Sunday, October 17, 2021

Presidential approvals continue to tank the Democrats

This is a Biden problem, and all his advocates can do is attempt to shift blame and change the subject! "But Trump" isn't working. Not even a little! 

Polling Data

RCP Average10/1 - 10/14--43.952.1-8.2
Reuters/Ipsos10/13 - 10/141005 A4648-2
Rasmussen Reports10/12 - 10/141500 LV4356-13
Economist/YouGov10/9 - 10/121266 RV4251-9
Politico/Morning Consult10/8 - 10/111999 RV4651-5
CNN10/7 - 10/11RV5050Tie
Trafalgar Group (R)10/4 - 10/61087 LV4056-16
Quinnipiac10/1 - 10/41177 RV4053-13
Look at the numbers, folks. When Biden started only 36% of the people were very dissatisfied, now 48% of Americans feel that way. That is an increase of 33% to that particular column. You want to know why? Just look at the Biden approval numbers. For someone who has most of the MSM campaigning for him, these numbers are abysmal. 

Moreover, there have been two October generic ballot polls showing Republicans with an the surprising edge. If not for the repeated additions of the YouGov polls to the 538 average (three of them in october alone) the Republicans would hold a slight edge in the October polling.

Either way, there is no question that Joe Biden is tanking the Democratic Party in real terms. We will see in a couple of weeks how Terry McAuliffe does in his bid for a second Governorship. What had originally thought to be a blow out cruize for the former Clinton comrade, has turned out to be a real dogfight with a fairly unknown Republican challenger in a pretty bright blue state. None of that would be happening if not for the epic incompetence of our President and the complete failure by a biased media to cover it up. 


Commonsense said...

The Virginia gubernatorial race could very well be a bellwether for the midterms.

On Fox News, an interview with school board protester parent. She claims she has cross-over support from Democrat parents. If true, McAuliffe Is in real trouble. What doesn't seem to be in doubt is her determination to beat McAuliffe.

It will be must see TV in a couple of weeks.

Deep State Detective said...

Barack Obama is really the President!

JUDGE JEANINE: In case you didn’t know it, Joe Biden is the president of the United States in name only. Someone else is running the White House. Barack Obama, maybe? Come along with me and see if what I say makes sense. Now, from the beginning of his campaign, we knew he wasn’t right. We kept asking ourselves what was wrong with him. He was clearly confused, saying crazy things. 

We couldn’t ask questions, because they kept pulling him back behind the COVID curtain as if they were hiding something. At the same time that President Trump was campaigning around the clock, Joe Biden was hunkered down under the COVID storm, at least until the inquiries passed. But even then, he was often unaware of where he was, or where he was going. 

No President in United States history has ever spoken like this. What are we supposed to conclude when the most powerful man in the free world says someone will reprimand him if he doesn’t do what they tell him to do. Is someone else in charge? 

By the way, have you noticed Joe Biden is carrying out the same policies Barack Obama had? Open borders, trashing the police, saying he’s with an ‘international community’ when such is not the case…And by the way, how is it that Kamala Harris, who is Joe Biden’s choice for vice president, was even given that opportunity given the fact that she called him out on his racist beliefs? And why would someone as clueless as cackler Kamala, who had to drop out of a presidential primary because she couldn’t get 1%, how is it that she’s now the vice president of the United States? Think back to Barack Obama’s affection for Kamala Harris.

It's not science fiction anymore!

The deep staters are still in charge!

Good Pastor Jim said Politico said...

Democrats Find Their Anti-Rubio Warrior In Val Demings

Politico: “Demings’ fundraising haul provided a sudden burst of hope to Florida’s beleaguered Democrats, who reveled at the idea of a cash-flush Senate nominee whose star power sparked the imagination of Democrats across the country. The problem, however, is that the recent road to the Senate is littered with Democratic candidates whose talent for minting money from national online donors masked weakness back home.”


Deep State Detective said...

The Democrats have been gaslighted by Obama to believe that this is science fiction!

That COVID-19 vaccines have killed 10,000 to 12,000 people and can make you magnetic.

That President Biden is a "brain-dead zombie puppet" being controlled by George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party.

That the participants in the deadly white supremacist attempted coup on January 6 were actually the victims of a "setup."4That Black people fighting for civil rights are "race hustlers."5That the LGBTQ+ community is "perverted" and that Pride Month should be replaced by a celebration of "white history month."

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Plus they are concealing his mental stability, we must win in Virginia!

Step one until we restore sanity with President Trump.

Commonsense said...


"Demings" is going to lose to Rubio just like every other sacrifice lamb. Maybe you should stick to Illinois politics, you sure don't know shit about Florida politics.

Commonsense said...

Watchdog probes ‘ethical conflicts’ tied to AG Garland, son-in-law’s company

Conservative government watchdog America First Legal is looking into whether there are “ethical conflicts” stemming from Attorney General Merrick Garland’s family financial interests, following reports that his son-in-law is the co-founder of an education company that some speculate could benefit from his recent crackdown on protesting parents.

On Wednesday, AFL filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Department of Justice “seeking records bearing on potential conflict of interest concerns created by Attorney General Merrick Garland’s October 4, 2021 memorandum mobilizing the Department’s National Security Division and the FBI against parents speaking out against Critical Race Theory and extreme gender ideology indoctrination in public schools.”

To think we were a Mitch McConnell and a Republican senate away from having this clown on the Supreme Court.

Coldheartedtruth Deep State Detective said...

Republican legislatures are right now drawing redistricting maps that lock in their advantages, by drawing districts that advantage white voters and disadvantage nonwhite ones — just take a look at what’s happening in Texas. The road to Democrats’ maintaining control of both the House and the Senate was already difficult, but with widespread voter suppression, the path looks even more daunting.

If Trump decides to run again in 2024 (and he is already hinting that he will), voter suppression will up his chances of winning. With Trump once again in the White House, a Republican Congress would be able to federalize voter suppression. (If they found themselves in the position the Democrats do now, they wouldn’t bat an eye at eliminating the filibuster to have their way.)

Republican groups are already working to draft legislation so that they have it ready to introduce in Congress if Trump is elected. Brooke Rollins, the president of the America First Policy Institute and a former policy director in the Trump White House, recently told Politico that “if we do our job right, we will have a package of model legislation” to bring federal policy in line with restrictive states’.

For Democrats, this voting rights bill is a top priority, but from now until something is passed, it should be the only priority. In another time, I would think that the infrastructure and reconciliation bills should take precedence. It’s impossible to argue that we don’t need those things. It is also impossible to argue that many of the provisions would not disproportionately benefit poor people and Black and Hispanic people.

But even if you have glistening infrastructure in a fascist state, you are still in a fascist state. If you get two years of community college free in a fascist state, you are still in a fascist state. If more people get broadband access, more people will be able to search for what it means to live in a fascist state.

Protecting ballot access is the only thing that matters right now.

Anonymous said...

This is a masterful job of crushing Roger.

"CommonsenseOctober 17, 2021 at 12:17 PM

We ain't sitting on massive amounts of easy to get oil or gas......and nothing.

With fracking technology it is easer to extract shale oil and gas. So yes, we sit on an ocean of oil and gas that can be profitably.

Biden has done is preventing anyone from getting it.....!!!!

You're still grammatically challenged so I will try to translate.

Biden cancel pipelines that imported oil and gas from Canada (favor to Warren Buffet) and he cancel all oil leases on federal lands.

Oil prices are not set by US production, but controlled by OPEC and what they are willing to sell!!!!!!,

Boy are you stupidly wrong on this. When Trump was in office (pre-pandemic so booming economy) the US was energy independent and a net exporter of oil and gas. This independence kept prices for gasoline, fuel oil, and home heating oil, natural gas at very affordable. And that's not even include electric produce by fuel oil and gas.

When Biden came to office he destroyed the oil/gas supply chain at the source. The led to a 42% price increase for gasoline alone and skyrocketing prices for other petroleum products. And since petroleum based fuels are a component of virtually everything produced and transported, it is a significant factor of inflation."

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Virginia GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin was forced to ask white supremacist, an rrb clone supporter to leave campaign event

A routine campaign stop for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin turned chaotic on Saturday night after the candidate's team was forced to boot a local Republican leader,an rrb clone and apparent white nationalist from the event, causing a scene that a spokesperson called "antithetical" to the Republican hopeful's message.

The incident happened just before Youngkin was slated to give a stump speech to a crowd of "Latinos for Youngkin" at a local restaurant, when campaign officials approached a man, named Fredy Burgos, who was wearing both a red pro-Trump hat emblazoned with "Build the Wall" and a pin promoting white nationalist and Unite the Right rally attendee Nicholas Fuentes.

Burgos is a longtime far-right activist and former local Republican party official who made waves during the Trump years with a series of bombastic statements that earned him plenty of enemies in local conservative circles. The Washington Post, reporting on a 2018 drive to oust him from his post on the Fairfax County Republican Party committee, wrote that he was a "verbal bomb-thrower whose attacks against Mooslimb, and beaner
immigrants and others have turned off moderates, except Thecoldheartedtruth host.

Commonsense said...

Republican legislatures are right now drawing redistricting maps that lock in their advantages, by drawing districts that advantage white voters and disadvantage nonwhite ones — just take a look at what’s happening in Texas.

I doubt that. The voters rights act requires Texas and other states under scrutiny to create majority/minority districts. That means Texas has to carve out at least one (More depending on the controlling court) non-white district.

And since the state is under strict scrutiny it's redistricting plan has to be signed off by the DOJ or a federal court if there is a dispute.

I find the strict scrutiny provision of the Voter's Rights Act to be unconstitutional (and was known by the justices at the time) since it violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. But no SCOTUS has had the political will to declare it so.

The a deep seated culture in the North to treat the South as conquered provinces. You can read it in every hostile and condescending statement from the New York Times.

Commonsense said...

Virginia GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin

Is in a dead heat with Terry McAuliffe. Sorry Roger, no Virginian cares about a white supremest being kicked out of a campaign rally. Education is what on their minds and there Yongkin has a decisive advantage.

Commonsense said...

For Democrats, this voting rights bill is a top priority, but from now until something is passed,

The voting rights bill will die in a senate filibuster if Schumer even brings to the floor. Chances are 50-50 he won't.

anonymous said...

Lots of women in the burbs of DC think trump and white supremacy need to die!!!!!! The way the GOP is treating women, do you really think this will move those women to support the idiot Youngkin who has trumps endorsement???????? BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Lots of women in the burbs of DC

D.C. doesn't vote in Virginia Senate race.

Commonsense said...

Nor in the Governor's race.

Commonsense said...

Virginia GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin
Is in a dead heat with Terry McAuliffe

No GOP candidate would do that well without support of women. We pretty much know how the mothers in Louden County would vote.

It's not just about CRT anymore. It's about protecting their daughters from animals who dress in drag.

anonymous said...

God dayum Lil Schitty......arlington, restin, falls church et al are all considered suburbs of DC......sorry that flew over your head......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

They are towns in another state and another county. They are not strictly burbs of DC because they are outside the district and are not governed by DC.

Want a burb of DC? Try Georgetown. It's in the district.

anonymous said...

What the fuck does Georgetown have to do with virginia women leaving the GOP?????? Google suburbs of DC and you will see that towns in both virgina and maryland are considered "burbs" of DC!!!!!!! Sorry sport, but your knowledge of geography is about as poor as your lack education in science.....Get back to me after you googled suburbs of DC!!!!!

BTW numb nutz....Georgetown is not a burb of DC!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one:

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

By the time Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland realizes what an incredibly stupid memo he wrote to the president accusing parents of  ‘”harassment and intimidation” of school board members, his boss will probably be a lame-duck president ready to be put out to pasture.

Roger Amick said...

The Washington Examiner has the solution for the Republican. This might reverse your mind Scott.

Facilitated by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Trump in the weeks leading up to Jan. 6 was increasingly surrounded by people telling him what he wanted to hear: that Pence was empowered to reject electoral votes. All that was required was the political will to act. As the day of the joint session of Congress drew nearer and Trump latched himself tighter to this cockamamie theory, Pence began to fret that the 45th president wouldn’t be the last losing chief executive to be tempted by it. A future vice president, he thought, might not share his view of the Constitution and his conclusion that his role in the congressional certification of electoral votes was purely mechanical.

So, Pence instructed Jacob to research the matter extensively and prepare documentation, in the form of a “Dear Colleague” letter that he would make public. “It was such a boneheaded analysis, and so we wanted to have our record make that clear, too,” Short said, emphasizing the significance of the letter for posterity.

The vice president’s goals were twofold: Control the narrative in a stormy news environment and, more importantly, place a constitutional vise on his successors, and on Trump’s, that — like a precedent established in a Supreme Court decision — would hamstring them from traveling down this road for time immemorial.

“It is my considered judgment that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not,” Pence wrote in the letter, issued just before the opening of the joint session on Jan. 6.

At that moment, Trump was addressing a massive crowd of grassroots supporters who had gathered near the White House for a “#StoptheSteal” rally aimed at pressuring Congress and the vice president to reject certification of the Nov. 3 election.

“If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election,” Trump told the adoring sea of supporters. “He has the absolute right to do it.”

Trump’s speech on that Jan. 6 morning was really no different from any other Trump speech. The media are fake; my presidency is beyond reproach; the election was stolen. The usual, but with a caveat. More than a half-dozen times in 70 minutes, the 45th president turned his attention to the 48th vice president, assuring the crowd, without reservation, that he possessed constitutional authority to deliver his administration a second term.

Roger Amick said...

When order was finally restored and lawmakers were returning to their respective chambers to finish debating the objection to Arizona’s electoral votes and get on with the rest of the process, Pence asked McConnell if he could first say a few words from the dais about what had happened. The majority leader agreed. “As we reconvene in this chamber, the world will again witness the resilience and strength of our democracy,” Pence said in remarks that lasted two and a half minutes. “Now, let’s get back to work.” Republicans, in Washington and around the country, took notice.

Pence awoke the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, possibly the least formidable heir apparent vice president to a president in a very long time. Pence had two strikes against him wholly of his own making, and they created unique difficulties. First, he had never actually run for president. His public relationship with Trump was the other problem. The 45th president demanded that subordinates bend the knee. Pence tended to comply, both out of a sense of duty to the job and a matter of self-interested strategy. Stroking Trump’s id enabled Pence to wield power and maneuver independently. None of that was apparent to Republican insiders who were not otherwise predisposed to back a Pence 2024 campaign. They saw a toady missing the stuff leaders are made of. Ditto grassroots conservatives. On Jan. 6, 2021, Pence flipped the script. As Pence openly defied Trump, refusing to be bullied into an unconstitutional power grab, as Pence took command, practically in the middle of a war zone, while his boss shirked responsibility, doubts harbored by institutional leaders in the Republican Party, and by some in the broader conservative movement, melted.

In the days after Jan. 6, the telephone in the office of another Pence ally started ringing. Republican donors; county GOP chairmen, conservative activists, about two dozen in all, they all wanted to send word that Trump’s treatment of Pence on that day, especially after four years of loyal service, was appalling, and that if he runs for president in 2024, count them in.

Every vice president who has ever run for president in the shadow of the president who made them has been faced with a dilemma: charting an independent course and promising change while simultaneously campaigning to maintain course and block the change promised by the opposition party. Pence was always going to have to untether himself from Trump, eventually. Jan. 6 accomplished that.

There is another crucial aspect of the long-term political impact of Jan. 6 that could be serendipitous for Pence.

“Boy, does he have a story to tell,” said his ally who fielded calls of support for the vice president in the immediate aftermath of the insurrection. “How he chooses to tell that story will tell you a little bit about what he might want to do.”

And that’s the big question for Pence, really: What story does he want to tell?

Roger Amick said...

Caliphate4vr said...

Republican legislatures are right now drawing redistricting maps that lock in their advantages, by drawing districts that advantage white voters and disadvantage nonwhite ones — just take a look at what’s happening in Texas. The road to Democrats’ maintaining control of both the House and the Senate was already difficult, but with widespread voter suppression, the path looks even more daunting.

Charles Blow.

Known for his graphic design and art background,

Good source pedo/Alky

Myballs said...

Illinois is redrawing their districts because they're losing one. They chose Republican Adam Kinzinger to lose his district. So much for dems showing any appreciation.

Caliphate4vr said...

Damn tough being here… I think my DAWGS are #1 and THE BRAVOS, just walked off again.

60 sunny and no humidity

Anonymous said...

Got my Pfizer booster the other day! Why? Some may ask me. I've probably told you before, but I had polio as a child of 3. No vaccine available. And then....thanks for science Jonah Salk found something that he said will help. It was too late for me, but not for millions of others, including my sister and our children. We couldn't enroll in school without proof of the vaccine. It was mandated. So, tell me why anyone who didn't want COVID, would refuse a vaccine? I cannot tell you how angry I am when I hear about the anti-vacciners harassing parents in front of their children that the vaccine is bad. Have any of you looked at the statistics? If you think being un vaccinated is okay, may I suggest you do some more research. It breaks my heart to see parents ready and willing to put their child's life up for a "maybe". I have yet to see what EXACTLY they have found that makes them okay not to protect their children. ok, I'm done......for now.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

While many of the problems hampering Biden's presidency do seem intractable, Democrats can at least hope that things will improve by next year. If the US is finally in the endgame of the pandemic, global energy prices ebb, and the supply chain crunch eases as the rest of the world comes closer to beating Covid, voters may feel in a better frame of mind as the midterm elections approach.

But for now it doesn't look great

rrb said...

Roger Amick said...

While many of the problems hampering Biden's presidency do seem intractable, Democrats can at least hope that things will improve by next year. If the US is finally in the endgame of the pandemic, global energy prices ebb, and the supply chain crunch eases as the rest of the world comes closer to beating Covid, voters may feel in a better frame of mind as the midterm elections approach.

But for now it doesn't look great

While many of the problems hampering Biden's presidency do seem intractable, Democrats can at least hope that things will improve by next year. If the US is finally in the endgame of the pandemic, global energy prices ebb, and the supply chain crunch eases as the rest of the world comes closer to beating Covid, voters may feel in a better frame of mind as the midterm elections approach.

But for now, it's a tough economic picture.

Stealing content from XiNN and changing the last sentence to make it your own.

Tsk, tsk alky.

And how quaint. Supposedly objective "journalists" fretting over democrats election prospects. Whaa...

Anyway, why don't you just wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first?

anonymous said...

Sad rat that your life has devolved into a personal vendetta for alleged plagiarism on a FUCKING USELESS BLOG!!!!! Don't you have a beaner or moose limb to demean???? Your menial existence must really suck if this is what you do for fun!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Today’s economic turbulence is nothing like the “stagflation” of the late 1970s

Yes, inflation has returned as an economic concern for the first time in decades. And it’s true that the U.S. economy has not entirely recovered from the devastating effects of a pandemic that Biden inherited. But c’mon: In 1979, the inflation rate was 13.3 percent, and the unemployment rate was 6 percent; in 1980, inflation was at 12.5 percent while unemployment spiked to 7.2 percent. The Federal Reserve Board’s estimate for inflation in 2021 is just over 4 percent, dropping to somewhere between 2 and 3 percent in 2022; the expected average unemployment rate is 4.5 percent, dropping to 3.8 percent in 2022. Meanwhile, the federal funds rate (the best comparable measure of interest rates) was at 11 percent in 1979 and leaped to an incredible 20 percent in 1980 as the Fed tried to kill inflation. Today’s federal funds rate is expected to stay under one percent until 2023.

Anyone who lived through the economic conditions of the late 1970s should laugh at the suggestion that we’re in the same spot today.

Democrats are way more united now than they were 40 years ago

anonymous said...

DeSantis and his stupidity is contagious in FloriDUH!!!!!!!

Miami school says vaccinated students must stay home for 30 days to protect others, citing discredited info

Seems we are having a pandemic of stupid that cannot be fixed as evidenced here by out plagiarism checker and other morons.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

rrb said...

And all this time I thought that the FBI had secured the "dumbest fucking agency in our government" award...

Whoops. The CIA accidentally left a “putty-type” battlefield explosive beneath the hood of a Loudon County, Virginia school bus after a training exercise last week, according to the agency. As a result, elementary and high school students spent two days riding the bus as the explosives bounced around under the hood. Hey, it’s not like “intelligence” is the organization’s middle name or anything.

The explosives had been buried in the school bus’s engine compartment as part of a training exercise for explosive-detecting dogs conducted at Briar Woods High School on March 21–24, CIA sources told the Washington Post. According to Loudon schools spokesperson Wayde Byard, some of the explosives fitted beneath the hood fell deeper into the engine than expected, becoming wedged between the hoses.

The material was finally discovered on March 30 after two days of shuttling students around for a total of 145 miles. Technicians inspecting the engine found the substance, and the school system notified the Loudon County Sheriff’s Office. The CIA also assisted in the removal of the explosive putty.

Fucking parasitic imbeciles.

Collapse the agency, fire them all and cancel the fucking pensions.

Anonymous said...

Roger has no core beliefs.

You championed the 100 % nonsense of " transatory inflation", no such thing in modern economics.

Now you shift to
"Yes, inflation has returned as an economic concern"

You know nothing about most everything.

rrb said...

Anyone who lived through the economic conditions of the late 1970s should laugh at the suggestion that we’re in the same spot today.

I lived through it, and the only things we're missing are even/odd gas shortage lines and a hostage crisis.

I would not expect those ensconced in a nursing home lockdown with no connection to the reality of the outside world to notice as we do.

anonymous said...

I lived through it, and the only things we're missing are even/odd gas

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I guess as a 13 year old, you would have trouble buying gas for your mower.......bwaaaaaaaa!!!!!

rrb said...

WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, the first Black Secretary of State, died Monday due to complications from Covid-19, his family said in a statement on Facebook.

Powell, 84, was fully vaccinated from Covid-19, his family said. He received treatment at Walter Reed National Medical Center.

“General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19. He was fully vaccinated,” the family said in the statement.“We want to thank the medical staff at Walter Reed National Medical Center for their caring treatment. We have lost a remarkable and loving husband, father, grandfather and a great American.”

anonymous said...

RIP Colin

A true American patriot....something that is sorely lacking in today' Trumps infested GOP!!!!!!

Myballs said...

So mayor Pete goes on secret leave for two months and finally emerges. Why? Not to actually do his job. He wants to go with the rest of the cool kids to the big UN climate change conference this week. This is what we have for our leadership now.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, the first Black Secretary of State, died Monday due to complications from Covid-19, his family said in a statement on Facebook.

Powell, 84, was fully vaccinated from Covid-19, his family said. He received treatment at Walter Reed National Medical Center.

“General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from Covid 19. He was fully vaccinated,” the family said in the statement. “We want to thank the medical staff at Walter Reed National Medical Center for their caring treatment. We have lost a remarkable and loving husband, father,

rrb said...

Thanks for the duplicate Colon story, captain redundancy.



rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

So mayor Pete goes on secret leave for two months and finally emerges. Why? Not to actually do his job. He wants to go with the rest of the cool kids to the big UN climate change conference this week. This is what we have for our leadership now.

Buttigieg was always going to be a lightweight transportation chief. He got the job as a reward for dropping out of the presidential race and throwing his support to Joe Biden — and also because he said he likes trains, having gotten engaged at a train station.

My 5-year-old likes trains, too. Yet just because he can say “Choo choo!” with enthusiasm doesn’t mean he can oversee the country’s transportation system. When the country is having supply-chain problems, the transportation secretary’s skills and experience, let alone availability, become rather, uh, indispensable.

Buttigieg can take a two-month paternity leave, but the guy who runs the pizza shop down the block can’t just disappear for two months without putting someone else in charge. Someone has to make the calzone.

The public didn’t even learn about Buttigieg’s break at the start, but only after transportation-related problems exploded around us. Who’s running the shop? Anyone?

This is all in keeping with the way a distracted, carefree, ideological Biden administration has operated the whole time. In September, the president took a weekend beach trip as the disaster on our southern border blew up and 14,000 Haitian migrants camped out under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. As the US pullout from Afghanistan turned into an unmitigated disaster, the president disappeared — surfacing later to claim it was an enormous “success.”

Now, as Americans start to worry about stocking their cupboards and buying Christmas presents, Biden goes more than a week refusing to take any questions. Sorry, but this is unacceptable, no matter who’s president.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

Thanks for the duplicate Colon story, captain redundancy.



It wasn't a duplicate.

You included the link

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Once they lied about lockdowns, masks, and school closings--lying about vaccine efficacy was easy.

anonymous said...

So mayor Pete goes on secret leave for two months and finally emerges......

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I am sure it was not a secret in his department and that it is well documented in his personal files....only you and the other GOP idiots think it is a secret because he kept it private......very sad your life is so pathetic that a LOA is now a political issue......!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Normal administrations put another person temporarily in charge when someone goes out on LOA

not the incompetent Biden administration

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Sharyl Attkisson

NPR: "The bad news, doctors say, is that half of Israel's seriously ill patients who are currently hospitalized were fully vaccinated at least five months ago."


NPR "Looming question: Will we need COVID-19 vaccines every several months? We don't know."

Sure doesn't act like a vaccine

rrb said...

Once they lied about lockdowns, masks, and school closings--lying about vaccine efficacy was easy.

Colon Powell could not be reached for comment.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

New shirt! Biden ruined this country and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.

I think you'll like it! You can pick your color!

Order yours today!

Let's Go Brandon !

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Andrew Bostom, MD, MS

1/ Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS, by @AaronSiriSG

Animal Farm

Some whistleblowers good

More whistleblowers bad

The government will tell you which

anonymous said...

Andrew Bostom, MD, MS

1/ Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS, b

UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT BEING POSTED BY THE MOST FUCKED UP DADDY EVAH!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness this POS venue is the only place polluted by your stupidity !!!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


It has come to my attention that 400K people now follow me on this platform.
I can’t promise you that we will always agree — but I can promise you that I’m right.
Love you all.
It’s been an amazing ride.
Thank you for following along.

rrb said...

It looks like the alky isn't the only one who can crank out a completely gibberish word salad. Mary Pete Buttplug has the gift too:

“What I can tell you is that we are doing everything for the short term and the long term and we will work through the factors that present themselves as challenges in the terms that we encounter on everything. … The significant problems are not problem of insignificance because they are not important problems, they are significant challenges because of the importance of their significance and we are addressing them in both long and short term solutions. … This is important, not just morally but also economically, because the challenges are what we need to recognize as important maintenance issue challenges.”

anonymous said...


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

It looks like the alky isn't the only one who can crank out a completely gibberish word salad. Mary Pete Buttplug has the gift too

Reads like something VERY lo iq would write

without the BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Guess buttplug wasn't holding his ankles unlike Denny


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Trish Regan

Biden finished bottom of the barrel.. #76 out of 85 students at Syracuse Law.

DeSantis, meanwhile, graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School.

One of these men just might have a bit more intellect on the law than the other? And he's suing the other

anonymous said...

Once again proving that an education really means little when GOP pols are involved !!!!!!!! DeSantis the science denier!!!!!

Honest Pastor James Boswell said...

Trump Demands New Election

Former President Donald Trump himself issued a statement over the weekend:

“Either a new Election should immediately take place or the past Election should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.”

Many Republicans are now thinking,
"The Democrats gave us an excellent chance to convict him, and we should have!"

Good pastor James with integrity said...

If Trump really believes that blather, he should take it to the Supreme Court.

Or rather, he would TRY to take it to the Supreme Court.

He knows they would pin back his ears.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The Daily Wire

Katie Couric Admits She Edited Ruth Bader Ginsburg Interview To Hide Justice’s Negative Opinion Of National Anthem Kneelers

John Hayward

The ideal of journalism is pursuing the truth wherever it leads.

The reality of modern American journalism is pursuing political ideology and Narratives wherever they lead, and burying the truth on the side of the road when it gets in the way.

Joe Biden's America


state media

fraudulent elections

Commonsense said...

Trump does live rent free in your head doesn't he James.

rrb said...

Or rather, he would TRY to take it to the Supreme Court.

He knows they would pin back his ears.

The USSC was too cowardly to hear the case the first time, saying Trump "lacked standing."

"lack standing" is a chicken shit excuse.

So pederast, how does the USSC "pin back his ears" when they're fundamentally too fucking skeered to hear the case?


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Joe Biden

United States government official

We need a Supply Commander to step up and take charge and get the doctors, nurses, health care workers, first responders, firefighters, and cops the equipment they need to protect themselves and save lives.
The Biden Plan to Coordinate Critical Materials for All 50 States and U.S. Territories - Joe Biden...
As commander in chief, it’s Trump’s responsibility to get these essential workers what they need. Trump should immediately task a Supply Commander to take command of the national supply chain for...
10:15 AM · Apr 4, 2020·

Ghost Gunner Lizzy

"Supply Commander, please report to the dance floor.

and put a record on your phonograph

what a complete fuckup

Let's Go Brandon

Honest, truth telling Rev. James said...

Historians will fimly note that the phrase "Fake News" was coined by the lyingest FAKE PRESIDENT this nation has ever had.

Commonsense said...

t“What I can tell you is that we are doing everything for the short term and the long term and we will work through the factors that present themselves as challenges in the terms that we encounter on everything. … The significant problems are not problem of insignificance because they are not important problems,

Soulless technocrat. Kind of reminds me of the character Major Major in the book Catch-22.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Thomas Massie

If the vaccine is completely safe, why is Biden planning to compensate government workers who are injured as a result of his vaccine mandate?

Who will compensate those who don’t work for the government but are injured as a result of his vaccine mandate?

Someone should ask Biden

If the state media is ever allowed to really ask questions

Joe Biden's America


Banana Republic

rrb said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Trump does live rent free in your head doesn't he James.

Terry McAuliffe has the same problem.


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Police don’t respond to calls. Don’t file reports.

Fact checking media: According to police, crime is low.

Joe Biden's America

FAKE fact checks


rrb said...

If the vaccine is completely safe, why is Biden planning to compensate government workers who are injured as a result of his vaccine mandate?

Who will compensate those who don’t work for the government but are injured as a result of his vaccine mandate?

Only government parasites matter.

The rest of us are subjects to be ruled.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


We are weeks removed from Israel having a massive upswing in new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among their vaccinated population and Dr. Fauci is still on cable news spreading the "unvaccinated" lie.

The face of America's pandemic response is a pathological liar.

Well so are Biden and Psaki

Commonsense said...

Historians will fimly note that the phrase "Fake News" was coined by the lyingest FAKE PRESIDENT this nation has ever had.

More likely Historians will look more kindly on the Trump years than a political hack of a fake pastor. Especially given the awful failure his.successor is.

Only 10 months of the disastrous Biden administration and we have fuel shortages, run away inflation, the threat of 3.5 trillion dollars in irresponsible wasteful spending and the threat of taxing the economy into recession.

I didn't even mention the debacle In Afghanistan.

And we have 3 years and 2 months to go.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On soars you guys hated him.

Gen. Powell harbored deep misgivings about the timing of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the size of the invading U.S. force. But he ultimately supported the action, lending his considerable credibility to making the public case for war. It was a move he later regretted.
While hailed on his retirement from public service at the end of Bush’s first term as a figure of honor and distinction, Gen. Powell was also criticized for not pushing harder to block the Iraq War or quitting in protest.
In his defense, Gen. Powell cited a sense of duty and obedience to presidential authority. “It’s just like in the military — you argue, you debate something, but once the president has made a decision, that becomes a decision for the Cabinet,” he said on CNN's “Larry King Live” in July 2009.

Commonsense said...

I'd like to asked Biden; "If we have to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, what's the point of being vaccinated in the first place.

rrb said...

Anonymous Honest, truth telling Rev. James said...

Historians will fimly note that the phrase "Fake News" was coined by the lyingest FAKE PRESIDENT this nation has ever had.

The "lyingest president we ever had?"

Who was it again that won the coveted LIE OF THE FUCKING YEAR award?

Oh yeah... Skeets Hussein 0linski:

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Trump cannot count that among his awards, but Lightbringer The Magic Negro can.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The vaccines don't give you total immunization, but in over 90% they give immunity. But just like my older brother Ron passed away peacefully from complications just like General Powell.

Another non bone is draft dodger asshole.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
On soars you guys hated him.

Gen. Powell

Well Biden killed him off so I guess he really hated him

rrb said...

I never hated the Colon, alky. I simply dismissed him when he went all in for Barack The Magic Negro, while telling me he was a Republican.

Now his fully-vaccinated ass is enjoying the big dirt nap.

How does one spin a vaccine mandate in the face of a high-profile fully vaccinated corpse?

Should be fun to watch once Ginger Twat Psucky assembles her bullshit talking points.

rrb said...

Another non bone is draft dodger asshole.

"Oh waiter! I'll have the oil and vinegar with my alky word salad today."

"An excellent choice sir. Coming right up!"

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The vaccines don't give you total immunization, but in over 90% they give immunity

apparently only for a very short while

they sure don't act like any other vaccine in the history of man

wonder what historians will say

Commonsense said...

Gen. Powell harbored deep misgivings about the timing of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the size of the invading U.S. force. But he ultimately supported the action, lending his considerable credibility to making the public case for war. It was a move he later regretted.

All of the intelligence that Saddam had WMD came from German source code name 8-ball. He turned out to be an Iraqi dissident will a real ax to grind who managed to bamboozal the US into war.

It was the greatest intelligence failure in US history.

Since Saddam try to assassinate his daddy you didn't need very much to convince "W". He was looking for any excuse to go after Saddam.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

Still waiting for any Democrat politician or voter to answer this simple question?

... If the vaccine works - how are the unvaccinated a threat to the vaccinated?

Haven't heard one answer that made any sense yet, but I have an open mind. I'm all ears.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The vaccines don't give you total immunization, but in over 90% they give immunity.

How deep within your own asshole did you pull THAT little bullshit factoid, alky?



On any given year a fully vetted influenza vaccine is lucky if it can achieve 50%, but we're supposed to believe a 'rushed to market' vaccine that only provides immunity from liability to the manufacturers is at 90%.


Truthful James said...

Historians will forever remember Trump as the only President we have ever had who refused to admit he did not legitmately win either the electoral or the popular vote.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We get flu shots once a year idiot

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You probably get a flu shot every year.

Truthful Roger said...

Yesterday was the 289th anniversary of the arrival of the Amick’s in America on Oct. 17, 1732.
Johannes Emig and his wife Dorothea, their sons Nicholas, John, and Jacob and a daughter landed in Philadelphia after a grueling 17 week sea voyage from Rotterdam. Another daughter died and was buried at sea, among the 20% of the passengers that perished.
Most of the ships passengers, 14 families, were from the Bas-Rhine region in Germany (much of this is now in France). There were about 120 passengers crammed into this vessel at the end of the voyage.
Remember to Save The Date for the 300th Anniversary Reunion – October 17, 2032!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am a direct descendant of him

Laughing, James said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
Trump does live rent free in your head doesn't he James.

He is living very expensively in the nightmares of all really principled Republicans.

Myballs said...

Powell managed to stay alive for over eight decades. Dementia Biden is president for 8 months and Colin is dead.

Everything biden touched turns to shit.

Don't underestimate Joe's sbiluty to fuck things up

Laughing Roger said...

The Democrats have been gaslighted by Obama to believe that this is science fiction!

That COVID-19 vaccines have killed 10,000 to 12,000 people and can make you magnetic.

That President Biden is a "brain-dead zombie puppet" being controlled by George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party.

That the participants in the deadly white supremacist attempted coup on January 6 were actually the victims of a "setup."4That Black people fighting for civil rights are "race hustlers."5That the LGBTQ+ community is "perverted" and that Pride Month should be replaced by a celebration of "white history month."

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Plus they are concealing his mental stability, we must win in Virginia!

Step one until we restore sanity with President Trump.

He lives in the heads of the truthers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden is responsible for Powell's death?

So Trump's wonderful warp speed produced vaccination had nothing to do with it?

Myballs said...

If you all can blame Trump for everything, then turnabout is fair play Mr dish it out but can't take it. :O)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Although President Biden has been trying to go beyond his predecessor Barack Obama and his Obamacare plan, but I'm seeing the he is backing back towards the Obama strategy that got Obamacare passed.

He's not changing the infrastructure bill but he is negotiating with the moderate Democrats to get the build back better bill passed by the Senate using the reconciliation process.

Part of it is the climate change legislation is going to help coal companies and their employees, especially in West Virginia.

Myballs said...

It'll help them by putting them out of business, just like Obama wanted.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You probably get a flu shot every year.

I do, ever since I turned 50. When I ask my doc about efficacy he says the same thing every year -

"Just like every other year, about 50%."

It's not a panacea, alky. Nor is the Covid vaccine as The Colon can attest.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Myballs said...
It'll help [coal companies] by putting them out of business, just like Obama wanted.

Honest James said...
It's natural gas that's putting them out of business.

rrb said...

Part of it is the climate change legislation is going to help coal companies and their employees, especially in West Virginia.

"Help" coal companies and their employees by putting them out of business and destroying their jobs.

Just like he "helped" those Keystone XL pipeline employees by relieving them of their $100K/year jobs.

Just like the Covid vaccine "helped" The Colon.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even RCP agrees with me.

rrb said...

climate change legislation

A liberal idea so good it must be made mandatory.

If any of this green bullshit held any actual promise the private sector would've latched onto it 30 years ago.

Ironically, all it is is a con. A very expensive and business-disrupting con.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The pipeline was going through Native American tribal lands. I grew up in a state that was stolen from them.

Most of the tribal leaders didn't want the pipeline through their lands.

rrb said...

Bill Scher is a contributing editor to Politico Magazine, co-host of the show “The DMZ,” and host of the podcast “New Books in Politics.”

He can be reached at or follow him on Twitter @BillScher.

RCP doesn't agree with you alky.

A leftist clown who writes at RCP agrees with you.

Know the difference.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The pipeline was going through Native American tribal lands. I grew up in a state that was stolen from them.

A lame excuse. We already have 2.6 MILLION miles of pipelines running across America. Much of it on "tribal lands."

To the victor go the spoils. So stop hiding behind the 'native lands' excuse. It's bullshit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American Thinker believes that the covid-19 shutdowns are immune system was designed to make us into a communist country.

The response to the COVID pandemic has produced a number of distressing and questionable policies: mandates, lockdowns, threatening people's jobs, and contributing to the psychological effects of uncertainty and increasing authoritarianism.  The response to COVID has been associated with its own detriments, even if one wishes to assume that these were unavoidable or, on balance, necessary.  Given these costs, however, the dismissal of potential therapies on grounds of "no evidence," coupled with a refusal to investigate such evidence, suggests that the priorities in COVID policy do not begin with public health.

Anonymous said...

@a time when we have empty shelves.
Industrial Production dropped in Sept. -1.3%⬇️

Anonymous said...

Stopping the building of the Keystone XL Pipeline signaled to the world the US President can be bent over forward.

anonymous said...

Stopping the Keystone pipeline signaled the world that the dirty oil it will transport is no longer wanted!!!!!!! The only thing bent over goat fucker is you over a stump and being broken......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

More desending news in the world of Big Socialism under Biden.

"Capacity utilization. Sept. ⬇️75.2⬇️"
Down a full percent from last month.

Commonsense said...

The pipeline was going through Native American tribal lands. I grew up in a state that was stolen from them.
Most of the tribal leaders didn't want the pipeline through their lands.

It was not going through their lands as define by their treaty boundaries.

Commonsense said...

Or to put it another way Roger. If you took the lands that Native American activist claim as their own. Your family was trespassing.

Commonsense said...

Stopping the Keystone pipeline signaled the world that the dirty oil it will transport is no longer wanted!!!!!!!

Actually the oil is not dirty. But it does contain impurities that make it harder to refine. Hence, the term "dirty oil" as opposed to "light, sweet crude".

It all depends on the geological formation the oil was extracted from.

And most certainly the oil was wanted. The only one who didn't want it was Biden. The oil now is being shipped to New Orleans vis railway tankers that Warren Buffet owns. Which is a more expensive, and dangerous way to transport the oil.

But it makes Warren Buffet a pretty penny. Joe always keeps his promise to his bribers.

Commonsense said...

The response to the COVID pandemic has produced a number of distressing and questionable policies: mandates, lockdowns, threatening people's jobs, and contributing to the psychological effects of uncertainty and increasing authoritarianism.

Nothing wrong with that statement. In fact, there's quite a bit of truth to it.

Actually Joe Biden is making us into a communist country. He's the authoritarian liberals feared Trump was.

C.H. Truth said...

Stopping the Keystone pipeline signaled the world that the dirty oil it will transport is no longer wanted!!!!!!! T

Well I wonder why that "dirty oil" is okay being pipelined over in Russia? Biden didn't seem to have any issues with that.

Anonymous said...

Den-Alky you use no oil/natural Gas, right?

anonymous said...

Well I wonder why that "dirty oil" is okay being pipelined over in Russia

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Are you confused Lil Schtitty????? My comment has no bearing whatsoever to Biden's action!!!!! And cramps just makes shit up!!!!!