Thursday, March 25, 2021

Yes there is a border "crisis" and it is 100% Slow Joe's fault!

Poll: Half Of Voters Now See A Crisis At The Border, 50/34
A plurality of Democrats (48 percent) said the United States is facing a “problem” with illegal immigration, compared with 74 percent of Republicans who dubbed the issue a “crisis.” Overall, half of voters said the United States is facing a “crisis,” while a third called it a “problem.”
The migrant surge has gained prominence in the national media as the conversation in Washington moved past the haggling over the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief legislation. By the time the March 19-22 survey was conducted, 40 percent of voters said they had seen, read or heard “a lot” about the increasing number of child migrants arriving at the southern border – more than those who said the same of former President Donald Trump’s last-hour pardon spree earlier this year, but fewer than the share of voters who heard “a lot” about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot or Biden’s signing of the coronavirus package.

One has to wonder how long the Biden Administration believe it can get away with simply blaming all of their woes on Trump. Even the media has been fairly luke warm about repeating the Administration rhetoric as it pertains to finger pointing. At this point there is no logical means to really shift the blame for the border surge on Trump.

I will say that the Washington Post did put out an article suggesting that apparently there was not really a large border surge, while also arguing that there IS a large border surge, but then arguing that it is just not Joe Biden's fault. While they do not attempt to shift the blame to Trump, they suggest that the border surges is just make up because Covid made migrants less likely to come to the border. It's a dubious argument at best.

What it interesting about a "news story" such as this being published in a newspaper is that it really isn't news at all. Its a political opinion being treated as if it is news. There is no actual proof that migrants decided not to travel during Covid. Only proof that the Trump administration had been closing off the border both prior to and during Covid and that they became more determined to travel once Biden became President. 

More to the point, there was no Covid at this time last year and Covid still exists today and is as bad right now as it was at anytime during the Trump administration. Why would these people just decide to travel during a peak of Covid, if they had previously determined Covid was too dangerous to allow for it? A better question might be why are way more people migrating during Covid than they were prior to Covid if Covid is a deterrent. Seems there must be a non-Covid reason why people suddenly started to migrate en-mass once Biden became President.

But apparently the obvious does not make for a good news story?

1 comment:

anonymous said...

Yep another POS poll that proves citizens are concerned.....COLOR ME SHOCKED!!!! Joe did a helluva job today and stated solving the border will take time!!!!!!! Even more shocking.....he was lucid, fact driven and coherent....something trump never did in a presser...the differences are startling !!!!!!!!!