Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Good news?

There’s a little bit of good news on the Wuhan coronavirus front. Moderna Inc’s experimental vaccine for the virus proved to be safe and to provoke immune responses in all 45 healthy volunteers in an ongoing Phase 1 study.
Individuals who received two doses of the vaccine had levels of virus-killing neutralizing antibodies that exceeded the average levels seen in people who have recovered from COVID-19.

Now this will no doubt crawl along slower than a turtle with a broken leg, but it's encouraging that we have something that appears to have a good shot at helping.


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Myballs said...

Moderna received more than $500M from federal govt as part of Trump's I initiative to develop a vaccine. Phase 3 begins end of July.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Walmart is going to require face coverings.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This news is so good , Roger can't talk about it.
Yesterday Roger said Trump would hold a vaccine back and release it as the "October Surprise.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More than half of the participants had side effects, including fatigue, chills, headaches, muscle aches and pain at the injection site. Some had fever. One person who received the low dose developed hives and was withdrawn from the study. None of the side effects were considered serious.

Experts not involved with the study said the results were encouraging, but early. “Just because you have antibodies doesn’t mean you’re completely immune,” Dr. Rasmussen said.

But at least there is chance to recover from the virus

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I saw this on the President's Facebook page. Darwinism.

Good-bye America. President Trump, if you tell everyone they have to be vaccinated from this not deadly virus that kills very little people, i will say good-bye to this no longer free country. I will not be vaccinating my child with something terrible for him. Formaldehyde, aluminum, etc. Before everyone gets their panties bunched go do your research on vaccines on the CDC website to look what is being injected. Yeah i vaccinate simply so that when he does come in contact with the diseases he will be okay but THEY HAVE NO RIGHT to put the other deadly toxins in vaccines. Anyway. Hopefully this country will remain free or it is good-bye to all of my family and friends to avoid a communist country.

These are the same people who have refused to wear a mask in public.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON, D.C.(The Borowitz Report)—Trying out a new line of attack against the former Vice-President, Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Joe Biden could never have a pandemic as big as his.

“Biden was Vice-President for eight years and had all the time in the world to have a pandemic,” Trump said. “Where was his pandemic?”

By contrast, Trump asserted, “In just a few months, I’ve built the biggest pandemic this country has seen in a hundred years.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In 1905 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the government does have the right to require citizens to follow public health rules during a public health crisis such as an epidemic. It was regarding smallpox, but it still holds true.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court's decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Some people who have recovered from the COVID-19 infection and have the antibodies that protected them from the infection, have experienced a reduction of the antibodies and have been reinfected with the COVID-19 infection.

I was watching a doctor who said that although the new vaccines are very effective, but he said that we need to make sure that it works.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McConnell Has ‘Total’ Faith In Fauci

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said he has “total” faith in Dr. Anthony Fauci while speaking to reporters in his home state of Kentucky, WAVE reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oklahoma Governor Tests Positive

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) announced he has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Trump Approval Hits New Lows

The Navigator tracking poll finds President Trump’s job approval rating has hit a new low in the history of the poll,
39% to 59%.

For comparison, the FiveThirtyEight polling average shows Trump’s approval at
40% to 55%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...



Avik Roy

New @FREOPP: We've updated our nursing home #COVID19 fatalities article with the latest statistics. 45% of all #coronavirus deaths have taken place in facilities housing 0.6% of the U.S. population.

Thanks Cuomo and blue state governors


AP Politics

BREAKING: Sara Gideon wins Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in Maine primary election. #APracecall at 9:32 p.m. EDT. #Election2020 #MEprimary

Jesse Hunt

Excellent! We have 112 days to hear from Sara Gideon as to why she believed a male member of caucus accused of preying on underage girls instead of the victims of his actions #mepolitics

Why does it appear that all the pedophiles support the left?

Anonymous said...

ALBANY — The head of the New York State Troopers PBA issued a statement Wednesday "demanding" that state troopers be removed from New York City "and cease any law enforcement activities within that jurisdiction."

"We have arrived at this unfortunate decision due to the hastily written so-called police reform legislation recently passed by the New York City Council," said PBA President Thomas H. Mungeer. "This poorly conceived bill, which will be signed into law by Mayor de Blasio today, puts an undue burden upon our troopers; it opens them up to criminal and civil liability for restraining a person during a lawful arrest in a manner that is consistent with their training and is legal throughout the rest of the state. Furthermore, this legislation will prevent troopers from safely and effectively arresting resistant subjects."

According to Mungeer, the new regulations would "criminalize methods of restraint, including putting any pressure on a person’s chest or back."

He said those techniques are used by law enforcement agencies across the nation "when officers are faced with violently combative subjects."

"I find it extremely troubling that these acts are now defined as criminal in nature, even if they were unintentional and no injury was sustained by the subject," Mungeer said.

State troopers have been assigned to New York City more frequently in recent years, at Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's request, assigned to patrol the city’s airports, bridges and tunnels.

Mungeer directed his request to State Police Superintendent Keith Corlett. He also suggested that the state attorney general indemnify state troopers from the New York City law, but it's unclear if that office holds that authority.

New York City and many other municipalities across the country have been changing or debating police use of force techniques in the wake of protests that followed the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. He died after a police officer kneeled on his neck for nearly nine minutes as Floyd was handcuffed and complaining that he could not breathe. Many protesters have also called on their state and local governments to "defund" police agencies.

Anonymous said...

We've updated our nursing home #COVID19 fatalities article with the latest statistics. 45% of all #coronavirus deaths have taken place in facilities housing 0.6% of the U.S. population.

Dr. Josef Mengele smiles in approval.

Commonsense said...

More than half of the participants had side effects, including fatigue, chills, headaches, muscle aches and pain at the injection site

The side effect were nominal and relatively rare. From the study report in the NEJM.

No serious adverse events were noted, and no prespecified trial halting rules were met. As noted above, one participant in the 25-μg group was withdrawn because of an unsolicited adverse event, transient urticaria, judged to be related to the first vaccination.

Most of the side effects happened in the high dose range. 45 volunteers participated in the first which establish the dosing range for the vaccine.

The next trial will expand the trial to 30,000 volunteers.

Note: The participants are all now COVID-19 positive to any antibody test.

Anonymous said...

liberals - weapons grade stupid:

#BlackLivesMatter #AmericaWasNeverGreat

China will soon be the world's largest economy. It'll be the first nation to reach that status whose rise isn't built on colonialism, slavery & genocide, but rather on hard work, good economics & effective governance. This should earn China love, but it earns it hate in the West.

9:20 AM · Jul 14, 2020·TweetDeck
Retweets and comments

the marxist teachers union hacks who "educated" this dumb fuck must be SO proud.

Commonsense said...

Some people who have recovered from the COVID-19 infection and have the antibodies that protected them from the infection, have experienced a reduction of the antibodies and have been reinfected with the COVID-19 infection.

People are passing off speculation as fact. There is no known study that has confirmed this nor has there been a confirm case of someone who was reinfected.

It's bunk.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — George Floyd's family filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the city of Minneapolis and the four police officers charged in his death, alleging the officers violated Floyd's rights when they restrained him and that the city allowed a culture of excessive force, racism and impunity to flourish in its police force.

The civil rights lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Minnesota, was announced by attorney Ben Crump and other lawyers representing Floyd's family members.

“This complaint shows what we have said all along, that Mr. Floyd died because the weight of the entire Minneapolis Police Department was on his neck,” Crump said in a statement. “The City of Minneapolis has a history of policies, procedures and deliberate indifference that violates the rights of arrestees, particularly Black men, and highlights the need for officer training and discipline."

Crump said the lawsuit seeks to set a precedent "that makes it financially prohibitive for police to wrongfully kill marginalized people — especially Black people — in the future.”

A message seeking comment from the city attorney's office was not immediately returned.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They must be a bunch of Marxists and Communist people.

BREAKING: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is officially urging all Americans to wear face masks to stem the spread of COVID-19, with leaders from the agency affirming studies that found the U.S. could get the pandemic under control if face masks were worn universally.

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19,” CDC Director Robert Redfield said. “Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus – particularly when used universally within a community setting."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Its a fact

Anonymous said...

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — George Floyd's family filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the city of Minneapolis and the four police officers charged in his death, alleging the officers violated Floyd's rights when they restrained him and that the city allowed a culture of excessive force, racism and impunity to flourish in its police force.

time to cash this mothafucka in an' shit yo.

just like when trayvon's baby mama had those 'trayvon' t-shirts made.

just like when michael brown's baby mama had those "hands up don't shoot" t-shirts printed.

cha ching!!!

side note -

two more blacks whose lives apparently don't matter all that much were shot in Albany early this morning.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Its a fact

prove it.

with a non- NY Times link.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More Marxists and Communist leaders!

ASHEVILLE, N.C. – In an extraordinary move, the Asheville City Council has apologized for the North Carolina city's historic role in slavery, discrimination and denial of basic liberties to Black residents and voted to provide reparations to them and their descendants.

The 7-0 vote came the night of July 14.

"Hundreds of years of Black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," said Councilman Keith Young, one of two African American members of the body and the measure's chief proponent.

"It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature."

The unanimously passed resolution does not mandate direct payments. Instead, it will make investments in areas where Black residents face disparities.

Now I'm not in favor of reparations because the Civil War was over 140 years ago.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Hartford Hospital

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Separate researchers, in a study published in Nature Medicine in June, also suggested that people who have severe bouts of COVID-19 have longer-lasting antibodies than those who have mild forms of the virus or are asymptomatic. In the asymptomatic patients studied, 40 percent lost their protective antibodies within a few weeks or months, compared with 12.9 percent of symptomatic patients.

The trouble tracking the virus and the human body’s immune system response also leads experts to believe that multiple vaccinations will be needed, instead of a one-time inoculation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Separate researchers, in a study published in Nature Medicine in June, also suggested that people who have severe bouts of COVID-19 have longer-lasting antibodies than those who have mild forms of the virus or are asymptomatic. In the asymptomatic patients studied, 40 percent lost their protective antibodies within a few weeks or months, compared with 12.9 percent of symptomatic patients.

The trouble tracking the virus and the human body’s immune system response also leads experts to believe that multiple vaccinations will be needed, instead of a one-time inoculation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Shove it up your ass

Anonymous said...

but you left out the chicoms "study", alky.

now why would you do that???

But in a Chinese study published in the journal Science, monkeys infected with coronavirus were protected from reinfection for up to 28 days as their immune systems had a stronger response and produced more neutralizing antibodies that protected them. Scientists involved in the study surmised that this protection might be tied a short-term immunity that has kept humans from becoming reinfected in the months since the pandemic began in 2019.

the fact is, what you cited was no study at all alky. this is not how studies work. what you cited was anecdotal evidence, some of it derived from china. and you'd have to be the biggest dumb fuck on planet earth to believe ANYTHING from china on the topic of covid.

nice try alky, but i must mark this effort a FAIL.

Caliphate4vr said...


Ever been, chicks with short hair, in flannel shirts driving Subaru’s everywhere. Cool town saw Death Cab for Cutie a few years back

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He said that he would release his taxes once the audit was completed in 2015.

President Donald Trump's lawyers told a federal judge on Wednesday that they intend to keep fighting a New York grand jury subpoena for his tax returns and will file their legal objections before the end of the month.

Both Trump and the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus Vance, called for an expedited process in a joint filing before a federal district court judge in New York. Trump's lawyers said they would file their initial objection to the subpoena by July 27. The final legal briefs from both sides would be due Aug. 14.

Commonsense said...

So Roger has his ass handed to him and then he zags to tax returns.

Here's a clue idiot. Trump not going to release his returns and the only people care about it are not going to vote for him anyway.

Anonymous said...

ASHEVILLE, N.C. – In an extraordinary display of meaningless virtue signalling and overall asshattery, the Asheville City Council has apologized for the North Carolina city's historic role in slavery, discrimination and denial of basic liberties to Black residents and voted to provide reparations to them and their descendants.

In another largely symbolic and meaningless gesture the Asheville Public Library has announced an amnesty for all overdue books. "We understand and acknowledge the stress that the COVID-19 crisis has had on the literate among us and would like to allow these folk to return those books without penalty or judgement" said Mabel Smith, Ashville Librarian, Historian, and Quilting Bee President.

Commonsense said...

NYPD chief of police suffered a head injury from "peaceful protesters" today.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

He said that he would release his taxes once the audit was completed in 2015.

alky, lest you forget, ralph maddow had trump's tax return already. in it was revealed that trump paid $30 MILLION for the year in question.

Here's a clue idiot. Trump not going to release his returns and the only people care about it are not going to vote for him anyway.

poor alky.

he isn't even smart enough to realize that trump is entitled to object and defend himself from the subpoena. that takes time.

a loooooooong time.

and what they'll discover when they finally get to see the returns is that trump had significant 'carry forward' losses from years past. losses that resulted in trump paying no net taxes. there's a small cadre of barely intelligent liberals who know this, and they're the ones who are prepared to shriek when it's revealed trump paid no taxes.

the left preys on the ignorant like the alky. it's their base.

Caliphate4vr said...

Damn Yankees

CDC chief says Northerners heading South for vacation may be to blame for surge in coronavirus cases, not state reopenings

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I wonder if the Democrats call the COVID-19 "The Trump Virus" will work as a campaign slogan?
Or COVID-45?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How many people who support the President will start a #BoycottWamtWalmat campaign?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I wonder if the Democrats call the COVID-19 "The Trump Virus" will work as a campaign slogan?
Or COVID-45?

well alky,

when you have absolutely no positives to run on with ol' stinkfinger joe, i suppose your default position is to go negative on trump while you keep your dementia patient in the fucking basement.

you're admitting biden has no positive attributes as a candidate.

tell us something we don't know.

Commonsense said...

Not a problem. I don't like Wal-mart anyway.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

How many people who support the President will start a #BoycottWamtWalmat campaign?

a what???



push the nurse call button alky. you appear to be having a stroke.

Anonymous said...

Damn Yankees

CDC chief says Northerners heading South for vacation may be to blame for surge in coronavirus cases, not state reopenings

our Angel of Death Cuomo took to exporting the virus to you guys.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Man in MAGA hat flashes his gun when asked to follow his state's mask order

Anonymous said...

His Female Fellow Eller is Mich. Gov. Winter. She is killing what is left of Detroit Auto industry.

Anonymous said...

67% of Registered/likely voters blame China for the China Virus.

Anonymous said...

Fake concern for what happens in Kansas.
It is impossible to "flash" a weapon in Kansas we are both a concealed carry and open carry state.

Unlike the sewer of LA.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Roger, the crime..... from your article. "the unmasked man".

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Man in MAGA hat flashes his gun when asked to follow his state's mask order


this is exactly where the left has taken us, and they act like they have no idea how we got here.

LOL. good one alky.

Anonymous said...

The state’s Democratic governor, Laura Kelly, introduced a mandate to wear masks at the start of this month, but most counties have opted out of it –"😂🤣😆
"Most" too funny, 83% of Kansas Counties treated their citizens as Free Americans and shoved the "order" up Kelleys asshole.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Florida health officials have identified a troubling trend; approximately 31 percent, or one-third, of children in Florida tested for COVID-19 yield positive results, according to the Sun Sentinel.

State data indicates that out of 54,022 Florida children tested, 31.1 percent have returned positive results on average. This is higher than the statewide positivity rate, which reads in at about 11 percent.

Aside from the staggering figure indicating the transmission of the virus, health experts fear it can cause potential lifelong damage in children. Alina Alonso, the health department director of Palm Beach County, reportedly told county commissioners on Tuesday that the long-term consequences of coronavirus in children are unknown.

Alonso described X-rays that reveal damage caused to human lungs by the coronavirus, even for people without severe symptoms.

You don't care about the children who may have long term problems with their health.

Anonymous said...

You don't care about the children who may have long term problems with their health.

and neither do the scores of pediatricians and the American Academy of Pediatricians who advocate for the kids to return to school.

TDS only affects assholes like you alky. i think kids are immune to it, or at least aren't susceptible to it until later in life.

oh, and here's where you stole that scary story -

Anonymous said...

Roger cares about children.
Ok, Roger is pro-life, right?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Shit again

The 2021 Rose Parade is canceled for first time in 75 years.

I went to the Parade 15 year ago

Anonymous said...

Bread & Circuses 2020

Anonymous said...

I went to the Parade 15 year ago

sure you did alky.

it's always about you.


Dan Bongino

German Study: Almost No Coronavirus Spread at Schools That Reopened

Any word on the doodah parade ???

Commonsense said...

Aside from the staggering figure indicating the transmission of the virus, health experts fear it can cause potential lifelong damage in children. Alina Alonso, the health department director of Palm Beach County, reportedly told county commissioners on Tuesday that the long-term consequences of coronavirus in children are unknown.

Translation; There is no long term damage. Florida uses an antibody test that tells you you have been exposed to the virus. Children are asymptomatic or show mild symptoms at worst. This is scaremongering.

Anonymous said...

Researchers at Israel’s Hebrew University of Jerusalem and New York’s Mount Sinai Medical Center believe they could potentially downgrade COVID-19’s severity into nothing worse than a common cold.

New research by Hebrew University Prof. Ya’acov Nahmias and Sinai’s Dr. Benjamin tenOever revealed that the FDA-approved drug Fenofibrate (Tricor) could reduce SARS-CoV-2’s ability to reproduce or even make it disappear.

SARS-CoV-2 is the scientific name for the novel coronavirus.

“Viruses are parasites,” Nahmias explained to The Jerusalem Post. “They cannot replicate themselves. They cannot make new viruses. They have to get inside a human cell and then hijack that cell.”

“Viruses are parasites”

so viruses are democrats.

thought so.

Anonymous said...

...the long-term consequences of coronavirus in children are unknown.

so let's scare the shit out the parents and the kids anyway. just because we can.

this is why liberals make it so fucking easy to hate them.

Commonsense said...

Alonso described X-rays that reveal damage caused to human lungs by the coronavirus, even for people without severe symptoms.

Obviously they did not show up in children because she said the long term damage was unknown.

Commonsense said...

Viruses are parasites,” Nahmias explained to The Jerusalem Post. “They cannot replicate themselves. They cannot make new viruses. They have to get inside a human cell and then hijack that cell.”

The trick to a virus's survival is to not kill the host. So there is evolutionary pressure for the virus to mutate to a milder less dangerious form.

Anonymous said...

The Clinton Foundation, why has it been refunded and stopped all that great work it was doing?

anonymous said...

The trick to a virus's survival is to not kill the host

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Your knowledge of biology is laughable cramps.......The debate for years about them is are they truly a lifeform!!!!!! I still can't get my arms around what they really are and why they exist at all.....To make the assertion that they mutate to be milder is absolutely the stupidest thing you could say......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Also amusing you are now recognizing evolution which goes against everything you have ever posted!!!!!

anonymous said...

Biden +15 in Pa.......Biden +13 national quinippiac.........oopsie!!!!!

anonymous said...

And why is the goat fucking idiot so fixated on clintons who lost 3 years ago......kinda like him living in his mommy's basement with no skills, hope or future!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

BTW,,,,,what happened to the Trump foundation and all those paintings they bought of donny??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Your knowledge of biology is laughable cramps....

Obviously it's far more extensive than you FDU biology class which little better than high school sex ed.

The debate for years about them is are they truly a lifeform!!!!!!

They consume energy and they reproduce. That is the very definition of a lifeform.

Caliphate4vr said...

Hey Fatty Dukakis had a 17 point lead about now. How was his administration?


Anonymous said...

Home Depot hits another historic high.


Greg Price

So Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver got $700k/yr to lobby for a Russian state-owned nuclear energy company and is registered under FARA as an agent of Russia.

Lets go through some of his old tweets.


and I saw a Uranium One link. Paging Hillary ...



Greg Price

"Russia committed a Pearl Harbor cyber attack on the USA!!!!" he said as Moscow gave him $350K up front after he signed the contract to lobby for a state-owned nuclear energy company.


very interesting...

anonymous said...

Like you and the NVA HD means nothing to me......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Hey UGA big mouth.....SO FUCKING WHAT!!!!!!!!! Trump keeps talking....polls keep crashing!!!!!!!

They consume energy and they reproduce

NO THEY DON"T......did you look at the link I posted you fucking moron??????


and even more...

Greg Price

Weaver called Michael Cohen "Russia's favorite consultant" and Putin a "KGB thug"

He may have to take a look in mirror...


interesting, exactly what is Russia paying him for...

anonymous said...

Suggest the cramps use the google machine and look up viral replication and then describe what they do......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Greg Price and fucked up daddy....Who fucking cares what they opine.....they are both less than zero's!!!!!! Fake news is all they ever post.....POS!!!


More on the "republican" Lincoln project with Soviet funding for it's cofounder ...

Rob Pyers

With its claims to be a Republican group already on shaky ground for its use of the Democrats' NGP VAN software and a Dem fundraiser, staff additions from the Hillary for America, Bloomberg 2020, Katie Hill for Congress, and Michael Bennet 2020 campaigns probably won't help.

Should be pretty clear to everyone (except lo iq "anonymous") that this is a trojan horse operation with Russian ties.


Anonymous said...

Chief of Police of the Mission Police Department has no call for or report from the BBQ shop Alky linked to.

Anonymous said...

Chief of Police of the Mission Police Department has no call for or report from the BBQ shop Alky linked to.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As coronavirus cases surge and states rollback re-openings, former Vice President Joe Biden opens up his biggest lead this year over President Donald Trump in the race for the White House. Registered voters back Biden over Trump 52 - 37 percent, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. This compares to a June 18th national poll when Biden led Trump 49 - 41 percent. Since March, Biden's lead had ranged from 8 to 11 percentage points.

Independents are a key factor behind Biden's widening lead as they now back him 51 - 34 percent, while in June, independents were split with 43 percent for Biden and 40 percent for Trump. There is also some movement among Republicans as they back Trump 84 - 9 percent, compared to 92 - 7 percent in June. Democrats go to Biden 91 - 5 percent, little changed from 93 - 4 percent in June.

"Yes, there's still 16 weeks until Election Day, but this is a very unpleasant real time look at what the future could be for President Trump. There is no upside, no silver lining, no encouraging trend hidden somewhere in this survey for the president," said Quinnipiac University Polling Analyst Tim Malloy.


Voters now give Biden a slight lead over Trump in a direct match up when it comes to handling the economy. Voters say 50 - 45 percent that Biden would do a better job handling the economy, a reversal from June when Trump held a slight lead 51 - 46 percent.

Asked about other key issues:

* On handling a crisis, Biden leads 57 - 38 percent;

* On handling health care, Biden leads 58 - 35 percent;

* On the coronavirus response, Biden leads 59 - 35 percent;

* On addressing racial inequality, Biden leads 62 - 30 percent.

Anonymous said...

If The Lincoln Project was exclusively campaigning against Donald Trump, one might be tempted to believe it wasn’t merely an arm of the Democratic Party. If one of its co-founders, John Weaver, hadn’t been registered as a foreign agent lobbying for a Russia-owned nuclear-energy company against U.S. sanctions not long ago, one might accept that the group believed the conspiracy theories it spreads. If the group wasn’t working against the moderate Republicans senators for the sin of supporting originalist Supreme Court justices, who will transcend the Trump presidency and help preserve the traditional constitutional order, one might believe that its mission was to preserve the system. If you target moderates like Susan Collins and Cory Gardner — politicians who not only parted with Trump on issues but have quite un-Trumpian dispositions — you’re not working against Trumpism, you’re working against the GOP.

The media can keep calling you “Republicans,” but if you support Democrats, take Democratic Party positions, make voting for Democrats all the way down the ticket a binary choice and moral imperative, and then take most of your money from big Democratic Party donors, you’re a Democrat. That’s fine. You should embrace it.

I’m not really a fan of making a big deal over a group’s funding. Your arguments should stand on their own. I don’t care who pays you. But if you advertise your cause as something it’s not, you’re a fraud. And the biggest funders of The Lincoln Project aren’t distraught Republicans but long-time Democratic Party operatives.

By far the biggest donor has been Stephen Mandel, who gave The Lincoln Project — which, as far as I can tell, produces cheap b-roll-laden ads and takes nearly 90 percent of its budget in “operating expenditures” — a million dollars. His company Lone Pine Capital, it seems, has given the Democratic Party Senate committee $497,000 this year, $248,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign committee, and a bunch of money to other left-wing candidates. During the 2018 cycle, Lone Pine Capital doled out $5,893,300 to Democrats. It gave $1,333,333 to Planned Parenthood.

I’m confused somewhat by one of the other top names: Arturas Kerelis, who news reports say is actually an Internet grifter named Arturas Rosenbacher. Maybe the donor is a different person. Then again, it would fit. (It looks like his donation was refunded.) Amos Hostetter, who dropped over a million dollars on the Obama Foundation, and David Geffen have been giving money to Democrats decades before Donald Trump ever ran for president or “Trumpism” existed. As has another top Lincoln Fund donor, Joshua Bekenstein, director of Bain Capital, who gave Democrats $3.5 million in 2018.

Call me cynical, but I’m suspicious that these donors, or those who take their money, have the best interests of the conservative movement or Republican Party at heart.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They are conservatives not Trumpist like you

Anonymous said...

Registered voters back Biden over Trump 52 - 37 percent, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today.

i remember this. it's just like the run-up to the 2016 election.

you had that one as cankles by a landslide, didn't you alky?

oh, and as you should know since you've been hanging around here long enough...

the polls reporting "registered voters?"

uh, yeah. about as worthless and reliable as you are alky.

to me the funniest part of this whole thing so far is how the people suddenly trust biden - a guy who's been in DC for 45 years - to suddenly address these issues after ignoring them for almost a half century.


anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

They are conservatives not Trumpist like you

they're grifters, failed campaign managers and scumbags, alky. and their co-founder, John Weaver, is on pooty-poot's payroll. i believe you guys call that COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS.

The media can keep calling you “Republicans,” but if you support Democrats, take Democratic Party positions, make voting for Democrats all the way down the ticket a binary choice and moral imperative, and then take most of your money from big Democratic Party donors, you’re a Democrat. That’s fine. You should embrace it.

Anonymous said...

why are you shouting BWAA?

it's not like anyone listens to you anyway.

go jam a pie in your pie hole and wash it down with a pistol.

anonymous said...

the polls reporting "registered voters?"

uh, yeah. about as worthless and reliable as you are alky.

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! Yep.....Trump is soaring down the polls!!!!!!!! Too funny even for moronic asshole like you rat!!!!


The media can keep calling you “Republicans,” but if you support Democrats, take Democratic Party positions, make voting for Democrats all the way down the ticket a binary choice and moral imperative, and then take most of your money from big Democratic Party donors, you’re a Democrat. That’s fine. You should embrace it

Dems are always running false flag operations and think it gives them credibility.

NEWS FLASH: it doesn't.

Next up CNN will interview 400 Republicans who voted for Trump and are now disgusted and voting for Biden


anonymous said...

go jam a pie in your pie hole and wash it down with a pistol.


Anonymous said...

Next up CNN will interview 400 Republicans who voted for Trump and are now disgusted and voting for Biden

yeah, the old grey whore NYT has been running those fictions pieces for a couple weeks now.

i love the names and places they make up when they write them.

"We're here talking to Morris Fucklestick at the Wagon Wheel Diner in Crooked Poke Iowa. Mr. Fucklestick was a Trump voter in 2016 but in 2020 he's solidly for Biden..."

anonymous said...

And the trump ass sucker rat running more fiction and fake news he is such and expert in!!!!!!!! Must suck knowing that your ass is being kicked into next week......>LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON — Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a double-digit lead nationally over President Donald Trump, with 7 in 10 voters saying the country is on the wrong track, and majorities disapproving of the president’s handling of the coronavirus and race relations.

Those are the major findings of a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that comes three and a half months before the 2020 presidential election, amid a pandemic that has killed approximately 140,000 Americans, and during protests and debate over race across the country.

The poll shows Biden ahead of Trump by 11 points among registered voters, 51 percent to 40 percent, which is well outside the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points.

Biden’s lead in last month’s poll was 7 points, 49 percent to 42 percent.

In addition, the poll shows Democrats enjoying an intensity advantage heading into November, and it has Trump’s job rating declining to 42 percent — its lowest level in two years.

“The atmosphere and the attitudes toward Donald Trump are the most challenging an incumbent president has faced since Jimmy Carter in 1980 and Lyndon Johnson in 1968,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, whose firm conducted the survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What’s more, half of voters — 50 percent — say there is no chance at all they would vote for Trump (compared with 37 percent who say the same of Biden).

And in a separate question, a majority — 52 percent — say they would be “very uncomfortable” voting for Trump (compared with 38 percent who say that of Biden).

Anonymous said...

rand paul just fucking flattened my asshole governor -

Senator Rand Paul

Hey Andrew, that mountain in your poster represents 30,000 dead people, including over 10K dead as a result of your decision to send COVID + patients back to nursing homes - hardly seems worthy of a celebration.

Quote Tweet

Andrew Cuomo
· Jul 13
The Sea of Division. The Boyfriend Cliff. The Sun On The Other Side. See it all for yourself.

Pre-order the #NewYorkTough poster here:

3:55 PM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Retweets and comments

anonymous said...

More fake science that humans are responsible for fucking the planet...

Commonsense said...

They consume energy and they reproduce

Yes they do. I look at your link. They are arguing "virus don't reproduce by themselves, they need a host cell". Neither does a human, plant, or animal cell. They all require energy to reproduce. The virus gets it's energy from the host cell. The plant cell gets it's energy from sunlight. Animal cells get their energy from consuming other cells.

It's a distinction without a difference. The only real difference between a virus and a tape worm is size. They are both parasites. And they can both kill you.

anonymous said...

Rand Paul is a flaming asshole.....just like you BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!! BTW.....Rand can't find his own ass in the dark!!!

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a double-digit lead nationally over President Donald Trump

ya know alky... did queen cunt cankles.

what's she up to these days?

daily show i hear.

wow. what a fall from grace.

and she looks like shit. i mean, even worse than usual.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Only 19 percent think the country is headed in right direction
The NBC News/WSJ poll also shows a whopping 72 percent of American voters believe that the country is headed on the wrong track — a 16-point jump on this question since March

If this election is a referendum on the sitting President with these numbers history shows that the President is in serious danger.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A new Quinnipiac poll finds
just 31% of Americans think it’s safe to send students back to school in the fall, including
just 37% of parents with children under 18.

Caliphate4vr said...

why are you shouting BWAA?

it's not like anyone listens to you anyway.

The saddest part is he’s never made sense and now that his old, plastic hip arse is in lockdown, it even more bizarre.

Anonymous said...

i can see why so many Americans would want Biden. i mean, there ARE some cities that the radical left haven't burned down yet.

we do have a recovering economy that needs to be completely destroyed by a green nude eel.

and we haven't had a diaper-wearing, finger fucking, wheelchair-ridden president since FDR.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is the incumbent President and the number of people who will not vote for him and almost impossible to overcome.

Remember when Jimmy Carter was running again Saint Ronald Reagan in the middle of the Iranian hostage crisis, Reagan devastated Carter.

anonymous said...

Look at my link asshole....they do not reproduce as you claim....they hijack a cell and create copies of the RNA.....try again you dumb fuck.....You even admitted they do not reproduce.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! As for energy....the source is stolen from the host......sad you are finally learning how stupid you really are!!!!!!

virus and a tape worm is size

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Stupid even for a dope like you!!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Psst Roger, Trump’s not gonna wear a cardigan sweater and tell Americans to deal with the malaise, YOU FUCKING IDIOT

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

FDR had The New Deal strategy and he was elected four times.

And won World War Two

anonymous said...

plastic hip are is in lockdown, it even more bizarre.

The dumb fuck mouth of the south projecting like the tough shit he thinks he is......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Gotta suck to have no sales in this current economy,.......too bad I really can't give crap since your shit smells like roses.......LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

The Fleeing masses.

Those people have had enough. They are moving out.

Commonsense said...

Biden is more like Carter than FDR.

Anonymous said...

BLM is causing irreparable damage to big cities.
As property insurance rates skyrocket.
As businesses burn down and move out..
As Property value plummet.

Caliphate4vr said...

What’s that fatty, I don’t understand you, maybe you should remove the pie from your gaping maw

Anonymous said...

Biden is more like warehoused Alky.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Encouraged Navarro to Attack Fauci

Despite attempts to distance the White House from adviser Peter Navarro’s op-ed attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci, a Trump administration official told the Los Angeles Times that Navarro had President Trump’s permission to write the column.

Said the official:
“Not only was he authorized by Trump, he was encouraged.”

The Atlantic:
“Targeting Fauci seems like a tragic misuse of White House time and energy if officials’ aim is to defeat the coronavirus. But Trump appears more concerned with discrediting Fauci.”



Quote of the Day
“I think it’s absolutely outrageous. It’s one of the biggest mistakes, I think, that the administration has made throughout this entire coronavirus response, because Dr. Fauci is, in my opinion, the most respected guy in the administration, and the voice of truth and reason throughout this pandemic.”
— Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (Republican), quoted by ABC News, on the Trump administration attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Now Pulling Down Republicans In the Suburbs

Biden Expands Lead In Another Poll

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds Joe Biden leading the presidential race nationally by 11 points, 51% to 40%.

Trump’s approval rate dropped to 42% to 56%.
Said pollster Peter Hart: “President Trump has hit the trifecta in the misery market. The three key indicators—job rating, personal feelings, attitudes on re-election—are all deeply submerged underwater. They represent the best measure of the standing and political strength of an incumbent president.”

Biden Widens Lead to 15 Points Nationally
3:38 pm
A new Quinnipiac poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally by 15 points, 52% to 37%.

Key finding: Trump’s approval rate is now a dismal 36% to 60% — a 6 point drop in his job approval compared to last month.

Said pollster Tim Malloy: “Yes, there’s still 16 weeks until Election Day, but this is a very unpleasant real time look at what the future could be for President Trump. There is no upside, no silver lining, no encouraging trend hidden somewhere in this survey for the president.”


Trump Broke the Law In Atlanta

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms told MSNBC that President Trump violated the law when he arrived in Georgia and greeted people at the airport without a mask.

Said Bottoms:
“Well Donald Trump is actually violating the law, as he stands on our tarmac without a mask. The city of Atlanta owns and operates art school Jackson Atlanta International Airport the busiest in the world and in Atlanta in our city control assets we have a mandate that you should have on the mask so I am very glad to see that the others on the tarmac are heading the law in in Atlanta, but it’s not surprising to me that Donald Trump is once again breaking that.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Out of Hospital

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was discharged from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore on Wednesday, one day after she was admitted with a possible infection, CNBC reports.

Said a spokesperson: “She is home and doing well.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Texas Readies Morgue Trucks for Virus Death Surge

“Officials across Texas are rushing to mobilize overflow mortuary space as communities brace for a surge in coronavirus deaths following Fourth of July festivities. Already, July has had a succession of record-setting days in terms of new cases, deaths and the number of people hospitalized with Covid-19 as the pandemic takes hold in the state…

“U.S. Army medics are being deployed to two counties along the Texas-Mexico border to assist hospitals overrun with new virus cases. And hospitals and local governments are requesting refrigerated trucks and trailers outfitted with racks designed for storing the dead.”


Anonymous said...

Nothing in the James rant worth reading.

Anonymous said...

And won World War Two

alky, FDR was in a pine box six feet under when WWII ended.

Anonymous said...


virtually none of it.

small thinkers like you seem enthralled with the mask charade.

the rest of us, not so much.

Anonymous said...

FORT MYERS, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health in its daily report lists multiple laboratories throughout the state – many of them small testing sites – with 100% positivity rates, but Southwest Florida's dominant hospital system said Wednesday it is incorrect to say 100% of their labs are positive.

The Lee Health hospital system is reporting that its laboratory testing of potential COVID-19 cases has shown an overall positivity rate of about 18%, despite the state report showing that all people coming in for testing at some of its labs have the novel coronavirus.

While it seems a statistical improbability, the state's reports have shown all-negative and all-positive test results from labs since it began releasing comprehensive daily coronavirus summaries in mid-March.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

FDR forged the Allies, Great Britain and the Soviet Union and the rest of the world and defeated the Nazi's and the Japanese. He also developed the nuclear weapons program that President Truman used Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end the war with Japan.

Anonymous said...

my point stands alky.

he was in the fucking ground when the war officially ended, and regarding hiroshima and nagasaki, that was truman's command ALONE.

now go eat your jello and wait your turn for the TV remote.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CDC says that if everyone wore a mask, and social distancing the infection rates would go down to almost zero.

Trump has politicize masks and social distancing

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your full of shit again.


quick recap of what the lying POS "pastor" "contributed"

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...

mindless plagiarized spam as always...


Andrew Clark

This is pretty wild. The YMCA cared for 40,000 kids at 1,1000 separate sites during the lockdowns; NYC Dept. of Education cared for 10,000 children at 170.

"There are almost no recorded cases of child-to-adult transmission of COVID-19."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


A new Quinnipiac poll finds
just 31% of Americans think it’s safe to send students back to school in the fall, including
just 37% of parents with children under 18.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump shook up his campaign staff Wednesday amid sinking poll numbers, replacing campaign manager Brad Parscale with veteran GOP operative Bill Stepien.

Trump and Parscale’s relationship had been strained since a Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally that drew an unexpectedly low crowd, infuriating the president. Trump has been struggling in his reelection campaign against presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden as the country faces health and economic crises during a pandemic that has killed more than 135,000 Americans.

Trump announced the move on Facebook late Wednesday. “I am pleased to announce that Bill Stepien has been promoted to the role of Trump Campaign Manager,” he said. “Brad Parscale, who has been with me for a very long time and has led our tremendous digital and data strategies, will remain in that role, while being a Senior Advisor to the campaign."

The shakeup injected familiar turmoil to Trump’s 2020 campaign, which had so far largely avoided the regular staff churn that dominated the president’s 2016 campaign and his White House. But the staff change might not alter the day-to-day running of the campaign.

Parscale, a political novice, ran Trump’s digital advertising in 2016 and was credited with helping bring about his surprise victory that year. Stepien has been in politics for years, working for former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and serving as Trump’s national field director in 2016.

Anonymous said...

No need to fund school lunch, pre lunch and post lunch meals.

Anonymous said...

I do want to give credit to the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT for nearly for years of u stoppable HATE.

Anonymous said...

The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for president on Wednesday, abandoning their previous support of former Vice President Joe Biden.

“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Alex Madrigal says:
This Is Not a Mystery

“The deaths are not happening in unpredictable places. Rather, people are dying at higher rates where there are lots of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations: in Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California, as well as a host of smaller southern states that all rushed to open up.

“The deaths are also not happening in an unpredictable amount of time after the new outbreaks emerged. Simply look at the curves yourself. Cases began to rise on June 16; a week later, hospitalizations began to rise. Two weeks after that—21 days after cases rose—states began to report more deaths. That’s the exact number of days that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated from the onset of symptoms to the reporting of a death.

“Many people who don’t want COVID-19 to be the terrible crisis that it is have clung to the idea that more cases won’t mean more deaths. Some Americans have been perplexed by a downward trend of national deaths, even as cases exploded in the Sun Belt region. But given the policy choices that state and federal officials have made, the virus has done exactly what public-health experts expected.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


"The Downward Spiral of the Republican Party
"I just received a copy of Stuart Stevens’ new book,
It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump.

"The book has this most incredible note:

'This is a book I never imagined writing and a book I certainly didn’t want to write. But it’s a book I felt I had to write. Since I completed the book, the downward spiral of the Republican Party has only accelerated. It is the pursuit of power to no purpose and I hope this book can speak to the truth behind the lies the Party has told itself and the nation for far too long.'
--Stuart Stevens

"Stevens was chief strategist for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in 2012.

"I really look forward to reading his book."
--Taegan Goddard
So do we, T. G. So do we.
Sounds like it's going to be really, really good reading!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kemp Won’t Allow Georgia Cities to Mandate Masks
11:07 pm EDT

Gov. Brian Kemp (R) extended Georgia’s coronavirus restrictions while explicitly banning cities and counties from adopting rules requiring masks or other face coverings, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports.





Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

, “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting fucked by a guy with Yeti pubes and adick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart … It may have been the least impressive sex I’d ever had, but clearly, he didn’t share that opinion.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just watched Roger's 10:24 video
and absolutely GUFFAWED more than once!

anonymous said...

Brian Kemp.....UGA alumni like the mouth of the south.....perpetrates another knee jerk reaction instead of following what the experts say about masks as cases soar in Georgia......sad his moronic leadership follows the trump model of do nothing but tweet!!!!! I guess the complainers whose voice is loud about it is my right to be UGA boy can answer why do we need laws to make people use seat belts??? Or motorcycle helmets?????? Yep, your right to live is infringed by others......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Last night in New York City a pro-police rally was attack by a gang of "peaceful protesters" 37 people were arrested.

Commonsense said...

National Association of Police Organizations has endorse President Donald Trump for re-election.

This organization endorsed Barack Obama twice in 2008 and 2012.

Commonsense said...

Electing Biden is like electing a mayor DeBlasio for the entire country.

anonymous said...

Electing Trump is like having Putin as VP!!!!!! Wow.....trump got a whole endorsement!!!!!! Last night in floriduh.....37 more were admitted to the hospital thanx to Desantis doing nothing....!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vote fraud

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A freshman Kansas congressman who had listed a UPS Inc. postal box as his residence on a state voter registration form was charged Tuesday with three felonies, including illegal voting.

The charges against GOP Rep. Steve Watkins came three weeks before the state's Aug. 4 primary election with fellow Republicans pushing to oust him from the eastern Kansas seat he barely won in 2018, even though he's largely toed the conservative policy line and supported President Donald Trump. GOP critics already had worried that the months-long investigation into whether Watkins violated state election laws puts the 2nd District seat in play if he wins the primary.

Watkins called the charges “hyper-political” even though the district attorney who filed them also is a Republican. The congressman said during a televised debate Tuesday evening that he hadn't seen the charges but has done nothing wrong.

“I'll get my name exonerated," he said during his closing statement.

The charges were filed in state district court in Shawnee County, which includes Watkins' hometown, the state capital of Topeka. District Attorney Mike Kagay announced them less than half an hour before the three GOP candidates' only scheduled debate began on three stations.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Vote fraud

oh look. the alky finally finds some of that which he has insisted does not exist.



if guilty, i hope he's punished to the fullest extent of the law. if he were a democrat he would be promoted to party chair.

Anonymous said...

these fucking retards walk among us:

Alyssa Milano

Fuck this.

We are losing this battle.

And all these assholes are talking about our kids going back to school?! NOPE.

We need a NATIONAL shut down NOW. Print cash. Give people UBI until we get this pandemic under control.

Anonymous said...

Having this group is huge Nationally.
"The National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for president on Wednesday, abandoning their previous support of former Vice President Joe Biden.

“Our endorsement recognizes your steadfast and very public support for our men and woman on the front lines, especially during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” the letter from NAPO President Michael McHale read."

Biden refused to sit with the group of LEO's and discuss issues.


James Surowiecki

Has anyone offered a good explanation of how Sweden managed to contain the pandemic? Three weeks ago, it had 1800 cases a day. Yesterday, it had 34. That's with no new lockdown, no mask mandate. They're nowhere close to herd immunity, so that's not it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday the White House's attempts to discredit him are "a bit bizarre" and "it doesn’t do anything but reflect poorly on them."

"I cannot figure out in my wildest dreams why they would want to do that. I think they realize now that that was not a prudent thing to do, because it’s only reflecting negatively on them," the government's top infectious disease expert told The Atlantic in an interview, referring to critical comments from an administration official and opposition research-style information the White House released about him over the weekend.


Paul Yowell

Comparing the epidemic curve in Sweden and New York State.

el gato malo

if NY state were "drug" and sweden "placebo" this trial would have been stopped in april for ethical reasons.



* compelling

anonymous said...

Fucked up daddy is a compelling asshole!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sweden has universal health care for everyone in the country.

They also followed safety procedures.


lo iq anonymous said...
Fucked up daddy is a compelling asshole!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

I see our board idiot is once again posting his "cogent" thoughts on what he knows best, carefully studying everyone's ass and bleating.

Ignorance is his bliss

and his fondness for sucking dicks. Good job lo iq, you are as you always are.

lo iq and feeble


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NY is quite a bit more densely populated...

it's a fair comparison.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone offered a good explanation of how Sweden managed to contain the pandemic?

i know!

the short answer is that there is no "bad orange man" in their midst. there is no public person among them that has sent roughly half of their population into a psychotic, white-hot, spittling rage. without the equivalent of our Trump Derangement Syndrome the Swedes have carried on with their lives much like we did with H1N1 under 0linsky. no big deal, pass the hand sanitizer, and let's all just carry on as normal. shops are open, kids go to school, parents go to work, etc..

the American revolution was fought during a pandemic for fucks sake. we've had the spanish flu, swine flu, sars, and according to AOC, a pandemic of cow farts.

how we chose to react to covid was in the most childish temper-tantrum way possible. we set fire to a $23 TRILLION economy and put 40 MILLION out of work for, well, nothing.

nothing but the hatred of one solitary individual.

the swedes lacked this. hence, the pandemic to them was one big non-event. as it could have been here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NY is quite a bit more densely populated...

it's a fair comparison.


Roger Amick said...
They also followed safety procedures

"Has anyone offered a good explanation of how Sweden managed to contain the pandemic? Three weeks ago, it had 1800 cases a day. Yesterday, it had 34. That's with no new lockdown, no mask mandate. They're nowhere close to herd immunity, so that's not it."

great call

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Not even during the Civil War, when the country was blood-soaked by a conflict involving enormous issues, was it viewed with disdainful condescension as it now is, and not without reason: Last Sunday, Germany (population 80.2 million) had 159 new cases of covid-19; Florida (population 21.5 million) had 15,300.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

NY is quite a bit more densely populated...

it's a fair comparison.

not even close to being fair.

sweden has a total pop of 10.23M. NYC a total pop of 8.399 in a much more concentrated area.

and providing socialized medicine for 10.23M is a far cry from doing the same for 340M.

this is why bernie's "promises" can't scale, he knows it, so his mandates are cloaked in the lie of "democratic" socialism. the kind of socialism that you vote your way into and shoot your way out of.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We have about 4% of the world population and we have 25% of the virus infections.

By November the forecast for the number of deaths is expected to reach about 250,000

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As COVID-19 numbers rise across the nation — including in his state — Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas incorrectly said Thursday that experts are still unsure whether children can get and spread the coronavirus.

“We still don’t know whether children can get it and transmit it to others,” Cornyn, who is up for reelection this year, said in an interview with local TV station NBC 5 when asked about schools reopening this fall.

But that’s not true.

Children make up a small portion of the COVID-19 cases nationwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but they do account for some of them. The actual number of kids in Texas who have contracted COVID-19 is still unknown; the demographic data for positive cases in the state come from completed investigations in regional health departments, and many cases are still under investigation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What has Trump really done other than lie and gaslight America? Nothing!
Did COVID “just go away” as he said it would? Do we have the “great healthcare” he promised? Do we have “5% growth” or the “amazing economy” he touted? There’s no wall, a continued trade deficit, a stronger China, no return of US companies’ manufacturing jobs, etc, etc.
Thanks to Trump’s incompetence we DO have over 136,000 dead Americans, exploding cases and deaths in many states, 30+million jobless, 11%+ unemployment, and a $3.7 trillion deficit.
57% of the nation now disapproves of his performance. 67% disapprove of his pandemic response. Trump is unfit to lead our nation.



The Babylon Bee

Since @CNN is currently unable to tweet, you'll just have to follow us for your fake news.

the twitter hack exposes that twitter lied to congress about blacklisting, shadow banning etc. (Hackers leaked screen shots)

They've even faked their own hack from "trending"

And is performing election interference.

Time for some real answers and oversight


KEEM Popcorn

Based on everything I see it appears hackers hacked the Twitter directly. Had access to everyone’s accounts & Twitter control panel!

Leaked screenshots of the control panel proving people are getting BL shadow baned etc.

Reports if you tweet the screenshot you get banned.


Temporary NBC News

It appears Twitter has halted tweeting from verified accounts as they deal with the July 15th verified account compromise event.

We will temporarily tweet significant updates here, and retweet them to our verified accounts, as a service.


Obama, Biden, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos targeted in massive Twitter hack

it was probably Trump


Anonymous said...

Biden told ever cop in the US they are Racists.

Anonymous said...

Roger believes what he posts.
His 4 year HATE of This President continues.

Anonymous said...

Roger, do your China Virus numbers include your trusted Communinst and Socialist Nations?

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker./ ever going to post something that is not gibberish??????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...




That was fun.

Now comes the real fun: extortion of billionaires and presidents for billions in bitcoin in exchange for not leaking their direct messages to the public

the twitter "safe space" about to be exposed ???

wikileaks 2 ???


don't worry lo iq

since you don't understand nor use twitter your ignorance is "safe"

You can just continue sucking dicks, studying old white asses and bleating.


anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

Roger believes what he posts.
His 4 year HATE of This President continues.

the alky and the pederast are OPENLY rooting for a massive increase of covid infections and covid deaths.


White House Watch
Trump Narrows The Gap
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

President Trump has jumped back into the race and now trails Joe Biden by just three points in Rasmussen Reports’ weekly White House Watch survey.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds the likely Democratic presidential nominee earning 47% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Trump’s 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate. Four percent (4%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

A week ago, in our first weekly White House Watch survey, Biden held a 10-point lead over Trump – 50% to 40%.

Hey I'll even help you with your normal weak "response" lo iq:

fucked daddy has his head stuck up trumps fat ol obese white ass, rasmussenn......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

No need to thank me

anonymous said...


anonymous said...

Didn't Ivanka look sexy holding that can of GOYA black beans???? Wonder how much she was paid?????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

WTF.....NOW TRUMP POSTS A PICTURE OF CANS OF BEANS ON HIS OVAL OFFICE DESK!!!!!!! And fucked up daddy passes gas to make america stink again!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan lashed out at President Trump's delayed reaction to the coronavirus pandemic, saying state leaders "expected something more than constant heckling from the man who was supposed to be our leader."

"Meanwhile, instead of listening to his own public health experts, the president was talking and tweeting like a man more concerned about boosting the stock market or his reelection plans."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Republican Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan lashed out at President Trump's delayed reaction to the coronavirus pandemic, saying state leaders "expected something more than constant heckling from the man who was supposed to be our leader."

geezus. is there a republican anywhere who can wipe their own ass without Trump giving them directions and cheering them on?


for chrissakes larry, go join the lincoln project or something. those grifters love whiners like you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s a good question. But for now, it’s not as important as you might guess. If the election were held today, Mr. Biden would win the presidency, even if the polls were exactly as wrong as they were four years ago.

The reason is simple: His lead is far wider than Hillary Clinton’s was in the final polls, and large enough to withstand another 2016 polling meltdown.

If polls were off by as much as they were in 2016, Joe Biden would still lead most battleground states.

2020 poll averages are based on surveys conducted since June 1 and compiled by FiveThirtyEight. Prior years use averages of polls conducted within three weeks of Election Day. Where no qualifying state polling exists, the Electoral College estimates suppose that a state votes as it did in the preceding election.

This is not to say that President Trump can’t win. There are still nearly four months to go until the election — more than enough time for the race and the polls to change. The race changed on several occasions over the final months in 2016. And this race has already changed significantly in the last four months. According to FiveThirtyEight, three months ago Mr. Biden held a lead of only about four points.

And while Mr. Biden can currently survive a 2016-like polling error, there is no reason a polling error couldn’t be even larger in 2020.

But for now, his lead is large enough to survive a 2016 repeat and just about every general-election polling error in recent memory. He leads by an average of nearly 10 percentage points in national polls since June 1, well ahead of Mrs. Clinton’s four-point lead in the final national polls or her peaks of about seven points in early August and mid-October.

Mr. Biden also enjoys a far wider lead in the battleground states likeliest to decide the presidency. His 13-point lead in a Monmouth University poll of Pennsylvania published on Wednesday, for instance, puts him in a much stronger position than Mrs. Clinton, who had a four-point lead in the last Monmouth poll of Pennsylvania taken just before

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

With Joe Biden claiming almost a double-digit lead in national polls, one question still seems to loom over the race: Can we trust the polls after 2016?

It’s a good question. But for now, it’s not as important as you might guess. If the election were held today, Mr. Biden would win the presidency, even if the polls were exactly as wrong as they were four years ago.

The reason is simple: His lead is far wider than Hillary Clinton’s was in the final polls, and large enough to withstand another 2016 polling meltdown.

If polls were off by as much as they were in 2016, Joe Biden would still lead most battleground states.
Electoral coll. 390 310
Arizona Biden +3 Biden <1
Florida Biden +6 Biden +3
Michigan Biden +10 Biden +5
North Carolina Biden +3 Trump +1
Pennsylvania Biden +7 Biden +2
Wisconsin Biden +8 Biden <1
U.S. avg. Biden +9 Biden +7
2020 poll averages are based on surveys conducted since June 1 and compiled by FiveThirtyEight. Prior years use averages of polls conducted within three weeks of Election Day. Where no qualifying state polling exists, the Electoral College estimates suppose that a state votes as it did in the preceding election.
This is not to say that President Trump can’t win. There are still nearly four months to go until the election — more than enough time for the race and the polls to change. The race changed on several occasions over the final months in 2016. And this race has already changed significantly in the last four months. According to FiveThirtyEight, three months ago Mr. Biden held a lead of only about four points.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even if the Polls Are Really Off, Trump Is Still in Trouble

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

National Institutes of Health (NIH), a federal organization located in Maryland. The NIH told him they did not have enough tests for their own staff and immunocompromised people. The governor said that the organization asked him if he could help them acquire more tests.

“I could only shake my head at that,” Hogan said. “The federal government — a much bigger and better-funded institution, with tens of thousands of scientists and physicians in the civil service — wanted my help!”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

anonymous said...

gees. is there a republican anywhere who can wipe their own ass without Trump giving them directions and cheering them on?

Dayum you dumb fuck.....of anyone here you are best qualified to answer that as your lips are firmly planted on trumps fat obese white ass!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Trumps MO.....complete fealty or you are fired....lOLOLOLOLOLOL!!

Anonymous said...


you go alky.

the thought that all of these polls showing biden with such a huge lead are complete bullshit designed to INFLUENCE public opinion never occurred to you i see.

let me tell you something sport -

i was polled by phone three times in 2016. one was gallup, one was siena and the third i had never heard of. each time i lied through my fucking teeth portraying myself as hillary's more ardent supporter.

if you don't think that's not occurring as we speak you're a goddamned fool.

like 98% of the MSM, 98% of the pollsters are in the fucking tank for the democrats.

your overreach could come back to fuck you if you suppress your own turnout by making everyone thing it's gonna be...



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the election was held today BIDEN BY A LANDSLIDE!!!

Even according to the Rasmussen report.

Keep kissing Trump's fat ass off.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump will not condemn Vladimir Putin for this bullshit

LONDON (AP) — Britain, the United States and Canada accused Russia on Thursday of trying to steal information from researchers seeking a COVID-19 vaccine.

The three nations alleged that hacking group APT29, also known as Cozy Bear and said to be part of the Russian intelligence service, is attacking academic and pharmaceutical research institutions involved in coronavirus vaccine development.

Britain’s National Cybersecurity Centre made the announcement, which was coordinated with authorities in the U.S. and Canada.

“It is completely unacceptable that the Russian Intelligence Services are targeting those working to combat the coronavirus pandemic,'' Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said in a statement. “While others pursue their selfish interests with reckless behaviour, the U.K. and its allies are getting on with the hard work of finding a vaccine and protecting global health.''

The persistent and ongoing attacks are seen by intelligence officials as an effort to steal intellectual property, rather than to disrupt research. The campaign of “malicious activity'' is ongoing and includes attacks “”predominantly against government, diplomatic, think-tank, healthcare and energy targets,'' the National Cybersecurity Centre said in a statement.

Anonymous said...

Good news for America is bad news for democrats.

In the week ending July 11, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 1,300,000, a decrease of 10,000 from the previous week's revised level. The previous week's level was revised down by 4,000 from 1,314,000 to
1,310,000. The 4-week moving average was 1,375,000, a decrease of 60,000 from the previous week's revised average. The previous week's average was revised down by 2,250 from 1,437,250 to 1,435,000.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 11.9 percent for the week ending July 4, a decrease of 0.3 percentage point from the previous week's revised rate. The previous week's rate was revised down by 0.2 from
12.4 to 12.2 percent. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending July 4 was 17,338,000, a decrease of 422,000 from the previous week's revised level. The previous week's level was revised down by 302,000 from 18,062,000 to 17,760,000. The 4-week moving average was 18,272,250, a decrease of 737,750 from the previous week's revised average. The previous week's average was revised down by 75,500 fro19,085,500 to 19,010,000.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

If the election was held today BIDEN BY A LANDSLIDE!!!

so i guess you don't need voter fraud by mail to steal the fucker then, do ya alky?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On Nov 3rd,
when Trump loses to Biden,
and takes The Senate down with him,
who will he blame?

a) the press
b) mail in ballots / voter fraud
c) Obama
d) Stepien
e) BLM
f) Covid-19
g) Bolton
h) Hillary
i) His niece
j) all of the above
k) himself (zero chance - NOTHING is ever his fault)



James Woods

“Democrats only” line...

I can already visualize lo iq running to be first.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If we are to have safe, healthy, and fair elections this year in the face one of the worst pandemics in a century, Americans must make widespread use of mail ballots. Election administrators and other leaders from across the political spectrum have urged support to make the necessary adjustments to their election infrastructure. They recognize we have no choice. Most Americans, including a majority of Republicans, agree.

President Trump and his allies, however, are pushing back against this option, raising spurious claims that fraudulent mail ballots will contaminate the election. “I think a lot of people cheat with mail-in voting,” Trump said earlier this week. “Mail in voting is a terrible thing. . . . I think if you vote, you should go,” he later added, not long after he requested a vote-by-mail ballot for the Florida primary. Shortly afterward, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel echoed the president in a Fox News op-ed. (This is in sharp contrast to former chairman Michael Steele, who coauthored an op-ed arguing that “the current emergency demands expanded use of vote-by-mail,” and that “democracy depends on it.”)

Trump’s claims are wrong, and if used to prevent states from taking the steps needed to ensure public safety during November’s election, they will be deadly wrong. Mail ballot fraud is incredibly rare, and legitimate security concerns can be easily addressed.

Mail balloting is not a newfangled idea; it was already deeply embedded in the American electoral system before the coronavirus hit. In the last two federal elections, roughly one out of every four Americans cast a mail ballot. In five states — Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah, and Washington — mail balloting has been the primary method of voting. In 28 additional states, all voters have had the right to vote by mail ballot if they choose, without having to provide any reason or excuse. Over time, a growing number of voters have chosen that option. Since 2000 more than 250 million votes have been cast via mailed-out ballots, in all 50 states, according to the Vote at Home Institute. In 2018, more than 31 million Americans cast their ballots by mail, about 25.8 percent of election participants.

Despite this dramatic increase in mail voting over time, fraud rates remain infinitesimally small. None of the five states that hold their elections primarily by mail has had any voter fraud scandals since making that change. As the New York Times editorial board notes, “states that use vote-by-mail have encountered essentially zero fraud: Oregon, the pioneer in this area, has sent out more than 100 million mail-in ballots since 2000, and has documented only about a dozen cases of proven fraud.” Rounded to the seventh decimal point, that’s 0.0000001 percent of all votes cast. An exhaustive investigative journalism analysis of all known voter fraud cases identified only 491 cases of absentee ballot fraud from 2000 to 2012. As election law professor Richard L. Hasen notes, during that period “literally billions of votes were cast.” While mail ballots are more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting, it is still more likely for an American to be struck by lightning than to commit mail voting fraud.

States have multiple tools to address valid security concerns and protect election integrity when it comes to mail ballots. And recent technologies and strategies have significantly enhanced the security of mail balloting.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

States have multiple tools to address valid security concerns and protect election integrity when it comes to mail ballots. And recent technologies and strategies have significantly enhanced the security of mail balloting.

Identity verification: The principal method used to detect and prevent fraud is the mail ballot envelope itself, where each voter must include personal identifying information (such as address, birthday, and driver’s license number or last four digits of a Social Security number). In most states, that information includes a signature that can be used to match against the voter rolls. The voter’s remaining personal information is also matched against the information stored on the voter rolls. As Kim Wyman, Washington’s Republican secretary of state, explained, “we actually compare every single signature of every single ballot that comes in and we compare it and make sure that it matches the one on their voter registration record.” This is a long-standing and well-established practice to ensure that the ballot received was indeed cast by the correct voter. It’s important to note though that there are best and worst practices with signature matching. When done incorrectly, it can disenfranchise eligible voters. Done correctly — with signature matching software, bipartisan review by officials trained in signature verification, and outreach to flagged voters — it is an effective deterrent for fraud.

Bar codes: Most election jurisdictions now use some form of bar code on their ballot envelopes. These bar codes allow election officials to keep track of ballot processing and help voters know whether their ballot has been received. Bar codes also allow states to identify and eliminate duplicate ballots if a voter casts more than one, whether mistakenly or corruptly.

Ballot tracking through the U.S. Postal Service: In many jurisdictions, including California, Colorado and Florida, ballot envelopes are equipped with intelligent mail bar codes linked to the postal service that enable voters and election officials alike to track an envelope from drop-off to delivery and processing at the local administrator’s office. Denver’s elections division reported that 17,931 people used its system to track the status of their ballots during the November 2013 election. While relatively new, these ballot tracking systems are now readily available and are easily operable at scale. This way, if a voter says they never received their ballot, states can better determine whether the ballot was delivered, replace the ballot as appropriate, and ensure the original is flagged as compromised and not counted.

Secure drop-off locations and drop boxes: Multiple ballot return options limit the opportunity for ballot tampering by fostering voter independence in returning a ballot. A common layer of security to ensure that ballots are not stolen or tampered with — at least for voters who can leave their homes — is secure drop-off locations. In places where all or most voters receive ballots by mail, many voters do not mail completed ballots; rather, they opt to drop their ballots off at secure polling sites. According to the Survey of the Performance of American Elections at Harvard University in 2016, 73 percent of voters in Colorado, 59 percent in Oregon, and 65 percent in Washington returned their ballots to some physical location, such as a drop box or local election office.

Ballot drop-off locations help maintain a secure chain of custody as the ballot goes from the voter to the local election office. And when drop boxes are put outside of government offices, one security measure is to equip them with security cameras to monitor ballot traffic and ensure that the boxes are not breached. (Drop boxes in government buildings benefit from existing video security systems.) In addition to preventing fraud, secure drop-off locations enable voters to be confident that their ballots will be received on time.

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