Friday, October 22, 2021

Most everyone on the left says a deal is imminent as today is the latest deadline for said deal...

Will Politico and gang end up being right to report that a deal today is in the cards? 

As of yesterday there were several prominent Democrats who suggested negotiations would tumble past the Friday deadline. Some were suggesting that things were literally falling apart. Of course, as of today, the reports are spreading of a potential deal that would satisfy everyone and that it very well could be hammered out by the end of today. These 180 reports are now a commonplace.

This is at least the second hard deadline for everyone to reach a deal. At some point in time a deadline actually has to mean something. If a deal is not met today, does the deadline suggest that they will give up? Unlikely. Meaning that there really isn't such a thing as a "deadline" and it seems silly (and potentially embarrassing) to continue to put these arbitrary dates out there. 

Pelosi already lost with certain people when she missed her promise to bring the Infrastructure bill to a vote a couple weeks back. Now it would be even more embarrassing for her and the rest of Democratic leadership if their self-imposed deadline passes again without a deal. Not sure why they keep demanding that there needs to be a "deadline". 

May we live in interesting times....


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that Democrats are within striking distance of winning a long-sought agreement on President Biden's sweeping domestic agenda.

Returning to the Capitol from a White House breakfast with the president, the Speaker said there are "a couple outstanding issues" to iron out in the health care arena but that the environmental aspects of the bill "are resolved" and she's "optimistic" that a deal is close. 

"We're in good shape. We're moving along," Pelosi said.

"We had a very positive meeting this morning; I'm very optimistic," she added. "It's exciting, because whatever it is, it's going to be bigger than anything we've ever done for the American people."  

A short time later, after huddling with House Democrats during a Friday morning vote, Pelosi estimated that "more than 90 percent of everything is agreed to."  

Pelosi and President Biden were joined Friday by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who participated in the discussion remotely. The leaders are scrambling to secure an agreement on a massive social spending package at the center of Biden's economic agenda, which includes a broad expansion of health care benefits, safety net programs and efforts to combat climate change.

A key barrier to a deal has emerged in recent days in the form of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), whose opposition to tax hikes on corporations and wealthy individuals — big revenue-raisers that were included in the Democrats' initial $3.5 trillion package — has forced party leaders to seek offsets elsewhere.

Appearing at a CNN town hall Thursday night, Biden had laid out the latest developments in those talks, suggesting that Sinema's position would prevent Democrats from including those funding sources in the final package.

Pelosi on Friday downplayed those divisions, noting that House Democrats had already proposed trillions of dollars in new revenue as part of the $3.5 trillion package. Because the moderates have forced Biden to propose a much smaller price tag, in the range of $2 trillion, committee leaders — including Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) of Ways and Means — simply need to choose which of those to implement in lieu of the tax hikes Sinema opposes, Pelosi said.

"We were ready with that, because we were at 3.5" trillion, Pelosi said. "So it's just a question of what we decide."

Pelosi declined to say if Democrats are far enough along to vote on the social benefits package, along with a separate bipartisan infrastructure bill, by the end of next week. Party leaders had set Oct. 31 as an informal timeline for staging those votes, since the authorization for federal highway funding expires the same day.

Interesting times is an understatement.

I thought it would probably pass by the last day of November The Halloween party...

But will it happen??

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What’s IN, and what’s OUT, as Democrats reshape Biden bill
37 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — After months of talks, Democrats are edging closer to an agreement on what programs and policies to include in President Joe Biden’s massive plan to expand health and safety net programs and combat global warming.

The plan seems likely to include
universal preschool,
paid family leave and the
continuation of a child tax credit that was increased earlier this year and applied to more families.
Democrats are scaling back some investments or shortening the timeframe for when those programs would be up and running to fit within an approximately $2 trillion budget over 10 years, rather than the $3.5 trillion budget plan originally envisioned.

Still, Democrats are hoping the programs will prove so popular that future Congresses will continue to fund them in the years ahead. It seems unlikely that any Republican will support the measure. (How about after they become so popular?)

Negotiations are fluid and the package is very much in flux. It also won’t be possible to fully assess the details until legislative text is released. But here’s where the bill stands so far, according to lawmakers and aides:

— A child tax credit increase would continue for another year. As part of a COVID relief bill, Democrats increased the tax credit to $3,000 per child age 6-17 and $3,600 per child age 5 and under. Limiting the program to one year would disappoint many of its backers, but they are hoping the program’s popularity will move Congress to extend it in the years ahead. Budget hawks worry that a one-year extension is a budgetary tool that will lower the cost of the program on paper, but mask its true costs since lawmakers tend to continue programs rather than let them expire.

— Plans to expand Medicare to include dental, vision and hearing aids are being pared back. Biden said he likes the idea, but with Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona objecting, the proposal is “a reach.” Instead, Democrats, he said are looking at offering seniors an $800 voucher to access dental care as well as another program for hearing aids that Sinema may support. However, the vision care component, Biden said, has been harder to resolve and there is no consensus yet.

— Expanding Medicaid in about a dozen states and providing subsidies that reduce a participant’s cost of “Obamacare” plans are also still part of the mix. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the health insurance components in the bill would reduce the number of uninsured by about 3.9 million people over the next decade. Big boosts in Medicaid and Affordable Care Act plans would be partly offset by a 2.8 million decrease in employment-based coverage.

— The U.S. would join a long list of nations with a paid family leave program allowing workers to take time off for childbirth, to care for a new child or to deal with a serious health issue of a family member. But the 12 weeks of paid time off that Biden had proposed will likely be pared back four, he said.

— Universal prekindergarten for all 3- and 4-year-olds and child-care subsidies for poorer and middle-income Americans are still in. Biden’s plan calls for parents earning up to 150% of the state’s median income (about $115,000 nationally) to pay no more than 7% of their income on child care, with the poorest families getting free child care. He has proposed a tax credit for as much as half of a family’s spending on child care, up to $4,000 for one child or $8,000 for two or more children.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


— Free community college is probably out, though Biden is looking to increase the size of Pell grants to help pay tuition costs.

— It’s also looking like a program considered a cornerstone of Biden’s plan to fight climate change is out, largely due to opposition from Manchin. That program would have offered grants to power companies that increase clean energy generation by 4% each year and fines for those that do not. Still, hundreds of billions of dollars are expected to be included for programs designed to help the U.S. meet Biden’s goal of a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas pollution in 2030 from 2005 levels.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...

I thought it would probably pass by the last day of November The Halloween party...

just as normal as Biden's raised clenched fists

most people celebrate Thanksgiving before Halloween

Is this the new woke calendar ?

Commonsense said...

I think Pelosi is trying to pressure Manchin and Semina to accept the bill as is. Trouble is Pelosi doesn't run the senate.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

* most people celebrate Halloween before Thanksgiving


Anonymous said...

It really is as bad as I TOLD YA SO.
The effeminate Three Socialist Stoiges of CHT are dead ass spectacularly wrong.

🤣Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell indicated he is now somewhat more concerned about higher inflation😣

rrb said...

"I’m not sure what to do with my hands” — Ricky Bobby

Anonymous said...

Town Hall Meltdown.
Damn Mr President your polices caused the inflation, especially on Oil/Gas/ Home heating oil and you have no answer to fix it.


C.H. Truth said...

Biden was spectacular at the Town Hall!

Just ask Roger and Reverend...

Myballs said...

We don't need trillions more in additional spending. It'll dric3 up inflation even further. Manchin and Sinema know this.

rrb said...

I thought it would probably pass by the last day of November The Halloween party...

"Oh waiter! The Balsamic Vinaigrette on this gibberish word salad today, please and thank you."

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Libs of Tik Tok


Biden flashed the white power sign while a black man was asking him a question. I’m literally shaking

White supremacist and not even trying to hide it anymore

Surprised he didn't start yelling at him using Hunter's n-word vocabulary

those are the rules now, right?

Very surprised state media hasn't been running headlines of this

rrb said...

"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!!!"

- Slow Joe

rrb said...


Eli Lake

SNL should get Trump to play Alec Baldwin this week.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What little of I watched, he didn't impress me and he didn't and I saw that he is having more trouble with this situation than FDR or LBJ.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Charlie Cook is one of best. He said the same thing in better words that if Trump is on the to speak?

It is also hard to believe that FDR or LBJ would remain stymied as long as Biden has by a faction of their own party, holding legislative hostage one of the two signature spending packages that actually had a chance of being enacted as written. The AJA hard-infrastructure package, focused on concrete, steel, bricks, mortar, electric grid, and broadband, had (note past tense) a real chance of passing largely intact, and potentially with at least some support (at least initially) from a few Republicans. Now, no matter what its size and configuration, Democrats would be lucky to get more than a handful of GOP House and Senate votes, at best.

The Progressive Caucus—with more than a few relatively junior members, including a leader who has never had the “privilege” of experiencing or witnessing up close the loss of a House majority—has prevented Biden from putting a big win on the scoreboard in a way that the points would actually count. Instead, progressives are holding out for the social-spending package, one that actually contains many worthwhile programs but that even some Democrats oppose and therefore has little chance of becoming law as written. Now, whatever is ultimately accomplished on both packages will be so devalued as to likely have little political benefit for Biden or Democrats.

All of this has had an understandable impact on Biden’s standing. As Washington Post columnist David Ignatius recently wrote, it is now Biden’s turn to get labeled as the “incredible shrinking president.” A new Gallup poll should be out any day, but as of last month, Biden’s job-approval ratings were 7 to 36 points below those of nine elected post-World War II presidents in September of their first year in office—that is, all but Trump. Biden’s 43 percent approval rating is 9 and 7 points below where Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were at this point, respectively.

It is a decent bet that the winning party next year will not be the party that the election is about. If the midterm election is a referendum on Biden and the Democratic Congress, losing the House would almost be a foregone conclusion; the remaining questions would be whether they would have any chance at all of holding onto the Senate and how deep the holes that they will have dug heading into the 2024 election.

On the other hand, if this election is about Trump and a Republican Party seemingly obsessed by fighting culture wars—clashing with Democrats over symbols and engaging in proxy fights, appealing to a shrinking core constituency—Democrats can win. Central to this scenario would be that, like during the tea-party period of 2010 and 2012, GOP primary voters nominate “exotic” candidates in competitive states and districts, allowing Democrats to somehow hang on.

Trump’s efforts to purge the party of any elected officials who have crossed him is part and parcel of this. Be quite sure that there are already Democratic operatives working on plans to quietly undermine those GOP primary candidates in highly competitive states and districts who are deemed more electable, while boosting the candidacies of others with more problematic pasts or thought to have a propensity to shoot themselves in the foot. Then-Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill did just that in Missouri in 2012, helping the late Todd Akin (who died this month) secure the GOP nomination, an outcome that led to her surprising reelection.

Midterms are almost inevitably about a party and/or party leader in power. If it became a referendum on the opposing party, it would be the first time since 1934, Roosevelt’s first-term, midterm election. At the time, the focal point was still on Herbert Hoover, the president during the stock-market crash of 1929 and the start of the Great Depression.

Midterms are about the president and party that is in power, not one that is no longer in charge. But these might be the only arrows in the Democratic quiver.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The only reason why I said that is that Trump is still in charge of the Republican party.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The only reason why I said that is that Trump is still in charge of the Republican party.


You WANT him to be in charge of the GOP, You NEED him to be in charge of the GOP, but he ain't in charge of the GOP, alky.

Liz Cheney is.



rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Charlie Cook is one of best.

Yes sir!

He too had Hillary by a landslide in 2016.

Fat Charlie. One of the BEST.



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Steve Bannon was caught attempting to flee the United States disguised as a man who had recently taken a shower, T.S.A. officials have confirmed.

A T.S.A. agent at Reagan National Airport, Harland Dorrinson, explained how Bannon’s talent as a master of disguise nearly enabled him to board a plane to Moscow.

“He showered, shaved, and even combed his hair,” Dorrinson said. “He was totally unrecognizable.”

Bannon’s plan crumbled, however, during a routine pat down. “That’s when we noticed that his pants had a large mustard stain,” the T.S.A. agent said. “They evidently had not been laundered in months. One of my colleagues shouted, ‘It’s Bannon! Stop him!’ ”

Taken into custody, the former White House adviser seemed bitter about his foiled escape attempt. “I took a shower for no fucking reason,” he said.

rrb said...

How many times you going to post that Borowitz drivel, alky?



rrb said...

Are you clenching your fists a lot alky?

You're starting to repeat your plagiarisms.

Losing track of which post you're on?

You and Joe have much in common these days.

Watch those stairs alky.


Myballs said...

McAuliffe is desperately trying to make his election about Trump and not his bad policies and foolish rhetoric. Dems know a gop landslide is coming.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Can Democrats Make the Midterms About Republicans?

Charlie Cook:
“Midterms are almost inevitably about a party and/or party leader in power. If it became a referendum on the opposing party, it would be the first time since 1934, Roosevelt’s first-term, midterm election. At the time, the focal point was still on Herbert Hoover, the president during the stock-market crash of 1929 and the start of the Great Depression.

“Midterms are about the president and party that is in power, not one that is no longer in charge. But these might be the only arrows in the Democratic quiver."


anonymous said...

Liz Cheney is.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Really rat???? Greene and Boebert the cunts are!!!!!!!!!!! Try to keep up rat.....LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

POLL: Independent Voters Choose Between Biden And Trump And It’s Not Even Close

“In 2020 exit polling, President Biden won independent voters by a 54% to 41% margin,” said J. Ann Selzer of Selzer & Company. “If the election were held today, our poll shows former President Trump winning that group 45% to 28%. It is a massive shift in a demographic that helped carry Biden to victory less than two years ago.”

“The president has time to turn his political fortunes around,” said Hanson. “But if it doesn’t happen soon, Democrats are likely to face a serious reckoning in the 2022 midterm elections.”


Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Joe Sorrentino


Crazy how these guys park their machines at night


it's spreading

C.H. Truth said...

“In 2020 exit polling, President Biden won independent voters by a 54% to 41% margin,” said J. Ann Selzer of Selzer & Company. “If the election were held today, our poll shows former President Trump winning that group 45% to 28%. It is a massive shift in a demographic that helped carry Biden to victory less than two years ago.”

That's gotta be wrong...

Roger and Reverend demand the opposite.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

The Hill


@PressSec on President Biden: "He does not need a visit to the border to know what a mess was left by the last administration. That's his view."

He drove through a border checkpoint in El Paso.


What outrageous lies being spread by Biden and his mouthpiece

Though everyone knows that they are lying and misrepresenting

state media - silent

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

New York Post

JUST IN: Prop gun fired by Alec Baldwin in fatal shooting contained live round: union

Richard Grenell

I hope reporters are reviewing the social media posts of the shooter.

Every angle of this tragedy must be investigated.

His mental state, his lack of safety training, his history with women - we must be thorough in reviewing this needless killing.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...



@JohnFBachman: "President Biden leaving the White House to spend another weekend at his home in Delaware. This as his Presidency and his agenda are in shambles."
@stinchfield1776 and @EmeraldRobinson react.

another long weekend for Joe.

but still no time to ever go down to the border

other than in his mind

Now over 70 days spent in Delaware though...

Anonymous said...

Are the two bills marked up and ready for a Vote✔ today?

Biden has to show he is a master of the process.

Anonymous said...

Basically no one watched the Biden Town Hall.

How in the hell can that Be.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

Blair Brandt

Tucker Carlson absolutely crushed Biden in ratings last night. It wasn’t even close and it was supposed to be a major CNN town hall for Biden and just another regular show for Tucker. Tucker had 1M people more.

81 million votes.

No wonder the majority of Americans say 2020 was a fraudulent election.

And growing


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Looks like these Senior Dems may fulfill Trump's election promise, since he did not.

Democrats Move to Finalize ‘Billionaire’ Tax Plan

“Senior Democrats are preparing a sweeping new tax plan that would aim to raise hundreds of billions of dollars from the fortunes of America’s roughly 700 billionaires, an abrupt shift in the party’s approach to funding a large expansion of the safety net.”

They sure do have a lot of good ideas up their sleeves.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

From the Pulpit
by Pastor Jim

Years ago, I felt compelled to start telling the truth about Jesus. In other words, I felt I had to start being honest about things we pastors learn in seminary, but do not share with our church members because, although those things are true, they upset too many of them. Recently, I “upped the ante” on doing that by launching a website where I attempt to be as honest and truthful about Jesus as I think he would want me, and all the rest of us, to be – now, in our time.

The site is titled, “Jesus Laid Bare: Honest truths about Jesus,” and it is based on the research of biblical scholars whose knowledge is far superior to mine. You may discover there some insights about Jesus you might not have known before, and you may wish to comment, ask questions, raise objections, or share opinions, ideas, and beliefs of your own.

The site is intended for any who are open minded and willing to consider viewpoints they may find challenging, perhaps even unsettling. My purpose there, however, is not to create controversy for the sake of controversy, and certainly not to criticize or debunk Jesus, but honestly to value and appreciate him in ways that he might now want us to value and appreciate him.

A good way to get started is to watch my 24-minute video, “Jesus Laid Bare: Imagined conversations with Jesus.” In that video, I try to be scrupulously honest about what Jesus was really like by imagining how it would be if we were to be able to talk with him – that is to say, if somehow it became possible for us to converse with the actual flesh and blood man of the first century, Jesus of Nazareth himself: “If we could talk with him, what would he think of us? And how would he want us to think about him now?”

That video – and three others now in preparation – you may find challenging, intriguing and, I hope, ultimately exciting and helpful. They can be watched at (If that link does not work, carefully copy it into a self-sent email and it should work there.)
Pastor Jim is a retired minister of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) now living in Normal, Illinois, and can be reached through the website noted above, and at

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McAuliffe Up By Five In Virginia

A new Data for Progress poll in Virginia finds Terry McAuliffe (D) leading Glenn Youngkin (R) in the race for governor, 50% to 45%.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McAuliffe's latest pollings:
5,3,4,1,4,7,5,9,3,4 all pluses.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...


This might be the GREATEST thing you'll watch today. 🔥

absolutely NUKES Hunter Biden's crack art and Biden's family corruption in under 5 minutes— Leaves AG Garland SPEECHLESS.


Biden corruption and DOJ AG

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Thomas Massie


I questioned Attorney General Garland about whether there were Federal Agents present on 1/6 and whether they agitated to go into the Capitol. Attorney General Garland refused to answer.

obvious FBI participation

another democrat and FBI hoax

when will it stop ?

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Sean Davis


That’s Ray Epps, former leader with the Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers. At one point, the FBI had his picture up on its page of people it wanted to question (Photograph 16).

Not only was he not arrested, his picture was quietly removed from the FBI “Capitol Violence” page.

Thomas Massie

I just played this video for AG Merrick Garland. He refused to comment on how many agents or assets of the federal government were present in the crowd on Jan 5th and 6th and how many entered the Capitol.


and the FBI and DOJ is desperately trying to hide 14,000 of video evidence...

another HUGE DOJ and FBI scandal

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt Wolking

Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler

Privately May 28: "a female student alleged that a male student sexually assaulted her in the restroom"

Publicly June 22: "To my knowledge, we don’t have any record of assaults occurring in our restrooms"

Stephen L. Miller

Why is he still employed?

liberals protecting rapists and their agenda

C.H. Truth said...

McAuliffe's latest pollings:
5,3,4,1,4,7,5,9,3,4 all pluses.

Funny... looking at both RCP and 538. Both show Youngkin either tied or up in two of the past four polls.

But I guess you have a different place you are looking?

Btw... remember that Joe Biden won that state by double digits just less than a year ago. Seems troubling that you are excited because McAuliffe is ahead by 1.8 at RCP and 2.4 at 538.

C.H. Truth said...

liberals protecting rapists and their agenda

He was a guy dressed as a girl in the girl's bathroom.

Of course liberals will defend him. He is the poster child of their party.

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

He was a guy dressed as a girl in the girl's bathroom.

Of course liberals will defend him. He is the poster child of their party.

I would suspect this will have an influence with late voters

and voters with a conscience

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Greg Price


In Loudoun County’s school system, you can be forced out of your job for saying that boys are not girls but not for covering up a rape

upside down world

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Joe Concha

From 8-9pm on Thursday night:

FNC/Tucker: 2.9 million total viewers
CNN/Biden town hall: 1.16 million total viewers

Context: Biden's town hall on CNN in July drew 1.46 million viewers.
More context: Biden's town hall on CNN in Feb. drew 3.4M viewers.

worse than I posted before

a dying presidency

and already took off for a long weekend vacation

with fires burning out of control everywhere

an absolute disaster

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

John Eastman Backs Away from His Own Memo

John Eastman, author of the now-infamous legal memo making the case that Vice President Mike Pence could reject electoral votes, repudiated his own memo in a National Review interview.

Said Eastman:
“Anybody who thinks that that’s a viable strategy is crazy.”

Aaron Blake:
The architect of Trump’s plot to steal the 2020 election explains himself — absurdly.


Myballs said...

Ha. James touting data for progress polls. DFP founder and CEO is Sean mcelwee, a raging liberal who wanted to abolish ICE

The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

Sean Davis

And here’s Arizona Republic in January noting Epps’ presence and his photo being listed on the FBI website.

Sure is strange how so many Oath Keepers who are totally not feds you guys were knee deep in January 6 and yet somehow keep avoiding indictment.

an obvious fed

and an obvious hoax

and an obvious cover-up

Banana Republic

Joe Biden's America

The "Reverend's" Fucking Daddy said...

John Daniel Davidson

What do you call it when the NSBA coordinates with the WH before asking the admin use the FBI to target dissenting parents as “domestic terrorists,” and 5 days later the DOJ tells the FBI to do just that?

The old-fashioned word for it is corruption.


Commonsense said...

Senior Democrats are preparing a sweeping new tax plan that would aim to raise hundreds of billions of dollars from the fortunes of America’s roughly 700 billionaires,

It never raises the amount they think it will. And never enough to support their spending binges.

Commonsense said...

Years ago, I felt compelled to start telling the truth about Jesus

I don't know why James thinks there is an audience for his heretical bilge.

Commonsense said...

Most everyone on the left says a deal is imminent as today is the latest deadline for said deal.

Times up.

C.H. Truth said...

so 700 billionaires to fund at least 1.2 + 2 trillion.... that is only a half billion a piece more per year for the full 10 years. That would literally wipe out over half the billionaires on the list.

Commonsense said...

Math is not their strong suite.

Or put it another way. It's cheaper moving out of the country.

rrb said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...

so 700 billionaires to fund at least 1.2 + 2 trillion.... that is only a half billion a piece more per year for the full 10 years. That would literally wipe out over half the billionaires on the list.

The left is too fucking stupid to EVER get it when it comes to the arithmetic of the situation.

And speaking of leftist stupidity, get a load of this fucking idiocy:

De Blasio, Stringer turn $8B in NYC pension funds over to AOC-driven Green New Deal investments

And when the dumb fucks manage to blow it all, NY taxpayers will be on the hook to backstop and replenish it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb wants to lynch the producer of this HBO show

January 6 Wasn’t a Riot. It Was War.

Four Hours at the Capitol, a new HBO documentary, is a vivid, terrifying picture of violent insurrection.

By Sophie Gilbert

Courtesy of HBO

12:15 PM ET


In the days and weeks after the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, commentators and media outlets grappled with the question of what to call that event. Language is sticky; it clarifies and obfuscates the truth depending on who’s wielding it. January 6 was described as or likened to a “riot,” a “tourist visit,” an “insurrection,” a “peaceful protest,” and a “coup attempt.” And yet, watching Four Hours at the Capitol, Jamie Roberts’s tight, unsettling new HBO documentary about that day, another word seemed more appropriate to me, one that most of the participants interviewed in the film might agree on. More than anything else, January 6 was war.

There have been a number of incisive breakdowns of that day, including “Day of Rage,” The New York Times’ 40-minute film detailing how the attack was strategized and executed, and how President Donald Trump and his allies fomented mass anger and even seemed to encourage the violence. Four Hours at the Capitol isn’t as analytical, or as thorough in its parsing of all the information that’s emerged. But its immersiveness offers something else. With his rigidly chronological framing and his interviews with people who were present at the Capitol that day, Roberts captures the extent to which both sides were engaging in combat. This dynamic emerges over and over again throughout different accounts and video clips. One clash between Capitol Police officers and pro-Trump extremists is referred to by a participant as “the battle for the tunnel.” Different interviewees describe fighting on “the front line,” engaging in “hand-to-hand combat,” and, in the case of one police officer, the strangeness of walking through his own colleagues’ blood. In a scene that seems ripped right out of a Bruce Willis movie, a police commander shouts, “We are not losing the U.S. Capitol today, do you hear me?”

Like most people, I watched January 6 unfold from my couch, where the cognitive dissonance of seeing men in full tactical gear and Confederate Army cosplayers traipsing through the Capitol’s hallways was undercut by a genuine horror about what might happen next. TV news showed how easily the small number of Capitol Police officers present that day were overwhelmed. Matter-of-factly, Four Hours at the Capitol documents how fiercely they fought to keep the insurrectionists from overwhelming the building and reaching members of Congress. Roberts sweeps viewers quickly into the day, starting with an assembly of Proud Boys on the National Mall who seem disturbingly primed for violence even at 10:35 in the morning. Around noon, after Trump declares, “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” his followers start heading to the Capitol, a makeshift army equipped with flags, weapons, even a hangman’s platform.


He should be prosecuted for treason and put to death by an injection.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After the basketball game!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fake news from CNN , lollipop

Fact-checking Biden's CNN town hall in Baltimore
By Daniel Dale and Tara Subramaniam, CNN
Updated 2 hours ago Oct 22, 2021
(CNN) - President Joe Biden participated Thursday in a CNN town hall in Baltimore, taking questions from anchor Anderson Cooper and local residents about his legislative agenda and a variety of other topics.
Biden made some false claims, along with making other claims that could have used additional context.
Here's a fact check of some of his claims from Thursday's town hall.
Biden and the border
A college student asked Biden: "Given that it's nearly been a year into your campaign, why haven't you been to the southern border of our country?"
After Biden addressed another immigration question from the student but ignored that one, Cooper followed up. Biden then responded, "I've been there before, and I haven't -- I mean, I know it well. I guess I should go down. But the -- but the whole point of it is: I haven't had a whole hell of lot of time to get down."
Biden explained that he has been spending time inspecting hurricane damage and "traveling around the world," then added, "But I plan on -- now, my wife, Jill, has been down. She's been on both sides of the river. She's seen the circumstances there."
Facts First: Biden's claims need context. Jill Biden's last visit to the border was in December 2019, during the presidential campaign, not as first lady. Also, the only evidence the White House has cited for Joe Biden's claim that he has himself "been there before" was a Friday statement that Biden's motorcade briefly drove near the border during a campaign trip in 2008 -- when he was on his way from an airport in the border city of El Paso, Texas, to a rally in a New Mexico town that is located just under an hour from the border. CNN couldn't immediately find evidence of a specific Biden visit to, say, a border facility or to US personnel stationed at the border.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at her Friday briefing that "he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in 2008." It's not clear what Psaki meant by "through." Regardless, if this drive was what Biden was talking about when he said he had "been there before," he certainly could have been clearer about the fact that he was referring to a passing moment in a car rather than some sort of deliberate migration-related stop. (The Washington Post reported Friday that this 2008 drive took Biden on a route "that for a few minutes hugs the border.")
Psaki said Friday that the President "does not believe a photo op is the same as solutions." She said that former President Donald Trump had visited the border but had not delivered positive results on immigration.
The "most important thing," Psaki said, is that Biden "has worked on these issues throughout his entire career, and is well-versed in every aspect of our immigration system, including the border. That includes when he was Vice President, and he went to Mexico and Central America 10 times to address border issues and talk about what we can do to reduce the number of migrants who were coming to the border."
Though Biden mentioned foreign travel as one of the reasons he has not gone to the border as President to date, he has made only one trip abroad during the first nine months of his pandemic-era term -- a June trip to Europe. He is scheduled for another Europe trip next weekend for a G20 summit and United Nations climate conference.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tax rates
After he was asked a question about taxes on the wealthy, Biden said that under "this present tax code, the highest tax rate is 35 percent."
Facts First: Biden was wrong. The top marginal rate is actually 37%; 35% is the second-highest marginal rate. The 37 percent rate affects individual single taxpayers with taxable incomes greater than $523,600 and married couples filing jointly with taxable incomes greater than $628,300. The 35 percent rate affects individuals with taxable incomes greater than $209,425 and married joint filers at incomes greater than $418,850.
Biden said, "When I first was elected, there were only 2 million people who had Covid shots in the United States of America -- had the vaccine. Now we got 190 million, because I went out and bought everything I could do and buy in sight, and it worked."
Facts First: Biden's "2 million people" assertion was inaccurate no matter which way you parse it -- slightly off if you decide to be charitable, way off if not. Also, Biden gave too much credit to his own administration's vaccine purchases. The Trump administration purchased enough vaccine doses to fully vaccinate at least a large percentage of the 190 million people who have received two shots at present.
Let's look first at the issue of credit. According to the Government Accountability Office, a nonpartisan watchdog for Congress, "As of December 31, 2020, the government had at least 800 million vaccine doses under contract expected to be delivered by July 31, 2021, pending any issues with clinical trials, (emergency use authorization) issuance, or other factors." That included 200 million doses each of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that would prove by far the most popular with Americans. Also, the Trump-era contracts with Pfizer and Moderna gave the US the option to buy hundreds of millions more doses.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even with millions of doses being wasted after delivery, the contracts signed during the Trump presidency covered, at minimum, a large majority of the people who have been vaccinated so far.
Biden is free to boast that his administration's own actions have resulted in more people getting vaccinated than would have under a Trump administration whose pandemic response was widely criticized. Asked about Biden's claim, a White House official noted Friday that the Biden administration bought additional doses in January and again in the summer, and that the administration used the Defense Production Act to allow Pfizer to accelerate its vaccine manufacturing by getting easier access to critical supplies it had struggled to obtain.
All of that is fair enough. But Biden was still hyperbolic here in giving sole credit to his own purchases.
Let's now turn to Biden's claim that "only 2 million people" had Covid shots when he was first elected.
Obviously, only the tiny number of Americans who participated in clinical trials had received Covid-19 shots when Biden was elected in November, since public vaccinations began in December. But even if we look at the situation when Biden first took office on January 20, his claim that "there were only 2 million people who had Covid shots" is at least a bit incorrect.
According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 18 million people in the US had received at least one shot at the time. But Biden did say "shots," plural, and he was comparing this figure to the 190 million current figure for fully vaccinated Americans, so he was likely referring, imprecisely, to the number of people who were fully vaccinated early in his presidency.
Even then, though, current CDC data says 3.4 million people were fully vaccinated on January 20. Biden might have been thinking of news reports from January 20, based on CDC data available at the time, that put the number at around 2 million, but the CDC numbers get updated over time as more information comes in and vaccinations are assigned to the date they actually occurred instead of the date they were reported.
Vaccination sites
Biden said that "there are over 800,000 sites right now that exist in America where you can go get a vaccine."
Facts First: This is false; Biden added an extra zero. The White House official said Biden meant 80,000 vaccination sites, the number he has used on multiple previous occasions.
Fox and vaccinations

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Talking about right-wing television station Fox News, Biden asked, "Do you realize they mandate vaccinations?"
Facts First: This needs context. Fox Corp., which owns Fox News, has a Covid-19 vaccination policy stricter than the one Biden plans to impose on many US companies -- and Fox News hosts, like CNN journalists and others, have described Biden's policy as a "mandate." However, it's important to note that Fox Corp. does not actually require that employees get vaccinated. Rather, in a September memo, Fox Corp. announced that it would require unvaccinated employees to get tested daily.
In other words, the Fox policy is most thoroughly described as a vaccination-or-test mandate. However, we can't be too hard on Biden for describing it as a vaccination mandate given that his own planned vaccination-or-test mandate -- which he says will require companies with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are either vaccinated or get tested at least weekly -- is also commonly described, on Fox and elsewhere, as a vaccination mandate.
Biden's jobs record
Biden said, "We've created more jobs in the first eight months of my administration than any president in American history."
Facts First: This is true, but the circumstances of Biden's first eight months are so different from the circumstances that greeted every other newly elected modern president that meaningful direct comparison is effectively impossible. Biden took office less than a year after the economy shed more than 22 million jobs in two months because of the pandemic. Even with the jobs rebound that began in May 2020, the US still has about 5 million fewer jobs than it did before the pandemic hit. In other words, Biden-era gains -- an average of more than 600,000 jobs added per month from February through September -- are still filling the giant pandemic hole.
Biden is free, of course, to argue that he is doing a good job filling that hole. But his president-versus-president boasts should be viewed with contextual caution.
This is a breaking story and will be updated

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At least he is not a fascist like Trump.

James's Fucking Daddy said...


Fact check -

No one connected to the January 6th events have been charged under the Insurrection Act.

Most of the plea deals have been for misdemeanor “trespassing” and “parading.”

Anyone claiming January 6th was an insurrection is sharing disinformation.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

For those waking up to J6 reality after Garland’s testimony, the FBI opened Operation Cold Snap in spring 2020 to infiltrate “militia” groups. That prompted the Whitmer “kidnapping” caper and an attempted FBI-concocted plan to assassinate Ralph Northam:

and Garland refused to answer direct questions that could have put this to "rest"...

if it wasn't true

that in itself spoke volumes

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Anyone claiming January 6th was an insurrection is sharing disinformation."

Honest Rev says:
Wouldn'that have to inclde the many who were there that day announcing their intention to shut down the vote count and not allow the certification of a legally elected president of the United States of America?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump is still trying to foment that insurrection.

Commonsense said...

Obsessive Rev can't let it go.