demand that his new majority give him a lot of stimulus money to work with, and simply not worry about the G.O.P. and the pundit class as they start warning about deficits. (The fact that the Republicans ballooned the deficit just to give the rich yet more tax breaks takes the sting out of their arguments, anyhow.) At this point, getting rid of the filibuster seems all but certain, but Biden could push to expand and reform the courts. He could embrace the Green New Deal, moving money from the Pentagon to the national-security task of building out solar and wind power and setting irrevocably in motion an industrial transition that would transform our economy over the next generation. He could take millions of undocumented immigrants out of the shadows. He could make sure that we have a commission to examine and recommend reparations for Black and indigenous Americans. And so on. The key things that need to happen if America is ever going to get past its stalemated and sickly status quo are as obvious as they are politically difficult. But, if Biden decided that the next four years were all that mattered to him, he could get to work.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And Biden has something else going for him: no one perceives him as a deeply partisan man. For better or worse, he’s been entirely willing to cross the aisle throughout his career; that’s what Trump describes as his being biddable and wishy-washy. So, Biden would have the credibility to tell Americans, “I’ve given it a real shot my whole life, but right now that aisle can’t be crossed.” He could get away with saying that the other side, as evidenced by the push to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, isn’t behaving honorably, and he might well convince fifty-five per cent of Americans that he’s speaking the truth. In our current politics, fifty-five per cent is an overwhelming number, even if it’s not enough to reliably overcome the absurd architecture of the Electoral College (which is another broken institution that Biden could work on). Yes, Fox News would try to spin whatever he did as an affront to norms and traditions. But that wouldn’t get as much traction as it otherwise would—the memory of a real norm-breaker will be too fresh in everyone’s mind.

Of course, some Democrats may not be happy to follow such a course—particularly, perhaps, newly elected senators who may have won on some variation of the promise that we need to “work together.” (And, in our endless political circus, the midterms will be on people’s minds by noon on November 4th.) But the medium-term and long-term impact of forthrightly addressing the key problems in our currently ungovernable country might well be as salutary for the Democratic Party as for the country—going big is a risk, but so is going small. We can’t continue on like this, and almost everyone knows it. If Biden were willing to grasp the nettle, the sting would be real, but history would judge him well for trying, and history now seems to work with greater speed than it used to.

As I said, there’s no real reason to think that this is how Biden views the world. He hasn’t risked much over the years, and keeping his head down has clearly served him well politically. He’s not a great orator, lacking the kind of passion that’s normally required to reorient a nation. His biggest virtue is the dull (if welcome) one of decency. But the odd situation he could be stepping into—the garish glare of Trump in the background, the deep problems of the moment demanding immediate action—might give him an unlikely chance for greatness. I’m heading back to the phone bank.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch doesn't want to admit it, but it was his kind of thinking and Donald Trump's which, AGAINST the advice of our most reputable and responsible scientists, pushed for the relaxation of mask wearing and distancing.

Caliphate4vr said...

Why not have Joe and Jill adopt every American and get us all $50k a month jobs at Burisma?

Caliphate4vr said...

Scott, most businesses have competition.

If your Burger by Scott has to pay your burger flipper $30,000 a year, Burger by Roger has to pay the same price, it won't put you out of business, if I had burgers as good as In&Out burgers in California, I would put you out of business.

BTW dumbass it’s not just YOUR line cook. It’s the entire chain manufacturing, procurement, shipping, handling

You are an economic idiot

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Hasn’t Been to Virus Task Force Meetings
2:59 pm

Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC that President Trump hasn’t been to a White House coronavirus task force meeting in several months.

Washington Post:
America is poised to enter into its worst stretch yet of the pandemic.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Roger, your 2:03 and 2:04 make much sense.

anonymous said...

. It’s the entire chain manufacturing, procurement, shipping, handling

Gee what a tragedy mouth of the south....the whole chain making a living wage instead of depending on govmt to provide food, energy or housing....toss in the added benefit that these millions of people would be paying taxes so uncle sugar did not have 3.1 trillion deficits.....imagine that number under Obama and your heads would blow off!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cali is spot on.

"BTW dumbass it’s not just YOUR line cook. It’s the entire chain manufacturing, procurement, shipping, handling

You are an economic idiot"

Roger is illiterate.

Anonymous said...

Cali posts and Denise signs on to stalk.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

First responders make more than the minimum wage asshole troll squad.

first responders are almost always public sector workers paid by TAX DOLLARS asshole alky.

and those who are on private ambulances are being paid by medicare/medicaid; again a TAX.

Anonymous said...

Sudan And Isreali sign historic Peace Deal.

Why didn't the MidEast see peace like this during the Obama/Biden lost years?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


We are not shuting down the economy.

We are shutting down the virus.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because that is the proper role for the government.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They haven't had a meeting for months.

WATCH: Dr. Fauci: 77,000 new Covid-19 cases a day is 'a precarious place to be' for the U.S. #MTPDaily

Anonymous said...

"We are not shuting down the economy"

Funny, Joe, another flip flop.


Roger Amick said...
First responders make more than the minimum wage asshole troll squad.

I wish Scott would ban you from Thecoldheartedtruth

that was a quote from Biden last night you idiot.

Get help.

And why would CHT ban me when it is you who calls him names all day ??


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He never said that ever.

The President lied about it.

Anonymous said...

Joe got taken to the woodshed last night.


Roger Amick said...
He never said that ever.

The President lied about it.

I posted the fucking transcript with Biden's quote and a link.


Your TDS has made you into a mental cripple.

anonymous said...

Sudan And Isreali sign historic Peace Deal.


anonymous said...

The goat fucking idiot posting from mommy's basement takes trumps fat ass with gusto.......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Because that is the proper role for the government.

well DUH.

demanding a burger joint pay a griddle jockey $15/hour IS NOT the proper role for the government.

C.H. Truth said...

If your Burger by Scott has to pay your burger flipper $30,000 a year, Burger by Roger has to pay the same price, it won't put you out of business, if I had burgers as good as In&Out burgers in California, I would put you out of business.

I don't believe you have any idea how small the profit margins actually are in a place like this. You are talking about a restaurant owner who makes 60K himself to run the business. If you decided that the burger flippers all make $600/week instead of $400 and that shift managers are now making $720 instead of $600, and the assistant manager is now making $1000 instead of $800...

Where does that money come from, if not from out of the pocket from the small business owner who now makes less than a burger flipper to own and run the business. Why would anyone do this?

anonymous said...

jockey $15/hour IS NOT the proper role for the government.

Or wearing masks, seat belts or anything else you don't like.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Someone needs to keep you out of the gutter certainly cannot be trusted to do it on your own.......

Caliphate4vr said...

It’s the magic money tree, where unicorns shit money and skittles

anonymous said...

I don't believe you have any idea how small the profit margins actually are in a place like this.

Completely irrelevant Lil SChittty.....most mom and pops take huge personal investments of time to barely succeed!!!!!1 Restaurants especially which fail at an astounding level in the best of times!!!!! People either get paid a living wage or you the white middle class tax payer supplements what they need....Sad you have trouble figuring that out !!!!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone do this?

because someone from the government is forcing them to do it at GUNPOINT.

there is no other reason.

this reminds me of the little marxist restaurants that pop up occasionally, usually in a city like SF or Seattle or Portland, that let people decide how much they'll pay for a meal, often nothing at all.


the place goes tits up and all those tie dyed little asshats have no idea why it failed.

Panera’s Utopic Pay-What-You-Want Restaurant Dream Is Dead

Saying goodbye to EAT CafĂ©: Philly’s first pay-what-you-can restaurant to close

Anonymous said...

People either get paid a living wage or you the white middle class tax payer supplements what they need....

you know BWAA, i always suspected you were an economic illiterate.

and today you confirmed that for us all.

Caliphate4vr said...

you know BWAA, i always suspected you were an economic illiterate.

and today you confirmed that for us all.

That’s the fatty, FDU must hang it’s head in shame

Best keep to your mouth shut and be thought an idiot, than open it and remove all doubt


Does anybody here even think that Biden could handle a job as a fast food worker ???

And he's running for president !!!

We may be seeing the end of America.

Thanks teachers, the press and China.

Caliphate4vr said...

Biden can’t wipe his own ass, which he and roger have in common

Anonymous said...

Denise , Jane and Alky are all Economic/financial illiterates.

Anonymous said...

Cali, CNN called last night's debate a "tie", that is how badly JOE did.

5 days of rest and prep and that was his best.

No events today for Joe.

5 campaign stops for Trump.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Biden can’t wipe his own ass

While your mouth is attached to trumps fat old white ass!!!!!!! Very trumpian of you mouth of the south!!!!!!! Obvious Roger has kicked yours and goat fuckers into next week!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! You are such a tough guy......NOT!!!!!!

anonymous said...

the fatty, FDU must hang it’s head in shame

Funny neither you or rat the fucking loser can post a cogent argument proving my post wrong.....Just like trump....speak loud and that is all you both got!!!!!! Especially the party boy drunkard from Ga.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What gibberish

Anonymous said...

The Moderator Picked sides, protected Joe.

But, Joe still got beaten down.

He is not much of a man.

anonymous said...

Marcelo Montesinos voted for President Donald Trump in 2016 because he said he saw "a man who would bring a lot of change."

Four years later, after losing a family member to the coronavirus, Montesinos, 72, is one of many seniors who now say they can no longer support the president because of his handling of the pandemic.

"He knew everything all the way back in February and he didn't take the precautions ... he didn't believe in science. He doesn't believe in doctors," Montesinos said. "He always tries to blame somebody else, like a little kid."

Montesinos, who is from West Palm Beach, Florida, said he still plans to vote for Republicans in other races.

"It hurt me so much" to hear the president recently dismiss the pandemic by saying Americans were "pandemic-ed out," Montesinos added. "He was going to be the best president the U.S. ever had if he had taken care of the coronavirus."

anonymous said...

The Moderator Picked sides, protected Joe

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!! You are a complete blithering fool!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Both Moderators had to shield Slow Frail Joe.

He wilted.