Friday, March 26, 2021

The biggest criticisms regarding the Biden press conferences not what you might think...

Reading the afterthoughts of the usual suspects, the main issue was not a lack of cognitive abilities but rather a lack of honesty and the fact that it wasn't really a press conference.

Obviously there was a lot of attention given to some of the glaring cognitive issues displayed by the President, but the most scathing reviews were in regards to a couple of other subjects. 

First and foremost, the President seemed to have trouble with the truth. Demanding (for instance) that there was no actual crisis at the border or that we "always" have a crisis at the border are simply untrue. Likewise, he made several dishonest statements about our overall Covid response before and after he became President.

But possibly just as important was the fact that this was not in fact an actual press conference. Joe Biden literally had a list of reporters he was to call on and looked to have been provided with a cheat sheet as to how to answer those questions. The only other possible explanation is that the Joe Biden simply enjoys looking at pictures of reporters and his press team just was able to guess correctly as to what "random" reporters might ask him.

In this image, it shows pictures of the reporters with markings for those he is supposed to call on.

In this image there just "happen" to be crib notes that coincidently have
answers to the "random" questions that were asked.

So it would appear that the reporters who were called on to ask the questions were actually prechosen and that Joe Biden was given a "picture book" to direct him to the correct reporters, down to the actual particular order. Did anyone else find it amazing that the first reporter he called on provided us with a question that actually suggested that the border crisis was created from the fact that Joe Biden is a decent and honest man and that his personal attributes makes more refugees want to come to America? Is that even a question?

There were literally no "hard" questions asked and quite obviously nothing was asked that was not answered by Biden's prewritten crib notes. So to a large degree this was not a press conference as much as it was political theater. It was clear that even the Press was in on this, likely pre-submitting their questions to the White House for approval and promising to ask them as submitted. Possibly they were even told that only the biggest kiss ass soft ball questions would be chosen, so submit carefully.

Could you imagine a scenario where Donald Trump only called on reporters from from Newsmax, the Powerline, Red State, maybe FOX news and then read from a script to answer these sorts of obvious kiss ass softball questions? Heads would have exploded.

At the end of the day... this was one of those "why even bother" moments. I have a gut feeling that this will be the overriding theme from President Joe.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump often had a list of people to question him

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (AP) - Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News on Friday, arguing the cable news giant falsely claimed in an effort to boost faltering ratings that the voting company had rigged the 2020 election.

The lawsuit is part of a growing body of legal action filed by the voting company and other targets of misleading, false and bizarre claims spread by President Donald Trump and his allies in the aftermath of Trump's election loss to Joe Biden. Those claims helped spur on rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 in a violent siege that left five people dead, including a police officer. The siege led to Trump's historic second impeachment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Calling Newsmax as credible as CNN MSNBC is as hypocritical as calling Thecoldheartedtruth as a valid blog.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ronald Reagan often had a dozen questions with answers on his speaking stand.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

 It was clear that even the Press was in on this, likely pre-submitting their questions to the White House for approval and promising to ask them as submitted.

The deep state conspiracy theory has destroyed Thecoldheartedtruth

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have had a border crisis since 2000 and beyond

rrb said...

You're trying too hard alky.



American Greatest's Source of Scott's mind said...

here is absolutely no crisis at the southern border, and Trump caused it. Also Trump wanted small children to die at the border. I don’t. That’s just another reason people say I’m a good person.

Despite what you’ve heard, there is no surge of immigration. There’s just springtime, man. The fact that we need to open up military facilities to house this influx, well, that just shows what a fine job we are doing correcting Trump’s problems.

By the way, those immigrants aren’t streaming across our border because I’m a good guy and Trump is a bad guy, although that’s 100 percent true. They aren’t coming because of anything I said as a candidate, either, like telling the world I would suspend deportations for 100 days and stop construction of the border wall. No, it’s just springtime, plus bad conditions in Central America. C’mon, man, nobody can do anything about springtime. But we can do something about Central America. We can fix it. My suggestion is street lamps. Trump didn’t think of that. I did.

I am a man of the Senate and deeply respect that body. That’s why we have to change it in fundamental ways. Take the filibuster. It’s a relic of Jim Crow. If you support it, then you must be a vicious racist. Now, just because the filibuster is a malicious relic of America’s racist history doesn’t mean we should abolish it. No. We should just modify it. That way, we’ll dilute the racism a little bit.

I believe in comity and bipartisanship. That’s why I say that the Republican position on the voting-rights bill is the most racist thing since the Confederates fired on Fort Sumter. That was not a good thing, either. It led to a lot of testiness. Republicans don’t know that.

I believe in government transparency. That’s why we really want to let journalists see the border facilities . . . at some undetermined future date. I say, “There’s no rush.” Let’s wait ‘til we’ve fixed things up a bit. When will that be? It’s kinda hard to say, but I’m guessing sometime in the future.

As you can tell, I’m all in favor of transparency. I’ve always said so, especially before I was elected. As a Catholic myself, I can only endorse the sentiments of Saint Augustine, who once said, “Lord, please give the media full access, but not yet.”

Am I running in 2024? Well, I expect to. Does that mean I really will? I didn’t say that. I said I expect to, but, c’mon, man, nobody can predict the future. I don’t think anybody understood that better than the great Doris Day, “The future’s not ours to see. Que será, será. Whatever will be, will be.” That’s why I agree with Doris Day and not the Republicans.

I want to thank the press. Because of your docility, I could read at length from the written answers prepared by my aides. I avoided the obvious trap of thinking on-the-spot. That could have easily been a 50-car pileup—and I’m not wearing a seat belt! (Big smile.)

Let’s do this again in two or three months. Or here’s an even-better idea. Every six weeks or so, why don’t I just hand you my briefing book and avoid this charade?

Anonymous said...

Roger, what is the price of an acre of farm land in your area?

You have $6 Billion in the law to buy 32,000,000 acres.

anonymous said...

was given a "picture book" to direct him

Very sad that Lil Schitty is picking crap off the internet for his idiotic talking points that have proved Biden to be more capable than he is willing to admit.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Picture book is called a briefing book something Trump was loathe to use because he was sooooooooo smart!!!!!

rrb said...

8 out of 10 comments by the alky, all in a valiant attempt to prop up Hospice Joe.


Anonymous said...

No crisis?
Why is Cum-alla now tasked with fixing it?

So, no crisis yet Joe Deployed FEMA.

Anonymous said...

Biden Blackout of Federal caged babies at the border.

Anonymous said...

Biden Blackout of Federal caged babies at the border.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The actual words of Hospice Joe, aka Sleepy Joe, Demented Joe, instead of Newsmax editors of Pravda phase Two. And Thecoldheartedtruth!

When it comes to unaccompanied minors?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy; that’s the reason why it’s happening — that I’m a decent man or however it’s phrased. That — you know, that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden is a good guy.

The truth of the matter is: Nothing has changed. As many people came — 28 percent increase in children to the border in my administration; 31 percent in the last year of — in 2019, before the pandemic, in the Trump administration. It happens every single, solitary year: There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. That happens every year.

In addition to that, there is a — and nobody — and, by the way, does anybody suggest that there was a 31 percent increase under Trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? That’s not the reason they’re coming.

The reason they’re coming is that it’s the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat in the desert, number one. Number two, they’re coming because of the circumstances in-country — in-country.

The way to deal with this problem — and I started to deal with it back when I was a United States senator — I mean, Vice President — putting together a bipartisan plan of over $700 million to deal with the root causes of why people are leaving.

What did Trump do? He eliminated that funding. He didn’t use it. He didn’t do it. And in addition to that, what he did — he dismantled all the elements that exist to deal with what had been a problem and — and has been — continued to be a problem for a long time. He, in fact, shut down the — the number of beds available. He did not fund HHS to get people to get the children out of those — those Border Patrol facilities where they should not be and not supposed to be more than a few days — a little while. But he dismantled all of that.

And so what we’re doing now is attempting to rebuild — rebuild the system that can accommodate the — what is happening today. And I like to think it’s because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not. It’s because of what’s happened every year.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let me say one other thing on this. If you take a look at the number of people who are coming, the vast majority, the overwhelming majority of people coming to the border and crossing are being sent back — are being sent back. Thousands — tens of thousands of people who are — who are over 18 years of age and single — people, one at a time coming, have been sent back, sent home.

We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming. We’re trying to work out now, with Mexico, their willingness to take more of those families back. But we — that’s what’s happening. They’re not getting across the border.

And those who are coming across the border, who are unaccompanied children, we’re moving rapidly to try to put in place what was dismantled, as I said. For example, of all the children who are coming across the border, over 70 percent are either 16 or 17 years old. We’re not talking about people ripping babies from mothers’ arms or little three-year-olds standing on the border. Less than — I think it’s one and a half percent fall in the category of the very young.

So what we’re doing is we’re providing for the space, again, to be able to get these kids out of the Border Patrol facilities, which no child — no one should be in any longer than 72 hours.

And today, I went to — for example, I used all the resources available to me, went to the Defense Department, and — and the Secretary of Defense has just made available Fort Bliss — 5,000 beds be made easily available. Five thousand beds on the Texas border.

So we’re building back up the capacity that should have been maintained and built upon that Trump dismantled. It’s going to take time.

And the other thing we’re doing, I might add — am I giving you too long an answer? Because if you don’t want the details —

The border is not open for beaners who will rape and murder white supremacists like the racist rodent bastard.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mexico's Presidents
AMLO: "Expectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We’re not talking about people ripping babies from mothers’ like the racist former did.

America is back!

Anonymous said...

Roger, do you own farm land?

Myballs said...

Even W Bush didn't need to use all the notes and cards biden needed. And if Bush sounded like biden did, that would be the headlines today.

Caliphate4vr said...

The doddering old fool of CHT is trying so hard to cover the doddering old president


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thecoldheartedtruth is,. Republicans will focus on his stumbles and think he is visibly unable to be president. Democrats will focus on his substance and his command of the issues.

The "reality show " is over.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Was he perfect? No, but in contrast to previous four years American is back.

Caliphate4vr said...

The "reality show " is over.

Now it’s Weekend at Bernie’s

rrb said...

America is back!

Indeed. Back to:

Blame America First

America Sucks

America 'Last'

Myballs said...

What substance? Asking Biden if the border crisis is happening because he is too nice?

rrb said...

Isn't it nice to see the media curled up and purring in the President's lap again?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

RCP page shows how complicated it is to accept reality.

Friday, March 26 

President Biden Meets the Press - Finally


Philip Wegmann, RealClearPolitics

We Had to Wait 64 Days for This Sickening Spectacle?


Michael Goodwin, NY Post

Biden Meets, and Defeats, the Press


Joan Walsh, The Nation

A Tame Press Conference for a Lame President


Roger Kimball, The Spectator

There's an Immigration Crisis, But It's Not the One You Think


Zack Stanton, Politico

Democrats, Not Trump, Created the Border Crisis


Chad Wolf, The Federalist

How White Supremacy Is Fueling Black-Asian Solidarity


Kat Moon, Time

The Tale Wags the Dog as News Becomes Propaganda


Peder Zane, RealClearPolitics

GA Is Ground Zero for Settling Future of U.S. Elections


John Solomon, Just the News

C.H. Truth said...

So Roger...

What explanation do you have for a sheet of paper with pictures and names of reporters circled and numbered? Along with notes that he had that he seemed to go to for every question that was asked?

It was a funny almost surreal situation to watch this press conference after watching four years of Trump. At the Trump press conferences, someone would ask a question, the President would start to answer and immediately people were jumping in to interrupt him.

For Biden, no matter how long he rambled on incoherently, not a single reporter interrupted him or questioned him or otherwise showed the smallest amount of the disrespect that they had for Trump.

Which, of course is why you are seeing people on the left criticize the "Press" for going so easy on Biden that it looked bad to everyone.

rrb said...

Roger 'Alky' Amick, Medicaid Acres:

"America Is BACK, People!!! Hospice Joe Hit It Out Of The Park!!!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Jim Crow 2.0

The new measure will impose new identification requirements on those who vote by mail, imperiling the 200,000 voters who don’t have a driver’s license or state ID number. Would have changed the results It will also limit the use of drop boxes for absentee ballots, criminalize voting groups from giving those standing in line to vote food and water and shorten the period for runoff races.

In a statement, Rep. Nikema Williams (D), chair of the Georgia Democratic Party, called the measure the “most flagrantly racist, partisan power grab of elections in modern Georgia history.”

“Though it’s unsurprising that Brian Kemp, the architect of voter suppression, is tying his legacy to this racist, anti-democratic bill, it’s no less shameful,” Williams said. “He and his fellow Republicans are insulting the memory of heroes like John Lewis who risked their lives for the right to vote, and disempowering the millions of Georgians who have exercised that sacred right as a result.”

rrb said...

Every single question had been pre-screened and pre-selected, and each response, which he obviously read without looking up, was carefully crafted.

You could not have more obviously staged this presser if you tried.

I will cut Hospice Joe a little slack on the seating chart as other President's have been known to use them. But use them in a presser that contained 50+ media personnel. not 5.

Caliphate4vr said...

imperiling the 200,000 voters who don’t have a driver’s license or state ID number. Would have changed the results

You mean the state ID I proved they can get for free???


rrb said...

In a statement, Rep. Nikema Williams (D), chair of the Georgia Democratic Party, called the measure the “most flagrantly racist, partisan power grab of elections in modern Georgia history.”

Of course she did.

The implication being that Black people are too fucking stupid to acquire a FREE State ID card.

We call that the rock hard bigotry of insultingly low expectations.

Do those she claims to serve know that she thinks they're a bunch of fucking morons?

And none of her constituents have ever conducted an official transaction that required official identification?

None own houses or cars, drive, work for a living, fly commercial, purchase alcohol, use healthcare, and the list goes on and on.


Sounds like bullshit to me alky.


rrb said...

You mean the state ID I proved they can get for free???

it's fucking disgusting that the only tool the left has to motivate minorities is pure unadulterated fear.

C.H. Truth said...


Republicans believe that everyone is smart enough to garner themselves an easy free state ID card, regardless of skin color. Democrats argue that holding such a belief is racist.

I guess it was like when Dementia Joe told everyone that people of color were not smart enough to know how to "get on line". Apparently it is now politically correct to demand that White people are smarter and more capable but racist to believe that everyone is equally smart and capable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, when people speak during meetings, sometimes people want to be sure that they don't make mistakes. It doesn't mean he's not sane.

He's not the only President who had prepared question answers for anticipated questions.

But your claim that he had already screened the questions is irrational.

If it actually happened, every news reporters would have been outraged.

You act like you are a psychiatrist.

Even CNN said that his use of James Eagle was not successful.

He made a point about Jim Crow 2.0 .

So what??

 It was clear that even the Press was in on this, likely pre-submitting their questions to the White House for approval and promising to ask them as submitted.

You need mental help, because that is irrational.

rrb said...

I guess it was like when Dementia Joe told everyone that people of color were not smart enough to know how to "get on line".

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!"

- Dementia Joe

And THIS is exactly how they think about the minorities they claim to care so much about.

For democrats, blacks are a means to an end.


C.H. Truth said...


At the end of the day Joe Biden in nearly 80 years old and looks and acts like an 80 year old. He needed a picture book and bullet points because he is likely not capable of having an actual internal understanding of the main issues facing the country today. He only asked question from friendly reporters and the very first question wasn't even a question. It was more of a ball licking and then a presentation of an opportunity to tell us why there is no border crisis (when everyone knows there is a border crisis).

Even the left is lamenting the fact that the Press was "too easy" on Slow Joe because it really does make it seem like he is otherwise incapable of answering tough questions or dealing with a hostile reporter (and there are quite a few who would have loved to ask questions that were not about how honest and decent Joe Biden is).

If Joe Biden was "capable" of an impromptu press conference were he actually just took random questions from random reporters that involved hostile reporters who were allowed to follow up and demand clarification, etc... than his handlers would allow for it. But they didn't and likely will never do so.

Those are simply the facts of the situation.

rrb said...

But your claim that he had already screened the questions is irrational.

Yet, as if it was a fucking miracle, Hospice Joe had a prepared answer for each question... that he READ without looking up.

so alky, how does one have a prepared response to a question that they have yet not heard before?

look pal, just because you need to exist in some fucked up fantasy land in order to justify installing a fucking imbecile in the white house, doesn't mean the rest of us must ignore reality.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The vast majority of the people who could not afford or were disabled, who did not have the driver's licenses or state identification cards, voted in last November, to elect Joe Biden and both Democratic Senators are African Americans.

You are the only one who is claiming they not smart or capable enough to get the identity cards.

This law is Jim Crow 2.0.

The freedom to choose our leaders is the foundation of our Republic asshole.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Indy is right

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are the best ball licking man on earth.

C.H. Truth said...

You are the only one who is claiming they not smart or capable enough to get the identity cards.


I don't believe that and if you don't believe that either...

Then I guess we both believe that everyone can get their ID card and vote.

Black people, White people, Hispanics, Asians, etc... will all be smart enough to get their cards and vote.

Problem solved. Not a problem. Great bill that simply reduces fraud.

Unless I am missing something, Roger?

Caliphate4vr said...

both Democratic Senators are African Americans.

Jon Ossoff is Sammy Davis Jr?

Fucking idiot

rrb said...

Jon Ossoff is Sammy Davis Jr?

Fucking idiot

So many rakes to stomp.

So little time.

C.H. Truth said...

Lydia was right about you.

Caliphate4vr said...

Black Jews are rare

rrb said...

The freedom to choose our leaders is the foundation of our Republic asshole.

Tell that to Peloshee, Schumer, and every other democrat who are desperate to pass HR 1.

HR 1 removes the freedom to choose our leaders you claim to cherish, and gives us democrat majorities until the end of fucking TIME.

Alky, you're such a fucking disingenuous cocksucker it's not even funny.

Go fuck yourself.

C.H. Truth said...

Go fuck yourself.

It's his only option!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Georgia state law removed the elected Secretary of Justice from the board that certifies vote results. The state legislature chooses the people who certify votes. So they can put cronies on the ballot counting Department

C.H. Truth said...

Cronies already are the ones counting votes.

If it was up to me, we would never have anyone even loosely associated with either political party counting any votes and we would never allow more than about 100,000 votes to be counted in one place.

But it's a good thing that we agree on the major portion of this Roger. That the voter ID is a great idea because people of all races are smart enough to get one and vote.


rrb said...

Secretary of Justice

Investment tip of the week: Buy stock in rake companies.


Caliphate4vr said...

Tank is angrier than when Gladys Knight closed her chicken and waffle store downtown

rrb said...

Btw alky, word on the street is that Hospice Joe's handlers originally gave him a pop-up book, but the first time he opened it he opened it too quickly, scared himself and shit his pants.

As you can imagine, it was an early "lid" that day.

rrb said...

‘Awww, WASSAMATTA’?! Stacey Abrams’ SERIOUS tweeter-tantrum over Kemp protecting GA elections by signing #SB202 SO very telling

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yes we agree. People of color are just as smart or smarter than the racist rodent bastard!

But my biggest issues are.

1: Limiting the number of drop off ballot boxes in minority neighborhoods.

2: They need a completely non partisan vote counting organizations. Neither side is trying it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Andrew Sullivan has a valid point, despite my support for Biden. Plus it's very difficult to fix.

A Politico/Morning Consult poll this week found a double-digit drop in support for Biden’s proposed mass amnesty since January. The biggest drops come among black voters (down 21 points) and Hispanic voters (down 16 points) — two groups that drifted to Trump in 2020. Support for mass deportations has risen seven points in a couple of months. A new Civiqs poll also finds a sharp drop since the last election of those favoring amnesty for those already here (something I support). That position still enjoys plurality backing, but if it’s uncoupled from any serious attempt to enforce the law, it could drop further, especially if the migration surge continues. 

Biden has an opportunity, it seems to me, and he’s missing it thus far. Instead of easily-disproven lies — the notion that Trump did not solve or mitigate any of the problems, or that the Biden administration is still sending everyone but children back — he should tell us the truth. Instead of platitudes, offer realism.

Explain the trade-offs. If you need time to build border infrastructure, hire countless more immigration judges, and facilitate more orderly, legal immigration, keep the border fully closed until the pandemic is fully over, and use that time to prepare. (What, for example, does Biden intend to do once the emergency pandemic bar on admitting everyone expires? Should every immigrant family that shows up be let in? It would be good to know.) Reconsider the repeal of the “Remain In Mexico” policy. It can buy you time, and protect you politically. And for Pete’s sake, don’t give press conferences that will encourage ever more children to risk their lives. (That may well mean giving kids back to their parents who come with them immediately, or sending them to relatives in their home countries.)

Then Biden needs to explain what he’s for, rather than simply what he’s against. If the Democrats really want a massive influx of unskilled labor, explain how you integrate these tens of millions, and how you avoid depressing wages for unskilled African-Americans, legal Latino immigrants, and the white working class. Explain how another wave won’t super-charge the populist right, as it has everywhere in the West in this century, including here. Tell us what your limiting principle is for immigration, if any, or what levels of legal immigration you think are the optimal ones, and why.

And if you don’t want the Trump policies to return, quit the cheap moralizing and get serious about the real-world choices. What Americans want is a sense that immigration is under control. So far, in this administration, too many people are beginning to believe it isn’t. And too many Democrats seem oddly fine with that. 


One way to fix this problem is to verify legal residency to get a job. But the Democrats are largely opposed.

Remember I was in the construction business for my life. The carpenter's union requires legal residency.

rrb said...

Who's the racist alky?

Oakland, California, Mayor Libby Schaaf (D) announced a program that offers poor minority families $500 a month. Poor white families are excluded for the sin of being white. However, illegal aliens qualify.

Per the Daily Mail, “An estimated 10,000 of Oakland’s 435,000 population are white residents who live in poverty,” but they will receive nothing, and only because they are white.

Here is how you qualify for Oakland’s no-questions-asked $500 a month:

You must have at least one child
Your income must be at or below 50 percent of Oakland’s median income
You must not be white

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't believe anything from you

rrb said...

The carpenter's union requires legal residency.

And how did they verify legal residency alky?

Lemme guess...

With a fucking ID.

So, your union was entitled to legal verification but asking for that same ID is a bridge too far for voting?


rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I don't believe anything from you

That's why I ALWAYS include the link, alky.

You should try it sometime lest someone around here think you a thief and a plagiarist.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They are not the government asshole.

You don't understand the difference between a government and a private organization.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your sources are right now nutcase websites Jimmy Carter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York times reported, it's not good news robotics pjmedia

The Covid testing slump

A few weeks ago, Citigroup began providing at-home Covid-19 testing kits to many of its workers in Chicago and New York. Each kit includes a nasal swab, a paper strip and a liquid solution, and people get a result within minutes. “It looks a little like a pregnancy test,” Dr. Lori Zimmerman, Citigroup’s medical director, told me.

The company is distributing enough tests for employees to take them three times per week, typically on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Soon, Citigroup will expand the program to all 6,000 of its U.S. bank branches. The goal, Zimmerman said, is to help people learn that they have Covid before they can infect colleagues or customers.

This is the kind of ambitious testing program that many medical experts believe should be available across the country. Why? Even as more Americans are receiving vaccine shots, the country remains months away from vaccination being the norm. In the meantime, wide-scale testing can allow life to begin returning to normal — without setting off deadly new Covid outbreaks.

Unfortunately, the U.S. is going in the opposite direction on testing. The number of daily tests has declined 35 percent since mid-January:

It's not right

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...






eugene robinson:
just objectively, biden's press conference buried the right wing narrative that he is somehow not in command of the issues or job.

he didn't call anybody fake news

i was elected to solve problems

he shot down the crisis at the border meme with actual facts

he was not insulting to female reporters

wow, a press conference with actual sentences and correct words and grammar

he answered the questions in a fine manner

he did not lose patience with reporters

he sets himself a mighty high vaccinations goal

he makes big promises and delivers on them

he comes across as folksy and endearing

he gave thoughtful, good answers

he's not claiming he can solve every problem, but he is claiming he can make things better

he answered well on china, showed deep understanding, realism and a sense of purpose

we actually have a president who wants to talk issues and policies, and can

honest, detailed answers

biden is even better at this than he looks

it's nice to have a president who's a normal politician giving political answers rather than a mentally unstable autocrat saying crazy, unhinged stuff

we voted for joe biden and all we got was our country back
(sure does feel like it, with this press conference)

immigration is a hard topic but it's much better with Biden talking about even the hard choices without demonizing people who are just looking for a better life

he speaks with dignity and kindness about dignity and kindness

this press conference completely blows up the GOP meme that Joe is senile

his answers are honest, detailed, and educational -- such a difference to the last four years'

he even brought tears to my eyes with his sense of compassion; he speaks from the heart and appeals to the heart; my heart just grew three sizes bigger

he can go from fuzzy to sharp in a split second; that shows that it's more in the stutter than it is in the mind

it's great having a man in government with 47 years of experience speaking the truth straight from the heart

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Amusing that you call what Biden did political theater.
Trump never did anything BUT political theater. :-)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republican-controlled legislatures across the country mount the most extensive contraction of ballot access in generations.

Since the 1920s

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

eugene robinson



the hornets nest of FAKE NEWS

reporting fake news followers is something alky would do...

and then repeating is something an idiot does

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Rep. Jim Jordan

"If the majority chooses to end the filibuster, if they choose to change the rules and put an end to Democratic debate, then the fighting and the bitterness and the gridlock will only get worse.”

-Then-Senator Barack Obama, 2005.

fucking racist

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

They are not the government asshole.

Oh, you mean the government that requires a valid ID to:

drive a car
get married
buy a house
board a commercial flight
enter a federal building
obtain Medicare/Medicaid
join the military
apply for food stamps/section 8 housing/welfare

I think you get my drift.

You are living proof that liberalism makes people stupid, alky.

C.H. Truth said...

I would say that Biden was disappointing to almost everyone Reverend, but there was already an expectation by many that this would be the fiasco that it was.

Those who were not disappointed with Biden were disappointed with the media corps for putting on a nauseatingly feeble press conference.

Only the truly mindless faithful thought this was anything good. You know, those who would offer that if Biden went up, shit his pants, and then walked off stage that you would still find something good to say about it.

But I guess we can put you in that category, huh Reverend?

It might create you a little credibility if you "ever" saw anything wrong with a Democrat or "ever" saw anything good with a Republican. But the fact that you are nothing but a cheerleader for the left tells us all we need to know.

The fact that you didn't see the obvious here... well.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Republican-controlled legislatures across the country mount the most extensive contraction of ballot access in generations.

Since the 1920s

Republican-controlled legislatures across the country mount the most extensive contraction of VOTER FRAUD in generations.

FIFY alky.



Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Jack Posobiec

BREAKING: Text message from Hunter Biden confirms involvement of Secret Service in his illegal firearm incident

Richard Grenell

50 former intel officials told us that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.

The DC media does China’s bidding by ignoring this story.

China wants us to ignore Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden' America

Criminal conspiracy

The "big guy" answers to China

His son is a drugged out felon, with a gun

Banana Republic

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Charlie Spiering

WH bumps up Biden's departure time for a flight home to Delaware by four hours - Now leaving at 2:15 pm when he was scheduled to leave at 6:15 pm

Off for ANOTHER 3 day weekend

reading those cards must be VERY EXHAUSTING

all the world's problems can wait until Monday

Anonymous said...

Pres. Trump Last Month in office .

"Personal income ⬆️10.1% "

Biden owns this.

"Personal income Feb. -7.1%⬇️"

Caliphate4vr said...

BREAKING: Text message from Hunter Biden confirms involvement of Secret Service in his illegal firearm incident

Family of The Central Committee Members are immune to what us members of the proletariat can expect

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...


JUST IN: Pres. Biden called the president of Afghanistan by the wrong name today during his news briefing

The White House fixed Biden’s mistake on the official transcript of the briefing

History is fixed.


There will be no Republican party in 2024

at least Joe thinks that may be the case. And he's the big guy, excuse me president.

rrb said...

,b>Unfortunately, the U.S. is going in the opposite direction on testing. The number of daily tests has declined 35 percent since mid-January:

It's not right</b.

Don't despair alky.

Killer Cuomo is making sure that his family and the well connected here in NY are getting all the testing they need in between grabbing handfuls of titties from female aides.

The elites have their priorities you know.


Anonymous said...

Pres. Trump Last Month in office.
Consumer spending 3.4%⬆️

Consumer spending Feb.-1.0%⬇️

Anonymous said...

Pres. Biden, His Hoe. Speaker Pelosi, Sen. Schumer, AOC and others have been fully vaccine and Dr. Fauci, James, Alky and Denneys are too.

Yet, they wear a mask or two still today.

rrb said...

The White House fixed Biden’s mistake on the official transcript of the briefing

The white house editorial staff is working around the clock since Hospice Joe was installed.

Anonymous said...

Roger believe Pres. Biden will return the US Economy to pre-pandemic highs across the board by April 30th, 2021.

"Personal Savings Rate was "In April of 2020, it hit an all-time high of 32.2 percent "

Come on Alky .

Anonymous said...

Biden's Economic Stimulus Law.
"The Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act will forgive 120 percent of the value of loans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or from private lenders and guaranteed by the USDA, to “Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic farmers and other agricultural producers of color,” according to a release from the bill’s sponsors, Senators Raphael Warnock of Georgia, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico, and Debbie Stabenow of Michigan"
"On Wednesday, Congress passed one of the most sweeping relief programs for minority farmers in the nation’s history, through a provision of President Biden’s pandemic stimulus bill. Although the landmark legislation, which would cancel $4 billion worth of debt, seemed to emerge out of nowhere, it actually is the result of more than 20 years of organizing by Black farmers.

This is the 2nd time tax payers have paid usda pigford case gave blacks $ 1 Billion .

anonymous said...

rd case gave blacks $ 1 Billion

The goat fucker now wishes he was black......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

The white house editorial staff is working around the cl

You mean like the trump staff constantly did?????? BWAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

The coming tax increase on poor and middle income earners.

"Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation secretary, said a vehicle mileage tax could be on the table in infrastructure talks"
""I'm hearing a lot of appetite to make sure that there are sustainable funding streams," Buttigieg said. A mileage tax "shows a lot of promise."

Taxing miles driven in addition to the Federal Gas Tax.

anonymous said...

Yet, they wear a mask or two still today

Yep.....why do think that is a bad thing goat fucker?????? Stupidity really runs rampant in your gene pool......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Now we have white cunts emulating proud boy type racism!!!!!!! Yep, this country is flying up its own ass with sooooo much hatred because of TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As of the end of 2020 , there are 45,000 Black Farmers.

Biden promise there are going to be 65,000 Black Farmers by Dec. 31, 2021.

year ending 2022
85,000 Black Farmers

year ending 2023
105,000 Black Farmers

and so on.

anonymous said...

March 24, 2021, 5:19 PM
A beauty store owner was attacked inside her own store by two women in Harris County, Texas on March 17.Jung Kim, who is of Korean descent, asked the five women who knocked over the store’s wig displays to leave the premises. However, two of them doubled back and caused further destruction.Surveillance footage caught the moment one of the women attacked the 59-year-old, punching her at least eight times while shouting racial insults.
Now we have white cunts emulating proud boy type racism!!!!!!! Yep, this country is flying up its own ass with sooooo much hatred because of TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!

Kim was left bloodied with multiple bruises and a broken nose that she said will require surgery. Her son, Sun Jung Lee, was also scratched across his face during the incident as he fought off the attackers.Footage from the parking lot shows the assailants nearly running over Lee and his father with their car before driving off. Lee said to KPRC that his mother remembers the attackers shouting, "You little Asian girl." “They started saying something like some racial words like, ‘Asian people shouldn’t be in the Black market,’” he added. Both suspects, identified as Keaundra Young and Daquiesha Williams, were arrested for the attacks. Young was charged with aggravated assault while Williams was charged with assault. Lee explained that the family never had any trouble before this incident and beauty store regulars are stunned as well. "All of my customers are nice to us. We are nice to them," Lee said. "We have a good environment here and a good experience here." The incident occurred just one day after the shooting in Atlanta and follows the surge of anti-Asian violence all across the country since the rise of the COVID-19

anonymous said...

New law in georgia !!!!! It is now a felony to give a person waiting on line to vote a bottle of water!!!! Passed under the guise that drinking water on line is a felony and could impact the person voting!!!!!!!!! And you wonder why I keep saying the GOP is doomed???????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

r ending 2023
105,000 Black Farmers

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The goat fucker continues on his quest to become black!!!!!!! Gee asshole....when did the end of 2023 happen???????

Anonymous said...

The Biden plan will fail.
The 9 Billion dollars will be wasted.

anonymous said...

I sure wonder who the georgia GOP was targeting to limit 1 day of sunday voting before the election?????? Wonder who the GOP was targeting by the elimination of drop boxes?????? Yep the old man white supremiscsts are losing their grip of power and KNOW IT!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Kinda amusing here in Floriduh....the party that used absentee ballots in greater numbers has always been the GOP before this year....what is the GOP soooooo afraid of????????

Anonymous said...

Noc stock $319.02

The Home Depot $303.83