Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Is this really appropriate in school?

School Superintendent Defends Gay Porno Book as Art When Mother Finds It Displayed Prominently In Son's School
The Superintendent of North Kingstown High School in Rhode Island seems to believe that displays of gay sex in a children’s book are akin to DaVinci or Michaelangelo, or at least that’s what he told one concerned mother who discovered a book filled with sexually explicit drawings displayed in the school where it could be seen prominently. As first reported by The Federalist, one mother reported the school to the police for advertising a gay pornography book meant for children and young adults titled “Gender Queer: A Memoir.” As Erika Sanzi pointed out on her Substack blog, the book contains images of graphic scenes of gay sex and oral sex as well as a girl encouraged to “taste” herself by her own siblings. While we will not post the images here, you can click on the link to the substack blog to see them yourself.
I have read both works, and I feel it is important to see these images and quotations in context of the full text. Gender Queer is available in our library, is intended for a teenage and young adult audience, and in my opinion would be considered a valuable resource for someone who is working through issues of sexual identity and/or identifying as transgender. I do not consider the book to be pornographic. With pornography there is an intent stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. It is the reason images of in a Playboy magazine would be considered pornographic, but a statue from Michaelangelo, sexual images in an anatomy textbook, or sexual references in health class discussion or in many works of literature would not.

Now I am no prude. Have no problem with our children being exposed to adult content that might be sexual in nature. But not sure that pictures of sexual acts as a means to understanding gay sexuality is any more or less necessary than providing pictures of heterosexual sex acts in order to teach someone about heterosexual relationships. We can teach children about the variety of sexuality without actually showing pictures of people engaging in the acts.

But it just seems like some people cannot leave well enough alone. They just need to constantly push every envelope and rattle whatever feathers they can to prove some sort of point. As if being a major asswipe who pisses all sorts of people off is considered to be a positive trait in some circles. Of course, this is the person who will run to the press and become all enraged if they experience any negative comments from anyone. People are harassing me! Make is stop! 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have become part of the OK culture.

Here’s how it works: Do you have a sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic or fat-shaming thought? Are you smart enough to know you shouldn’t say it in public but want to say it anyway? Are you a powerful and successful person? If so, just make your mean remark or crass joke to a select group who hold similar views or at least wouldn’t dare challenge yours. Don’t worry. It’s OK!

It's ok to call it the Chinese virus.

It's ok to say that they are murders and rapists.

It is ok to call anyone who dares to disagree is a RINO.

It is ok to invade the Capitol building and stop counting the electoral college votes.

It's ok to call Doctor Fauci a traitor.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It is ok to call a pastor a pedophile.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

‘Cancel Culture’ Isn’t the Problem. ‘OK Culture’ Is.

Myballs said...

Can I play?

It's ok to cause a billion dollars in damage and call it peaceful activism.

It's ok to attack and assault someone just for wearing a maga hat.

It's ok to harrass a U.S. Senator in a bathroom for being too moderate and not towing the liberal line.

It's ok to categorize all whites as racist so long as it's framed as a school curriculum.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cancel culture is

They’re inventing a problem to whip up a culture war that they’re convinced will redound to their benefit. Worried that their party can’t retain or wrest power with its positions on the economy and prescriptions (or lack thereof) for health care, they’re fighting on other turf, with no pause to contemplate the need for their offensives and no thought for the casualties.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's ok to cause a billion dollars in damage to compare them to the January 6th attacks is cancel culture. 1967 again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nobody is categorizes all whites as racist.

The cancel culture created propaganda Breitbart news robotics team etc..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's ok to attack and assault someone just for wearing a maga hat. No

It's ok to harrass a U.S. Senator in a bathroom for being too moderate and not towing the liberal line. No

rrb said...

This shit is child porn straight up. Those who advocate for this shit belong in prison and registered as Level III sexual offenders for life.

Personally I'd like to see the piece(s) of shit responsible for this beaten to death with a fucking claw hammer.

rrb said...

But explicit gay porn books made available to elementary school kids is "educational."

A news station in Washington state has exposed itself to possible fines after broadcasting a short clip of pornography during its evening news broadcast.

The pornographic content was broadcast during the 6 p.m. Sunday newscast on CBS affiliate KREM 2. As the hosts offered a weather update, a short clip of a woman's rear appeared on a visual display behind meteorologist Michelle Boss. The clip was only 13 seconds long, but the sudden appearance of explicit content was difficult for viewers to ignore.

"Around 6:30 PM on Sunday, the [Spokane Police Department] began to receive calls regarding what was described as a pornographic or explicit image appearing during a television weather forecast." the police said in a press release.

The department said it would investigate how the image appeared, and the station is cooperating fully with the police.

“We apologized to our viewers last night during our 11 p.m. newscast," said Anne Bentley, vice president and chief communications officer at TEGNA, KREM's parent company, in an email to the Spokesman-Review. "Those of us here at KREM 2 want to apologize for something that happened in our 6 p.m. newscast tonight. An inappropriate video aired in the first part of the show. We are diligently working to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again."

KREM 2 could face fines from the Federal Communications Commission for broadcasting obscene content over the airwaves. A Virginia news station faced similar charges in 2015 after it accidentally broadcast sexually explicit content on the evening news.

rrb said...

CRT = Marxism, straight from the horses ass:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your favorite No cultist hero is him!

Jim Jordan explodes with anger after Dem chairman challenges him to say 'election was not stolen'

David Edwards

October 20, 2021

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Wednesday refused to say that the 2020 election was "not stolen" by President Joe Biden.

At a House Rules Committee hearing, Chairman James McGovern (D-MA) noted that Jordan had first refused to say "the election was not stolen" when he appeared before the committee earlier this year.

"Can you say those five words today?" McGovern asked Jordan.

"I'll give you the same answer," Jordan replied. "I never said it was. I said we should investigate it.NO I said on January 6th when the electoral votes were counted that Joe Biden is the president of the United States."

McGovern tried to speak but Jordan talked over him.

"The real question is why don't you guys want to investigate what happened?" Jordan ranted.

"You're still unwilling to say those five simple words," McGovern noted. "I think that's incredibly important. You know, pushing debunked conspiracy theories and adding fuel to the fire."

"I'm not pushing any conspiracy theories!" NO Jordan objected. "Your obsession with five words seems pretty ridiculous to me."NO

"I'm not trying to whitewash anything," the Ohio Republican later insisted. "Republicans have been consistent. We have condemned violence every stinking time it happened. We condemned it on January 6th. And 600 people are being prosecuted and held accountable for what they did wrong as well they should be."

Jordan went on to accuse Democrats of not condemning the violence that occurred in the aftermath of George Floyd's death in 2020.NO NO NO

"I am so sick of the double standard!" he exclaimed.NO NO

"I condemn violence where it may occur," McGovern pointed out. "You can yell and scream as much as you want."

"No, I'm not yelling and screaming," Jordan interrupted. "I'm reflecting where the American people are. They've had it with the double standard. You're allowed to object; we're not!"NO NO we can say anything an NO MATTER

"You can object," McGovern replied. "The issue is what transpired that day."

"We had nothing to do with that!" Jordan gasped.

"We'll see," McGovern replied. "But after all this time, still, you cannot say those five words that the election was not stolen." NO NO NO NO NO

rrb said...

Lispy David Cornhole from Mommy Jones says Manchin is leaving the democrat party.


Cornhole had been quiet for a while, or so it seemed. Time for a whopping dose of fake news, I guess.

rrb said...

It's ok to say that they are murders and rapists.

It is when it's fucking TRUE.

EXCLUSIVE: The man who allegedly raped a woman in front of passengers on a Philadelphia area-train already has a criminal record and had overstayed his student visa – but was protected from deportation by the immigration system.

Tucker Carlson Tonight has confirmed that Fiston Ngoy, who was arrested last week for allegedly raping the woman in a brutal attack on a SEPTA train in front of other passengers, came to the U.S. legally in 2012 on a student visa.

However, the 35-year-old Congolese national's visa was terminated in 2015 because he failed to remain a student.

Meanwhile, court records show that he racked up "multiple arrests and two misdemeanor convictions, one for controlled substances and one for sexual abuse." Ngoy pled guilty in 2017 in Washington D.C. to the sexual abuse misdemeanor and was sentenced to 120 days in prison and nine months probation.

He was put in immigration detention in Jan. 2018. However, he was never deported because he received a "withholding of removal" from an immigration judge in March 2019 after the Board of Immigration Appeals found that his misdemeanor sex offense was not a "serious crime" that would have made him ineligible for such a stay.

As a result, Ngoy was released and only had to report into Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under an order of supervision (OSUP). The Department of Homeland Security says OSUPs involve conditions being placed on those who have been temporarily released from custody, typically involving regular check ins.

Anonymous said...

rrb October 20, 2021 at 7:58 AM


The alky had to go incog-nitwit"

Kicked a mudehole in Roger sissy boi ass, again.

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Roger...

How is the stock market doing today. I haven't seen you bring it up for like ten minutes now?

Anonymous said...

Lets go Brandon.
Policies of forseen failure matter.

"EIA reports an unexpected weekly decline in U.S. crude supplies

Published: Oct. 20, 2021 at 10:40 a.m. ET


Myra P. Saefong

The Energy Information Administration reported on Wednesday that U.S. crude inventories fell for the first time in four weeks, down by 400,000 barrels for the week ended Oct. 15. That compared with an average 2 million-barrel climb expected by analysts polled by S&P Global Platts. The American Petroleum Institute on Tuesday reported a 3.3 million-barrel increase, according to sources. The EIA also reported weekly inventory declines of 5.4 million barrels for gasoline and 3.9 million barrels for distillates. The S&P Global Platts survey had forecast supply declines of 2.2 million barrels for gasoline and 2.4 million barrels..."

Good thing Roger and James drives electric vehicles.

Anonymous said...

Coal usage is Up 22%.

Let's go Brandon.

C.H. Truth said...

Good thing Roger and James drives electric vehicles.

Not sure either can afford a vehicle.

Commonsense said...

Lispy David Cornhole from Mommy Jones says Manchin is leaving the democrat party.

Assuming he's not lying and there is no independent confirmation that Manchin is leaving the Democrats then he'll likely turn independent and organize with the Republicans. This will make the senate Republican by 51 to 49. (I imagine him and Mitch would have some heart to heart talks if this were to happen.)

Packing the court will be off the table.
So will the Democrats right to cheat bill.
And the filibuster will stay in tact for awhile.

And the 1.2 trillion infrastructure bill may get a list of projects associated with it. One is the new Washington/Baltimore tunnel to replace the current 149 year structure. Another am-track tunnel under New York.

Anonymous said...

Traitor Joe chokes off Natural Gas Supply causing Electricity Generators that can to burn more coal up 22%.

He is unfit.

Anonymous said...

"C.H. TruthOctober 20, 2021 at 2:53 PM

Good thing Roger and James drives electric vehicles."

Roger said he was on the verge of spending $80,000 for a Audi A8.

Surely , he shifted that purchase to a domestically produced EV.

Obama promised to buy one, he never did.

Commonsense said...

It's ok to call it the Chinese virus.

Well it is the Chinese virus, specifically the Chinese Communist virus since it escape from their lab.

Commonsense said...

Jim Jordan explodes with anger after Dem chairman challenges him to say 'election was not stolen'

I would too if I was insulted like that. I would replay by asking how many ballot boxes he stuff to get this job.

Anonymous said...

Damn , crushed Alky.

"CommonsenseOctober 20, 2021 at 3:12 PM

It's ok to call it the Chinese virus.

Well it is the Chinese virus, specifically the Chinese Communist virus since it escape from their lab."

James's Fucking Daddy said...

C.H. Truth said...
Hey Roger...

How is the stock market doing today. I haven't seen you bring it up for like ten minutes now?

Maybe roger finally figured out that he was rooting for the billionaires and greater income inequality ?

And it wasn't helping him out at all ?

nah. he's not that bright

probably just taking some more nap time in his 24/7 bed

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jim Jordan explodes with anger after Dem chairman challenges him to say 'election was not stolen'

yawn, quite the "explosion"


Anonymous said...

😂A stunning 58 percent of voters say His Fraudulency Joe Biden is not up to the job of being president.

Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1,000 likely voters and asked, “How confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States?”😃

Anonymous said...

Roger, James and Dennis are Economic retards.
"Transitory Inflation", nope, never was.

"Businesses are telling Federal Reserve officials that inflationary pressures are pushing up their costs and raising consumer prices, the Federal Reserve said in a report Wednesday.

“Most Districts reported significantly elevated prices, fueled by rising demand for goods and raw materials. Reports of input cost increases were widespread across industry sectors, driven by product scarcity resulting from supply chain bottlenecks,” the Fed said in its October Beige Book, an occasional compilation of reports from the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks about what they are hearing from local businesses."

anonymous said...

ut that he was rooting for the billionaires and greater income inequality ?


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

Rachel Levine says she'll "follow the science."

That's all. That's the tweet.

He said, she said

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped to a record on Wednesday as investor sentiment was boosted by better-than-expected earnings reports and a new record for bitcoin.

The Dow gained 152.03 points, or 0.4%, to about 35,609.34, touching an all-time high of 35,669.69 earlier in the session. While it surpassed its high from August on an intraday basis, the 30-stock average was 0.1% from its record close.

The S&P 500 added 16.56 points, or 0.3%, to 4,536.19 and was less than 0.2% from its own record. The Nasdaq Composite retreated 0.05% to 15,121.68.

The market climbed a wall of worries over the last two months. Fears over the delta Covid surge, supply chain hiccups, a China property crisis, the Federal Reserve signaling the removal of stimulus and surging inflation reports rattled investors. But the Dow’s pullback from records was not that severe, reaching about 5% at its lowest closing point.

Dow retakes record


Line chart with 399 data points.

The chart has 1 X axis displaying Time. Range: 2021-08-02 09:30:00 to 2021-10-20 15:30:00.

The chart has 1 Y axis displaying values. Range: 33500 to 36000.

Aug 23Sep 20Oct 1833 50034 00034 50035 00035 50036

End of interactive chart.

Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA, said the market was continuing its rally from last week, which he said started with a weaker-than-expected producer prices reading and better-than-expected bank earnings.

“That kicked off this rally,” Stovall said. “I think it’s a combination of earnings. It is month-over-month changes in inflation that looks like it is peaking out
and the effect of the Covid variant is slowing down.”

Stovall pointed out that the S&P 500 could also hit a record high soon, which would be a bullish sign for the market going forward.

anonymous said...

The only person Jim Jordan embarrasses is himself with his glib comments on the election....Yeah, he may have said Biden was POTUS, he certainly worms away his credibility by refusing to say the election was not stolen....Probably likes looking at naked boys too!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA, said the market was continuing its rally from last week, which he said started with a weaker-than-expected producer prices reading and better-than-expected bank earnings.
“That kicked off this rally,” Stovall said. “I think it’s a combination of earnings. It is month-over-month changes in inflation that looks like it is peaking out
 and the effect of the Covid variant is slowing down.”

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Benjamin Weingarten

OSHA doesn't want to discourage people from getting vaccinated, so it's just going to bar the reporting of adverse reactions? This is so outrageous

NEW - The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require employers to record worker side effects from #COVID19 vaccination.

report no evil, see no evil

plus who is going to be liable for these ???

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Exactly what James Bond and I said before.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

Isnt it a false medical claim when someone who is fully vaccinated says their COVID symptoms would be worse if they werent vaccinated?

Ya know... since there's absolutely no scientific way to prove that for an individual case.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dow jumps to a new all-time high, S&P 500 notches 6-day win streak

James's Fucking Daddy said...

DISASTER: Biden Hits New Low of 28 Percent Approval by Independents in New Quinnipiac Poll

Joe Biden’s approval rating hit a new low of 37 percent in the Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday, down from 38 percent two weeks ago. Biden’s disapproval is at 52 percent, down from 53 percent two weeks ago. But the big news from the poll is Biden’s approval among independents has plummeted to 28 percent, down from 32 percent two weeks ago.

Great News for Biden is that it can't get much lower.

That would be Zero for those math challenged

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Brian Stelter LOSES in ratings to reruns of The Golden Girls, Spongebob, Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol as Americans switch off fake news CNN

This past week, Reliable Sources marked its lowest-rated week of the year in the key 25-54 demo with only 85,000 viewers in this category

And now they are going to have an "invitation only" town hall over at CNN with a demented old man

desperate meet desperate

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Trump: Make America Great Again!

Biden: Lower Your Expectations!

rrb said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Hey Roger...

How is the stock market doing today. I haven't seen you bring it up for like ten minutes now?

It's always cute to watch an economic illiterate comment on the stock market. Especially when they find a favorable quote to share with no fucking idea what the analyst is saying.

rrb said...

you won't find the alky crowing about THIS:

Carl Icahn says the market over the long run will certainly ‘hit the wall’ because of money printing


“In the long run we are certainly going to hit the wall,” Icahn said Monday on CNBC’s “Fast Money Halftime Report.” “I really think there will be a crisis the way we are going, the way we are printing money, the way we are going into inflation. If you look around you, you see inflation all around you and I don’t know how you deal with that in the long term.”

The Federal Reserve and Congress have unleased trillions of dollars in stimulus to rescue the economy from the Covid-19 pandemic. The central bank’s balance sheet swelled by more than $3 trillion amid its open-ended quantitative easing program, while the government has allocated over $5 trillion in stimulus to support Americans through the health crisis.

Icahn was adamant about not making a market timing call, but he believes one day over the long term the markets will pay the price for these policies.

On the back of these unprecedented stimulus programs, the S&P 500 has rapidly wiped out the pandemic-induced losses and rebounded to a new high. The equity benchmark is up more than 19% in 2021, sitting just 1.4% below its all-time high reached early September.

The massive money supply has partly contributed to rising price pressures in the economy. Inflation ran at a fresh 30-year high in August amid supply chain disruptions and extraordinarily strong demand.

The core personal consumption expenditures price index, which excludes food and energy costs and is the Fed’s preferred measure of inflation, increased 0.3% for the month and was up 3.6% from a year ago.

Add in food and energy increased costs and inflation is here to stay and WORSENING.

rrb said...

And now they are going to have an "invitation only" town hall over at CNN with a demented old man

desperate meet desperate

"invitation only"

says it ALL.

anonymous said...

ruth said...
Hey Roger...

How is the stock market doing today. I haven't seen you bring it up for like ten minutes now?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Spot on.
"It's always cute to watch an economic illiterate comment on the stock market. Especially when they find a favorable quote to share with no fucking idea what the analyst is saying."

Roger still believes higher wages do not drive, in part, Inflation.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis , did you know Roger told us he is 6'2", 205 lbs just like you said you are?