Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sources: Democrats still plan to drag out impeachment to distract from the disappointing start to the Biden presidency.

So we all understand that impeachment is dead on arrival in the Senate. There is no chance that Democrats can get a conviction and nearly 50% of the caucus doesn't believe that the trial is even constitutional to hold. By all accounts, this will come across as a futile and petty act by Democrats, likely souring many moderate voters who would much rather just "move on" and look forward. Moreover it has actually embolden many Republican politicians to stand up for what is right and keep the avid Trump supporters happy and supportive. 

So why would the Democrats risk looking futile and petty while simultaneously unifying their opposition? To distract from the Biden Presidency, of course. Which so far, has been nearly universally seen to be a disappointment. Not sure if the disappointment was "expected" or if the fact that many of the new Biden (old Obama) policies are not as popular as certain people would have expected. Consider:

  • Even the NYT and WaPo have been questioning the rollout of the vaccine, citing what appears to be a very unaggressive plan to improve only marginally from what the Trump administration had already put in place. Biden's response of "c'mon man" just doesn't cut it.
  • The statements Biden made about not being able to change the trajectory of the virus runs counter to his campaign promises. He campaigned that he would make robust federal orders to build on the lock downs, mandates, and other measures to not just slow, but also stop the spread. Within a week of being in office, he then concedes that there isn't really anything he can do to slow (much less stop) the virus. This hasn't gone over very well. It looks like a huge campaign lie (because of course it was).
  • Meanwhile, Biden supposedly fuming that liberal Governors are doing the opposite of what he campaign on, by deciding to suddenly reopen. This is also leading to many many Americans questioning (very legitimately) whether or not the lockdowns were ever medical or if they were always political.
  • The decision to shut down the Keystone pipeline seems undefendable. It was one thing to prevent it from starting, but to shut it down a couple years before it would be completed appears little more than a move for spite. This not only cost Americans thousands of jobs, but even people you might suspect would be on his side are pointing out that the cost to the environment will be worse if the oil is being delivered by other means. Biden has gotten nothing but negative press regarding this. The recent concept that these workers can all start building solar panels is insulting and silly at the core. This was a bad mistake that looks like illogical vengeance.
  • Same goes for the executive orders putting a stop to the building of the wall and stopping the deportations. These liberal issues are simply not a popular as they were a while back. The amount of people who want "open borders" has dwindled and people have learned to embrace that border security is good for everyone, including immigrants. These orders have gotten luke warm response from his supporters and rapid opposition from many others. 
  • Suddenly an international scene that appeared to be steady and mundane, has become chaotic and dangerous. We have seen moves made by Russia, China, and now Iran that all appears to be designed to destabilize things in those regions. The one thing that Trump didn't get much credit for was how boring the international scene was over the past four years. Rather than wars and skirmishes, we had peace and peace agreements. 
  • Meanwhile Joe Biden has been setting records for the most amount of executive orders. After spending four years criticizing Trump as being some sort of "dictator" these EO are basically not defendable. Already one of them has been stopped in it's tracks by the courts. 
  • The other questions regarding the executive orders is what will come next? Most of the larger goals that Biden campaigned on would require big legislation that will require Republican support. But impeaching the President, signing bad executive orders, and basically making no attempts to be unifying, there is little chance that big legislation is in the cards. 
Overall this has not been the start that Biden would have wanted, nor is it the start that many people expected.  I would say this might be because of a surprising number of liberal journalists are not just sucking up and applauding everything being done like it's the greatest thing since jelly beans. They appear to be doing some actual critical thinking and actual reporting. If one is honest, then this has all been pretty disappointing. 

So liberals will attempt to go back to putting the attention back on Trump, hoping that the public will not pay attention to the struggles of the new President and his Administration. 


rrb said...

let's see what the alky will come up with to fuck up THIS thread...

Caliphate4vr said...

It’ll be something about rayysism

I’m curious which minority was denied their Covid vaccine because his old sickly ass is up front?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

After spending years accusing Obama of being dictatorial with his executive orders, Trump supporters praised Trump for his reversing Obama. Now Biden is doing it, reversing Trump.

The important point: Can we reach a time when our broken government, the legislative part of it, starts really getting things done again?


An Awkward Moment for QAnon

11:18 am
The Economist: “This is an awkward moment for the QAnon conspiracists who put their considerable faith in Donald Trump.
Inauguration Day came and went with no mass execution of Satanist Democratic pedophiles. The Storm, as a million-odd QAnon followers called that wished-for event, was a shower. So there was no Great Awakening—a post-slaughter celebration of Mr Trump—either."


“But QAnon is not going away. Updated versions of it are spreading—including one on TikTok that has pushed the Storm back to March 4th. And the conspiratorial impulse behind QAnon will be even more enduring. Fully half of Mr Trump’s supporters claimed to believe its core falsehoods: that he was fighting a high-level Democratic child-sex operation. As that suggests, the conspiracy is not only dangerous in itself, but both symptom and cause of the bigger epistemic and democratic crisis that Mr Trump has moved from the MURKIER PARTS of the internet to THE REPUBLICAN MAINSTREAM.”

STILL making a big mistake!

(This will be seen in history as along with witch burning.)

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Joe's handlers must now regret it when he said this a month before the election. He must not have been aware of their plan.

Joe Biden in October: “I have this strange notion, we are a democracy … if you can’t get the votes … you can’t [legislate] by executive order unless you’re a dictator. We’re a democracy. We need consensus."

Tom Elliott

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You really should try to figure out the correct use of it's, Scott.

It's can only mean
it is
(It's nice to see you)

it has
(It's been a long time)

"It's" can NEVER be possessive (belonging to it).

his, hers, and its are all possessive,
but have no apostrophes.

He drove his car.
The car is his.
She drove her car.
The car is hers.
The cat licks its paw.
The paw belongs to it.

You're welcome! :-)

C.H. Truth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C.H. Truth said...


QAnon, huh???? LOL!!!! Talk about "fake news".

You are being taken for a "ride" Reverend. Not that you actually are not on board with taking that ride. But what I can assure you is that 99.99% of the "Twitter accounts" (for example) being deleted for being associated with QAnon have literally nothing to do with any of that nonsense.

There are probably (at best) a few hundred people in this entire country who actually believes that Democrats are sexual deviants who sacrifice children and such... or that President Trump was actively donning a cape and mask and fighting these devil worshipers from the White House.

Under normal circumstance I would have been shocked that such ridiculous allegations continue to remain mainstream, considering the absolute lack of any evidence that any such group exists by any reasonable standards. Not to mention the ridiculous notions surrounding the "movement".

But hey... the left needs a "boogyman". Someone or something to hate and blame things on. If a made up group that apparently started in the back of a pizza shop is the best they can do, then I feel pretty sorry for them.

Fully half of Mr Trump’s supporters claimed to believe its core falsehoods:

I know hundreds of Trump supporters. Not a single one believes that Democrats are engaged in child sacrifices or sex rings.

At least no sex rings other than what we ACTUALLY know about those sex rings associated with Henry Weinstein and Jeffry Epstein.

Ohhh... if I bring up the fact that Weinstein and Epstein committed elaborate sex crimes, prostitution, and underage sex situations... and were associated with big name Hollywood liberals and a handful of politicians, does that make "me" QAnon too?

Perhaps that is the argument.

You pass along an Epstein didn't kill himself meme and you are QAnon, huh?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just took a quick look at how The Economist is regarded in journalistic circles, Scott.
It's hard to believe it is "taking [anyone] for a ride."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

(11:05 quotes The Economist.)

C.H. Truth said...

Well there is the difference between you and I, Reverend. It has always been the difference, is currently the difference, and will always be the difference.

You read something and believe it. You are one of the decreasing minority in this country who "trusts" the media to tell you the truth. You are lazy. Never research anything on your own. You just repeat what you are told. It's why 90% of what you post here is C&P.

I am a cynic, a skeptic, and I verify things before I simply take someone at their word. I might reference what others say, but will always provide context if there are things that appears wrong or if my opinion differs.

You can spend the rest of your life believing that a "majority" of Trump supporters believe that Democrats are part of a secret society of sex rings, child sacrifice, and devil worship if you so choose. I will continue to mock you and laugh at you. Because I know better first hand.

rrb said...

the only things that's nefarious about QAnon is how the left is using it both as a massive diversion to divert attention from the shit THEY'RE pulling, and also as a weapon in their quest to smear all 74+ MILLION Trump supporters as domestic terrorists.

C.H. Truth said...

I mean seriously Reverend...

How many people do you know who believes that Democrats are all part of a secret sex ring that sacrifices children, worships the devil, is involved in sex rings, etc...

How many people do you PERSONALLY know who believed that Trump was breaking up this big ring and was going to drop the big one on them all?

If half of Trump supporters believe this... then you should personally know plenty of them. At least half of the conservatives here would be arguing that Obama and Biden are attending sex orgies with Hillary and sacrificing babies. They would be posting comments on it daily.

Even my Brother, who is on the far right edge of politics in a very conservative part of this country, who pretty much believes most of what Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity says on daily basis... believes QAnon is nonsense. Most of the Twitter people who referred to it, did so mockingly. The big joke was to relate "Q" with the "Q" from Star Trek the Next Generation rather than the actual term.

rrb said...

I work with one guy who followed Q on twitter. and followed for entertainment purposes only. what he followed closely was Q's posts regarding Mike Flynn's situation. some of Q's comments surrounding that fiasco were pretty interesting according to him.

but no, nothing like the left has constructed like devil worship, and the sacrifice of children.

not even the pederasty that the 'reverend' practices.