Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Is there no end to what Democrats get away with?

Whitehouse calls himself progressive and an opponent of “systemic racism.” Yet, the New York Post reports that the Rhode Island Senator has belonged for decades to an all-White beach club. I call that regressive.
Even his name sounds racist!
Whitehouse has confirmed the truth of this report. What’s his defense? He says “I think the people who are running the place are still working on that and I’m sorry it hasn’t happened yet.”
Asked whether all-White clubs should exist in this day and age, Whitehouse responded, “It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island.”
It’s worth adding that Whitehouse’s wife Sandra is one of the three largest shareholders in the all-White club. Thus, the Whitehouses aren’t just club members, they are major stakeholders.

So imagine if a Republican Senator was not only a member, but held stock in an all White country club. Imaging if this Republican used the excuse that his state has a long tradition of all White clubs. Would that Senator not have been run out of town?

Of course Sheldon Whitehouse is a Democrat and therefor immune to this sort of criticism. Sort of how Racist Joe Biden can get away with making anti-bussing statements under the idea that he did not want his sons growing up in a "racial jungle".  You put the "D" behind your name, and suddenly you can do no bad. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., defended his family's membership in a private Rhode Island beach club that's allegedly all-white on Monday, telling reporters "the club has informed me that it does in fact have diversity of membership."

Bailey's Beach Club has "a long tradition of being a family club, and they're working on improving diversity. I think that's pretty fair," Whitehouse said, elaborating on comments he made to a Providence website where he appeared to shrug off the club's history.

Asked Friday about his family's continued membership at the "all-white" Newport club, Whitehouse, a progressive Democrat who has spoken out repeatedly against "systemic racism" in the country, told GoLocal Providence "I think the people who are running the place are still working on that and I’m sorry it hasn't happened yet."

Asked if such "elite all-white wealthy clubs" should still exist, Whitehouse said, “It's a long tradition in Rhode Island and there are many of them. I think we just need to work our way through the issues, thank you."

NBC news says that it looks terrible news

You have nothing but hate for liberals and Democrats.

What is the Republicans agenda??????

Another coup in August??

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Powerline troll squad asshole

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Obama was born in Kenya Africa and is a Muslim

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CBS liberal robotics team

Established in 1897, club membership consisted of the wealthiest families on the Gold Coast, including the Vanderbilts and the Astors; 100 years after the founding of the club, membership was still exceedingly difficult to obtain, as portrayed in a 2003 New York Times profile of the club. Then, the Times noted, Bailey's had 468 members and 113 subscribers, with 80 cabanas and 201 changing rooms that could be purchased by members and then passed down from generation to generation — making turnover among its members very rare.

Now, Whitehouse says he is no longer a member of the club. GoLocal Providence reported that he gave his membership shares to his wife, Sandra, years ago. On Monday, asked about when he consolidated the membership to his family, he replied, "Don't recall." 

It's over 200 years old.

He had nothing to do with membership but because it is very expensive. It doesn't mean that it was segregationist.

rrb said...

Hypocrisy remains the bedrock of liberalism.

C.H. Truth said...

Gee Roger...

Since I linked the story from the Powerline... thanks for pointing that obvious fact out?

Whenever you are completely lost and embarrassed by a story, you simply attack that messenger. The funny thing about your Ad Hominem logical fallacy attacks are that there really isn't an actual criticism.

You just somehow assume that everyone else discounts something because the story is linked from Red State, Powerline, or some conservative site, as if there is something inherently wrong at that point.

Truth is that all of your arguments are based on fallacies. I would love to see one day when you just made points, referenced facts, and made logical arguments. But alas, it seems like you have a logical fallacy wheel which you spin and then use whatever fallacy it stops on.

Ahhh... Appeal to authority for this argument. Let's go with an appeal to emotion for that one. How about we load a question or throw out some red herring.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you belief that Frictional Unemployment is a true forward looking indicator on the economy is odd.

Can you explain yourself?

rrb said...

He had nothing to do with membership but because it is very expensive. It doesn't mean that it was segregationist.

Yet some stupid twat protested Augusta National a while for much the same reason and every liberal in the nation including the NY Times rallied to her cause.

As to your word salad of fucktardedness, I'm not sure what you're trying to say, alky live alky squad alky asshole.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Any Republican who accuses others of hypocrsy should blush.

Quote of the Day
June 22, 2021 at 9:51 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 44 Comments
“I never used the word concede. I have not conceded. There is a tremendous percentage that thinks the election was rigged and stolen.”
— Donald Trump, quoted by the Dallas Morning News, disputing that he admitted last week that Joe Biden won the election.

Democrats Have a Deep Reservoir for 2022
June 22, 2021 at 9:36 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 28 Comments
Ron Brownstein:
“There are nearly 91 million individual Americans who have voted Democratic in at least one of those three elections… Even with Donald Trump’s formidable success at energizing his supporters, that’s significantly more than the slightly more than 82 million voters who backed Republicans in at least one of the past three elections.”

Said former NRCC Executive Director John Rogers: “That’s the way Democrats can avoid the usual losses in the midterm: They have the names and addresses.”

Trump Offers to Back Any Challenger to John Katko
“Former president Donald Trump is offering to help back a primary challenger to Rep. John Katko, one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach him in January,” the Syracuse Post-Standard reports.

Said Trump: “Katko will never win again. He is bad news… Will help with campaign – find a great candidate.”

Katko represents a district that Joe Biden carried by 9 points in 2020.

Texas Governor Leads Revolt Against Biden
June 22, 2021 at 7:55 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 120 Comments
Politico: “In the span of a week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has
signed bills restricting the teaching of critical race theory
and allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license.
He’s preparing to order state lawmakers back into a special session to pass legislation restricting voting access, a GOP priority.
And in the most pugilistic affront to President Joe Biden’s White House yet,
he announced Texas will build its own border wall.

“Less than six months into Biden’s presidency, Texas conservatives are in revolt against the new administration. And Abbott, the often overshadowed governor of the nation’s biggest red state, is emerging as an unlikely leader of the Biden resistance.”

Could Meet Again on Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan
June 22, 2021 at 7:45 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 20 Comments
Punchbowl News:
“The White House is dispatching three of its top aides to Capitol Hill today for a flurry of meetings with senators, with the aim of trying to get a better handle on whether a bipartisan Senate infrastructure deal is possible.

“Assuming that these meetings go well, the administration plans to invite senators from this group to meet with Biden later this week at the White House.”

However: “You should still be skeptical that a deal will come together quickly. These kinds of agreements take forever to turn into legislative text. They still haven’t even settled on the right pay-for mix. We’re really at the beginning of the interesting part.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Delta Variant Spreading In Under-Vaccinated Counties
June 22, 2021 at 7:34 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 20 Comments
“Early evidence suggests that the highly contagious delta variant, which has prompted concern worldwide as it leads to new surges of Covid-19 across the globe, is spreading in under-vaccinated pockets of the U.S.,” Bloomberg reports.

“The ongoing spread of the variant in pockets of low vaccine uptake are troubling because they create more opportunities for the virus to thrive and mutate. The longer the virus spreads, the more chances it has to create easier inroads into human cells, and potentially take on deadlier forms.”

Obama Backs Manchin’s Voting Rights Plan
June 22, 2021 at 7:32 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 28 Comments
Barack Obama told Yahoo News that he supports Sen. Joe Manchin’s voting rights proposal, calling it a “product of compromise” as the landmark bill struggles towards a crucial vote in the US Senate on Tuesday, The Guardian reports.

Said Obama: “I have tried to make it a policy not to weigh in on the day-to-day scrum in Washington, but what is happening this week is more than just a particular bill coming up or not coming up to a vote.”

He added: “I do want folks who may not be paying close attention to what’s happening … to understand the stakes involved here, and why this debate is so vitally important to the future of our country.”

Economy Is Showing Sustained Progress
June 22, 2021 at 7:25 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 16 Comments
“Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Monday that job growth should pick up in coming months and temporary inflation pressures should ease as the economy continues to recover from the effects of the pandemic,” the Wall Street Journal reports.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A red herring. A British perspective view on the United States.

The G7 meeting focused attention on many challenges facing the world, but it did not address the most dangerous threat of them all, which is the transformation of the Republican Party in the US into a fascist movement.

When Donald Trump was in the White House there was much debate about whether or not he could be called a fascist in the full sense of the word, and not merely as a political insult. His presidency showed many of the characteristics of a fascist dictatorship, except the crucial one of automatic re-election.

The other change among Republicans is much less commented on, but is more sinister and significant. This is the systematic Republican takeover of the electoral machinery that oversees elections and makes sure that they are fair. Minor officials in charge of them have suddenly become vital to the future of American democracy. Remember that it was only the refusal of these functionaries to cave in to Trump’s threats and blandishments that stopped him stealing the presidential election last November.

Many of them will be unable to perform the same duty in future elections. The Republican Party across the country is replacing or intimidating them so they are giving up their jobs or are being forced from their posts. In Pennsylvania, a state which played a crucial role in Trump’s defeat, a third of county election officials have changed as have numerous others in swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Their places are frequently being taken by conspiracy theory zealots who will have the power to nullify election results that are not to their liking. A survey by the Brennan Center for Justice shows that one in three local election officials say that they are being subjected to harassment and other pressures.

Speeding up this exodus are Republican state legislatures that have passed laws mandating heavy fines – $10,000 in Iowa, $25,000 in Florida – for election supervisors who make minor technical mistakes. Republican officials who refused to say that Trump won the election are being removed by their party. The Republicans should be able to do in 2022 and 2024 what they failed to  do in 2020, which is to nullify election results at will so the true outcome of a poll can be ignored. Put simply, the will of the people will no longer count for anything.

Authoritarian regimes across the world have found that it is much easier and more certain to announce the election result they would like than to go to all the trouble of suppressing votes and gerrymandering constituencies. Once control of the electoral machinery is obtained then democracy poses no threat to those in power. Fascist leaders may use democratic processes to obtain office, but once there, their instinct is to pull up the ladder and let nobody else climb up it.

Nullification of elections is only the latest step in the Republican Party’s strange voyage towards becoming a genuine fascist party. Other steps have a much longer history, notably the moment half a century ago when President Nixon adopted his “Southern Strategy” whereby the Republicans capitalised on the Civil Rights acts to make a political takeover of the American South. The old slave states became the strongholds of the Republican Party which had once freed the slaves and defeated the Confederacy.

The Republican party of Abraham Lincoln is dead.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is worth listing the chief characteristics of fascist movements in order to assess how far they are now shared by the Republicans. Exploitation of ethnic, religious and cultural hatreds is probably the most universal feature of fascism. Others include a demagogic leader with a cult of personality who makes messianic but vague promises to deliver a golden future; appeals to law-and-order but a practical contempt for legality; the use, manipulation and ultimate marginalisation of democratic procedures; a willingness to use physical force; demonising the educated elite – and the media in particular; shady relations with plutocrats seeking

The civil rights legislation of the 1960s provoked a white counteroffensive that still goes on. Opposition to racial equality has never ceased. The key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which declared that changes in state election laws must have federal approval, was invalidated by Republican appointed judges on the Supreme Court in 2013. “Our country has changed,” said chief Justice John G Roberts in a majority opinion, which declared that racial minorities no longer faced barriers to voting in states with a history of discrimination. The absurdity of this was immediately demonstrated as Texas introduced a previously blocked voter ID law.

Voter suppression has ballooned ever since, but never more than this year. Some 14 Republican controlled states have passed 24 laws criminalising, politicising and interfering in elections to their own advantage.

What explains the descent of the Republican Party into fascism? Racial division explains much. The division of American culture along the same geographical lines as the civil war explains more. Add to this the frightening dislocation imposed on white working- and middle-class Americans by technological change and globalisation. Powerful forces are let loose similar to those that once propelled the rise of European fascism and is now doing the same in America.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Hi James.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The founding fathers feared the freedom of speech, but they understood that the voice of the people would be able to vote against dictatorial parties, but the Republic party is afraid of the voice of the people through the ballot box. That's why they are trying to reduce the percentage by carefully crafted Jim Crow era two legislation.

You have no logical argument so you accuse me of irrational feelings.

You are the one throwing out red herrings.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What explains the descent of the Republican Party into fascism? Racial division explains much. The division of American culture along the same geographical lines as the civil war explains more. Add to this the frightening dislocation imposed on white working- and middle-class Americans by technological change and globalisation. Powerful forces are let loose similar to those that once propelled the rise of European fascism and is now doing the same in America.

People who invaded the Capitol building wanted a revolution.

If the Republicans succeed in the next two elections this nation will be gone.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Bidenomics sucks

Existing home Sales drop.again.

Myballs said...

From now on, all posts must be in bold font.

rrb said...

Despite the media’s best efforts to mock claims of 2020 voting fraud, or "the Big Lie," one-third of the nation believes President Joe Biden beat former President Donald Trump “only due to voter fraud.”

What’s more, as Democrats, the president, and media allies team up to slam voter identification as an intimidation tactic, a surprising 80% want it.

And the latest Monmouth University poll on voting and elections said that the country is divided on mail-in balloting, one of the big splits between Washington Democrats and Republican governors and legislatures.

“The continuing efforts to question the validity of last year’s election is deepening the partisan divide in ways that could have long-term consequences for our Democracy, even if most Americans don’t quite see it that way yet,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.

The new survey is somewhat of a blow to the mainstream narrative that the public wants easy and expanded access to voting and doesn’t believe reports of fraud during the 2020 voting process.

Monmouth said the most notable finding was that 8 in 10 adults want voter ID. Just 18% oppose it.

Next was the sustained third of adults who still feel Trump lost because of Democratic voter fraud. Said the analysis:

“One-third (32%) of Americans continue to believe that Joe Biden’s victory in 2020 was due to voter fraud – a number that has not budged since the November election. At first glance in the crosstabs, it looks like the number of ‘Republicans’ who believe this has been trending down while the number of independents who agree has ticked up. However, this appears to be a product of a shift in how Republicans identify themselves, with some moving their self-affiliation from being partisan to being an ‘independent’ who leans partisan. When all Republican identifiers and leaners are combined, the number who believe Biden won only because of voter fraud has been fairly stable (63% now, 64% in March, 69% in January, and 66% in November). Furthermore, 14% of the American public say they will never accept Biden as president, including 3 in 10 (29%) Republicans and Republican leaners.”


Public Supports Both Early Voting And Requiring Photo ID to Vote


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American Greatest believes the Chinese government infected the world with covid-19 virus..

China’s COVID Coup 

China deserves credit for a remarkable feat of strategic improvisation in translating a public health crisis into a large economical and geopolitical advance at the expense of the West.

The conservative have nothing but insane conspiracies and hatred for Democrats and especially Barack Obama who was the first African American President.

Biden's vote on bussing in the 70s is meaningless because even then some people had subtle racial views. But they changed their minds, because they actually learned they were wrong, and changed their minds.

Scott thinks that people who changed their minds were gaslighted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1 in 3 Americans believe the 'Big Lie'

"Some men you just can't reach."


That famous line from the movie "Cool Hand Luke" kept echoing in my head as I paged through a new national poll conducted by Monmouth University.


Here's why: 32% of respondents in that poll said that President Joe Biden only won the 2020 election "due to voter fraud."


Which is stunning -- but not the worst part of the poll. 


Guess what percentage said that Biden won only because of election fraud in the November 2020 Monmouth poll? Answer: 32%.

What about in the January 2021 Monmouth poll? 32%.


And how about the March 2021 Monmouth poll? Yup -- 32%.


The consistency of belief that Biden won solely because of fraud speaks to the fact that one-third of the country simply cannot be reached by facts -- no matter how often they are presented by the mainstream media.


Because it is a FACT that Biden won 81 million votes and 306 electoral votes. And it is a FACT that Donald Trump won 74 million votes and 232 electoral votes. It is a FACT that the the results in all 50 states and the District of Columbia have long been certified. It is a FACT that there is zero evidence -- turned up by federal or state officials -- that any widespread electoral fraud occurred anywhere.


Why, then, do nearly one-third of Americans simply ignore or not believe these facts -- despite an abundance of evidence that makes their truth plain? Two reasons, mainly:


1) Conservative media -- Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, talk radio -- simply doesn't acknowledge these facts. (There are obvious exceptions, like FNC's Chris Wallace.) And those same outlets treat ridiculous "recounts" like what is happening in Arizona as credible, casting them as potentially overturning the election.


2) The hatred and mistrust of the mainstream media -- fueled by Trump -- within the Republican base means that if CNN says the sky is blue, the GOP base will argue until their last breath that it is green.


Whatever the reason, what we are witnessing here is a remarkable abnegation of fact. A sacrifice of the truth at the altar of partisanship. A direct -- and ongoing -- threat to democracy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1 in 3 Americans believe the 'Big Lie'

"Some men you just can't reach."


That famous line from the movie "Cool Hand Luke" kept echoing in my head as I paged through a new national poll conducted by Monmouth University.


Here's why: 32% of respondents in that poll said that President Joe Biden only won the 2020 election "due to voter fraud."


Which is stunning -- but not the worst part of the poll. 


Guess what percentage said that Biden won only because of election fraud in the November 2020 Monmouth poll? Answer: 32%.

What about in the January 2021 Monmouth poll? 32%.


And how about the March 2021 Monmouth poll? Yup -- 32%.


The consistency of belief that Biden won solely because of fraud speaks to the fact that one-third of the country simply cannot be reached by facts -- no matter how often they are presented by the mainstream media.


Because it is a FACT that Biden won 81 million votes and 306 electoral votes. And it is a FACT that Donald Trump won 74 million votes and 232 electoral votes. It is a FACT that the the results in all 50 states and the District of Columbia have long been certified. It is a FACT that there is zero evidence -- turned up by federal or state officials -- that any widespread electoral fraud occurred anywhere.


Why, then, do nearly one-third of Americans simply ignore or not believe these facts -- despite an abundance of evidence that makes their truth plain? Two reasons, mainly:


1) Conservative media -- Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, talk radio -- simply doesn't acknowledge these facts. (There are obvious exceptions, like FNC's Chris Wallace.) And those same outlets treat ridiculous "recounts" like what is happening in Arizona as credible, casting them as potentially overturning the election.


2) The hatred and mistrust of the mainstream media -- fueled by Trump -- within the Republican base means that if CNN says the sky is blue, the GOP base will argue until their last breath that it is green.


Whatever the reason, what we are witnessing here is a remarkable abnegation of fact. A sacrifice of the truth at the altar of partisanship. A direct -- and ongoing -- threat to democracy.

rrb said...

Alky's plagiarism -


anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! At you again rat.....keep worrying about what Roger posts.....no one else gives a RATS ASS!!!!!!

BTW.....Trump has gotten a pass from you Lil Schitty for raping women....buying hookers....obstruction and constant lying....He makes sheldon look like a choir boy!!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No, I get email from CNN

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Bidenomics sucks

Existing home Sales drop.again.


Anonymous said...

MyballsJune 22, 2021 at 10:19 AM

From now on, all posts must be in bold font"


anonymous said...

Still waiting for that Ca ban link goat fucker......You said you had it.......I guess like most in the GOP lying is acceptable....!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

RINO Detective Troll Comedy Show said...

If he actually said this Jimmy Hitler Jr. would be shouting Hang Mitch McConnell!

Senator Mitch McConnell claimed that the bill’s passage would bring the United States “to the brink of democracy.”

“The Democrats can dress this bill up any way they want, but their real agenda couldn’t be clearer,” the Senate Minority Leader said. “They want to turn the United States of America that we love and cherish into a democracy.”

C.H. Truth said...

Here's why: 32% of respondents in that poll said that President Joe Biden only won the 2020 election "due to voter fraud."

So that number doesn't change, nor will it change...

Why? Because of the fact that the actual "big lie" (most secure election) is not being bought by Americans who are paying attention.

Let's compare on contrast that to 2016 and the insistence by many (probably more than 32%) that insisted that Donald Trump "stole" the election by conspiring with the Russians.

Did that number change when three different Congressional investigation failed to show any collusion between Trump and Russia?

Did that number change when FBI director James Comey declared under oath that they had no evidence of Trump Russia collusion?

Did that number change when Robert Mueller ended a months long $30 million dollar investigation and found no evidence of Trump Russia collusion?

To expect that refusals to open up ballots for review, going to court to prevent third party audits, and basically doing nothing but repeating the claim that it was "the most secure election ever" - that people would just "change their mind" is interesting...

because even "AFTER" the Mueller special counsel Democrats and Liberals demanded that not enough has been done to investigate and that the lack of evidence was just cover up. Insisting still that Trump "stole" the election from Hillary by working with the Russians. Something that had no shred of proof.

If you allowed these audits to take place, if there was ANY sort of interest from Congress to to something other than to repeat rhetoric, then perhaps that number would change.

But it's a stubborn number because facts are stubborn.

Myballs said...

Lol. There's a get a life moment

Anonymous said...

"anonymousJune 22, 2021 at 10:59 AM

"Still waiting for that Ca ban link"

I have no idea what you are attempting to ask.

I posted the link to the Request by the people that run the California power grid that those who own Electric Vehicles not charge them during perk energy us times.

Fucking James's Daddy post one from a different source confirming the request.

Anonymous said...

Danny's, care to delete your post that attempted to excuse the drop in existing home sales on "no inventory"?

You really should as it is 4F-Alky level spectacularly wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott believes that the Democratic hoax has been working to destroy democracy since the 1950s like his new Drudge Report.

Last week, Revolver highlighted the disturbing number of key figures in the January 6 Capitol incident who have gone unnamed and unindicted even as the number of criminal cases federal officials have brought spirals into the hundreds. Read it here if you’ve been living under a rock.

By now, it is a distinct possibility that many participants in the January 6 “riot” were associated with the government in some manner, be it as informants or full-blown agents.

America’s regime media is deeply committed to the narrative of January 6 as a planned “insurrection,” so they have flailed desperately to debunk reporting by Revolver as well as Fox’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Twitter’s “neutral” “aggregators” made a cringeworthy clarification that only further bolstered Revolver’s claims.

Revolver will continue to report out the story of the Capitol incident and the federal government’s potential role in instigating it. But there is another reason to suspect federal involvement in January 6: The federal government has a decades-long history of this exact behavior. Revolver has already reported extensively on the phony “plot” against Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, where five out of eighteen core plotters were actually connected to the federal government. But there are countless additional incidents, all over the country, stretching all the way back to the 1950s.

He's lost his mind.

anonymous said...

The goat fucker lies again.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! No problem sport, caught you again !!!!!!!!! BTW....you did not mention "perk us"" time.....And blaming fucked up daddy is most amusing!!!!LOLOLOLOLOLL!!!!!!!

Typical R voter....change the ground rules so I don't look as dumb as a rock!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The FBI incited the alleged Insurrection.


And the phony “plot” against Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, 

They wanted to kidnap her and take her to another state and hang her for treason.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Roger...

But if you continue to just make up blatant lies about me with your comments, perhaps I might have to just start deleting them.

Again... I have no issue with a debate. That is what we are here to do. But you don't debate anything? Rather, you simply change the subject, lie about me, and then call me crazy.

Why is it that you cannot just debate a subject, Roger?

Tell me "why" you both are against "audits" and demand that people who question the results should just change their mind?

Compare it an contrast it with 2016? How long did you (or are you still) holding on to the five time debunked theory that Trump stole the election by conspiring with Russia?

Why is it different? Other than in 2016 - your conspiracy theory was investigated five different times and you demand no investigations take place in 2020?

What's the difference?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans have been trying hard to discredit educated educators because lower educated people believe the big lie.

Educational attainment is closely associated with how willing Americans are to believe a variety of conspiracy theories. However, education appears to matter more for Republicans than Democrats. This is true for a number of different conspiracy theories. Republicans with less formal education are far more likely than more educated Republicans to believe that antifa was responsible for the attack on the US Capitol. Fifty-six percent of Republicans without a college degree believe antifa was mostly responsible for the attack on the US Capitol, while only 38 percent of college educated Republicans say the same.

This pattern persists when it comes to Republicans’ belief in QAnon. Republicans without a four-year degree are 15 percentage points more likely to believe in the accuracy of the claim “Donald Trump has been secretly fighting a group of child sex traffickers that include prominent Democrats and Hollywood elites.” Thirty-four percent of college educated Republicans, compared to 19 percent of their college educated counterparts, say the statement in accurate.

Throughout history, some highly educated people, still believe in the deep state conspiracy theory bullshit.

Because the United States has been mostly European descents since Columbus sailed the ocean blue. The Republicans are predominantly European. Europe has a long history of discrimination and again fascism.

The current era party is an authoritarian party today.

Unless someone stands up against Trump or a Trumpist, they are the most dangerous party ever elected by a minority popular vote.

The only Republican presidential candidate who won the popular vote since Reagan was George W Bush in the second term election.

The filibuster and gerrymandering should be stopped.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

US Existing Home Inventory has risen the last 4 months.

Anonymous said...

At the exact same time existing home sales have been falling.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia

Not one of the states States actually found fraud. But the big lie has infected you and nobody has figured out how to vaccinate your mind.

Al Gore conceded.

Trump still hasn't conceded and never will, and you don't fucking care about anyone else but yourself and Trump.

rrb said...

...perhaps I might have to just start deleting them.

That would be long overdue.

By the way, have you noticed that when you challenge the alky like you did with this comment, he STILL relies on plagiarism to explain his "opinion."


Copy/paste is all he has.


This is hilarious -

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Republicans have been trying hard to discredit educated educators because lower educated people believe the big lie.

"Educated educators." As opposed to uneducated educators or something. LOL. The alky can't even plagiarize worth a shit.

rrb said...

Not one of the states States actually found fraud.

What the fuck is a "state's state?"

Or is it "state state's?"

Anonymous said...

��Educated educators." As opposed to uneducated educators or something. LOL. The alky can't even plagiarize worth a shit.��

C.H. Truth said...

Al Gore conceded.

You mean Hillary Clinton?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why can he get away with anything????

President Donald Trump asked advisors and lawyers to look into how "Saturday Night Live" and other late-night shows could be punished after they mocked him, The Daily Beast's Asawin Suebsaeng and Adam Rawnsley reported on Tuesday.

Two sources told the outlet that Trump had asked aides in 2019 to look at what the Federal Communications Commission, US courts, and the Department of Justice could do about "SNL" and other shows, like "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

Trump tweeted in March 2019 that he wanted federal agencies to investigate "SNL."

"It's truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of 'the other side,'" he

"Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this? There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia!"

The Daily Beast report is the first indication that Trump took further action on the matter.

Sources told the outlet that Trump had to be repeatedly advised that the shows are satire, meaning they're protected. They added that Trump seemed disappointed that there was no way he could legally challenge them.

This wouldn't be the first time Trump tried to use federal agencies to pursue personal vendettas while he was in office. Last week, House lawmakers released emails from December showing how the Trump White House had tried to weaponize the DOJ to overturn the 2020 election.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I miss read both of them conceded despite winning a majority popular vote.

Gore conceded after the Supreme Court declined to recount the election results in Florida.

The numbers showed that he probably won the electoral vote.

Gore didn't use the big lie to discredit our election system

But you don't care about that

rrb said...

What the alky won't admit is that there are tens of thousands of folks with advanced degrees, both professional and otherwise, who count themselves among those who believe 2020 was stolen. I count several among my circle of close friends. These are folks who watched the run-up to the election, and watched intently on election night, witnessing the steal in real time. They also watched the GA run-off and for the first time ever saw votes deducted from one candidate and awarded to another.

There is a shit-ton of legitimate skepticism out there across the nation, and if the left was so confident in the outcome, they would welcome and not fear an audit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The S&P 500 fluctuated within half a percentage point of a record on Tuesday, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite climbed to an all-time high as bitcoin staged an intraday comeback.

The blue-chip Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 20 points after posting its best day since March. The S&P 500 last traded 0.4% higher, sitting just 0.4% below its all-time high. The Nasdaq erased earlier losses and climbed 0.5% to hit a fresh intraday record.

rrb said...

Gore didn't use the big lie to discredit our election system

No. Instead he wanted to keep counting and counting and counting and counting and counting...

...until he found a result that made him the winner.

Had the dumb fuck managed to win his home state of TN he would've been president outright. But even his home state's residents thought he SUCKED.

C.H. Truth said...

What the alky won't admit is that there are tens of thousands of folks with advanced degrees, both professional and otherwise, who count themselves among those who believe 2020 was stolen.

The main problem is that certain things (like statistics) will never go away.

No amount of rhetoric and demands that auditing "the most secure election ever" will erase things like Joe Biden winning 71% of the 2.6 million mail in ballots in Pennsylvania (in spite of the known partisan breakdown suggesting he should have won over 200,000 less).

It will not erase the fact that Fulton and Gwinnett counties counted about 64,000 more ballots than they expected/reported to have had at poll closing.

There are about a half dozen very interesting statistical anomalies that have not, and probably never will be explained.

It may not prove "fraud" or anything else. But short of someone offering an actual explanation, it will make many, many people skeptical of the final results in many states.

Like it or not... the refusal to explain will not change anyone's mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows inquired about rumors that were circulating on the internet at the time but for which there was no supporting evidence.

For example, Meadows emailed Rosen a translated document from a person in Italy who claimed without evidence that he had “direct knowledge” of a plot that involved Italians changing the election results and then loading them into “military satellites.”

The pressure campaign reached its crescendo on Jan. 1, just five days before the Capitol riot and Congress' affirmation of the certified electors. On that day, Meadows emailed Justice Department leaders about the Italy conspiracy and complaints in Georgia and New Mexico, a state Trump lost by more than 10 points.

"Pure insanity," Richard Donoghue, who was the acting deputy attorney general who was appointed by Trustees

Anonymous said...

Roger, what does an up market do for your massive financial holdings?

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics sucks.

"Analysis of the wealth held by white, black, and Hispanic households points to differences in saving behavior, notably a disinclination on the part of minority households to invest in riskier, higher-yielding financial assets. This finding may account for some of the great disparities in wealth across racial and ethnic groups that cannot be explained by income and demographic factors."

Caliphate4vr said...

No. Instead he wanted to keep counting and counting and counting and counting and counting...

...until he found a result that made him the winner.

Only in certain counties

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Throughout history, smart people have believed in dictators it's human nature.

The founding fathers feared people like you. They believed that a majority of the people had the right to choose their leaders.

The Republicans fear the people.

Historically the people rejected dictators, like in the last election. Because the turnout set records in last November voted for Biden. Despite Fox news etc..

The Republicans keep believing the big lie and again they are trying to reduce turnout, by carefully crafted legislation to reduce turnout among minorities in the metropolitan areas in Georgia, and 40 other states.

There is nothing I can say, will change your mind.

If they don't prove "fraud" or anything else, the former and the big lie will never change your mind Scott.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Do you believe this?

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

Ronald Reagan

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fake news robotics team has destroyed the Republican party of Abraham Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

Yes, very true as the day he said it.

Anonymous said...

Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

— Michelle Obama"

Bidenomics sucks, as he carries out the third term of the lost years.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
Throughout history, smart people have believed in dictators it's human nature.

So according to roger he either believes in dictators or he's not very smart.

Well we know the second is true

He though the NSA sends people to the moon



the again Biden is acting like a dictator

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Christopher F. Rufo

RECAP: https://mobile.twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1407151635214700545

WINNING: The Washington Post's hitpiece against me has collapsed.

They have admitted to fabricating a timeline, retracted or added six full paragraphs, reversed a key claim, and failed to produce evidence of a falsified quotation.

Democracy dies when the media lies.


Washington Post


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I DON’T TAKE Tucker Carlson seriously. No one should. Carlson’s own employer, Fox News, even says as much about its primetime host.

So I was amused last week when a Google News alert told me that Carlson mentioned my name in his June 15 monologue. “Trevor Aaronson’s book ‘The Terror Factory’ analyzed every terrorism prosecution from 2001 to 2013,” Carlson told his viewers. “Aaronson found that at least 50 defendants were on trial because of behavior that the FBI had not only encouraged, but enabled. FBI agents were essentially the plotters in these crimes. They made the crimes crimes.”

I’ve covered the FBI for more than a decade, and a lot of my reporting has focused on the FBI’s use of informants and sting operations in the so-called war on terror. During the last two decades, the Justice Department has prosecuted 350 defendants on international terrorism charges that emerged from FBI stings. In many of these stings, informants or undercover agents provided all the money and weapons for terrorist plots, and sometimes even the ideas — raising significant questions about whether any of these people would have committed the crimes were it not for the FBI’s encouragement. Many targets of these FBI stings were mentally ill or otherwise easily manipulated.

But Carlson didn’t mention my book because he’s suddenly concerned about the entrapment of Muslims in aggressive FBI stings. He used it to support a theory for which he has zero evidence: that the January 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol was some sort of FBI-engineered plot.

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I’m in

Carlson’s claim fits an existing and well-established argument: that the FBI creates crimes through aggressive stings where no crimes would otherwise exist. But in the specific case of the insurrection at the Capitol, there is no evidence I’ve seen to support the claim. In fact, the evidence Carlson and others have presented is based on a misunderstanding of the terms that the FBI and the Justice Department use in court records.

Carlson’s theory is based on a story published by Revolver News, a site that refers to Chicago as “Chicongo” and which the Fox News host described with a straight face as “one of the last honest outlets on the internet.” The Revolver story focused, in part, on a 65-year-old Oath Keeper named Thomas Caldwell, who was indicted for his alleged role in the Capitol riot. In Caldwell’s court records, the FBI identified two unindicted co-conspirators — termed Person Two and Person Three in the records — as having assisted Caldwell. According to the indictment, Caldwell wrote to another man who was indicted, Donovan Crowl, about how he was working with Person Two and Person Three around the time of the Capitol riot:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy when 4F-Alky posts on economics, then runs from then, because he doesn't understand.

Anonymous said...

The month after month decline in existing home sales is NOT because of inventory.

Inventory has been on the rise.

The three socialist stooges of CHT are economic/fiscal fucktards.

anonymous said...

month after month decline in existing home sales is NOT because of inventory.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sure oil cracking goat fucker!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Once again catching the goat fucker making shit up......inventories are rising in afganistan, not the US!!!!!

House inventory shortage ‘dire’ with gap of millions of homes, Realtors’ report warns
Emily L. Mahoney, Tampa Bay Times
Thu, June 17, 2021, 3:34 PM·4 min read
Anyone who’s house-shopped recently knows that a historic shortage of inventory is driving the housing market to extremes — rapid-fire sales, soaring prices .

But a new report released this week by the National Association of Realtors put the dearth of homes in even starker terms.

The state of the country’s housing stock is “dire,” “with a severe lack of new construction and prolonged underinvestment leading to an acute shortage of available housing” and “an ever-worsening affordability crisis,” it reads. The gap between the demand and supply of homes is between 5.5 million and 6.8 million units because of a dramatic slowdown in new construction, according to the
e report. It was authored by Rosen Consulting Group, a real estate consulting firm based in New York and Berkeley, Calif., for the Realtors’ association.

The U.S. housing stock grew at an average rate of 1.7 percent per year from 1968 to 2000, but slowed to an average rate of 1 percent annually in the last 20 years, and even further to .7 percent in the last decade, the report says.

Meanwhile, from 1999 to 2019, the median home price in the U.S. increased by nearly 30 percent, yet the median household income rose by less than 11 percent, according to the report. Those gains don’t account for the even quicker price climbs since last year.