Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Since the Democrats believe everything they are told from the Government!

 This is quite literally from the Biden White House two weeks ago!

AUGUST 17, 2021 

MS. PSAKI: We are — there have been — how the process works, I should say — I’ll tell you — is that there are individuals who will self-identify as American citizens — that number is around 11,000. Beyond that — around the country — beyond that, though, there are individuals who may not have self-identified, who may come and request assistance and come to the airport.

Q So, just to confirm, 11,000 in the entire country, not just in Kabul?

MS. PSAKI: Well, I would just say, that’s the self-identified number, right? So — but we will continue to provide assistance. And we are prioritizing American citizens. We are also working to get additional officials out who have played an important role.

But wait?

AUGUST 30, 2021

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Monday that some 6,000 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan so far. The Biden administration is still trying to determine how many Americans are left in the country who want to leave ahead of Tuesday's self-imposed deadline to withdraw U.S. troops, Psaki said. She believes the number is small

Of course we actually left on Monday fairly early in the day after giving up and running away, so that 6000 American evacuated was not going to increase to any degree if at all. Moreover, the 11,000 figure that she provided were only those who had self identified themselves. That same day (August 17th) the White house put out a statement saying that the number of Americans could be as high as 15,000. 

So two weeks ago the White House told us that there were no less than 11,000 Americans and that there might be as many as 15,000.  Yesterday we were told that 6000 of them were evacuated. Today we are being told that only a few hundred remain?

At which point in time has the White House been lying to us? I ask our Democratic friends out there who seem to be believe EVERYTHING they are told from the Democratic White House, even the numbers that tend to make other numbers look like a lie?


rrb said...

At which point in time has the White House been lying to us?

Every fucking time, and every fucking word.

rrb said...

The Taliban executed an Afghan folk singer days after its spokesman warned inhabitants "music is forbidden in Islam."

The militant group killed Fawad Andarabi on Friday at his family's farm about 60 miles north of Kabul, according to the Associated Press. Members of the Taliban had visited the singer days before to search his home. Andarabi's son said his father played a bowed lute called a ghaychak and sang traditional songs about Afghanistan.

"He was innocent, a singer who only was entertaining people," Andarabi's son said. "They shot him in the head on the farm."

Afghanistan's former interior minister Masoud Andarabi tweeted a video on Saturday of Fawad performing, saying the Taliban "brutally killed" the folk singer, "who simply was bringing joy to this valley and its people."


Anonymous said...

C.H. TruthAugust 31, 2021 at 9:12 AM

Ch, I remember long ago when you and your wife were in Portland,

👊My wife and I have never been together in Portland👊

CHT slapped the stupid out of James, again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh how terrible. Was it Seattle then?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let’s Not Pretend That the Way We Withdrew From Afghanistan Was the Problem Aug. 26, 2021

By Ezra Klein Opinion Columnist

In 2005, two of my colleagues at The American Prospect, Sam Rosenfeld and Matt Yglesias, wrote an essay I think about often. It was called “The Incompetence Dodge,” and it argued that American policymakers and pundits routinely try to rescue the reputation of bad ideas by attributing their failure to poor execution. At the time, they were writing about the liberal hawks who were blaming the catastrophe of the Iraq war on the Bush administration’s maladministration rather than rethinking the enterprise in its totality. But the same dynamic suffuses the recriminations over the Afghanistan withdrawal.

To state the obvious: There was no good way to lose Afghanistan to the Taliban. A better withdrawal was possible — and our stingy, chaotic visa process was unforgivable — but so was a worse one. Either way, there was no hope of an end to the war that didn’t reveal our decades of folly, no matter how deeply America’s belief in its own enduring innocence demanded one. That is the reckoning that lies beneath events that are still unfolding, and much of the cable news conversation is a frenzied, bipartisan effort to avoid it.

The execution of the withdrawal is giving virtually everyone who insisted we could remake Afghanistan the opportunity to obscure their failures by pretending to believe in the possibility of a graceful departure. It’s also obscuring the true alternative to withdrawal: endless occupation.

But what our ignominious exit really reflects is the failure of America’s foreign policy establishment at both prediction and policymaking in Afghanistan.

“The pro-war crowd sees this as a mechanism by which they can absolve themselves of an accounting for the last 20 years,” Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, told me. “Just think about the epic size of this policy failure. Twenty years of training. More than $2 trillion worth of expenditure. For almost nothing. It is heartbreaking to watch these images, but it is equally heartbreaking to think about all of the effort, of lives and money we wasted in pursuit of a goal that was illusory.”

Emma Ashford, a senior fellow at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, phrased it well: “There’s no denying America is the most powerful country in the world, but what we’ve seen over and over in recent decades is we cannot turn that into the outcomes we want. Whether it’s Afghanistan or Libya or sanctions on Russia and Venezuela, we don’t get the policy outcomes we want, and I think that’s because we overreach — we assume that because we are very powerful, we can achieve things that are unachievable.”

It is worth considering some counterfactuals for how our occupation could have ended. Imagine that the Biden administration, believing the Afghan government hollow, ignored President Ashraf Ghani’s pleas and began rapidly withdrawing personnel and power months ago. The vote of no-confidence ripples through Afghan politics, demoralizing the existing government and emboldening the Taliban. Those who didn’t know which side to choose, who were waiting for a signal of who held power, quickly cut deals with the Taliban. As the last U.S. troops leave, the Taliban overwhelms the country, and the Biden administration is blamed, reasonably, for speeding their victory.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another possible scenario was suggested to me by Grant Gordon, a political scientist who works on conflict and refugee crises (and is, I should say, an old friend): If the Biden administration had pulled our allies and personnel out more efficiently, that might have unleashed the Taliban to massacre their opposition, as America and the world would have been insulated and perhaps uninterested in the aftermath. There have been revenge killings, but it has not devolved, at least as of yet, into all-out slaughter, and that may be because the American withdrawal has been messy and partial and the Taliban fears re-engagement.

“What is clearly a debacle from one angle may actually have generated restraint,” Gordon told me. “Having spent time in places like this, I think people lack a real imagination for how bad these conflicts can get.”

Let me offer one more:
Even though few believed Ghani’s government would prevail in our absence, and the Trump administration cut them out of its deal with the Taliban, there’s widespread disappointment that the government we supported collapsed so quickly. Biden has been particularly unsparing in his descriptions of the Afghan Army’s abdication, and I agree with those who say he’s been unfair, underestimating the courage and sacrifice shown by Afghan troops throughout the war. But put that aside: Americans might have felt better seeing our allies in Afghanistan put up a longer fight, even if the Taliban emerged victorious. But would a multiyear civil war have been better for the Afghans caught in the crossfire?

Brian Katulis, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, put it simply: “I think there’s a lot of cognitive dissonance, and smart people are struggling with how to rationalize defeat. Because that’s what we have here in Afghanistan — a defeat.”

I will not pretend that I know how we should have left Afghanistan. But neither do a lot of people dominating the airwaves right now. And the confident pronouncements to the contrary over the past two weeks leave me worried that America has learned little. We are still holding not just to the illusion of our control, but to the illusion of our knowledge.

This is an illusion that, for me, shattered long ago. I was a college freshman when America invaded Iraq. And, to my enduring shame, I supported it. My reasoning was straightforward: If George W. Bush and Bill Clinton and Tony Blair and Hillary Clinton and Colin Powell and, yes, Joe Biden all thought there was some profound and present danger posed by Saddam Hussein, they must have known something I didn’t.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There’s an old line: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” And so it was with the Iraq war. Bush and Clinton and Powell and Blair knew quite a bit that wasn’t true. As Robert Draper shows in his book “To Start a War: How the Bush Administration Took America Into Iraq,” they were certain Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Only he didn’t. They were also certain, based on decades of testimony from Iraqi expats, that Americans would be welcomed as liberators.

There were many lessons to be learned from the Iraq war, but this, for me, was the most central: We don’t know what we don’t know, and, even worse, we don’t always know what we think we know. Policymakers are easily fooled by people with seemingly relevant experience or credentials who will tell them what they want to hear or what they already believe. The flow of money, interests, enmities and factions is opaque to outsiders and even to insiders. We do not understand other countries well enough to remake them according to our ideals. We don’t even understand our own country well enough to achieve our ideals.

“Look at the countries in which the war on terror has been waged,” Ben Rhodes, who served as a top foreign policy adviser to President Barack Obama, told me. “Afghanistan. Iraq. Yemen. Somalia. Libya. Every one of those countries is worse off today in some fashion. The evidentiary basis for the idea that American military intervention leads inexorably to improved material circumstances is simply not there.”

I wrote a book on political polarization so I am often asked to do interviews where the point is to lament how awful polarization is. But the continuing power of the war-on-terror framework reflects the problems that come from too much bipartisanship. Too much agreement can be as toxic to a political system as too much disagreement. The alternative to polarization is often the suppression of dissenting viewpoints. If the parties agree with each other, then they have incentive to marginalize those who disagree with both of them.

At least for my adult life, on foreign policy, our political problem has been that the parties have agreed on too much, and dissenting voices have been shut out. That has allowed too much to go unquestioned, and too many failures to go uncorrected. It is telling that it is Biden who is taking the blame for America’s defeat in Afghanistan. The consequences come for those who admit America’s foreign policy failures and try to change course, not for those who instigate or perpetuate them.

Initially, the war in Afghanistan was as broadly supported and bipartisan as anything in American politics has ever been. That made it hard to question, and it has made it harder to end. The same is true of the assumptions lying beneath it, and much else in our foreign policy — that America is always a good actor; that we understand enough about the rest of the world, and about ourselves, to remake it in our image; that humanitarianism and militarism are easily grafted together.

The tragedy of humanitarian intervention as a foreign policy philosophy is that it binds our compassion to our delusions of military mastery. We awaken to the suffering of others when we fear those who rule them or hide among them, and in this way our desire for security finds union with our desire for decency. Or we awaken to the suffering of others when they face a massacre of such immediacy that we are forced to confront our passivity and to ask what inaction would mean for our souls and self-image. In both cases, we awaken with a gun in our hands, or perhaps we awaken because we have a gun in our hands.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

To many, America’s pretensions of humanitarian motivation were always suspect. There are vicious regimes America does nothing to stop. There are vicious regimes America finances directly. It is callous to suggest that the only suffering we bear responsibility for is the suffering inflicted by our withdrawal. Our wars and drone strikes and tactical raids and the resulting geopolitical chaos directly led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis.

This is the deep lacuna in America’s foreign policy conversation: The American foreign policy establishment obsesses over the harms caused by our absence or withdrawal. But there’s no similar culpability for the harms we commit or that our presence creates. We are much quicker to blame ourselves for what we don’t do than what we do.

My heart breaks for the suffering we will leave behind in Afghanistan. But we do not know how to fix Afghanistan. We failed in that effort so completely that we ended up strengthening the Taliban. We should do all we can to bring American citizens and allies home. But if we truly care about educating girls worldwide, we know how to build schools and finance education. If we truly care about protecting those who fear tyranny, we know how to issue visas and admit refugees. If we truly care about the suffering of others, there is so much we could do. Only 1 percent of the residents of poor countries are vaccinated against the coronavirus. We could change that. More than 400,000 people die from malaria each year. We could change that, too.

“I want America more forward-deployed, but I want it through a massive international financing arm and a massive renewable energy arm,” Senator Murphy told me. “That’s the United States I want to see spread across the world — not the face of America today that’s by and large arms sales, military trainers and brigades.”

The choice we face is not between isolationism and militarism. We are not powerful enough to achieve the unachievable. But we are powerful enough to do far more good, and far less harm, than we do now.

Myballs said...

Look at the self proclaimed intellectual copy paste so much of someone else's words. At least Roger and dopey post their own commentary.

The only thing James is pinning is his portrait on the donkey's ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Afghanistan doesn’t matter that anymore.

All that really matters is passing the President’s agenda over the next two months. Passing critical legislation is why you elect people in the first place. And passing big legislation builds political power.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Afghanistan doesn’t matter that anymore.

All that really matters is passing the President’s agenda over the next two months. Passing critical legislation is why you elect people in the first place. And passing big legislation builds political power.

This is why I find you to be a despicable piece of shit who needs to die a horrible death in a fucking fire.

Tell the parents and loved ones who just died for fucking NOTHING that they don't matter.

Die alky. Just fucking DIE.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

July 23 2020





Trump Just Made His 20,000th Misleading Claim as President, Says Report


Jamie Ross

News Correspondent

Updated Jul. 13, 2020 7:04AM ET Published Jul. 13, 2020 6:47AM ET 

Reuters / Kevin Lamarque

It’s almost impressive how dedicated President Trump has been to misleading the public during his time in office. According to a tally from The Washington Post, Trump made his 20,000th misleading claim as president last week. The newspaper’s Fact Checker has kept track of Trump’s dubious claims since his inauguration—and it seems that he’s lied more and more often as time has gone on. The first 10,000 misleading claims came during his first 827 days as president, which equates to a rough average of 12 claims a day. But he hit his 20,000th claim on July 9, just 440 days later, which means he’s uttered 23 unverifiable claims a day over those 14 months. The newspaper’s tally now stands at 20,055 misleading claims over 1,267 days. Fittingly, an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News helped Trump shoot over the 20,000 mark. Trump offered 62 misleading claims on July 9, around half of which were said to Hannity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In a very complex situation like the end of the 20 year war ,getting accurat numbers is fucking impossible

Trump made 20,000th lies by July 9, 2020

C.H. Truth said...

Yes Reverend...

Nice C&P in bold over several comments:

But let me make is simple for those who don't want to read it:

The article is about 30,000 words to suggest that the idea that we evacuate first and withdrawal after evacuation...

Is just way too complicated for anyone to have figured out.

Par for the course!

C.H. Truth said...

Neither the Reverend or Roger has addressed the different numbers.

Although Roger suggested that apparently knowing how many Americans we have in country that we are evacuating... Is just too complicated for this Administration to figure out.

anonymous said...

Nice Lil Schittty I see you have nothing to comment about the content which is a talent that is currently eluding you.....>BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

More interesting are the moronic citizens of shorty's state protesting Vax sites and shutting them down by threatening the workers.....And Lil Schitty will defend these assholes as they embrace his own brand of being stupid!!!! Hey Schitty, you and these white GOP ass holes are the exact deplorables that Hillary described 4 years ago.....Seems to me she was rather prescient of the current party......sad indeed!!!

Brigid Kennedy, Contributing Writer
Tue, August 31, 2021, 1:11 PM

Anti-vaccination protesters have disrupted several vaccination drives in Georgia, and even forced one to shut down, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.
Aides to Dr. Kathleen Toomey, the state's top health official, also described how public health staff "have been harassed, yelled at, threatened and demeaned by some of the very members of the public they were trying to help." In one county, protesters used social media to identify public health employees and "[harangue] them with messages of hostility and misinformation about vaccines," writes the Journal-Constitution.

A mobile event in north Georgia was canceled after an "organized group" of anti-vaxxers arrived to bother and name-call those running the drive. "Aside from feeling threatened themselves, staff realized no one would want to come to that location for a vaccination under those circumstances, so they packed up and left," said Nancy Nydam, Toomey's spokesperson.

Toomey herself said that such threats "come with the territory" of someone with her job, but "it shouldn't be happening to those nurses who are working to try to keep this state safe." Read more at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

anonymous said...

cuating... Is just too complicated for this Administration to figure out.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Not a single "liberal" (not even my wife) that I have spoken to believes that the drone attack actually successfully killed any terrorists.

Put your wife on here, Ch. I would love to talk with HER personally about that.

The reason. Because there is no actual evidence that it did. The evidence and eyewitness accounts said that the bomb hit cars and a house belonging to just a family.

So there were no secondary explosions indicating a suicide bomber's car had been hit?

Again... YOU AS A DEMOCRAT believe whatever you are told by Biden.

As an AMERICAN I tend to believe what our own military intelligence and other intelligence agencies tell us.

The liberals I know are skeptical of anything the Government tells us, especially as it pertains to military. Most liberals (true liberals) are distrustful of the military and are apt to believe that it is largely misused for our own power purposes.

So when a LIBERAL DISTRUSTS THE MILITARY and what the military says to them, it's easy for A LIBERAL to be skeptical of this situation.

A LIBERAL does not suddenly become trusting of the military and Government the second a Democrat is elected.

Indeed, as an American and a Democrat I have come to believe our military and other intelligence agencies more than I believe Trump and Putin, and that started long before Biden was elected.

That is the difference Reverend. Your trust is in Biden and Democrats. Your overall trust of foreign diplomacy, the military, etc... is fluid depending on who is in office.

If the person in office is an liar like Trump, I DO tend to believe that the party opposed to him will tell us the truth more than he will.

Those of us who are tied to a philosophy and ideals rather than politicians will simply see things differently.

Oh, your wonderful philosphy and ideals seem to have done some radical self revisions since, against your own preferences, Trump came into office.
You did not want him for president, but your philosopy and ideals sure have caved in to him shamelessly ever since he won election.

It may be literally IMPOSSIBLE for you to get past yourself and understand any of this.

Oh, I understand it all quite well, thank you.
I understand you would do well to look in the mirror as you say that. :-)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's gone forever.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott believes in Governor DeSantis, the most pathological liar on earth.

As the delta variant spreads through Florida, data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest this could be the most serious and deadly surge in COVID-19 infections since the beginning of the pandemic.

As cases ballooned in August, however, the Florida Department of Health changed the way it reported death data to the CDC, giving the appearance of a pandemic in decline, an analysis of Florida data by the Miami Herald and el Nuevo Herald found.

On Monday, Florida death data would have shown an average of 262 daily deaths reported to the CDC over the previous week had the health department used its former reporting system, the Herald analysis showed. Instead, the Monday update from Florida showed just 46 “new deaths” per day over the previous seven days.

The dramatic difference is due to a small change in the fine print. Until three weeks ago, data collected by DOH and published on the CDC website counted deaths by the date they were recorded — a common method for producing daily stats used by most states. On Aug. 10, Florida switched its methodology and, along with just a handful of other states, began to tally new deaths by the date the person died.

If you chart deaths by Florida’s new method, based on date of death, it will generally appear — even during a spike like the present — that deaths are on a recent downslope. That’s because it takes time for deaths to be evaluated and death certificates processed. When those deaths finally are tallied, they are assigned to the actual data of death — creating a spike where there once existed a downslope and moving the downslope forward in time.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Basically he said the United States needs to move into the 21st century.

WASHINGTON — President Biden on Tuesday hailed what he called the “extraordinary success” of the evacuation of Kabul as he vehemently defended his decision to end America’s war in Afghanistan, just one day after the end of a two-week rescue of 125,000 people from Kabul that saw the deaths of 13 service members.

Speaking from the Cross Hall at the White House, Mr. Biden said the nation owed a debt of gratitude to the troops who died in the evacuation mission.

“Thirteen heroes gave their lives,” he said in a speech in which he offered no apologies for either his decision to end the war or the way in which his administration executed that mission. “We owe them and their families a debt of gratitude we can never repay, but we should never, ever, ever forget.”

Mr. Biden appeared intent on forcefully rejecting criticism of the end of the 20-year war in Afghanistan, offering a defensive recounting of his decision-making and blaming former President Donald J. Trump for negotiating a bad deal with the Taliban that boxed Mr. Biden and his team in.

“That was the choice, the real choice between leaving or escalating,” Mr. Biden declared, his tone angry and defensive as he opened the first minutes of his remarks. “I was not going to extend this forever war.”

He also extraordinarily denounced his Precedent President..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Biden on Tuesday defended the U.S. evacuation effort in Afghanistan, which was capped with the Taliban taking control of the Kabul airport after the last American military flight left the country.
“The United States ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan, the longest war in American history,” Biden said at a news conference, praising the efforts to get more than 120,000 Americans and allies evacuated to safety. “And still, the women and men of the United States military, our diplomatic corps and intelligence professionals did their job and did it well, risking their lives not for professional gains but to serve others — not in a mission of war, but a mission of mercy.”
The president added, “I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit.”
“It was time to end this war,” Biden said

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

 “And still, the women and men of the United States military, our diplomatic corps and intelligence professionals did their job and did it well, risking their lives not for professional gains but to serve others — not in a mission of war, but a mission of mercy.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Biden administration believes between 100 and 200 Americans are still in Afghanistan who have "some intention to leave." The president pointed to the roughly 5,500 U.S. citizens who were airlifted out of the country in recent weeks after the Taliban took control of major cities and the capital of Kabul.

Myballs said...

While Biden was calling it a extraordinary success, the Taliban was outting out photos of them sitti,g in the cockpit of a U.S. attack helicopter. How appropriate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have no interest in Afghanistan anymore because we accomplished the goal when we killed Osama bin Laden and destroyed aquatic al Qaeda in 2008!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We can defeat terrorism without a major war!

He vowed to get it done.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden defends withdrawal from Afghanistan after end of nation's longest war: 'I was not extending a forever exit'
By Maegan Vazquez, CNN
Updated Aug 31, 2021
Washington (CNN) - President Joe Biden spoke to the nation Tuesday on the end of the war in Afghanistan, defending the chaotic withdrawal from Kabul a day after the last American military planes left the country, concluding the nation's longest war nearly 20 years after it began.
Biden, in defending a decision that has drawn scrutiny for its execution, said the real decision in Afghanistan was "between leaving and escalating," framing his choice to withdraw troops as the only option aside from surging more forces to the country.
"I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit," he said.
The US withdrawal was rocked by the Taliban's unexpectedly swift takeover of Afghanistan's capital. Snapshots of people trying to flee the Taliban by congregating outside the gates of Kabul's airport, along with images from inside American military planes filled with evacuees, were broadcast around the world. More than 150 Americans struggling to get to the airport were airlifted by helicopter off the roof of a nearby hotel. Thirteen US service members were killed in a terrorist attack last week outside the airport's gates and more than 170 other people died in the suicide blast. And on Sunday, American forces carried out a deadly defensive strike targeting a suspected ISIS-K suicide bomber who posed an "imminent" threat to the airport.
The President contended that the US military was prepared to deal with all those events, even though he himself has admitted that the US was caught off-guard by the quick collapse of the Afghan army.
"This is the way the mission was designed. It was designed to operate under severe stress and attack, and that's what it did," Biden said.
A day after leaving Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Central Command Commander Gen. Kenneth "Frank" McKenzie to speak in the hours after the final military plane left the country, Biden addressed the American people about his decision not to extend the US military presence in Afghanistan past the end of the month. Earlier on Tuesday morning, the President first met with his national security team for a briefing on Afghanistan in the Situation Room.
Biden paid tribute to the service members who were deployed to handle the withdrawal, including the 13 who died in the terrorist strike and praised their comrades who finished the mission.
"For weeks they risked their lives to get American citizens, Afghans who helped us, citizens of our allies and partners and others on board planes and out of the country. And they did it facing the crush of enormous crowds seeking to leave the country," Biden said.
The President, who faces a political reckoning for the US' handling of the withdrawal, said in a statement Monday that "it was the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs and of all of our commanders on the ground to end our airlift mission as planned." He's also argued that he thought chaos in the country was inevitable when US troops departed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Their view was that ending our military mission was the best way to protect the lives of our troops, and secure the prospects of civilian departures for those who want to leave Afghanistan in the weeks and months ahead," Biden added.
He thanked the final US forces serving in the country for executing the "dangerous retrograde from Afghanistan as scheduled," with no further loss of American lives.
While the President delivered an address to announce the initiation of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan earlier this year, the Biden administration left Monday's full withdrawal announcement to McKenzie.
The CENTCOM commander on Monday acknowledged that the US military "did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out."
"But I think if we'd stayed another 10 days, we wouldn't have gotten everybody out that we wanted to get out and there still would've been people who would've been disappointed with that. It's a tough situation," he added.
As of Monday, more than 122,000 people had been airlifted from Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul since July, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, including 5,400 Americans.
And in the 24 hours leading up to Monday morning, 26 military C-17 aircraft lifted off from Kabul carrying 1,200 evacuees, according to Gen. Hank Taylor, the deputy director of the Joint Staff for Regional Operations. In total, 28 flights departed from Kabul airport in that 24-hour window, Taylor said.
A senior State Department official said the department believes there are fewer than 250 American citizens currently in Afghanistan -- and Blinken said Monday that number may be closer to 100 -- who may wish to leave, as US officials stressed a Taliban commitment to let Afghans leave the country after the US and allies left. The State Department official put the number of American citizens who have left the country through evacuation flights or other means closer to 6,000.
"We're trying to determine exactly how many. We're going through manifests and calling and texting through our lists," Blinken said in remarks at the State Department.
The State Department no longer has any diplomats in Afghanistan and has moved its diplomatic mission in the country to Doha, Qatar, Blnken said. He added that the diminished US presence in Afghanistan is not necessarily the end of US commitment there.
The top US diplomat noted that there are residents of Afghanistan who have US passports who are trying to determine if they should leave.
"Our commitment to them, and to all Americans in Afghanistan, and everywhere in the world, continues," Blinken said.
Biden has said he intends to hold the Taliban accountable to their commitment that those seeking to leave the country will be able to do so safely.
On Monday, White House officials said the President is continuing the hunt for terrorists in Afghanistan, telling his military commanders to "stop at nothing" to avenge the deaths of the 13 US service members at Kabul airport.
The US also carried out a defensive airstrike on Sunday targeting a suspected car bomb headed to the airport. The strike killed nine members of one family, including six children, according to a relative of those killed who spoke to a local journalist working with CNN.
This is a breaking story and will be updated.
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All Rights Reserved.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden, in defending a decision that has drawn scrutiny for its execution, said the real decision in Afghanistan was "between leaving and escalating," framing his choice to withdraw troops as the only option aside from surging more forces to the country.
"I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit," he said.
The US withdrawal was rocked by the Taliban's unexpectedly swift takeover of Afghanistan's capital

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is convicted that he made the right decision. Like it or not.

rrb said...

Thirteen years ago, Afghan interpreter Mohammed helped rescue then-Sen. Joe Biden and two other senators stranded in a remote Afghanistan valley after their helicopter was forced to land in a snowstorm. Now, Mohammed is asking President Biden to save him.

“Hello Mr. President: Save me and my family,” Mohammed, who asked not to use his full name while in hiding, told The Wall Street Journal as the last Americans flew out of Kabul on Monday. “Don’t forget me here.”

Mohammed, his wife, and their four children are hiding from the Taliban after his yearslong attempt to get out of Afghanistan got tangled in the bureaucracy. They are among countless Afghan allies who were left behind when the U.S. ended its 20-year military campaign in Afghanistan on Monday.

Mohammed was a 36-year-old interpreter for the U.S. Army in 2008 when two U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopters made an emergency landing in Afghanistan during a blinding snowstorm, according to Army veterans who worked with him at the time. On board were three U.S. senators: Mr. Biden, the Delaware Democrat, John Kerry, (D., Mass.) and Chuck Hagel, (R., Neb.).


Biden's response?


Myballs said...

He's convicted...

Lol. Freudian slip.

rrb said...


Slow Joe says 90% of the Americans who wanted out got out.

He also says 5500 Americans got out.

10% of 5500 is 550. not 100-200.

Doesn't anyone vet the lies or are there just too many to keep up with?

Or is it that they just don't fucking care?

Myballs said...

Biden told Stephanopoulos we would stay until we got all us citizens out. He lied to the nation and the world. This is far from a big success. He's giving us all bullshit.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

He is convicted that he made the right decision. Like it or not.

I agree alky.

Biden should be CONVICTED. And then sitting in a cell awaiting execution.

rrb said...

He's giving us all bullshit.

I just wish he'd knock it off with the references to his dead kid. He acts like the clown saw action. He sat in air conditioning prosecuting kids busted for DUI when they left base. The shit that happens every weekend up in Watertown at Fort Drum.

Next he'll be sharing stories of Hunter banging the skank widow.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend let me just provide an overall assessment of what you are arguing here.

First and foremost, this situation (in terms of trusting the military) is entirely different than most. The reason is that I was watching the news (flipping back and forth between CNN and FOX) and reading international news organization right after this explosion took place and long before the US took credit for it.

So what I got at that point in time was unfiltered on the scene information that was provided without any knowledge of who dropped the bomb or why it was dropped. But what was being stated and opined was that the nature (in a civilian area and landing on a house) suggested terror attack.

They were showing footage of the smoke, overhead views of the building in question along with maps and such showing exactly where the point of impact appeared to be.

And here is the key... and read this very carefully

The original story would have been unfiltered. No reason to say anything but the actual factual truth. They stated it was one explosion at the time and that it hit a house. They based this on what THEY SAW as it was happening. There was NOT A SINGLE REPORT of secondary explosions at the time.

Don't you believe that if there had been SECONDARY EXPLOSIONS that this is what the press (from CNN to FOX to BBC to everyone) would have reported that morning as it took place and they were monitoring it?

Only later... much, much later did we hear of a secondary explosions and then NONE OF THAT CAME FROM ON THE GROUND OR FROM WITNESSES - it came from our own Press Secretaries who were explaining our situation.

I find it incredibly hard to believe that reporters and such at the scene would have mistaken a vehicle being hit, which then would cause secondary explosions.... with a missile that hit a residential building.

So when I say there was no evidence to suggest that we hit a vehicle full of explosives I say that based on the fact I was watching at the time the explosions were being reported and at the time that they were talking to local officials and local eyewitnesses.

Do you honestly think that all of these eyewitnesses and local officials were in some sort of conspiracy to undermine the true story of a vehicle traveling to the Airport being hit?


Secondly... you are old enough to remember the liberals of the 60s and 70s just like I am. You know as well as I do that they would not for second supported the idea of the United States bombing residential areas of a foreign company, especially when it hit and killed civilians. They would have been hopping mad and probably held a sit down protest vigil for the deceased and against our military.

Don't pretend that suddenly the flower children became pro-military the day Jimmy Carter was elected.

anonymous said...

Hey Lil Schitty ....the 4:10 post is the biggest piece of guano and opinion you have ever preferred.....Speaking for others and lying seem most deceitful for your own inadequacies.....The Pastor is very consistent in his messaging and stands....you on the other hand go where the trump wind takes you no matter what.....sorry sport, if you spent as much time thinking instead of making shit up like conspiracies.....you would be a lot better off!!!!! And the rest of you idiots screaming about %'s and lies are more than amusing!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Allahpundit has a nice summary of bidens speech

This was a big success and it's Trump's fault

Only a partisan idiot would believe the shit he is pushing.

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics Suck

"Consumer confidence index
Aug. 113.8 ⬇️"

Down from 125.1 July, .. down goes Roger/James predictions

Caliphate4vr said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
He's convicted...

Lol. Freudian slip.

Kind of like this

Blogger Roger Amick said...
We have no interest in Afghanistan anymore because we accomplished the goal when we killed Osama bin Laden and destroyed aquatic al Qaeda in 2008

AQ has a navy, who knew. I’d bet the Cajun navy could’ve beat them

Anonymous said...

Roger , knows nothing, predicted "5% growth".

Pending home sales June -1.9% ⬇️
Pending home sales July -1.8%⬇️

-3.7 % vs Roger's "5 % growth".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jim Crow just got back

AUSTIN, Texas — (AP) — The Texas Legislature sent a sweeping rewrite of the state’s election laws to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday, dealing a bruising defeat for Democrats after a monthslong, bitter fight over voting rights.

Abbott has said he will sign the changes into law, which could happen in the coming days.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! The goat fucker comparing apples to oranges like the dumb fuck he keeps proving to be!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

- it came from our own Press Secretaries who were explaining our situation that you don't believe because you have been gaslighted

Authoritarian parties convince people that they can't trust the police, the and spokesman the intelligence agencies and again the FBI and every other governmental organization. Then they put puppets in powerful positions.

Like Joseph Goebbels.

Bill Barr eventually refused Trump's demands on calling the election was stolen by the Democrats.

People like you gave Hitler a many others in history.

Democracies are fragile but our founding fathers feared that and, unfortunately in the electoral college system, gave the state legislatures the authority to determine whether or not to accept the request of the election.

Plus what happened today in Texas has passed the bill to reduce turnout among minority voters.

The current Republican party is a a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

Anonymous said...

No Denny, Apples to Apples.

Anonymous said...

Roger , knows nothing, predicted "5% growth".

Pending home sales June -1.9% ⬇️
Pending home sales July -1.8%⬇️

-3.7 % vs Roger's "5 % growth"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even bigger news.

An alarming new Supreme Court case could unravel Roe v. Wade as soon as tonight

Ian Millhiser


3 hours ago

Trump-appointed Supreme Court justices include Amy Coney Barrett (pictured), Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh. | Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

And the loss of abortion rights may not even be the most alarming aspect of this case.

Last May, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed a state law that effectively bans abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy — sooner than many people learn they are pregnant. This law violates Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), which protects “the right of the woman to choose to have an abortion before viability and to obtain it without undue interference from the state. But it will nonetheless take effect on Wednesday unless a court blocks it.

In one sense, the fight over Texas’s anti-abortion law, known as SB 8, is familiar. A Republican-led state enacted a restriction on abortion that violates existing Supreme Court precedents

If the Supreme Court decision is based upon precedent going back to the day the Constitution was approved by the original 13 states.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Roger continues to fist himself.

C.H. Truth said...

- it came from our own Press Secretaries who were explaining our situation that you don't believe because you have been gaslighted

Roger... not listening to a press secretary when they say something that is in direct contrast to what you saw happening...

Is pretty much the opposite of being gaslighted.

By nature, you can only be gaslighted "manipulated" by other people. You cannot gaslight yourself.

My opinion that there is no direct evidence that what they say is true is based entirely on what I saw being reported as it took place. The events as they originally happened will never actually change. Only the manner in which we redefine or even rewrite them do.

rrb said...

People like you gave Hitler a many others in history.

Nice word salad alky.

I'll have the French dressing this evening, please and thank you.

And alky - a pro tip:

Stick to straight plagiarism. When you steal someone else's shit and paraphrase it into one of your infamous gibberish word salads...

A) it's obvious


B) it makes you look like even MORE of an imbecile.

rrb said...

How embarrassing, Winken, Blinken, and Nod being ordered around by fucking stone age ragheads...

Taliban demand US diplomats return to Kabul


The humiliation continues as they make Slow Joe their BITCH.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I actually watched the video provided by not the President but NBC news

You believe that MSM is a Democratic hoax. Gaslighted forever

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Wall Street RINO according to rrb

WASHINGTON—President Biden vigorously defended the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, saying his administration had evacuated the vast majority of Americans who wanted to leave the country and would refrain from future military action that lacked “clear achievable goals.”

“I was not going to extend this forever war, and I was not extending a forever exit,” Mr. Biden said in a speech from the White House.

Mr. Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been widely criticized by Republicans and some members of his own party. On Tuesday, he emphatically argued that it was the right decision and called the evacuations of Americans an “extraordinary success.”

The president addressed the nation a day after the final plane carrying American troops departed Afghanistan, formally marking the end of the nation’s longest war. The president said his administration would continue to help Americans exit the country, saying 100 to 200 of them remained after more than 5,500 Americans had gotten out before the withdrawal ended.

After campaigning on completing the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Mr. Biden and top administration officials have been confronted by images of chaos as Afghans seek to flee the country and the deaths of 13 service members and dozens of Afghans in a terrorist attack attributed to ISIS-K at the Kabul airport.

Republicans were divided on continuing the U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan, but many say the administration’s handling of the withdrawal undermines the president’s promise to provide competent leadership and serve as a steady hand on foreign policy.

 Joe Biden had exactly one advantage on foreign policy and that was a promise of stability and predictability.  and proved the Republican wrong again and again and

C.H. Truth said...


Were you watching the news when the attack took place and prior to the United States claiming responsibility?

A simple yes or no will do. Had you been watching (as I was) you would have not believed at that time that this was a drone attack on terrorists. You would have believed it was a rocket that hit a house because that is exactly what the pictures showed, that is exactly what we saw from the sky, and exactly what people on the ground said happened.

There was smoke and in almost the direct center of it was a house that was completely destroyed.

but hey... not going to convince you of anything.

You are smarter and younger looking and tougher and better informed than everyone else here about everything that takes place... at least in your own mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

People like you gave Hitler power and many others in history.

There is a Series about Hitler and Mussolini and many others and how they gained power over the existing institutions like the FBI when he fired the director.

The current Republican party is a a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is for kputz


Caliphate4vr said...

The aquatic Al Qaeda is a a clear and present danger to the United States of America.

Fixed your word salad for you Alky

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have no interest in Afghanistan anymore because we accomplished the goal when we killed Osama bin Laden and destroyed al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 2008!

It still exists but not in Afghanistan because President Obama ordered the attack on al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden who's ashes are in the Indian Ocean.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am younger looking and tougher and better informed than most of them here.

You are better educated than me.

But that doesn't matter.

Caliphate4vr said...

So AQ doesn’t have a navy after all?


Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
I am younger looking and tougher and better informed than most of them here

Well that’s something to be proud of. YOU’RE ONLY 70 AND LIVING IN AN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY

Who’s your competition a Nonagenarian?

You’re a big man


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott if the Taliban government actually becomes a stable government, this will happen again and again.

“Less than 24 hours before the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban stopped a bus headed for the Kabul airport and forced all the passengers off, saying the bus might be rigged with explosives and had two possible suicide attackers on board, according to the account of a U.S. citizen who was on the bus,” NBC News reports.

They actually stopped a terrorist attack.

If Afghanistan becomes a fairly stable country. The decision to end the longest war in history. Will look great.

Caliphate4vr said...

Less than 24 hours before the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban stopped a bus headed for the Kabul airport and forced all the passengers off, saying the bus might be rigged with explosives and had two possible suicide attackers on board, according to the account of a U.S. citizen who was on the bus,” NBC News reports.

They actually stopped a terrorist attack.

Let that sink in for all the delusional people out there, Alky already gives them credit for stopping a terrorist attack. Have you found the names of terrorist we zapped Sunday yet? All I have seen are kids, swallow more pablum

C.H. Truth said...

We have no interest in Afghanistan anymore because we accomplished the goal when we killed Osama bin Laden and destroyed al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 2008!

Al-Qaeda return: Bin Laden's ex-aide returns to Afghanistan hours after US troops exit


Redstate Detective said...

The Prez was supposed to speak to the unwashed masses about how great this operation went, and originally it was set for 1:30 pm

Then was pushed back until 2:45, and then everyone was given a pager and told they would be alerted when Joe was “ready” to face the cameras, and not take any questions.

I know I can hear those people that are screaming that ALL PRESIDENTS are late. That is true, but I would add two caveats. Not this often, and not this late.

There is always something that can delay a president from meeting a deadline of any kind. Yet, this White House is putting on a show of how to keep the press waiting around, while Joe has one last bite of that ice cream they gave him, being he ate all his veggies. At least we can be pretty sure he is not being delayed like President Clinton was alleged that one time, while Yassar Arafat was waiting in the Rose Garden, being Dr. Jill would not be allowing any of that nonsense.

So, what is the real reason that Joe is becoming tardier and tardier?

The easy answer is that Joe is obviously slipping.

Yet, for those of us that have watched politics on a national level for years know about Joe Biden and his Tourette’s-like outbursts of anger, and making outrageous statements, is par the course. Adding that all of a sudden he is late more often because he has all the responsibilities of being president, and I guess it is plausible.

Yet, I think it is more than that.

I know the popular theory is that he is suffering from dementia, and they are prepping him for hours beforehand. I know people who have that dreaded disease, and I sure as hell would like to know how they get someone with that condition to function enough to answer questions badly by the mostly toothless White House Press Corps. Also if that were the case, there are a bunch of people that would be covering that up and will need to go to jail for covering that up.

Probably most everyone in the West Wing, and that type of scandal would make Watergate look like a church picnic.

I’m just going to punt for now and say that maybe Joe is hanging with his baby boy Hunter, and they are playing video games, and they can never time the end of the game with starting the press event on time.

We have all been there, I bet.

Caliphate4vr said...

know the popular theory is that he is suffering from dementia, and they are prepping him for hours beforehand. I know people who have that dreaded disease, and I sure as hell would like to know how they get someone with that condition to function enough to answer questions badly by the mostly toothless White House Press Corps. Also if that were the case, there are a bunch of people that would be covering that up and will need to go to jail for covering that up.


College Sports Nation this is how pathetic and desperate your pathetic life is


Redstate Detective said...

The fake news said the Taliban work with Sleepy Joe to get a person who doesn't exist was protected from the ISIS-K branch of the Taliban helped actual terrorists into our country so they can kill us!

Less than 24 hours before the U.S. completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban stopped a bus headed for the Kabul airport and forced all the passengers off, saying the bus might be rigged with explosives and that it had two possible suicide attackers on board, according to the account of a U.S. citizen who was on the bus.

The U.S. citizen, whose name NBC News is withholding for security reasons, was on the bus with his six daughters Sunday when Taliban fighters stopped it at the Panjsher Pumping Station just outside the airport, two people familiar with the account said. The Taliban told everyone to get off.

The government spokesman said that and again the fake news NBC traitors who should be investigated for treason !

Two people "familiar" are government liars.

Redstate Detective said...

The Biden administration has kidnapped United States Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) is reportedly missing in Afghanistan.?????

This appears to have been confirmed by the Washington Post.

Why was Mullin in Afghanistan?

The Republican Congressman was dismayed at Biden’s inability to rescue Americans and our allies.

The Taliban will execute a Republican for Sleepy Joe Biden and Kamala Cumalot !

Redstate Detective said...

Not one official has a name for the fake news cnn con job

The US military negotiated a secret arrangement with the Taliban that resulted in members of the militant group escorting clusters of Americans???? to the gates of the Kabul airport as they sought to escape Afghanistan, two defense officials????? told CNN.

One of the officials????? also revealed that US special operations forces set up a "secret gate"???? at the airport and established "call centers" to guide Americans through the evacuation process.